ProducerMichael Q&A #1: Meeting Hugh Hefner, inspiration and my first car

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rolling all right so this is interview with Michael take one hey guys I'm doing this little cute let me get that out the way they make sure we now take all this damage yeah there you go that's perfect I'll go get the gear I really do time out for the days you had to develop film hey guys thanks for joining us today this is in response to the question and answers that we put up on Instagram last week added it far away what do you have for me all right so the first question comes from awaken with JP and he said why are Ferraris the apple of your eye Oh supercars oh goodness me well JP why take is better on every level they have a thoroughbred history they are quality they are sophistication and overall they perform I mean they're just incredible cars that's not to say the cars I'm great but Ferrari is in a league of its own really as I am underscore the best one says I mean watches do eyes oh goodness gracious honestly I've never counted in excess of 100 thought too many I keep them in a bank vault my insurance company insists on that so I've never really taken the time to count them maybe I should and then I realize I've got too many get rid of show Alex aircraft windows says did you ever hang out with that Alex great question and thank you for entertaining me every day you're a funny dude and love your your your answers and comments I giggle all the time whenever we go did I ever hang out with her yes I did many many times I actually manage crystal crystal is HAP's wife both through the ups and downs of that relationship for a couple years so I got to know her pretty well Ferrari photo page says what do you think about the classic Ferraris such as the f40 and the f50 I love them I let all Ferraris do I want to drive him on a daily basis hell no but they are glorious glamorous wonderful cars in that day when they first came out nothing could come close to that and as you all know I guess 48 that my favorite favorite kind of world and probably in 20 years from now I look back to who how could anybody drag that but amazing cars London Morgan underscore green 0:33 says what is your favorite designer clothing brand Morgan great question they were plugging frickin shoe freak I would say Cavalli is probably one of my favorites will do looking at my jeans it is pistachio over there so I'm not partial to any specific brand but I guess I have more Cavalli and some doll G more than anything else that said I'm not going anywhere today South Bay cars says what is the next car you're looking for quiet and white that one a good question Stephen I don't know I really don't know I don't have my own any specific if I see something I like people be added to this table I suppose next in line is probably an Aston I can't lie the DB 11 Volante and it's a beautiful machine I have an astronaut I think you know I kind of neglected it but I think the DB 11 Valenti might come out more regularly I am stasek says what was your first car my first car I'm embarrassed to say what my first car is my first car was a Fiat 1 2 7 and I had it in Spain and I took delivery of this car on the side of the street from some he was a gypsy and he kindly said to me I filled the tank up with gas which was about what I paid for the entire car so I said thankful I drove away and ran out of gas he had glued the needle on the gas tank to the full position can you believe that not my first cup and by this point here obviously God oh yeah no stuck I was in the middle of nowhere well did you see the god it was advertised on the sticker on the telephone I was 17 at Spain can you imagine oh that's amazing the coupe with three eyes 22 says if you could only keep one of the cars I think you use one of your cars which would it be and why I would have to say it's going to be the floor 88 because it's the best car I've ever driven in my life nothing comes close I don't care about any of the other cars I Drive I Drive a Rolls Royce every day wife is it's comfortable it's luxurious it gets me from A to B as nicely as any car could ever but if I could only have one car it's going to be the Ferrari down your 774 says what would be the car you most regret selling and the one you most regret not buying when you had the chance easy answer to that the one a motion we get selling worth of my Enzo I have an Enzo I was offered a nice profit and I took it and maybe ten years later I was offered that exact Enzo back at double the price I sold it floor so that was very painful and the other car that I didn't buy that I should have was a la ferrari about two and a half years ago when they first came out i was offered one for half of what they are now and I said now they'll go down they didn't know I do not have a lot for re and I hate myself for it car page says what was your dream car growing up and why my dream car growing up was a 308 Ferrari I always wanted one of those was in fact my very first Ferrari but at 308 GTS love duck car I also love to Countach and I bought one of those and that was probably the worst car I ever owned looks amazing it had it on my wall as a poster I think every kid did but try getting in and out of one of those and once you win try driving it Alley Alberta Bobby says how did you end up where you are now determination more than anything I grew up and a big ego I suppose I still have a big ego and failure wasn't an option for me my father inspired me in many ways and I'm very thankful for that it's just a matter of I want I want that whereas I'd wake up in the morning second I want and I studied I worked hard I practiced I did everything in my power to become good at what I do and it was just dedication so that's you know where I am today and I'm still not where I want to be I keep going under Alexis Parker says if you can have anything in the world that you don't already have what that's a great question in nature well I want to be able to have the ability to not get seasick because I've tried the boating think so many times I bought boats I've had some gorgeous boats and then love boats but boats don't love me so I wish I had the human ability to not get seasick linin up an iceberg that's brilliant because hunter is waiting he'd say I would have a spaceship house on the moon just like I wish I did [Laughter] GT fortunate says who inspires you and why hi dad thanks for the question who inspired my father was my biggest inspiration ever everything I really know is because he taught me good and bad right and wrong he gave me motivation he gave me the desire to want nice things dangled the carrot under my nose gave me a touch of everything but didn't give it to me so I had to go out and do it myself which I did so he by far was my greatest inspiration and to this day nobody surpass that my bald Emilio asks what advice can you give to a young inspired musician in today's challenging industry well Michael it certainly is challenging my first words would be don't give up just keep going and strive for whatever it is you want to achieve but at the same time don't consider this your career because the music industry is really really challenging times have changed CDs don't sell anymore it's singles there's no money to be made other than live performances in order to have like performances you have to have a big following so take your time build it up and make some great music and keep at it Keith Brewster asks what did your first real taste of success feel like my first taste of success was being able to take delivery of Ferrari and then would it be my dream I took delivery of the car i sat in the car dug the engine started to drive I think for the first 10 miles I drove that car I could not stop laughing it was the greatest experience the greatest thrill and to this day I still you know get in these these nice toys and then it puts a smile on my face I don't take it for granted and they try to treat every day as my my best day so yeah that's about that's about it puts a big smile on your face D Zed underscore DT says what do you now know that you wish you know when you first started your career to invest in Apple Google what do I know no I'll tell you what I know if I were to turn the clock back I would tell myself Michael you don't know everything you think you know learn and do thorough investigation before you make a decision of what you're gonna do because experience is everything Chloe see Valenzuela says what advice would you give your 25 year old self listen to your parents they know best and they do because trust me I didn't listen to my parents and I wish I had at times looking back they really do know and they have the best interest in mind for you sometimes you know being young you think to yourself well you know they don't know what they're talking about they're old fogey but they do and they mean well I listen to them my Jean Yves says what was the greatest regrets of your life the greatest regret of my life that's a really tough question I don't have regrets you are what you are because of the things you've done that doesn't necessarily mean everything it's good but if you didn't experience it you wouldn't know not to do it in the future whatever that thing might be so regret is something that I try to keep out of my persona I don't have regrets there are things I wish perhaps I hadn't done but they're not regrets because I know now not to do them again Nikko Gomez BNC says do you invest in real estate or trade currencies or stocks I don't trade currencies I don't play with currencies real estate has been good to me I don't actively invest in it I've been able to acquire some nice properties during the years they've gone up substantially so I consider an investment of time when I get to enjoy those properties I don't buy them to flip them I haven't done that Rainier HM DeeDee says what do you do to inspire others to dream more I do a great question I tell everybody that they can achieve whatever it is they want to achieve success is attainable if you set your goal to a an attainable level if I said to myself I want to be the richest man in the world I just set myself up for failure because I can't do that so be realistic with what it is that you want to achieve and there's no reason to the one you can't achieve it but again baby steps once you achieve your goal set yourself a bigger goal and keep going if you set yourself a ridiculously large goal you will never get there and it's very disappointing so custard making the trick of it all right that's it no more questions or no really enjoyed this thank you guys thank you Adam keep your eye out and Instagram will be asking for questions and subscribe to the channel don't forget we'll be doing this again very soon also guys from behind the camera make sure that you click the bell button so access subscribe wears a little bow by the side of that click that because if you don't you won't get emails to say new videos have come out so please make sure you hit sorry Michael no word I didn't know about the Bell button but hey there's a bell button hit that Bell button guys had a blast thanks see you soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 280,421
Rating: 4.9394803 out of 5
Keywords: supercar, supercars, lamborghini, ferrari, aston martin, rolls royce, hypercars, millionaire, rich, investor, business, interview, luxury, luxury lifestyle, cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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