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oh I can hear it there he is whoa that is a white car oh my goodness [Music] [Applause] what did you do hahaha what hick oh my bleeping bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep let me hear it is that the sickest sound all my goodness what do you think this is insanity it's very different to anything else I've ever heard right yeah like I couldn't resist I just cooked so wide look how wide it is there's like carbon here carbon air carbon here the entire body is carpet all really tough offender it's half offender that's the top of a carbon fender oh okay yeah let's do it then after a sweet white really this game these daga no I never know how to operate anything I don't know what any of these do what do you suppose that does that's when you get towed so the alarm doesn't go off or if you take your car fishing that's a fishing hook I'm definitely going fishing what's this what does it say lock/unlock there you go yeah yeah what's this that's this light okay what's this that's the big light okay and that will be this side okay what's it it's got pee on it parking all parking sensors I'll hold this while you put your seatbelt on hear this we actually we actually got a Michael proof cage for the camera so it's got two it's like my first iPad you know the big hello sick now look it's um 1,001 film one 1015 miles does that mean it's in focus is it in focus and we're doing this right so how am i doing I'll let you do this stuff okay then so we'll let's drive somewhere where we can take a closer look yeah crazy features I am blown away by this you're like it huh yes I've only seen it on your Instagram stories the sound is what is same so good it's like a Formula One car right yeah it's got that high-pitched bike oh so you approved I think this is the first time you actually totally approve yeah wait you look around it and you see some of the things that's go that's really quite a special car goodness me it sounds this is sick it's totally sick it sounds insane so does this have a valve system like can it be quiet as well would you like it to be quiet sure okay it's now going to be very quiet you ready just to know I've just turned into a Mercedes no is that crazy I've never heard a valve system have that much difference I mean silent silent it sounded like the engine turned off yeah it's like a lecture cut what so okay on this next stop sign obviously within the speed limit yeah accelerate I want to hear what it sounds like all the valves are open when they accelerate do they yeah I'm watching so I know it doesn't I've never had it out of nice noise mode Lucy it has to breathe right it sounds like an electric car to begin with though it kind of a little bit of induction noise and then oh my god you be offended if I put it back to nice sounding mode absolutely not I Drive in race mode the inside sits in race mode so the suspension changes dramatically as well so it's a much harder in race mode yeah so I kind of wish I could put it in sport mode then I soft ride with the aggressive sound so if you put it in sport that's what makes it quiet makes it quiet and it also makes it a softer ride still you know it's sorry to interrupt that's pretty it's gorgeous and so let me give you some good news then yes pollution if you speak to your friends at who makes this car Ferrari think they do these badges all over it look look look it's a Ferrari now who does the KITT it's an over tech n log n OV attack so if you speak tune over time I already ordered the remote you that were you talking about okay yeah I was gonna say because they'll just have it tuned so menu comes on it's in right mode but you can have machine it so that the exhaust rate and the success we wonder does every mo which is being shipped to me after that you have to have installed then it's just a button and they opened and closed in any mode artifact so I think that's more useful don't you yeah absolutely what a day as well-ordered is 70° and here we are in lovely sunny Beverly Hills not a cloud in the sky I'm so glad you approve because you don't know this guys but I'd have always moaned about the 488 doesn't like it right if they're not my favorite why they lack the shorter [Music] cool guy yeah yeah the 488 just lacks the theatrics I think I see but but it's still a great car right absolutely so you know comparing the two cars they're very different first and foremost this one will eat the 488 alive like it doesn't exist but I'm not sure if a regular one of these will do that would it and so Robert price or Salonika yeah I need to look into all the specs on these I've only had a very brief look but from what I understand the difference between this and their standard f12 is an ECU remapped and exhaust and that's it right for power well this this particular car has its two ECU's are both modified I guess it has the manifold it has what do you call the cat's like high flow cats full exhaust right yes it's done quite a lot to the performance of the car right plus it's a lot lighter because the entire car is made of carbon fiber exactly I mean that's no small weight saving you're going to notice a difference from they claim 800 pounds I don't doctor pounds that's what they claim I didn't imagine is a tone that seems like a howl oh that is that that's including the exhaust system which apparently the firm Ferrari one plays it done right is this like a titanium systems and it's all titanium oh my goodness over going to stop here but there's a million people here it's it's busy so she lives somewhere else yeah let's find a nice guy let's go somewhere she is Christ he just blocked me off Hana why did he do that in his sleep FinTech you pronounce it Volkswagen Touareg I think for a long time people thought that that was the gate to your house oh yeah I wouldn't do a video in front of my house so what's your favorite part of this car the sound sound cigarette sounds incredible yeah I'm looking forward to getting outside and getting some flybys because this thing is gonna sing G especially if you keep it high in the RPMs and then it makes me go too fast so what are we doing that the construction going on in there I'm gonna cut here until we find someone okay good why do you cut that's disgusting switch the camera off I'm ready it looks insane [Music] so what you want to know about it you probably know more about this than I do do you know what I actually don't I'm not a Ferrari fanboy so I don't know much about them so this is a Ferrari f12 but it has a full body kit on it yes they call an enlarger and it has the full mechanical and cosmetic modifications the entire car is carbon fiber how does this tell you it's carbon fiber doesn't we'll just pretend to do that but it is it's all it's all copy it doesn't sound metallic like you did the roof doesn't sound much different it's all coming fiber so I might be slightly out with some of these specs that I'm going to give you because it's what was told to me and I'm gonna repeat it best I can it's four and a half inches wider at the back than a standard one and it's two and a quarter inches wider at the front than the standard one right is it sound about right but it look like two feet but I was gonna say yeah that's why that's tell everybody how you know it's wider than a standard car because it took two I bought this car from Ferrari of Fort Lauderdale and when they were shipping it to me the transport company went they went with this semi the enclosed semi the first one the car wouldn't fit on because the car was too wide so they sent a wider one and guess what wouldn't fit on that one either so third time lucky they found a transporter that it would actually fit on I don't know why because it's not that much wider than the regular car right I I was surprised when you pulled up just how wide it was it is pretty wide I mean this is just so chunky these wheels these are in - what are they 22s it says on the tire size here 22 335 25 22 I think you're 21 oh really they run out oh that's cool I like that and this is much fatter than the front one but yeah yeah yeah well you stand here and look down the side of the car you can really see just how much the back sticks out compared to front it's definitely junkie it's junkie and I love it I absolutely love it I've never been one really for highly modified cars this is an exception because this is a like a combination between Ferrari and Nova Tech the end Largo is I think this 10 of these is it 10 I don't again may be your nose yeah either 10 or 12 let's go with 10 it sounds better but it might be 12 so in the world only 10 of these the 10 of these or let's call it 12 okay I know there's not more than 12 I know there's not more than 12 I've certainly never seen one and it's a car that I've always had my eye on forever because I just think it's one of the most attractive beautiful cars and the f12 itself is incredible everything on here is is Nova tech Novacek actually did the bill so whatever happened to it was done professionally the exhaust the cats are high flow pipe like an IPL cats the manifold what did they do to the manifold why would it be different well so manifolds from the factory obviously they have to meet certain emissions and blah blah blah this post emission I would say that missions we we were it's totally legal being totally honest yeah we were a little bit concerned if I was petrified because it was one thing I didn't take into consideration when I bought the car the car was in Florida it's only done a thousand miles when they bought it had 780 miles on it so I put 240 miles on it and Florida doesn't have smog testing so California is incredibly strict never gave it a second thought when I bought the car it arrived and I couldn't drive it because I had to get it registered what you need for registration you need the smog certificate so I thought oh no I even called snow attack and they said well I don't know it depends what they did to it so I started to get a little bit concerned I took it to Ferrari went on a flatbed because you wouldn't allow to drive it on the on the road and they said well there are a few things on here that aren't looking good because number one it's a 2015 car but never been driven that's why it has such a low mileage the dealer put a new battery in the car that apparently changes everything on the readouts when you plug it in I don't know if you're familiar with this but that everything has to reset itself and you have to drive it I couldn't drive it because it wasn't registered so Ferrari said oh you run oh I see go because the carbon sat for a while they wanted you to take it for what's called an Italian tune-up correct which is a big run down a freeway yeah so that it resets all the sensors know what they're doing and yeah however I couldn't do that so I had to let it run I took it to Ferrari and they let it run I think they went through a tank of gas or whatever anyway it went to smog and it passed with flying colors so thank you never check for making fantastic parts sure so yeah I'm in love with this thing it has a lot of horsepower it's controversial - exactly how many noble sect no but tech told me I could say 781 plus I don't know what that means it doesn't make a whole lot of sense it's a lot though it's a lot and the best feature for me is the sound it is insane and you'll get to hear that very shortly because we'll we'll take you for a run and also this color yes it is not a wrap it is not a it is not a wrap it is matte Ferrari red I believe it's called Scuderia a Kuro or a course OC something I'm not quite sure but it is a factory Ferrari Formula One color and I love it it's beat how do you like my license plate do you like that oh no I didn't that's awesome the car is carbon all of this is carbon the diffuses carbon whatever this thing is is comment that's a rain light the front grille is Carbon around the I mean that light surrounds everything these are these are different to a regular f12 because there would be red yeah but it's not painted it's an internal lens it's created to meet the road standards I guess beautiful yeah Carbon spoiler no the carbon spoiler yeah I mean it's yes check this out our name I don't know if the camera will show it but even this is carbon everything is carbon oh yeah Wow huh beautiful me absolutely well I was looking down there and they go through and then they actually yeah so I I didn't know if they actually fed the engine but they don't I think they're just sort of a nice little styling thing well it's aerodynamic something and then there's more vents in here I don't know what they do I'm not much at telling you about cars you just like to drive them I like to drive them yet I like to drive them so yeah it's a pretty cool car shows around inside I was gonna say actually you're probably better off going in and talking about your camera right that's true and you got key I have the key perfect thanks mate um did you I just left something over there um if anyway he hasn't seen a Ferrari key before it looks like it belongs to a child's play toy what does that mean they are the ugliest keys why well they're just like you buying a oh okay can you share with people how much this car has in it that you at all so the car itself the sticker for the car itself without any options is about three hundred and twenty thousand dollars this particular car has a hundred and thirty thousand dollars of factory options before all the modifications which means it was like four hundred and fifty five thousand before Nova Tech came and spent another half a million dollars on it do you want to see the sticker oh yeah you've got it I have it I said the list price was 320 and then these are options and the run out of space and then the four other options and seventy one thousand and the sticker was for what does it say 455 I'll send this to you so you can put up prints of it and then the Nova tech body I believe is a hundred and twenty thousand and then there's another sixty to install it and paint it so that's another two hundred right right nearly and then there's the engine modifications and exhausting manifold and all the other stuff and then there's the wheels and the tires and then paint and yeah all of that so yeah yeah it's I was told over a million dollars so I didn't pay that I was gonna say even even if that's an over speculation you got yourself a scree and aeleus still it's got to be 8:50 worst-case scenario just doing the math on components not including installation and everything else so yeah but it's a cool car take a look inside it is beautiful let me see this alrighty and once again everything is carbon fiber yeah so carbon here everything everything is carbons except my shoes my shoes are not carpet they're not what what you wearing today I'm wearing them my Shack yeah my Shack because it matches the car kind of so yeah for people that don't know this is a shift light there's your horns so you gave meat meat correct and then here's race mode your wipers all the doodle doodle doodle that's very suspension and then that's the one that makes them behind the wheel on both sides if you point the camera over here behind here there's three toggle switches on either side okay which operate audio controls stations satellite radio volume and some other stuff that I don't know what it does nice yeah it's a lovely place isn't it it's all the leather and everything's beautiful yeah it's a BL stereo in here as well which I know sounds good because we were just blastin yeah it's crazy it's crazy they did an excellent job it also has the passenger display oh the most pointless add-on in the water I know I know right it has an amazing camera system that shows you do you want to see it yeah okay leave the key for that she's been judicial no I didn't commit so so if I hit the camera button hit the camera button okay so now I'll walk to the front of the car okay all right pressing again do you got to get down low for that one even even lower can I can I just just try something nicer it works it works so what what happens with these then if you if you like that's what happens you like that don't you [Music] if you hit it a little harder these Alijah a little harder that permission to do it the car is incredibly low so sometimes it's in practically low so there's a button to fix up I mean ridiculously low yeah I mean the funny thing is it's it's still pretty low yes but like that'll get you out of a lot of trouble lot of trouble okay do the honors for both of us let's hear this you think wow they're secret Wow so 488 bye-bye it just sounds so good it's it's like a road formula one I mean it really is sounds like a road do it again do it again gotta stay within the speed limit of course [Music] [Music] goodness gracious me that sounds uh nominal but Michael you'll see this when the video goes out well done mate well done that is the nicest car that you own by far Wow one amazing amazing car no way oh my goodness and that's just first gear that was just first to second gear sweet baby Jesus and all of the cherubim and Seraphim and everything else that's holy that thing sounds incredible hello wall guns look at these people next to you I want you I've seen you before I'll see you later I do like those new BMWs yes very nice yeah pretty cool right they I am absolutely gobsmacked I am thrilled to hear you say that because he's criticized every one of my cars in some way this is the first one that he hasn't criticized so I'm glad you love it I love it it's not criticism it's not negativity critters and it's just we have different tastes how are you entitled and I totally respect your opinion I'm sure that we wouldn't have a supercharged that 3 if you were I wouldn't I wouldn't that's very true but guys I'm thrilled to be able to share this with you every blessed be able to have it and hope you got some enjoyment watching it and seeing it and you'll see it many many more times in the future because this is a keeper it's not going anywhere so give me a thumbs up give Adam a thumbs up hit the subscribe button hit the bell and we are in it to win one of these [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 974,428
Rating: 4.926497 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, n largo, n-largo, ferrari, f12, novitec, 458, laferrari, 488, 812, berlinetta, supercar, hypercar, race car, wide body, straight pipe, millionaire, billionaire, luxury, nlargo
Id: dXzW-zrJ5uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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