Having a millionaire mindset and how to be successful

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so hi guys thanks for joining today a little bit different no cars watches planes and none of that stuff today let's talk about success and how you can be successful I want everybody to realize everything I do here is is to inspire and to motivate I didn't grow up with this stuff I've earned it you can do this - Adam what do you think people want to hear and how do you think we should set these questions out well I think a lot of people me included look at successful people you know when would that be you can see them successful because they're wealthy or because they've done well in their jobs or because of their car collection or whatever that is whatever you deem to be successful I always look at those people and wonder what it is that differentiates them from me and what I can do to get to that position so I guess what would be interesting for me and for the audience to know is what is it about your mindset that you think that sets you apart from people who are less successful than you are so you used a great word you said mindset it's all about mindset if you have a positive mindset you can make positive things happen and I think that's the big differentiating factor between success and failure is what's in your mind if you think you can't do it well guess what you won't do it but if you tell yourself yes I can whatever capacity that is you'll deliver it but it takes effort and you have to choose something that you're passionate about become very good at it study it and then turn it into something everybody can do it and so what is it that you can pull from from your experiences that show a difference in your mindset between somebody else's do you have any like examples of anything yeah I do so when I was a kid growing up I might have been 1314 years of age I was walking through London with some friends of mine and we're in Mayfair and looking at the shops and a dreaming you know and a beautiful Ferrari pulled up I don't remember which model it was but it was gorgeous and a couple of my friends were like oh how did he get that did he steal it type of thing and I'm thinking to myself wow that's cool that guy must have done something with his life I want one of those and I'm gonna do everything in my power to get one so I set myself up for this I just told myself hey I can do it I had no idea how I was gonna do it but there had to be a way and positivity aside because everybody can think oh I'm gonna do that one day but just thinking about it doesn't equate to success right you know that absolutely right action so what actions can you take to achieve a goal or achieve a dream well I think the first thing is believe in yourself you have to believe you can do it once you believe you can do it whatever that might be really concentrate on that one aspect okay I want to be an auto mechanic okay there's thousands of auto mechanics some are good some are not so good those that really put effort into it end up owning their own workshops and it grows and grows and grows they get a reputation for quality work for good customer service that's what it's about it's not whether you're a brain surgeon or a trash collector anything you can be good at and as long as you excel in your field and I always recommend to people find something that you really love that you're passionate about and go into that field just don't get a job for the sake of getting a job and I know it's easy for me to say that because people need to make money but focus on something you really enjoy and that way you're not really going to work you're going to play and you make money whilst you're doing it and I think that's a common thread and certainly we've seen people making comments on your videos where they've perhaps not as positive as others and I do often wonder whether that's because people are envious of what you have because they're doing something that they don't love and whether that is the kind of thing that stems these negative feelings rather than them just you know not liking you for what you have well it goes back to mindset they don't believe in themselves they're channeling all that energy into hate and what happens when you hate things it comes back and bites you because the only thing you're doing is really hating yourself if you look at the likes on pretty much all my videos there's a massive difference between the thumbs up and the thumbs down thousands of thumbs up and then you get a handful of thumb down and those people those are the ones that I hope you watch this to the end because by the end of this video please give a little of belief to yourself tell yourself you can do it too I'm here to help you I'm not here to make you jealous that's not what this is about I'm a guy like any other guy that grew up with nothing and guys you can do this you can make success out of yourself it doesn't have to be millions of dollars but its success it lets you feel good you get back what you put in so how do we make this achievable for people who are at the let's say the Europe on the top rung of the ladder right now people that are on the bottom rung of the ladder how do you turn 0 to 1 because turning 1 to 2 and 2 to 5 and 5 to 10 million is easy but how do you go from nothing to the first step you know let's say that you've got somebody out there who would love their goal is that they would love to own a Ferrari one day but they have mediocre college or maybe not college with mediocre high school education what could they do in their daily routine that would set them up for success more so than someone who just does the nine-to-five ground same thing doesn't matter what your job is become really really good at it put in the extra effort study read about it doesn't matter what it is if you're a window cleaner and you're cleaning people's house windows learn how to do skyscrapers go that extra mile and become better than anybody else become more desirable than anybody else and guess what that's when your money goes up because people will pay for good service and good results it's not about the time spend it's not about the effort put in it's all about the results and you don't get good results unless you know what you're doing so that's why I always revert back to saying study it study it study you don't need a university degree you don't you just need knowledge and you can gain knowledge without going to school read about it study practice perfect the craft and that way good things will happen to you so using that example of somebody cleaning windows I think nowadays it's easier than ever to become your own boss and you know preneur is the hot new thing right let me give you an example of something that I'm thinking of so imagine you just come out of high school so you didn't even graduate high school okay now what hey I've got nothing left to do I've got no money what am I gonna do go and get yourself a bucket sponge and some soapy water and a couple of towels and go knocking on people's doors and matter where you are in the world you're gonna find people that have dirty cars and go and say to them I'm just starting out with my career let me please wash your car I'm not gonna charge you anything you look at the job I've done when I finished give me what you think it's worth you might get 99 rejections out of a hundred but if you hit a thousand doors that gives you ten cars that you can clean and if the average person gives you ten dollars which I think probably most people give you more than that that's a hundred bucks you do that five times a week that's five hundred bucks that's two thousand dollars a month and you grow it and you grow it and you grow it and eventually you'll be able to buy your own detailing car or truck and you mark it up so it looks nice and then if you think even bigger than that as that develops you go and hire people to help you on what you do you'd go and get another truck it doesn't have to be a new one just make it look nice put some water in put some sponges and soap that's all you need put some ingenuity that do a good job if you do a good job you'll get recommended it will grow and grow and that's how things built that's how you become successful so I think yeah having self belief is massive and having that mindset that things can be bigger than they are currently like always looking for the improvements in in your career in your personality in your skillset right would you say that that's yeah I mean most people if they're not in a positive mindset the road looking for shortcuts and shortcuts normally shortchange you that's that's what happens you have to speculate in order to accumulate and the way you do that is you believe in yourself you try to do something positive create a little business even if you go to work and a 95 job you you you burgers at McDonald's well don't stop with burgers at McDonald's become the store manager become a regional manager start your own restaurant something it's not that hard to do it's just if you don't believe you can do it you're listening to me oh yeah sure well guess what you can do it I did I have lots of friends that did so you know I'm just can't tell you enough think positively put the negative stuff behind you yeah I think effort and hard work of the keys here on a self belief thing but it's that people now always people now always looking for that shortcut like you said it's always that how to lose weight quickly or how to make a million dollars in three months and yeah I'm sure there are outliers who have done that but in reality like it doesn't happen yeah does that happen I mean how long have you been in the industry that you're currently and how long has it taken you to get to where you are now I'm not talking about starting off washing dishes I'm talking about sort of your professional career so that's a great question so I started out in the music industry as a musician and I play drums was I the world's greatest drummer no but I was good and I've practiced all the time enough so to get me jobs in studios I wasn't playing with the biggest bands in the world but I was okay I could hold a beat and I developed this and I became a regular call for session play four into playing studios with other bands and eventually you know my name circulated but why did that happen it happened because I practiced every single day I didn't want to be a drummer all my life that wasn't my goal but it was certainly a way into the industry that was all I knew how to do as I was in the studios I started to watch how records were being produced again not something that I ever studied but I focused on it and it was a real focus and I would go back home in the evening after you know being in the studio and I would recreate what happened that day and how could it have been better what could I do to enhance that because you can't look at it as oh there's a ton of great producers out there well hey I could be a great producer how do I do that I don't know but I'm gonna learn and that's exactly what I did I made a few records the first few were total failures they were awful but I didn't give up I kept going and going and pushing and I believed that one day it could happen until eventually it did but it took some time and it took blood sweat and tears you know and here we are today that's all in the past and I continue to learn every day that's another factor never think you know it off because you don't and so how long would you say that it's techne to get from session drumming to today rice started session drumming at a young age 16 17 years of age didn't pay me a whole lot of money as you know I worked for the British Army in Berlin Germany washing dishes as a civilian it was no fun at all but I was also playing drums I actually played drums on little boats that went up and down the rivers in in Berlin in the evenings as a supplemental income and then I transitioned that later on into becoming a mainstay at one of the big studios there continuing to practice practice practice because there's a lot of competition you have to be better than the rest and you can't become that unless you've put effort into it so that was probably four or five years of solid hard work and then I started the production thing and overall probably 1012 years from the point where I started to where it became relatively successful and how did it feel for you the day that you were able to buy your first supercar that's an interesting story so it was one of the most amazing days of my life and still is to this day I remember getting in that car not believing that it was actually mine because it was a long dream and Here I am saying this cars a Ferrari and I pulled out of the dealership laughing and driving the first two or three miles I couldn't stop laughing and by myself and I'm looking around people must think I'm mad you know but it was the greatest feeling ever I achieved that and it was a goal and the moment I had that car I pulled into into my mcGarry's that night and I said to myself okay so now I've achieved this what's next what's my next goal and then I set myself my next goal do you think then that once you achieve your goals no matter whether that be buying a super car or something perhaps a little more humble it doesn't even have to be monetary yeah you can't even have a goal I want to meet my life partner III there's a million things you can you can one would you say that once you achieve a go once you set a goal and achieve it the likelihood of you achieving your next goal is higher because you have already seen kind of like when you start to workout the gym the first six weeks you don't see any results and it's tough because you go every day like why am I putting myself through this I'm not seeing results and then you start to see the results and once you see those it then becomes easier to go to the gym because you're building on success would you say that that's the same thing with goal-setting it's absolutely the same thing in fact even more so because what you do is you're building a foundation and I think we all know if you build a tall building and you don't have a solid foundation it's going to fall over so start building a foundation make sure it's solid and then you can put floor after floor on top of it until you have a skyscraper the sky is literally the limit if you do that you mentioned the gym there's effort and time right so imagine this for a second so you go to the gym you spend 10 hours on an elliptical machine right and you're doing your thing all day long and then the guy next to you he's there for 30 minutes and he's lifting these really heavy weights he's gonna get big results and then some people say ah he's on steroids well he's not on steroids he's just putting in more work it takes less time but it's more work and more effort than just being on that elliptical all day long so remember it's about results you have to do what you have to do to get the results yeah I think that's that's definitely an important takeaway is that people that set goals themselves a lot of people will start with nothing they'll think oh yeah you know I want a Ferrari or then their goal is so out of reach at the point which they set it that when they don't achieve it it's like how am i give up I give up whereas if you incrementally set goals you're far more likely to succeed right that's absolutely right you have to set goal but it's not just goals a goal has to have a timeline if it doesn't have a timeline you'll never achieve it so you can self account and so you have to hold yourself accountable I said okay I want to achieve this by June the 1st well guess what if June the 2nd comes and you haven't achieved it you didn't reach your goal but if you don't put a date on it you don't put a timeline the goals still they're out in the future and it's meaningless so always put a goal with a timeline and make it a realistic goal don't say I want to buy a jumbo jet that's silly do something that you know you can achieve and then once you've achieved it you go to the next level and you keep building and building until the time comes where you've achieved all your goals how do you deal with failure there's no such thing as failure failure is a word that I like to keep out of my vocabulary something doesn't work it's not necessarily a failure it's just hey it didn't work it needs to be modified we need to look at this again how can I make it work because it's not failed this I only failed if you give it up right and if you'd give up that's a failure but if you keep working on it and modifying it the day will come where it works out the way you want to do and that will be a success so that's addressing community you say that because family is a thing and family is a thing to everybody because there'll be instances where you want to do you know you've set out to do something and that doesn't happen well what's interesting to me and this comes back to you talk about mindset and this is how I know that what you'll say is what you live is the fact that when I asked you how you deal with failure rather than recognize the failure exists the way that you deal with it is by if something doesn't go the way you want adapting evolving changing continuing to push until you get and I think that's key because a lot of people will experience failure and like you said then they'll give up and then that'll be it even if it's something as simple as you're going for a job but let's say I'm a cook right and I go to a restaurant and I don't get the job is that a failure no it's a failure if you say oh it's the end of the world I didn't get the job and you don't try again that's a failure but if you save yourself up didn't get this job I'm going to the next restaurant you keep going you'll get that job you will become a cook in a restaurant somewhere that's a success so it's all up to you it's your mindset and I can't emphasize this enough it's your mindset yes I mean the key points that we've kind of hit on are self belief number one yeah because if you don't believe in you no one else is going to write hard work and effort and perseverance as well because I don't think hard work and effort are the same as perseverance because like I said you can work hard at something and when it doesn't go right I give up so those three things you think there are any other important character traits that you need well is your people go to university and they study they get all the degrees and the ultimate degrees of PhD after doctorate there's another type of PhD I hate to use this word but I'm going to use it the word poor but PhD if you use it this way poor hungry and driven or poor hungry and determined that's a great PhD to have because you can turn the poor into rich the hungry into fed and they're driven into hey I'm in my supercar or whatever it might be so utilize your own skills whatever they are it doesn't matter you have skills everybody has skills find your best skill find your passion dig deep into it become great at it and then go out and rock the world and how important do you think it is to be nice people it's incredibly important I mean because somebody's bank account grows it doesn't change that person it shouldn't say oh I'm better than you or I'm worse than you it doesn't work like that a person is a person you've always got to remember where you came from what you've had to do to become what you are today and those that are around you your friends they should always be your regardless of whether they have big bank account small bank accounts none of that matters always be humble always be true to yourself always give back that's another thing that I like to do I've been very very fortunate and well I you know have I been that fortunate I've worked for it it nobody gave me anything that I have when people say oh you're so lucky like sure you're lucky if you win a competition yes but if you build a career you build an empire you're not lucky you made that look you did you did know not everybody achieves the same level of success if you want to use financial terms but success should never be measured in financial terms and you're absolutely right luck it's nice to have luck I would love to win the lotto tomorrow I mean there's no question about it but don't have a counter on that don't think people are lucky think people are smart if they work and they do whatever it is that they set their minds to doing that's smart that's you know I applaud that and always be nice to everybody around you so we've spoken about this off-camera but I think that people be interested in hearing and tell the guys watching what you do every now and again with your money to keep you hungry and motivated so I've done this a few times in my life probably three or four times I've got to a point where hey I don't really need to work anymore and that would be the most boring and soul destructive thing I could possibly think of so what I did was and what I would probably do again is all my savings and everything I had I put into a bank on a long term investment whereby there is a penalty if I take it out early and that's the last thing you want to do is pay a penalty on your own money and started from from scratch literally then what am I gonna do well I'll do the same thing again because I know I'm good at it I've learned all the way through and now I've got some new ideas that I can implement as well so I'd start something similar not exactly the same obviously but similar and start from scratch and build and build and build until the point where hey this is great and took it all away repeat so that's a great way to keep yourself motivated yeah and I mean they do say don't it doesn't come from comfort growth comes from discomfort and you know making yourself put yourself into that uncomfortable position when you are in a position of comfort is a great way to make sure that you continue to grow yeah and it's not just about how much money you've got it's not about that let's take Bill Gates for example Bill Gates one of the wealthiest guys in the world if not the wealthiest guys up there somewhere he goes to work every single day works hard comes up with new ideas and wants to make more and more and more why not because he needs more money but because he needs that mental challenge he needs to keep going forward and create successes you know if you just stop and just like fester it doesn't do you any good at all your mind will just self-destruct so keep yourself challenged keep yourself going just like he does I mean he didn't get there without hard work and effort so to wrap this up then what are they the kind of bullet points that you can give to the guys that they can use in their daily lives hopefully to allow them to become more and more successful well think number one is believe in yourself and I can't ever say this enough self belief self belief I tell yourself you can do it because you can whatever it is it doesn't matter what it is whatever it is just become good at it practice it study it and then do it so that's number one believe in yourself number two determination be determined don't let anything get in your way don't let your friends bring you down or you can't do that your family or whatever you show them different you can do that you really can do that so that's a big one number three be positive and be positive around those that you you talk to your friends your family strangers in the street never think you're better than them never think you know it all everybody's learning I'm learning every day you should learn to and the fourth one is never ever give up that's a big one as well remember failure is only at the point where you give up if you're walking and you fall down and you stay there you failed you didn't get to your destination but if you get up and you continue walking you'll make it a success I hope that you've enjoyed this I hope you take some of my words seriously I'm doing this for you not for me I really want to help you guys I started with nothing I have a knife light nice lifestyle now and you can to set yourself those goals remember achievable goals don't be crazy and guys remember please hit that like button also subscribe and press the little fella button next to it so you get the notifications when we upload new videos Michael and I read all of the comments Michael will reply to you as well but if you have any suggestions as to videos that you would like to see things you'd like Michael to talk about then please let us know in the comments and we will do our best to accommodate but yeah I guess that's it oh and also share this video with any of your friends do you think take Michaels advice just sitting here I've really enjoyed this and I've learned a lot so I'm sure you guys will too so until next time I guess that's it see ya thank you guys [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 388,354
Rating: 4.9589882 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, success, secret of success, millionaire mindset, positivity, positive thinking, motivation, life advice, career advice, being successful, how to become a millionaire, the key to success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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