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we are gonna get Caroline wet today we are in somewhere very different most not really that different we've been here once before with Newport Beach in California and a beautiful but windy day and we're gonna show you a magnificent house in the community called Crystal Cove which is a guard gated communities I think double guard gates so yeah two different guard posts yeah pretty cool right so they don't want you in here so why they let Adam in I don't know but easier with me thank heavens who's got a camera so well let's go and see this and we have a special treat for you because Caroline hopefully is inside I know she is here cuz of cars out there we're gonna go in and view this property so ready ready let's do it [Music] [Music] this is very pretty isn't it we'll probably catch it later to the garage so triple gated just in case you want extra security rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair oh yeah oh yeah Caroline just come out on there we are gonna get Caroline wet today she we can't say that Adam I think you just did I don't know let's do that again yeah knock on the door are you really gonna keep that in I can't believe what I said you know I didn't mean it the way that you interpreted it in the pool right yes whether she knows it was she doesn't mean that is why I meant good housekeeping housekeeping hello hi hey Michael you don't look like the housekeeper I know the housekeeper that's the housekeeper his name is Adam you know your french maid outfit huh no not today today hey how you doing nice see you well guys Michael Adam welcome to five clear water here in Crystal Cove I am going to hand the house off to Caroline she's gonna give you guys the tour and hopefully guys love every edge of it I'm glad you wear that shirt because there's some interesting parts of the house that I deal with a belt [Music] nothing less is expected from you Carolyn perfect thanks so much for having us here oh sure I know she's gonna be scared today I think she knows what might happen it's really shaky all right we like shaking we're missing a door without missing Oh your stuff with the garage which is a nice garage - oh this is big you know you're getting this is really really nice what a beautiful entry to a garage it looks like a liner either missing the white and the vines other than that yes this is great this is a really good size how many cars do you think you get on here like if you really packed them in one two three maybe four on the driveway three inside oxygens give a tax just in cases it's not really up to Jen it's not really up to you more oxygen what is this oh well it's a bear Crestron system no in case the one in that that's expensive yeah they were saying that it costs six hundred thousand dollars for them is that what they told you Wow well Linda spent one maybe 300 for the house and 300 for spare this is gorgeous I feel like I'm in a wine cellar jahmai the entryway of the winery that Caroline was telling us about look at this quite like this no no this is yeah this is definitely the first time I've done a house like this [Laughter] [Music] so we missed this Lucas I don't know awfully suppose right yeah watch out Cecily you never see them trick you would normally expect take a run and jump of that you walking on surfaces and so how much a how much is the house be how many square feet it is at sea bedrooms deep bathrooms e correct me if I'm wrong tell me if I did my homework right go for it 14 and a half million dollars yes six thousand five hundred square feet five bedrooms no four bedrooms five bathrooms and office in the gym and some other bits yes am i close perfect how about that I'm changing my occupation I'm going to become real it to my course well just partner up for those of you that like you know the East Wing the West Wing I like this as well every rooms got a nice little view of that garden it's very Mediterranean isn't it oh oh oh it's not yes thank you we're filming and it's burnt everything often not the microphones they were expecting us you know what actually you don't stop stop Michael and Adam Caroline are coming with the camera let's put a jokey feelin industry so Michael they're done hello it could be when I first started real estate on this girl was saying that they bake cookies in the oven on smells like a home you suppose like a home yeah does this home was actually just military town we suppose of nothing yeah I know well this home was built in 2015 and they just renovated it a little bit so it's look it's a new house but it's a brand brand you have this looking like it reminds it is something you'd find in a nightclub sit there let's talk bud right there's motive now sit here you have to sit there okay well I'm gonna tell your hairbrush on my back pocket might have would give it to me I thank you very much oh yeah it's not this isn't the most comfortable it no no can't say that I was gonna say it reminds me of the type of circles that you see in a certain type of establishment but plug I couldn't condone visiting those types that's the audio system and I bet you don't know this unless you happen to be in the gallery room we're out there there's a spare one in the garage have you seen how many antennas are on the Wi-Fi router oh wow why Oh sir looks like aspyn us if I go with Maris do I have to not go in the pool you're going in the pool I thought you were gonna die oh wait wait this is cool scene be ready I'm ready it might be singing toilet but I don't know you know why it's all dressed up go to a party you know why me that that I guess cuz it's new and you wanna be either yeah they want to make sure that the new buyer knows it's brand new well you could you could pee in it but the cover back on couldn't you I'd be worse than that I've never seen a like a cozy a glass bedroom very lawyer istic yeah this is a interesting choice there's some kind of a workout you could do in here but what's missing usin tickets to say these all open up I would imagine yeah thanks Carolyn Caroline knows Caroline's the best be ready you're in the policy we not going in the pool I am NOT going you guys stop it honestly and you may stop spamming means you know guys this video will not end until she's now boys hey I'm sorry I can't we'll see we'll see nice Washington's so paranoid since Karen did you know that Michael wants for a whole box of washing powder and I did because he didn't I did well I didn't know how it works so you do know how much did you think that it just kind of you talked it up and then it would put in as much as it needed is that we thought would I open the thing but I think I had two things inside it huh I've seen the box and it was a jumper by doesn't this I was getting by then at the artisan well you maybe thought but it had like a reservoir recent comment let it as much as you need it but no you were just I didn't does this have a reservoir no so do you know how would we know see you like that don't you come on let's go this way how nice is this yeah so you're indoors and outdoors it's nice right I mean it's warmer in here there's a hot tub out there I like going in the hot tub figure also ridiculous look at the size of that television look at these lights protein half million dollar house she's trying to sell at restoration hard no apparently that's where they're from yeah is it really I don't restoration how do I was like an M Mart you see those Mars has never been in a box [Music] you understand excel at TV the scale it's the biggest TV I think I've ever seen my TV's bigger than that I haven't been my media room is it hundred each TV that's 80 but that's bigger than any surely proof thank you so therefore my name is Maegan the old child okay so Restoration Hardware or Mars very beautiful it's being written they are gorgeous rude I think that absolute divine my house is in a different configuration if I had ceilings like this I would put something under than that I really like this I wonder what the bulb situation is like to think you access them from the top I can't actually see where the bulbs are so a mirror the TV set behind it they put the mirror glass so it's very very thin the neckl mm-hmm don't like it maybe Selectric acknowledges very nice though well it gorgeous gorgeous kitchen yeah I love a white kitchen it's so open and you can outside but you're inside [Music] all right fridge or freezer Oh fridge it's not one of those try one of these yes one of those you never know do you what are you saying it is in fact the fridge let's turn the door this would be butler's pantry this was deal oven some kind of an oven this is very clever so it moves and the reason for that is so that you're always able you don't have to move here and what have you coffeemaker freezer but no no the fridge to freeze it is it no there's the freezer no it's all the foods you have a freezer there in the fridge there you can't but this is all on seal so this is yeah it's all one piece so is this spotless pantry this is the butler's pantry or to where the turkey that they were preparing for Caroline I'm so bad today it's like it's like I've been drinking better don't drink oh look at wine cooler lovely this is truly truly and industrial oh look another one so these are pushers yeah so there we have frigerator refrigerator freezer and refrigerator freezer and wine cooler serving all your drinks really throw your party and invite everyone over to let's go this way all right we should end up outside because yeah we don't what I'm dripping through the house do it I am you would you like to do more videos with us in the future would you like to do more videos with us in the future you didn't answer the question what do you like to do more videos with us in the future she likes and followers we get her lots of followers follow her and if she doesn't jump in the pool unfollow are you going in the pool how many followers are you promising me a lot this will it's a place to put Caroline way to misbehaves oh my god very bad this is pretty I like the window and everything here oh yeah toilet with the Chuck's on maybe see your bowtie but check this out check this out look at the control this is a very nice control it's nicer than my control I have the square yeah and yours is complicated I remember the past I'm Allison but yeah I try to use it and I was like so I am still learning I've had them for about a year now still learning how to operate it I'm scared to press some buttons I don't know what they might do this is very pretty though very open well yeah but so when your guests - here [Music] do something value could put Draves you could tint it you could do lots of things but it's very cool love it look at the size of the shower holy moly man that's nice oh just sort of : yes yes regular shower did I mention body Jets who did it another one oh look it's a so many of what to partying here to get away to Pentonville it's a party tiffany blue closet well now this is right this is right this is very bright okay there we go it looks like how would I know this is a shoe closet what was that kneeling on that to try and get a shot yeah but you understand my confusion because this I know it's aesthetic to me you would know it's this one but I thought the wrong one listen here more shoes disappeared if you know yeah that's cool except the color look lighter what's your favorite color for what just okay yeah multiples look jewelry rings earrings pens things stuff see move again miss please that's nice this is all these compartments these are very very useful they're not useful to put shirts in and things like that but otherwise thank you mm-hmm there's a serpent well that walk I thought it was hands off must've run I really like that concept I need someone someone when someone comes to the house can I use the toilet well would you kindly come first you will in Nikes look how they frame the television as well I think all been framed I noticed that I like the fireplace Gord you can see straight out to the pool Caroline hold on before we go out we have to do the two bedroom yes let's go so let's do that so that we can enjoy the view we can't jump in you're not gonna be okay with that the sellers will be just fine with it this video goes viral share this when she jumps in the pool she's gonna get very moist so let's go upstairs what you said what step it's a real one [Applause] we put the shameless here if you want this is beautiful look at that that's bras [Music] okay sorry I interrupted you how big do in that sorry so it's two master suites and they're connected may I correct you mr. Wilson I don't think these are two master suites I think there might be guest suites oh I think we can call the master suites if you'd like to but I think not what do you think I'm sure I would say these are guests I think so too but let's call them master suites just for the purpose of the video I don't think a master has a four inch TV so you have wing span across there how BIG's that Michael very nice room very nice size room yeah and it's nice now the Jets results so I would have put two sinks in here one for each in case they want to co-mingle but that's an easy fix I guess again we have a beautifully dressed Alou brand-new brand-new brand-new never you so yeah we need that the renovations again in 2019 they changed all the toilets you know this is yeah this is a food elevator send me food I haven't seen one of those we have that in our 1200 just go to the kitchen what the kitchen the kitchens down there somewhere see ya so this is the oh this is the karaoke room underneath us right I used to karaoke room yeah so what does that go downstairs downstairs that's the karaoke room yeah there's the roof for it no that's the hallway that runs behind because that's the only way on the roads that's the bedroom yeah this must be karaoke let's go let's go find because you've got to go out to the back garden and you haven't Caroline we're not going to the back yard nobody everybody wants to see the backyard nobody's rescued there's no brush kitchen sorry nobody cares two steps what did you see wait can I just leave something because I've not been able to do the last three months finally I can actually show my new car come on keeping it quiet off social media okay so it would've been right behind this wall what are you not Caroline going to because this is the roof we were looking at yeah maybe it's a garage look in the garage later and see if we can find it yeah we should go outside something yeah this is show us a sec okay because really this is a view property that's what you paying the money for you know I do have to ask you something it also you did promise the viewers you don't really want me to do it in all sincerity uh-huh did promise the viewers and the last thing we want to do is disappoint them now one way or another you're going in the pool whether you like you you don't like it but that's a good job that the water is at a nice temperature you 170 you go in dressed like this do you have anything with you because you knew you were gonna do this you said you were gonna do this oh my god I know I know she brought a plethora of outfits because she wasn't sure what she was gonna wear is she in fact got dunked well she's gonna be dunked let's go look at the outdoors while you go and prepare yourself no we don't need you for this you could prepare yourself we are this is what the water do you think she'd like to go in Oh the wet part wet part okay let's look at this watch out invisible water invisible water invisible edge we have to be very very careful so this is stunning look at the real wow wow wow wow I don't know what this is what is this heater oven hit it why was it wide it was hot maybe there's a turkey no I twist it twist one oh that's what that is or said it's cool isn't it I have not seen the place it's an owl you see the out I do see the out and this is this is under artist nice what is this - that's a warming tray probably it's the warming tray that gives to a outdoor louver I'm not going on it I saw it on the plan it's grass I don't want to go in the grass oh you mean you're not going on the loo a nice outdoor kitchen nice outdoor table very wet pool fire pit God there I love this outdoor space isn't it pretty look at that so that's that's Newport right there gorgeous this to fire pits is that one and there's another one oh three fire pits I'm assuming these are fire pits they look like it under Sylmar oh do you want to go down here or do you not know okay shall I just go and show people really quick and short all right because this is pretty nice it's fake grass Michael it's not one it's got all lights and God I bet this it's so nice at night it looks nice in the day now look at that this is where we should do our thumbnail for sure now this of you you talk about a lot of the properties don't have the view that you like I would say that this view is somewhat comparable to yours it is it's absolutely beautiful in terms of really I'm not really distant really is no it's gorgeous how can you not this you can't let's take a further look at this world Caroline prepares herself I want to see that hot tub it's like walking hot tub like it's got a a beach entrance so this let's talk about beach interest so this is in fact what they call a beach entrance or don't have town you can put sand on these and it becomes the beach entrance because it's a slope and starting there is where the water is it's a lovely pool so I'm thinking we get Caroline over here mm-hmm she jumps in done so do you think she will yeah cause she won't she's protesting I'm gonna make sure yeah she didn't come all this way to not to do yeah and then she can go in this after school Emma it's breathing oh my good what's this it's it's good to be an interesting site when choosing hey here's what we gonna do when she goes in yeah jump in there can I read you'll be fine honestly that might a Cuba you can we call this bedroom the bedroom yes the bedroom the master real master suite it is lovely yeah look it's gonna fall beach entrance so enough of this snow drinkin maybe you'd think so wouldn't it a couple of bones I did have a Starbucks okay pumpkin spice latte you wanna do you want to see me do the would do the colors Ches sobriety test how do you pass that on your way that's a trick okay everybody let's take a second know that we've been waiting this long video Charlie Charlie line you get upset a lot of people though all unfollow you Caroline do you remember this was your idea right bad idea you promised everybody I shouldn't have to beg you to do what you promised we can't let my audience tippy-toe tippy-toe and see see what feels like right nice she might jump in yeah anybody wants to see that come on all right come are you fine up away pineapples come on come on come on watch this warm feel it it's gonna have to be a legging a winger think he's legging away you know that you're English and there you know wing to see the king how long seriously so it's like removing band-aids just gotta do it real quick why do you keep climbing stuck yeah feel the waters not that cold water are you gonna I'm staying right here I am for the time being I'm right here I went I would look I'll hold on to him I won't let him go oh my god lariat oh my god yeah jumping that's warm jump in there it's not bad right we did it guys we did it subscribe hit the like button if you hit a hundred thousand likes on this one maybe she'll jump off the roof or something oh my goodness cut Lolita hey I hope you enjoyed Isis we did that was fun hit the bell hit the subscribe we'll see you soon we're in it to win it Caroline just lost it
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,354,372
Rating: 4.8433876 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, newport beach, orange county, mansion, house tour, lifestyles of the rich and famous, real estate, mtv cribs, luxury, millionaire, gated community, wealth, wealthy, interior design, architecture
Id: KkakbaOpYQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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