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more than cheesecakes something a little bit different today but first let's make a cup of tea alright so like I said a little bit different today I get a lot of questions on Instagram and on YouTube asking me different things and so I figured that given that I've got a really bad ankle right now I fell off my super 73 like an idiot and lucky I didn't break it but it is pretty badly sprained so I'm taking it easy and so what I figured is that today we could do it or QA and I can answer some of the questions that I get and hopefully you guys can get to know me a little bit better and also it's kind of gray and crappy outside and I just want to stay in with a cup of tea and just chill out so that's what we're gonna do first question I like big mutts and I can apply you what the Rose can didn't I when a dog walks in with a dog walks in I'm gonna go pee so this comes from Drew underscore lonely or lynly underscore where are you originally from in the UK well I'm actually from a little tiny town called Kenilworth which is right in the middle it's about a hundred miles north of London so if you were to stick a pin right in the centre of England that's basically where I'm from and I've always been drawn to like open bodies of water like the ocean and rivers and lakes and stuff so it's kind of strange that I've always wanted to live by the beach even though I lived in the most central part of England but that's where I was born and raised I grew up in Kenilworth and then I moved and bought a place in Warwick and I lived there until I moved out to California so yeah always in that little Warwickshire area so you guys may have heard of stratford-upon-avon well William Shakespeare was born that's just down the street or Birmingham is the nearest big city ok question 2 Brandon asks how did you get your start in videos and photography that's a good question so growing up I always wanted to be a vet and then I realised that you have to go to school for like a thousand years to become one and so I changed my mind and I decided that I even wanted to be a police dog handler because I absolutely of dogs or alternatively I wanted to be a marine biologist and work with dolphins and be in the ocean like I said I've always just loved loved loved the ocean and so it's kind of weird that I'm now now making youtube videos for a living but basically what happened was through school I started to ride mountain bikes and ride mountain bikes with my friends I just started taking the camera along with me because always like snapping pictures and shooting little videos and stuff and so I basically was the photographer for my group and my photography skills far exceeded my skills as a mountain biker and I remember one time we're at the park in Warwick and there was some jumps and I was just learning to do like this bit where I wasn't even big it was it was small I was learning to do this double and I hit the take-off and came up short on the front wheel hit the back of the landing I went over the bars with my hands still on the handlebars and I just a bead and slipped down the down wrap on my chin and I remember lying in the bottom covered in mud and with my chin bleeding I bit my lip and I was just like this sucks I just want to take pictures I don't want to keep doing this and falling off so yeah that's what I did I went home literally put my bike on eBay that night sold it and that part funded my very first professional Canon L Series lens the 24 to 70 F 2.8 I remember as the the Gen 1 version of that lens and so that was it my kind of photography career took off from there and so I would still go out with my friends riding but I would just take pictures instead and then what happened strangely is my friends all and I used to ride with two groups of guys but all of them got really good and picked up sponsorships and now there's some of the best mountain bikers in the world and so as their sponsor started to come in they knew that I was always the guy there taking pictures with them and so they just started to ask me for those photographs and I was 16 17 at the time so I was like yeah sure this would be great you know get my picture in a magazine or brochure or whatever or on the website and so I just started charging 50 pounds here a hundred pounds there not a lot but at the time I was trying to put petrol in my car I just got my first car and it was good money and so I thought would you know what maybe I could make this into a viable living so I approached some of the mountain by showed them my pictures and they were like yeah sure so mountain-biking UK and dirt magazine were the two that I used to photograph for back in the UK and then it really progressed from there I started to get into cars and so I started to photographic their performance car while the modified car magazines like fast car magazine max power fast Ford I didn't I never did redline that was before my time but yeah just basically started to get my pictures in these magazines so I was going through university at this point and I also did martial arts photography as well some martial artists so I started to do that as well and after university I decided that I would start to approach the advertising world and I wanted to make more money I didn't want to make 350 pounds a day doing editorial I wanted to make 10 grand a day doing big campaigns and so I started to shoot the body of work that would reflect that in fact wait now so this is my photography portfolio got a hand on this out in a long time and so basically this beautiful leather-bound portfolio is what I would take to guys so dusty take to advertising agencies and in it I had all of my favorite pictures that I've taken I mean these are all on my website get Adam sors Khan these are on there but yes so this are you so that was one of my very first I don't know if you can be able to see this that was on my very first mountain bike shots and it's my friend Sam and he is doing a backflip double foot cam on this huge jump that we built and actually there's a funny story there he built those jumps or legally on some private land what we didn't realize is the private land belonged to the Ministry of Defense and it was at the very end of their shooting range so one day we're down there taking pictures and these four guys roll up on quad bikes with weapons on their backs and they're like you guys definitely can't be here so we got kicked off and they flatten the jumps but that was a good time so yeah just basically started shooting new work shoot this kind of stuff and then I would go to advertising agencies and ask them to pay me to shoot their stuff and some of them did some of them didn't and then I actually got my first big break the year that I graduated University I had a failed meeting sort shoot down in London because of the weather and so I just put out a tweet and said hey guys is anybody any add what I put like any hashtag art directors in London free to take a meeting just you know Hail Mary shot as I'm going on the underground back to train stations get the train back up to Kenilworth as I come out of the escalator in London Euston I get a tweet from a guy called Adam Roberts who was the creative director crayon which was a big agency Ryan Oxford Circus and he's like yeah come by oh my god okay perfect so I turn around and go back to Oxford Circus I take this meeting and I think it's just gonna be me and Adam and he invites me up to the boardroom I walk in bare mine I've got a backpack on with a light stand although I could prop a little like hack photographer I walk into this meeting room and there are all of the art directors from the agency sat there probably like eight or ten of them and I said to them oh I'm really sorry I'm unprepared for this meeting I don't have my portfolio I've only got my iPad so I showed my pictures on the iPad and they already like the stuff and he was like all right cool we'll be in touch if we have anything that looks like it would be a fit for you two weeks later I got an email and he says Adam I'd like you to quote to shoot a global ad campaign for Honda motorcycles and at this point I was just thinking what a global ad campaign I'm 20 because 22 years old at this point anyway so I start to put the pricing together never priced anything up for a job that big I'm asking photographers Chase Jarvis who's a photographer that I interned for at Seattle amazing photographer I asked him for advice ask some of my other friends and basically put this quote together and when I hit equals it was six figures and I just thought this can't be right and I ran it again no six figures with the licensing they wanted at the time it was out in Rome we're gonna be in Rome for over two weeks the travel at everything and so I was like okay well I guess I'll send it fired off the email to Adam literally less than 24 hours later I get an email back that's great we'll go for it and that was my first global ad campaign at 22 years of hapa Honda motorcycles with shop a 20th anniversary fire blade we shot some scooters we shot this crossover bike they did the cross Torah just unbelievable I am so grateful that all of the planets aligned at that point when I sent out that tweet but it just goes to show that even that the smallest little what you consider insignificant meeting of somebody could turn into a life-changing event and it did and so after I did that shoot I bought a house and I went on holiday and I bought motorcycle and it really did set me up then for the rest of well up to now my career today so I started to pick up more advertising stuff and basically yeah just the jobs got bigger and bigger and I was doing stuff for Microsoft and Nokia and Canon I was a Canon ambassador for a little while and yeah just just things just seemed to roll into each other the more work I shot the more work I got and I just kept on putting my work out in front of people but what I always found was that it really got to the point where I was I felt like I was constantly on treadmill there was no standing still you read they're putting out new work all the time or you moving backwards and if your email wasn't in that our directors inbox at the point that they wanted to find a photographer it was very unlikely that they were gonna go back through and find you again because they just get so many and so I've got to admit it did start to burn me out and I was thinking there's got to be a better way and so that's when I started to look into YouTube and where I could create stuff and I could create my own content and do it because I loved doing it rather than asking other people to pay me to shoot their work I wanted to figure out a way that I could shoot my work and get paid for it and so here I am this is obviously the very beginning the channels brand new the producer Michael Channel is obviously huge and you know we're doing great with that but for me personally as my own passion project this is it and this is what I'm so excited about right now because I'm getting to do exactly what I want to do and hopefully as time goes on I'll be able to make a good living from it continue to do it grow evolve and who knows who knows I'm super excited so yeah there's a very long answer of how got into photography so next question this one is from Faris Farouk and he says Adam swords how did you and produce a michael meat so if you're new to this channel and you don't know the producer Michael channel I do another channel with my manager he's actually my manager for my photography called the producer Michael channel it's a luxury lifestyle channel we look at my scars and watches and houses and it's awesome we have a great time so that is what this is in reference to so produce a Mike or Michael Blakey and I we met on a supercar drive so before I moved to California I was here sort of getting a lay of the land seeing if I could essentially move my business from the UK and bring it over here and so through mutual friends I got invited onto this Sunday morning breakfast Drive and so was he he was there as well and so we stopped off in Malibu on this nice road that overlooked the ocean I was taking pictures of people's cars and he just sauntered over to men asked me who I was and what I was doing and at the time I can't feel bad because I was trying to take pictures and he's there good also you know what what do you do what what are you here for and I'm thinking I'm trying to take pictures at the moment mate can you just give me give me a second and so I've finished taking pictures and then go chat to him and obviously he's English and so we were talking about where he was from and we just kind of hit it off and he asked me what I was doing in California and I told him and I said look I'm looking to find a visa sponsor I need to work for somebody in order to get the.oh one visa that I'm looking to come over on I need to have something to work for and so usually with an o1 visa that's how it works you get a company that will sponsor you and then you work for that company and so he was like well come by my office and we'll have a chat and maybe I can introduce you to somebody who can help you out whatever so fast forward the next week I go to his office and we sit down I show him my work and he's telling me about people he represents and he said that he represented Stephen wader who is the playboy photographer he's photographed every Playboy centerfold since it began and so he told me that he represented this guy but that was the only photographer all the others were celebrities there were comedians artists that kind of thing and so I showed him my work and he turned around to me and well how about I represent you and I was like well that would be great because that then means that I am not restricted to working with one individual company because I have a manager I can work for however I want because my manager is my sponsor and therefore he takes a cut of my earnings and the jobs come in and that's how it works so it was the perfect situation and I cannot thank Michael enough for that because he there was no reason for him to come and chat to me there was no reason for him to ask me to come to the office there was no reason for him you know to do any of these things but because he did he got to see my work and then realized that you know this was going to be a mutually beneficial deal because obviously he takes a cut of my earnings so that's how he makes his money and I get representation so I get to bring my business to LA so it was this like perfect synergy that we had where we were both able to help each other and now I'm here in California so that was how we met and then from then I moved out here my visa was approved and yeah my photography career kind of picked up from there I was going out looking for jobs and he was able to then do all of the bidding for me which is great I mean if you guys are photographers if there's anybody watching this is a photographer you'll know how much it sucks trying to take care of the creative and then also have to put your business head on and tell people it's gonna be this much money and so the beautiful thing about having a manager is it means that I deal with all the creative Michael deals with all the money I don't even have to talk to them about money Michael handles that and so I can just focus purely on the creative side and so that worked great so that is how produced my plan I very first met and yeah super grateful that I got to meet that whacky clothed guy because yeah this is all possible because of that one chance meeting on that Sunday morning okay next question this is from Kobus bother 84 okay is your toe next to your big toe bigger than your big toe it's my turn next my big toe bigger than mine yes yes it is it is my turn X my big toe is bigger than my big toe Matt Stanny says what do you miss most about the UK the thing I miss most is my family and my friends because I only get to see them three or four times a year which I know is it a decent amount considering if only basically the other side of the planet but yeah I do I really miss hanging out with my friends I'm very lucky my mom comes over here a lot and so she is it doesn't really go much past two or three months where we don't see each other and that's amazing because you know my mom is my best friend we she raised me by herself she did I was bad so she didn't awesome job then that sounds very big-headed of me what I mean is she hustled she worked her ass off to make sure that I had every opportunity I could have in life and so it's so important for me that I'm able to you know keep that relationship as close always has been and that was one of the biggest concerns of me moving out here was not being around my family and yeah it was that that almost stopped me from doing it but I'm just so grateful that I've got their support and you know I'm able to see them as much as I can so I miss them a lot I also miss the countryside so I grew up in Canada in Warwickshire so it's a quite it's not a rural town it's a regular town but it's in a nice area where there's lots of countryside around most importantly the Cotswolds that is my favorite place when I go back to England I love to go to the Cotswolds I used to love taking Benson my my dog over there so I'd go back I'd get him and we'd go and go for walks over in the countryside and there's just fields and rivers and lakes and just you can go wherever you want it's very different here in America by owning a dog and I know we can go up into the mountains and stuff and hike around there but definitely the UK is brilliant for just being able to head off down a field stop off at pubs on the way and just yeah explore the countryside so I really missed that I also miss chips like proper should not not crisps chips like proper chips and vegetarians are don't have fish and chips but yeah proper English chips on this and the thing that I probably miss the most is a good curry oh if you guys are ever in Kenilworth go to the tsunami curry house that is the best Balti you'll ever have and every time I go home it's either I'll and I either have it that night or I have it the night after because it is my favorite and I usually go two or three times when I'm back as well so yeah they're the things I miss the most Bobby UK definitely don't miss the weather because it's gray and overcast here today which is nice it means that I can kind of get cozy and you know have a break from the sunshine but you get this every day it sucks so yeah don't miss the weather this one's from Andrew he says mate is it everything you've hoped for moving to LA I imagine that you have a lot more that you want to do what else can you imagine doing in the next year that's not how roads are I think he was drunk when he wrote this but that's what I think he meant so Andrew I have a lot to do next year I've got a lot of plans and there's a lot of things that I want to check off my list 2019 has been a brilliant year for me I feel like since moving to America this is my third well third through third and a half year of being here and it really has been the year where my career has gone like this and I'm really grateful for that I've learned a lot of lessons as well I feel like I'm a different person I feel more settled here now and just like I've really got a solid foundation to build on the first few years were kind of getting my feet under me getting figured out thinking working out exactly what it is that I want to do and so now I feel like I'm ready to start pushing forward and really you know getting to where I want to be so for next year I have a few goals one of them is there is a certain card that I want to buy I would like to do it by the end of next year it's quite expensive it's not anything that you guys would probably imagine I would one maybe you would but yes so that that is my kind of big goal but I'm gonna keep that secret I want to get the Mercedes finished obviously that's gonna happen in the beginning of next year I've already bought the car so yeah officially announcing on the channel I have bought another Mercedes so I've got 1996 III hundred up in Sacramento right now that I need to get shipped down here but it's mine I bought it tiles in my name so that's gonna get done and then I just want to grow this channel I want to go on more adventures like this has been such an amazing experience even in just in this for seven weeks however long it's been since I've started this channel it's been forcing me to go out and do things and and you know I would do this type of thing usually anyway but it really does force my hand and rather than sit here and go you know well maybe I can just hang out around the house today or go down to the beach so I know go out do something have an adventure find some fun just do something amazing because I want to keep putting out this type of content for you and I know this video is very different but you know the football but that is something that I'm very excited about in the new year is I have a lot of things that I want to do I want to dive Lake Tahoe I would like to go up and into the forests and do some stuff up there I want to go to Colorado and go hang out my buddy who has all kinds of crazy toys so we're gonna do some stuff I just I want to do a lot I guess on my tropical do some diving so yeah there's a lot coming I've got a lot of ideas I have a whole list of episode ideas that I'm just kind of checking off through so yeah big things coming for 2020 I'm so excited I'm really grateful for everything that's happened in 2019 and yeah just cannot wait to get going next year and really take this channel and my career to the next level agent Bernstein asks what camera and editing software do you use so I use a Sony a7 three which is the best camera for YouTube you type stuff shoot in 4k shoot slo-mo has good autofocus you can plug in an external microphone it's pretty lightweight good choice of lenses for it so it's ideal for what I need to do I'm really not a nerdy photography guy people ask me what camera they should buy and if this is better than this one I have no idea I shot with Canon all my life while I was shooting stills predominantly and I just moved up to the next one every time I felt like I'd outgrown the camera and then when I moved to doing more YouTube stuff I bought the Sony and this was the one that had the best reviews for the criteria that I needed to make so this works for me I'm sure there's others out there that would do as well but I'm happy with this setup and yeah the quality's awesome editing software I use Adobe Premiere Pro and it's pretty much industry standard so yeah all my editing is done using that a cup of tea a cup of tea alrighty then I NJ Sala my stock Oh what nanny just bought I got these blank I got these really nice thick warm socks because I need to keep my ankle warm while it's healing and I've got holding it I am j65 stairs are you planning to get more tattoos and will you do a vlog about it yes I am plans get more tattoos this I need to finish this one up I still haven't done the inside of my bicep so I need to finish that I want to really get that done before Christmas so I'm gonna see in fact that's what I can do after this I'm gonna call my tattooist and I'm gonna see if you can fit me in all I've got to do is just have this Rose here I'm gonna have two more roses in there and then some leaves and stuff to fill it out because I'm all the way up here and then we're just going to go through the whole thing and just touch up little bits that need a little bit more shading and you know whatever just so the whole thing is all finished and then once this is done I'm probably gonna move to disarm and I think I'm gonna have something either here on a forearm or I don't know I don't know yes more tattoos chest neck it may even legs I wasn't really a big leg person but I don't know I just once I started to get them I really liked them so yeah I am definitely gonna need more tattoos oh also somebody I don't think I've saved it but somebody asked me what the meaning was behind the tattoos very quickly so I have three angels I have two female angels here and then I have a male angel up there they represent my mum my grandmother for my grandfather the carnation on the back of my hand which some people say looks like a cabbage which it does the carnation is my Nana's favorite flower we lost her to lung cancer a couple of years ago and so that was my first tattoo to sort of remember her by so that was her favorite flower and then on the male angel he's got this shield here and this represents my granddad and on his shield he also has a carnation because you know I protect in the manor and all the rest of it the knuckles I have a wave because I like the ocean and it also looks like the Whitehall logo which I also kinda like I got a heart because I didn't want to put on that one I've got a palm tree because I moved to the beach and then I got a diamond because that's my granddad's birthstone and then on my thumb I have two kisses because that's what me and my mum always put to each other on text messages and cards and things we've always just put two kisses so that was actually my very very first tattoo I my mum drew this on me and then I got tattooed and then I drew two on her wrist and she got those tattooed so we have matching ones and then the stripes are my granddad's army stripes and he also I don't know if you'll be able to see it but on his shoulder on his armor he also has it on there as well so this is kind of like the family sleeve and then the rose just I just like flowers so that's why I got the rose I like how it looks and then there'll be three here again to represent the three family members that I have okay this one I wasn't sure if I was going to answer this one but I figured that you know hi I can I can give you an idea so James says how much do you get paid on average per producer Michael video or D percentage split the profits if so who gets what personal question I know but genuinely interested so I'm not going to tell you exactly what we make from the channel just cuz that's not very tasteful but there is a common misconception that Michael is my boss Michael isn't my boss so he's my photography manager which means that of anything that I earn from my photography he gets a percentage cut as my manager as does every other celebrity or performer or act or whatever it is like that's how management works so that's our one business relationship the other business relationship is the YouTube channel and that we are partners in so we have a percentage split of any profit that the YouTube channel makes and we split that between us so yeah I don't get paid per video we just at the end of every month we look at what we've earned and then we split that money between us and we have a certain percentage split on that like I said I'm not gonna say what that split is just cuz it's not particularly tasteful but yeah it's a very fair split and when you consider you know Michael bought all of his audience and Michael is the face of the channel and so he brings that to the table I bring in my skills a photographer and the auger for an editor and you know I have loved the uploading and all the rest of it so yeah we're both sort of compensated fairly for the things that we both bring to the channel bgl nelson says hey Adam how's the Panerai so far any target for your next watch that's funny actually I'm one of the g-shot today just because I'm slopping around the house but the Panerai is doing great I absolutely love that watch yeah love it love it love watch I don't know it's either gonna be an AP offshore or it's gonna be a Rolex deep see that one that I tried on when I tried on the Panerai was really nice so and I love how big and chunky they are so yeah I don't know which one yet I don't know whether to get the offshore or just like a nice stainless steel offshore or the deep sea but it'd be one of those two for sure I really love those watches why man have says what is your favorite Beach to hang so far in Cali oh good question I love it down here where I live so Hermosa Beach Manhattan Beach Hermosa Beach Redondo Beach the South Bay is by far the best ah by the South Bay is by far the best collection of beaches there you go that's proper English in that sword Z the best collection of beaches in LA as far as I'm concerned Malibu is nice but it's sort of a bit further north Santa Monica is nice but it's very busy and touristy Venice is cool but it's also a bit smelly and there's lots of like weird people there I used to live there for I lived there for almost 18 months so I love Venice but in terms of just a nice beautiful Southern California beach Hermosa Manhattan they're my two favorites here but my all-time favorite Beach in Southern California is probably Laguna Beach I eventually think I'm going to move down to Orange County I would like to live down in Laguna that area is just beautiful and yeah that is probably one of my favorite spots to go if I'm going to have like a little day trip al Newport Beach is also really nice I love Newport so honestly you can't go wrong I mean winds uncle like there are so many beautiful beaches you go even if you go north you know you've got nice pictures of that so they're all great they're all great pick one you won't go wrong without 21t Bell says what is your big goal in life what would you need to achieve to where you can say I made it that's a good question honestly I don't think you can ever say you've made it because I feel as though if you're an ambitious person then you're always going to want more you're always going to get to the goal that you've set and then you're gonna set yourself another goal and I like that because at the end of the day if you feel like you've made it then what else have you got to live for you know what else are you doing what's challenging you what's what are you progressing in how are you developing as a human so I don't think you can ever see you've made it but to answer your question if I think about what I'd like to be in 3 years time I would love for this channel to be huge I'd love to be able to afford to travel around the world going on adventures showing you guys all of the awesome things that there are to do out there and you know I want this channel I want to inspire people because I've been getting messages on Instagram and on YouTube from people saying that you know they've been down or whatever and then they watch these videos of me going out and doing fun stuff and it gives them a boost and I can't tell you how amazing that feels to know that just by me putting these things out there onto YouTube it's making a difference to people and it's getting people out of you know bad moods or you know down depressions dark places that's so amazing to me and so not only am i enjoying doing them but the satisfaction that it's actually helping you guys as well is phenomenal like absolutely amazing so in three years time I would love to be continuing to do this channel and just yeah like inspiring others giving back bringing people along with me you know get my friends involved just having a good time one of my favorite sayings as a rising tide floats all boats and I firmly believe that and I think that you know if you can be successful and help the people around you and yeah that that's the goal right just to be able to be happy to be financially free where you don't have to worry about can I pay my rent how am I going to be able to you know get groceries this week I'm not worried about being a millionaire I'm not worried about having super fancy expensive things like sure they're nice but they're just assets nothing memories experiences relationships that's what I want that that is value to me that I would rather be wealthy in memories and wealthy and experience than wealthy in cash and things you know would I like a McLaren 600 LP right now absolutely I would but would I rather have the ability to travel the world and have all these amazing experiences instead of that yes yes I would would I like to have them both absolutely yes because then what I do is I'd be cool stuff with the McLaren but oh by the way that isn't the car but I'm looking to buy by the end of 2020 I mean don't get me wrong it'd be cool if I could but it's something different but right now if I was gonna buy a supercar it would be a 600 LT yeah that's the Segway so I guess in short I don't think you can ever say you've made it I think you should always be striving to better yourself and I would like to be in the position whereby I can inspire others have a great time show people that life is there to live and the only person that's getting in your way of you living the life that you want to live is you okay so I think that is all of them oh wait one last one biglan says do you plan on launching a merch line any time soon yes I do so then actually that segues in nicely from the last thing so obviously you know making this channel it cost money I have to go out and spend my time filming these things and editing and you know if I go out and do stuff then it cost everything costs money unfortunately and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start a little much line with the the logo the two x's and the sword's logo that you might have seen maybe on my Instagram I really dig it I've got on my car I did some mock-ups from t-shirts and they look supercorps of a shell of the neon yellow and so yeah I'm gonna put out some t-shirts and hoodies and then I've also got some ideas for some other cool stuff maybe some like limited edition drops I'm gonna do with an artist friend of mine she does these badass illustrations and so I was thinking maybe doing a cool shirt that says like mourning cheesecakes and then it's got this like cartoony cheesecake thing even if you guys don't buy it I'll wear it because I think that'd be cool so yeah I've got some ideas and so if you guys can support me with the merch line that'd be great I don't just want to create just like a logo on some tat so that you guys can wear it I want to create cool stuff that you guys are gonna love to wear and really enjoy and then with the proceeds from that I can put it back into the channel travel do more things put out more rad content yeah so that's that is coming that's coming very soon in fact so keep your eyes peeled I'll let you know on the channel obviously as soon as you can get some stuff and I appreciate all of your guys to support ahead of time yeah this is so much fun guys I can't tell you how grateful I am that you are all supporting this and that you're watching these videos and then you just taking an interest I'm trying to make them fun I'm trying to make them entertaining I'm sorry that this one is just me sat in my living room but yeah I'm somewhat disabled right now but I will be doing more fun stuff very soon fact next week I'm going to use imitate and I'm going in the snow with the Zed 3 for the first time so it might be a fun episode so guys make sure that you are subscribed if you haven't already hit the bell button as well because that way then when I post a video you will get notifications and you'll be able to see that I have posted one give it a thumbs up that helps as well YouTube like does some cool stuff and it means that more people see the video which is awesome and I guess that's it so until next time don't know anything I wouldn't do and also don't do things that I do do like fall off my bike it sucks alright guys come back because of that snow bike [Music] you
Channel: Adam Swords
Views: 417,373
Rating: 4.8819261 out of 5
Keywords: adam swords, adamswords, swrdz, producer michael, producermichael, los angeles, hermosa beach, lifestyle, adventure, business advice, photography, ask me anything, ama, photographer, youtube advice, how to start a youtube channel, michael blakey
Id: EaB1bLKRfoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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