Pro Vs Noob ASMR (Ft.@GibiASMR )

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oh you have a box let me help you smack the bottom a little bit you know give it a good thumb everything about that all right jimmy i've run out of video ideas you are the asmr queen i need you to teach me how to be an asmr pro from a noob well anyone can become an asm artist so you've come to the right person i don't have a good track record with learning things on this channel but maybe this is like a subdivision of voice acting right i'm here to teach you it's all about immersing your viewer in a new world you know that's similar to acting yeah yes yeah that makes sense you need the skills you need the you know if you want to go all in i think we can get you there okay um what should we start with today i have a bunch of items that i bought should we start there yeah tell me about your shopping process how did that go for you i have a bag of stuff here from the the dollar store i mean i bought ships okay but evangelion and i got kind of peckish so that's kind of cool right i got a hair brush why are you saying that like you've never owned one i didn't actually own a hairbrush before this some child's play-doh is plato good you can always just default to children's toys because they're always like fun to touch they make sounds they look cute good job you said cream and moisture what's with that i have some moisturizer i didn't really understand what the cream moisturizing process was what's it got to do the asmr treat yourself you know there's nothing better than like some nice moisturized hands nobody wants your dry cracked hands in your face making the finger flutters you know so you tap on the bottle put a little on bam sticky roll note rolls you know like i thought the rolling sound why are you laughing why are you looking like that tv why do i feel like i'm the like four year old the four i'm like the four year old kid in the class being like this is my presentation about the book i didn't read it did very very well it did very well it could be a little loud we're going to be a little loud okay [ __ ] that's just fun i brought a wooden spoon thought maybe we could scratch on it you know like a cat we're gonna we're gonna tap on it do a little moment you can use that spoon to tap on other things what is it what is a good one as well another cream oh this is a face cleaner i probably just needed that in general a calculator oh the buttons yeah it's got it and it has a tone so maybe it does beeps i don't know it sounded exciting oh dear god okay this video is sponsored by gentian impact if you guys follow me on twitch you'll know i've been playing a lot of gangster impact over there and i'm happy to talk about the new 1.1 update with four new characters tartaglia zhong li diana and xinyan and this brand new story missions archon's quest to star a new star approaches and there's new events with the unreconciled stars and there's new systems with the city reputation archives and exploration progress but let's talk about the things you really care about the brand new characters zongley is a five-star ranked character songly is a geo spear user who can use strong area of effect attacks and is more of a defensive based character he first appears as a worker of wang shang funeral parlor in chapter one act two and don't forget child part taylor is a five-star rank playable character they're a hydro archer who can switch between melee and long-range attacks at a whim child is the eleventh of the forties eleven heartbringers and there's diana who you can see on screen right now is a four-star cryo bow user with a cat girl motif xinyan is a four-star pyro fighter who uses claymore she is a rock star idol motif and can do major area of effect damage so what are you doing go and download genshin and play it now it's free for god's sake go on it's an amazing game i've been streaming it a bunch on twitch as well so if you want to watch me play it you can go and do so on my twitch but if you do want to go and download the game right now you can do that by clicking the link in the description so go download against him back today i bought a haircut i've never used a comb in a long time i can't wait for this this is going to be good haven't you ever like dragged your thumb like across like the teeth yeah okay you know that you mentioned that yeah uh i bought a phone oh yes yes good is this good wait why is this good it's great can you should give a little shake in front of the microphone yeah okay maybe you're onto something i just needed this so i bought it uh this is not asmr maybe a little maybe a little pop you know jars lids glass wow i'm getting all excited i bought a lot because maybe we could do an asmr scenario where i'm breaking into your house right you know what i mean stealing your bike asmr i steal your bike and then to go along with that i thought well you'd be wearing gloves naturally right so that's right you don't want to leave right oh i bought a makeup brush i hope you got a rope next oh yeah i was gonna get a rope but then i thought i really didn't want to alarm the register person i really didn't want it just lay it down they're just pulling up my stuff and it's like a lock gloves rope knives that's it that's all i bought can you tell me your thought process when you're like in the asmr video making zone so i can become the true asmr god it's a bit of a complicated process you get your items and you just want to uh let yourself explore the idea okay be the item look beyond the item it's not just a jar this is just a spoon unfortunately basically i'll just pick something up and um i used to touch everything and like tap on everything as a kid so it really just like translates well into my adulthood and you just see what you can do with it the best thing is like interacting with the viewer which is your camera okay i should touch my camera get close don't actually argue i was gonna say i don't like the idea of touching my camera you got to make some great eye contact with the camera they feel very connected to you your viewer do you feel connected to your viewers yeah people are watching this to go to sleep they're watching it to wind down you know you gotta look at them give them a smile say here's my wooden spoon i'm gonna make some nice noises with it what about when i do the ad read do i whisper the ad read or like what's up do i just yes 100 people love the asmr ad read for all seriousness though all you have to do is like set like a little timer on your phone or even in your head sometimes i do like triggers for like three minutes each and then move on but if you want to like just try give a little go do like 20 seconds for each item and see what you can what you can do with each one that's actual genuine advice coming from me asmr video can just be a compilation of sounds and items that you picked up from this okay i'll start with the wooden spoon this seems like a great idea open wide here comes the soup i don't like this this doesn't have enough woodness to it you know what i mean you know the problem is is that i forgot to tell you to grow your nails out i mean they're kind of long for a guy yeah but maybe i guess they would being like clicky would be nice right you need like a should i brush my hair with it or just strictly just touch it yeah so start by the outside by tapping the back then play with the bristles and then yeah give it give your hair like a nice brush through you look wonderful oh i keep hitting it jesus how do you not hit what are you why are you laughing at me these are your precious views yes your hair does look wonderful wow do you never brush your hair compliments oh no [ __ ] i mean wow how wonderful it is to have this experience this is awful i'm terrible at this that was good you almost have gave them a compliment that was really close look at all the dead hair follicles coming out your hair is too silky smooth all right that one i like that one that's a good one all right what i do with the hand and body cream how do i make that asmr i don't want to get any on my mic use like your the tips of your fingers do some fast tapping on that plastic part you can be even more aggressive it's like a tire but with moisturizer do you ever get bored just tapping [ __ ] i think about this man what is my grocery list later today yeah i do need to get more salad time to moisturize that's right self-care treat yourself how's that did you know that fast and aggressive asmr isn't it really i've always wanted to do shouting asmr so like hold up like let me not shouting if this is normal asmr what about like hi jimmy how is your day going today everything about that i gotta go this smells disgusting you gotta be stronger than that man do you do does some of the [ __ ] that you play smr with smell like awful yes like what's the worst i did a whole video on like squishies and they were just from like wherever the they were like the most pungent things ever it was like supposed to smell like butter or something this one doesn't make much noise it's too light but this is like really light all right zero out of ten and now my hands are jesus christ jimmy come here clean my hands [ __ ] me this little baby knew i hate this all right asmr king is back let's go oh i can't your hair is just wonderful it's a real pleasure getting to cut your hair i mean you could have washed it before you came but that's okay we do that for free it's just extra time you know how's the sound does it sound relaxing i think it sounds nice all right i like the scissors oh you have a box let me help hello does the box kind of sound nice i can't tell no it doesn't oh damn it i really wanted that one to work okay i like that one i like that one that one's nice okay i hope this calculator works what are we calculating okay this is kind of helps you avoid tax asmr did you know that you could deduct your rent it technically counts as an office let me just press my numbers in calculate this one sucks jimmy i don't know i thought that was a zero out of ten for immersion like how cool is this calculator yes i'm doing the taxis i'm doing taxes don't question it oh [ __ ] say what is that what the [ __ ] is that that's disgusting i i can't hear anything so you have to tell me if it sounds good it's pretty good it's it's very subtle it's gentle it's nice let me just apply some of the blush to you wow this color really suits you do you like netflix by any chance i think they have a green library dude what do i say i don't this is why am i brushing their face so long i hate this packaging so much yeah that was a terrible purchase [Music] no okay kind of sounds like a dog slowly rubbing their ass against the ground you know oh oh see you could take part of the tape and do sticky sticky things you know i sit here i'm wondering what's going wrong with my life well this is what i'm doing you know 13 year old rin from three on a body pillow snuggles you to sleep right okay you have to do her voicing oh hi do you want to go swimming i'd like to go swimming after we sleep give him the good eye contact yeah i guess we could rin not you with the mighty pillow you meant to the camera what if i like uses mousepad asmr does this say someone like you gotta put that in the yes pile just keep moving so what do i do with this jimmy well i have a fake plant and i flip it upside down and i shake the fake plant try like shuffling it in your hands away from them that's pretty good do you ever just like see yourself in the dslr and like you just you're like what am i doing i just kind of had that moment right now i'm just holding a plant up to a microphone just crunching it what you're doing for the greater good oh i'm in the forest i'm going to save you i just need to get all of these plants out of the way oh that's right i'm gonna save you i've watched back rules at least twice i know exactly how to deal with this shrubbery it's quite intimidating i will admit but i'm pretty sure we can walk through it oh no there's more oh no okay you know what i think i'm just gonna leave you you can fight for yourself ten out of ten good improv twist ending building world building on point right you're getting good at this i think i think i'm starting to get the hang of this and now it's time for me to break into your house damn your house has got a tricky lock on it i do find this amusing i'm normally much better than this i swear this isn't my first time breaking into a house i actually don't know the combination to this log i'm not gonna go through all the combinations jimmy what the it doesn't say the code i actually don't know the code i don't think i'm i'm good at this oh wait i'm a dump there's a little thing right there with the little keychain with the number on it right there i have the final and best one asmr i eat a bag of chips in front of you you can have one first go go ahead take the chip first you don't want it that's okay i'll eat it for you maybe we should spice it up a little bit evangelion chips taste good confirmed the worst part about doing food asmr it's like the initial crunch sounds good and moist no what you just gotta like and then you gotta swallow it that was the easy part jimmy now what would you what would you rate me at asmr so far i would rate you i think you're climbing up right now you're sitting at a seven i think seven out of ten that's just a lie you you're just lying jimmy i think we can get you to a 10. what do i need to be a 10 jimmy you need to have confidence in yourself what i'm hearing is that i should become a character and commit to the story i think that would be a good idea yes well jimmy you're in luck i think that i should get a cosplay on and we can do some asmr let's go let's do it how do i look i should have mine how about i'm your bo ridden butler serves ut wait i should get a mug shouldn't i a teacup a mug i've prepared a cup of tea in a mug all of the teacups were damaged in the car crush in the swamps first to ensure that it is not poisonous no poison to be found your master now that we have finally agreed the tea is good to drink allow me to slap the mug a little bit some more you gotta smack the bottom a little bit you know give it a good thumb but of course we need to dust off the mark a little bit dirty you know we have to dust it just a slight bit and of course we can't forget the final step one needs to moisturize their mug so i get a good layer of moisturization on there [Music] moisturize that mug don't be afraid to get really in there you know you know how to do it are you interrupting me master while i'm in my process i think i know how to make tea as i was saying with my moisturized glove allow me to now tape up your mouth so that you can enjoy the teeth of your nostrils okay there we go i need to cut that hair of yours with a blade of course with a blade what do you think i got a pair of scissors i use a combination of the two your master how does it feel how is that young master you can now drink your tea what do you think of that jubilee my pro oh my god you've never done this before no no never no why was that was my world building immaculate i thought that was my strength there actually that was pretty great let me go change this is [ __ ] disgusting it stinks that's so bad all right jimmy i'm neziko [Laughter] you're the asmr director you tell me the scene and what i need to do and i'll do it because i'm with girl you are the little one don't talk this is a no talking video this one's like uh you know sounds like you found something on the ground pick it up this sounds like [Music] oh so much slobber holy [ __ ] okay [Music] i should have cleaned this it was great you think i'm ready to become an asm artist should we i think you did all you can do what does that mean what does that mean jimmy please stop stop never do asmr ever again stick to anime i mean i tried right that's all that matters thank you so much for teaching me and sitting through this [ __ ] show if you guys haven't already go and subscribe to gbasmr for all the tingling sensations in your ears anything you'd like to say before we end the video no i'm gonna go to bed i'm done with this [ __ ] all right bye [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,516,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime, ASMR, CDawg, CDawgVA, GibiASMR, Gibi, Funny, Learning, Best Moments, Funny ASMR
Id: UIsRrtMy6OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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