I Rated My Viewers Rooms...

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[Applause] I spilled dogging up myself no welcome to the room review I am your host for today certified s tier on PewDiePie's room tier list man Connor dog now I have a thing or two for interior designers you can see my room is awesome I made it all myself in fact I just built the whole building because I had such a good eye for design now sometimes people say hey Connor maybe you have a little too much stuff no I don't I have a lot of great items because I know what makes a room feel alive Marie condo nothing on me I know what sparks joy and so that's why I'm going to be judging other people's rooms to see if their rooms are worthy of my praise just had my 18. so the balloons offer that all right that is it a Spiderman balloon oh here we go okay all right let's judge the figures all right you've got the Millennium Falcon some Dragon Ball figures got a mid okay this is pretty cool I can't figure out this feels like five different rooms is this all the same room I'd say six out of ten I that's that's a lot of Funko Pops that should be nice I'll be nice that is a concerning amount of Funko Pops though oh they have this thing here this is a friend of mine from Wales uh his name's Joe not Joe mama a friend of mine he made this uh this print and then uh I I promoted it on Instagram I was like hey guys we all support my friend you should buy it so they bought it that's pretty sweet but more Funko Pops yeah Sebastian body pillow why do you have so many cans in stuff I'd say five that's a five actually no set I'll be six I'll be six I'll be nice let's just this is did they have to pick vomit green for the walls this feels like a liminal space for sure this is a three out of ten it's it's not awful but there's nothing here that makes me want to be in the room you know what I mean this room already looks good I feel like he knows it's good okay he's got some nice anime posted essay Sao and Ugandan Knuckles really what a weird layout this is like a drawer in the middle of the room why is there such a big RTD2 why is there so many Funko Pops everywhere okay why is there so many Funko pops and there's so many YouTuber you two's the PewDiePie chat yeah one monitor though this is just a lot of stuff Andy oh iron Mouse thing there nice that's a seven out of ten I I think it's cool it's a little too much stuff a little too many Funko Pops all right next up we got river713 holy why are the planes here why is there so much [ __ ] on the floor what is this what is this wall you can't just show me a glimpse of this door and not give me a full picture of it this is this is one out of ten God damn you fit the bed in you you just got this in also cat nice this is nice that is a nice cabinet this one's a seven I like that one Miku posters are a joke by the way I think they're funny oh yeah okay I just I just have these posters they sort of cringe uh I just put them in my room I hate Miku I'm not I'm I'm definitely not in the Miku please don't believe that JoJo Fosters nice I kind of wish that you didn't just stick it on the wall like that there's a there's a limited edition posters kind of wish you uh framed them for six out of ten before you say my room is messy let's have a look my auntie just told me to draw my room as messy as possible for my portfolio he told me to do that three months ago oh okay okay and you never cleaned it up all right where is the leather gone how old does the chair have to be to get like this all right what's this as well great what am I looking at what is this picture why did you submit this four out of ten what waifus do you have dog [ __ ] dude oh okay I have to say these bed sheets what the [ __ ] I think you chose the most ugliest looking bed sheets known to men this is this is good lighting though this is nice all right not bad I like this thing I like uh oh this desk what is this desk the desk is like caving in oh I like how you've got all these anime waifus and then right in the top here I would give it like an eight but the desk and the bed sheets make me want to take away points so I'm going for uh six honestly to give some context I am French it's gonna be three points down okay we have a fruit mouse pad not bad not bad ah how do I feel about this yeah I think this is fine I wanted it to be bad it's a little little cluttered come on this wires are getting a little bit out of control we can sort this out come on why is everywhere come on left-handed as well I just feel like the wire management could have been much better where's the baguette Church they don't just store baguettes in France there's more manga behind some of them in the picks I know I have to work on my cable management that's a mess let this be a message to you to get your cable management sorted I think this is the seven honestly this is seven I'm a fashion student horde and fabric and clothes how does one keep everyone clean whilst crawling through assignments does it have to look like you've killed someone in the room now why oh God oh God oh God what is this cleanest twitch viewer no there's so much [ __ ] what is the point in having this this uh this draw here or this thing to do your makeup if you can't even access it this picture is horrific I'm sorry this is a three oh okay oh damn oh oh damn I love the lighting dude I feel like this is a fat PC case I feel like you should have gone with a taller one than have more desk space but I like it I like it I mean I feel like one monitor is a bit of a shame I know you have two here oh this is a wall monitor that's sick actually looks way a lot more unremarkable when you don't have the sick lighting actually yeah it looks way better when it's lit like that oh you just wanted to flex on the cable management God damn okay you know what I think because the the room is really small and they've managed to make a really nice room out of it really well cable managed everything is super well organized that's a 9.5 out of 10 for me I'm not giving it a 10. just I think that we can get we can go even further Beyond that's awesome good job what the [ __ ] Road you made this list what road what is this is that your PC what year are you living in Road are you watching this stream with dialer is it a sleeper PC it probably is all right you got the do you got the typewriter these walls are hideous man at least you have a permanent green screen in your room room all out of ten okay lighting like a serial killer dog and uh is it gen [ __ ] on a PC or something that's it okay it's literally it okay it looks like a police photo no no Live Leak 1p picture why is there two doors there's two doors I don't like it I don't like it this is such a weird Jesus no I don't like it no I don't like this it's a three out of ten wore me all took around three days to paint and the skeleton is a reference to an old Swedish Christmas TV series it was called I'm not even gonna try and pronounce that yo that's kind of sick it is very cluttered though there is a lot going on I just saw the mouse pad is all the tequila Joseph mousepad the man has like no room for the mouse oh my God that's a seven I think I just don't know what's going on the mural is sick though actually this is a full-on weave room think of the amazing content I own anime merch I own an anime merch store as you can see I don't make any profit because I keep everything oh moly no that's so much smudge minus point for the engine no that's so much stuff off is this all again [ __ ] no it's not gentian what is this it's a light novel oh that's a dedication dude oh my God the Gojo Conan it's Everything feels extremely well organized they showed us one corner this is one chord what the [ __ ] I don't even know how to give this like this feels like a room you can't even live in if you walked into this room this is genuinely one of those rooms you walk into and you're just like okay right yeah no touching I think just for the sheer dedication and how well organized it is it's got to be a 9 out of ten there's no way this can be practical to live in but I'll give it a nine no no no no bro what are these curtains blocking this this is the Cheeto and the door meme this second I'm doing [ __ ] any more angles I just I love the desk right next to the toilet I'm gonna give it a 5 out of ten I did the curtains I can't give it any higher because of these makeshift curtains dude we have so many rooms to go to we're definitely gonna be able to get a part two out of this holy [ __ ] I didn't realize how long it would take to get through these rooms next up we have my editor the boss man himself mood end tv this is his streaming setup I hate that he streams from his kitchen show Marsh what is this monitor layout you're just leaning that against the wall I can't believe you headed here that's your desk why why do you work in the kitchen give me dinner right boys he makes very nice money he does well he does not need to live like this he chooses to live like this what the [ __ ] is this mood and Muna you have to move dude I I've I think I've spoke to mood on before I was like why do you have like a setup like this and he's like oh I'd rather just put all the money back into like the business I get you on the business to grow but God damn but a leg room wouldn't kill you it's a three out of ten I thought I was a penis thank God that's not a penis ah that is a male body pillow what the [ __ ] is this I love gaming I love gaming it's coach room your neck must be swollen I like the room though I mean it's a streamer room right this is this is this is a streamer room that's a butt plug isn't this the Yaki dearest thing oh there's a butt plug this monitor setup is atrocious though you've got to change this yeah also I just realized why do three gaming chairs what's going on you gotta explain these chairs for guests that makes sense I prefer to make my guests stand seven out of ten would be an 8 out of 10 if you sorted out this month on the setup this monitor setup is unacceptable I may like Miku what is this of hell foreign this is not a room this is a religious Shrine my question is how do you now add to this room if you get any more Miku figures where do they go I don't think you can add anything now oh no oh I hate those figures oh do you have like the the realistic doll looking figures I hate I see them all the time around I hate them imagine that you're like this is their house right trying to get in their room right oh hi sorry it's one of the it's one of the CFR who are coming down for dinner or not I just all right I don't mean to destroy ten thousand dollars with a meatballs I think it deserves a 10 out of 10. they've earned it I mean that room is insane look at this one okay so you said living in Hong Kong means living in a cave are you actually one kidding you actually this is actually tiny oh he's wearing the Killer Queen yoshuke oh that's so cute I'll give it a seven it's obviously like you're you're working with what you got kind of wish the things went just like strapped on the wall I'm not a fan of that but hey it does the job right Right image I wouldn't let me upload this pics for some reason entire room can light up with music ocean Vibes what's this okay it's not bad I don't know why you'd want to be in the ocean but sure I mean why not it's cozy I know no the foldable desk dude every single one of these figures is more expensive than the table no and the PS5 on the foldable tank oh my God it's another foldable table I like the ocean thing but why why the foldable tables man six out of ten girlfriend said the place was full of red flags tear it apart okay see the red flags I can see a few guns right next to the alcohol oh in the military having a gun next to a UK flag looks so weird you got the Union Jack guitar too yeah I see why she said this is full of red flags oh God this is a horrible PC setup four out of ten not great not really much going on but I respect it you know what I mean next up I spilled yogurt on myself no I can't believe we have someone from Ohio in the chat That's crazy dude what is this I want to know what this is so badly what is in here bootleg nessaco box no I hope no one lives in that 10 out of 10. all right let's go to the next one I'm a designer artist oh Lord that's nice wow that's aesthetic holy [ __ ] this is like all those tumblr pictures of rooms that you don't actually think are real and people say they live in them that is a nice aesthetic so much green and I love the wall color too it matches like everything the monitor not gonna lie kind of whack but I like this room a lot I think 9.5 I it clearly is a small room like you can tell there's not a lot of room but they've definitely made it feel cozy as heck I like it I have too much crap let's have a look yeah but all this crap on the floor no what is all this [ __ ] on here what the [ __ ] happened to your PC my PC temperatures are awfully high today I wonder why that is he's got a wrestling belt and Nerf guns five there's some good things out of some nasty things there actually no four I said like oh this is [ __ ] huge with barely anything in it it does feel like a hotel room a little bit Dasani really wow it's so em PTY nothing show me your bathroom too that's such a nice bathroom what the [ __ ] I want to give it higher but the room should be empty there's nothing in it five out of ten yo okay big TV I like the TV a lot I do not like the floor the floor tiled floor you sleeping in the kitchen dude Matt's cooking noodles in his bedroom no no what is the wall color what the f is this [ __ ] horrific why is it just one wall why is one of the walls green it's got a casting couch in there too is it nice though this is a nice setup what is this what the [ __ ] what happened here someone in chat said easy access to the first straw only and there's no top draw look at this dude's monitor he's playing everything in 140p dude oh my God nine out of ten this is a great room I love this room a lot it's the only set up not the room the setup is in the living room wow this is in the living room this man has six monitors eight monitors I don't even know what you you would do with all these screens I would just start trading stocks just because I feel like I'd have to I can already rate it but I mean it's cool it's very cool floor PC I'm I'm floppyc gang wow really well organized that is a lot of PS4 games holy [ __ ] JoJo's nice Vagabond this is a nice one so far oh that is aesthetically organized as well very nice I'm gonna say 9.5 that's about as good as it gets right recently renovated let's have a look yeah it does look like it's just recently been renovated it looks nice though very nice yeah I like this this is nice I feel like I'm looking at more of an apartment listing but the place is nice eight out of ten for the place out of my honest what is this what is it you mean a virtual room huh Cable Management dog [ __ ] quite frankly not do the same send it two out of ten all right I have too much stuff LOL Goji 86 I'll be the judge of that you like Godzilla I'm that's what I'm gathering right now that is a lot of Godzilla monsters too so I think he likes Godzilla oh oh oh damn okay just figuring out which of my viewers I need to focus on robbing like some of these rooms I can't picture the room like I see angles but it's not helping me visualize you have a lot of stuff I feel like you should give yourself a tiny bit of room but he's got the Wii so that is a plus seven out of ten you do indeed have too much stuff I'm inclined to agree with you nice TV very big little baby table for gaming what's this okay I'm getting like nine shot okay how many how many shots of the TV you're gonna send me I I get it I get it you like Hitman and you have a TV okay all right show me something else what a your little Pringles can just in the corner some kind of kind of Bueno balls he's got another zoomed in pick of it I thought this was a bedroom this feels like an indoctrination room no no why does that look so terrifying this looks like a liminal room I like the reclining chairs though this is nice I'm gonna give it six all right let's have a look at this one this is cozy nice green a lot of light cozy not too much stuff I'd say 7.5 I like that room that's a nice room I need a giant cupboard to cut out of Connor if I win can this be my I forgot I gotta pick a prize oh wow okay this is interesting boneless gang are you holding that with your feet that's disgusting why does it look like a murderer wrote this boneless gang you do not win you do not win just for the feet that's gross this is such a chaotic Corner the giant bear as well 8 out of 10. Coast koi this name sounds familiar okay nice although I wonder if you turn the lights on it looks like [ __ ] that's kind of nice oh [ __ ] is it the koi thing yo that's sick that's an awesome fish tank oh that's like a vertical fridge that's sick I like the bed sheets the wall I like the bad I like the LEDs under the bed too yo that's a very nice room this is one of my favorites so far yo he's got the PC case that has the thing on it [ __ ] I want that [ __ ] I really like this room it's really nice it's chill single pillow though 9.5 would be a 10 if you had four pillows this is very tight nice kaneki figure that is a creepy doll I hate stickers so much so just seeing stickers on the wall freak me no no no no around the nav poster too this is a child you're bullying how is it bullying they submitted the room they knew what was gonna happen tell me a child can afford a 200 kaneki figure get the [ __ ] out of here they have a PewDiePie photo as well two out of ten because of the stickers it smells really good okay let's see about that that's clean very clean indeed chat don't we think so this Cable's I don't really like that we should we should try and put them in the back maybe crucifix above the oh yeah there's a crucifix I guess they believe in Jesus and Anime titties apparently it's a nice room you took a very good photo of the room as well so not the wise a little bit 8.5 out of 10. you have the body pillow of Mega Min and you also believe in Jesus it feels like a dichotomy but hey you do you alright Cable Management could be better I like the mic setup your fly swatter how many flies do you have in your room pull up bar that you probably use once a year and you think there was a great idea to install maybe you pull up once a day at most I've been there dude what's going on here did you not make your bed there's like four different colored sheets here what's going on and you have like a machete on the wall that's a nice touch the fly swattage isn't working toilet ensuite and you have a walk-in closet damn dude this is like a nice space Everything feels random weirdly that bean bag looks like it's been used to Oblivion as well I'm thinking six all right question is chat today what was the best and worst room we think we saw out of the first nine pages that we went through you think the Miku Shrine was the best one that was a room that was a room for sure this is insanity what is the value of all the Miku stuff you own God forbid one earthquake and you need to get out of this room fast because holy you will not be able to open the door oh meets 39 if you're ever in the chat please tell me how long you've been collecting this for and how much money you spent on this because this feels insane oh you've been 10 years okay answer's one of my questions thank you very much but I think the worst room at least the other room right the kaboo room that room that room had no chance of ever succeeding this is a normal room and this dude just let it go to waste what is River 713 if you want I will buy you a state-of-the-art trash can of your choosing quite frankly a reset button you just have to promise I will buy you a vacuum a nice nice Dyson on the one condition you don't [ __ ] wear shoes in here if you ever own a Dyson chat the ship makes you want to vacuum straight up you just become a vacuum fanatic the [ __ ] is magical cat to show you all it takes look at this it's just so easy amazing what a great product and it's super lightweight it's awesome I hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy make sure to subscribe to the content YouTube channel that helps out and it's free and if you want to come watch these streams live make sure to go and follow me on Twitter TVA where I do all these things lives and you can have your name right here bye [Music]
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 1,075,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, room, rating, review, viewer
Id: Dyxe6B3YpIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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