Japan $1000 Crane Game Challenge Ft. @ludwig

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I am back once again in my favorite crane Game Spot in Japan to challenge the man himself Ludwig it's going good are you excited to lose to me today I'm in your country to beat your ass because I think we're 1-1 all time we are one woman it's the rubber match I have a strategy this time what is the strategy I'm not gonna tell you okay you idiot all right you imbecile trees all right well good luck hey best man win absolutely in the last episode of Connor's wacky crane game Adventures I destroyed didus and this time it's time to face popular streamer Ludwig who nervously thinks he can beat me how's your Japanese no not bad if you want to scam this I won't mind yeah I can help we go up to a machine we play it once and then use samimasen for me we get enough prizes we just split this at the end and get food all right the whole crane game thing is going to be good well I think he might know what the people like I think knowing what people like to see is off the battle so I think if you are able to figure that out oh he's dropping things everywhere I realize the strategy to to this is not getting the most it's not getting the best it's just getting what people on Twitter like and who controls Connor's Twitter but a one iron Mouse so I'm gonna send her a DM and I'm gonna ask her what are cool things that she likes in a crane game five hours later we've got your money yeah drive already happens like I don't even know which ones I have I have so many of them now that I don't even know anymore that is Gmail mofusando this is really popular right now so how's your day been uh I just woke up and then after you watching you you do this for like 20 minutes so fair enough it's not the first crane game long time viewers will remember this one simply get the hand in the square and it'll push your prize out however it needs to be pretty precise first print game we didn't get this in one huh I'm also dumb and forgot to turn the mic on so there'll be bad audio for a little while I always have such funky music hey just had a couple questions what's up I don't have any questions I just wanted to see what you're doing this video is sponsored by boxu Sakura season is here and for a short while in spring pink cherry blossoms bloom all over Japan people gather for anime picnic celebrations under the Charities where they drink tea eat Sacro flavored snacks and share stories and celebrate that box who has come out with their limited time Sakura box and if you didn't already know boxer delivers the experience of tasting authentic Japanese snacks candies and teas sourced directly from centuries old small family businesses right to your door and as I just mentioned they have their very own Sacra themed box for this month and let's open this bad boy oh it always sneaks up on me like that this is Sakura's story this box and I just gotta say isn't that the most beautiful thing you've ever seen I have here a Sakura Mochi wow that is smooth oh was beautiful and refreshing I'm gonna steal the entire supply of the boxes we have in the office I've been living in Japan now for over three years and I never see these types of snacks these are definitely one of a kind so if you want to have your very own Sakura celebration at home and support my channel click that link in the description down below and use coupon code Seadog 15 to get 15 off your very first box of order yeah the thumb the thumb s oh this is dope vending machine Kirby if it looks good though you know it's going to be hard I believe the strategy to these is pushing him down smart all right yeah that did nothing that did nothing and Ludwig begins to learn the hard way meanwhile it didn't take me long to get right back into it why do you dance like that I think he got one yeah he's dancing okay oh my God no no he's just dropped all the coins oh no don't laugh at me this is a high school bullying moment you're like uh one of those Nat Geo photographers there's like an atrocity and you're like I have to capture it I'm gonna get to change someone that was actually pretty cute that one's actually cute I thought I lost so I just I just said I'm worried this is stupid I think I fell for the number one thing you're not supposed to do at an arcade which is go for the prettiest biggest ticket item this is dumb I'm being dumb we're being dumb all right let's go win let's go win oh oh this one's not limiting one per person all right let's go to the next one and I'm less than twenty dollars I'd secured two figures already meanwhile Ladwig is still on his first prize he's beautiful all right let's see how heavy it is oh that's a great position honestly seemed like a me error more than the claw being bad man this place only has big ticket items that's kind of stressful oh that's nice oh let's go first to me my son and one sumimus and later Lotto was feeling a little more confident approaching it with a new plan I'm gonna grab it on this side so that when it falls it'll release on the left side and then roll here oh tough luck this is such a stupid video oh oh oh get in get in that that should count for a dub it's uh and another swim lesson part of me thinks it's going down here and just go but it'll close I'm gonna trust my gut you stopped it pushing who's your favorite chainsaw main character why I don't want to do that thing to me listen I I I can explain okay I can't it's exactly what it sounds like but that's not the point the point is that you should keep watching the video and move on yeah I'm dead you're weird I bet there's two seconds of the raising oh what oh oh wow hey that's so cool oh okay it looks like it just went back to where it was [Music] okay more often than not big ticket items are on these crane games you have to push this box all the way down to the bottom and it's yours however the surface is a little bit sticky oh nice come on oh this is progress It's been quiet around here for a while this is it no but it seemed that Ludwig had a good plan Cinema roll this is for iron Mouse okay I'm seeing a problem here that dude is bigger than the crane it looks like a good Pole I think the one thing that was super successful was the tag Gambit see look if I can get that tag right there a little bit too far okay that was good though like a quarter of it why do you say quarter of an inch when you don't use inches [Music] when did you start saying that I've never stopped that why did you just say that now all right man tell me about Fahrenheit what else is alive I'm trying to relate to my American audience a quarter of an inch am I right now maybe go for the heads because the head's bigger apart right I think their head's bigger I I'm still kind of a like interested in this tag Gambit trust me the tag is a bait always just goes the normal way I think if I were just able to get it in any sort of consistent way like even in like 20 tries and then I go up to them they'll give it to me right and it feels like I'm close to it oh there we go it's nice oh yeah I know it's always going to do the lift down and then drop at the top I'm just worried it'll straighten it out look that's better she's moved it his ass is now on the barrier yeah that is true I wonder if there's a percentage of ass on the barrier that permits them helping me push it in the ask the barrier ratio yeah they like come out with like a ruler foreign [Applause] [Applause] I think now I just lift up from the head like Center and hope it just lifts and flops in yes oh maybe more left that's fine oh that was great actually that was great oh I hope it doesn't pick it up by the legs here oh oh yes this is one spy fully swapped over now I need saikuno and specifically we gotta find this guy who else Laduke was trying to win with clout I was trying to win with popular anime shows so I went for the power figure like other machines you simply need to drag this box off the top platform but in actuality it turns out the tag is really rigid and we can use the sides of it to pull it even more so we're going to use that strategy to get it much quicker you've got the power keep doing that oh her breasticles are really big that's not right because she's supposed to be flat with padding I think oh yeah right pattern [Music] it was crazy the scratch actually seems to be working okay this is stupid I think it's because the box is really light all right this is first ikuno my uh business partner front and lover no not even deep enough I'm getting it from the head Fest that could be good oh I'm gonna keep going only because I have a hope and a dream of maybe hooking that you see how like nice it is so if I could align and then I can go like here maybe it can slip in oh I was very close and Ludwig gets another sumimasen but I was inches away from getting a new figure oh this is slowly starting we're just going like temperature nice that's kind of good free games are not fun they're defeating because this now costs more than the big one I think so oh I just don't understand what they want from me I missed the tag [Applause] [Music] you got some gems I'm gonna count this for my prizes all right yeah this one has samples so remember earlier when Ludwig dropped all of his coins on the floor yeah that is such a stupid thing to do this is 100 Instant Karma and over fifty dollars later Ludwig was still making zero progress all right first ikuna Focus believe in the heart of the cards [Music] oh he's getting stronger the machine if the machine gets max strength I might go for all three all right buddy come on that's good that's good it never works sorry for the audio changing all of a sudden I've got to turn my mic on what a good YouTuber huh oh this is working it looks like it went back [Music] oh my goodness the guy just saved me like twenty dollars of course after winning I had to go and gloat a little bit oh oh how's it going over there how many prizes do you have sure I hate this challenge why it's miserable you thought you would beat me I will beat you how many prizes you got one oh I got like five okay well good luck he doesn't know my strategy it's not about the quantity or the quality it's about bribing humans everything in our capitalist world's about that and then go to the back left neck of the head that way it goes over this way and forward I feel like I have this one well if you don't get into then uh well this is gonna take more than two because it's one of the pushing ones [Music] machine is a rather rare one the ball is kind of suspended by two poles and you need to drag the ball all the way to the end so it'll drop through so you get your prize that's kind of easy though oh I might as well just get it I may as well just get it oh you need three if you remember what happened last time these ones are deceptive right because this is like I think the perfect machine for them because the first few goes you'll have you'll make a lot of progress and then you just suddenly want mechanic that'll go it'll be really bad yeah because it wants to be in the middle which is kind of where it is right now but look now so it'll do less now I think okay maybe this one is just easier like I oh perfect turns out I'm just a liar and this one was super easy so easy in fact the next she says that it's an easy machine right there what wow we got that in four dollars that's cute right it is it's a Lolita cinnamon I like her Bonnet otter is cute the nondescript otter it doesn't seem like its ass can fit through this though but it does have a little bit of progress so you know what I can go for the otter so my strategy right now is get the crane on his head and just kind of massage it towards the barrier I feel like if I get the head below I can be like samima saying it's stuck and then they'll be like oh you should have it moving that's kind of good oh definitely going in no no no no let's go further right it just it bounces back perfectly every time all right let's go for one more nudge to the left that might be good yes I think this is it I think this is it serious maybe I go for the scrape again that's a good pet push let's go first to be missing of course Ludwig needed another sumimasen meanwhile I had spotted some cute prizes that's so slow as well only issue is I'm seeing right now is that this is painfully slow the gray being slow is not normally an issue but when we're trying to spend a lot of money it being slow is super annoying you know what's really cute though I don't think you saw it in Hokkaido but it's the long-tailed tit it's like a fluffy white snowball marshmallow looking bird definitely did not see that maybe go for the one on the left side that's a great grip that is here we go this oh [Music] oh this is the grip of the century nope damn it um come on oh I'm getting bullied so if you want balls Marlene no boy do I have some I have no use for those can you actually cry on command no have you ever tried yes why to act like voice acting Act or like on whoa did you see that I'm so big brain whilst I was busy trying not to force myself to cry the staff came over to help me well I I assume we must end [Applause] oh hey easy enough easy enough not bad all right hopefully cutie you like this guy it's for you I got big influencers all right this is this is like when a new video game comes out what do they do they get everybody to play Apex Legends they get everybody to play OverWatch too and then you as a viewer find out about it same exact idea I'm getting all these people presents I'm gonna give it to them I'm gonna tell them about the Twitter poll they're gonna be like Ludwig got me this their viewers will vote it's marketing okay if I'm able to get six influencers I think we crushed the Twitter poll I thought it was too busy bribing to actually play the crane games but I was still failing I'm not gonna lie they didn't really help that much yeah okay dude still here and a few tries later this happened surprises huh oh wow oh my God I did it oh my God you see that it bounced nice oh we got it finally oh this guy is kind of famous he's pretty tight but he's also so deep cut it's like a one-off villain let's see how hard it is all right off rip very hard and of course two seconds in Ludwig's we must end blood keepers are you a big fan of the mudkips no it was trendy what 15 years ago it's still trendy to this day Maylene come on on a scale of one to ten how big of a Pokemon fan are you I'd say a six I love the games but I don't play them as often or as much as other people do maybe they push it down I'm I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm fundamentally misaligned with the success of this machine [Music] it's bad for the goose bad for the gander this is hard I'm just gonna get the whole machine to push every single plushie has a tag on it and 90 of the time it's a complete waste of your time however sometimes this happens you pushed it further no what what are you serious he's insane did you see that I'm like this is why this is why my new shop isn't this cute it's pretty cute these machines are as easy as pull to the left pull to the right pull to the left pull to the right and get it in the green hole every time indeed it is Ludwig and you just pull to the right so I can get this in 10 hits there's a spy X family one I think I get that there's a chainsaw man I think I get that I ask every friend I have if they like that I find three I say hey I'll get you this prize I lied I had the prize but I you got it and that's worth something although my strategy sound of getting influencers volume will matter of influencers and whilst I was filming at the arcade of fan actually spotted me and they had quite the hole themselves hi how you doing oh really oh hell yeah dude hopefully you win a ton of stuff I got your favorite you got a ram yeah and I have a shark it's a hard one nice nice well good luck with the rest man good luck what is this this is a love disc oh it's a Pokemon it's a Pokemon this is the ugliest thing I've ever seen it looks disgusting like if you stabbed it like like nasty stuff would come out are you stabbing no the way it looks no idea what goes on amazing dude I have put this in the corner and it's made my life 10 times harder the clothes physically cannot go that far it's not giving you any loving [Applause] you got to be locked up yeah you gotta go to jail Marlene you gotta you gotta cut that out your lips are just so nasty why are you hanging on it look at the lips beautiful lips why do you hate it so much so ugly it's like disgusting like most the animal videos I watch that look like this are disgusting no dude I have fish and I have to know like I of course end you know it's not the most helpful thing in the world but it does reset it and let's just get on our way yeah this is it this is it this is literally every shark this is every corner we can possibly grab onto itself the other way we want to just try and hopefully drag it over now this point that's kind of the hope and the prayer that we have we're close we're so close we're so close are you gonna stab it maybe we should try what do you reckon let's do one stab no no your stuff and although I was winning a ton of prizes it seemed that Ludwig was also getting some of his own little okay focus focus focus nice oh hell yes hell yes I don't know who likes Dragon Ball yet but someone does we have one problem though I told Valkyrie I was asking for her favorite anime so I could get her an anime figurine I gave up on the one piece figurine because it sucks but then she messaged me oh my gosh I wanna see in all caps I feel like I have to get it now so we have to play that game maybe I go all the way left and then like this and then it pushes it down no okay yeah one more of those more of those you don't understand the Stress and Anxiety I was having thinking about having to bring it from here all the way down it was like I could see my coins draining it's not even about the coins it's about the morality too yeah that's it that's it yes Valkyrie I didn't fail you I didn't quit on you rob Lucci hopefully you like him he's hot he's hot and sometimes some Plushies are just so cute you have to go back I'll just take this one yes I was like you should get the cat thank you it is it is it is very cute that's why we're going for it my main concern with this one is you see the head here really big and I'm worried that it might cause a lot of difficulties when trying to is it better just to move the head first for sure for sure that's what we're going for I think we're good I think this is a good strategy while that claw goes deep Jesus doesn't move it much yeah it moves you moved you can do it oh go for its left cheek like facial cheek like this yeah I think that's good they keep moving it over and then you got it very close now come on surely dude this is It's Hot and sometimes you need to cut your losses although I am really bad at that so I decided to move to the other machine which hit the exact same prize I feel like I've got it stuffed let me just put one coin in here let me see how if I get a much better start on this one yeah I think I've got this one stuck yeah this is so much better I like I think I pushed him in the wrong way yeah [Music] oh it's pretty tough huh it's pretty stiff this is really hard I'm realizing just how hard this one is oh oh no [Music] I gotta flip it but how the problem is I need to somehow get this fat toast head through the poles and luckily for me I know just how to do that she did it for you to get it in mundo that was an accident what did you think you oh I'll just waste it I'll just waste it I'll just waste it oh well maybe it'll push down no no no and I immediately ruined the setup she gave me you undid her I'm so damn work I'm just gonna I'm gonna write for his back go forth bud you will get it right on the track oh okay now it's good how could its foot do that why is he holding on for G alive just let me have you let me love you turned out this cat plus you did not want to let me love him cool I know this is painful I'm so sorry you're getting paid to do this watch me cry and after a few struggles this finally happened you want to touch all right oh it is it's not that soft but it's cute and Ludwig was feeling rather peckish Pringles everybody knows them everybody loves them best flavor on Earth sour cream and onion and the game seems easy I might be getting baited but watch this [Music] that was a hundred Yen let's get every flavor that's it that's it 600 Yen three Pringles are you kidding me this one's harder that flavor I think getting a Kirby and then throwing like a strong zero in there that's a delight doing pretty well though all right big lifts massive just go set her see if I can lift him up by the gooch I mean yeah come on and luckily for Ludwig the staff are feeling kind enough to count that as a win okay devastating news it's not a real can I thought it was a container for like one aluminum can like a little fridge but no and after I saw Ludwig was starting to catch up to me I had to change gears Roderick won one of these I'm gonna get this despite Ludwig because I know he wanted to win it and if I win it he'll be triggered I like how it has a crown but the scooping of it looks intense nice very slow it's all though yeah I'm not really sure what the Strat is here because it's so large let's pray that we get this one because I really want to rub it in Ludwig's face but he sucks it looks like a Shao long bow it doesn't like a shallow bro a delicious one it's so chunky and after a few attempts I gotta Sumi messen and try it again my prayer is that if we pick it up and it's leaning towards this side that when it falls it'll fall towards the side it isn't really only need another semi muscle I'll catch a break can I come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] you don't get this oh my goodness I got four percent left on my GoPro I need to get it I don't even think this is the right strap I think the way I just I'm actually trying to do this is it's wrong oh my God what do they just accept College maybe I should just pay her money this might be it actually finally come on this is this is the one here you go wow but I finally got it I don't exactly know how the machine works this feels like I'm I'm it's like I've walked into a w ow I'm being stupid unless this is like one of those machines that looks like you're about to get it but you never get it 300 Yen for that all right let's keep it rolling I've already seen that ladoo is starting to get the hang of this Shiba Inu but that's also evaluated who I got the one piece thing for if you get her two prizes you might be extra grateful I might get her the shiba inu and then give Hassan also like one piece oh there you go there you go [Music] [Applause] that might work or am I not do anything at all I think maybe I go from the left side and one so we must end later all right let's try a strategy out go to the back I mean honestly I feel like if I whisper it's gonna fall yes hope your dog's a Shiba Inu and if I'm wrong not bad the Mario good on the head wow oh my God I hate my life how do I do this how do I always do this how do I just try to exist and I have this happen I'm gonna try this I'm gonna try and drag him use the claws Center of mass which makes no sense I'm just saying words to pull him okay he didn't move that's fine I think I don't know what I'm doing that's good that's good it's not just the way the claw is oriented is like making it actually I think harder I'm gonna try and grab it this side I think intuitively you don't want to but I think this is the play I think it'll spin that way I know this sounds insane but I think this is how you do it and I'll try and do a traditional clean grab let's see what happens [Music] this is just turned off it was like all right now now you can win all right yay though all right this will be before uh for my girlfriend this is for Cutie the Otter's gonna go to Doug Doug who raised like a million dollars for an otter sanctuary [Music] thinking okay [Music] I I got I think enough to get this oh okay now I think I just grabbed it from the head yes that's it yeah dude I got good at this and with my last remaining money I wanted to try and get a good prize oh train saw man flush oh my God [Music] oh and it wasn't awful but it wasn't it also wasn't good let's see if this works trying to like flip him I don't know though oh he's heavy he's got some junk in that truck I might not even get this I've only got a how many uh hey that was good that's good that's great you'll totally get it now I think the way it's balanced I'm gonna get his butt I'm gonna scoop his butt along yeah oh this is gonna be a beautiful scoop oh what is that oh yes I'm good and with only three coins left I had to try and get makima I'm ride or die let's go Maxima fantastic start I think yeah and the first claw was a fantastic grab oh please okay here we go yay second one was also a strong one oh my God this is the Fan's dreams the positioning why is she like that I got this I have two more turns and I got this and with one final coin left I had just messed it up no no what have I done I've ruined it also I thought was this your last one I have one more did you see that yeah dude whoa you got them both now well how was your first Cranium experience Connor it wasn't very fun I would have loved to have been there for an hour we were there for three and a half hours problem is is that you don't get many prizes especially you can you explain to me how does this work like how do we know who wins the audience is gonna judge on Twitter like a poll like a poll oh wow so anyone could vote in the poll anyone could vote anyone anyone could reply to the poll anyone can reply anyone could retweet the poll yeah you could Retreat and say you could be like all vote for me yeah anyone could well I think that your audience is like mine yeah there's a lot of crossover they troll I think if you ask them to vote they they might vote you they might not yeah and they might troll for sure I couldn't rely on my audience you say it like that nothing so here's the first item it's actually the last item I received it's Maria from the Aristocats and I got it as a gift from my girlfriend cutie Cinderella very big in size yeah very good firm was the point well the QD just likes cats and she likes Disney so this is a cat from a Disney thing yeah I guess it's fine I won this and uh yeah I don't really care for this but I want it how'd you know how do I know what laundry what do you mean how do I know that how did you know that I failed to get that item I spent 3 000 hours in dollars trying to get it and I I quit I saw you playing it and then I noticed later on you didn't have it and I thought oh you're quite funny if I went and got it how'd you get it it was so hard to get just gotta get good I put in so much at one point they literally put it on the edge like this and I I choked and you walked away yeah uh next item oh cinnamon rolls cinnamon roll so I actually got a DM from a good friend of mine no way Iron Mouse who said that she would love a cinema roll gift and so I got the biggest one in the entire store for her so this is for iron Mouse this is for you this is your Cinema roll very big the biggest one in the entire Place yeah I was gonna get this but then I saw you'd already won it and I thought wow can't be biting all my I just sent a two right because I surely got one for me a good friend what are you trying to win here nothing I'm not trying to win anything I won a giant you know because the Superman movie was coming out a giant toad what do you marketing executive why are you selling the movie to people right now what's going on so you don't have this no I don't have a mushroom you don't have head guys so no head sure no head isn't this cute it is cute I saw I walked by it I was like this is fun but they have these all over the States you probably felt that like you fell on fell on this one and you don't want to go for another round object that would you know give you a lot of trouble you know this is the baby one right like these are goated items yeah these are like little baby items no these are the goats beautiful items all right let me show you my next one okay so my mind's supposed to be blown it should be blown because this is actually a gift to my friend saikuno oh yeah yeah I sent him a message I asked him his favorite character and he said keropi so I got him this and I want to admit and he's gonna receive it when I go home so this is for you saikuno worth noting if you're also a fan of saikuno uh vote for me in the play next stop I have this very cute cat loaf okay it's actually kind of cute come on is that not the cute that's very cute right why are you hold them like I just I just stop holding like that oh you're holding it like you're Tom Brady I like how yeah I like them I like it I'm gonna put these down well next up classic from the country of Japan and also a good gift from my good friend Valkyrie Ray okay a Shiba Inu because she has a Shiba Inu herself oh wow that's cute so I got a Shiba Inu to match actually pretty much the same size it's almost life-sized to a Shiba Inu I reached out to her I asked her what she would want from the arcade in exchange for maybe her tweeting out the pool what's up dming these people oh did I not tell you I dm'd every single influencer I knew I asked him what their favorite anime was I got an item for them and then in exchange they're going to reply to the poll oh that's uh influencer marketing yeah influencer marketing yeah that's small you might have to figure out a new strategy outside of this Twitter poll thing because I think I kind of solved it here uh what do you got maybe your eyes make your items juicy enough that your viewers all voted Mass I think that you can fight influence with love specifically everybody's favorite Pokemon no when I think about Pokemon I think love disc do you no you know love disc notoriously has the lowest base stats of any Pokemon it's really bad thought bought love right no yeah so that's corny it's a 2d plush look because when you do like I'll go let's talk this looks like you bro sideways is your fat ass sticking out your dumb ass head this is a great plush feel the quality oh man oh geez oh where is the stuffing look they forgot to fill it this is you you so if we go to film I'm just saying this is a pool plush that's a nice one yeah nothing shouts no hoes like having a love discount all right what else do you have then I got something real good you know the streamer Doug Doug raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for otters so I got this otter plush to give to him uh in exchange for one simple reply to a Twitter poll wow are you gonna fit all this in your suitcase I was hoping you could ship information you want me to ship it to the influencers to then vote against you know what people love and are willing to put more money down for than other centuries that's the best well I will say I actually like Ambrose because Ambrose is carried a ludlock from you before go to Pokemon and very good plush it's not a plush it's like a cause like this is like a like a yeah because it's cheap no you know no one's playing royalties out 20. yeah royalties out it's just weird that they they really didn't cheap out on the love disc that's really insane like weirdly great quality but nobody's home in the London so they should have done that for the Amber this should have been twice the size here's my next one and this is for my good pal slime on the yard it is actually a vending machine Kirby I didn't realize that's what it was and I thought that you could put one can inside of it and it would have been way better yeah really cool and you know when you say it like that it's so cute as cute as the love disc a rat you don't like Pokemon I do love Pokemon I don't like it I do I do I just like it not that much I thought it was Raichu and then I got it and I realized this isn't right you you don't even know its name all right next up for you I got something pretty spicy here now the cool thing about this it cost me 300 Yen this I feel like is worth thirty dollars it is a giant plush you're just paying for stuffing that's like two cents worth of stuffing this Stitch job the die like like okay okay what are you doing what is this from ah it I'm glad you asked this is a penguin from the same exact universe as cinnamon roll no no it's from Sunny Sanrio what is this his name's tuxedosan you ask Mouse who this is mouse knows yes I could know who this is who's this fool this one's for me baby the other thing about it is you got to do something for you oh yeah these are all for me oh this one's definitely for me because this is just cute I just like sometimes you get lonely here in the poned desk and I like hugging my tuxedo sign just resting up on his bosom all right I'm gonna pay you through the next one you don't like Pokemon that much I do love animal this is not wait where's the phone call again you don't even know it's very nice but the only thing I'll Grant you is this is the first plush you've brought me that's actually feels good I've lied about every other one oh oh dude this is sick I thought this was awesome and it's nice tuxedo Sun gaps all four of your mod no they don't fit inside tuxedos they could but uh you know what I think that reminds me of you why why bro this little piggy bro all right happy to admit that I am done with my plushes I've moved on from plush Central I figure occasionally people don't like blushes yeah yeah it's true this will blow your mind because I know you've been reading okay so you tell me who this is oh that is uh uh Rob Lucci from one piece I don't think I've met this fella yet wait yes you definitely have what Arc does he come in uh water oh it's this guy he didn't look the swag in the show yeah because he was the tiger guy mostly yeah yeah right yeah yeah I mean it looks all right it's tight here's the thing about Rob Lucci he's hot and you know who loves hot guys and one piece Hassan oh oh so this is a gift for Hassan next up I have a mud kit everybody's favorite starter Pokemon the golden s tier startup I don't want to be mean bro I don't you're gonna make me mean you know what I remember seeing how are you seeing you having a hard time trying to get it and maybe giving up I did sit at the Mudkip machine for a bit and then I gave up for two reasons one I thought to myself who wants in Pokemon two Connor already has this and then three sadly I wanted to get something for Alfred but I failed so oh maybe I should hit him up no no that's my strap bro another figure I think he's one of the baddest in all of anime one of the greatest father yeah Piccolo Piccolo's great why are you dogging pickle can you open this up sure it's gonna look like ass I bet why are you doing it like that what do you this is a gift I don't want to ruin my gifts I'm going to give it to the baddest MF or I know because this is the baddest I'm ever I know will Neff okay he's been Dragon Ball fan I hope so it looks so amazing I feel like it looks fun am I crazy it looks fine fine it looks good in my stuff it's not as detailed all right well I've also had to get my had to pay my mouse tax and I got a cinema roll Lolita costume which is a something that Mouse also likes small it was small but quality yours is missing half the phone I couldn't see any in the ears because her ears are floppy okay they're also nice to the brain filled to the brim look at that also cute is this not cute this is cute one more figure maybe and this one's the nicest figure it's actually incredibly nice it's for myth yeah from Hit anime chainsaw man oh what happened to your box there buddy uh so yeah I guess my good friend meth uh oh okay he doesn't follow me on Twitter he's we're good friends he doesn't know that you're friends creepy to say then we are great friends okay for sure yeah because I'm going to give him this right get his vote Pringles oh you got scanned wait why it cost me 500 you should open it up so take them away yeah and then one and two yeah and oh that's it wait this is still not a scam there's a there's a like 200 yen each I paid 500 for both oh oh oh oh that is not bad do you like the cheese flavor I've never had in my life well we should try this I already know the cheese ones taste like so I'm good no I'm good I insist I I really it's rude to refuse I will eat one over here it's not very good can you be a machima noodle stopper there I like makima a lot I respect that you put people who abuse their power into glorified positions like I respect that about you I certainly do anime real life point is I I can now stop my noodles with an abusive power what do you have what do you have that can top a noodle stopper I have something that tops any item you could bring okay so do you think that's your best item I wouldn't say sorry bring to me your best item because I don't want to reveal this if you don't have your best everything I have a solid from here on all right show me where you go okay what is that you don't know this is a gacha ball I paid 1 000 Yen for this the things that could be inside of this are as follows McDonald's gift card data boxu gift card okay a Nintendo switch or the new Pokemon game okay it could be worth up to 20 000 Yen yeah okay well it could be garbage inside you're supposed to give the gatrapon back you know yeah I didn't know that you got a keychain put 10 bucks for a keychain it's a mirror you got a keychain mirror well Connor where's my Nintendo switch no no you spent ten dollars on a gacha it's random but I thought it had to be one of the prizes on the left oh you thought it had to be yeah did you actually think that yeah no well look look it's supposed to work like this right right the mirror that you're for your finger yeah okay well that's fine so should we go into the good prices do you have nothing left no I I I got a lot back here okay all right I got a lot what's better than two chainsaw man I don't have any three chainsaw man Q pass kits suck they're not my favorite they remove all personality in in charm I got this in like two dollars I would say that you should have to be paid to keep a coupon Escape show me something that you have that's good they can beat all of this what the that why did you take the getcha home and inside is a treasure of sweets plus a holding stand for this which is the stars in the sky so sort of junk yummy junk well you know what's better than three chainsaw man power the anime figure that's a good figure as well that's a nice one I like power and I have the power to beat you with this so you gotta have something good to compete with all these great figures that I've got surely that's mine you should pick that up from my previous no do you have nothing left no I uh I actually have some I actually that's also mine you have nothing left we've already okay so you've nothing left okay well that's fine I have one more thing you're looking around my stuff okay wow all right well let's keep the train going also another JoJo figure of White Snake I don't even if I have room for all my figures actually they're kind of getting in the way if you could hear yourself out loud you would create I don't know if that's a problem I don't have enough room for all my figures you know because I have every chainsaw main character I should round it out with an ackee plush right I should get a whole gang together stop eating the one dollar candies it cannot be good but also I don't want Aki to be alone right I couldn't just get one chainsaw man plush I had to get macyma the goat machines not the goat she's the goat she's not the goat betraying her friends just being kind of a horrible person still the goat though my collection is better if you're a fan of friendship my collection's better if you like supporting people in your life it doesn't matter what you say what matters is what people are going to decide at home you've seen all the plushes now so go to Twitter right now and decide who you think won this one personally I think I know one but it's not up to me it's up to you guys at home so please make sure to vote then do me a favor tell every single person who I named in this video in a simple tweet just ask them did you like your gift yeah that's fine did you like it and then did you wish that Connor couldn't get it yeah yeah that's actually a great question do you wish Connor thought of you so yeah I mean you guys at home you guys can decide who you think won I mean it's pretty obvious so go to Twitter and vote let's uh let's let's put the owl back in Ludwig thank you for watching each die Connor die good [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,275,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Crane Games, UFO Catcher, Ludwig, Ludwig Japan, Connor, CDawg, CDawgVA
Id: GNaey9c3D_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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