[ASMR] Welcome to the Magical Gringotts Bank! [English-Type Accent]

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hello everybody before we start I just wanted to let you know that I'm having a merch giveaway on my Twitter account all you have to do is follow my twitter at twitter.com/zeromd can select a winner on September 15 there's actually two winners and you'll be able to pick whatever item you want from my merch store so go to twitter.com slash GB official tender let's stop there for a moment and before you progress any further I'm going to need to use this probity probe on you don't panic oh dear you're new to the whistling well don't you well don't worry a purty probe it's very painless simply me - why you bet over you a bit in order to detect any concealment spells or hidden magical objects that's all it's just for your safety and mine thank you all right stand very still okay you seem to be alright come on well welcome to green ants the most important stop on your list of errands today I said you were founded by gringo himself back in 1747 but that doesn't mean much to you does it green got was a goblin as are many of the problems people you see working here today I myself am about quarter called them quarter elf caught which and then the other quarter were not quite sure what were made up of but um yes my ancestors were very open so since this is your first time at degree knots I might learn to know that you have chosen that the right bank considering you to see only Wizarding bank I hope that you enjoy our services so let's have a sit and go over what I can do for you start from the very beginning where we know first of all that I would like to assure you that we are the safest place in the Wizarding World some people tell you that sock words but I beg to differ and well we've never had a break in the except for time - in 1990s but we don't talk about that and besides the second Wizarding war was just a great big mess we since move us all that and we claimed our title as safest bank I would say this place inland sitting lot so feel free to leave objects you want with us enjoy your time here we can do deposits with trolls I can exchange your money do you have any visiting money no none to your names that's fantastic don't worry about the thing it should bring some pounds with you perfect I'll be able to take those and exchange them for some galleons and politicals and connotes I've lost you alright let me get a sample of each one okay here we are not now this is virtually useless very small okay and this is just pocket change you only use these in very particular shops that like to charge you down to the last cut okay but I do assure you that using visiting money is much easier since you have the spells to do all the calculations and the shop keepers they they don't like to mess around with muggle money so you don't really have a choice next we have the sickle this is made of silver it's not to mention cannot use copper silver sickle and then finally actually using the most in the galley paper money mogul money it's far too easy to replicate so but make sure that you're only getting your money especially the galleons that leprechaun gold it's it's far too close to a witch or Wizards I to really be able to tell so I only get your galleons from here because we can tell the different experts of course all right so you'll need to open a bank account with us and then if you need to open in Fault we can do that as well a bank account we will keep track of your money and essentially the idea of your money all of the Canucks are stored in vault one these sickles in vault - and the galleons in vault 3 doesn't really matter to you all you need to know is we will keep record of how much you have to posted and if you need some at any time we will take from those faults and give to you that's very simple signup process it's not that hard however if you would like to open your own vault then you can keep your particular money in there along with any sort of valuables or invaluable so even a vault will cost a bit more money because we charge by the month take it straight out you hold so don't worry about thing that sound a bit better okay let me see I would start going to be different all right sealants detective artifacts photographs ones to documents really what have you need excuse me if you are storing any dark magical objects you will need to talk to my supervisor and fill out quite a bit of paperwork but there's not much that we won't take not much at all just have to fill out the necessary know dark magical objects yet okay let's see we thought in the low default you will be able to access these yourself with a key I'm gonna go in at any time yes so you don't need a goblin to come with you you could go in your vault do your business and very simple but again our lowest level of security that was not all security is better than under your mattress next security and that would be a bank vault that you need a goblin accompanying you down into the depths of the bank and depending on what's being stored inside and varying levels of security within and that lot security the Goblin will either need to swipe your finger or press a full palm on the door in order to get it that's if you have very rare expensive items a bit more cost but not Uganda we have our higher to highest security vaults um you can have it protected by dragons sinks and I will say with this thing since you've have to be a bit clever in the head because if you can't answer the question you won't be able to access your own item so I like to give a bit of an IQ test before you sign a Sphinx fault of anyone exactly all right and then if you want any more protection than that again I will have to refer you to my supervisor we can't give away all of our coats in fact I've told you quite a bit okay since we're bound by code you can't know everything that goes on underneath Gringotts you just have to put your trust I see well it seemed like to start off I'll sign you up with your own low security vault step higher then an account but you don't need a goblin coming down with you and you don't want one of us coming down to the bolts with you just to get some trifle objects all right but it's useful if you have Pisco objects I need a story let me get my quill not here yeah and if you open a low-security vault with us today they give you a free chocolate frog on the house have you tried one yet oh you'll have to open it for me it's a link and get your information all right your name please very good your birthdate school of occupation and your address I see are you staying nearby places and I galley perfect for first time wisdoms visiting which is oh let me submit this and let's find you your perfect thought [Music] do you have any questions so far take him take him take him as I said we are the only so didn't you think so number write this down eight eight four one all right just opened up depo now that's a witch who got eaten by her pet rooms for never understood why they were kept as pets I'm one headed serpent is enough for me thank you very much so that will be your new fault let me rummage up the key yeah okay it's quite cute so this is your key and your lock so what you want to do is just simply push the key in your vault to open and it is forgetful proof so you can't pull the key out without locking the vault makes it simple and easy make sure to watch your back when you're going into the vault don't watch it locked in there okay this is for you Walt and I can have someone show you exactly where that is did you bring items it deposited a let's see with the cash first let me take dollars euro and okay you have pants perfect see that please so there's about four point nine seven galleons two pound that's what you'll mostly be dealing with and from schools okay very good thank you what [Music] I'm surprised yes the magic of counting convenient honey would you like it oh no if this is your first time in Diagon Alley I will recommend that you just take it go do your shopping glue to your errands come back here at the end of the day we're open 24/7 no holidays so you can try out your vault and put in an extra much and let's see what you brought for me things from the muggle world ok I see I see let's take a look and get them sorted for you all right on the table here let's start with is beast I apologize the Goblin insightly's weaves fascinated by how even strange objects almost used it and this is a giraffe interesting Steiff Steve hmm alright well we will store your tiny beasts just fine in your ports and cleaned those times you get to the bit dusty sometimes and Gringotts so make sure to come back every so often to take a look at your valuables we do have an anti humid sort of charm that's placed over the vaults only so low level security one so a bit of protection okay little cheer off like that next we have a wooden something or other what's this has to be I thought they looked different it's very long scar I see is this help it fly sorry I don't taking muggle studies and okay can all your valuables are dusty looks Li decent shape an antique of the muggle one fairly valuable it's not bit worn out very good all right just bow safely in the vault next we have some type of Oh fantastic there's a torture device no Oh opens bottles interesting and have quite scenes itself for that one you may not be taking this up anytime soon unless you have muggle in-laws next time my goals are so violent button laughs we don't ask too many questions let me toast for it good pilot next we have something quite much don't we oh okay and just this club no open it oh nice protective case that's good for transportation may I okay this is something isn't it it seems to be here we have strings mm-hmm oh not very musically inclined so I won't attempt to that hollow on the inside I see why you're putting this wife and he don't you need to mix rooms he's give me here send this back into the holds I'm moving photos Queen okay look inside very nice quite funny looking macaws there and we have a plate Kimsey play music with it alright hey the game dragon attack little bites the dust eh oh nothing tonight crazy little thing called listen okay put that back here seems thank you also I loves greatest here and there's so much you know kids it's not like him very much Bruce Springsteen I think I knew his aunt very famous which actually Springsteen Springsteen right oh those will be swatted and put away finally you have this photograph very nice and it's not moving what do you do with this it's no enchantment on it had some diversity I won't ask who yes because I am professional and not nosy but if you were to tell me I went mine good nice frame this unmoving photograph that's precious to you we shall start in what we don't ask too many questions very nice all right is in that everything fantastic where you off to next oh okay um well let me see him - all right before you leave yeah our books containing everything you need to know about your new forms about granades about anything you might have questions that some indefinitely or you could use a spell to translate them English is included and of course your I haven't tried this yet not pleased to I hope so you got a chocolate doesn't mean that so much good chocolate of course but what you need is the cards and you've got Helga and now you do to one of the poor boundaries of Hogwarts alga Hufflepuff was particularly famous for her food-related charms any recipes traditionally served at Hogwarts feasts originated so lucky she's here to say hello she might pop in and out with the card and catch the Frog catch the Frog - a frog there you are I suggest breaking it and eat it immediately it's best when it's okay well um not sure how to get to the wand shop when you leave here it's not for you you're going to be reined off like an alley we're on the corner of Diagon Alley and knocked down right here don't want to turn onto Knockturn alley not the first day so what you're looking for down the road all right now not a tall guy so thank you so much for choosing Gringotts and make way for the next guest right see you later you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 2,758,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibi, asmr, harry potter, gringotts, elf, magic, magical, british, accent, soft spoken, sassy, goblin, bank, tapping, for relaxation, for sleep, triggers, nails, fabric, violin, queen, record, key, metal, ear to ear, binaural
Id: ziv7BpfkfGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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