Pewdiepie Feels "Weird" Around Me

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baby aims we love Photon review memes memes we all love memes in fact I love them so much that I am not incapable of messing it no getting it thank you for watching this episode of meme review we're gonna be reviewing the memes in the trash taste subreddit that you guys sent in over the past few months it's been many months since I've done this uh five months or six months in fact by the time you're watching this and so hopefully you guys have finally posted stuff that is actually funny that's right most of you aren't funny you're not funny okay sometimes you are funny do the clap thing it doesn't work very well when you have a noise gate on I should probably explain this as well I have a special award that I can give out to the best meme we have this this award that we can give out truly wonderful we're giving out the the meme Award winner uh badge I guess what's this one it's a tweet all right very [ __ ] creative guys just posting tweets farming that Karma classic Reddit you know that feeling when you've stumbled upon a truly grotesque brutal yet amazingly beautiful and awe-inspiring manga that nobody talks about yeah that's me right now and then I put kick W anime reading manga and then remind me the last time you voice acted again oh Joey oh oh Joey I'm like you I actually do the thing in my name I do the voice acting believe it or not I remember when he tweeted this to me and at that time I'd recorded for a bunch of stuff and I thought [ __ ] you Joey the moment this stuff drops you'll know Jerry you'll know you'll know Jerry oh my God wife old oh my God this is like filters like what is this [ __ ] it's so creepy our hands are like young hands it's like some kind of Toy Story Abomination figure where like the skin doesn't quite add up on the other places what the [ __ ] is this so that's me with gigguk who's my face I just look like more intense I just swapped with gone is that God's face Chris looks like the ad that you'd see of like promoting vitamins on some sketchy website Joey looks like a rejected member of Oasis here Chris is the only one who got an upgrade just had a pizza so good I ate the entire crust what the [ __ ] all right go on this man is such a such a baby what's next she's celebrating the time he wipes his ass you ate a piece of bread gone and we've all we've all done it assumingly you know I loved this one that's right this one was so good I remember it's just so unfortunate the timing it's like Aki is on a [ __ ] mission trash taste but it's all Joey I don't think I've seen this one actually I I just want to go okay hello welcome to another episode of the trash taste podcast I am Boss Man one and I'm here with boss man two and three you need to get the dub yeah so gone me and like four of our friends went camping in the mountains of she's working yeah dead ass kidnapped them like in broad daylight I had so I the most amount of fun I had was just bringing her back and just chopping the [ __ ] out of it I've I've fulfilled the white man experience dead ass kidnapped them like in broad daylight I had so I the most amount of fun I had was just bringing it back and just chopping the [ __ ] out of it that was the most fun that's so good how did they piece that together that's so good that's insane how have I never I don't remember this one whoever makes these please keep making them these are so funny I love these we all love them oh that is true I guess in some senses it is true but who's who am I am I boots or Dora I don't know I guess who who would I be monkey he is monkey yeah true he is monkey I want to be Dora bro Dora gets all the screen time foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God true hahaha [Music] Sherry doesn't watch out of it it's very funny that's true Mike Wazowski and Chris give that 9 out of ten very good Connor MILFs are clearly the best Joey no lollies are way better God not where anybody got family oh God it's so good it's true God no no well I just can't like incest one why why still not as bad as ugly bastard one of them is illegal though one of them isn't unfortunately ugly bastard has not been uh illegalized if the year 2003 was a person I think that's where Chris got all of his fashion from actually I have a lot of like cousins who are like like late 30s who dress like Chris so it would make sense he does dress like he is in 2003. what the [ __ ] [Laughter] well I've never seen this before how is it how did Joey pose perfectly like Joey knows the position off by heart he knows exactly where to put his face and hands for the oh my God Jesus Christ I'm running out of breath dinos would approve I'll send it to Dallas let me uh copy image just scaring an nft user what is this they're all just taking pictures of me I don't know why they're taking pictures of me so whenever I go to their house so he just takes pictures of me don't know what this strange obsession is like something like I'm some kind of gorilla that's escaped a zoo or something oh yeah those are two days ago this was what we were laughing about this in the [ __ ] office when you were born as Thai raised in the UK Married An American my condolences and now live in Japan it's the my condolences thing it's so good Married An American sorry about that and I hope you're happy the boys damn all right that's pretty good fan art dude I'd love to get a poster made of this this is sick oh Mike is there too oh brother detail on this is like crazy look at this got a little mic down here I'd love to get this framed we should I maybe I should ask the boys I would like to get this framed oh I just realized dude is that like the moon or something falling down that's sick what the [ __ ] God damn it is [Music] that the first thing people are searching this is my legacy now this is literally my legacy it's always who am I dating not not how am I doing right what's with that guys why are you guys so [ __ ] nosy no we're not Jesus Christ but Chris I mean that's dude those are guys those are my friends don't make it weird guys I I interact with people I'm a normal member of society please I have friends who don't have penises oh my God oh my God I dude why does everyone use this photo for everything it's like the worst photo of me in existence and for some reason it keeps getting used average League of Legends fed average Apex raid of Shadow enjoy it God damn it it's always Chris why is Chris always portrayed like the Giga Chad I don't understand how can you guys think Chris is like a Chad or enjoyer you guys have been blinded oh my God what is this I hate Titans turns into Titan I hate ghouls turns into cool I hate vampires turns into vampire I hate crust you know what's the worst part about this meme is that they didn't like keep it consistent like this annoys me so much it's like this just why couldn't you've removed gone over I don't understand what is this I'm not this isn't me doing this I'm not selling this someone's making money off this and it ain't me I don't even remember what this is from I know this is from a stream why do they do this at least it has free shipping I guess when you want to Pirate my ass or a mouse many people that's what I want for Christmas there's an increase in plasma donation so if you're healthy this holiday season please consider donating plasma you should do that guys also you get paid so you should I mean that's pretty good too don't give you plasma it's good I wish I could unfortunately I can't this is okay hold up this is actually like I loved this one this one [ __ ] had me crying when I saw this initially Connor Connor Moon dad Moon dad edit this with like Final Boss music yes so you know I actually I actually quite liked uh school days [Music] finally some truth this is so true Mouse will always do [ __ ] that like is totally her fault and then just blame me because I'm just there I have to put up with it you know what am I gonna do tell her to stop she'll never stop it remasterpiece has a cheap copy we it's it's so funny that we we literally do radiate this energy so much I love it are these kids I hope they're doing well I hope that they're they're doing well in school they're they're discussing things creating more content I wish them all the best this is amazing what a great meme I love I love I love this image it's so good I think God needs help okay what's this foreign it's so funny I don't remember it I don't know why it's like slept the drip Council would decide your fate this is single-handedly the best purchase I've ever ever bought in my life it's such a good coat and actually super comfortable although I'm scared of wearing it because I don't want to like ruin it because it's so expensive the drip stocks just went up maybe I should get my drip out should we get it real quick I'll go and get it real quick for you guys drip check uh don't mind me just dripping just dripping out the real MVP guard gay Lord all right what an MVP that's Grand I read it it's gone I'm part of the problem I'm part of the problem dance never gonna forgive me or should I say Grant you know maybe one episode I'm just gonna like accidentally not I'm gonna accidentally keep calling him Grant just see how annoyed he gets over it all right what's this Pewdiepie thoughts on I think I've seen this clip yeah uh we hung out really a chill guy I like everything thank you Felix hope to hang out more in Japan let's do it we I mean why am I talking to you I'll just message you this time I met him this is how YouTubers communicate through Clips we just send Clips to each other that we react on stream to once and uh I know Joey but I listen to the trash case and I feel like I've listened to that more than I've hung out with them and he makes [Music] like some weird obsessive fan or something like I oh I'm friends I'm totally friends yeah that's so funny the fact that Felix says that is like the funniest [ __ ] to me that's like this man's an icon and he and he's getting a parasocial relationship with us that's great now Felix so we hung out we spoke it's cool it's not like that you don't you have to feel like that all right I've only heard about the [ __ ] okay so they both had [ __ ] also had oh you know there was like a good 15 20 cop how can you live with that many [ __ ] how big were the cops I've never seen like there were so many dead cars you ever dealt with [ __ ] like for most of my life I I just we're talking about cockroaches aren't we you know never seen a cop car my very first [ __ ] experience was actually not in the UK pretty massive I just see this [ __ ] massive [ __ ] how big are we talking okay so it was about it was about that big okay it was it was a chunky [ __ ] this [ __ ] sucks in his mouth that's the man of the healthier I will take care of the [ __ ] literally there are two pieces of information that I didn't know about [ __ ] number one [ __ ] are very very hard number two fly I'm not gonna lie that's gonna that's so far that's the best meme tonight I got I gotta God damn that's good that's I'm saving that so far as being the best meme if unless we meet him another uh Contender hello Peter it's pretty good edit frame this [ __ ] I think C dog VA is a great gamer and that is it thank God we have this immortalized I want an nft of this but I must be regretting the grind right now move down it's time to censor another 20 min dig for video yesterday Jesus Christ I would hate to edit should these videos it's like how much blur do you want yes a lot of blood please yo I love this this is so good skip story in Games music is just beeps and boobs losing in an all specials despite being the most likely to win bacon is just not that great I stand by my opinions okay bacon is not that great it is just a mediocre at best it's good but you never get super excited for bacon there I said it all right I love this one this one's so funny this is so true God does this all the time he puts his shoulders up a little bit and then goes like that he does it every [ __ ] time and this [ __ ] meme just like solidified it in my mind what is this what the [ __ ] is this Chad giggert remastered have you ever tried to do that that looks so difficult I've never tried to do that before okay you dance the beer puts the foam in some concoction okay lights vodka on fire okay smokes a cigarette all right correction egg yep of course all right again just a can of Pepsi all right just for good measure and yeah now you're dead that's disgusting at what point does is being a Chad just [ __ ] not worth it that's like if that's what being your chat is I'm gonna be a beta I'll be a beta for the rest of my life that ain't it I mean that's impressive for all the wrong reasons kind of getting ready to stream with iron mouse mouse getting ready the stream is going that's pretty good oh oh that's horrible oh my god oh look at that oh oh God I can't that's horrible I hate that that's like they have worst fear you are on this podcast but we do not Den we do not Grant you membership to the drip cancel what how can you do this this is ridiculous it's unfair how can you be a trash Chaser not in the drip Council take a seat young Karen thank you I'm going to come back in a few weeks with more drip I did oh [ __ ] the glow up this is this glow up this edit was so good this and it was so good so I saw this the other day I thought it was amazing the editing is so good on it it's so funny Chad taste so [ __ ] weird yeah [Music] so funny oh my God it's so funny it's this hair I think that sells it Chris confirms he's dating isn't it okay this is the place fledged Burger I've only been here one time with my boyfriend see dog V8 do you say that yeah the burger was pretty good though we both came I can't believe it what's this that's pretty cool we look like Roblox characters the animation's smooth though what is it going so hard what the [ __ ] hey yo what yo why did it go so hard what the f so good hello and and welcome to a very special episode of trash taste podcast um so we have uh first here on trash days we have a 2d guest with us today anime girls poop um no I suppose how should I say this it's it's um yeah you kill people by setting their house on fire right with all those flames foreign in terms of music do you do like everything on your own as well like are you like are you experiencing all like the beat now you do like a lot of types of streams right it's fun just talking the chat or talking about what's going on with me Etc um that's literally this podcast foreign I really want to get a Neo Geo oh my God think about that sleeping on the floor is like more like it feels more healthy for your back and stuff than sleeping on a bed oh my God this is so good oh my God oh God so like has being a YouTuber affected like your schedule up you know when you're off camera or anything like that oh for sure I only sleep for about four hours a night I just love sleep too much foreign no other apartment would accept me oh we're good it's so painful maximum Comfort wow wow that was very good let me let me let me uh maybe I'll award that that was I don't know which one to award do it all right go ahead okay take the lead Take the Lead oh God I'm so down it's like perfect love it [Music] I knew what this was that's why I quickly clicked on it Jesus Christ it's so cursed it's so amazing all right I'll probably wrap it up there then boys but who are we giving the award to who's getting the award is it the Cockroach one or the painful one I'll let you guys decide actually let's do a poll who gets it boys and it seems that nearly all of you are saying the pain at it there could be some recency bias going on there maybe the Cockroach one is very good but I I maybe I have to agree with you guys unfortunately we can only give out one award there's no way that it can be out voted now so I'll give it the certified Conor meme review award optional private messages congratulations this is a certified banger meme all right let's give it on a seal of approval award look at it wow you can add free browsing and 700 coins a month wow ad free browsing I didn't even know that Reddit had ads I'm not gonna lie so that was this episode of the meme review on conanog if you haven't subscribed already what are you doing subscribe to this channel we do these meme reviews occasionally and a bunch of other fun videos so what are you doing you're missing out Sub sub sub 14. and if you want to go and check out my [ __ ] live and if you want to watch these live streams live you can do so by going to my twitch and you can follow me and it'll tell you when I'm live go to twitch.tva and I'm always live so yeah make sure to subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 918,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, trash taste, reddit, subreddit, meme review, memes, pewdiepie
Id: UyDRLa120Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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