I challenged my friend Point grow to get a girlfriend faster than me in infinite craft a game where you start with four elements and if you combine them for long enough you can get literally anything 3 2 1 go Okay lava Mountain volcano what are we making again right a girlfriend okay Wind Fire smoke I'm just going to add a bunch of this stuff and combine it okay smoke Mountain that's just a volcano so earth water plant let's do like smoke plant incense incense and smoke is prayer incense prayer is Angel plus smoke is devil and then devil plus Angel is human okay I need to get to like living things what if I combine water and Earth that makes plants right yeah okay these are living things not a girlfriend but it's living uh plant and Ash tobacco tobacco te that could be related to girlfriend t mountain Mountain Dew I made Mountain Dew which is about as far as you can get from a girlfriend I think maybe hey you you got this if you get World of Warcraft then I'll know you're on the wrong track okay okay all right I got love love plus family is home no [ __ ] um fire and love is a passion parzan tree monkey I think that's closer to girlfriend okay how do we do smart monkey the monkey cigar is a human Smoking Monkey Mountain Dew that's that's a human Mountain monkey what is a girlfriend except for a love garden it's a rose Teenage Queen is a girl is a teen Queen it love is a baby oh oh I don't I don't know if I the detective that's that's getting closer a fire detective is an arsonist maybe we can cancel out the job cuz monkeys don't have jobs and we can make a human with a monkey detective Sherlock Tarzan arsonist Jane wait Jane is a girlfriend of Tarzan we're getting closer a teen plus romance this feels weird guys I'll be tce I got the Twilight movies I'm real close here I am no I got Jane and Tarzan yeah you know you're getting there you're getting there I got vampire maybe I'm going a little bit wrong place I feel like he's ahead of me I'm really upset he got to Twilight before me I need to get to people bro wait a monkey with fire is human it's a hot monkey I don't know how to make a human being monkey Stone statue statue Jane Venus Comet meteor meteorite life I've made life life monkey human oh my God Twilight plus passion is a vampire again Jesus Twilight and love is a vampire okay Twilight plus a human though is a vamp why is everything a vampire Twilight Angel vampire oh my God a teen Queen plus a a cupid is a teen love plus a human is Romeo what the I got teenager I got love human love Human family love home love a angel Christmas Santa Cupid plus Romeo is Juliet I'm so close I'm so close Okay Romeo Juliet plus passion is tragedy we need to find a girlfriend teen romance plus child is what it's teen pregnancy I got teen pregnancy does that did ah it's I mean it's you need a girlfriend or I guess you don't technically need a girl just keep keep you're close keep going I've made Teen Mom too love adult marriage I could make wife that teenage bride oh no steamy love plus family maybe that's just it oh I made incense Buddha wife divorce I don't know how those are connected but divorce wife what wife and freedom slavery let me tell you the old ball and chain I didn't mean it like that oh my God slavery and teenager makes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles turtle Slowpoke mother Slowpoke slow bro I made a Pokemon chat yes I found Pokemon before I found a girlfriend but let's move on from that steamy te oh why why is this a first discovery feels real gross dude I am not enjoying this part how do I find a woman I'm just going to combine a whole bunch of them they're all Romeo and Juliet pregnancy mother baby wife teenage bride polygamy more teenager polygamy is also Mormon what about angel polygamy also Mormon are Mormons all about polygamy or something polygamy and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo donatell Raphael Michelangelo I'm getting a little sidetracked but it's really funny guys I don't know if we go the teen romance way anymore it feels weird why is this so hard dude the amount of teenage pregnancy I have found is literally off the charts I have daughters stepdaughters steps sister son edus um no girlfriend what if I I'm going a different way what if I go School uh librarian with a human is a student okay that actually works better student plus class he class daughter is a school okay school plus School University that's not I want school plus teenage romance High School Musical we found it oh wait sorry sorry we're trying to find a girlfriend my bad um I really need friend let's just combine a bunch of things related to like pride and love hate Envy vanity and love make narcissism narcissism and ego makes Trump that didn't stutter my guy teen romance and teenage teen romance and teenage girl is girlfriend right that has to be it I I made teenage pregnancy again okay I have an idea mustache daughter tomboy interesting tomboy ape girl oh my God I need to find friend it's the only way if we can get in the friend zone we can use that it's an in uh pride month and girl pride month come on come on she might be gay but I don't care no um lesbian date I found no sex before I found a girlfriend so yay that's at least we're doing it the speedrun right good split man good split uh what about human lesbian gay gay girl go go go go go friend friend friend friend we have girl and we have friend friendship no lesbian friendship best friend girl best friend exgirlfriend I'm so close best friend love girlfriend time what you got it I got it so I got a girlfriend first but that was just the warm-up what if we did actual hard words like Minecraft or labotomy or 1,758 1967 well the real competition was about to start a best of three match where if you get five goals you win a point the first goals were internet skateboard refrigerator Yen goldfish any Pokémon ant or Crow any country and Minecraft we reset our elements and got ready to race for real this time all right 3 2 1 go what what do we want to make we have Internet skateboard refrigerator goldfish I think goldfish is probably going to be the easiest if we just combine a bunch of water we can probably get the Fishbowl already how do you make gold is it Fishbowl and Fish sushi wait I might be able to get to Japan Earth sushi rice ocean and Earth island continent Asia that's kind of Japan I don't know Jesus Christ I I locked in sushi so quick bro wait I can get fish wait goldfish right uh Paper Plus treasure is map what I thought that would be money we can get Yen and we can get goldfish if I just get gold somehow Wormhole wait wait wait wait wait wait Earth Earth hole Mountain Cave Mountain mine mining a mountain gold gold fish coin come on bro uh wait coin Japan coin Japan coin Japan Yen how you're crazy paper no book book plus electricity is is is no no no no Library plus electricity it's a computer okay um plus electricity internet got it a rich Sushi a rich fish goldfish you managed to get internet I I just managed to get goldfish oh my God I was trying to go for goldfish I going to get it okay any Pokémon I mean we have Japan storm plus ship is Titanic Titanic plus water Iceberg Iceberg plus uh lightning is ice okay wait I have mine M shaft I got Minecraft Ice plus oh wait engine refrigerator I got refrigerator how'd you get refrigerator it was engine plus ice these last L are difficult I know which one are you working on I'll tell you if you tell me yeah I'm going for skateboard okay I'm going for anther Crow so oh hey good luck we'll see who gets it sun black hole is supernova supernova Galaxy Wormhole time travel Godzilla dinosaur we can get to birds from here an ocean dinosaur is a plaur it just has every dinosaur eggs oh my God egg and egg make a bird what are crows associated with uh they're dark they're they're Moon bird owl Planet bird alien a black hole bird Hawking Hawking owl is a hawk owl Hawk is an eagle eagle bird is a phoenix Eagle Hawk Falcon I got wooden board wooden board board and car skateboard you got skateboard yeah I got skateboard I have like every type of bird except a crow what if I'm going for ant oh you're going for ant now I could go for ant actually hm wait wait dragon and comp computer maybe I can go for Pokémon hack uh how would I get Japan I need food I need food uh don't I have like a farmer I can make farmer through human human plus plant is Farmer Plus seaweed is Sushi got it Sushi plus continent where's Japan okay I got Japan uh Phoenix Japan is a Pokemon wait question I got the concept of Pokemon does that count I think a specific name is what I was thinking okay I got the Pokemon I got a Pokemon I got Charizard you got Charizard wait what did you combine uh Japan and Firebird that's it yeah oh my God that's so easy okay it's race to an or Crow how do I get a crow here I got to be intentional with this I feel like this is easier to get than like an ant right a bird I got a bird um it would be like it'd be like death wouldn't it angel of death and bird phoenix emo emo bird emo bird goth goth bird vampire what we can get to murder maybe I'm sorry chat that works okay okay um dead a vulture okay um like I I got to get I got to get murdered you close at all you feeling close I am really close oh no my God oh my God emo ha Bird come on come on come on come on come on emo bird it's just come on it's definitely Bird plus something gets you Crow scarecrow oh scarecrow Crow oh all right I've added my words in so we got fortnite labotomy piano any candy speedruns oh we have to find a first discovery that's a great idea Peter Griffin magenta and then Too Fast Too Furious 3 2 1 go good luck let's just start combining stuff just to make some Basics are there any that we think we can get immediately I mean first discovery shouldn't be that bad right you just combine stuff that no one would think to combine come on give me the give me the first swamp asaurus omelet how has that been discovered before come on give me a first discovery here first discovery you made a what was it it was a swamp asaurus cookie obviously you know oh of course yeah the swamp asaurus cookie I I've never heard of that before so it soundss like a first discovery wait ice sandwich Ice Cream Sandwich I don't know if that counts chat a vomit tree sap wait uh sap ice cream Maybe maple syrup I wouldn't consider this candy yet maple syrup and snow Canada pancakes breakfast I got the word candy I think it's the same thing as the Pokémon one you're just one you're like one away lollipop I got it yeah there you go okay okay okay one one here we go I have an idea if I can get to sand hourglass time sand is like don't win is sand plus fire is glass glass plus sand is hourglass hourglass with computer time machine I got time fortnite and Peter Griffin are going to be pretty close together I think how do we get to peopley back Transformer Optimus Prime everything well I found everything like everything yeah what do you what do you mean everything e v e r y t h i n g oh I I guess you just win oh I just had a brain wave oh wait a minute Quagmire Family Simpson simpsons's Quagmire Family Guy Family Guy plus what what kind of people do we have uh genius Seth mcfarling damn it we're so close Dad we don't have Dad we don't have Father Peter Griffin you got Peter Griffin I got Peter Griffin I would not have gotten that so Race Car Plus another engine speed uh speed plus human it might be run actually race plus human Marathon Runner oh and I got oh a speed P Runner F wait chat we got to figure something out we should go for piano headphone and headphone headphones speakers music uh music wood or tree music tree piano what a dude I just pivoted piano damn it I want to get fortnite what if I get to Fort and what if I get T night and then I have the game house plus wall is castle castle and war is Fortress Fortress Plus game yes okay labotomy I bet we can get to ice piic if we combine ice pick and brain we might be able to get to labotomy pickaxe pickaxe and ice ice pick ice pick and brain please labotomy no way picture internet is a meme I want YouTube meme game fortnite yo oh my God you got fortnite meme Plus game yeah fortnite we about to get down okay uh well this is going to get tough now how do you make M I'm Googling magenta right now it is a purplish red okay purplish red got it um I made racism wait wait chat chat hear me out I thought they would separate the colors I thought maybe it was worth a try racism human slavery slavery and racism made America so I got Fame and social media probably influencer influencer and gamer is a streamer that's me uh streamer uh and a gamer is Twitch I did twitch Plus Google YouTube I Got YouTube uh speed speedrun you got speedrun I got speedrun it is so close good luck slavery is sad right Blues Blue we got we got a color Chat Maybe fire and blue purple oh my God I think we're on the we're almost at magenta blue and purple Indigo it's literally purplish pink if we just get red we're set I have two of the primary colors we have salmon salmonella we might be able to get to Ruby diamond and green emeralds okay emerald and Amethyst to make gem A Fire Gem a ruby laser a laser Ruby is red light oh my God we got red magenta what you you got magenta I got magenta oh my God damn I managed to get a win and it was down to the last board Penny hatsun Miku shrimp fried rice Shrek Super Mario Odyssey 1,758 1967 Algeria and Edward Cullen we're 1-1 the last one all the marbles all the marbles three two one and go good luck good luck Henny Shrek [ __ ] Algeria Edward cullin Super Mario a shrimp fried rice but wait we know how to get to Twilight don't we I can't remember how Rock Earth Boulder land meteorite okay wait here we go we're up into space uh meteorite Fire Sun Sun and rock meteor meteorite Boulder Moon there we go sun and moon to make eclipse and if I could make vampire I should should probably try and make vampire werewolf uh werewolf in the sun makes a vampire uh vampire in Eclipse makes Twilight uh Twilight vampire Edward Edward Twilight we're so close to full Edward Cullen Clay is kind of close to Cullen Edward Scissor Hands not that one America Edward Snowden damn it that's the wrong Edward oh we go Edward col and to do that we have a human we need to get love right so child plus family is teenager okay love okay uh Moon teenager is a werewolf Dragon human is probably a dragon born wolf love Twilight I found twilight well the Twilight vampire is Edward uh question uh I I got Edward not Edward Cen I've had Edward for so long bro okay so Edward Cen is the one then it's the full name okay oh my God I got Edward Cen okay that was a good start um swamp we need ogre if we can get to Japan maybe let's just try all of the basic monsters wait wait wait wait wait wait that's it that's it that's it ogre swamp ogre so as it turns out swamp ogre makes Lochness Monster ogre King Ogre Queen Shrek I am trying a very hard one right now sing how do I find hatsun Miku from this uh Japan Japan singer so continent plus um sushi sushi sushi continent is Japan singer Jpop uh singer in J-pop UT Hikaru okay that makes sense hat go I think we can get the number one sorted out cuz if we combine s stand in this we make an hourglass we make time Moon does that make calendar that makes month that makes year I got hatsun Miku you got hatsun Miku I got it uh Japan and lust is Anime oh my God that's incredible this is hilarious we got a number chat we need the exact number we're just going to get close to it and then we'll just add on cuz it seems like it's just adding them together what are we at we're at 200,000 okay 1.75 that's really close that's really close uh 1758 so we need to add 2,000 onto it no no no please no Japan and then game we can do Mario Odyssey actually computer and Chip this is going to work uh Nintendo I got Nintendo okay how do I make plumber man human Mario Super Mario Super Mario Galaxy [ __ ] run one continent super Mario Galaxy Super Mario Odyssey I got it wait what sorry which one was it again it was a Super Mario what Super Mario Odyssey oh ody to see these nuts on your face got them sorry that's it I'm getting penny in two seconds screw the numbers president coin Penny please come on Lincoln coin Penny baby no president coin oh that's smart I was going uh I was going to go copper coin I just really had to you know um oh I reset oh my God I reset everything that's fine I can get back to it I think shrimp fried rice is going to be the easiest cuz we can get to Rice pretty easily cuz there's sushi sushi in Earth rice there we go okay now we need shrimp wait fossil water oil cooking oil fry rice fried rice let's try uh Kraken fried rice sushi okay we need to fry the Kraken first calamari squid sand and Squid crab volcano Lobster Lobster and fried rice shrimp fried rice telling me a lobster fried this rice are you're telling me a shrimp fried this Lobster I am close to two right now I won't tell you which ones 10 I got a number okay here we go baby 14 18 22 guys we're going to be here for a bit I have to get to a million all right we're going exponential we're at 10,000 this is 20,000 40,000 um nice yo we got 696 69696 wow I'm the first one to discover this number I need 9,759 remember the quadruplets wait I did the math wrong wait wait uh so this should work right uh this would be two off okay we're two off we just need twins right two add two yes we got the number how did you keep adding math it's just my God wait I just got a message in my chat according to one of my viewers there is an entire group on Discord dedicated to getting all the countries and they haven't found specifically Algeria yet we better work hard then well we're going to work hard to get Algeria all right guys let's find [ __ ] this video is getting demonetized so I'm editing right now and I ran into a little problem here I cannot show the next 2 hours of stream on YouTube because we got into some absolute filth like I'm talking the entire demonetized words list here's just one of the words we made so I'm just going to have to show you the two usable Clips I found and skip the naughty bits sorry about that nobody's gotten a vCard first discovery video baby yeah that's right finds you a streamer that gets their vCard back you were here chat no don't say never lost it wait what do you mean wait hey fine if Mojang isn't going to do it I will you do this wait wait and then is it just Africa we might we might have this Algeria oh did you get [ __ ] I got Algeria a damn dude GG's dude this is a lot of fun uh thanks for streaming with me I appreciate it yeah thanks for the stream I appreciate it as well I'll see you around I guess