Pokémon Nuzlocke but EVERYTHING IS RANDOM

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gamers welcome my fellow viewers today we're going to be doing the pokemon randomized nuzlocke we've pretty much increased the difficulty every time and this is the hardest challenge yet where everything everything is random it means the camera angles are random the zoom ins are random my face is random everything is random we will be trying to do it that is all thank you very much thank you for coming to my press conference yeah sorry if you guys don't know we're doing a pokemon nuzlocke today uh and if you don't know the rules they're very simple if a pokemon faints it is dead just like sao when it dies in the game it dies in real life i know and we have to nickname every single pokemon and we can only catch one pokemon from every area and uh yeah it's gonna be hard and last time you might remember i wasn't very good we had a lot of iwakis holy look at that oh no are you serious [Music] i think i'm actually dead now the nuzlocke did not go as planned but this time it can go even more wrong because literally any pokemon can be in any trainer and any wild part so it's gonna be difficult um the only thing that i'm gonna do is that if we keep getting killed in the very start like when we get our pokemon i'm not gonna count that because this might take a few times just to actually get something we can get out of the start with so we'll we'll see that all right gamers let's do it let's study pokemon as a profession okay you guys you didn't see the pc cursor man what do you what are you guys all about there was no pc so what are you guys all about bro it's my nintendo ds bro what do you mean [ __ ] i click boy all right what's our name what are we going for sigma monkey roared chad [Music] oh my god there's so many i don't have much space maybe i've got a monkey that doesn't give you that much room does it seven characters is not a lot does it actually like keep going if you no no actually you know what let's go monkey let's let's just go for it all right let's go god damn it what's our rival called more importantly who is our rival chris that's a good one uncle your very own pokemon legend is about right yeah yeah there are pokemon here all right come praying please give us a legendary i need something gop i'm begging you i've never wanted luck in my life until now what oh [ __ ] we're gonna be in such a tough spot with these pokemon let's go this is gonna be it's gonna suck oh i'm being along he's omega long for sure if we die here it doesn't count because the run's over so it doesn't matter should we yawn him put him to sleep great oh perfect right we got the yawn off all right there we go all right paul let's get it let's get it right good shot good stuff we leveled up let's get it you [ __ ] chris you ain't sick chris all right let's ask him for some stuff father do you have any things raise your hand that's it you're gonna give me anything i just wanna like run away oh [ __ ] you guys can see that [Music] okay okay okay it's fine we don't have any pokeballs so it doesn't count because we want to like just level up here right oh what was that bro whoa what happened get melodic from trading no so all the all the trades are random as well in this game i made everything random i did come from pallet town i feel like somebody else could have delivered this but i you know what what do i what do i know bro amazon delivery drivers trust in 10 year olds now bro that's kind of that's kind of sketch but i mean kind of genius at the same time why pay adults when you can just get children to do it for free damn that's big brain amazon uh yep yep yeah yeah take your goddamn parcel please please please please i'm begging you don't do it don't give me cast form we just don't anything but cast form please ah okay i didn't get it i didn't even get one please not cast form no guest form please please [Music] oh sick yes all right let's go let's go okay okay okay okay i'm okay i'm gonna hype okay ah ball i'm gonna ball after sleep so i guess i'll just attack for now it won't [ __ ] it won't quit it won't crit it's not gonna crit okay there we go come on please yes all right thank god all right what are we calling it what are we calling it boys beyblade all right you guys want beyblade all right uh we got beyblade i wonder what so the gym is gonna have random pokemon as well so we don't know what the g so the gym could have like a [ __ ] lugia and then we'd be yawn don't you own me [ __ ] oh you're new i made you i am you a female hit on top can do this alone uh rolling kick i guess i'm just gonna hit did you one shot it oh he just ended that i didn't even see that man i'm not gonna do a level cap this time just because i think it might be over because if we go against like a lugia or something we might be [ __ ] if we're like level capped i'm against me but i'm the better version of me all right pog i'm gonna get a new pokemon please please please please please please um don't be a pokemon that's bad please [ __ ] me bro off ugly rat there you go can't believe it bro [ __ ] i didn't know it was here oh if we just kick it i'll be fine right oh of course he has hardened okay level nine okay we should be fine i'm gonna yawn it it shouldn't know any flying moves yet right and then we'll hit him with a tackle and he should just die right what can i get a crit what why you so [ __ ] bro come on alright finally we did it oh my god 20 hours later we finally beat it oh my god imagine i think i didn't have like a good pokemon what what's down here [ __ ] you telling me i could have got that oh my god [Music] fast asleep but i wake you up how about i give you a little bit of this huh oh yeah hopefully that gives me [ __ ] ton 90 i guess that's not bad because drinks level three right i can't catch blastoise because we can only catch one pokemon person but nuzlocke rules there's a new route new route new route and you know that means boys new pokemon please something good please please please please please please oh let's go oh yes yes yes we'll be naming it boys wales big day don't be day we've got a big day because his nose is like a bidet right so it checks out what a dragon oh yeah dude let's go bro that's so [ __ ] pog new area right all right we got new pokemon i don't ask so much but let it just please be one of the good legendaries or a fully evolved dragon type pokemon or you know zapdog you know something good let's get it let's get it let's get it let's go let's go let's go let's go well i guess that's not bad right that's not awful it's not good there is it either one two three can you piece of [ __ ] there we go uh what should we name ditto flashlight oh no no no you guys are horrible but that's pretty funny coomb i like coomb oh oh first trainer battle super effective eat [ __ ] kid oh no shuckle it's it it possesses the ability to have the most attack of any pokemon in the world all right okay that was good that was good i have to save right now these guys are [ __ ] cracked these guys are insane [Music] no are you serious what do i do it only has whirlwind okay that's fine there we go that's it luke is dead all right there we go everyone's gonna get mad xp now only 66 it's literally a legendary my coomb leveled up all right that's good this boy what a beautiful boy look at him go one shotting everyone one shot one shot one shot oh my god we're gonna be here 20 hours later oh [ __ ] he actually does crit like ignore like stats or something oh my god finally he can learn a water move oh beautiful beautiful can one shot this boy can one shot this boy you ain't [ __ ] one shot this boy all right let's get it you guys ready you guys hype do you wanna dream big becoming a pokemon champion hell yeah i do off all right let's do it megalo should be able to handle this oh perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect that's good all right [ __ ] all right there we go we're good now use water gun i don't know what the next pokemon is that's the problem right it's ho ho one shot one shot one shot one shot whoa he is tanky how [ __ ] tanky is that ho ho 500 xp bra ho ho it's ho ho bro not ho-oh it's ho ho like christmas like santa christmas right we're gonna heal up ho ho ho let's pray he doesn't have any legendaries let's go boys when you dare have a zapdos i'm gonna kill you if you have a zapdos okay that's not bad that's not bad the poison might be annoying if he gets it off we're just not gonna let him though fine this is fine this is fine we can beyblade this i think i'm beyblade [ __ ] everyone gets poisoned oh my god um go for this headbutt oh my god he's actually doing it bro he's doing it he's not getting poisoned as well bro chad rat bro he got like [ __ ] [ __ ] on three times and he just didn't give a [ __ ] poliwag no you're staying in boy you're staying in you got this bro you got this oh [ __ ] i keep doing it i keep misgendering the rat i don't really assign genders to rats normally so i'm not really used to this that hit are you serious bro are you for real right now right wake up wake up [ __ ] quit him come on let's go let's go i have to apologize to ugly rat ugly rat really came through i i i rat rat really came through there my god absolute unit avoided the poison sting three times literally didn't give a tm what is this yeah yeah rock two that's pretty good all right first gym complete nice alright omega lol not gonna lie kinda let me down there in that last fight but omega lol did come through on the first battle so i guess i can't stay too mad oh what this is ridiculous how many legendaries am i coming across please fall asleep just fall just go to bed just go to bed there we go oh [ __ ] what put him back in i wasn't done keep underestimating the rat i do i do go we'll change to the rat then the rat can finish it off pog that's ridiculous why are we coming across so many legendaries though stop man so annoying all right now that we've done all of these trainers pog let's go and get our pokemon on this route what we're presenting good boys perfect good come on legendary come on it's acceptable oh man just trying to make me feel good about it guys oh my burned rat god damn it poison me are you for real man one two three one more try and i'm gonna heal okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do one more and then i'm gonna one two i gotta i gotta damage it i think okay this is it we have four shots left he has to do it he's lower he's asleep we should do it one two three there we go let's get it let's get it let's get it what are we calling it what we calling it boys what we calling it what are you saying slug my nuts does it fit it does fit [Music] all right well we have slugman nuts all right let's go and get our route 4 pokemon as well i know wait route 4. there's no pokemon here wait what bro are you serious i gotta go and put the pokemon in my box then uh ditto i guess i don't particularly give a [ __ ] about ditto i just don't feel like he's gonna be that useful [Music] sure it's a rapid ash zuma i'll just give you a name zuma is it actually a good pokemon is it better than uh slug my nuts fastest that's not very good though is it i want good pokemon all right mount moon what pokemon we're gonna get boys sound good sound good sound good sound good please please legendary legendary legendary legendary oh [ __ ] man it's so sad terrible there we go i don't feel sorry for you what should i do here no i could have got a mudkip i could have gone to charles whoa ugly rats yo let's get it mildly attractive right now rec candy yo that's what i'm saying oh [ __ ] i'm gonna have a sound attack oh my god here's thunder shock nice pog pop pop [Music] what the f how how does he have two legendaries how is that fair am i cur is this normal what is this for it holy [ __ ] wrong oh we made it full oh this is a new route too turn up there don't leave i'm going to come back for the trainer but i want to it gives moves okay we'll go back i just want to heal up i can catch a pokemon here as well because i haven't caught one i can't go back off oh i mean i'll catch a pokemon at least let's go oh my god let's go we've got to catch it now that's the hard part pursue please don't kill that's good that's good okay that's really [ __ ] damage okay all right there we go all right so sleep we've got 10 balls oh my god [Music] oh we can do it we can do it i believe i believe i believe i believe three percent chance two three yes yes holy [ __ ] we got it no way yes oh my god no way no way chad was spamming hello mao he can't do it love now he can't do it golf chair we do it oh my god truly we live in the society holy [ __ ] that was amazing i'm not gonna call it anything anything dumb i'm gonna give it a real name i'm just gonna call it yeah let's just call it let's just call it it's called steve let's just call it steve all right sorry buddy bro i can't believe we got it with a normal pokeball that's built different i just forgot about rapper dash i know i've forgotten about it but like it's fine right it'll be fine nothing bad will happen level bidet yeah bidet would be good to have two like stronger oh we're nearly done i'm begging you level up rapid ash fine we'll do it i gotta level up like everything though what is tm10 i don't know actually let's we'll do rapidash later because i don't know i feel like this area is bad because the pokemon that we're grinding against are like pretty not good for rapper dash we'll be fine we'll be fine no we don't need zuma all right let's hope that we get nice pokemon no fire types no electric types so let's do it melodic wow pog hog pog pop pog that ability we don't give a [ __ ] about very good yeah yeah you get that xp steve electrode oh [ __ ] aren't you dead okay thank god i was just gambling that he wasn't gonna do explosion okay holy [ __ ] i just got i gambled everything that he wasn't gonna use explosion there i that was a risky gamble that was a risky gamble that's for sure boys all right let's go what do you have swampert oh no you have my favorite boy i'm sorry charles you're once a legend amongst men but now you're nothing more than a failure i'm sorry for what i must do charles [Music] that was close bro charles try to come back to from the grave and give me one last clean slap let's do it let's do it let's go larvitar okay good start good start wait he has he's just rock right wait i might have up here okay that that's good okay pincer i think i'm perfect right i stay in right gus this boy he's dead one shot right whoa he took that like a champ we good are we clear that's it that's it let's go gym two complete let's get it let's get it there we go harden you just like imagine the pokemons they go [Music] all right so far the run's been going well we haven't done anything majorly up who knows what could happen from here perhaps we could many things up from here who knows all right let's see if he ain't [ __ ] we know for sure he's the pidgeot we know he's gonna have that we don't know if he's the same okay that's good i don't know if he keeps the same pokemon this will be interesting to find out actually oh she only keeps the pidgeotto that's the only one that's the same all right okay that's good to know here we go got it all right nice easy battle he's a clap yeah yeah you suck bro i was team rocket yo what the why are they stacked ah don't quit me don't encrypt me please got him what why do you have this it's a shame that i got a double super effective move against it oh steve man steve's gonna come in so pog man dude steve can just [ __ ] on everything bro bruh yeah how about you off all right let's try and get a new pokemon oh well that's good we got a tank now that gives us a lot of options if we can get it if we don't pick this up pursuit should not kill this right [Music] oh my that was a crit okay that's good let's go yes oh god yes thank you thank you there is a god oh my god that was everything about that was risky bossy i guess it's blissy it's kind of bossy right i hate my life there you go busty oh my god we got that what the f yeah what what do we do are we doing human experimentation what the okay this seems like it should raise a few ethical questions ss ticket pog what's in here underground path what do you what do you have i don't have that pokemon off something good please okay pog poisoned oh my god okay we got it though oh my god you've got poison it's gonna be it's gonna be it's asleep and it's on red this must work this has to work all right pog we're naming it boomer you want boomer that badly all right fine bro what happened to his sprite art what the look at the sprite art compared to him look at that that man looks like anemic there all right so we definitely want to get this boy in we're going to swap rapidash i mean rapidash is not bad but i just don't feel like we can utilize it fully and blissey it sucks to say but i think uh who needs to go for blissy it'd have to be rat right that kind of hurts that that hurts rap rat honestly worked so hard i didn't want to say it so but i think we had to look at it on the boat oh my god how many rooms is on this [ __ ] boat oh [ __ ] i didn't know we were gonna go against him okay we're against chris of the broad variety i think we can clap his cheeks though right now i'll get [ __ ] on kid the gyoto okay we'll just bring out steve and just one shot oh [ __ ] that that was a mistake all right it doesn't really matter didn't even know quick attack could [ __ ] i guess every attack can [ __ ] i guess i can just do that again two critical hits what all right what's this thing i remember this thing sneezel okay it is this all right yeah maybe we can kill it with this this is the thing that killed my garchomp that one run i remember this all right nice okay [Music] you show me a picture of a snorlax she's like look at this [ __ ] look at this isn't it weird how chunky this thing is yeah no i guess you're right huh i just left oh [ __ ] i guess we'll get rid of uh this just for now i really want to level him up though because i feel like he's gonna be really strong rats back chat you finally get your rap back chat you happy all right good jim let's get it all right three pokemon jinx the first pokemon okay triple kick this [ __ ] no i'm to cry you [ __ ] bro you [ __ ] we just water gun it to death i'll be safe this design always creep me out as a kid this pokemon never understood the tail thing it always creeped me out as a kid oh we got it nice easy hey we got money yay money three points kick w why would anyone doubt there bro you you're a clown if you doubted there oh [ __ ] just ran into someone's house all right heal up and let's get going with the journey legendary [Music] i hate you there you go fitting name [Music] oh poker flute alright let's go where do i get the thing from it's in one of the houses here let's grab it i'm guessing you don't have it i don't have a [ __ ] clay doll off why would i have clay doll ask yourself why the i would have that oh my god yeah why is this family it's like a cult this this is a cult bro like voucher fantastic bro how fast are we gonna go with the bike now should we see how it looks ready we're gonna go oh okay yeah [ __ ] yeah just imagine this blissey just picking up this tiny pokemon and just smashing it into the ground i don't know what's so fun about that blissey just grabs this pokemon oh okay legendary ah okay i mean it's not it's not great but it's not awful why would you want a legendary it's impossible to catch i already caught it once i can do it again [Music] oh i said no oh [ __ ] that was an accident this new route oh whoa oh [ __ ] he nearly killed me bro he nearly just ended my career with that oh my god bro what yo oh there we go bubba has name why'd you guys want it as booba i don't think we can call it bills all right if you guys want boober so badly all right new place plot pog new pokemon wait i should have got more balls we have like six poke balls how the eight okay maybe we can do it [Music] no let me try now quickly quickly please [Music] it's not even getting close six balls left opium come on five five come on this this has to be it no i believe i believe yes holy [ __ ] we got celebrity no way opium i hope you'll name it i hope you're all right hope oh my god we have hopia let's get out of here let's go and worst legendary it's still a legendary though right we can do damage right let's let's try and get rid of slo-bro then for now i guess even though i don't really want to because i feel like he's good but oh uh oh it's the scary time uh oh guys did you know cubone god can you believe it bro did anyone else like read the copy pastors when they were like you're already young i did and i got like really scared one time i genuinely thought i was going to die because i listened to this song because i was like i was like 11. there's like one night i remember i couldn't sleep i legitimately couldn't sleep because i read some stupid copy pasta it was like if you listen to it backwards snook out you die like i was like are you serious and surprisingly i didn't die maybe maybe it's a slow effect it'll get me after a while after years of not not paying attention the song will come and haunt my dreams my very existence it was a legendary baby give us a legendary are we saying boys legendaries legendaries all around what are we saying gentlemen my rival chris get ready to eat [ __ ] kid you ain't [ __ ] him on top [Laughter] bro i literally am psychic bro i literally oh [ __ ] okay thank god that time i credited huh what's next huh what's next what a gun you're gonna regret that kid ah oh my god get one shot get [ __ ] on kid okay got it got it got it easy yo chris chris why are you so [ __ ] huh get some good pokemon chris i'm not even trying [Music] oh you're a bite on these through seven all right let's uh let's get a pokemon let's get a legendary mewtwo oh okay okay we got monkey great ball come on come on yes monkey slacking is good right isn't it sloth doesn't matter what it is oh the gyms are open [ __ ] okay but i'm like giga overlapped i'm pretty sure this won't be a problem all right fourth gym let's do it relicanth how about you relic can suck on these nuts all right what do we got who's next who's next gulpin oh i could actually do one i could actually do one how about you go down these knives let's do it what is she gonna have though okay that's fine oh oh that was close [Music] nine oh no stop stop with these earthquakes oh god oh god [Music] oh what the [ __ ] i think we can do it there i think it's fine i think it's fine it gets fine i think it's fine i think it's fine he's dead [Music] oh no what are you gonna do okay thank god thank god thank god oh my god oh my god oh my god we're alive how the [ __ ] we live oh my god we nearly lost like two of our best pokemon how did steve tank that what the [ __ ] steve i like how she just happened to have a requisite tucked away oh my god man giga drained bro i can't handle this man you could giga drain these nuts kind of shut up it's like i've done so much but we're only like halfway right so [Music] yeah you want something you want some of this tea yeah yeah you're better i block in the gym i see see how it is live into town um oh and we can catch pokemons all right let's get a base pokemon please please be good please be good oh [ __ ] sake all right these niles all right fine children big not two oh yeah we had big not i forgot we had big knot stay out of our business bro softball is so op it's amazing truly we live in a society twister water gun water gun water gun water gun water guard golden water gun that just died so fast i've come to save you wait you don't want to be saved are you kidding me [Music] all right we got the poke flute park all right what's it gonna be [Music] epic oh no i already have one oh my god that's so funny oh my god but the very first time i played this game i i caught it i caught the snorlax and i named it after my little brother and my parents like told me off and they got like annoyed at me and they were like what the [ __ ] connor don't say that about your brother so funny fishing is its own instance is that right i watch so i can fish if i want to try it [Music] i guess that's not bad we could uh evolve it into a gardevoir all right nice nice got it no there's no numbers there's no numbers no where's 34. this is so sage there we go that works okay [Music] whoa we volunteer now so these scary dragon things aren't that scary anymore oh oh that was so risky that was so risky why i don't know why i did that i'm not gonna lie that was stupid oh it's pretty good [Music] whoa no what just happened i was skipping how did he kill me oh my god he quit it he was like full health oh i got to eat a pepper now after this oh i don't want to eat the pepper it's it's it hurts i'll just and just get over with you all right i'm gonna get this who is that pokemon [Music] it's chris broad ah i'm so sad i lost one of my really op pokemon there you go got ghost peppers here fresh boy ghost peppers oh my god it smells so spicy oh i hope it hasn't gone off it looks alright though it looks pretty good it's like a toy doesn't it all right no no no no that's hot oh there that's hot oh oh god it went down my throat i want to rub my eyes so bad it's fine i'll just scream and it'll stop the pain it's working i can scarcely feel the pain the screams of my anguish i'm numbing the pain i cannot feel a thing why did you have to die i thought this was going to be a boring run and we all just lived happily ever after you were the chosen one you were the chosen one i was carrying me for so long i'm sorry i'm sorry blissey you you were really the chosen one bye-bye bye-bye blissey connor you sound tired i'm just sad bro my my chance my blessing died man you died man i'm gonna kill all of you to make up for the loss of my favorite pokemon oh my god we're here with here all right let's get up encounter boys what are you saying who are we getting boys we reckon oh no way out of here you are kidding me oh my god that's amazing oh she's got takedown that could be problematic actually oh oh oh there we go there we go there we go holy [ __ ] pog all right we got it we got it ultra ball i'm going to ultra ball i'm going to ultra ball i i i need this yes sigma he deserves the name all right let's go sigma who am i going to replace though this ugly rat i know you guys don't want me to replace every rap but i mean i'm just saying i don't know it's going to go goodbye right you'll he'll come back i'm sure we'll come back all right gym time maybe okay let's go what do you got i'm gonna clap your cheeks what do you got literally like not even a pokemon like what is that oh no that is a lot of damage i do not like this [Music] i'm getting scared i'm getting scared i don't like this at all oh annoying this is you've put invisible walls everywhere stupid and practical this is all right we're going to kick his ass kick his ass well lord that's level 30 that's 37 that's that's quite high actually oh [ __ ] we might lose a pokemon here this can be difficult oh [ __ ] no stop oh snap out of it okay we got okay we got the hyper potion out that's fine that's good here that's a win we want him to waste the hyper potion here that's big that's big that's big all right we're good now we're good now confusion and him do gong well i do gong these nuts come on you gotta kill it you gotta kill it you gotta kill it let's go all right we're good okay now i'm kind of scared now because that means that like if that dude had even like one percent scarier pokemon we'd be all right should we just get a pokemon should we get a pokemon all right who are we getting [ __ ] what i do with this thing just throw [ __ ] [Music] while throwing rocks at it oh fled i can't even get it now well that's good in it what is it garbage garbage get out of here cough hey we got surf yeah why can he learn surf what come on i forgot to say why did i do this why don't i just say money again oh this is what you guys wanted no no no god damn it guys i don't know ah i'm gonna be [ __ ] molten lava tomorrow man all right this is my pokemon oh my god come on oh we got it we got it okay gig a chat true kicking chat's pretty good my stomach is dying oh oh sh oh oh it's the big daddy himself what the [ __ ] thank god i have something that like one shot it what the f are these hey give me everything you got give me everything what's it what do you want softboiled don't talk to me about softboiled hey turn around hey nice pokemon it'd be shame if somebody woulda put these nuts in his face god psychic oh brahma hit him with the fat psychic oh lord oh my god he's so up here love it i love it what's this oh [ __ ] we're okay we're already in we do in the gym no i'll kill everything i'll kill everything all right i'm gonna kill everything we're gonna die yeah it's gonna die in it just a [ __ ] [ __ ] plant aren't you yeah there we go dead mud kit dead dead yeah there we go this is this is the kind of power i've been wanting to wield oh that's kind of that's kind of scary except no it isn't it's dead got him oh no it's that it's that fish that kills you in one shot if you eat it luckily for me i'm just gonna kill it oh [ __ ] that's kind of scary huh oh okay luckily it's dead why are you like getting sand like just like you're just not doing anything oh [ __ ] you kidding me i think this is not bad right it's like that uh hitmonchan got him all right here we go gotta go and show these boomers how to do things you know what do you got well one shot one shot one shot what give me that yeah yeah oh you had like the best pokemon in the world and you could deny to use them cringe bro combustion more like combustion these nuts you know what i mean i'm done oh no do i have to kill it yes i do of course goodbye i'm gonna destroy this man 4k venusaur pogba bro about to get [ __ ] on i'm really going to pretend like this is exciting because like he's just dead bro yeah there we go snorlax dead dead bit slower this is a nuzlocke the long-awaited mood and we cannot skip how dare you swallow someone swallow up these nuts bro oh my god you're one of the four rocket brothers i don't even know there were four of you that's how that's how forgettable you guys are what why does he have that why do they have all the legendaries no wonder i can't find any other ones up here zooming oh it's a rival why is he here i don't understand what are you doing here do you know chris i'm gonna kill you again oh sh that can explode right it should be dying okay that's good what's that pokemon what's this thing oh bro this shit's ugly bro why would you have this this is crane troll oh steve got a solo wife bro there we go there it is all right we should have it we should have it there it is you just suck man what can i say you ready for the boss bro you made me waste my in pokemon's health man oh [ __ ] i i wanted to like heal up or something but like all right okay i guess we'll jump right into it all right let's do it last time he had [ __ ] this time let's hope he has less [ __ ] bro you identified the bidet model he's like bro this is the toho series number five with the blow dry built in with the instant uh evaporation of the fumes look how there we go i'm dead c dot his final pokemon bro this guy sucks why does this guy's pokemon suck all right there we go why is the music still going i'm just trying to withdraw my pokemon i'll be done we'll keep their ass let's go and do the gym oh what gym is this oh yeah i definitely skipped this one oh [ __ ] i did skip this like the like he has actually good pokemon that could have been scary who's next crabby well you these i don't know this doesn't even make sense all right dad hog easy actually one of these must be it right if i just keep going randomly [ __ ] i can't even get out now there we go okay well knowing i got it all right let's go all right nice nice good start we just clap this cheek dies literally shits itself okay close enough wish gonna need more than a wish bro you're gonna need help you're gonna need psychic mind powers to have a chance of surviving dead dead donzo all right nice dead what is this oh my god bring out a real pokemon boring what [ __ ] jim bro you're pathetic how did you get how did you get this job did they not like screen your pokemon next gym highest is level 47. i we're basically good to go for it then we could just walk in there and start pounding some cheeks i think how many wait how many badges do we have oh nearly seven where's the last one i wonder what if i go down here route 21 um yeah i guess we can get a pokemon please be good please be good [ __ ] now oh my god just die just stop just stop bro mom heal me up no time to talk i'm leaving bye there's so many trainers here there we go oh you get so many pokemon there's so many pokemon and they're all dead and just like that wow that's amazing all right skinny it's more like shitty am i right guys am i right blastoise bro how about you blasty i'm gonna stop making those jokes because they're not funny connor not funny at all oh [ __ ] we're here already park the door is locked what we mean the door is locked this can't be this cannot be what the [ __ ] are those encounters here love mayo man i love now you're kidding me i could have got a mewtwo i'm molding now boys i'm not even risking it bro i'm gonna i'm gonna make sure you get put in the dirt die die oh man we could have got and oh we could have got some good [ __ ] man i'm gonna get the best [ __ ] oh i could have got my favorite pokemon we just discovered the pokemon mew but i remember this is so creepy there's jirachi in here too what i feel robbed bro [Music] that's true bro bro there's so many pokemon in here oh my god why is there like everything good in here no you wouldn't press it you wouldn't who wouldn't all right we're good right let's just skateproof [Music] you studied pokemon thoroughly how about you study these nuts thoroughly huh you're out of control why i'm in my brain is working at 50 times speed right now no i don't why would i trade a sceptile for a raticate are you insane i'm looking to trade one dollar for five million dollars do you know anyone who might a scissor for zubat what's wrong with you people thank you water is also wet all right i think this will be fine i'm gonna save just before we get in case we get wiped by something i don't think we will get wiped by anything but i'm just gonna what is he normally is it like fire normally what is he i don't know what he normally is psychic dragon right let's say we should get at least one quit here oh my god i didn't do that much let's go this is tough we're not one shotting anymore okay that's good [Music] okay thank god yeah i can just tank it with uh sigma that wasn't a crit what all right we can go home right and get the other gym now right what do you [ __ ] want chris haven't i taught you enough oh god can i can i heal my pokemon or something oh it's bill oh [ __ ] all right i didn't know who bill was it looks like chris [Music] you have fog oh this is risky why did that nearly quit me okay i'm changing why did that quit me did i really just die to that i just lost my [ __ ] articuno to that [ __ ] that's so bad i knew that was i don't know why i did that that was [ __ ] stupid of me well i'm not doing the pepper right now i'm gonna i'm gonna vomit if i do i'm losing it bro i'm tilted i come for lost steve please stop giving me [ __ ] get in the [ __ ] ball it's a metaphor it's all three of us sound good sound good something goes in good please nice should i get the encounter in the cave or out the cave guys we reckon we'll dragon's best go inside we'll go in we'll go in swallow swallow he's gonna swallow these nuts bro swallow these such an intellectual puzzle so it's not going to be multi it's going to be somebody else but what level is it all right let's have a look at what level is going to be what are we going to get golf off just kill it i should just kill it hmm [Music] oh suck that's it that's literally it the gym is stacked as [ __ ] yeah i got two legendaries and i let one of them die how do you even do that i'm ready giovanni you've been [ __ ] like the past nine times at least we did this time [Music] excuse me what kill this thing kill this thing alakazam oh okay 44 okay bro why is this level so different then what's going on with that there we go metal coat bro easy literally like boosted bro straight up boosted what did you give me hey hey let's go all right there we go boys he's gigabrain now oh all right ready where's the [ __ ] the elite four where are they steve died don't ask me about [ __ ] we gotta face him this is kind of scary this is the final crisp battle okay pog he's kind of trolling he's kind of inting right at the gate love to see it love to see it confusion okay weedle bro chris what happened chris why are your pokemon like this what is happening what is happening oh [ __ ] i don't have my own i forgot don't quit me okay good chris what happened bro he's running it down bro he just bought six tears and he's running it down man yo he didn't he didn't even want to play today he just turned up that's it done all right oh the music is kind of high dude i remember as a kid i just think this was so cool that they would like check every single badge this is so cool my endgame strat as of right now put every single rare candy on the metagross and just have him sweep is that is that a good strat i feel like that's a foolproof strat right nothing could possibly go wrong by victory road i guess i want to level up now right a little bit what happened to steve i i made a mistake that's what happened to steve i made a continuous lapse in judgment i've got to bring out the day and i gotta give like pp on him or something basically i was against a graveler and for some reason i thought in the middle of a rollout i was like yeah i should bring out steve and uh yeah that was a terrible idea it turned out what what happened oh my god we're so now we're so [ __ ] what just happened now we have like three pokemon are we gonna beat this game with three pokemon or we have to grind so much all right bidet's gonna have to be the guard of this run boys have faith in bidet that's all i'm saying why why why would you have this here this is literally just to piss me off oh [ __ ] i lost earthquake too all right i guess what i'll do is is that we can grind in around here what level would they need to be this sucks now we have to waste so much time all right oh we can get an encounter now right zoom oh [ __ ] yo i'm not gonna lie guys i'm i i i i'm just gonna do it i just don't give not even i don't even i'm not around with this i'm just i'm just doing it all right chat all right okay chat all right fine chat this one time this one time i should have listened to you all right okay all right that's the correct pronunciation save uh yeah oh my god it's got it's called leftovers i created anyway now of course i created it of course of course i'd credit why wouldn't i credit how you guys doing how's your day doing doing well how about you good 12 hours in and uh really annoyed that i threw away my pretty much ticket to winning sigma was pretty much a guaranteed w and i got him killed and that's really sad because if i just given him ten rare candies um he probably would have been able to sweep that really does suck that part does suck um but other than that i'd say i'm doing well it's hard man no one everyone teaches you how how to experience the joy of capturing a new pokemon but they never teach you how to deal with letting go of the pokemon you know what i mean no one ever no one ever prepares you for that except for that one episode of pokemon where he lets go of his battlefree that's about it but other than that no one really teaches you how to how to learn to let go you know just do it another day you don't understand why would i do 95 of it and just quit at the last five percent are you insane what what do you think i am you think i'm crazy is the training arc indeed he's just one shotting all of them what's the level cap no we're not playing with level cap we're literally just grinding because we're surf right now all right boys five minutes of this and then we're good then we're good to go to the elite four [Music] i can hear voices i can hear voices you're so close you are the chosen one you must continue on this journey you are so close people would wish they could do what you can this is this is a torture method in guantanamo this is insanity i hate this i hate [ __ ] nuts locks must look suck [ __ ] i'm going insane nine that's it how do i add rack candies guys how do i do that uh okay let me save code cheat list search for cheats i'm on cheats right cheats cheat list search for cheats oh one oh i guess i can withdraw as many as i want guys don't look just just turn away just turn away guys i'm not gonna add more than i would have just grinded all right that's a deal all right it's not cheating we've been shitty since the start guys don't pretend like really better now someone raised a good point how is me not doing it at 1500 speed any different i'm just doing it more efficiently all right guys ready if we get wiped out right we just restart right i'll gift i'll gift you guys 50 subs in the chat but we just restart we don't i don't have time to keep going if we get wiped we just restart all right it's it's too long and we dub too easily but i'm not that's not gonna happen [Music] are you insane why celebi i'm begging you buddy i need you to come come through with me on this one that's not good my attack fell that's fine giga drain that should be dead okay okay okay okay one point i don't want to waste any more pp so i'm going to swap to the day don't come on off don't spam this [ __ ] you're a little [ __ ] you're a little [ __ ] keep spamming there who's next sneasel there we go we go we go for talk for coal here i think he can tank it pretty nicely should kill it pretty good nice all right first one down you're overpowered now no i am not i am not overpowered at all i listen if if they had the pokemon that me he has a pokemon if he if he gets worm paul yeah i'm gonna of course i'm gonna [ __ ] kill him next battle let's go please please please please please don't have horrible pokemon it's a good pokemon but at least we we obliterate that and we leveled bidet by ourselves all right guys marowak that's good as well for us right we stay in on that we just hit him again with the same nice nice okay very lucky very very very lucky one shot one hit one hikero please it's a stab move of course it's dead not even not gonna doubt my mind what are you bringing down next buddy ludicolo he should one shot this with fly right it's stabbed plus like it should clap right oh my god thank god he's trolling he's literally ending what are you gonna do okay he's he's literally hinting okay he's just he's just trolling perfect oh it quit perfect now we just gotta fly and we kill okay nice nice nice just don't hit just just don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss nice there we go okay well nice nice nice nice i thought yes hog very pog very pog very pog on him party my life no okay nice come on come on be nice be nice be nice come on okay good start that's it that's that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about execute are we swapping to hohoho we got we got an easy dub here bro and with the fire blast boom i could have just flied about want to send a message you know nice bro this is the if this is the only like like characters they have i'm gonna be such a shame that i grinded for this like these these guys have dog [ __ ] yeah but he's just gonna do i think you know isn't it he's gonna heal it yeah of course he is hydro pump hit that should be dead right no i believe you i believe you will hit this shot now i'm not gonna risk it and why not don't risk it don't risk it i shouldn't risk it right it's not worth it champ you think match champ can chat it all right let's do it let's go mat come on matt champ i believe you bro i believe you so much right now i want you to unclap this man's cheeks so god damn hard i don't care if he double teams you're gonna hit the shot you're gonna clap this man's cheeks don't miss you have to hit you have to hit you gotta hit the shot you cut you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] i'm never gonna hit him i'm never gonna hit him you ain't [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] oh he's a tanky boy why does he regain health now why why on earth would he get that okay yeah it's dead all right there we go okay we got all our team all right we can suicide our whole team now into the thing if we have to we got this i don't even need to save let's go okay this is fine amnesia that's kind of scary but we should get double on this right this should one shot oh my god oh my god he's not dying you're kidding me should kill it just kill it just kill it there you go done sudowoodo pog i want to kill this in one shot yes yes that won't kill me right it's fighting versus flying it shouldn't do anything you see quite a lot though actually oh no it braced itself oh yeah oh burn oh let's go let's go oh my god that was amazing let's go let's go let's go yes yes randomize my dick oh my god we did it you would have been but there's one more challenge there's one more oh [ __ ] it's leaf green i forgot there's another one oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] chris no i've been mocking him the whole game i bet he's gonna be op now chris listen i just wanna i just wanna go home i just i just wanna see my family all right i got enough pp now chris i will end you [Music] please have [ __ ] pokemon please have [ __ ] pokemon please have [ __ ] pokemon please have [ __ ] pokemon okay that's fine revenge yeah okay nice first pokemon [ __ ] second pokemon please gonna be [ __ ] two what is it what is it chris you wouldn't you wouldn't chris no you wouldn't be using all shitty pokemon would you let's try rock tomb what's much damage this does yo no way all this pokemon suck all this pokemon circuit it's gotta be chris i knew calling it chris was a good idea i knew it i knew it all these pokemons suck it's because we call it chris broad it doesn't know how to play pokemon we're keeping them in keep the chat in he ain't done yet he can do it he can do it he can tank it i believe his defense is big brain he's too big he's too big oh my god let's go oh my god who's he got next he's hinting he's hinting he's he's literally hinting no no way bro chris fans of shambles right now one gig of chad beat up go on chris what is this bro what the [ __ ] this is the champion bro i'm not even mad bro i'll wake up bro what are you gonna do that's it [ __ ] i sped to it it was just too easy and i had to like actually prepare in case you got like requisite like every pokemon i'm sorry chris you know you're no match for me and as they say you should get good and learn how to play pokemon and stop having the genuinely the most worst pokemon we've gone against i can't believe we grinded for that i'm more shocked at how chris managed to become the pokemon champion with the worst line of lineup of pokemon i've ever seen in my life well maybe he like can he let them go in his ramen shop or something like we did it and we didn't cheat this time like last time when we cheated every five seconds we actually did it properly i'm so proud we did it all right round of applause for the day days the real mvp bidet was there the whole time never died never got quitted never got one shot opium as well who can forget hopium but it's not about who made it there in the end it's who got us there you know who got us to the finish line and although this is a monumentous occasion uh with much to celebrate we have to remember the ones who who fought for this steve sigma bossy it was all worth it ugly rat you're the real ones we did it we did it we did it we did it that took so long i'm not gonna lie we had some unlucky moments obviously but overall i feel like we had an extremely lucky pokemon thus lock run for a random one i hope you enjoyed this noz vlog i played for 13 hours straight on a live stream for this video that is probably condensed into like one hour of mood ends gone to your editing so that's fun i want to sleep and die now i hope you enjoyed this stream though and uh let me know if you want to see me knows like more pokemon games i probably will do in future i'm down to the the new pearl as well but uh i heard that xp share is on by default so i mean it might be a bit easy i don't know either way we'll find out but if you did enjoy this please consider subscribing uh we do these crazy streams semi often weirdly enough so if something you're interested in please do consider subscribing to the connor dog channel and come check out the live streams live [Music]
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 1,153,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, pokemon, nuzlocke, random, randomizer, everything, challenge, ghost pepper
Id: R2kLM0cLhFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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