Prior Tenant JAILED & CHARGED WITH MURDER. I bought her locker at the storage auction.

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all right you guys we've got a story to tell you about this locker that we bought and I just want to say that this is part two if you watch the last part honestly we didn't know anything about how this story was going to unfold when we made that video and when I was putting it together last night that this story takes a really wild turn and develops into something that we didn't really expect so bear that in mind as you watch this we're just going to be doing like our typical unboxing going through the units finding things that we find but by the end of the video you're going to understand why the thumbnail the title everything ties together it's pretty interesting so here we go you all right yes so what I decided to do is because there's so much stuff loose on the ground I didn't have a bunch of bands today I do have garbage bags but I didn't have a lot of room here to sort I don't have a lot of container so I'm gonna bring I'm gonna get everything on the truck I live just a couple miles away so I'm just gonna put everything on the truck we're gonna drag it back to my house and unload it there it looks pretty clean I don't see any stains but they always look different when you get them in the light out in the sunlight so but anyways I'm not gonna film this we're gonna get on the truck we'll pick up filming as soon as we get home all right and hopefully we'll find some good stuff here you know what I'm thinking this unit looks tossed but this is actually a really good sign they got duct tape securing that and duct tape looks like it's in good shape so those have not been opened that's kind of interesting isn't it some sunglasses some cables in there maybe some good stuff in there maybe this hasn't been tossed maybe they just put their stuff like this which punk is my mind but uh got another TV all right yeah maybe this isn't on Vizio that's better than the other one sweet well there it is I said it as soon as you get out in the Sun sunlight you're gonna see if it really have stains or not and there it is big huge fat steam yeah it's not that bad but it's enough to make this mattress very hard to sell boo all right you guys we are back at the nut house but I got all this to go through some of it already started going through this is from the first load and then I went back and we got a little bit more here a little bit in the cab so you see how much we can get through tonight while we have some light let's get started got a gardener over there still working on you can hear that but we've got these 35 pound dumbbells right here already listed those on Facebook right on the back of my truck good job shot took photos got somebody oh he just replied me right here oh he wants come tomorrow morning 25 not much of hangers I stuck those in there all right so we got here maximum protein powder or protein powder all right listen there and just get to hiding all the money in them nope it's protein powder here you go case you're curious sporting waves gel hair gel a couple of bristles that's Phoenix if you guys want to make fun of axe I'll tell you what I was wearing that one I met this one's tough part testimonial all right back with just just a little dinner break and then doing the live with Alex and Liz so it right them getting to you 50,000 subscribers can you believe that 50,000 you know how much a little clear plastic baggies you know brand-new we could probably use that for jewelry some kind of some kind of medication but here we have some the other one is empty this one acts spring [Music] but more cologne yeah barely anything though all right guys so found one good thing it's starting to get dark already so tell me one good thing this book right here this I scanned in Amazon this is actually a twenty dollar book that's why I just listed for 20 bucks and probably anything - it's kind of pull like poems and this one I hear is three bucks alright we're back obviously we didn't get much done last night after got dark like 8 o'clock at night so anyways it's Saturday morning we're gonna go to some soccer games pretty soon first day of soccer for my girls but first we're gonna get some of this done it is also storage auction pirate Mike's birthday today so especially happy birthday out to Mike so we got this bin here let's let's see what's in it I've already kind of started doing that just got like some bird poop or something on there yeah I've had these before right the one the locker that we had with a little cash box that gal was a boxer and we had gloves just like that they didn't have poop all over the bag but they were um very similar to the same bag I knew I recognized that bag gonna hold it when I peeked in here so here we have mail in company a slim fit slim fit jacket size lol I'm not sure exactly what that is maybe it stands for ladies love LL Cool J look at that we have a little hard drive I use those actually for storing old videos so that's a good point for me nay I'm getting cigarettes more under this Wow look at that that's a good 10 bucks at least at the flea market looks like it's been sitting in the garage or something what do we have here okay okay all right so we have a military jacket there's a lot of metals on here is that the bright word metals um read this Reagan so whoever this was they were definitely decorated and it does say here no I thought it said something new it's opening so very interesting do you guys know what this is is Army Navy Air Force Marines the points to go with it okay that's good military Adams always sell really well at the flea market so we're happy when we find military stuff here we have a little Sony DVD player we're always looking to see if it's blue rank his blu-rays fetch a little bit more money this would be maybe five bucks a flea market maybe lose your brain Harvard tailor company in Korea sort of give you a steam cleaner or something here is an iPhone it's definitely seen some better days hasn't it here is what this goes to you Rowenta ultra steam so this is some sort of a steamer for clothes this is crazy because last night my wife was asking me do you have any Expo dry markers I say yeah we got a couple she goes no I need the thin ones what could I pull out this morning guys sometimes that's bizarre then my wife has a little whiteboard that she uses for soccer she's coaching today boom welcome to the jungle military hats kind of cool what do we have here this pretty cool we have Air Force alright that's what it is and that's what it is folks Air Force we have seen this oh my goodness just not distinct and wringing the garbage that would have been a bad move little toolkit I think I figured out why everything's smooth like cigarette smoke where they dump their ashtray out in this box your bottle cigarette boxes in ashtray gross that's good for sit-ups or what do you call them crunches all right right the skin crunches or whatever I don't know what you call what do I know there's some Nike slides is it good what I found you guys that is really cool it's a Superman ring it's pretty sweet I won't be keeping that but so the DC copyright DC on it but it's not it's over or anything but it's still pretty cool that's cool look at that training to beat Superman and it's Batman that's pretty cool too bad this thing is so worn out someone told me recently that Crown Royal bags bring in some money I don't see how that's possible but I'm gonna put that aside okay what is this look at this cards against humanity' a party game for horrible people we're oh it's a funny it started with the Kickstarter right here so anyways but the thing is someone bought this never used it it's still wrapped and I think we can sell that online so this is a small startup company and there's not many of these floating around there actually might be some value in this thing I'm have to look that up and see here's a Black Panther movie ticket collectible movie ticket alright I looked it up on eBay brand new this game 18 to 20 bucks so not the value I was really hoping for that's interesting the mcdonaldization of society hmm sounds like a that sounds like an interesting book to me alright pretty much everything in there was magazines time GQ fortune was most of it but I did find a few mint comic books slipped in between the magazines here's Batman Detective Comics it's not worth little thing I don't think it's a little tiny comic I don't know what that is Star Man and Superman read it's a dollar 95 comic this one's a dollar comic so this one's older there's no surprise it looks older yeah pretty cool a couple of decent ones here this one I listed for 20 bucks on Amazon and this one surprisingly is a $30 book neither these sell very fast but I'll throw em in a box and hopefully they'll sell in the next year or so [Music] you air force I don't know if these are there some sort of coins for their military I must go the video games need me that's funny Oh what is that check it out huh it's an it's a MacBook Air dang that's part of it that's missing the bottom well it's in here somewhere huh how about that that's pretty cool never found a MacBook Air yet this pure cardian cologne hmm she smells pretty good found another coin army of Helaman he is not that is another point Japan Air self-defense force what I've never seen that before all right yes we got these plastic bins right here I got the duct tape off and I'm named cute kind of curious about these used to have plastic pins I've I often find good stuff in them like one of my favorites so let's see if we can find something good in this one we found some little Apple earphones there and they look like they're new yeah and they are the Lightning port one see that that's good that's for the newer phone and it also has a little dongle there we always lose these so I love finding those so that's good fine these are like 20 bucks right 20 or 25 bucks Batman socks and they got some kind of like little cape on the back there's the matching one like that Batman anytime we got some DC stuff pretty cool huh I like that that's cool video game guy Batman Oh know what this is you see that that's just white powder in the bowl like that I wouldn't think too much but the fact there's a plastic baggie in there and a spoon and all of a sudden that became very suspicious oh and there's some drugs sleeping pills watching nothing special cuz says need China which means it's not gonna be too grand dude trying to see what was made in the back but I don't see anything but there is a big chunk right there in the glass big crack put that aside oh the big old Batman watch you know these big watches are I think they're hilarious okay this might be a little bit okay it's Armani Exchange another watch these watches you know what we just put them in a nice little watch display case wipe me down a little bit I put five bucks each okay here we got another watch this time it's a fistina esteana also feels like it could be little decent I don't see on the back where it's made but that's I don't see any big scratches or cracks or anything so that's a little bitter told you I love these plastic bins okay hurry number thirty that'll sell Dragon Ball Z pretty funny and real quick I wanted to just show last night I showed that Visio that we found when I was loading it I I heard parts jingling around the inside it didn't even notice look at that corner it's terrible the corners busted we got this nice Batman hamper this guy sure loved his Batman one of the last interesting things that we have to go through is a suitcase down there so let's take a peek in that but let me clear out this hamper and we'll get to it see if we can see in there from a distance it is all paperwork and there's a lot of sensitive information like address social security etc I'm going through that off-camera I just want to show you two things that I've found there's the bottom floor that MacBook Air so that's a good fine that we found that but this was kind of interesting this thing appears to be a brand new order it's called it works its ultimate body applicator okay there's two of them here they appear to be seal right there and there's a number on there to show you which one it is right here shows how much they are $59 each it's $118 for those two little things right there so I have had some luck in the past selling this type of stuff on eBay just as it came and I just explained that I found this in a locker I don't know the the age the order date is here and they sell in they do bring in some pretty decent money too so it's good stuff let me go through this off camera this is a military training coin which is interesting to keep finding military training our military coins I'm not sure exactly what the all are for I assume that he finished some sort of training and received that as a kind of like a certificate of completion future of nature book third edition of mcdonaldization I'll look these up - all right this is kind of crazy this book right here and I tell you whenever I see a book with no price tag on it this make sure you're much more interested this one selling on Amazon right now for $64.99 and the sales rank on it's like 350 thousand which is not terrible might sound pretty high this one I hear four bucks I think so this one's going even more selling but this one good okay you guys I'm sure you're wondering right now what does all this stuff have to do with the thumbnail in the title of this video we're looking at all these unboxing not getting it right okay well here's the thing so this locker was owned by a young man we had googled him early on clean nothing came up couldn't find any dirt at all and we were really looking because we find that safe with what appears to be drug trafficking stuff right like we found a scale we found little pill capsules the clear new ones you know and we found plastic baggies like the little ones those don't look so hot right I think we can all agree those point in a direction that says drug trafficking but I don't know we couldn't find anything on him so and then on day two we start finding all the Air Force stuff right we found lots of Air Force clothing and I didn't even show it but near the end of the unboxing and those big bags of clothes we found a helmet actually is pretty cool huh that's pretty pretty nice helmet found those before they sell pretty good 50 bucks maybe a little more and then we found a body armor vest check that out I've never found one of these before it's very heavy and um I think that'll sell - those are some really cool finds but we're starting to find military stuff so now I'm not liking one's toys going right because we've got a military young man Air Force and then we've got what looks to be like drug dealer stuff guys I don't like to tell that kind of a story right that's not a good story but I don't make the stories up we tell the stories as we find them what I always like to say is that I'm just the narrator the locker tells the story okay but I don't like the story I don't like what I'm hearing here but we got to tell it anyways but as I started to wrap this up just today just today I'm thinking I don't like it I don't like how this is feeling there's got to be more to this story so you know we went back to those letters right went back to the letters that we found inside the safe the letters that came from the jail and we decided to look at the lady who wrote them right because I remembered Jenna mention that came from a lady had a lady's return name and address on there so today I googled her the story blows up oh my goodness so here's the deal this is her boyfriend's Locker okay she's writing in a lot of the clothes the Batman stuff I think was all hers I think she was the one that was in the Batman there's two different sized clothes in that locker of hers I think we're the smaller ones so she they were boyfriend-girlfriend I think and she is involved not involved but actually the cause of a horrific DUI traffic accident so she is 26 years old this is November of 2017 she is intoxicated she has a point 1 5 blood-alcohol level and she has marijuana in her system she drives a group of young people home from the bowling alley where they were all having a good time and beings that she was intoxicated she veers off the road car goes off the side rolls and I witness on this on the scene said that he saw the car going end over end so end over end really that paints a picture of a car traveling very fast in the accident being very brutal well one young lady she's 16 years old she loses her life immediately another young lady 25 years old is ejected from the car she winds up dying a week later from her injuries so this is a terrible right terrible the other kids in the car I think and I call them kids they're young adults but they're I don't know okay minor injuries they survived okay but this lady she's charged with murder because when you have a DUI and a death at that's a cause of a DUI driving under the influence you are charged with murder or can be charged with murder which she was so she goes to jail and apparently this young man state sticks fire he supports her through this ordeal and we're putting that together through reading the letters I'm not gonna read the letters for you but basically like she's talking to him saying how much she appreciates him it sounds like she was in a bunch of bad relationships and she also maybe struggled with addiction problems she's been friends with him for a while and apparently she comes to the realization after some time that he's actually a really good dude and she never appreciated that but then she started to turn around and they got into a relationship and then she gets in an accident so it didn't seem like there was that much time before that but it seems like he's stuck by her through this and I can't imagine that she had that many people in her life standing by her because this is um even more terrible because it wasn't her first DUI and it wasn't even her second DUI it was her third DUI and I think her she had just gone through the classes from the second one before this third incident happened and unfortunately this one you know wives are lost families destroyed and things happen that you'll never ever be able to fully heal from this is a big news here okay that so when Jenna and I pull up the news articles on Google we're blown away because this is uh this is a local event right this is just two cities over from us this is big news here when it happened we are like oh my goodness we remember this story we're seeing the family photos on the things weren't realizing we saw those photos on TV at that time Gyan was even going on to Facebook and seeing that the some of the families of the girls who died they're not that far away from us they're like friends of friends there's connections here it brings us so much more to home for us it's just terrible and I just wanted to say like if there's any takeaway here it's just that we've said it before like be aware of the dangers of drugs right we've talked about that in other workers because we see it a lot people lose lockers very often because they are in a drug addiction place you know I mean their their lives are spiraled out of control because of drugs be aware of the dangers right for yourself for your kids for your family everybody around you just be aware of them don't fall into those traps but in this case we have alcohol and we have marijuana and those are two drugs that are both legal here in California so we're not talking about heroin we're not talking about meth we're talking about - you know lighter level drugs being the culprit here and of course very very terrible decision making on this gals part terrible decision making to drive while you're intoxicated terrible decisions and now she's gonna have to find a way to live with that for the rest of her life so but anyways not a real happy way to wrap up the story but this is the way the story ends so we did want to share with you guys just because when we realized that we have these letters from this lady and this is such a big deal around here we were actually just floored really the gravity of the whole thing just kind of set in and we're just like oh my goodness we have to tell the story from this angle you just want to mention what other thing okay this is a little bit happier note because we go through lockers to find items that are interesting to tell these stories with these military coins these are just some of them I have a few more over there but we found these throughout different places found even a couple more at the flea market maybe there's three more I found at the bottom of a bag and I thought these were like some kind of like kind of like metals like you accomplished something and they give you a coin I think that's what they are but we asked a guy that we know that actually knows this stuff about military he actually wasn't a hundred percent sure probably cuz I didn't show it to him he was just told about him and he said he thinks he knows what they are but what's interesting about these is that when the military personnel go off you know our and our time and they go to a bar if there's a bunch of them in the bar they pull these out they're supposed to bring them with them if they pull them out and one guy doesn't have it that guy has to buy drinks for everyone in the bar pretty cool if you guys know anything more about these let me know all right put in the comments below tell me what these are for and if there's any truth to that story at all because I think that's a great story and I hope it is true but I hope you guys like this video alright I hope you like what we do here telling the stories as we find them hit me a thumbs up if you liked it alright and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and also hit the notification bell if you'd like to be notified of future videos when we put them out alright thanks you guys alright just wanted to caution you be safe be smart be aware and we'll see you next time all right good luck to you god bless you see you next time here on Locker nuts all right I'm still just really impressed by these coins I just want to give you guys a little bit closer look at these here before we end the video super cool
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 85,128
Rating: 4.9071732 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Charged with murder, murderer, jail letters, dui
Id: G83kerxo5pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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