$100,000 IN GOLD BOUGHT AT AUCTION but I bought the wrong abandoned storage locker

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[Music] we'll start now $10 bid hey well got 10 right here about 20 Sheba said that or maybe was amber said that it reminded them of a graveyard it definitely has that look isn't it yeah that's where you liked it huh everyone in this business is is buzzing about it everyone's talking about it they hit big let's see what the piggy holds in you you haven't you guys haven't seen them yet [Music] - ten - when a writer [Music] [Music] [Music] 275 3 3 25 are you guys that last one went a little bit high it wasn't all Christmas stuff apparently I didn't see it but there was a cash register right there and it was a newer kind with the touchscreen the point of purchase one so there's those have some value apparently and that's what the other guy was bidding on he was kind enough to share that tip with me I completely missed it so I was a player on that for a couple hundred bucks but it went higher than that I dropped out but this next unit you got to pay attention here okay oh really a treasure lies within this unit guys I've got the video of it and we're about to show you we're actually gonna show it to you twice first Gianna walks by with her camera she's gonna show it and then I'll walk by with my camera and I show us you're gonna see it twice but I just thought you want to see as much as you can I'm gonna show you every second of footage that we got because this is an amazing story what comes out of this locker we're going to tell you that at the end of the video but take a look at this okay everyone's talking about this locker I think I'm the only one who's got the footage of it so it's really special I'm excited to show you but I just wanted you to know it's something special is about to happen here so take a look alright let's go 515 is a 10 by 15 you start on our bill 100 over about 125 got 3 over 325 350 375 400 5 got five we're here five twenty five six seven eight 1,400 yeah 1800 now 14 over 15 got a fortune right over 15 I got 1450 50m fifteen fifteen sixteen sixteen fifteen seventeen seventeen got seventeen our number seventeen fifty seven either 1750 seventy brother or seventeen at seventeen fifty eighteen yeah 1850 now eighteen by eighteen fifty 19 yeah 1950 I got to over here for two thousand fifty two thousand dollars your fifty two thousand four two thousand fifteen to us in our 2050 [Music] well 2025 yep yes thanks see you next week baby all right I just bought two units today right from one of the best auctioneers in the business cool thanks what's up everybody what's up love your nuts Jason the storage auction experts we're out here in San Ramon just did an auction jackpot to probably two of the best of the day anybody interested in storage auctions follow us storage auction experts calm we're also on facebook storage auction experts and Instagram thank you for coming up you ready ready okay here we go [Applause] and let's see what you were driving a bit on this channel what did you see in here that you liked um well the MacBook Pro the box I think I was just getting over not getting the Walker before this yeah that I bet on well there was something you saw here MacBook Pro and there are some boxes and it's so good there's a tool box so I'll suitcase we have a king-size bed right here why we love mattresses what a great way just my BAE in this bed frame this bed frame is definitely different right yeah so it's like brought an iron Jebus said that or maybe was amber said that it reminded them of a graveyard it definitely has that look doesn't it yeah grey almost own a walker in the Walker Walker we got that and Walker in the locker and I might need it after I move all these mattresses my back is gonna be killing me that's why I'm here yeah yeah we have a nice desk right here nope it's probably good condition right solid to me klipsch disease are selling but what is sewing good is the absolute one putter recently on eBay for like 80 bucks laptop in just a little yes yeah usually that's good yeah I think it's dropped that's what happens all right but this right here that's why you liked it huh can we found one in the box before nay not just a guitar cord yeah it's half the cord it's missing the connector the connector so we got some Apple stickers that's cool umm but we do have this too that's great yeah on lights come on that's awesome yeah that is good or not well maybe needs to be tighten like keep going off maybe the batteries are a little bit these are like 50 or 60 bucks brand-new and you can usually get 25 30 bucks used all right what else we got here looks like a little piece of one's correct in its marble or they left behind the stuff they dropped what's in that little green yeah clipboards again don't eat that to the kids school okay look in these boxes here sure we got a table right here you don't know how to set it up it's already set up how much do you think this table will software this one yeah it's nice that does look like salt one huh it's looks like I don't know 25 bucks uh-huh 20 bucks it's a nice little size table good zone capella zone start the free market five bucks honestly five bucks so this does say progeny in right there we're gonna get some French stinking princess house right yeah it's very popular it's just hard to sell here's another one champagne we've had those exactly there's more champagne yeah the honor it wasn't from this locker they've been stored somewhere else it was each one of these we should probably sell for like eight bucks seven eight bucks right yeah that's something right yep this is what I don't know it's a band this is a bad sign to see look at that you know the tapes all tore off on that one and then the tips off on this one team that's not a good sign they've been through this they left behind what's our worst enemy this is a while you start to story they're kids this is probably pretty decent right here you can still use them just won't be like a few I definitely don't need any more pens sorry closet yes that's actually nice $15 brand new it Richards if only we could get that 15 bucks back soft pastels that's pretty cool this stuff does so there's a bottle opener yeah I'm not sure what the thing about that or what it's even intended for kind of cool well ceramic for the Turtles just hoping maybe something a little better in there but nae big here oh I see some points down there maybe we business here we go nice box make sure this a deer isn't it reindeer yeah they like heavy yeah whoo this looks all retro but it's not it's newer sliced breads stocking kit let's make your own stock Dickens village series let's just say okay that's kind of cool yeah they are neat they're nice and good shape too so these maybe we save these for Christmas that's really okay that's cool dude mm-hmm it's another Charles Dickens yeah Dickens village series big uns hideaway department 56 that's collectable well this one's a Santa bike and wagon shot like that and this will sell who doesn't like these I mean come on it's a little different Limited Edition oh wow all right what are you got here a very light suitcase no I'm not putting our it's the second suitcase these are not high quality suitcases I know look at that you pulled the tape off take through even like took the tools out if you wanted such cheesy move sorry those are nice to have but yeah this is not even like cool these are just parts like it out like the whole box [Music] Nutcracker I guess technically it's a tool digital multimeter cheap on them um I'm talking sure that's pretty cool so ashtray it's supposed to look like that sardine can that's been pulled open you might have to start a GoFundMe after this locker larger purchases all right that will sell for ten bucks I think so it should because it's got the wheels in the handle that's what people are looking for - how much for this um I will probably price it at ten bucks yeah at the flea market okay car web service obviously we bought the wrong locker on this day okay yeah going through that locker there wasn't really anything interesting if we had found the MacBook in the box that would have been a different story but the rest of the stuff hey we sold it we got our money back we sold enough stuff to to a little better than break even I'm happy you know it's not what I intended to happen but it's all good but the one down the road now that's where the real story is they so the one I said guys pay attention this one that was a legitimate treasure inside I mean like real real valuables so we go down to they were literally six doors down from us they're right down the row we go down we pass by them at you know we're poking around in our unit after the auction then we pass by them and they're like hey check this out come here they go the first box we looked in and look at this and they open the lid and there's it was a silver collection basically little squares or rectangles of silver with flags engraved I would say they're probably an ounce each and there's probably I don't remember maybe twelve sixteen in that box look pretty good it was like oh man good for you guys that's pretty awesome and then it was like they were like we don't want to be shown on film you know please don't don't video this and we said no that's cool we we respect that but we're like wow hmm that's pretty good like already just like we should have bought this one should have bought this one so later that day we went out got some lunch came back we went to the other unit afterwards and the this facility is on a hillside so the building down here is where we were at they were up above us and we could hear them up there just hooting and hollering oh yes and we're just like what are they doing up there what is going on and you can just tell there's so much excitement and honestly I should have gone up there and got the story I knew those guys didn't want me to video them but mostly I was just sick sick I felt sick I was just like oh I know they got something good you know I was just like oh I should have bought that you need to get this like kind of like buyer's remorse but you didn't buy it so you're not remorseful that you're remorseful of not buying it and it's a sickening feeling and I hate it I would rather buy something that I regret then not buy something in regret not buying it honestly that's that's far worse to me but I heard him up there but it wasn't till the next day Mike the storage auction pirate calls me and says you were in San Ramon right and I said yeah and he says who bought the hundred thousand dollars in gold and I was like are you kidding me I know I would just turned white you know it really took me a few hours even recover from the shock to process it just the the feeling of loss you know like we bid on that one who we could have had that one we should have had that one I let the the one that mattered get away you guys this is part of the business I know but it doesn't make it any easier to swallow so that was $100,000 in gold I guess what's happened is that the prior owner had been buying gold coins online and they come to him in envelopes he rips the envelopes open pulls them out puts them back in puts in a box sticks it in storage I don't get it I don't get why you'd put that in storage right but I don't buy gold coins right saying I don't put an expensive stuff for my stores so I don't get that but good for these guys that bought it the guys that bought it actually they're really cool guys they're always very friendly very talkative they're a pleasure to be with at the auction so I'm I'm happy for them right but I'd rather be happy for me and you know if I got it if I got that locker I'd be showing you guys too you'd be able to be along for the ride but in this you're just gonna have to listen to us telling you the story I'll tell you though everyone in this business is buzzing about it everyone's talking about it and this wasn't the only like big hit here locally recently within a two or three day span there's like three guys in three different areas that hit big but this one I was at I was at and I saw a little bit of it I saw the silver part of it also right before the auction the manager was of the facility was on the phone with his desk I guess the the tenant had called in and said I want to come in and pay and he was like trying to stop the auction and they are like let's just double check the paperwork nope he was given plenty of notice it's been a full 90 days sell it man too bad for that guy I don't know what his deal was why he didn't pay but $100,000 loss for him if someone else's $100,000 gained but you know what you guys I got one more thing to do on this locker there's one piece of unfinished business and I feel like there's gonna be a little bit of therapy involved you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about that piggy bank let's get to it so he's got some coins in them and we could peek inside we can see he's actually dropping maybe he's a little scared of what's about to come next but right now you guys if you would hit me that thumbs up show us that you like these videos hit the subscribe alright you know the deal hit the notification button as well but for now we don't usually break things on this channel but today I just felt like it you know what I just felt like it I want to get it out I want to get it out guy all right sorry piggy but this is not your day just like it wasn't my day on that day of the auctions here we go let's see what the piggy holds in oh yeah oh you won't need my glasses oh they're tokens okay not all tokens but I saw those is hoping for some dollar coins but you got some quarters okay five pennies a lot of pennies a gold penny looks like it's been painted a lot of tokens Oh Sacagawea right there there's a dollar there's a dollar we need 139 more of those yeah but I do see a fair amount of quarters here's a 50-cent piece all right there's a souvenir penny all right yes well anyways videos running long thank you guys so much for watching the next video we're gonna have that safe and show you how that turns out all right because that was a really interesting Locker like I don't even have words for it you're gonna have to tune in the see we'll probably do a two-parter with that when it's a lot to show all right you guys thanks so much for watching till next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts all right that's what it looks like counted out one two three four five six seven dollars and 39 cents not too bad not exactly $100,000 in gold but it's alright and we're gonna add that to you our nice coin jar
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 98,464
Rating: 4.8352103 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Gold Found, Gold Treasure, Huge Gold Find
Id: zdAA1xS83U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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