JEWERLY SCORE of a lifetime in the locker where we found $100k in new designer clothing. INCREDIBLE!

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there's tons of stuff in here we haven't even peeked in all right oh i feel tags 178 dollars it feels empty we got some action here guys okay oh this is bob's soundlink mini all right it says dishes plates bowl kitchen stuff let's see it's heavy that's not that that is something better that's jewelry right there it's all jewelry look at this piece right here that's crazy oh this more juice ripco right here dishes plates cups and silverware uh-uh that's not what the heck guys what the heck that's not dishes that says 18k on it what all right what's up locker nuts it is wednesday i just got back from the flea market actually very early i think it's like 10 30ish i don't even know what time it is it doesn't matter it was a really early day really quick load i made like 630 bucks at the market left early came home have a little bit of trash but otherwise emptied out because i knew today was really about working on this unit this is the unit i got for one dollar right jana and i bought this at the auction one dollar this has been an incredible locker already i know it's top ten there's tons of stuff in here we haven't even peeked in haven't even peeked in we're going to do that right now got some money in my pocket from the flea market but what i'm looking for is the keys let's let's get this popped open and see see what we find all right there it is we got a lot of room to work with here i like that okay i like that a lot of room to work with because we came here very recently and took all the makeup boxes out so we took another truckload out of here a little bit of garbage too but mostly makeup and there was one little box of jewelry it was over here somewhere the jana grabbed and that had the louis vuitton earrings in it incredible stuff all right well i'm gonna mount this gopro on my chest harness so i can have both hands free so we can do some real digging and see what else we find oh my goodness there are so many boxes back there i think behind this bed or whatever this is a mattress it looks like all boxes let's hope it's all boxes no furniture but even the furniture is decent but of course we're looking for better stuff and i think there's some real potential here let's get started all right one nice thing that i brought home from the market with me today is a bunch of empty bins that'll help get things sorted and loaded quick and we got some hangers because one of our ideas is to take some of that tagged merchandise the good stuff and do a little boutique at our house set some rolling racks up and sell it right off the rolling rack right at our house kind of like a garage sale only nicer this is all garbage back there that's all garbage believe it or not from the flea market all the stuff that was left over from the free sale a lot of it's just cardboard okay this looks like one bin that we must have overlooked or i think we couldn't fit on our last load and it looks like we have more tag stuff look at that 368 oh my goodness yeah this is definitely not going to the flea market right not going to the flea market it's a little too good for the flea market this is kind of nice i love when lockers provide us with garbage bags kind of funny to you ironic maybe today we uh ran out of garbage bags to give out my last garbage bag at the flea market the big garbage bags have some shopping bags here but there we go i replenish the supply i love that and we have a whole we have two more rolls right there too crazy that looks nice i'm gonna have to look this up real quick see if it's got any value on amazon all right not too much value on that book not too much we got a water pick here water flosser and then some gloves here rim sports those look like they're kind of decent a little bit of wear on them we'll let them go yeah a lot more paperwork a lot more people bette midler lyrics okay all right look at this you guys this is all wow vitamix this is all manuals to all the stuff she bought all her uh there's her vacuum i mean i'm assuming i don't think we got it out but i know that vitamix i think was in here somewhere optigrill this is all manuals so all her appliances wow okay probably we'll need to keep we'll want to keep that because as to the value when you can have the manual it's not that big of a deal but i'll put that aside okay brand new folders and a bunch of books nolo huh 20th edition i wonder when this is printed i don't know well the real question is does it have some value so let's find out six dollars so not a lot of value on that that's the amazon price okay and maybe some of these are worth a little bit more but then again maybe they're not so i'll bring these to the flea market and i'll most definitely be picking them off the ground at the end of the day because you just don't buy that stuff at the flea market very often these are some nice binders right here look at that they got like rubber edges it's a better binder i kind of have to agree with that what is this [Music] someone's at my door who's at my door it looks like it's the fedex guy all right thank you fedex guy okay all right what is this there's something in here like a soft it's actually gotten a little bit hard but it's squishing up some kind of product any couple power cords there's an iphone cable right here yeah put that aside there's a quarter keys okay there's a little keeper box for us those can go i don't know if those water bottles will sell or not but i'll give it a shot this is brand new sealed right here collagen peptides what the heck it's like a powder in there sealed choco nuvo dark chocolate this must be for making shakes or something some new scotch tape right there yeah that's a nice little pot okay yeah okay vitamins soap little bathroom set here that's what we got that's for the vacuum and i think what's a shark good good good good good hope we find that there's a nice box right there look at these that is really tight look at that it's got a magnet in there stick them on the fridge or whatever that's actually really really cool it's a nice looking brush that's just that's a dish brush right there very nice i get impressed by weird stuff sorry guys i am kind of weird like that now this piece right here i don't know what that goes to but i'm worried that might be part of the shark also what is that for joseph it's for cleaning something this lady has some nice stuff look at that's to set your soap on super nice up here we have a whole bunch of tissue paper and this is great because i use this for packing so that's going to come home with me right there oh i was just saying that we need some hangers check that out we got a whole big bag of hangers and these are those really nice ones they got felt right here these are cool i find those from time to time they're a little bit nicer but we have a huge bag full of them that's good i don't remember going through the garbage bag so oh man these are nice clothes too lucky brand extra large uh i don't think giana looked at these clothes these i don't see tags on these but already i see lucky brand that's a good good eileen fisher geez okay we gotta go through those that's gotta go home with us let me put in the front more good clothes this better stuff will definitely be into our live auction if you guys haven't been to our live auction before i say it every every week or every episode rather 5 pm pacific on monday nights on our youtube channel that's when it is it's a lot of fun go check it out it's where you can buy some of the better stuff that we find in these types of lockers all right there's a little i don't know kind of pad or something put that in my car a little cushion speaking of cushion here's some more cushions i don't know what those are for i want to put them somewhere they won't get dirty this is more cosmetics enzyme mask miracle revival mud is that empty that looks pretty empty i'm going to toss that one but that one's full right here erno lazlo is that good i don't know i don't know there's a lot more stuff in here okay it looks expensive too so let's put that stuff back borgies active mud there's a bit more that erno laszlo masks face masks whole bunch more that stuff okay this is good stuff i think that means it means we're gonna put it aside all right putting it aside food saver these are some money right here this stuff is expensive it's not a full box but value combo pack huh this is some money i wouldn't be surprised if this was full if that's 50 bucks at least looks like it's half full probably yeah we'll bring it to the market i think that'll be a shame though because i know they won't play hardly anything but those do so okay another bag here let's see let's see if it's the same quality and i haven't seen any brands yet uh my hands are a little dirty i don't really want to touch it but i can just tell this is some good stuff in here theory you know i'll just take those home i think take that home like channel look at it here's another bag of really really nice stuff i think oh i feel tags 178 bcbg bcbg 178 dollars from macy's this one's not tagged it is also bcbg another fantastic bag right here oh my goodness oh there's a dresser back here too by the way all right i was hoping that maybe a wall of boxes i didn't feel like it would be there's a dresser which is still good you sell dressers no problem but the point is this could be any locker right here when you just step back look at this like furniture boxes whatever doesn't even look like that exceptional but it is exceptional this stuff in here is way better than most lockers that we find okay up here this is where i want to go up here that's empty it feels yeah i didn't empty that was coming down here i guess it had a mind of its own there's nickel here's another binder full of stinking manuals again there's a dyson cordless vac right there those are like 500 bucks brand new oh this all more manuals that's crazy what is this this is part oh this is a shark shark part to a shark back is this it is this oh my goodness what the heck that's the vacuum right here [Music] it's hecka tiny oh it's like a strong [Music] wow okay i gotta find the charger for that okay there's a oh there we go there we go oh my goodness i might just keep that in the van that is so cool oh it works great don't mind me i know you guys come to my channel to watch storage adventures instead you see me vacuuming my car it's dirty what can i say it needs a vacuum all right that is that is really really cool that did we sell that i don't know i kind of saved that i say that a lot about stuff that's cool but really it's gotta go it's all gotta go what is this i almost feel like this is like a computer right here self-contained computer and hp yeah i think the computer is built into the monitor uh we'll have to check that out we'll have to look that up for value i do like sort maybe overly sort i know a lot of guys think i sort too much but i decide what flea market that goes to you i decide what goes on ebay or or our live auctions i decide like what goes to the dump instead of the market because i do go to the dump some guys just bring everything to the market dump it afterwards everyone does their own way but i definitely am very organized i try to be anyways okay there's a like a mattress topper right there that looks kind of pricey don't be surprised if that was expensive oh boy do you see this this is all athletic wear another huge box there's a little makeup stain right there but it is it looks like this is the pre-owned stuff that's an extra large look at that that is all like bright colored workout wear the whole thing there might be tag stuff in there but i'm not gonna go through that here and now we'll take it home sort it out lot it up put it in our auction sell sell sell all right this file cabinet right here that's a nice piece we got some action here guys oh wait didn't even do this pulled this out and didn't even get to it all right that's for uh okay it's for a hoover i was gonna say a bona it's for hardwood floors it's kind of pricey sneaker wash bag that's actually pretty cool five dollars and then we got here and a whole bag all right which is helpful at the flea market people always want bags they're like oh can i buy this for a dollar and then here's a 20 can you break it oh and can i have a bag it's like you want a gift wrap too oh look at that that's a fatty a galaxy note 5 is that good uh i can't be bad there's not the screen's not broken or nothing looks like that's the cover for it it's got the little doodad on there here's an older sprint this is a good phone right here i think that's worth some money yeah general thoughts i'll be guided every step of the way i'll know what to do when the time is right subconscious mind i believe that the subconscious power that gave me this desire is now fulfilling it through me my home i am one with the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind my subconscious is now in operation to bring me to a home that is safe [Music] my subconscious mind tells me one thing i'm hungry time to eat that's about the extent of my subconscious interaction eat time oh this is a sealed card right here we like those we like finding sealed cards and lockers with people with money because they don't necessarily take the money or gift cards out nice here's a little portable battery so it's got three dots on there that's still charged ready for business these are for locks right here this cool little box right here got another one right here okay that's for a fitbit or something this band right here in the little something or other dynastream it says there's some nice headsets right here these ones say jam or no i'm sorry these ones say jabra and these ones say jam the jam looks pretty heavily used but the jabber do not those look kind of decent too it's an apple oh that's good this is one of the circular locks i do need those from time to time some brand new apple headphones another apple charger there's some good stuff in here yeah there's a data card right there 32 gigs not bad some razor blades boom little bose thing here overcame a nasty temper from now on i shall grow more good humor joy happiness and cheerfulness are now beaming or becoming my normal state of mind every day i'm becoming more and more lovable and understanding i will be a center of check and goodwill to those around me infecting them with good spirits this happy joyous and cheerful mood is now becoming my normal natural state of mind i am grateful okay this is only interesting because i did a little bit of research on this lady and she was arrested for assault [Music] arrested for assault yes you know the phone right here a little split phone samsung nice and all that was in drawer number one that's what's up drawer number two oh this is not oh bose okay okay this is good okay oh this is bobo's soundlink mini i had one of these before and it sold like really fast on ebay and this one's going to be put on ebay also well tested of course yes that's awesome it's a little bluetooth speaker that really is uh really really good that's a good find right there let me be excited for a second guess about something good all right i just like bows bows usually equals money that's cool self stick flags nice i get excited about silly things there's a little data card we'll lock those data cards up and put those in our auction this is some sort of a charger i think oh for a vape device she had some good pens here too let's put her pens aside because they're decent there's another dado card and another key oh my goodness there's a lot of stuff look at this garmin right here i think this goes over your chest i think this is a chest monitor might be wrong i think that's what it's for and it measures like your heart rate and stuff so when you're exercising that's cool what's this epson ink bottle five of 23 2023 those are good that might be worth putting on ebay this is such a good locker there's some hp system recovery disks and i'll put those aside that's probably through that computer that we found here's a jabra case uh i think it goes to that jobber headset i found earlier and this is some sort of heart it's a garmin vivofit it probably goes with that heart monitor it looks like that's uh working still what's in here earbuds more earbuds earbuds iron man series okay oh a tablet a tablet i really thought it was a notebook barnes noble it's a nook okay that's the end right there it's a nook very nice another good good find so much good stuff we'll be putting a lot of good stuff in our live auction that's the skull candy right there do we find earbuds if it's skull candy that's what that logo is i got a little bag here what is this hand key alpha uh s3 hand key property of alpha security products what the heck is that it's got a serial number on there i've never seen that before what's in here though this is a little heavy oh this is another thing for security tags for uh clothes yeah sensomatic and we used to use these at macy's back in the 90s and probably before that but i mean the last i worked there was in the 90s that must be what this is for too some kind of sensor tags nice big zipper bag that's nice for money okay what is this this is some sort of a base or something this glass i think thick with the holes in it it's for something maybe a tv or something i don't know oh that's nice chloe's kitchen so like a silicon placement but i think it's probably more for like making food on it those are neat and this is home goods right here cynthia rally forty dollars for this basket right here expensive stuff yeah that basket's actually hecking nice okay what's in here ooh nautica yeah that's nice nak is such a good brand i love nautica stuff all right there's a little vacuum attachment bug stop home barrier that'll definitely sell out at the flea market there's a blu-ray sony blu-ray oh it's 3d too interesting it's 3d because check this out we've got the sony bravia right here led and it says 3d i think 3d is kind of a fad and i don't think that they uh it's really in anymore i don't know but i probably want to keep that with the tv i would think i'm not going to pay as much of the flea market anyways all right there's some ziploc bags we always use those keep that keeper box nice little set of canning jars there spray paint rust inhibitor that's a random box really a leather cleaner and another vacuum attachment this is looks like for the shark though put that aside that umbrella too anything nautica i'm gonna put aside because i like nautica that's just a personal preference for me and these attachments put that aside too because i don't know whether we're going to find back here we still might find that that uh vacuum cleaner back there let's go through this bag kitchen towels that's not kitchen towel it's a handheld cairo home that is that is a nice quality towel right there oh that is nice wait what is this look at these power cords that's kind of wild i've never seen one like that quirky it says quirky that is really cool look at that bend it whatever way you need it to be got a little handle there and look at that i think it goes like that wraps around for uh easy storage too that is a pretty sweet power cord and there's three of them i might have to keep those upgrade i'll take some ones from my garage and those that get passed on sold i'll upgrade to those now this right here i think is for shark dyson oh oh oh dyson very very nice and husky some nice set of tools here let me just look in here and see if there's anything that needs to come out be paid more attention to you i don't think so but there is some this is definitely a nice little tool bag right here that's that's a good set of tools good enough i think maybe to go in our live auctions i don't know hand sanitizer no don't mind if i do it doesn't smell too hot but that's good i'm gonna put that in the car actually yeah we're just gonna bring this to the to the market but what's this for this is probably for the that hp and this we gotta keep because if that dyson's in here that's going to be a good score those cordless vacs are very expensive all right these chairs right here crate and barrel jenna was impressed with these she said these are probably pretty pretty expensive not like real expensive but not cheap either it definitely feels nice and conditions pretty good on this this thing right here is cool got three of these metal baskets right here that goes in there and i think we have some more at home cosmetics were stored in that so we took it home here's some kind of replacement air filter whirlpool i wonder if that's something we should ebay brand new they never open the box and ship it right off in that box so what do we got back here now we got some we're able to get in here what's behind this i think a couch it's a couch no big surprise there's the cushions okay those cushions that we're finding it's gonna go to this couch right here okay looks like we have a full set of these chairs oh my goodness one two three four five and then the one over there we got six of those purple look at that big uh zebra mirror it's like not zebra like a tiger print funny more bags of clothes maybe back here pretty large uh wastebasket got some nice stuff i see back here we got more boxes big old stack of boxes that's exciting all right okay oh boy we got a ton of cool stuff in here this is bathtime rx it looks like it's all like cents like but something in this box looks like it's leaked so there's like a little bit oily sticky stuff but jeez how much are okay 12 bucks on sale is that why she bought a lot of these this lady bought too much stuff oh okay yeah look at the bottom here it's something's leaked out made a little bit of a mess self-tanning stuff what is this 20 bucks algae brightening mask that is a brand new seal swerve the ultimate sugar replacement bronzing moose and this is brand new sealed packs some of these have uh like this one right here is brand new sealed but it got this funky stuff on it so maybe i'm not take this home and clean up this stuff i don't know maybe i'll just pull off the clean ones yeah like that's brand new sealed the box is funky so that's gonna be easy we'll take this home that's 20 bucks right here so put a bunch of these in a in a box and uh make a nice lot for our auctions there's gonna be some value there there's another box that looks pretty good [Music] okay this box actually looks really good i was saying it looked good because i seen stuff like this look at this candle eucalyptus and mint leaf oh man that smells super good that's a high-end candle right there looks like it was burned maybe once that smells good too oh these are nice okay what's this it's only seven bucks a little wax candle what's this oh this looks good you guys oh my goodness i'm seeing some good stuff in here what is this what the heck is this oh this is a necklace ah that's so cool that is really cool cn right there all right c n that might represent the maker that's a neat piece really fancy box that can't be cheap what is this those are gucci oh dang we already found a pair of gucci now we found another pair of gucci we just auctioned off a pair of gucci sunglasses and bingo there's another one gucci made in italy it's got a serial number right here gg4280 slash s okay that's insane that's insane what is this oh man come on evil i think that was a watch in the watches not here a bunch of wet lipstick right there bring that home for the girls look at this lavender oil clearing spray here's another really nice high-end candle lavender oh gosh that smells good that smells like a the spa at the fancy hotels you know lavender candles oh there's another one smoked teakwood dude these are nice these are smells so nice okay here's bose soundtouch wireless link adapter for the soundtouch is that the thing that we found earlier it might be i'll put it in there with the other bose piece that we found and there's a whole bunch of essential oils right here eucalyptus okay what is this this is this looks you know what let me get my hands clean that's why i keep these in the car this is all locker finds i keep it in the car and get clean yep and my hands were dirty because look at that cloth all right clean hands nothing there's the lady's driver's license expired a few years ago rifka friedman 18 karat gold clad jewelry so it's gold plated all right it's a nice box shabbat nice stuff i mean even her notebooks are nice i love to be on stage i love acting on stage i am very talented i get along with people i love engaging with others i love to do the research for roles so she was an actress what the heck is that what what is that really what is that okay this is good this is some attachment this is for the dyson these are dyson parts there nothing to do with this what is this what is this do you guys know what this is that's got me a little stumped hmm i don't know what that's for i'll put it aside hopefully hopefully we figure that out oh okay ice chips candy sour apple okay dr mercola sleep support with melatonin there's a whole bunch of stuff in here sleep support with melatonin that's sealed a lot of sealed stuff oh this is white vinegar right here a big bottle of it i'll keep that we use that for cleaning quite a bit safe slime there's a lot of weird stuff in here what is this oh this just for a shower head power shower it says all right you know what guys i would normally try that i'm just not feeling it today not feeling up to the locker food challenge um but i might have to look these up sometimes these like little supplements and stuff that really surprising and big money all right so here one sold for 13 plus shipping here's one sold for four bottles for 21 free shipping here's one fourteen dollars free shipping uh best buy august of 2020 all right maybe we'll just bring it to the market well this thing is definitely different what does this do [Applause] oh my goodness that is so cool whoa that is awesome oh my goodness look at that it's so easy wow okay i guess i'm easily impressed but i am i am impressed with that oh it's got a bunch of funky stuff on there but uh that can be cleaned off easy enough that's just a cool little cart it looks like it says miles davis improvise by that's going to be the question 1991 huh all right let's see what this looks like that's neat that is pretty neat looks like she got some funky junk on here that's unfortunate it's a little different might be an alameda piece might be something to bring to the vintage market this is some sort of pop-up i don't know what it does i don't know if i wonder enough to pop it out and then try to pack it up but oh there we go looks like a brand new portable black pop spray tanning tent okay i was wondering if it smells like spray tan um because she does have that spray tan machine too it's it's somewhere i don't know where it is at this very moment but okay this right here this is a headboard pretty nice pretty nice jenna's saying she wanted to see what the headboard looked like she was curious about that it does look pretty nice let's look in here this is where gianna found that jewelry box with the really really expensive jewelry lucy some medium leggings got more athletic wear i think more leggings and stuff oh man there's ten in here it's so surprising that jewelry box is in here sometimes they say you hide things best things are best hidden where you least expect it in the laundry basket would not be where you'd look for a jewelry box so not a bad hiding spot oh this is good too see back here we've got a dress form actually i don't know if it's a dress form or part of a mannequin because it looks like it's got some heavy steel hardware for arms but that's the torso anyways that's good because we were saying we might need to buy something like that for uh taking photos of some of this better clothing maybe that's what she meant to do maybe that's what she did i don't know that's pretty dope right there all right and that reveals what's here this dresser does not look that nice though yeah it's huge that sucks that's what is uh that thing is fully moving by itself all right let's get it down ah it's hangers wow there's even eileen fischer hanging right there but yeah more hangers looks like pretty decent stuff too we're gonna need that all right oh look at this this looks like some nice dresses right there is that blankets or dresses or just fabric let's let's find out they're nice totes dillards right here what is this this is pretty dang nice whatever it is it is a bunch of fabric but i think is this just to hang on the wall or is this like a table runner it is super duper long it's beautiful whatever it is that is beautiful i think these are maybe table runners this one's got some stains on it here another really nice one okay this is what i thought maybe might be a robe or something but um oh what's going on here oh my goodness this is i think some sort of a robe it is super duper long it's for somebody very tall and it is extremely extremely elaborate there's a safety pin right here could this been used like we found some things saying that she was an actress but maybe this was used in a play or something you know like a costume but it is like that's embroidered this is this is really nice that is like some serious intricate stuff um this i think this is another one oh my goodness this is another one look at this look at the work done on this those are crazy they're so long like if i were to try that on right now it's dragging on the ground do you guys see it can can you see the work done on this look at this with the birds whoa okay that's this is something special this is it's got some dirt marks right here and some dirt marks right here i don't think this was done for on stage like for a costume because it's too high quality but i might be wrong maybe they make things that good for uh productions big productions or something but this is uh i've never found anything like this before that's something that's something different okay very cool stuff here i'm not sure what this is this is japanese or chinese or what yeah we'll have to take a look at that a little bit closer all right what do we got here please have tags all right no tags oh made in france now some bras valentino underwear this is uh yeah this could be decent i'll put this back and let janna sort this out okay what do we got here oh okay this is some sort of a these are studio lights here yes this looks like what do you call it halogen maybe versalite j160 got two of those you got some of these light umbrellas i have to look that up i don't know the value on that so we'll look it up and see put it aside for now go slow on that kind of stuff because sometimes it's big money okay the tape is all peeling off these a lot of boxes here no clue as to what's inside because we haven't been through any boxes yet so this first box is going to be kind of interesting might set the tone for all the rest that we find let's get some more of these water bottles what is this what the heck is this what is this okay i have a feeling it's something to do with beauty i don't know it just feels like you hang the stuff there's a little display right here a fan right there pulling aaron what is this no clue you know what those funky things that we found they're here somewhere those those corded things i just was like what is this they plug in here why is there no name on this thing that's weird all right here's another really cool power cord quirky just like the other ones all right this thing we're gonna have to put aside put aside piles getting kind of big right now all right nice box all right says dishes plates bowl kitchen stuff let's see it's heavy that's not that that is something better that's jewelry right there it's all jewelry get out okay let's get this out this is some nice sheets it's great it's good let's get this what's that kristen dior guys look at this oh that's great oh oh salvador ferragamo oh this is something different than this tom ford tom ford all right wait do we have ferragamos yeah we do we didn't sell those yet all right that worked out good what's in here oh my goodness this is another one of these what they call the salt rock where they wait a ton that's a big old rock lamp okay i found one already in this locker what's this this is nice whatever it is made in british crown colony of hong kong 50 silk 50 rayon what is that something shelley is that coming on the camera whatever this is it's very heavy and i think this is very old because it talks about british hong kong it's got a quite a bit of dirt marks on here there's a bead trying to get away right there put that back in the bag this is actually really interesting right there okay it's too bad they had it with that rock lamp the rock lamp could not have been treating it too kind oh my goodness look at this that's all jewelry it's all jewelry oh my goodness what's this oh what do you see this is this coming on the camera boy this would be the wrong day for my gopro to not not record proper look at this guys it says joan rivers classics right there it's like a jewelry organizer look at all this jewelry kj l right there i think this is all costume but i will have to check close to find out for sure okay what's in here probably glasses but yep nice christened your holy smokes oh look at this judith ripka more judith ricka this one's in pieces though that one's got some repairs needed but i don't see juthripka on there so i think it's just in the judith rip cup bag look at this one 50 price tag bat am jewelry designer look at this piece right here that's crazy china it says bee it doesn't shed too much light on it what are these this is nice guys this is really nice look at these these are all in their bags so they don't get all scuffed up look at that wow that is so awesome more of those wow what's this a pearl flection collection neat look at this stuff this is terrific look at that beautiful oh okay guys if you heard me talk about earlier uh we you know we do those live options and that's where this stuff's going this stuff will definitely be lotted up and put in the live auction this is the kind of stuff we love to find i love finding this kind of high-end costume jewelry look at this joan rivers right here this piece right here is joan rivers wow wow okay oh what's this i don't think that's gold it doesn't have the right feel sure looks pretty though i have a feeling this is all going to be costume maybe of course we'll look at everything extremely close this is 925 right here that's a gold silver ah that's nice doesn't this if you guys watch the video where i bought that unit with mike the storage auction pirate and we found that huge jewelry box and it had an amazing score doesn't this remind you of it because we find like the gold 925 finding lots of john river stuff it's all bengals uh it says 925 italy right here mylor right there 925 italy that's another silver piece this is good if we're finding silver we're we're doing pretty good uh like i said i'll take all this home and we'll go through it very carefully it's just a bag right there silver safe keeper oh that's nice keeps your silver from tarnishing ooh i think we might have a little gold in here that's nice oh wow look at that that definitely looks silver this piece right here says kjl on that so that's a costume designer costume piece but i'm certain there's got to be some gold in there that was in a cardboard box my goodness okay can you hear me smiling one more box oh wow oh there's more juice ripco right here right let's see it's very small but yes it's judith ripka that's 925 and this is heavy we sold one of those on monday in our live auction this one too look at that i love those now the judith ripco right there 925 and sees these so there's a little cubic zirconium's in there beautiful stuff look at this that's a designer piece wow there's another joan rivers piece right here another really pretty costume oh wow let's see this is another judith ripco right here i think yes it is another 925 silver that's pretty ah this looks like juice ripped it too it is 925. cubic zarkoni has got a big cubic right there clip on earrings hopefully i find the other one we got watches oh my goodness this is so crazy ah that's pretty too okay you know what i'll take all this jewelry back and we'll lay it on the table just like we did before i'm stunned right now i need to go through this no there's another judith ripper right here another 925. it's so heavy too and another one i'm sorry i'm just loving it this kind of lockers are so few and far between i think that's just costume right here but it sure looks pretty we'll definitely look it up that's 925 that's silver look at that invicta that's 100 bucks probably right there invicta wow this is invicta 100 bucks 100 bucks it might not be a 400 bucks but i think it's going to be pretty close to 100 bucks invicta invicta invicta what the heck oh my goodness invicta invicta that's crazy they're almost all invicta croton i think that's good too discovery it's a diver's watch that's pretty nice esq that one's got mother pearl instead veronese another croton right here whoa whoa that's an amazing box okay this does not happen all right this is this is an insane locker okay next box and this one says oh this one's heavy dishes plates cups and silverware will be nice if we found silver silverware but let's see what there's the bottoms feeling kind of soggy on this what's going on with that you don't want to give out on me okay mortals and uh uh that's not what the heck guys what the heck that's not dishes what the heck what oh my goodness look at this oh my goodness what she must have sold jewelry in her store what no way no way no way what the heck okay this is crazy guys okay this is crazy what the heck [Applause] what the heck how does she have this much stuff that's judith ripka right there that's judith's work that this looks like judith ripka too i don't know about this one um i'm blown away right now i'm in i'm in shock right now this is insane i don't think these are gold though i don't think these are gold okay that's not gold but um there's got to be some gold in here we've already seen this some silver there there's got to be some gold in here too look at that i was just looking for anything that says gold um okay that's just turkey and it says i think 18k that says 18k on it how does she have this much how does she have this much stuff what the heck guys what the heck this is amazing [Music] this is maybe the best locker i've ever found i was saying this is gonna be top ten maybe top five maybe top five now i'm like uh oh i think this might be the best ever what's over here oh my god oh my god what okay i see pieces that look like more judith ripka in here quite a few and that means 925 silver okay that looks like juthripka right here that's because it is that's 925 silver right there i think all those pieces right there are all beautiful i think that's a judicial what this looks like gold too maybe not that stamp something i just can't read it kenneth lane right there kenneth lane this is 925. oh whoa okay what else you got here i don't even know what to say i don't know what to say this is not this is not uh this was not expected i i really thought that jewelry box we already found in this locker was gonna be it i thought maybe there's a chance we'll find some more i did not think this who who would have thought that who would have thought that that's crazy that's out of one box and we have all those boxes i'm not saying that there's gonna be more like this but oh my goodness we already found jewelry in the last box okay guys i'm now just i'm getting this in the car i can't i get all nervous i don't i just gotta get this home i'm gonna go through some more boxes but i mean i'm just like okay i can't just keep going through this here i gotta get i gotta keep moving i gotta keep going through stuff i'm gonna put all right here we'll put tables right here so they won't it won't move and uh when i get home i'll take the tables out and take these out i got i got look at this got jewelry up here i got a baggage order right here like hold that right there that's good that's so beautiful look at that that is crazy crazy crazy crazy all right you guys were here for you saw this may be the best jewelry find of my life and i may never find better than this if there's a if there's a some gold in there our profits are going to skyrocket on this locker oh my goodness just for clean sheets here put them in the bag to keep them off the floor okay let's go grab another box because this is uh i don't even know what to say is i am completely stunned really i am stunned i am in shock really like i try to be all fun and joking around stuff but at this point it's like i'm just i'm i'm in a very serious mode because i don't know the gravity of this fine that i know we've seen lots of silver in there if we've got some gold in there we're going to be crazy crazy profitable we already are crazy profitable in this locker what the heck did that lady leave this far what did she leave this for i don't know what happened to her we couldn't find any arrest records she's been arrested in the past couldn't find any arrest records on her um to know why she would default on this locker hmm i don't know i don't know i don't know you know what i think we're going to wrap this video up only because i know we've dug through a lot of stuff already today and the jewelry is just like that's that's got to go in another episode when we go through all that but we got a lot more digging here to do today and uh we're going to keep digging so look for that in the next episode but we're gonna wrap it right here and i have to say that's gotta be a climatic ending if ever there was one on this channel there's gotta be tens of thousands of dollars there uh and if there's gold if there's not gold we're still talking thousands and thousands and thousands but if there is gold there we're talking tens of thousands in there and we've already found a lot of 14k and a little bit of 18k in this locker right so all right great day so far it's not over hopefully we got more i mean i don't want to be greedy i don't want to be like unthankful for what we find but i'm just saying yeah yeah let's keep going there's a good chance there's something some more stuff in there you never know that last box was marked what dishes plates cups silverware they were silver all right and she was wearing it and pretty soon somebody else be wearing it all right but until then guys good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on right here the locker nuts channel take care that's pretty nice actually yes another very nice shoot she has nice do you see that right there that's louis vuitton boxes right there
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 118,623
Rating: 4.9174371 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, locked safe, designer clothing, Eileen Fisher, Louis Vuitton
Id: tKTzk26lxRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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