Strait Up FOUND TREASURE in this locker I paid $110 for at the abandoned storage auction.

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let's take a peek you know we love this part right here the big unveiling oh here's our next next purchase here and is this one gonna have the gold this is what i really liked right here see that right there that's a guitar case i just saw something peek out at us come on what's that what do we got in here guys you ready let's go one two three all right i just gotta laugh you guys because this is funny i love getting surprises like this oh i'm nervous because i just i really wanted to be here okay it's actually not empty okay guys ready let's see what it is oh okay wait a second now this is a signed guitar this is a beautiful guitar what does that say though is that george strait 1994. guys we got something here that is amazing i could just walk away right now all right locker nuts are you ready for another adventure because i bought this unit right here all right i bought it through an online auction this one costs only 110 bucks i was really surprised by that plus there's 15 fees so i have a little bit over like 125 126 thereabouts but i'm surprised it went so cheap everything's so expensive right now all right it's five feet wide ten feet deep you're ready to take a look let's take a peek you know we love this part right here the big unveiling oh okay not that much stuff in here right but still there's some stuff in here i like let me switch cameras and take you inside so we can look around a little closer all right guys here is the unit the unit we bought i see one lock just little clues breadcrumbs sprinkled about to find out what happened what happened here all right oh no actually there's two more locks how funny i just said that and there's two more locks right there so this has been cut three times why why we'll never know probably what's in here okay some more wrapping paper i just donated a ton of wrapping paper big old carpet a couple more thermoses that's funny i've been finding these a lot lately so there's a table back here chair set here uh what's this toolbox metal box this is interesting we'll take a look at that and there's some spray paint this thing right here uh organizers we sometimes find good stuff in those but this is what i really liked right here see that right there that's a guitar case yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so this is not a lot of stuff actually it looks less in person than it did in the photos maybe i was just kind of hoping there's more there's two carpets back there a little christmas guy here and deer for the lawn vacuum what is that back here it's a top that's a big tonka truck back there that's cool it's a little bit more lit out here so this facility right here i bought a few times it's been a while though uh but if you remember this hallway i don't know how long you guys been watching my videos but one of these doors right over here we bought two units on the same day one on this side one on that side on this very hallway and that's the units where um it was titled owner wanted her unit back and i said no and she owned both the units but uh yeah that was here so here's our next next purchase here and is this one gonna have the gold maybe if this one's got something good in there this could turn into a really really good locker all right guys well that's enough peeking around let's get the gopro on let's start pulling stuff out and start going through it and uh with any luck i'll get this thing cleared out here in a jiffy okay oh what's this logan's job site all right that's cute this right here i'm curious just because the shape there's one musical instrument in here i guess probably a long shot probably wishful thinking but what if there's another instrument in here there's not what is this aluminum aluminum poles or something more aluminum poles here with some tent stakes plastic tent stakes yeah that's what it is some sort of an awning or something we got some good stuff here this is a propane tree i think it's called you put on one of those big five gallon propane tank and you can branch off a couple more pieces it's helpful when you're camping very useful this is for some sort of a shelf i think other parts do it here nice big level candle holder is pretty nice oh you know what this is from a wine barrel this part right here wine that's part of a wine barrel you can see it's stained red from probably a red wine okay all right there's a twin sized uh bed frame there okay more wrapping paper what are these paper twist ribbon set okay and some ribbons and gift bags what is this right here it's got some weight to it my guess is it's probably like a horseshoe set or something yep that's what it is a brand new horseshoe set see the horseshoes right there is gold and silver and uh yeah that's kind of nice actually it's got some weight to it let's say that's probably good 10 bucks at the garage sale sport craft sport craft sport craft all right cool not not like super cool but it's kind of cool okay these shelfies usually sell pretty easy if you haven't seen these before they flip out like that and then all the shelves come down let's not do that some wood for the shelves and i think that goes these guys right here kind of just getting the junk out so we can look at the better stuff leah sophia what do you got here oh see a wood box here what is that plastic boards what's this right here that looks interesting come on what's this okay little snips and pliers and tweezers [Music] oh guys i know what this is oh oh oh this is a really good sign this is a ring sizer so you can figure out what size ring that you wear right okay and these are jewelry box uh displays right here this is what we use in our live auctions oh did you see that i just saw something peek out at us come on what's that oh okay this i think is a this is a jewelry brand this leah sophia share the love of jewelry 22 bucks all right i'm loving that this one's 24. are those silver could be silver could be silver i hope it's silver this is good guys this is a little bit of surprise right now a little bit of surprise okay what's this i am surprised empty box oh nice little display for rings we're going to use that most definitely we'll be using that okay that one's not empty got a little kitty cat 24 bucks oh my goodness this is already surprising me really i'm already surprised being a good surprise yeah oh look at this okay what do we got here a little mother of pearl on there size seven leah sophia is it silver that is the million dollar question okay maybe not a million dollar question but that's a few dollar question i don't see any markings for silver it looks like it could be but it could also not be all right but i like that that is cool that's a nice looking ring wowza okay guys we're gonna have some jewelry in our upcoming auction and if you're not sure what i'm talking about if you're watching this and don't know what i mean by auction well we do a live auction every week on our youtube channel at 5 p.m pacific on mondays it is a lot of fun the auctions are a lot of fun okay we got a bunch of catalogs here from leah sofia i wonder if this is like a uh multi-level marketing thing yeah look at that a bunch of order forms oh oh oh that's not all order forms we got some we got some stuff here let's see what we got okay yeah i just gotta laugh you guys because this is funny i love getting surprises like this those are beautiful leah sophia with the little green i hope this is coming up good boy and i hope those are silver because that's nice oh yes i don't think it's silver it would say it would say it if it was silver and i feel a little bit of rough sharpness right there so just costing pieces but brand new and look at that 34 bucks nice that matches the pendant 35 bucks oh man that is pretty 34 bucks pretty yeah oh yes that's got some marking okay it says leah sofia right there i was hoping maybe it said 925 but nice little bracelet there's a chain look at that it's like silver on that side you flip it over and it's gold silver gold and i'm just talking about the colors i don't think it's precious metal bit i love to be wrong i love to be wrong but i don't think it is okay these guys are a little twisted up here but we'll sort them out later that's a nice pendant there as well but this one right here is a stone and that's really nice okay good good good i almost forgot we got this okay and there's that thing is it's got a magnet in here because it's clamping down there so what do we got in here guys you ready let's go one two three oh okay it's a little testing kit for this acid test for testing your gold and stuff there's a huge magnet right there and it's all corroded because they put in with the acid and the acid eats up the metal so okay i would say that's a very good start to this locker i'm very surprised actually okay should we do this right now i just think it's going to be empty all right should we do it okay we got to do it because i can't get to that without it okay you ready oh i'm nervous because i just i really wanted to be here okay it's actually not empty it's not empty what do we got here okay what's all that paper sticking out there okay guys ready let's see what it is oh okay wait a second now what is this this is a signed guitar and this is a beautiful guitar is that what it is epiphany or is it a pet epiphone thanks and then what does this say what does that say clay walsh clay wall what does that say though is that george strait 1994. guys we got something here what is this wordy swirl i don't know this is a gibson that's a get this is nice okay this is no hype this is nice guys i'm blown away right now epiphonic is what it is it's an epiphonic gibson epiphonic this is an acoustic guitar with hookups see that oh my goodness hundred and ten dollars for this guys i am blown away right now i am blown away that's incredible we gotta figure out who signed this thing and we gotta find out how much this guitar is worth that is amazing i could just walk away right now we have a little jewelry and a guitar 110 125 out the door boom done that's a day who wants to come clean this up just kidding there might be some more good stuff in here but i'm just saying like right now i'm happy guys i'm happy happy happy happy happy holy smokes holy moly i'm buzzing right now guys that's an adrenaline rush it really is that is an adrenaline rush all right let's see what else we got here what is this fan and blower service kit pitch fan blade puller i do not know what this is that looks kind of expensive though i'm gonna have to look that up atp adapter tool products huh i was kind of hoping for a gun personally it's okay it's okay we won't be disappointed we're doing good we're doing good we're on a good roll here let's keep it going travel pillow ribbon okay a little bit more tools looks copper this guy was probably in the plumbing or something dry cleaner refrigerant filter what's in here yellow jacket swat swage and flare kit ooh that looks expensive too yeah that looks pretty expensive looks like you've got one part missing here okay there's a cabbage patch right here that's kind of neat 2004 raggedy in a nice trailer hitch here a bunch of plumbing parts here irrigation some metal strapping oh two trailer hitches here and just some miscellaneous tools husky home depot there's a tripod hakuba hakuba i hope it's in here i actually could use another tripod yep it's in there that's a good find i'm gonna use that we won't be selling that toolbox no handles that's just kind of odd toolbox yeah it's good stuff that looks like it goes to one of the other kits i have does that not look like it goes to that kind of does maybe not i'm gonna keep it with it okay this is a neat box right here okay that's good some straps it's gonna always arrive strapped oh oh whoa whoa whoa that was unexpected this is some nice trains right here in pacific okay this is uh this is decent stuff right here huh yeah there's a lot of trains in here this is good i don't know um value on these particular ones this one's got some metal on it some of these feel all plastic so i'm not gonna pull them all out right now but i will have to bring these home because these are these would be great for our live auctions the the train stuff does very well that's going to be a nice lot right there that we can put together and sell what's this california ecv i wonder if there's a government sign it's a metal sign very nice hp photosmart c4780 this is a good printer sleeping bag okay bistro bistro sign that's cool all right this little guy a little shelf unit that can go that's actually kind of a nice little vacuum right here that's nice good battery charger here yeah got a bunch of stuffed animals here doesn't look like anyone special now let's take a look at this guy baby hey baby okay got some reading glasses those are nice invisible shield for your apple iphone 120 questions this is interesting right here though these little mini discs dvd rewritable i don't see any writing on it like they've been used but maybe they have that one sealed right there for handycams i don't remember the last time i found some of these there might be a little oh i see something good look at this there's a little ipod shuffle right there yes that's a good that's a good find and this right here look at that disneyland resort little metal pin those are very collectible good good good good stuff a little patch oh girl scouts funny we just found girl scout patches in uh the last locker we went through a two dollar card right there brooks down a little book light okay we got here okay some envelopes security envelopes press and seal that's good oh yes look at that yes we love finding these because we use them like crazy in our live auctions this looks like just more office supplies no paper cutter i love those okay this one oh wow that's it's a wonderful life and that is sealed the vhs brand new sealed i don't know if that's anything special or not but i find it sealed it's kind of cool guardian angel some books okay geez guys i just noticed this look at this there's two more locks here this this this locker has been cut five times that's five five separate locks that we found cut that is kind of crazy or you can say kind of nuts somebody's playing the game all right there's a tonka truck it is definitely been left outside but that is still a neat piece right there there's a few dollars in that i believe okay it's another thing of tools right here i like what i see right here this is another one of those yellow jackets richie gas pressure test kit i'm hoping this yellow jacket is a good brand for value some more tools supplies and such me knocking everything down spray paint that's kind of a drag because spray paint we do have to dispose of that a certain way here's some grass killer weed weed killer so hooks yeah we'll try oh this one's actually full so that [Music] yeah pasta dip all right some of this stuff will sell at the garage sale or the flea market and it should it's good stuff and it's there's nothing wrong with it i still want to look in that right there but let's get a little bit more out the way blink blanket okay yeah i got some pin pipe wrenches and there's another one of these right here atp this is a good wrenches i see quite a few five dollar wrenches in there so that's a good that's a good box pack fill whatever it's called stinky river it is buckets like brand new this is some kind of crusty food right here that's gross that's too bad because it's left to smell in here turkey brining kit that's what that is this turkey bread and this is this is a nice bucket because this is a food grade bucket so yeah the toolbox got some tools tools at a garage sale definitely draw a certain type of buyer yeah milwaukee sawzall okay it won't be too much it's older let's see it's at least 10 bucks though that's a neat little laundry basket for your kid and we got a few more stuffed animals here plush oh i know what that is do you guys know what this is i haven't had one of these in a while that's a dehydrator oh there you see the booklet down there's a jerky shop you can put beef jerky in there we've always used it to dry like apples and pears and uh what else do we dry bananas make banana chips is these are i love them i love them very healthy you can make snacks and uh they just take up so much ding room but i don't know maybe i'll see if the kids want to play around with that and make some dried fruit they bought it from qvc that's funny been getting a lot of qvc stuff lately okay we got checks more chips what is this oh that's a paper cutter paper shredder the shredded mascara then we got paperwork paperwork let's get to this guy he's got some weight definitely got some weight i love the box it's so cool looking okay oh my goodness it says cast iron cookware and that's what it is what the heck what is this and it's used too but look i've never seen like cases in a wood box like this okay i don't even see a brand on that and it doesn't really doesn't seem like anything special to be honest with you oh man guys i love locker nuts first and this is the first for me we've found cast iron many many times and i love finding it sometimes it's worth some good money and sometimes it's just whatever that's a big pot right there that's that's nice this is a heavy heavy duty piece right here you can be cooking tons of food in that i've never found it inside these bags and i've never certainly never found it inside of wood uh crate like that this is very interesting but the fact that it doesn't have the names on the actual pieces to me is is a warning sign that's that means it's not super high quality i just think it would have the name right here and it seems like definitely a cheaper cast iron there's like a little bit of sharpness to the ridge right here all this is like sharp sharp sharp it doesn't have like the same smooth like really nice feel to it like a high quality one would that said i still think this uh this set with the box and everything i think this is gonna fetch like i don't know 50 to 100 bucks that's my guess you on the used market i'm saying oh nice there's a nice skillet right there that's good for cooking your bacon or whatever burgers steaks okay all right cw gear you guys will know before i do i'm gonna put on the screen what this is worth if i can find a match a comp all right this locker's had a nice share of surprises but i don't think he's got any more just to give us here we've got well let's take a look at this get these out of here okay we got a couple of uh kites here and these definitely look high quality bugs 3d nylon kite that looks like a pretty cool kite i don't think it's ever been open actually let's see about the shark the shark yeah the shark's been opened looks from the string like it's been used so what this is pretty nice kites i bet you these are a few pennies guys i bet you they are a couple nice rugs right here yeah this one looks like an animal print hey like a zebra or something all right guys well now i gotta clean up all this stuff so we have the table and the pieces the chairs and everything uh the top of this oak table right here this oak top doesn't look super super great but no one's going to really care because somebody's going to take this piece and either refinish it or paint it these look beautiful painted that's what we have in our kitchen a table right about the same size painted black and it's distressed so they've sanded the edges off it looked beautiful looks great and the chairs will look great if they're painted black or something more modern maybe a gray maybe a white this will definitely sell or someone will take it for free and be super happy it doesn't really matter that much to me it's not big big money what i'm really excited about is finding out more about that guitar all right so let's get this packed up and on the car and get home so i can start doing some research what do you guys think i mean 110 bucks or 125 fares fair right we got another 15 in fees but um i love this business i love my job finding that guitar i just figured yeah that's an empty case and i'm sure everyone else thought the same but uh some jewelry the case some trains there's enough nice items here to uh make this i think a very profitable one but again that guitar that guitar let's go check it out all right locker nuts back at the house and i had time to look at this guitar a little bit closer beautiful guitar beautiful guitar i think the guitar if it was not signed just this guitar right here would be worth around 300 bucks okay that's that's my estimate hard to say because this particular model see if you can get that in there i'm not sure if it's showing it this particular model very hard to find not a lot of comps on this model seems to be a little bit rare it is a nice nice acoustic with electric pickup on it really really nice piece um but the signatures are what make it even more interesting so this is definitely george strait's signature dated 1994. that seems consistent for this guitar this guitar was made in the early 90s so george strait's signature i'll show you a couple other signatures that i found of his that i found online matches perfectly he definitely had a consistent signature but now this one here i don't know what that is or this one right here i don't know who that is either so perhaps those are his uh other band members i don't know i haven't had a whole lot of time guys i'm really really really busy so if any of you recognize those two signatures let us know in the comments if you would all right but george strait that is definitely uh legit i mean that's it's hard to deny that that is a real signature matches his so that is the unknown fact right there how much is going to be worth because he signed it well i did find three comps on ebay with george strait signed guitars no gibsons i think at least one or two of them are fenders they look like they're comparable guitars i mean this isn't this is not a chevy guitar so the cheapest one was 575 the most expensive one i'm not sure because the offer was taken but it could have been well over a thousand there's a few listed on ebay and again they range up into the thousands of dollars so how much is this one worth it's just worth as much as someone's willing to pay that's the bottom line right you find somebody's big fan and wants this to add to their collection this could go for several hundred um but that's a pretty small niche of buyers so anyways we'll see what happens we'll probably just put this aside for a while and wait until the right moment to sell it but exciting piece all right if anyone's interested in that guitar however shoot me an offer if you want make it a fair offer i won't really be considering any kind of low ball deals but if it's a fair offer if this is something that you need to have in your collection if you're a george strait fan you know how to reach me right lockernuts shoot me an email alright guys well that's gonna be a wrap for this video not a lot of stuff in this one but it has some surprises for sure and definitely it's gonna have some profit and you know i love that all right well janna and i are about to embark on a little trip and on that trip we'll be hopefully shopping for some lockers which means more videos to come very very soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 38,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, George Strait, guitar, Gibson guitar, Gibson Ephiphone, signed guitar, found treasure
Id: g8MPu_ce90Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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