PRIOR OWNER ARRESTED & JAILED. I bought their locker for $30 at the abandoned storage auction

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let's see what we got here is ready one two [Music] our what's up locker nuts we are back at a unit that I bought actually bought it on Friday this is Monday crazy story this one's already starting out crazy real quick I show up for the auctions I was actually editing video for you guys in the morning I wanted to get a video up I want to get a video up I missed the first couple auctions in the morning rush out the door as soon as the video is uploaded show up at the auction get out of my car and realize yeah I forgot my money forgot my money two things you got to bring to a auction a lock so you can secure the door when you buy it number two money okay forgot my money so I was limited to the money I had on me which is not very much but luckily I got this one for 30 bucks alright 30 bucks I'm gonna show you what it is in a second but it got even crazier as soon as I bought it I went into the office to pay and the gals like I don't know what happened to these people they were homeless and then I heard they got arrested and I haven't heard from them since so they were homeless and got arrested she did tell me she said be careful in there glove up because you don't know what's in there with these guys I said okay good good tip thank you for that let's see what we got you guys ready one two three we can't even see it cuz that's all there is that's all yet alright so you might be asking yourself jack why did you buy this what did you see in here that you like so much well Jordans that's pretty much it I saw this bag it's a six but um you know I sometimes I find decent stuff in there I'm pretty sure that's a fake coach but you never know but we're gonna assume that it probably is but you know what I didn't have any money on me and this one was bidding low so I took a chance on it if I had known that it was a homeless and arrested Locker I would probably not have bought but yeah I'm in it so let's get to it and see what we find this should be a pretty quick clean note all right first up we're gonna glove up sitting on the floor Jebus style you know things get good with Jesus it's down on the ground to go through carefully you know he's got something something good - clothes slowing it down this time can't see I got something good then it's how we're rolling since everything's on the ground I'm going there - all right what do we got here first of all how's this Kuji okay that's decent right Kuji hmm it's a nice little jacket Kuji a whole bunch of pens mechanical pencils we got some shorts all right not bad sellable merch another shirt inside out not bossy I'm the boss guess some sour patch those are open I'm going to take a pass on that we've got some Suicide Squad sock not splutter all about socks just a sock wire okay that some girl ball throw it away few tips have to use box a couple of souls stuck to the ground knees say Nike on them so I'm gonna put those aside in case they go to the shoes because that's where we're gonna make our money back all right here we've got a couple of phones little blackberry nothing exciting there office Alcatel okay nothing exciting there nothing's nothing nothing this is plastic protectors that's four bit curly curlers a little remote of some sort ID card in a little crowbar that's very interesting because I don't know you don't have very much to your name what do you need a crowbar for nothing good that's what I would suspect it's a little reflector light that lights up probably for a bicycle bracelet right here the cross on it it's got tag hanging off of it like it was new I like this facility because it's close to my house it's easy to get here I came back set you know actually they told me you need to have this cleared out Saturday I bought it Sunday I mean I brought it Friday so you need to have it cleared out Saturday if possible I said I could do that that's no problem she goes that'd be great I show up Saturday no one's here I show it up office opens at 9:00 I showed up in 9:15 no one was here so I went out and got me some something to eat came back at 10:00 no one was here that's a nice little top right that's definitely sellable flea market richness and came back at ten o'clock still no one here so I put it a hand note on slipped it through the door hey I came to empty out my unit but no one's here I can't get through the gate so can you please call me so we can work out a time for me to clear out because hey there's some decent shoes right there I think that's just a cos Simpson so if this is right there these are decent that's decent that's good just fine five bucks right here I think I'd say those are five dollar shoes so anyways I hate handwritten note with my phone number saying please call me so we can work out a time where I'd come back because you needed it out and my daughter's parties birthday parties later today so you didn't call me back I don't know I don't know this is all pretty much garbage in here lighter rubber bands there's a little coin money alright bye overall yeah it was a toothbrush but actually a electric toothbrush this what is this a tape and a little pair of clippers that's cool I don't know what that is I don't want to see anything tubular that makes me think needles just be my imagination okay so now this backpack becomes a sellable merchandise bag now that it's been going through and cleared the Asics backpack I'd say we probably get five bucks for that since it's back-to-school time take a look at these Nikes Jordans no laces they've been worn you can see the dirt marks there those will come out pretty well they don't look too bad not too much wearing I'm gonna have to take those back and look up the number all right got some more shoes here Bo see I don't know what that is bo see no decent I don't think those are five dollar shoes but there might be three dollar shoes one foot pop which is I don't know winners adidas it's actually a really nice flip phone you just tell when you pick certain things up you got a little bit better quality all right bolts mean sit that's good well headlamp gets low on batteries that's good all right some kind of mystery fluid song this is like a little drone that's what it is huh serious well the camera to look at that a little closer the mystery funky junky in there screwdriver you got some suntan lotion that's a keeper I think it's a silver sharpie pen that's that might be a keeper when we had our big collaboration event which the finale was at our house and we had her name from storage wars over there and he was giving away shirts and signing them for people is so cool but we didn't have a Sharpie that could allow riding on a black t-shirt I could have really used that sharpie okay we got a couple of quarters nipple there's some money scraping our way back changing here 41 cents right there we got a few more coins here a lot of Queen Queen inch and of course we're gonna put all those coins in a big jug and cash flows in at some point and that seems to be all the rage these days on YouTube is doing the big coin star hauls that's how we got here nope I take it back once chains just spilling out reporters need some pennies sorry guys I'm doing that off-camera where'd this come from okay Oh No is that a coach it does look like a coach badge right there the insides are really funky but um the outsides not too bad actually looks pretty decent so I don't know if this is real that's it I would say no it doesn't feel expensive in hands but I'm not like a great judge of this kind of stuff so what that say here's a penny put that aside and look at it nothing empty okay we're back it's nice a little boot right here let's see if I find another boot well snowy owl jeans please bu Levi's nice that's not Levi's pockets nothing it's good sell that it's a few bucks Levi's be easy five bucks and here's like a seat cover hey what's this 49ers Jersey we'll check it out that's thinking nike air anything and it felt brand but the bad news is it's crapper Nick boo junk milk this may be actual baggage bag it may be a bunch of these what is that free five dollars look at all these I see something I think it's all folded up funny that's a letter let's take that back and read it when I have glasses that might be interesting that's another letter folded up the same way so let's take a look at that little bit later and another one there folded up very intricately they were in this bag right here it says love bugs where they'd have a a personalized letter like that it shows in a garbage bag someone took a lot of time to write that and fold it up double X yeah that's pretty cool it's a Nike sports bra that's good that's a few bucks right there but in Republic that's not cheap okay and there we go wait yep Levi's baby Levi's five dollar bill right there unless they're vintage things got pair of I don't know what called it Oh short hauls here's a safety sweatshirt here's a good little hammer and that'll workers hammer look at that that's 3 bucks here oh it says right here miss me it's me they feel decent they're heavy Eugene it doesn't really seem like homeless attire autozone back brace good cleared out that side let's go to this side now we've got a nice jacket right here and just let you guys know like this locker actually smells pretty clean I guess no laundry detergent I don't smell like Bo or these are not dirty clothes these are clean clothes that we're putting here I can't read that right there but I don't think that's a do you think two striving in I like the flag that's cool is this one say Oh brings home security they did get arrested maybe they pulled off a heist of some sort all right so here we go there's some Nike errors these are actually really nice-looking shoes aren't they there's some Nike errors these I think are what the box is for and with the insert the soles see the soles are empty right here those are nice-looking shoes they do not even looked at war and I'm not sure why they remove the soles but that's pretty good right here what we got here there's some pants now this bag don't smell so good I just said that then what happens open this Victoria's Secret does not look good in there you see it inside that looks like poop that's drunk this all smells funky just go through and see if we missed anything what's this battery pack with some sort of USB here looks pretty nasty inside hair color hair color okay guys what do we have here we have a Brinks security jacket and we have hair coloring do you think somebody robbed a bank or a Brinks security guard or something and this is they're changing their hair color trying to escape authorities trying to throw him off your track what do you think I'm getting too crazy with love in my stories or my assumptions trying to piece together the puzzle am I going to outlandish here everything is kind of stinky we're gonna make this another trash bag right hand unfortunately that's it you guys never found the other flip-flop so what do we got we got a Jersey we got a feud and sellable clothes got a couple pairs of Nikes one of them Jordans and two bags of garbage left after I'm sure we'll get our 30 bucks back here because the shoes alone we should get 30 bucks on those two pairs of shoes we have this backpack full of merchandise sellable merchandise couple tools nothing too exciting but I am intrigued by the bringt jacket and the hair coloring kit I don't know maybe I'm playing a little bit too much drama the daytime TV in here but let's see if we can get to the bottom of it but I'll bring this stuff back get my glasses on take a look at those letters and also let's look up the people and see if we can find any information out about them see if there's more to this story because so far not so much but hey it's 30 bucks I didn't bring my money with me so I took a shot with what I had and this what we got yeah there's the change there a lot change got a couple bucks there the watch will look it closer the drone per fortunately didn't find the other adidas flip-flop but we'll take a look at that drone and see if there's anything there - you can there it is finished been done kind of record time all right you guys so not a lot of stuff in this one but it was only 30 bucks and I would say like hey that's all I could afford that day because I forgot my money but there really wasn't at least at that auction anything else so to buy so it wasn't like I missed out on the good one and after that I went home got my money went back caught up with the auctions and you're gonna see that in the next video and actually in the last video I mentioned the next one's a weird one I forgot I had this one the next one is the weird one so you're gonna have to watch it it's very very weird but in this locker let's go over real quick the Kaepernick Jersey by the way if I didn't say that recently to Kaepernick this is about anywhere from twenty to fifty dollars on ebay that's a nice little fine we'll see if anyone's buying Kaepernick jerseys still the these Nikes are nice the other ones we sold for ten bucks at the flea market the Jordans actually these are worth more than the Jordans I think these sell for about seventy dollars brand-new but airmax is what's called I believe it's Air Max no it's just Nike Air and I care these are very comfortable shoes and people are buying them because they like them because they're comfortable and I think at the flea market we should get twenty bucks at least because these are look very good they're very clean a little dirty on the bottom but lightly lightly used so that's really it for the value that other stuff didn't want to have anything to tell you but we did have some interest level here these letters can you see that right there they came from a jail the local jail so these weren't just ordinary letters these are gol letters a little bit more interesting I'm always curious to see what people say but I'll tell you most of jail letters prison letters most of them are very boring they're just basically the equivalent of a journal someone's sitting there with nothing to do very bored trying to kill time pouring out their thoughts and that's the garbage truck out there in case you can hear the background noise I just want to share with you a little bit oh but check this out when you open it they're very like they're faulted very unconventionally and see that almost like an origami not quite but they're all folded up this way and you see they're like two sides I mean this is like the guys got good penmanship he has terrible spelling and he like basically writes in slings so it's like a little hard to get through it's also really boring but I did highlight a few parts and I want to share it with you first of all he says haven't heard no music in 93 days let that sink in for a minute I can't imagine that honestly musics big part of my life I have to listen to music and I don't know that's true punishment to not have music he says these youngsters be at their doors yell in dialogues till at least nearly 1:30 to 2:00 a.m. something I will never get used to and that is really really interesting sets quite a picture in your mind doesn't it the guys are at their doors just yelling stuff to each other till that early in the morning that would be terrible I can't stand when my kids are that loud till 9 p.m. it says here I'll settle for the quietness actually the thing says go the if I ever get the away from here you can fill in the blank I'll settle for the quietness and that's one thing that I do appreciate in my lab is whiteness I have to have my quiet time can't imagine being in that kind of environment and I don't want to be and I don't plan to be so that letter was just him kind of pouring out thoughts going into you why didn't you answer the phone when I called you cost me three dollars and 71 cents and you didn't answer and I know your phone is charged blah blah blah blah blah so now this one in red is apparently issues told him that she wants to move on with her life and this is the I can't believe you're doing this to me I'm such a fine upstanding citizen and how could you do this he says but now you just abandon a fella like this and he doesn't say fella he has a more colorful word that starts with an N which I don't repeat but is in here like a million times through these letters alright so the next letter is maybe after he's had time to process it a little bit do you think there would be any way possible that we might be able to remain friends and he talks about how it kills is hard to even say the words and is he right so you can tell he works himself up and gets off on a tangent in this little fantasy land that he's probably you know putting together in his head about how such an innocent upstanding young man and he says here these crackers crackers trying to take my freedom my life away for good and it's hella hard just dealing with that alone he's basically telling her like how could you do that these people are wrongfully taking my freedom and that's so hard to deal with and now you're dropping this on me like yep here's the victim mindset that seems to be prevalent these days you straight bailed on a fella soon as the stuff got deep yeah I could see that happening I think it happens a lot you do something wrong you go to jail you girl leaves you don't do stuff wrong there's the moral of the story you was and then here's continuing the rant you was more worried about that mark-ass fella then you was about me and then he goes on he says people talking about I put a hit on him on the phone can't imagine why you're in jail so you want a mess and I'm saying mess with it old boy again right I'm just gonna tell you like this you mess anymore fellas that mess with me and I find out I don't give a mess we together or not you gonna get it I'm gonna whoop yo little ass watch that's me sounds like a threat I would take this as a threat if someone sent me this letter I'll take it as a threat I would probably give it to the authorities and say leave that guy over there he's not a good guy all right guys I hope you like that just give you a taste of what's in there is a lot of blubbering and blabbering in there but basically like you know it's here's the thing it's a reminder that we need to appreciate our freedom right in because we do take it for granted I know I take it for granted I go down in the morning and get my coffee I turn my radio on it's like you know I don't think I'm so lucky I get to do the snow I hope we take it completely for granted someone locked up in a penitentiary it's going to definitely be reminded about how precious that was that they lost but there's repercussions that's the that's what happens when you do something wrong right so there's the there's the moral of the day don't do anything wrong okay the walk the walk the good path you know thank God for your family and your your friends in in your life in your freedom because it's really important and when you lose them and that then you're reminded about how important it is right so thank God for them right be appreciative fill your heart with good things and do good things all right thanks you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed it hit me the thumbs up if you would tell me you liked this sort of thing because we like doing it for you and subscribe if you haven't already and hit the notification bell because you're definitely gonna want to be notified when the next one is up it's a kooky one you're gonna want to see it alright but until then good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on maca nuts messed up how you pretended to come back to me baby how you played that role like you missed me and wanted us to get better come back to show me how much of a punk fella I am for still wanting you girl for still loving you after all this stuff you done messed around and made you hate me for loving you so much
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 200,579
Rating: 4.6860685 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Vintage Treasure, Found vinyls, Vintage LPs
Id: bg4wFTy-aD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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