Found GIFT CARDS & MONEY in the "No Show" locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction.

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it's not big money not big I just said big money and then I see stuff it right yeah just little boxes out that blue box is so fun so fun I notice that's one thing it you see that good box you don't give cards okay guys this is the big box heavy dose of shaky-shaky this one's got me excited look it's got a little piece of marble granite right there it's nice oke Oke chest otherwise [Music] all right what's up locker that's okay we're back at this unit this is the no-show unit why'd we call it that because when we came to the auction no one showed up can you believe that one of the rules in my household is you don't miss the auctions and this is why Jan and I were on our way back from our accountant appointment doing our taxes and late to the auctions not late but all mostly got here like right right what is about to start no cars did they cancel it I don't know there's auctioneers truck let's go and find out nope no one showed up there was the only facility on his route I think for the whole day and only one unit I think guys you said ma'am driving out there for that well this is our area not far from my house very close to where I keep my personal storage we lucked out guys ten by 20 and if you've already seen the other two videos I'm sorry I'm for repeating here but I want to recap because this one's awesome 10 by 20 some of the stuff here I threw in last time is from the different Walker these boxes we get that out some of it we went through in the last video found great stuff found pen collection just found a really good a lot of brand-new stuff crafts and things good flea market inventory but there's some stuff that went to our auction this week I'm gonna do another day at diggin and hopefully I find more stuff to go on our auctions let's get to it shall we hey if you're new to the channel this is what we do we buy storage lockers at the auction we go through it for you to go so that you can go on the adventure with us it's a lot of fun to be had all right and you'll see what I mean right now subscribe if you're new ah okay this box it's a lot of cards and stuff they kept a lot of this kind of stuff it's brand new this is a little problem here let's make sure there's no photos it's not return those if there are no or it's a notebook actually so Chevron they weren't there somebody in the family work there there's a lot of new stuff here's a travel diary bringing you or it appears to be new there's a lot of new stuff here's a notepad still sealed it's got a magnet or anything for the fridge probably it's good stuff it sells good but not big money not big I just said big money and then I see something right nope funny money ah million dollars and there's a 20 I take the 20 but these are little tiny baby monies alright I'll put in my pocket save it for later book covers okay so you get it right what's this ah that's how old the old me in China old lipstick holder it looks old on make sure there's no like gold coins stacked up in there a troll with gold point Club gift some little pins that started as a pin yeah right here alright we mark it flea market flea market flea market flea market that's what it is Knicks ball ok let's get the glasses on for this it's nice marble candlestick holder probably a little crass the whole marble set candlesticks on glass cactus hmm you know that a messy song so much to say so much just well I don't have that much to say I really when I find stuff like that it's not that interesting not that exciting what do we got here though got three little things heels like a silver silverware yeah they want special about this stainless I don't know I don't get it okay we got a couple that's cool the miracle blade perfection series all perfect the slicer stainless steel made in China I don't think that's worth anything I've got to double our money what's this for you guys smart funnel it says Cumberland concepts calm it's got two clips huh that's another miracle blade anything actually [Music] interesting japanese-american internment camps photographs by Ansel Adams now this is an interesting but not where's all the photos cuz see a lot of writing small whose photo it's English food I see another answer items yet Ansel Adams it's definitely gonna go to the flea market or hands in so Adam still it's nice our national parks wonder if this would be a good item for our auction [Music] you see that secures to be something different they've wrapped everything it's nice but I don't see a signature now I see any reason to believe that it was that it's not a print I'd have to get a loop out to know for sure but screen print of moon enceladus the mix boxer here family photos and some artwork this is actually interesting here the watercolor I'm a potato said I don't think that's a original but it might be well look at that one closer maybe that's where some photo by Ansel Adams shoes more shoes okay we did find shoes in the last episode Durango boots a little dirty but I wouldn't say they're in bad condition I don't see like a lot of wear on this toes or anything so put stinky socks in there then it's grace Florsheim comfort tech okay some shoe stretchers and informs or whatever in called some d-does we've got some Reeboks so just like the other set of shoes that we found in the last episode is one pair of Reeboks aren't thrashed and you could tell what he really liked to wearing he preferred to the shoe box okay next box beauty supplies that says miscellaneous electric toothbrush with the battery leaking out of it alright look at this no Polaroid camera we had mixed results with these one time I brought these to a vintage market someone like hotcakes usually two younger guys millenials this is spirit 600 right here but I don't know we put him in our live option a few weeks ago and less than thrilled was the message I got look at this Crown Royal bag you know kind of a nice magnifying glass with these carved Hamill right here the wheel you got some potential here guys let's get this stuff of this junk out the way first get inside folks Paul hey Marcus did some photos and a digital thermometer brainy looks like it we market stuff okay there's a take it take them photos of dead people out there hero I know people do it I get it I understand it is just from outsider who does know the person just seeing a dead person in a casket freaky United Nations Plaza Hotel Park Hyatt Hotel it's like this it's a nice scarf yeah it's a little different if we have another little luxury set we can auction it off our photograph but we love these let's hope they're old bomber it took them all out I love these old books with the black pages and you you glue on the little corners to fit whatever size photo it's empty them food let's do that like sunglasses I see modern Ethel whoo those are on those some thick glasses all right hmm therma band hand exerciser it's like a rubber glob here actually this you know what that's actually feels pretty good I mess my thumb up if you guys saw me in the plumbers locker where I moved that huge valve it warmed up that Valve weighed 650 pounds when I took it to the scrapyard that's what it weighed and I never sold it so I brought to the scrapyard 650 pounds I moved that I messed my thumb up it hasn't been right and it's been like um what five weeks it's still not good put that in the car here's what I was talking about this looks interesting doesn't it I see Disneyland that makes me interested I see six thimbles okay maybe it's not that interesting but this looks like jewelry box it's just a little boxes on boxes so fun so fun yeah we got a little closer angle there let's take a closer look at what we got it's a little leather pouch it's got some kind of logo on there not sure what that little business nice symbols how about some gold symbols know we have porcelain thimbles any symbol collectors out there you know it's got some chili peppers I don't get that excited about Finland little fragrance okay oh it's time T it's a thimble Disneyland that's actually kind of cool I'm gonna find a thin little thimble I've heard the Disneyland time is this really all no oh Disneyland pins for Carrie know what that should be to Disneyland pins for bloggers necks oh wow okay you know guys we just went to Disneyland like what was that a couple weeks ago my kids are buying these things that stick on their lanyards I think they start at $6.99 and they go up to 20 bucks for one pin one pin 20 bucks if you're not familiar with these oh that's cool I am wishing for the one I love okay yes this is good this is this is a good fine right there so those pins as I was saying my kids were getting into them they they've had some before cost money that aint funny I prefer money and the kids they were buying them they can carry them around and when they see an employee that's wearing a lanyard with pins they can trade them with the employee and employees like basically obligated to trade them I think it's the company pins anyways but the employees are great about it they're super fun but also the people attending can just walk around and salt and pepper shakers and my daughter pulled her lanyard out first night right away this other gal come up to her just pulls out a brief of photo album boom lays it out and says oh can I have that pin that you have right there I really like that one that's that's the bomb above a ball you know here you can have any my pins boom my daughter is flipping through all these pages of pins it was crazy and so overwhelmed actually and she found one and it was fun it was like golf ball right there more thimbles guys more thimbles one quick symbols should I do that as an auction item that seems it's not really my wheelhouse but it seems like whenever we find a collection of anything that's there's somebody out there and connects with that you then she beat that to Jannah she got my heart hey give it up okay the second that I thought I saw in the inscription on the back but there's no what is this what is this look at that little teapot is this like the little tea set made out of brass is there heavy if you guys know what that is tell me I'm gonna put that aside because that is unusual that's unique and that's the kind of stuff I like to sell all my auctions and then more Thinnes okay we're not gonna go into that come on yes I don't mmm okay this let's open jewelry it's another way crystal glass that's cool yep yep yep well those Disney kids I say those aren't going to auction them I just put those aside for my kids next time go do this again can i buy one this and just pull it out go now here you go there you go free all right this is kind of interesting 65 piece gold plated flatware Steinmetz the reason why I think this is interesting oh yeah because I found a gold plated sofa worse it on whatever flatware set before and in a locker you guys saw the thumb view thumbnail said I'm gonna beaten off gold tonight feasting on gold I think I said so this feels very much like that one look it's got the nice thing there the back oh this is nice the other one had some of the set brand-new in the bag like this and then the rest of it wasn't was open and used and the lady that used it didn't clean it properly if you don't clean these properly they start pitting so it looks like little specks on there where the acid from your foods is actually eating through the bowl gold is not a very good cutlery option so it's really just fancy like you bring it out for Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever and you use it once you wash it by hand very carefully oh that's nice it's got all the big serving spoons and everything can you guys see that you know this is like one step in a very rare occasion because you do have to wash it well by hand afterwards and like quickly don't let it sit in the sink overnight you know but it's brandy so the other one I put on eBay and I think you sold it I forget how much 70 80 bucks or something like that something like that maybe it's less but this one being all brand new with dill hitting or anything this one might be a little bit more bring that home and check it out camera back a little bit can actually see me I notice that's one thing it you see that it's a wood box right how's this I'll say one thing I don't like about the GoPros we lose this a little bit right you get closer to the action but okay this appears to be all Otis I backed it up cuz it's a big tall box it's heavy I know there's office Microsoft Office 2007 good more that's 13 years ago there's no limits it fits for the fridge that's right Dino Dino is a good brand that's how I print my mailing labels with the Dymo printer lettre tag see that I'm have to check this out and see if there's any value I have a feeling this is a label maker certainly what it looks like because when you push that button so the label kind of popping up there saying I'm in here batteries aren't popped I don't even turns on oh my goodness it turns on water that's funny you know what a lot of this that's been labeled and this is probably what he used so let's see do-do-do-do-do locker nuts boom laka nuts print why am I such a nerd that I think that is so cool yeah boy shoelaces way to save it is I don't give cards what the heck Barnes the noble a vain business still oh oh that's a okay that's that's a reward card that's a reward card that's real or carpet more gift card that's some kind of casino cards casino cards boy that isn't a common theme when I going through lockers casino chips casino cards casino lots of stuff casino card casino card casino car casino card casino cards this you know casino or hotel or whatever uh okay health card all right this got really a rewards card what's at that moon so rewards card rewards card rewards card rewards card rewards card we've boards rewards reward three Ward's business cards dinging it one card for Barnes and Nobles I don't even know if they're in business deal maybe that looks like the old tears got the magnetic stripe on the back like just a number okay you know what no box like that they find a card oh wind picked up almost blew in the tripod over including my very expensive phone don't wanking that happens that really does tick me off I don't like working in the wind when to me is kind of the worst alright williams-sonoma says gift certificate policy is just gonna be like a birthday card dude that's a hundred yep that's 125 dollars right here williams-sonoma gift certificate they're definitely in business still 125 dollars Jenna can be happy getting the be happy Jenny kids go shopping she doesn't spend my money that's good that's good what's with this box it's an odd box okay you know this sighs okay here's a hole punch spilling holes punched everywhere I'm just down for the action here oh there's an old digital camera I don't know how old it is understands it's not brand-new 8's 85 it says it's the Samsung that's a good brand we'll put that aside definitely gotta look that kind of stuff up he's gonna make it alright now for the goody gumdrops right here what do we get we've got some wood boxes kind of sucks team it's an old razor it's just like a travel see how it's got the two pieces for the handle that screw all screwed together and you put your blade right there be nice if that was gold but I don't think so alright let's look at it it almost just popped it open ready guys 1 & 2 in it's got a whole bunch of pins on here she's here to be older - look at that little tiny Chevrolet and right there old the Raiders pin Raiders tie clip Ramone that was his name got a couple of those there we got a couple tied Clips here I wonder if any of these are gold and then these little pins that's really that's kind of cool I almost go to all these tie clips away that looks like it's just a metal your tube little link for a watch see that hopefully we find that watts - there's a tie pin right here that's nice hopefully some of this is gold that'd be sweet and yet there's something gold I like gold alright that's a little better camera here ok guys this is the big box heavy that's pretty shaky this one's got me excited look it's got a little piece of marble ran it right there it's nice oak oak chest otherwise you're gonna kill okay I see some watches it's actually looks hey when's picking up again let's make sure good good good okay those get it everything's good is that a good brand right there Swank that's a decent brand it's older they make money clips and these are some what do you call them collar collar cufflinks cufflinks he could tell I don't wear a suit very often Swink that's good it's older not super high valueless precious metal it did make suppression precious metal I believe okay what do we have here we have a Raiders watch um this is interesting Joe Boxer it's kind of cool yes Joe Boxer alright we will definitely be auctioning these off Pujo that's good Cujo isn't it I don't know I think it's good got a Cujo Timex definitely decent Indiglo Timex Indy glue huh that's a nice watch I don't even see any scratches on the crystal moon carriage carriage tymek so this time it's awesome Britannia okay the watch band says genuine leatherr Hong Kong we don't kind of leather that is because it almost looks like snakes inner alligator something all right that's good fine guys we auction off watched Lots before some of them are decent some of them are just soso and I'd say this one is decent definitely decent Teamsters where warehouse warehouseman alright you look worked in the Union Safeway see part working safely warehouse this is a good little box it wasn't that long Fox T is so weird alright I cannot remake that brand right there but this is a heavier watch it is that brilliant Missy get out of the way Versailles I think it says Versailles I should probably turn my when ice is safe weight on the back so this probably given employees some kind of recognition like maybe achieving a certain amount of years with the company for sales have to look that up nothing like that citizen that's a nice watch citizen again the courts I'm sorry the crystal looks really good really clear usually you find these they're they're pretty scratched up scuff kind of foggy the magnet right here the magnet I'm not sure what that's for bit broken flag you got a win t this is a we're pulling your golf tee out the ground okay NFL keychain that's heck of sweet you know I might keep that I'm gonna pop open it doesn't have the cleaner come here little painted pinecone this is interesting here oh this is this super quality what is the brand on that thanks Japan little tiny lighter on the keychain I was hoping a Zippo but it's not this interesting no it's in this little box of strength we think that it's something special either to him or maybe something with a little bit of value fire battalion alpha Bravo Charlie this is a challenge coin right yes that's a challenge coin that is sweet Marines very nice very very very nice I'll be keeping that too I've got my little challenge coin collection Dave & Buster's tokens okay little fishing photo of course it went a little money clip it's nothing big this is a fun little box I'm really happy we found it you and me together all right guys let's switch the phone around to get the different camera on there with wide-angle I'm not sure if you're gonna be on the see any difference in quality from the clips just right prior to this that's and now but I just want to let you know that is the change that I just made this is not a good box got some low-end scissors here stainless steel Japan these are old maybe this means decent I don't know it can be sharpened but I don't want to scratch anything it tight pick swabs alright next box what did I say chevron stuff guy work the Chevron that's the chevron gas you know we have some headquarters here they have a refinery close to here there's a lot of people that work for Chevron in these parts the Chevron dad I don't think you're talking and kind of major value or anything that looks alone that actually looks old I'm not sure if they just this way this Locker I'll tell you has been way better than I thought town house anything what is it it's like a cable walk mm-hm it's a bunch of freebies what it is if I get it to the employees this this lockers been better than I thought it was gonna be I was excited by the price I was excited by the dust excited by the size this is a big locker but actually the quality of its been a little better even than I was expecting it to be and we didn't have high hopes like our other one we saw like trains and stuff right in the beginning yeah that one's gonna be good right we knew that one's gonna be good talk the truck what's a happy meal all right check this out is if we have enough money enough hot wheels lately means eating one on the Hot Wheels streak like everything's hot wheels every locker we get the kind of cars this is talker this one's open it's kinda neat them Happy Meal this actually this box looking good Madonna in I know where that is cuz I used to go to college down in San Luis Obispo for a while and this was right down there I never actually stayed there but this is a very famous hotel because they have themed rooms so you can stay like in the jungle room you can stay in the honeymooners room you can stay in like the whatever I don't even know what it is volcano caveman I don't know what is this I don't want to overlook anything I don't want to say like oh this going flea market this going to garbage just going to thrift Hampton Hall Limited New York pure silk I have a feeling this is probably special right here I'm not to put that aside I think that other silk handkerchief as well but um I'm liking this locker okay we like our boxes a bunch of pandas little flashlights all kinds of you know freebies giveaways some more lots and things earrings whatever oh that's what they are they're not locks their key rings look at this so guys a little tiny Swiss Army knife that's missing a little dinging thing it's got Chevron on it that's cool that to our nice lot that we will be a little first aid kit I think it used to be swag box oh that's good yes another knife very good like I like I like it a lot look at these pins I guess the Duke collected pins too because we found a lot the first day or the second day huh is anybody out there click pins put those knocks into I think more pins Pro Football Hall of Fame and there's some sharks oh this is good here's another Disneyland pin Autopia well ten look at that that's what I'm talking about right there ten bucks for a stinking pin praise hehe Disneyland I'll taupe you know again more pins that's awesome alright take the size of this box out if it's dusty I don't know not too much dust came up this it's really heavy and I just want to say that it was on the very top so I thought it'd be duster but it is very very heavy with the man what boxes will find so many wood boxes D'Amico don't go tiny wineglasses I like the collectible stuff but the flea market stuff brings in money too there's an some kind of souvenir piece or something hanging on the wall and you hold something right there well camel these camels actually sell guys even if they're used like down the year don't throw these away these this is good right here lint roller I figure out like ten of them sitting on my desk Mike the storage auction pirate you know what I'm saying to you that's what we're gonna do right here is go golf and maybe leave some golf balls I might be a little rusty compact this plan when you can't see because sons moved on me was a shady spot here get less and less state about a minute this some vintage electronics are here it says compact disc player but you're the slide volume iron is funny Toshiba oh boy that's this is also compact discs came out when 1986 or something I won't be surprised this one the earlier models number XR - j9 compact this planet this one this this is something that's right there - we definitely have to look this up I don't know I don't think it's gonna do anything personally I don't think that's one of the pieces they could hold some value but we're gonna look it up anyways Oh what is it about finding change it's so fun it's not even that much money although I do see a lot of quarters in there I really do oh there's a for money in there too a lot of quarters that's good better when it's all penny that means better than pennies this would be a bag of pennies not worth more enough to get a cup of coffee but quarters add up pretty quick but this is so funny court I don't know how what I don't know how to say it it's just fun you find coins makes you happy and tagged and happy Lawson go through everything you got to go after everything because there's a bag of coins in a bin of bathroom junk that's what it is what are these and long tiny magnets rotating magnets bag magnets you know what thanks to me oh this is good check this out I got a couple brand-new toothbrushes in the Box a couple of brand new um toothpaste three to be exact for oh this is good this is called saving Monday look at that see still got the thing on it's never been open this is really good my family refuses to use any toothpaste that I get out of a locker there you go oh it's expired take the next fire and I mean when you squeeze it nothing comes out then it sticks fired that's how you know if it's expired but um this is all saving money over here good stuff good stuff you know what I'm thinking right yeah gotta bring down the Luna like it ah these are great right here do you see this thing handy stitch it's a I sound okay I used to have one of these when I was a teenager why I don't know I just did something my close up or something probably cuz I'm still short I always have to hem my pants and I hadn't seen one in decades and then this is like the fourth one that I found in a locker I think they stopped for like 30 bucks or something cuz they don't make them anymore I don't think they do I don't know they sell for like 30 bucks on eBay last I looked it up maybe they've come down but right now my daughter's in the selling so I gave her mine that's a good friend all right we're making some progress I'm that far into the unit that's good it's really good I'm making progress finding more good stuff wasn't me they're not as good as the last one where I found the set of pens the collection of pins especially those Tiffany pens those are beautiful we found a lot of good pens and I'm still on the hunt for those Montblanc s'right because we found two cases for Mont Blanc and only found one Mont Blanc pen I think each case has two month-long pens in it so we're still looking for those I mean I'm worried about the tools right now we're gonna keep dating through this but I'm gonna wrap this video up I hope you guys liked what you saw trying to get stuff but really I am like in this unit it's almost more fun than the Train unit you know why I think because I have low expectations and then we go through a box and I find something good I'm like yes we've got something good it's a surprise I love the surprise it's the treasure hunt that's why we do it I hope you guys get it I hope you're watching this going here I get it I get it I'm I'm having fun watching it that's what we hope that you do we hope that you enjoy going along with us on this adventure that we go on and what can I say I look forward to days like this where I can just dig and dig and dig I'll have this video out soon you guys subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet make sure that notification button that little bell is clicked so you'll be notified when the next video comes out I'm having some trouble getting them out every day lately cuz I've just been so tremendously busy but I keep putting them out as soon as I can and you know what that means the next one will be out as soon as I can get it alright yes thanks so much for watching until then good luck god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts and look what I found sitting in the locker two cans of modelo somebody was chilling in their locker having a brewski probably hanging out sitting in the shade out of the heat maybe getting a little well-deserved peace and quiet I can dig that
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 27,287
Rating: 4.9454651 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, jewelry, costume jewelry, vintage jewelry, locker surprise, Thrift Trader, found cash, found money
Id: LHooMjBaMjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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