Bought a locker for ONE DOLLAR and found SILVER right away! Abandoned storage auction adventure.

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got $1 be right in five let's get in here come on jewelry box oh I know what this is do you know what this is Oh laughs how come Oh penny [Music] [Music] 3:43 number 343 will start at $10 PA about $5 being $1 be in one dog five I got one run given up five and we'll send a five-door anybody what's up walking it's all right see that right behind me that's a locker how much did that pay one toddler one dollar at the auction you know I let me be honest with you I didn't really love this one ten five how about a dollar I'm like okay someone's gonna get it for a dollar I didn't want to take on too much and this one I just wasn't loving it I was being a little picky I wanted the right one I can't say this is it but it was a dollar I love dollar lockers I said I really do it we've done really well with them not always but I'm gonna take a peek let's see what's in this one yeah yeah we got light okay so what do you get well furniture I don't really like furniture mm-hmm let me get this thing off the tripod I'll show you around okay first peak sees here first peak sees here's what we saw from the doorway all right just stand around take it all in it's not bad right I mean there's some boxes boxes mean mystery there's some furniture furniture means pain in the butt to move and hard to sell but there's enough there's enough in here to make a little bit of cash I think I hope I plan to you now this is DV o it appears to say DVD player let's see that from the doorway and that does not impress me I don't know it just doesn't just mmm I'm not getting the feeling please please please let me be wrong right here on YouTube on record let me be wrong all right listen let's get I'm going in the unit now first time first time so this box here Gianna looked she saw some jewelry sitting right out in the open and already go oh okay well there was a piece of jewelry okay let me back it up this right here Mike grab that up and said you know what after I bought it he grabbed it and looked at it and said you know what that might be silver it might be silver that was this thing 95f silver that's fantastic look at that nice little bracelet nine-to-five sweet okay that's a good start guys that's a good start I took the plunge so we can find out was that dollar worth it am i gonna make them money hmm let's see what do you think is this gonna be worth a dollar it's not the money right I mean you're gonna look at and say oh come on the silver piece of one's worth the dollar that's not the point the point is some of this won't be sold like this piece right here with the you know the the janky clothes hangers and the jars the drawers are all ajar and irregular there sometimes that stuff doesn't sell and if it doesn't sound that means you got to dispose of it and if we got dispose of it that means that's money how much money do I need to make to make it worth it I'm saying three four five hundred dollars is gonna be worth it for the time and effort and expenses I incur that's what I got to do can't we do it yes we can let's get started and see if it works out that way all right guys it is GoPro time taking you along for the ride hands-free so I can get to work all right let's move some this junk first so we can get into the better stuff see we got you guys here need background noise there's like three easy wind today great I mean like insane like Jenna and I woke up and thought that someone was opening our garage door because it was shaking so hard in the wind ooh that's a little shelf cool alright whatever you call it storage look at that garbage sheets lids screws that are placed inside of the pill bottle this machine a poo we had to get a garbage bag maybe that'll work without will work don't you love with a lock of their lives improve behind source [Music] alright I'll turn in medicine oh come on princesses be good to me sewing all right yeah that's not suing it hang on there we're getting this on the camera a little bit here sewing needles ok sewing noodles sewing needles sliding button button button I thought this might be a like jewelry but I don't think it is well maybe that is [Music] this I don't think any of its real I don't think so you guys looks pretty yeah let's see what else is that little tape elastic velcro snaps lot of selling stuff for that link here that is not gold give me some more glasses you I wish I'd brought some boxes and I could use a few boxes sort stuff into you all right what's in here hmm that's cool little case right now Ken cage see that hmm let's see what's in here come on jewelry box oh okay CDs Paul McCartney saw some barbers drives in it Streisand I can go in the garbage James Taylor that's good Eric Clapton excellent Jonny Lang Chris Isaak definitely getting better Harry Connick Fleetwood Mac Neil Diamond Eagles kay fog live from the archives oh man Kay fog missed those guys Counting Crows best of Earth Wind and Fire I've owned that one cranberries Led Zeppelin Billy Joel Dave Matthews yeah all right see got a lot better start out with Barbra Streisand went uphill from there right um Johnny Mathis Billie Holiday sweet good stuff better than the last CD I've booklet I John I mean at least for my stew taste that's all easy-listening okay this is good right here I use these I've used that that's going home with me what's this blue touch boom touch speaker put the cord there hmm it's got the Wi-Fi signal there I think this is little Wi-Fi seek the speaker that's it good a lot of light bulbs new hundred watt light bulb that's great I'm bringing that to the other stores locker oh yes we're gonna have some light finally so far I'm getting the feeling this this locker is like overflow from the house like an additional storage like maybe they don't wanna put in the garage they brought it here this is an LED right here and we got some nail polish gel crayons Chuck light bulb oh my goodness look who creeped up on us nope nothing except for this singing phone look closer at that plastic bags look at that I can use that for our jewelry sales okey-dokey bunch of light bulbs there's some zip ties I would keep it if I didn't have like 5 million already what is this I could mean see the money or glass beads yeah come on money screws dang it oh I see something we can use since 500 it clearly doesn't work I'm going to use that joke tip in the previous video all right guys next box Oh more light bowls you got plenty of light bulbs okay oh this is actually good too I use these the clean stuff seriously clean stuff that I sell oh my keep box is getting a little full and I just barely begun it's not good I usually keep these two of it I think I have enough right now what's this sandpaper you give stuff paper towel holder yeah looks like a good brush they used if it looks clean oh yeah that's a good brush I usually keep my brushes too but I have a ton that's a good shocker in five bucks five bucks oh man these shorties these are great paint brushes right here do not touch our open oh yeah challenge accepted Julie oh come on serious Sanrio this works I think the girls want that stuff yeah Sanrio okay oh that's cool that looks told Sanrio hello kitty lots of crafts lots of sewing so far they do things everyone I need to talk to these people red coloured the glue fun for kids is it is it though yeah that's creepy no no she didn't she spent more money on crafts I think oh look at that okay that's actually really nice is this it's heavy is that a fuse what the heck it's like a little crystal right there huh what is this [Music] that's a coaster this is interesting right here that's garbage oh I know what this is do you know what this is oh it looks like Mario Brothers this is a little pocket video game made by Nintendo before Nintendo is a household name I know exactly what this is yes these are highly collectible right here this is heck of good bomb sweeper oh this is a really good fighter here it's got something stuck to it okay peel it off it has some double-sided tape that's it this is a great little fine alright this is a tease or late 70s but I think it's early eighties 1987 right yeah this is good this is not the early early ones like I was thinking so like my parents brought me and my sister to Hong Kong in 1980 and we came back with a whole bunch of these little handheld games and they were Nintendo and I didn't even know it till years later oh it works look it still works well set that off actually that would be really bad I hope it doesn't sit sprinklers off they would really sick actually that was really bad idea see this ring right there picture frames you can leave this at the office yeah I don't want to be here I want to go over there today you don't care what's in in Oh gear is that like a so fragrance things oh yeah essential world oh this is our this [Music] underwhelming right 48 oil from Jimmie Johnson's champion winning car race cartwheel I knew it where's the oil well looks like there's something in there where I guess oh it isn't there oh yeah hmm I don't know but you know what we're gonna put over here me walk I don't know put in auctions Jimmie Johnson yeah he had a thing for Jimmie Johnson didn't they this is ad huh Marilyn Monroe solid gold does she sing as far as I know she makes CD okay oh that's look at this ashtray that's nice that's actually over the cool it says e on it don't think monogrammed that's a cool one that actually really is cool yeah these are collectible see it's Li like Milman room huh yeah I'm always on what is that like the carpet cooler it's good it's clean steam fast instant steam cleaner these do not sell in Stockton right no yeah probably not we'll bring it out now because everybody wants to blu-ray Loctite no this is a cocking no camera instant well that can be good well Kota full right away oh oh my gosh can I was a saint she wants to buy money today what are you talking about I just sold one I know and she's like I really want a camera mom she has one no grace does grace gave it to her back now all right well she can have this one but they don't have any film that's so funny it is funny do we haven't film in there oh you asked in the locker it's not provides I said I'll talk to Daddy about it she says I have my birthday money saved can I buy him on just tell her yes we bought you one where you just give us the 50 bucks why why it's not like she came down I asked her she want to help today and she said no works great here put it in here okay that's just like new really literally that's what she just asked for today that's really funny oh I see a big shoe box here what's this no I don't think shoes are in it nope it hmm certainly liked her organizational thing yes she did oh that's cool duct tape with the pink leopard print out Pro yeah she has a lot of swings too okay so she was definitely a mini clips we have any these are good these are they expensive nice pens are they you like you know ball those are good oh it's reading night oh these are okay glasses cool these are like razor scraper what isn't there there's just a whole bunch of n-no oh that's good right here what's up that's the sharpening stone mm-hmm what else then there's a nice razors okay let's give out she had a nice shoe box they're in Vince Camuto we cut the boxes open so did we and maybe we didn't know maybe someone went through it Oh laughs how come Oh Mon laptop come on so far the best thing we found is that Nintendo game yeah the laptop would change yeah they're like oh this is the go I'd sewing yeah I don't sell anymore just leave it HP that's brand-new Oh now wind is raging outside yeah that's a big screen though that's actually a pretty big laptop so yeah I think so this is good I'll bring you home see if I can find a charger in my Chargers - coach coach so I know you like that bag what's a traveling Scrabble serious oh man the Coach bag is worth more than Scrabble game this is a Jimmie Johnson guy Jimmie Jones NASCAR collector serious seriously really well that's kind of cool sorry guys for putting you through this Jenna's phone I thought you should buy it so this is signed by an artist that's pretty artists right it's actually really that is kind of nice yeah it's funny congratulations to a very special bride when that happens yeah I hope you guys appreciate we or we put the good stuff aside for the honor he did you see us go through a lot of stuff we only grab the unique dispensing and the better quality stuff to bring to the auction so oh look at this what's up right now it's a little has the other animal on it so it's kind of different this is cool look at that silicon but it does have a cool yeah should we keep that oh look Wibbly look at this it goes like that and it sits in the sink and then you dump the stuff in there that's a really nice hardly Davidson mud pretty certain blue says oh that's nice okay everyone I'm getting to the end of thing oh this is taped closed oh okay got a hat some sort of four apparatus thing some nice sunglasses maybe customized penny oh yeah nice this is our best find of the day so far woo woo made in Italy Fendi sunglasses glasses okay alright you guys I had to cut that video short a little bit Jenna and I had to hurry at the end for one because we were trying to get out of there before they close the facility there we did not want to get trapped in there my my truck was inside the facility but we also had to run home cuz the girls sent me us a text message with a photo of what happened in our back yard let me show you what I'm talking about see that our fence fell down being it to two sections of our fence it was already pretty sketchy the fence is very old but I do not believe in replacing we have we have a third of an acre and there's a lot of fences so I don't believe in replacing it and using up all that wood I'm riding it till it's done right so actually I think there's three sections I see two posts there I check out the yard see it's like stuff everywhere everywhere this redwood right here is getting thrashed from these high winds so it's made a big mess gardener just came on Friday so anyways I was gonna go to flea market maybe tomorrow maybe and but I was gonna sell all the stuff we just pulled out but now I have to deal with the fence and I'll tell you what I think I'm going to just donate bring that to the thrift store in the morning donate at all or most of it and then spend some time on this fence I don't know those auctions Tumulty but if you guys remember we did a video when the lights went out because we had these high winds back a few months ago and check this out over here I'd shown you from one from our second story the tree over here they had fallen beyond it there it is is still they keep working on it they keep removing sections of it never reached our fence line but it did take out the neighbor next to us and it's the neighborhood next to him that originally the tree was you know originated from but that tree is still still parts of it you see is the they're taking it down slowly but surely they're working at it there's no rush it's not hurting anything no it's down it's not going anywhere but yeah here we are another windstorm and more damage in the backyard so that's what we got alright so we did find a few good things out of there I'm gonna take a little closer look at that laptop that's where most of my hope lies I hope that the laptops decent and works and worth some money and that little Nintendo toy that's cool that's cool that yeah that makes me excited so we got that we got a few other things got a little silver bracelet we got some stuff right we've got some stuff but nothing super exciting but would use my first dollar be honest with you I expected even a little bit better than that the furniture is mostly garbage it's all thrashed but I'm not complaining we took a shot it's close to home it was easy it's Sunday afternoon yeah no sweat off my back I hope you guys like the going on that adventure with us seeing what we found seeing what we found meaning junk a few good things but still fun right we're still fun because it's always an adventure it's always a treasure hunt and sometimes those wind up scoring big like we did on the last Locker that plumbers the plumber collector unit that was fantastic so anyways a Hemi thumbs up if you did like it alright and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet we're almost at 40,000 subscribers it's so exciting so if you haven't subscribed we'd really appreciate it if you'd be a part of that why don't you be a locker nut to join the club alright subscribe hit the notification ball if you want to get updates from the next videos out as well as when we launched lives and stuff because sometimes we don't plant them like yesterday we're at the flea market so let's do a live boom we're live all right so you'll get a notification one we're live and things like that happen which is pretty exciting okay but another video coming out very soon because we'll go back to the go back to my locker and keep digging through the plumber collector boxes there's a lot left to go through but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on lock in it all right here's an update I plugged in the laptop well first it found a charger have an HP charger in the right voltage everything perfect starts up it's got a little desktop photo there I think my grandson or granddaughter engagement photo pie is grandma's computer it's really slow but it does work there's a few bucks
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 62,290
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, safe opening, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, baseball cards, sports cards, collectible trading cards
Id: AbYEwievhyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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