Rented since 1987, $60k spent in rent, I paid $500 for this locker at the abandoned storage auction

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electric trains brand new I'd open the bun open right yeah Jack P Daniel you do not believe what's in there you ready for this yes ready you what's up locker that's alright today we're at the unit capital t-h-e the unit the meaning the most amazing lockers that I've ever bought these the two units and both owned by the same owner you may have heard it on this guy's live the other night these lockers are this has been sitting here for 33 years yeah almost got him excited it's almost enough to excite this is the odor I find a lot of units the person ever cracked thirty years a button like five units that have sat for thirty it's the first time I've got you 33 years stores I think they said Wow look as a scientist we think worked for a laboratory anyways so we're about to go in there and see what's in there we've already taken a little peek see four of us decided to team up on this one so we didn't kill each other on the bidding and you know like I always say get farther in life with friends than enemies we're going together on this one and there's there's me plenty to go around alright we're gonna take a look around this unit here this is what it looked like before we started digging in pretty much untouched and you see the dust you see the cobwebs the dirt and this has been sitting a very long time so you heard Mike say it's since 1987 33 years has been sitting there now we bought two units both owned by the same owner he had two units come up we want to get it all so this is the smaller one it's a 10 by 10 we paid $500 for it the other one is larger 10 by 20 we paid 1,800 for that one you may have seen my video from yesterday or some of the other videos that my compadres put out that was day one we'll went back to the larger unit so this is day 2 we go to the smaller unit and good stuff here I don't think anything in this entire unit was newer than 1987 so basically all the items were 1987 before maybe a few exceptions but now many it was pretty much an untouched time capsule check this out we just pulled these junky old boots out but then I noticed that I like naming your Mont Blanc to make the really and these are actually for one few bucks maybe 25 30 bucks funny huh really spikes my GoPro under those jackal today for road spikes oh there's gonna be a market for that to you I think this is sad market isn't yeah I looked him up and you can get like won't you feel like 50 okay this event to stop we're here see this was that word we brought to Alameda we sold it for decent money yeah yeah for sure look at this the facts are just disintegrated lingerie all sorts of brand-new lingerie hey hey good TV that's right just seeing more along these guys like their lingerie electric training stuff brand-new I'd open the bun open right g-scale 300 bucks minimum you think so there's brand new huh it's never even been out of the box I mean out of the shipping box just big spectrum will take 175 all day long I mean it's great it's all good it's a brand new trim never been out of the shipping box that's crazy that's nice object sunrise salt we do that no kidding this is pre-owned though serious three owners 339 three owners 350 it's over 400 bucks like that cuz it's a sealed it's good this could be even more no you get box let's see yeah this is the most expensive spectrum locomotive at 1700 but this is where they can get up to for just a single spectrum there's some more of these in the end the top of the other one too by the way but yeah it's a few bucks it's probably a 500 that could be the locker right there there's our money back one box boom my goodness a little bit rougher seafoam but it's nice that finest drawer yeah thirty Seconds to a minute let's turn in we just need them we need the belt don't come through here in the drawer do you tell these wall jack fifty bucks yeah I mean this one may be a hundred bucks there's a little bit older this is it would sell this is the sad truth we bet you're better off you take this off huh sell it on eBay for twenty-five thirty bucks dismantle the whole would sell the drawers at Alameda for like fifteen twenty and then somebody will give you eighty to a hundred for just the thing and they're gonna make a new table probably get more money doing that than anything very purpose everyone's really want to work that hard know yeah here right here white family rotary treadle sewing machine 69 bucks looks like though 69 bucks local pickup Seoul yeah that's a manual seen it must be part of a train table like maybe they have a bunch of see there's another part there a piece them all together and it's gonna make a landscape these are trucks one beautiful or something I see the end of it over there oh yeah that's gonna go a lot faster check this out more vintage Stefan look at this like Jane Fonda type tickets like workout stuff isn't it Jazzercise like oh this is same good condition - you still stretchy soft touch if you want not this weekend with an ex yeah we're gonna kill it out there is a moly huh oh my goodness that's hilarious kind of like this you should go read huh we're home tonight let's see what Janna says just walk in the door she'd be like you put that on your head another wig witness vacuform that's cool multi plastic out of anything those are neat 1962 I think that is officially older than every one of us in so lured me it is and I got the prize right now so I say call me the oldest would I would never try to scare you Alex I've had these many times that these were never this clean I think this is virtually never used through this law pretty much everything intent look at the way how funny yeah that my PC these days okay this is night I would guess it's gotta be worth a minimum of 100 right yeah I would think so in the Box all the original I'll have to get love to look at all it's nice it's a weird unit hey there's a market for this right here punk rocker belt um check these out the 1984 leave this motley crew those are good yeah Alameda Albert's laundry stuff but that's old it was 650 back then is pretty long let me know about 15 you're good stuff your Christian drawers are very expensive Donna Karen that's expensive rag nowadays just is the top of the line there's nine items whose I Magnum bang this yeah Christ that's 1250 way back when where Alex was even born this is good stuff oh this is a unopened gift Macy's more lingerie like in a super 22 long rifle what do you think is that gunpowder black powder could be well we have a lot of these Winchester's cream more lingerie alright alright how far out in the video are we gonna do this 10 15 minutes into it are just gonna be the beginning well this may be the end if it's if it turns out to be great either way it is my good friend machina said hey star stalker won't you help me out coming over some George for me of this beautiful dusty dress I said I got you no problem let's do it what George first how about the one closest team there's three top and say it up on top there was a rat living in here there was her hangers hangers hangers yeah not the good stuff she's saying their movies not for no one you might want to see it maybe we'll keep just this one out of the drawer because it just looks a little interesting with the rest we're gonna toss out a nomogram another drawer put on top all right check jewel number two we got looks like war lingerie and honestly I know you forgot a lot Adventures lingerie ready you showed in this video so what we're gonna do is we're just going to glance through and you can obviously see it's lingerie but I will go to the bottom like you're always supposed to looks like just receipts and Slow couple bags let me take a peek first and then we'll see alright it's a laundry booklet all right I want to show that but just hold lingerie in lots of water a it's weird what nice got something better less it's gonna it will we sell those or is that right touch your hands down Christmas presents mr. president the head and then guitar and then he threw a monkey wrench in the mix so we're gonna many of you you guys want me to film this and somebody else will film it you want to open it I'm coming for you you know it sucks I gave you my name guitar be great what screaming um how about no offenders are a keytar hold on this for some money that'll be nice to the crime scene then on the stores did you yeah well too bad we're better than them guys no you know what check hey Manuel you do not believe what's in there you ready for this yes Ready Set okay and this ad is brought you by subscribe to the channel it is rain force Nick no nails and mom made it there's no name with Nana when done of Kmart got herself a guitar kit it's just a pic uh it's not neither right it looks used looks used but that's all the name that something for snack someone might know something about this TJ Nugent might know what's sent her a fake em the actual pic give you some her Gibson pick it Gibson knockoff for a real Gibson this is old this is made seventies early eighties Ernie and clues on the box at all generic box huh the box is empty I might my car this look units so far has been crazy and crazy we're barely even tapping in small unit the big fringe was making go faster [Music] this one's a little sick it's like 30s right thirties or forties this unit is soon is amazing we will make money probably eBay these for a hundred bucks a set of six I'm not even joking with you now the meat of 4050 tops maybe on eBay a hundred not even Elenita yeah no this is same garbage we everytime get this it's the same stuff we take out this is we're hiring live and uncut we're gonna make so much minutes furniture the end of day like you guys want this for free not that tubular manager look that thing's got the look right there this is like having that you know how you said the cable where you go in like this you screw it in and now that's completely useless in all existence Oh same concept unless you want a satellite you live on a and a camper and you need something you don't have Comcast you bother how are stick oh the PDC plays all right guys you've got a lot of activity here we go guys going through boxes all over the place we're making good time I think find them really good stuff - lets go through one another one these drawers right hand in that dresser that's lovely see that underwear for men Alex you want this I saw my in the powder some seeds what kind of seeds those are all right where's match books that's actually kind of neat almost full whole bunch of match books bring in and look at the price tag on this thing 69 cents for this entire huge thing of matches that's funny huh from the 1980s Avon these are collectible to you ain't one oh my goodness this is cool for me dawn da WN old bottle password old escapes in here it's a 7-up cup upside down that's actually pretty damn cool the uncool see that's like an upside down and we got some stamps you probably one of those puzzle boxes that are it's got people's ashes in one of the two there's one of the things get closer let's look at this later that's neat see that very cool here's the mess we made lockers clean that everywhere else is dirty here's the manuals truck loaded pretty good totally cool probably thank you books I'm Dan Stockton on the trailer over here we got the load for Stockton Scott everything out here everything on here is going the vintage market or to be Eve aid there's quite a bit quite a bit you think doing dave Hester pricing that's how we finish right there mostly good good stuff a little bit of garbage at the end there's Alex's Stockton load not much yeah not bad it's hot today Suns honest sleep February Modesto Sun is much hotter than where I live all right it's hotter out here modesta though right Cotter out here in Modesto yes always forget to hit yeah go to Santa Rosa what's cool and people have lots of money it's the next stop baby all right that's it for today right it's a rap it's a rap back tomorrow
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 336,190
Rating: 4.654727 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, safe opening, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, LGB, slot cars, Storage Stalker, Comprando Depositos Abandonados
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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