OWNER WANTS HER STUFF BACK from the locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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ready ready set go bosses right here can you do really he stand up I get a little dangerous alright this one says bows this is a nice what the heck is it burning you she wanna know if you guys are willing to give a number to sell her stuff back her okay I understand this a controversial subject and I know that sensitive I even struggle to put it right here on the YouTube channel you oh hey lock her nuts I didn't see you there hey this should look familiar if you saw the last episode the one that literally I just finished 30 seconds ago but if you didn't see that one well let me tell you what happened last time on Locker nuts we bought two units at the facility close to our house at auction for a total of 300 dollars the first one had a cat tree inside as well as a air conditioning unit which is going to come in handy with the high temperatures we're having but not much else came out that was good we did find a TV and a Bo system but we're really looking forward to the next Locker which has some sort of mobility scooter or at least that's what we think well let's take a look inside and see what we find all right you guys you ready you know what wait just a second cuz Jana's on her way right now should give me a hand okay guys I'm at the storage facility and Boehner's called the office and AB says if we would sell her her locker back so Jack and I decided we're gonna give her a call so I'm going to the office right now Kenny give it a number see if I can get a hold of her we'll let you know how it goes okay so tell me you called up she wanted to know if you guys are willing to give a number to sell herself back to her okay so yeah I think we'll give her a call if you want to give us her number um okay let me contacts store jocks and experts because I'd rather make sure everyone's yeah how it goes on all right well Jan is taking a while so in the meantime I'm gonna do a little housekeeping on time-lapse [Music] what is over here drink yep in here it's probably harder than 100 you did yeah I guess it's 100 outside we're upstairs and I'm wrong that's all right here so the two lockers that came up for auction this is the first one that got auctioned that one came up second we know the other couple wanted this also but there was some disagreement is what it was right yes the other bidders thought it said Jeep on it and they were concerned that is what the kids toy I don't think it is okay let's rip this baby open ready ready set go ride mobility all right so we've got some extension cords in the back here with some coconut olive oil so the extension cords I would guess are probably can you roll it out oh that's self/psyche oh yeah all right can we push it back to the future can we push it back suppose some ears okay people well roll it back so I can get a better view of it it's cool battery I'm trying to find a break okay I'm not getting this puppy out it's like Hecate heavy you see this in my future horn to the trailer so we do need a key even if we have the key the better it might be dead so we need a couple of things to make this work hmm I wouldn't be surprised if the keys sitting on it so more so because you think you'd keep the key with it right it needs a key for sure or would you sell it as is that's a possibility okay Jana's looking up the scooter on the internet to see if we can find out price right because it's not worth that much we're probably not gonna get the key or anything for we're just not gonna worry about just sell it as is but it's got a lot of value we're gonna take our time and see it through but for now how about we start looking in some of these boxes right here [Music] CalSTRS got here books well this is some tarot cards right here there's lots of utensils down about something good [Music] stinky dirty pots and pans this one says Bo's burn you know the remotes teeth down there this is a wave radio and we just saw one not too long ago hundred and fifty bucks or something well that's really good good t-mobile box here with a oh these are for like mini so yeah mini so sure range that's good yeah this brand new whatever you Medtronic is in a medical school yeah bringing you this was just like the other one is this cuff right here yeah that's pretty cool when the fact that it's brand-new that value to two hours 50 cents four dollars ten cents this looks like a hydro classic so you do that for $30 to Bath and Body Works so that's why you go through this stuff carefully because we wouldn't have found that okay pardon our lack of enthusiasm weekend okay I'm wrapping it up so what look who's that guy right there he's hot and sweaty poor guy okay so as you can see let me just turn this around here and then we have a blanket and a rug that's a wrap folks there he goes off the hot alright there's that loving feeling I feel when I'm looking at it empty Locker okay guys it's about 3:45 I think I've got here about noon so we've been at this about three and a half hours and that's what it takes cleaning out two units right so it's really hot today over 100 tough day I mean I'm I'm feeling it not that tired it's the heat the heats really got me today it's over 100 we just picked a hot day to clean out lucky yes right but anyways with Gianna left early because she had to go get the kids and now she was leaving the managers been talking to us apparently the tenant wants to buy their stuff back her stuff back and well in through it I don't really understand why because it's not very good but she wants it back so what what's gonna happen really we don't do this very often I've done it twice ever ever so one time gave the lady back you saw that you probably saw that video and one time sold the lady her stuff back not for much money and that was before I was filming so thousand nice story to you but this one I don't know we don't have a feel for this lady so we don't know getting into for now I'm signing out I'm gonna head out hopefully get something cold to drink alright so we did where I end up calling the previous owner didn't really go that will help to be honest with you guys didn't go as we hoped so we were told by the office that she had called them and explained that she had gotten a job and that she had gotten her first paycheck and that she wanted to either get caught up on her bill or after finding out it was already auction you know purchase it from the new owners and as it turns out guess she didn't have she didn't have the money the most she was willing to offer for it was $50 you know the all I was hoping to get out of it was the 3:30 that we put into it we paid three hundred plus taxes but I didn't like the fact that she was misleading us from the get gun that really does bother me yeah it runs me the wrong way you know she was also saying that she you know didn't have the money and this and that but recently she had gone to Hawaii kind of bugs me to him but I'm not judging her but some things were going that on there that really I didn't care for but this decision ultimately came down to one thing okay one thing and this is the number one reason why most storage guys don't contact previous owners and why I usually don't want to contact previous owners and that is safety we don't know these people that we're about to deal with we have no clue what propensity they have to start something some trouble we don't know them sometimes we have an idea about them because we go through their stuff when we see a lot of personal stuff usually in this case though there was nothing personal in this locker there was no photos there's nothing no yearbooks no childhood you know sentimental artifacts nothing like that there's nothing so we didn't really have a feel for this lady but 45 seconds into the conversation with her and I'm not exaggerating here it was exactly 45 seconds she proceeds to tell me just to let you know I have a personality disorder and she tells me the name have you heard of that I said no I haven't and she said well have you seen the move you split and I said no I haven't and she says well it's kind of like that but not quite that dramatic or exit not quite that severe and she says because you know that was a Marvel movie for Hollywood I don't think it was Marvel but she said this isn't quite that extreme but it's like that so I'm thinking okay I haven't seen that movie but I do plan to because I like em Knight he's a great director but um I've seen the previews in previews look pretty dang frightening and I'm thinking yeah this is not this is not a scenario that I really want to be part of and I'm not really thinking dangerous I'm just thinking unpredictable I don't want them to know my face I don't want them to know what car drive I don't want them to know really anything about me ever I want to be private I think despite the fact I'm here on YouTube talking about it I want to be for the most part private when I'm dealing with the previous owner face to face and I did not feel that good about that conversation Gianna listened in also she was very very unsure about this thing so by the end I just said you know I'm sorry you know I was really hoping we could be at least reimbursed for the cost of Locker for that reason I'm out I just you know I used that as a reason I'm out and um what's it what's really interesting is she just said she accepted it at that point she just said okay well you know what I get another scooter it's no problem and I understand your decision and no hard feelings and that was it and I was like whoa okay thank you for understanding and there was no like emotion there's no getting upset or anything maybe she really wasn't that attached to the items maybe she didn't really care that much about getting it back like she initially made us think she is I don't really know but all I know is I had a complete peace with it once it was done but it was a difficult call and in I really don't like that part of this business and I hope we don't have to deal with it again any time soon but you never know but you guys I understand that this is a controversial subject I know it's sensitive and I was very hesitant about even putting it out here on YouTube but I did want to share it because this is part of the business this is part of storage locker buying and we do have to deal with it time to time but completely infrequent thankfully but I wanted you guys to see or at least hear from me what transpired in this situation with this set of lockers because I think it was interesting guys I would love to hear from you if you have an opinion about what you would have done or what you think you would have done if you were my shoes in this situation put in the comment below please comment below and tell me what you think would have been the right thing to do whether you agree or don't agree with what I did of course will never know what the right thing truly was but tell me what you think you would have done if you were faced with this scenario and all I ask is that you be respectful because this was a really hard decision for me it's not easy alright that's all I can tell you have a little empathy it's not an easy seat to be in and I didn't ask for it but it is part of the business ask you guys shoot me a thumbs up if you would if you like this sort of thing if you liked seeing us go on these adventures and sharing with you our successes or failures and some of the times the more difficult things that we have to deal with alright subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet we just hit 20,000 a couple days ago so fantastic we're so we're so flattered by it really and we just wanted to thank everyone who's already subscribed or being a part of that alright we got some more great stuff right around the corner coming up you're not gonna want to miss it but until next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts all right you guys tomorrow's video we got something a little bit different for you you know that we love doing on boxing's but it's usually storage locker boxes tomorrow I got a little different unboxing to show you check it out I have Phone 11 we're about to step up our game people
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 430,013
Rating: 4.7487435 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, What's inside, Bought a storage locker, Owner wants it back, restoragethelove
Id: aSdHN7MrlQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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