HOMELESS WOMAN LOST HER SON / Helping The Homeless / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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she was three he just recently passed away in a car accident extremely unusual just happened last week I tried to help three individuals that were sleeping and living under the bridge by my warehouse today I got a comment from a local person that said hey I have information I want to meet the talk here's my number I thought why the Hills not maybe they can shed some light on this whole situation they asked to meet at the warehouse four o'clock who the Hales knows what's going to happen [Music] you [Music] you there were people that were living under the bridge we know them personally yeah yeah and you left a comment right yeah we get people leaving comments with phone numbers all the time like all the time and I never contact anybody usually all of those comments get deleted and first whatever reason I was like all right I'm actually gonna reach out to this person and so I reached out we set up a time to meet what are you guys's names all right so we got des today we got Richard and you knew the individuals underneath the bridge they do you know what what were the circumstances that that got them underneath the bridge so they have a bad criminal history yeah oh what was the issue there what was going on in that [Music] which obviously that was going on here okay and what most people don't understand is we actually have surveillance we've got cameras all around the building so so that's there hidden there hidden everywhere but there are cameras everywhere so they got that going on what else was going on what about the girl the thing that concerned me the most is the girl was there I'll be honest with you the very first thing I was thinking is is she in sex trade yeah I mean is there's any issues there like that what was going on that was my concern go home she just needs a way to get home oh so does she's stuck in Worcester so what I really should have done is offered her a ride to Michigan and she could have gotten away from all this is what you're saying and she's stuck in that situation the guys in jail oh he is in jail oh my goodness so how how did you guys how did you guys know these people I know them three four years no I'm going but they hid the fact that who they really were no I really know who it was now one of the things that you you did share with me is that you guys are currently homeless as well right yes so where are you living so you were living in a brokedown car honestly I can't even fathom I can't even imagine what every time the cops show you cannot do anything to them this is they have to be illegally evicted we have tortoises and the courts are closed do the quarantine and that's $200 per person to evict us topsail us to tow the cars that's a lot of money that he'd have been made so your your your semi illegally on a piece of property in a car that's broken down you're living in the car I I've got to ask how how to use a bathroom even how does she just go outside okay bathroom and YouTube though you obviously have YouTube how do you get to YouTube a new phone about two months worth of so you put your stimulus check right into the phone and you guys you got minutes one that wasn't broken one that I could get a case for so you know we're homeless Oakley drop it or my mom can find it because it's connected to her account solely but easy to find my phone if I lose it yep so I thought that was smart so being homeless you there's got to be some things that would actually help you guys what are some of the things that would be helpful for you guys things off the top of your head that you can think of a hairbrush hair brushes that's going to be what else what other kind of things can you think tell you what we're gonna do for you I'm gonna give you the empty tote okay I'm gonna give you just it's gonna be an empty tote whatever you can fill in that tote I don't care what it is whatever you can put in that tote you guys get to take home I don't want to overfill you guys with stuff because I realize you're in a vehicle you're in a car but there's clothing here there's even little mini radios probably not gonna help you at all but things that can help you I'll give you an empty tow anything you can put in there it's all yours free of charge that's what you got toks you're ghosts all right anything you guys can put in the tote so you guys can go up and down there's like four or five or six different aisles all of these aisles you see something that's gonna be helpful put it in the tote once you fill the tote there you go we don't have a lot of clothes right now we donate most of our clothes to Goodwill but we do have we do have shoes we do have a lot of shoes what size do you guys work 12 to 13 sv2 perfect 12 to 13 I don't know do we have like here's a blanket with a blanket help or do you guys have another one gifts all right one blanket in the tote there's a blanket [Music] what about sleeping bag yes or no yes sleeping bag is good that's pretty big though it might take up the whole coat can you squeeze it down even can you squeeze it squeeze it like it's really small all right I'll tell you what sleeping bag does not count for in the toe sleeping bags outside of the toe okay sleeping bags outside of the tote anything else in the tote what other kind of things do you think would be helpful I'm not quite sure either I don't know what I happened here handle to be honest with you yeah candles are good yeah all right so is that okay new candle now did you give you light all right here we go let's see if I can oh my god that's a tank their problem yeah there is a pen yeah you want an can you a good ten yeah all you got to do is break it down and if it fits in the tote I think it'll fit in the tote look I send together oh for sure look there's the dirt you could break it down and put it all in there all you got to do there's the rain there's the rain sleep there there's that and then gonna pop that out of there ever watch typically unless I'm doing it then I'll mess with almost all we got to do is break it down I'm a complete pull the metal over here there we go there we go okay all we have to do now why she does that so you fold the nylon all right no similar okay so that I'll go down into that and then you can jam that into your tote I think patients hazard oh I think I think this is a blanket a blanket inside of a pillow so it becomes a blanket and a pillow yay or nay yeah yeah that that works all right so there's that inside the toe what else what else what else what else I have never seen real thing so creative in my life I'm sorry that's so fascinating but I was really distracted I get distracted all the time [Music] there's kind of some cool stuff here I got another blanket yay or nay nay nay on the blanket you got some good blankets already all right good blankets what about what about if I offer you guys a ham I'm not gonna lie oh we're totally drawn that it's so weird when I would totally draw one that he'd prank people oh I believe it I believe it will offer you a hand [Music] [Music] well help I have a lot of cards that are stuffed in his wallet that I probably put in my case that would work - do you guys get gift cards - yeah we do people help wouldn't give cards okay occasionally yeah like what ad does okay how are you how are you guys typically eating right now the churches so it's all with the churches yeah so how many meals do you get a day one meal a day yeah you probably should take that too you should probably put that in your total here I'll I'll see if I can get it in your tote I might have missed [Music] [Laughter] I thought she saw patients thought she saw a hairbrush but no there might be one here somewhere okay no kids living with you correct no no kids all right but that's me you have one child you said you had one in Florida okay so Florida girl or boy do you get to send your daughter anything I gotcha I gotcha so that probably wouldn't help right now for your daughter then huh okay we'll try and get some more helpful things what are the things do you think would help oh yeah [Music] do you guys want this like shower gel and shampoo and lotion and there's like loop in there [Music] Oh in the toe look you stop space yeah what's that there you go I think there's a job for you at FedEx or UPS that's why I work I'm sorry that's so cute so we've got we got water bottles galore like we have more water bottles I just knocked all the water bottles down wood water bottles help it all carabiner water bottle yes okay so the Hydra flask here's actually here's Matt do you guys want matching water bottles would that work aluminum ones is that okay all right so we've got water bottles I I don't even know if this would be an option or not but do you guys need flat or does that not work with being in the car going to the churches yeah it would yeah all right so there's a set of flatware there's 49 pieces in there all brand-new as well how full is your toe I still actually got some room all right I think we got to go back that way [Music] what else what else rainy days yes or no that is a half so would this help on the rainy days yeah all right well you have to wear it now them so it's rainy outside you gotta wear it now yeah you live all right this is gonna be it's raining outside sing I only have one though that's perfect I have no idea this would be helpful or not you see what these are earplugs would that help you guys sleep at night with the sounds of outside the road and all that or no yes or no yes you want them all right go dump them in your toe wherever your tote is patients put it somewhere yeah I'm sorry earplugs looking for stuff for you guys you really go [Music] that's what we're new I know I've always wanted they're expensive so the moose head moose head shake the picture yeah I know we have closed down their patients yep you can look through it there I have a better idea instead of looking through it here just okay there you go I'll take I'll take the seat just like that and then patients found clothes [Music] we don't have a lot of clothes but we do have some clothes hopefully we'll be helpful [Music] it looks like a summer dress get to something I think your pants giant if it's pants you could turn it into a dress was like a Native American stuff all those brand new pajamas yeah they're brand new jammies I'm sorry iris on the clothes I'm Native American things I have this if it fits in your toe we're gonna fit in your toe I'm not cool yeah that's cool sure babies need clothes I'll fit you yeah I like those a lot that makes me happy all right patients found these brand-new pajamas are those your size I think they're 2x too much too much much okay actually take these home there's a good exercise for us yep I'll wear them I'll wear them to EXO hey cocaine but then like we go on the Florida Jamie actually put that shirt on uh the other day I highly recommend this shirt right here very very stylish yeah I recommend that one if you think that's something that you would fit in that's an eyes on nice it over my goats what about a frisbee frisbee be fun yeah you see that one right there Wooster Christian school right there great school here locally and throw it in there we go frisbee [Music] you thrown the turtle in Turtles going in [Music] you just said your son would have liked this if he was still here what do you mean he really likes turtles he's every TV show Ninja Turtles he's three [Music] your son passed away oh my goodness all right so you want you want to take that it just says a memory of your son what's your son's name okay so for Jonathan right there's a turtle for Jonathan his favorite his favorite right there all right got a full tow totes in our goats and found the cart to a helpful part that heart that's that cart will help like when you go to the Hope Center to get food and everything alright guys hope that this was a blessing to you and appreciate you reaching out and don't forget they afford to other people as well okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 28,302
Rating: 4.9387164 out of 5
Keywords: helping struggling family, miracle for struggling family, struggling family gets the home of their dreams, oprah winfrey show, ellen surprises struggling family, pay it forward struggling family, helping family in need, helping family with money, helping homeless people, helping people, helping people in need, helping the homeless, ellen degeneres helping families, ellen helping families, oprah winfrey helping families in need, oprah winfrey network, pay it forward
Id: 7Jfur-1swU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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