Unintentionally Terrifying Children's Videos

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Hey Greg, I hope you're having a great day. Welcome back to my channel And let's just jump into it! So there's been this video that's been going super viral on Twitter, You might have seen it. A lot of people tagged me in it; that's the reason that I saw it. I think the caption was something like "I think I'm having a stroke" And it's this weird ass like, children's video that's a song about a refrigerator... A shit ton of people tagged me in it so I was like, "Okay, I gotta check this out." So I went and looked into it and I found it on YouTube. It was posted by an account called "BillionSurpriseToys" Which... Isn't that just every kid's dream? To wake up one day and find... One billion surprise toys that you didn't know were coming! There's just a billion toys in your room. Now, on the off chance that you've watched literally every single one of my videos, there's a chance that you may have heard of this channel before because I actually made a video about this channel like Over a year ago, I think. It was probably before I even had a hundred thousand subscribers. But since I made that video about BillionSurpriseToys, their videos have improved a lot. Well, not improved a lot. They've started putting a lot more work into their videos, but they haven't gotten any better. So let's check out this video. Let's see what BillionSurpriseToys is up to these days. Dolly *creepy voice*: Billion! Ice Cream *same voice*: Surprise Toys! Johnny: *baby giggle* Pretty sick intro. Alright. Music plays Dad : Hmmm... Johnny: Yahoo! Okay, so there's a lot to unpack in these first few seconds. So the dad is getting home from... I guess like a badminton game? And he finds his son playing ball with... a refrigerator? And for some reason, every time the son hits the ball, he poops his pants. (Poop Sounds) But the magic really doesn't start in this video until they start singing. So the fridge is calling the dad "Papa." So like is this, fridge... ...related to these people? Is this the fridge's... dad? I thought the dad was the little baby's dad, but maybe it's the fridge's dad? Maybe he's both their dads. Maybe the dad had an illegitimate child with a... refrigerator?? Either way, the dad really puts that fridge in his place. *GULP GULP* There's a lot that I don't like about this fridge, this animated fridge. I don't like that it has eyebrows. I definitely don't like that it has fingernails. *laughs at nothing* Yep, your wife cooking you dinner is hilarious... Why would anyone buy this type of fridge? Like, this is obviously some sort of smart robo-fridge, but it's terrifying! It has like voice commands so you can activate it by saying *echo* " R E F R I G E R A T O R R E F R I G E R A T O R " but then it just comes careening into the room and skids to a halt. This giant ass fridge that weighs like a thousand pounds is zooming around your house at top speeds, drifting around corners like "YESSMOMMMYYYY!" And the voice commands don't even work very well, cause you're like- "Do you have *accent* 'sauces'?" and it's like "No Mommy." I guess it's fucking with you? It's just like joking around. I don't want a fridge with a personality. Just give me my *accent* sauces! It's a naughty little fridge, for sure. *demonic baby screech* *screech echoes* Ugh. What was that? *screech impression* This Robo Fridge was like malfunctioning. It was either trying to take the ice cream back or was trying to like smack that kid. "Give me that FUCKIN' ice cream!" This fridge is not safe This is like a weird detail they added in. Why is it that every time anyone takes a step in this house, there's like dust clouds coming from their feet? Like they're giants walking around, like, (BOOM!) sending shock waves every time they take a step. Either that, or it's just a dusty ass house. These people need to clean up. What I really want to know from this video is... Why doesn't the fridge want anybody to have the food inside of it? What is it trying to hide? Oh damn! Look at that kid's swag! Holy shit. Wait, hold on. This kid has like a little saunter going on. He's confident! Wait, what the fuck was the fridge just doing before the kid showed up? Did anybody notice that? It was like hunched over, shaking its head until it noticed the kid was there. And when the kid's walking up, look, you can see-see its face and it's like- trembling, he's scared. Dude, what the fuck? What if this food is like, part of the fridge? Does opening the door and taking food out hurt the fridge? Is it like the same as me walking up to you and being like, "Hey can I rip open your stomach and pull out your kidneys?" Dude, this poor fridge. I feel bad for it now. Not only is it a half-human/half-fridge living in this house full of just humans, So it already feels like it doesn't belong, not to mention having this dude as a dad. And this woman is clearly not his mom, because... she's not a refrigerator. This shit is darker than I thought. I can't figure out what accent this is. It's either like a Ukrainian accent or it's like...if a person from India was trying to speak English with a French accent? And what is this teaching our children? Is this how everybody's gonna be talking in a few years? "Yo dude, could you pass me some of those *accent* chocolates?" "Oh, yeah for sure, but let me get some of those *accent* sauces!" This video ends exactly how you'd expect. Everybody comes into the kitchen and... the fridge takes a picture of everybody with a selfie stick. "Bye bye! Have fun!" This video has a hundred and thirty million views. That's insane! This video is doing like, Disney numbers. So now, you probably understand why this video went viral on Twitter. It's a very strange video. But what's even weirder than that is that next to all of their other videos, this video isn't even that weird. All of their videos are this weird. And it's also weird that these videos that are supposed to be teaching kids how to like, speak English, are being made by people whose grasp of the English language is... not very good. As you can see in this video, Which is called "Let's Together Bath Song" It sounds like they're trying to coerce the kids into something sketchy. "Come come everybody just come, just COME!! Don't ask any questions. Let's together bath." Most of these videos are barely even songs, they're just people talking over music. There's no rhyming and there's not really any flow to it. It's just like a conversation over music, like this video. "I'm gonna wake up now Papa!" Okay, you may have noticed in their intro, There's two babies and then there's this weird-ass ice cream cone with a face. Well, in this video, we get to meet him and learn all about what he does. So... this... living, talking ice cream cone is walking around town... SELLING ice cream.... for children to eat. That's not good. This seems a little bit fucked up. I don't know if I like this. I don't know if I like this ice cream dude walking around town, selling babies of his own species for other kids to eat. What kind of message is that for kids? Honest-- really, What kind of message is it? I don't understand what this video is supposed to be. I'm with you on every type of ice cream except ball ice cream? What is ball ice cream? Is ball ice cream a thing? I've never heard of it. It must be something that they don't have in America. Or maybe they do and I've just never seen it and everybody's gonna comment... correcting me. I'm gonna feel like an idiot. Should I even leave this in the video at this point? Eh, it's too late to edit it out. All right! Woah, dude, that kid wants ice cream. That kid's like way faster than everybody else. He's like, "YES!!!" *Papa laughs* And why is that funny? What's with all the sound effects in these videos? Like, why is the wife sitting down and the dad putting his arm around her like a "WeOW!!1!" moment? And why does the dad laugh hysterically at everything? "My wife was cooking me dinner, and now she's sitting?" H A H A H A Okay, they had me with all of the flavors except for "greenish pista"? I assume the pista short for pistachio, but I've never heard anybody call it that before. I've also never heard anybody except for my eighty-four year old grandpa say that they like pistachio ice cream, but... maybe it's big with the kids, too. I don't know. Ohh, there come the ball ice cream. Yep, there he come, down the slide lookin'... ...kind of creepy. Ehh. Everybody's favorite flavors of ice cream: mango, pista, and grape! That sounds like some great ball ice cream to me. *same creepy baby screech* Okay, that kid needs to calm the fuck down. That was the same kid that was like sprinting way faster than everybody else trying to get the ice cream, and now he's stealing that girl's ice cream. This kid's too into ice cream. He needs to calm down. Okay, that's a cupcake. Okay, this part of the video just confuses the fuck out of me because, what is up with this gorilla? It's this whole song about ice cream, and then all of a sudden it just cuts to this random-ass gorilla Wearing a tank top with a dollar sign on it. He's got rolled up jeans and he's got a Rollie on the wrist. He just comes out of nowhere, and nobody even acknowledges him. It just immediately cuts to a different shot and they start singing about ice cream again. Does nobody see the gorilla? Is this gorilla even at the same park? Did they mean to put the shot in there? Who was this gorilla? Oh now he's sitting with the kids. Great. These kids' dad needs to stop laughing hysterically at everything and get them out of there. That gorilla could be dangerous. I know he's dressed like a person, but he's still a gorilla. Alright, so this video just goes on and on like this. Every different type of ice cream comes and sings about their type of ice cream. But it's just- it's basically the same verse over and over and over again. It's kind of boring. Like the least they could have done is just had one type of ice cream come and just drop BARS on this song. The song would really benefit from like a dope-ass rap verse. Like if the bar ice cream came and dropped bars? That would be sick. Yeah! I got lots of money! (yeah) I got lots of cars Bitch, I'm the bar ice cream, coming through with the bars (ayy) (Yeah) All iced out, but I got no cream, Call me pista cuz I got green, melts some grape up in my lean, May be cold, but I bring that heat! That's really all I have to say about BillionSurpriseToys. It's fucking weird. Now, could it be considered kind of lame to make a whole video picking apart the logic in a children's video? Yes, but did you just watch that whole video? Yes. I hope you enjoyed the video. If you're new here, make sure you subscribe to join Greg. Thank you Addison for turning out my notifications. You are truly Greg. I'll see you guys next time for a really interesting video where I take apart my iPhone 7 and I turn it... into a broken iPhone 7. Bye!
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 11,081,369
Rating: 4.9708352 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, ice cream song, baby songs, children songs, reaction, react, satire, cringe, cringey, cringy
Id: tc31uZ9wK98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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