The CRINGIEST Incel Rapper (w/ Danny Gonzalez)

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/a-curious-girly 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Greg assemble

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Men make women lesbians. To quote Tom Papa, “Oh I’d totally be a lesbian! Oh! I don’t know how you let us men climb all over you we’re disgusting!” Note: I am being facetious. Lesbians are not lesbians by choice

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LaserLovingLoser 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Actually true, 100% of gay men are birthed by women

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PlasmaTicks 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
i only shower once a week i do not floss or brush my teeth but the problem is [Music] danny gonzalez thank you for stopping by man of course i almost decided to not invite you to stop by once i heard that you were stopping the spooky songs oh yeah i mean that's fair yeah i was i was actually almost planning on not coming because of because when i heard the news about the spooky songs i was so pissed at myself you have the same self-hatred that i have for you right now yeah i mean picture how how upset you were when you found out it was like twice as bad when i found out i was crying for a week dude so like two weeks for you then i was double crying for two weeks well i uh i invited you by because i found this guy when i was just scrolling through tick tock i don't think i've ever cringed or laughed as much as i have at this dude and i was afraid if i made a video reacting to him on my own i would die of cringe so i thought maybe maybe you could take a little bit of the cringe burden off of my back you know so i'm like an emotional support cringer you're like my cringe therapist i'm just like and then you're like let's talk about that what's this guy's name uh the real relentless all right well uh let's yeah let's just jump right into it so this girl is saying there's at least one guy that she would leave you for if that's just truth and [ __ ] get to leaving i ain't trying to be with some chick that's scheming probably trying to get my semen so i have to pay her child support [ __ ] believe it all right uh let's just pause that right away you didn't tell me we were just watching eminem's tick tocks that's crazy yeah this is actually footage of eminem when he was younger back when he was a ginger who looked like a like a rotting ron weasley yeah i forgot before he went through like the bleached hair phase he just had he just had red hair but yeah this dude uh this dude clearly sees himself as the new eminem and i think we've we've all been like yearning for a new eminem i think we can all agree absolutely dude i've been like when when is the next awfully hot coffee pot prodigy going to going to come on the scene so the first thing that he says is that girls are just trying to get his semen so they can get pregnant and then force him to pay child support i ain't trying to be with some chick this scheme and probably trying to get my semen i don't think there's a single girl in the world that like wants to get pregnant and have a child just so that they'll be a single mom and haven't paid child support uh yeah maybe not for you but you've never been this guy this guy that is literally on fire with purple flames and his shirt is also also has a thing that's on fire on it i like that his shirt matches him it's all very purposeful also how like wet and greasy his hair is that's also very purposeful and maybe he just came out of the shower yeah i don't know if he like always makes videos directly after showering or if he just waits till he gets really greasy because his hair looks like that in every single rap that he does okay i mean maybe maybe when he's in the shower that's when he gets his his like inspiration you know yeah maybe he's just like so pissed off that he's like sweating profusely and that's why he looks kind of kind of wet he just like looks at himself in the mirror and thinks about women for 10 minutes and then he just starts like sweating yeah they just want my semen i ain't trying to be with some chick this scheme and probably trying to get my semen some chick that's scheming probably trying to get my semen trying to get my semen almost makes it sound like she's it's like she's not really trying to have sex with him she just wants to like bottle his semen or like get it in a vial or something while he's sleeping yeah she's just waiting until he like goes and jerks off and then she rushes and grabs it and runs out i gotta sleep with one eye open this [ __ ] is trying to get my semen she knows i've got a fridge full of it full of like beakers of semen and i i gotta keep it locked because this well guess what [ __ ] that was actually horse semen that wasn't my semen now you've inseminated yourself yeah wait what [Laughter] maybe that's just me i i do that's my post-workout horse semen you just drank that's the true alpha drink extremely high protein that's that's actually what is uh slicking down his hair he goes in the fridge and just pour some quit trying to get my semen i need this to get my signature hairstyle now i know that drinking horse semen might make you feel strong and protected but you are actually very weak and vulnerable if you don't use a vpn while surfing the internet and that is where today's sponsor atlas vpn comes in imagine you're at your favorite local coffee shop and you notice a strange creepy man clacking away on his laptop on the other side of the room this man is trying to hack your data because you're connected through public wi-fi which is not secure but little does he 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[ __ ] who's gonna have more problems in the end probably the [ __ ] so you have a room full of human women and then a room full of human man [ __ ] you know what i honestly i think i'd agree with him i think the women would have more problems because the [ __ ] is just [ __ ] you know it's not no no no no he said the the [ __ ] would have more problems he says the men [ __ ] will have more problems who do you think is going to have more problems in the end [ __ ] well because women you know women at least like get to live lives but [ __ ] usually just gets like thrown in the garbage or thrown in the dump or something like we don't treat [ __ ] with very much respect yeah and i do think that's a big problem with our country these days it's like yeah what how are we treating our [ __ ] we're just flushing it flushing it away instead of treating it with the same respect we treat women you know oh my god yeah so this dude clearly uh classic in-cell vibes i would say well i don't know insel incel kind of instill stands for involuntarily celibate right it sounds like this dude is actually voluntarily celibate if you celibate at all it sounds like girls are like blowing up his phone knocking down his door to try to get his semen and he's having to sort of ward them off with this with this sort of like greased sewer look because we see a problem we find a solution you see a problem you find some excuses and then you wonder why there's so many gay men oh so this is why there's so many gay men um is that a thing that women wonder why are so many men gay oh it must be because we're [ __ ] that's why men are gay not because they're just predisposed to be attracted to men yeah you're telling me i'm i'm such a [ __ ] that that there's like billions of gay men in the world that's insane yeah so women stop trying to steal men's semen or you're gonna turn everyone gay yeah you're gonna have to get it fair and square every time something bad happens you get to aim in at the straight man saying that we're brainless but not if anything we're emotionless because we think with our heads not our emotions [ __ ] that's so sad i'm emotionless baby i'm gonna call him on his bluff though cause he seems pretty [ __ ] angry in this video if this is what emotionless is then i don't want to see him when he's actually like feeling something is this dude not aware that like emotions happen in the brain it seems like we think with our brains and we don't have emotions it's like well emotions happen in the brain as well but no emotion actually comes from the semen and he's fresh out i got emotion in my balls so that's that's the problem is that they keep stealing all of his emotions emotion is stored in the balls i'm pretty sure we learned that in health class so what do you think do you think this guy's uh headed towards being the next eminem or i think that it really puts into perspective what i think a lot of beginning rappers miss and that's that being able to rhyme a lot of words close together doesn't make you a good rapper you can't just sit on yeah type out a few rhymes and then start going for it yeah you can't just be like they're screaming for my semen and dreaming that that i'll be creaming in bed with a demon just because it rhymes and it like kind of makes sense doesn't mean that it's like good to listen to you know do you think women are killing children so she's asking do you think women are killing chivalry i wonder what his answer's gonna be if i had to guess i would say yes i open the door for them they just want my scene man already killed it bet y'all are wishing that you could bring it back but dead is dead [ __ ] you can't just resurrect it oh no you can't just put a laugh in the middle of a rap song like that no that's a have you ever heard the if the joker could beatbox why so serious [Music] as you'll see he wears a joker shirt and his profile picture on tick tock is also the joker so he's like that stereotype in every way possible like you have to either idolize eminem or the joker you can't idolize them both at the same time you can't be that stereotypical [ __ ] one is toxic douchebags and then you wonder why that's all that you found y'all want a man that's buff and has the bus to keep you happy [ __ ] but you don't want to do [ __ ] to make him happy son trust me i got this i'm home [ __ ] all you thoughts can kick rock [ __ ] so honey like and subscribe if you thought this was not [ __ ] what a low bar to like and subscribe like and subscribe if you thought this was not [ __ ] i don't know if you thought this wasn't the worst thing you've ever heard maybe like and subscribe all that was just the typical women want douche bags it's just so weird to me that these dudes just jump to assume that if a girl doesn't like them specifically that they want douche bags yeah i feel like i have a lot of friends in relationships and i wouldn't really call any of them douchebags so i just you know what happened with them kind of seems like you're a little bit of a douchebag yeah i want if if he's watching this i want him to to picture from our perspective who we think the douchebag might be is it two guys who are in committed relationships who have never made rap songs about how much women [ __ ] suck or is it maybe the guy who only makes videos about how women [ __ ] suck i want him to consider for a second who the douchebag might be so i was trying to think of like the word for like when someone's too nice to you in a relationship so you stop oh no he didn't even let her finish dude he's like let me cut you off right there you see this one strand of hair i'm about to [ __ ] you a [ __ ] i don't even care i i like the evolution of the haircut the just the one strand dude i think it it works for him i i think that this is the best he's looked so far because if i were a woman i would be like okay yeah i want this guy's semen now it's dumb because most of us men were mean to everyone but you we thought you were special [ __ ] so we treated you better than the rest of them okay so if you're saying that you're mean to most people and you're only nice to this one girl don't you think that that girl might like see you around other people and realize you're like mean to everyone and then she might be like hmm maybe you're only being nice to me because you're trying to get something from me in this relationship yeah i also like how in the last video he was like women only like douche bags and then in this one he's like i'm mean to everyone in my life except for one person so basically i'm a douchebag and women still don't like me so what's up with that i'm both a nice guy and a douchebag and women still don't like me what do they want yeah get you a man who can do both be a [ __ ] douche all the time and then be nice to only you specifically we treat you good that we're too nice we treat you bad then we're douchebags there ain't no way to win we always lose fam maybe women just don't like you dude maybe just act normal it's like he says if you act too nice then you're too nice and if you act too mean then you're a douche bag well then it's like well then don't do either of those act like a normal person find the happy medium because yeah it is true that girls tend to if there's a guy who's like being overly sweet and overly nice it can come across as like really desperate and creepy yeah i could see a guy ruining a first date by like getting someone a really exorbitant gift or something like that i think that that could be a red flag but if you're just like a normal guy yeah just be like chill and friendly and then if a girl doesn't like you she doesn't like you move on you are not going to get more girls by posting in-cell wraps on tik-tok so the next guy you get with treats you like [ __ ] so when you get a good guy you realize it because we don't just grow on trees we're very far few between don't throw away loyalty on some stupid dreams that you don't get something better than you and me because truthfully i'm a super me if you was me you would be dead what does that mean if you was me you would be dead you was mean you would be dead i guess he has such intense superpowers that like she wouldn't be able to handle the power the average mind would would crumble under the weight of his his amazing powers yeah like if you suddenly became superman you might not be able to handle it you know and you just explode or something something i've always noticed is every single guy thinks that they're a good guy i've never seen a dude who's like i'm a terrible person so when you get a good guy you realize it because we don't just grow on trees but like all the guys like this who are clearly like not ready to be in a relationship with someone they're all they all have convinced themselves that they're like the one good dude you know i know i think it's kind of like a coping mechanism to us to to try to assume that the reason you're not in a relationship is because like you're too good for everyone else it's like it's not any it's not my fault it's everybody else's fault they can't handle me i'm too good for them if they were me they'd be dead check the other timelines i'm the only me still alive guy because i'm the strongest version of me that you'll ever find guy uh so now he's talking about the multiverse whoa check the other timeline he's saying that there's a lot of him that exists and he has killed all of the other versions of him oh my god so so what do you say no well okay maybe we're about to say the same thing but if you were him you would be dead because he has literally killed all the other versions of him yeah exactly if this girl was like a female version of him like the female loki you know in a different timeline yeah then he would have killed her by now nice guys really do finish last look at this nice guy who is literally says he's a douchebag to everyone except for her and is going around murdering other innocent versions of himself i might edit out the beginning of this next part we'll see [Music] oh my god holy cow yeah yeah yeah i guess i understand why you might want to edit that out i was going to edit that part out yeah uh he just said a word that i don't think he should be saying i mean i guess you know you never know but i don't think he's black maybe he's three percent black or something maybe he's albino you never know y'all make me want to take bands from you [ __ ] i love this filter that he's using it's a filter where when he holds his hand out the rain [ __ ] stops dude he really does have super powers holy cow that's his superpower that's what we've been wondering that's why we would die if we were him because he can control the rain he's like if you try to control the rain [ __ ] it's going to end up hurting your brain [ __ ] cause i've been stuck in the [ __ ] gutter way too long and you got way too much of the bread in the [ __ ] butter [ __ ] that's one of my favorite bars that he says you got way too much of the bread and the [ __ ] butter stop hoarding it you [ __ ] is that do you think that's a metaphor or is he really pissed off about some bread and butter no it's literally this was made near the beginning of the pandamic and he went down to walmart and saw this hoarder like buying up all the bread and butter you got way too much of the bread and butter hold it [ __ ] and the rain somehow for some reason it was raining inside of walmart and you made it stop or maybe command maybe he's a blood bender or something like he can also like oh yeah he stopped the blood from moving inside their body you got way too much of that bread and that butter he also likes to do these uh raps where he's just basically it'll be someone saying like what would you do if i broke into your house and then he'll just be like okay you've given me an excuse to now just be extremely violent p i i like that he prefaces this with 18 plus content what would you do if i broke into your house it could cut to him doing a lot of things he could he could have a rap about like how badly he would beat the [ __ ] out of you but it could also cut to him just like naked jerking off yeah be careful guys this is 18 plus content what would i do if you broke into my house first i grabbed my baseball bat and i bust your [ __ ] kneecaps because we both know that barely oh no you're big ass then i turn your [ __ ] face into a bag of lego bricks did you say turn your face into a bag of lego bricks yeah he did can you [ __ ] face into a bag of lego bricks what does that even mean is he gonna like take out an exacto knife and precisely cut out chunks of your head to be like perfect rectangles and he's gonna carve out the little bumps on the top so he can like connect them together so this one uh sometimes when people record videos of themselves especially kids a lot of time you get this impression that like their parents are in the next room because of how they're talking they're kind of like they should be talking hard like this they should be like [ __ ] i'll bust your kneecaps but instead they're kind of talking to the phone like i'm gonna bust your kneecaps and i'm gonna [ __ ] you oh you're gonna be so sad huh nothing i'm not doing anything honestly what if this dude was like 13 this whole time that's every kid's dream is to just bust someone's face open and turn them into legos this guy thinks that people are just like pinatas full of legos yeah you hit them and then the the limited edition millennium falcon set just pours out of them holy [ __ ] that's the best one then i'll drag you to the basement turn you into some [ __ ] steaks [ __ ] then i serve them at you [ __ ] way [ __ ] yeah i'm crazy i'm insane [ __ ] he's gonna turn him into steak and then sell it at his wake yeah at the man's funeral he's gonna serve the stakes of his body he's like here's the stakes of your uh your dead relative and here's the lego set i made out of his face yeah people are wondering why it's a closed casket funeral and then he comes in with a bag of legos made out of his face like a bunch of steaks that he made out of him i don't know if i'd i'd probably still eat the steaks if i'm being honest yeah i mean if this guy's preparing him it seems like he knows what he's doing turn you into some [ __ ] steaks [ __ ] he seems like a top quality chef he kind of looks like linguine from uh ratatouille whoa dude he does put a rat in my head and make some steaks at your wake [Laughter] i wanna try to rob my [ __ ] place [ __ ] cause i'm broke anyway [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] to steal here but i'll still beat you down anyway [ __ ] yeah he seems like he's really enjoying himself like okay yeah it does have a bit of an orgasmic quality to his voice and you also can't really see what's going on below the camera he is jerking off in this video i told you come on relentless the more i learned about this guy the more i can kind of understand maybe what is is happening in some of these uh hypothetical relationships he's talking about i think he is is making a an assumption that it's about being too nice or too mean um i think it's probably more about being too intense i get the sense that however this guy is acting whether it's nice or mean it's way too [ __ ] intense yeah too relentless yeah exactly you can be relentlessly nice where like on the first date you're like i love you i think that we need to i think we need to be together forever i could see how he thinks that's nice but it's like way too intense yeah and he's like hey guess what if anyone ever tries to touch you i [ __ ] break their face in with a [ __ ] baseball bat and turn them into legos he thinks that's like really nice and really endearing because the girl will be like wow he wants to protect me but it's really just like terrifying yeah it's just because he wants legos because he just wants legos so bad i'd kill you right now if i thought you had legos inside you do you have legos inside you what lego set you got in there [ __ ] thank you so much danny for uh helping me get through this cringe today i really appreciate it hell yeah dude i'm glad i could help it it really means the world to me um but i think i'm going to be making a song called the in-cell anthem which is uh gonna be a great song for all incels to listen to and take inspiration from oh sick yeah i'll listen to that [ __ ] hell yeah all right well just want to say thank you one more time danny make sure to go out and make another spooky song or i don't think i'll ever speak to you again okay i don't think i'm i am going to we can uh we can talk about that later no i don't think we are going to talk later actually so okay all right bye bye why won't any women [ __ ] me why won't any [ __ ] suck my dick why don't any women love me they all treat me like a piece of [ __ ] i only shower once a week i do not floss or brush my teeth but the problem is women love me why won't any women [ __ ] me why won't any [ __ ] suck my dick why don't any women love me they all treat me like a piece of [ __ ] apparently now it's a sin to say women belong in the kitchen well cooking is for women not me i'm too much of a nice guy i'm the nicest guy around if i was more of an alpha then these [ __ ] would let me pound if you're feeling emotions well that must mean that you're a sam cause feelings are for women not me i won't any women [ __ ] me why won't any [ __ ] suck my dick why don't any women love me they all treat me like a piece of [ __ ] well if these girls don't think i'm cool then i'll just go shoot up the school and prove the [Music] subscribe to the channel then go follow my twitch and then go check out my patreon stupid [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Mr Beard
Views: 2,434,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danny Gonzalez, Mr Beard, Ryan Beard, Commentary, Parody, Satire, Funny, Comedy, Relentless, Therealrelentless, TikTok, Rap, Rapper, Cringe
Id: htl0xelcxbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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