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hey everyone welcome to today's lesson which is all about prepositions I have well it's an interactive quiz lesson for you about prepositions and I'm calling it the preposition challenge so what I want to do is I want to practice using prepositions today because those those are those tiny little function words that may follow adjectives or nouns or adverbs and and even verbs and that's what I want to talk to you about today specifically we are going to focus on the following we're going to focus on verbs and the prepositions that often follow verbs and I think that this is is great practice this is a great way to practice and understand okay which prepositions often follow which verbs I always say that one of the best ways to learn prepositions is is to read is to read as well as practice which is what we're going to do today so thank you guys so much for joining me today Michele a ten just one minute Andre Lally I'll Elizabeth Angela welcome thank you I will try and get some more shout outs as as we continue going through the lesson because like I said this is an interactive lesson I'm gonna give you a bunch of questions I want you to write your answers in the chat or if you're watching this later in the comments I want you to interact with this lesson that's what it's all about and for some of you this may be a little bit of review which it's always good it's always great to review so let's look at what I mean a little some examples about verbs and the prepositions that follow so let's let's look at these three right here the verb is highlighted in blue and the preposition is highlighted in red so you have to wait for to recover from and to grow up these are all verbs and the prepositions that follow now the one thing I want to point out is that the verb grow up that is a phrasal verb I think when many learners think of verbs and prepositions they think of phrasal verbs because that is a verb and a preposition now one thing that I want to point out is the difference between wait for and grow up because to wait for that is not a preposition now the difference between wait for and the prep is and the phrasal verb grow up is that when we're talking about a phrasal verb the meaning is different from that of the meaning of the verb let me explain so to wait for do to wait is just like you are you're spending time you are you are anticipating that something will happen wait for it has the same meaning it's just the preposition that often follows that verb to grow I think of like plants or trees or flowers or people they grow they get bigger they become taller if you're talking about the phrasal verb grow up the meaning changes because to grow up means typically you're talking about where somebody lived when they were a child and where they lived and you would ask like oh where did you grow up where did you spend your childhood I say well for example I grew up well I grew up in Atlanta Georgia that is where I spent most of my childhood so that is the difference between a phrasal verb and just a regular verb that follows the preposition in this quiz I think there are one or two phrasal verbs and I will point them out all right so are you guys ready are you ready to begin let's let's start with this the first question that I have for you I will read you the question and I will read you the options the first part is multiple choice so you can choose either a B C or D and I want you to write your answer in the chat or in the comments and actually practice your English skills so the question is I've been longing a beach vacation how would you complete that sentence I've been longing mmm Beach vacation is it a bi longing by b4 longing for sea with longing width or de n longing in which you're going to use that verb + preposition combination which one do you think I've been longing by I've been longing for I've been longing with or I've been longing in excellent great job yes Andre just one minute Adan Ximena go SIA farhat perfect the correct answer is be longing for I've been longing for a beach vacation and too long for something it means well too long is like you desire it you want something and you would follow it with that preposition like ah you know right now I could say well I I am longing for a pepperoni pizza I really I would like to eat some pizza I haven't had it in a while and I could say I'm longing for this thing the next question is this excellent no one could believe he escaped mmm prison no one could believe he escaped mmm prison so again the verb is escape which preposition is going to follow that verb escape is it a to be at see-through or D from escape to prison escaped at prison escaped through prison and escaped from prison what do you think write your answer in that chat all right so excellent seeing some good answers yes perfect Lally Julianne Michelle sandy Vijay yes the correct answer is d to escape from someplace now you could say for example you could escape to someplace in that case I think of somebody wanting to do some kind of vacation getaway and I want to escape to the Bahamas most of the time to escape means you want to get away from somewhere which which is why you're going to escape from someplace or maybe you want to escape from someone and you want to get away because to escape from something is just to break free you don't you want to get away from this place or possibly even a person you want to escape from this place the next one this is a good one and maybe it's a little tricky maybe not I've always dreamt mmm climbing Mount Kilimanjaro I've always dreamt mmm climbing Mount Kilimanjaro so which which preposition would follow the verb dream I've always dreamt over I've always dreamt about I've always dreamt of or I've always dreamt on and one thing I would tell you when it comes to prepositions I know when learners are you know usually speaking it's very quick you kind of just say it if you make a mistake I think most people still understand you but when you're writing since that's more reflective and some people may stop and they're trying to think well which one really goes there my advice it may sound a little simple but what feels right what feels right to you what sounds right and I think many of you got this yes perfect lolly Kanaan miguel sylvia trying to get some different names in there meet meek yes the correct answer is C I've always dreamt of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro now I said this is tricky because many times you might follow the verb dream with about there is a difference when you say you dream about something and you dream of something in this case I'd say like for me because this is true I've always dreamt of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro what that means is that I have like these thoughts these hopes a desire to do this in the future it's something that I wish will happen in the future like I've dreamt of buying a big house on the ocean it's something you think of your thought if you dream about something that is when you actually are describing your dream so if I could say well last night I had last night I dreamt about this live stream not working and having more technical problems which I think have been resolved thankfully so if I in that case I would say well I dreamt about having problems with the live stream and that is something that I was actually dreaming of so keep that in mind to dream of something or dream about something the next question that I have for you the doctor referred me hmm a specialist the doctor referred me hmm a specialist would you say the doctor referred me to a specialist the doctor referred me with the specialist the doctor referred me at a specialist or the doctor referred me on a specialist which preposition best completes that sentence and would follow the verb refer I almost say or almost said the answer I got it I got to try and catch myself before I just give you the answer which one do you think and again if you just joined us welcome we are just practicing prepositions and the the prepositions that follow certain verbs so excellent perfect addis Risa Simo ceci yes the correct answer is a the doctor referred me to a specialist so in this context you would refer someone to someone else or maybe you refer someone to some place like the hospital but when I think of using this verb I often think of doc or some kind of health needs and they may the doctor may refer you to a specialist so you refer someone to someone else or someplace you send that person to this place or to see someone else you refer someone to something I hope that you guys if you know anybody else who is learning English I hope that you refer them to our channel interactive English so that they can practice and improve their English skills let's look at the next one again how would you complete this sentence I don't know if you can see it the the pictures kind of I tried to put them side-by-side but I'd say the wedding coincides mmm my friend's graduation the wedding coincides mmm my friend's graduation so the verb coincide to coincide which preposition are you going to follow that verb with to coincide on to coincide for to coincide with to coincide by what do you think write your answer in the chat in the comments this is how you really learn these prepositions and you actually start to internalize them and what I mean by internalize them is that you end up learning them and you you don't even really you don't even realize it you just start using them correctly when you're speaking when you're writing when you're producing the language so perfect excellent thank you a great job Esther Dimitri names are going so fast Vanessa Alex the correct answer is C with the wedding coincides with my best friend but with my friend's graduation so in this case when you talk about some two things that coincide it basically means that they happen at the same time they occur at the same time and you would say this thing coincides with this other thing to coincide with it's when you're talking about two things happening at the same time it is a great verb to know in case you did not know the meaning of that to coincide with something next is this question right here my grandfather suffers mmm-mmm neva my grandfather suffers mmm amnesia so the verb is suffer to suffer hmm which preposition best completes this sentence my grandfather suffers by amnesia my grandfather suffers over amnesia my grandfather suffers on amnesia or my grandfather suffers from amnesia and if you don't know what amnesia amnesia is it is a condition that I think it happens more often in people when they get older and what it means is they just start to forget their memory starts to go and if it happens regularly if it happens often then a doctor may diagnose this person and say yes they suffer mmm Nisha all right excellent Thank You Ava Angela Marco uh perfect let's see Leonardo yes suffers from dee from that is the correct answer my grandfather suffers from amnesia if you suffer from something it means that you are experiencing the effects of this thing which is which is typically bad so you could suffer from some kind of condition you could suffer from a disease and you would use that preposition to suffer from excellent so we are gonna switch it up a little bit right now but I did want to let you guys know that if you like what we do here at interactive English if you want to show us some love check out our patreon page we have some cool rewards it's a way to support what we do here and keep doing these lessons for you guys each and every week I'll throw a link right there in the chat there's also a link down below in the description if you guys want to check that out if you no problem I still hope that you join me each and every week for these live lessons and watch our normal lessons on Tuesdays so we're gonna switch it up now before I gave you multiple choice and I wanted you to complete the sentence and I gave you ABCD now I'm I'm not going to give you multiple choice I'm gonna give you the sentence and I want you to think about which preposition completes the sentence write your answer in the chat or write your answer in the comments so the first one is this one I just I love this picture right here one of my favorite things to do is to track down these you know just entertaining pictures that I like so the the sentence is she winked hmm she winked mmm me from across the room she winked me from across the room so the verb is to wink which if you don't know what that is it's when you're you know giving that little motion right there she winked mmm me from across the room the cat is the cat is winking right now so what do you think which preposition best completes that sentence yes so have I can't pronounce a 2 - too old - a bold world excellent alright yes just one minute Breann perfect enough Aiden the correct answer is at you wink at someone she winked at me from across the room it is when you kind of you close your eyes - to signal something so I think in this case some people might think like you wink at somebody like oh you like them you're showing some kind of affection or maybe you wink at somebody like there there's some kind of secret between the two of you and you're sending that signal and you wink at someone the next question is right here so think of just this this context as if I'm telling you this and I say hey whatever you do don't bring mmm his recent divorce whatever you do don't bring his recent divorce which preposition completes that sentence if we are at some kind of event our party you and I are at this party and we see this person over here and I tell you hey hey whatever you do don't bring mmm his recent divorce which preposition completes that sentence I will give you a hint this is a phrasal verb so to bring hmm it is a phrasal verb what do you think all right excellent yes the dossier of Lina Lally say eat see mo the correct answer the is up to bring up his recent divorce so you could say again whatever you do don't bring up his recent divorce to bring something up it's a phrasal verb and it means you're you're introducing something into the conversation you are you're just talking about some topic you are bringing it up and I I think it may often be used in a context if somebody's saying hey don't bring this up don't talk about this topic this issue perhaps it's a little sensitive and people don't want to talk about this thing and in that case you'd say hey don't bring it up and if you did bring something up then maybe some of that's why did you bring this up why did you introduce this into the conversation to bring up to bring something up the next question the next sentence I have for you is this cheating and professional athletics stems hmm a fierce desire to win at any cost cheating and professional athletics stems mmm a fierce desire to win at any cost notice the picture that I put in there for you it's a little bit of current events I don't know if many of you are watch baseball or keep up with baseball but there have been some problems with with cheating and I could say well in these problems its stems mmm a fierce desire to win at any cost so the verb stem to stem mmm which preposition completes this sentence what do you think this is a little more challenging because I don't think this verb I don't think this verb is probably as common as some of the others but it's also a good one to know especially if you're trying to explain some situation maybe in a little more professional setting so yes the correct answer great job Aidan Shakib sandy nice Vanessa just one minute Dimitri stems from so I'd say cheating in professional athletics such as baseball it stems from a fierce desire to win at any cost and if you say to stem from its saying that something is caused by something else so the cheating instead of saying the cheating is caused by a desire to win I could just say the cheating stems from a desire to win it means the the same thing something stems from something else it originates from this thing or it is caused by this at this thing to stem from alright let's see what do we have next there's my breakfast I could say the sentence breakfast consists hmm eggs pancakes and coffee very standard quite a standard American breakfast it's not well I I do like pancakes I I don't often eat pancakes but definitely eggs and coffee so breakfast consists mmm X pancakes and coffee so the verb is consists to consist mmm what what would you say how would you complete that sentence everybody you guys were you were quick on the draw with this one and if you say if I say that expression you are quick on the draw it means that you were not waiting you did not hesitate and you just answered this question right away yes excellent sir perfect Sara Renuka Abdullah Abdullah dead Alisa thank you for a great job breakfast consists of eggs pancakes and coffee to consist of something it means that it is it is made up of specific things and often you that that is when you list those things that it consists of and then you talk about those things that are that that make this thing up eggs pancakes coffee the reason I used it in this context is I think sometimes it's it's quite commonly used to talk about food maybe at your staying at a hotel you're saying oh you know I get to eat breakfast well what what is the what what can I eat for breakfast and they might tell you well it's a set menu it consists of eggs pancakes and coffee to consist of something perfect you guys you guys rock that one let's see maybe maybe we'll make it a little more difficult for you and the way that I'm going to make it more difficult is now I'm giving you one verb but there are two prepositions two different prepositions that can follow this verb so look at this sentence she apologized mmm her friend mmm lying both of those prepositions commonly follow the verb apologize to apologize hmm so think about which prepositions you would use to complete that sentence she apologized mmm her friend mmm lying what do you think write your answer in the chat or in the comments because that's what I want you guys to do just to participate so excellent to world were bald I know I'm mispronouncing that sorry Lynn not wrong perfect yes the answer Angela Romeo the answer is she apologised to her friend for lying so those are that when you're talking about the verb to apologize you would apologize to someone a person and you would apologize for something something that happened so she apologized to her friend for lying and when you apologize you just say you're sorry so this is a great example of a verb that that can be followed or is often followed by two different prepositions it depends on what you're trying to say to apologize to someone to apologize for something something that happened the next one okay again you have one verb and I want you to tell me the two prepositions that can follow this verb he argued mmm his boss mmm having to work over the weekend he argued mm his boss mm having to work over the weekend what do you think which preposition so the verb is argue to argue hmm his boss hmm having to work over the weekend there actually I I think there may be there may be three different phrasal verbs that you're not phrasal verbs there may be three different prepositions that that you can use all right what do you think yes excellent perfect say eat Alyssa Sara Den's Mendoza nice thank you guys thanks for your answer so I'd say he argued he argued with his boss about having to work over the weekend I think you could also say he argued with his boss for having to work over the weekend I think you could use that as well but I think it's common you argue again you argue with someone when you're about a person and it's common that you would argue about something something happened and you are arguing about this topic or some sort of disagreement and when you're arguing you are just speaking angrily with this other person he argued with his boss about having to work over the weekend excellent you guys you guys did a phenomenal job thank you for participating in this lesson again this is such a great way to really understand these phrasal verbs that you can see how they are used correctly and you just start to internalize that information so that the next time you you're having a conversation and you want to use these verbs you are going to follow it with the correct preposition you're just going to know it instantly and and you'll be quick on the draw with using those prepositions because you have practice and practice and practice some more so I thank you guys so much for joining me today please if you like these quiz lessons hit that like button that tells me that that you guys enjoy this type of lesson and that I should do some more like this in the future if you have questions or comments again write to us in the comments we always love hearing from you and check us out on our social media classes Facebook Twitter Instagram and if you want to join our community you can subscribe to our e-mail list there is a link in the chat there's also a link down below in the description we'll give you access to the secret fluency lesson we'll send you lesson updates as well as some other useful and free resources to help you improve your English skills because that is what this channel is all about so thank you guys for being here today thank you lolly Julianne angel ester Michelangelo Sandee Alisa Maria Miguel just one minute up to a Michelle ninh not wrong Elina sorry if i mispronounce names i apologize perfect elizabeth oh it's okay for lay the video we'll be posted and and you guys can watch the whole thing from the beginning that is what I'd recommend Leila thank you guys for being here I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 26,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english grammar lesson, learn grammar, advanced grammar lesson, learn advanced grammar, advanced grammar, learn prepositions, english preposition, grammar preposition lesson, advanced prepositions in english grammar, learn prepositions that follow verbs, prepositions that follow verbs, grammar quiz, interactive grammar quiz, online grammar quiz, learn english grammar preposition, prepositions quiz
Id: H-HXxGVh1b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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