PREPOSITIONS QUIZ | Advanced English Grammar

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what's up everyone my name is Wes this is interactive English and if this is your first time here we are all about just helping you practice and improve your English skills and the way we are going to practice your English skills today is by learning some prepositions I am going to give you a preposition quiz to help you practice your skills and and this is very important because I think learners often make mistakes with prepositions even though you know most of these words those tiny little function words and they usually become before they usually come before a noun but not always but I think the reason why people makes mistakes is because we often use prepositions what we use them to show the relationship between words mostly the relationship between a noun or pronoun with the other words in a sentence and just to show you how important they are of all of the of the top 25 most commonly used words in English nine of them are prepositions so these are words that you really need to know and today I'm gonna quiz you on some some common prepositions like prepositions of time and place which I think might be a little bit easier but I'm also going to quiz you on prepositions that commonly follow certain adjectives and certain verbs and I think those are the more challenging ones because when people make those mistakes I understand what the person wants to say but I would catch on and notice okay they use the incorrect preposition so that is that is why it's important to practice these and I think a great way to do that is just to read the more you read the more you see how these prepositions are being used with certain words and then practicing like we're doing today and what I would say is before before we take the quiz if you don't know the answer and this is one of the only times that I would tell learners this is is I just do what feels right and again it's not scientific but if you're not sure of which preposition to use I would encourage you to do what feels right and the reason I would tell you this is because you have probably seen this before maybe you're worried about the preposition that follows an adjective you may have read that before but you don't remember it right off like from memory but your brain still has that stored so that's why I said maybe try and just do what feels right and answer as many of these questions as you can so I want to give a quick shout out to everybody who's with me today hello and welcome juh Tosca Lima Malak Ahmed IRA daughter and son how are you guys great to have you here Sarah Wissam Rob Aisha welcome I will try and give more shoutouts as you go through and as you answer these questions all right and even even if you're watching this later I want you to answer the questions in the comments use it like it's a piece of paper because that's what this lesson is all about is to make it more interactive all right so are you guys ready are you ready to take the quiz let's take the quiz now here is your first question all right it's just a gap fill I've given you some some choices here but I would tell you and this is what I would actually tell you guys I really want you to concentrate mmm these prepositions all right I want you to concentrate hmm these prepositions in this case we're talking about a preposition that's followed by the the verb to concentrate to concentrate mmm all right which one would you use a B C or D what do you guys think all right already getting some great answers yes perfect lolly Henry Lynn a scar I think you noticed go see it perfect thank you guys for answering you would see concentrate on something so again here I'll give you an example so if you concentrate on something I really want you to concentrate on these prepositions your talk is you're talking about focusing on something this is where you're paying attention this is another example sentence where we're using it she concentrated really hard on the lecture so that she could prepare for the exam in this case we're still using the same preposition but we can put we can put an adverb in there we can put an adjutant an adverb and an adjective between the verb and the preposition so it's something to keep in mind you can concentrate really hard on something all right excellent perfect all right that one all right you guys did really well on that one so let's just go to the next one so my next question is this are again just fill it in I'm giving you some answers as we go through these I'm not going to give you the choices and and you're just gonna have to think of the preposition on your own but he's so mmm of his roommate what do you think what is the correct preposition a about B of C on D over which which preposition best completes that sentence all right he's so jealous hmm his roommate what do you what do you guys think a B C or D and I don't know why he's jealous they're out for a run maybe one of the roommates is just really fast or or they can run for a very long time all right this one I think maybe okay a little trickier all right so yes actually let's see if some shout outs breath um Rohan perfect yes who else and and tada Krista perfect the correct answer is B of you were jealous of someone all right so you can be jealous of someone which i think is a very common use of this or you can be jealous of something as well all right and again jealous is an adjective that you would follow it with that ver are with that preposition of jealous of someone he's so jealous of his roommate or again in this expression right here I would use it as the he's jealous of the fact alright of something he's jealous of the fact that his roommate got an interview and he didn't so that might be a reason why he is jealous of his roommate okay so keep that in mind jealous of someone if you guys are just joining us we are doing a preposition quiz and I want you guys to answer these questions write your answers in the chat or in the comments if you're writing this later are you ready for the next question alright here we go this one I'm not giving you any choices I'm not giving you any choices I think you guys should be able to try and piece this together we need to wake up early mmm the morning mmm 5:00 a.m. mmm sunday which prepositions would best complete that sentence right there what do you what do you guys think all right so jealous of your English go west Thank You Henry I appreciate that all right what do you guys think which three prepositions would best complete that sentence right there all right I'm looking for three three different prepositions all right so all right excellent hitting some good answers yes we have yes Gaby Gabrielle Henry but I thought there I'm looking for three three different prepositions all right Irene excellent we need to wake up early in the morning at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday so those are the three different prepositions we're looking for right here I wrote the sentence we need to wake up early in the morning at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday we're talking about prepositions of time and those are the most those are the most common prepositions of time right in on and at now there's many different different parts of the time that we use them with but I'm just boiling it down to those three for this specific example so we use in with with parts of the day in the morning in the afternoon in the evening we use at when we're talking about a specific time like at 5:00 a.m. at noon at midnight and on of course we're going to use on with the days of the week on Sunday on Friday ok so that is a good little review of prepositions of time maybe I'll have another one for you so if you guys if you guys enjoy all right this quiz if you guys enjoy what we do here and you kind of and you want to support what we do then I would ask you again check out our patreon page it's another great way to connect with us I'll put a link right here if you haven't checked it out already we have some cool little rewards and again it's just another way to support what we do here at interactive English so we can keep bringing you guys the these free English lessons that you can participate in to practice and improve your skills check that out all right are you ready for your next question which is this right here I've given you some some more options for this one all right over the summer we have become accustomed mmm the hot weather alright so right now it's the summer and it's not the start of the summer it's kind of maybe the middle of the summer you could say over the summer you know we have become accustom mmm the hot weather which preposition is going to to follow that which accustomed mmm all right is it a to be in C by or D with all right and the this these are examples again where where learners might make as just a small mistake alright because they maybe they haven't read it enough they haven't heard it enough but what we're talking about yes all right perfect would give some shoutouts to yes Fernando is Bree Hanyu Lynne and tada excellent Maggie Paul dragon perfect you become accustomed to something the answer is a a custom to so when you are accustomed to something what it means is that you are used to something that you have experienced something or you have endured something in this case you have endured the hot weather that it becomes normal and you could say oh I am accustomed to the hot weather over the summer we have become accustomed to the hot weather accustomed to something and another example sentence which i think is also relevant many of you may have this experience and you could say well you know it may be challenging to get accustomed to living in another country all right so keep that in mind we can also follow it with the gerund all right you're accustomed to doing something you become accustomed to it I hope many of you guys are accustomed to watching our video lessons it's normal you guys do it all the time at least that's what I hope all right the next question that I have for you all right so far so not all of them correct excellent great job is this one and I'm sorry I just I have to toot my own horn and that's actually the to toot someone's own horn that's that's an old-fashioned expression I don't know why I just use it but it basically means to kind of brag about something to promote yourself to toot your own horn and I could say I'm addicted mmm interactive English I didn't give you any prepositions there I want you to think which preposition would follow that which preposition would follow that adjective addicted mmm something what do you think alright so I could say yes I think wow the responses are going so fast Manolo Lally long Tron yes Suhana Rohan you are addicted to something you could say I'm addicted to interactive English if you guys like watching our videos our lessons and you find them very useful you could say ah I'm addicted to interactive English you are addicted to something or like another example sentence many you know a lot of kids out there nowadays you could say ah they're addicted to playing video games you were addicted again this is another instance where I think it would be followed by the gerund all right you were addicted to doing something I'm addicted to playing video games I'm addicted to watching TV I'm addicted to creating new lessons for you guys something we always do every week alright we are addicted to this so again that was two in a row two questions in a row where two was the answer to is a very very common preposition alright your next question are you ready so if you're just joining us again just jump in there start answering these questions and in practicing your English skills sometimes we don't agree mmm anything what do you think and I thought that was a good picture to represent it to people they're not looking at each other they they just don't agree mmm anything which preposition would best complete that sentence with near act on what do you guys think let me know write your answer in the chat write your answer in the comments okay sometimes we don't agree mmm anything now this one I think could be a little more confusing a little trickier because the one thing I want to say is that sometimes with some of these adjectives and some of these verbs you can use more than one preposition but that does not always mean that it is correct in that instance so this one I think is Trey I'm going to give some shoutouts to Veronica perfect is it ow Nisha Reena the correct answer is D on to agree on something I saw that many of you put with when you're talking about with and using it that with that preposition mostly it would be then you're talking about a person to agree with someone all right now you can use with and in some instances when talking about something to agree with something maybe like to agree with a decision but oftentimes when you're using with you're talking about a person like I don't agree with you I don't agree with them all right but in this context all right you're saying like we don't agree on anything we don't agree on something so sometimes we don't agree on anything or in this example I could say it took quite a while for us to agree on the terms of the new contract to agree on all right excellent that one was a little trickier all right good good I I like it when again not that they're not too easy that everybody is just getting the answer so that's always good for me for me to see let's look at the next one and maybe I think I could have given you this one and just taken out the prepositions many restaurants prohibit people hmm smoking in restaurants I almost just told you the preposition right there because I want to make sure I'm blanking them out all right many restaurants prohibit people mm-hmm smoking in restaurants which preposition follows that verb to prohibit hmm all right would we use with B along c 2 or D from all right if you don't know it's okay just again take a guess it doesn't matter if you get it wrong that that's not important it's okay to make mistakes we encourage that I just want you guys to participate so yes I think most of you you've got this one out of istic perfect this is trying to give some serious curious soul yes trying to skip some say some names that I haven't I'm gonna try and save as many names as I can delight queen perfect so you're talking about the answer is d from to prohibit from and usually in this case when we're talking about this you would prohibit someone from doing something in this case again that's something I would add doing something because it's followed by that jaren prohibit someone from smoking prohibit someone from entering prohibit someone from violating the law all right so you're going to follow it with that jaren that ing so you prohibit someone from doing something I gave you another example the the lack of research prohibits us from determining the cause of the disease that is another way that this verb + preposition could be used to prohibit someone from doing something excellent alright here we go are you ready the next question that I have for you is this he's standing mmm the window wondering where she is mmm okay this one I didn't give you any choices there there might be more than one way to answer this question but what I would tell you is I want you to try and answer it with just one preposition one preposition that you could put in both of those blank spaces alright what one preposition could we use to complete this sentence alright he's standing in the window wondering where she is mmm what do you think so that that's you know that that's the hint that I would give you is try to use a preposition try to use one preposition that I think would complete that would fill that context alright I see so many of you are giving me kind of two prepositions some of them again I think you can but giving using this context I would say yes Prerna shaaka excellent almost we have Esther delight Queen uh Maggie [Music] it's a tau N or on ma Deni yes or no no actually wait I meant to say something else because the correct answer is act all right if we're gonna just use one preposition I'd say act it's talking about being at a particular point a preposition of place again we use those common ones in on at for prepositions of time as well as prepositions of place and when we're talking about at we're talking about a particular point so I say he's standing at the window wondering where she is at all right where's she at at school at home at work at the door at the top at the bottom it is talking about a particular place all right so again like just to show you that the context you know where is he he's at the window again you could say he's near the window he's by the window those also would fit that's those are also prepositions you could use but if we're trying to find just one preposition she's standing at the window wondering where she's at and but now that I think about it the picture looks a little creepy about this just this guy standing at that window wondering who where's she at the reason I used this picture is because it was very easy for me it had a dark image so I could really write the question and it stands out but now that I think about it that picture looks a little creepy that he's standing at the one window wondering where she's at okay all right let's just go on to the the next the next question all right it's a little bit of home alright because we used to live in the Bay Area and we would look at the Golden Gate Bridge all the time and just as a sentence in case you're having trouble seeing it because I've tried to find the right font colors to use we had to drive mmm the bridge to get mmm the city in this case there are two blanks and I want you to you can use different prepositions you're not just going to use one preposition to complete this sentence we had to drive mmm the bridge to get mmm the city what preposition would would we use all right in this context to complete this sentence you're gonna use - alright we had to drive mmm the bridge to get mmm the city what what do you guys think alright I haven't seen the answer yet which is why I haven't said anything some of you guys writing one kind of closed khalipa qey alright I'd say Leila alright the one what what I was looking for right here again you can drive on a bridge I think when you're talking about crossing a bridge you'd say we need to drive over the bridge to get into the city or you could say in the city but I think in this context into for a more broader area would be more relevant so I'd say right down here we had to drive over the bridge to get into the city and when you're talking about over in this case you're talking about movement across the surface over the road over the bridge I think often we use it when you're talking about bridges if you're giving somebody directions you would say hey you got to go over the bridge you got to drive over the bridge you could say on because we could use that preposition for movement as well but I think when specifically you're talking about bridges and crossing bridges you would tell someone to go over the bridge and into again you're talking about movement of something you could go somebody walked into the room somebody drove into the pool they drop they had to get into the city alright so we had to drive over the bridge to get into the city maybe that one was a little more challenging but again this is the best way to practice and learn them so now that you know talking about bridges you're gonna say ah you guys you need to go over the bridge cross if you want to cross the bridge you got to go over the bridge and then you'll get to your destination let's look at again so you could say yes you have to drive across the bridge that's also fine in that context has the same meaning I would say we had to drive across the bridge to get into the city that's perfectly fine as well so like I said some of the times you can use more than one preposition and it has the same meaning which is another reason why you know they can be a bit confusing sometimes alright the next one the Grand Canyon is renowned hmmm its natural beauty again we have this adjective renowned uh you know maybe you know what it means maybe you don't know what it means but there is a preposition that often follows this adjective alright the the Grand Canyon is renowned mmm its natural beauty which preposition do you think best completes that sentence and it and this is more difficult because I've taken away some of their your options alright right as I say it's more difficult all of you just you give me the correct answer so maybe it is maybe it is not that much more difficult yes the correct answer is four alright so if something is renowned it means that it is famous it is popular and it would be renowned for something so the Grand Canyon is renowned for its natural beauty or maybe a person like in this other sentence could be renowned for an achievement the professor is renowned for his work in linguistics all right you are renowned for something let's keep going the next one alright everyone comes together mmm Thanksgiving we Chiz mmm the fourth Thursday November now this is a bit of a cultural statement because there are different countries that celebrate Thanksgiving for example Canada Canada celebrates Thanksgiving but they don't celebrate it as the same time as the at the same time as the United States so this sentence is for the United States because I am from the US so this sentence applies to the United States and there are three prepositions I want you to write in there everyone comes together mmm Thanksgiving which is mmm the fourth Thursday mmm November all right which prepositions are you going to use to best complete that that sentence what do you guys think all right right write your answers in the chat write your answers in the comments I want you guys to practice practice practice practice that is what this is all about all right so again there could be more than one answer um you could come together for Thanksgiving yes that is true so antara I will accept that answer let's see what else do we have for okay yeah many of you put four Wow for Thanksgiving you can come together for a holiday uh Paul dragon that's the answer yes I was looking for what what I was looking for was this and again there are ways to just talking about those prepositions of time in on at everyone comes together at Thanksgiving which is on the fourth Thursday in November but again many of you put for for some holiday that is also correct as well you could say everybody comes together for Thanksgiving which is on the fourth Thursday in November so if you had four that is okay but I wanted to talk about we talked about at Thanksgiving so when you're talking about holidays you could use at to talk about that specific time at Christmas at New Year's again you could also use for in those circumstances as well for Christmas for New Year's we use in with months in January in July in December and of course we've already talked about on with days on Sunday on Friday all right so those were the answers we were looking for are you ready all right here's the next question for you all right and again I try to make these questions for you a little suggestive or as well all right I hope you won't object hmm hitting the like button I hope you won't object mmm hitting the like button which preposition would complete that statement right there what do you guys think write your answer in the chat or write it in the comments if you're watching it later and to be suggestive yes if you guys like learning about these prepositions and practicing your skills please yes hit that like button hit it right now all right hit that like button if you enjoy learning prepositions and you find value in these lessons these practice lessons so excellent yes Rohan i'ma ira english vibes excellent long tron Irene let's give some more shout outs very XD Gabi perfect so you I hope you won't object to hitting the like button so if you object to something it means you don't want to do it all right that you're saying I object to this thing all right you're not going to do it I said I hope you won't object to doing it so which means I hope you will hit that like button so again I hope you won't object to hitting that AB like button you object to something another example sentence right here her parents objected to her new boyfriend why just that's just an emoji that I found it looks like a perfectly nice guy to me I don't know why her parents would object to her new boyfriend but I said yes we used it in the past as well her parents objected to her new boyfriend's so when we're using that verb that the verb to object you object to something okay so keep that in mind and again if you enjoy learning these prepositions if you find them useful I hope that you guys go ahead and hit that like button also if you guys want to connect with us more you can subscribe to our email list I'll throw a link right up there we'll send you some lesson updates we send you some useful resources free resources as well and just more information about us and it's just another way to connect so thank you guys for for joining me today if you enjoyed the lesson like even better than that share the lesson with your friends your family members anybody that you know who's trying to improve their English skills share the lesson we really appreciate it helps us spread the word and just build our classroom you as always you can write to us in the comments we love hearing from you and join our social media classes we're also active on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so thank you guys so much for being here kaeleen Egeria Rosalinda hello go see us and Nas krista Asghar Lali Syed I can't Rohit yes Fred I tried to get as many names as possible today I tried to get as many as I can if I didn't say your name I'm sorry I will try and get it next time because that that's what this is all about thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you later so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 33,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english grammar, learn grammar, advanced grammar, advanced english lesson, grammar quiz, english quiz, preposition quiz, learn english prepositions, prepositions that follow verbs, prepositions that follow adjectives, learn prepositions in english, english prepositions grammar, grammar exercises, prepositions examples, prepositions exercises with answers, practice english grammar, practice prepositions
Id: o6Ssd55qaok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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