PREPOSITIONS that follow ADJECTIVES | Advanced Grammar

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hey everyone my name is Wes this is interactive English and well what this channel is all about it's about helping you practice and improve your English skills in order to kind of start reaching English fluency because it is a long path there's many different parts to it but but that's what I really want to help you do and specifically I think this is a great lesson for that because I am going to talk to you about verbs that are followed by prepositions so this can be very challenging because I think when it comes to verbs those are words that are more well known and then they're often followed by these tiny little of these prepositions these function words that I think can be easily forgotten so what I want you to do right now I want you to do something for me and that is just say hello just write your name in the comments in the chat tell me where you're from because I I just want to hear from you I love hearing from everybody and just just let me know write your name and I just want to say a quick hello to lolly ELISA Angela Carlos Aden how are you thank you guys for joining me Martha sleepwalker Vicki Gustave Stephan excellent glad that you guys can join me today for today's lesson so the way that we're going to go through this is I'm just going to give you a lot of different verbs and the prepositions that follow and it's a little bit of a quiz lesson and I will also tell you what the the verb + preposition combination what what does this mean so let's just look at it this way all right this is my visual that I want to give you so we have our verbs and they're followed by the prepositions now I've capitalized the verbs because again those are that they're arguably it's the most important word in the sentence because it tells us a lot of information it tells us what's happening it tells us when and then they're followed by these little prepositions those function words that again I think they're easily they're easily forgotten and like if you can think of it like this way you have the big the Mama and Papa duck and they're followed by all the children right behind us so the verbs you know they they describe an action or a state and the prepositions what their their purpose is is to connect different words the they are going to connect verbs with with nouns they're going to connect verbs with other phrases so I think that again practicing this is just going to help your overall English fluency because the more exposure that you get the more that you're able to read the sentences using the verbs and the prepositions correctly then you're just going to start to remember it and the next time you want to have a conversation or you're writing you will be able to use it correctly as well so let's go ahead and begin I'm going to start out with let's start out with some multiple-choice questions so I am going to give you the I'm gonna give you the verb I'm gonna give you the sentence and I just want you to tell me which preposition best completes the sentence okay so the first one that I have for you is this right here all right the first one is they were convicted mmm a crime they didn't commit what do you think they were convicted mmm a crime they didn't commit can you guys think what what preposition best completes that sentence either a on B by C width or D of convicted on convicted by convicted with convicted of which one do you think and yes all right I'm just I'll give you a few moments and then I'll just tell you the answer it is convicted of excellent a 10 Carlos in English vibes perfect you are convicted of a crime and if you are convicted of something then that just means that you are people say that you are guilty of something wrong you are going to suffer some consequences you are convicted of something it's not a good thing if somebody convicts you of something typically we're talking about a crime you are convicted of a crime here's the next question I have for you he's accustomed mmm driving in snowy weather which preposition best completes that sentence he's a custom hmm driving in snowy weather is it a with B in C 4 or D 2 he's accustomed with accustomed in a custom for or accustomed to what do you think in this situation and yeah I think that's a good example I think that is this is a verb that is typically followed by this preposition and the answer yes is to he's accustomed to driving in snowy weather perfect Ladon Jotham art Safina lin a sleepwalker I'll try and get some shoutouts every now and then so if you are accustomed to something it just means that you are used to it that you are used to this thing happening so in this example you're accustomed to driving in snowy weather then that just means that you are going to be use to driving in snowy weather I could also say for example I am accustomed to getting little sleep we have a baby girl Amelia so we you know we don't sleep regularly like we used to so I could say now I'm accustomed to getting less sleep than than I did in the past all right are you ready for the next question all right whoa well that's the answer all right the team is devoted hmm winning the championship all right what do you think the team is devoted mmm winning the championship is it devoted to devoted at devoted in or devoted on which one do you think and one thing I would tell you if you are unsure about some of these because chances are if if you have been reading or listening to English you have probably there's a good chance you have seen the verb and the preposition used together so that's why I would tell you if you're not sure what do you think feels right which one of these sounds right to you when you're talking about these prepositions so I hope that you said the answer again is to the team is devoted to winning the championship excellent what do we have we know it's going so fast now say Tsar Angela is a far yes could devote it to and if you are devoted to something it just means that you are committed to this thing that this is something you really want you are devoted like a team they are devoted to winning they really want to win so you could say they are devoted to this thing the next question that I have for you is this one many believe the iPhone is superior hmm all others superior all right that is the verb which preposition is going to follow that verb many believe the iPhone is superior superior at superior with superior to or superior of all right what do you think many believe the iPhone is superior hmm all others and again I think many people you might disagree about this I don't really have a strong opinion this was just the only example I could think of but the answer is to again I've thrown all those those prepositions those verbs at you that are followed by too many believe the iPhone is superior to all others excellent bow Khan who is a Christa perfect superior to and if you say that something is superior to something else it just means it's better it's better than this thing superior to the next one that I have for you again another another multiple-choice question parents want to keep their children safe mmm danger parents want to keep their children safe mmm danger and some of you again maybe you know these without even looking at some of the choices that I gave you would you say safe - safe from safe around or safe over what do you think parents want to keep their children safe hmm danger all right we're talking about keeping somebody safe I think this is very true I definitely want to keep our little girl safe and I would want to keep her safe from danger parents want to keep their children safe from something else something dangerous yes Safina Anna Esther excellent Aaden all right yes safe from so again I what I want to do because we're gonna keep practicing this but I want to just say that we're gonna I'm gonna take away the multiple-choice now and I really want you just to think about which preposition do you believe goes there because I think this is going to make it a little more difficult but at the same time the one thing that one thing that I don't care about with multiple-choice it's easier it's a nice warm-up activity but I don't want you to associate the the verb with the wrong preposition so now I'm just going to highlight the correct preposition but before I do I just want to say if you guys would like to make a another connection with us you can check us out on patreon I'll throw a link in the description right there there's also a link down below but it's another nice way to support what we do here at interactive English and there are there are some cool rewards as well so check that out okay so I am now just going to give you the sentence and I want you to complete this sentence with the correct preposition I'm not going to give you any options so this is a good opportunity to just say okay well what feels right in this situation what do you think so the first one Oh before I do I want to give you some these hints the best way to learn because some of you may be thinking like well how can I learn which which prepositions follow which verbs there's two simple things that I think you need to do the first one is just read reading more really helps because that way you're able to see the verb your a or you're able to this is a mistake that should say that that should say adjective no addition I'm getting confused it is adjective I have been Mis speaking I think throughout the lesson we're talking about prepositions that follow these adjectives you want to see the adjective and then see the preposition so we use these adjectives all the time to describe nouns talk about you know talk about the way things look and describe them make it more detailed and then you're going to follow it with that preposition so you want to be able to see that and the other way is just to practice like we're doing this lesson because then you're able to read you're able to see these adjectives and then see the prepositions and follow it so I had actually I want to make a mistake that that correction before because I think I wrote verbs instead of adjectives all of these that we're talking about today are adjectives followed by prepositions previously we did a lesson about verbs followed by prepositions but these are all adjectives so for example I could say I really hope you are engaged mmm these lessons okay if someone is engaged that is a way to describe a person that is an adjective and you would often follow it with a certain preposition so what do you think I hope you are really engaged mmm these lessons write your answer in the chat if you're watching this later write your answer in the comments I just like it when everybody is participating in these lessons so in this case yes Safina ate in perfect June the answer is in I really hope you are gauged in these lessons so if you are engaged in something it just means that you are you are paying attention you want to learn and you are engaged in a certain activity and you're very engaged that's a good thing the next one is I'm grateful hmm your offer so if two people I don't know if you can see that picture it is a handshake I'm grateful hmm your offer what do you think if two people there they come to an agreement somebody might say this I'm grateful hmm your offer which preposition best completes that and you're talking about somebody who is grateful that is an adjective and you would say that they are grateful for I'm grateful for your offer and if you are grateful for something it's the same as saying that you are thankful for this thing and again that is another adjective that you'd follow with that same preposition grateful for thankful for excellent Angela honey lolly rose Claire perfect for thank I'm grateful for your offer the next one that I have for you is their marriage is devoid mmm laughter so this one this adjective may be a little trickier a little more advanced d'void mmm something so look at the picture and I tried to find a picture they don't look they don't look very happy they're not smiling and in this case if I'm describing something it's a whoa their marriage is devoid mmm laughter so what do you think all right the preposition yes Mamadou Jinja smart again sorry if a house of English devoid of their marriage is devoid of laughter and if we're talking about if you are devoid of something it means that they lack something that there it it doesn't exist there there is no laughter in their marriage it is devoid of laughter devoid of something the next one I could say are you concerned mmm your health and I tried to make this question relevant to I have the picture of these Donuts back there donuts that you know they're not very healthy it's not the healthiest of foods so somebody could ask like hey are you concerned mmm your health and if this is the adjective that we're talking about concerned you are concerned hmm something what do you think concerned are you concerned mmm your health all right I hope that all of you yes you were thinking some of the us see it concerned about so if you are concerned about something then it just means you're worried about it so again even in that case you're concerned about you're worried about they mean the same thing and we use that preposition about concerned about something the next one she is very well acquainted mmm the facts of the case so there in the background you kind of have this picture of a woman and the idea would be perhaps she's a lawyer and we're talking about a case she's trying a case and you could say well she is very well acquainted mmm the facts of the case yet you are acquainted mmm something what do you think which preposition follows that adjective acquainted mmm something she's very well acquainted the facts of the case the answer is with she is very well acquainted with the facts of the case excellent sleepwalker Jacqueline Lally Aafrin perfect you are acquainted with something if you are acquainted with it it means that you are you know about it that you are familiar with this thing all right I'm familiar with the acts of the case I'm acquainted with the facts of the case again you're using that same preposition familiar with acquainted with you know about this thing so the next thing all right now I'm going to try and make it a little more challenging because this time I am going to give you a sentence and there are two there are two missing prepositions so you have two different verbs and two different prepositions and I want you to see if you can think about which ones which prepositions follow these verbs all right so the first one I could say that is this if you're addicted our channel then that means you're pleased mmm our lessons okay so which prepositions follow those two adjectives so we're talking about addicted mmm something or you're pleased mmm something all right and I keep saying hmm for those spaces so what do you think again if you're not sure just think about well which preposition if you're just reading this or if you imagine that you're listening to it which preposition do you think you would hear if you're addicted our channel then that means you're pleased our lesson our lessons so the correct answer is two and with if you are addicted to our channel then that means you are pleased with our lessons if you are addicted to something it means that you must have it that you you cannot go without this thing so you could use it for example it could be something serious if you're talking about drugs and somebody's addicted to drugs or somebody might use it in the sense of like a TV show and you'd say ah I'm addicted to this TV show so in this case I'm talking about our channel if you are addicted to our channel then and then that means you're pleased with something you are happy with it pleased with and if you are addicted to our Channel I always appreciate it if you guys just go ahead hit that like button down below if you think if you are addicted to our English lessons the next one that I have for you is this I just like this picture that's why I chose it the dog is notorious mmm destroying my shoes and I'm fed up mmm all right those are the two adjectives notorious and fed up so the notorious and fed up those are the two adjectives in the sentences which prepositions which prepositions are going to follow those write your answers in the chat or write your answers in the comments okay again it's good this is great practice because you are able to read this when I show you the correct answer you are able to read it and try to understand it so that the next time you want to use it use these adjectives you are going to follow it with the correct preposition so excellent I see some great answers yes Karem i think sam el balcón you the dog is notorious for destroying my shoes and I'm fed up with it he's notorious for destroying my shoes if you are if you are notorious for something all right if you're notorious for something it means that you are known for this thing the dog is notorious for destroying the shoes he's known for that and if you are fed up with something you are tired of it you are not going to take it anymore and say I'm fed up with this all right I'm fed up with all the crowds I'm fed up with the loud music you are tired of this thing you could say you are fed up with it all right excellent let's look at the next one and I could say well speaking of crafted places our next sentence the store was crowded people who were eligible mmm the grand prize so those are the two adjectives you're talking about crowded many people it was crowded hmm people which preposition follows that adjective and the other one eligible eligible mmm something what do you think it means the store was crowded people who were eligible hmm the grand prize all right so I think many of you you've got the first one if you're talking about many people you'd say it's crowded with and then the next one is for the store was crowded with people who were eligible for the grand prize so if you say a place is crowded with something it means there are many things you could say it's crowded with people perhaps it's crowded with something else and if you are eligible for something it means that you have met the requirements to get something you are eligible you are eligible for in this case you are eligible for the prize the next one that I have for you is and this is how I feel that's what this is why I chose this sentence I don't know if you can see the picture it's a picture of an airplane and there are seats on the airplane and I would say I'm incapable mmm getting comfortable mmm this seat so when I think of an airplane seat I might think about this sentence right here and use these adjectives I'm incapable hmm getting comfortable hmm this seat so what do you think if somebody is incapable or they're talking about comfortable alright so you would say that I'm incapable of getting comfortable in this seat so if you're talking about you are capable of doing something that you can do it if we want to say the opposite you would say incapable of doing something so I am not able to do this I am NOT able to get comfortable in this seat so we're talking about a seat I think depending on the situation you could say comfortable with or you might say comfortable in but in this case since we're talking about a seat and somebody would sit in a seat you would say comfortable in this seat because we're sitting so in this case I'm incapable of getting comfortable in this seat the next one if you're can mmm this is what I would would tell you guys or I try to tell you guys all the time if you're keen mmm improving your English join our community and you'll be amazed mmm all the cool stuff will send you so this is true I'm going to throw a plug for this in just a moment what do you think so the adjective the two adjectives is keen you are keen hmm doing something and you are amazed mmm something all right so I say something because you can put different words in there but in this case I'd say if you're keen mmm improving your English join our community and you'll be amazed mmm all the cool stuff will will send you so if you are keen on doing something it means that you want to do it you desire to do it if you're keen on improving your English if you want to do it then I would say join our community and you'll be amazed by all the cool stuff we'll we'll send you its amazed by you are amazed by something and if you check out if you want to join our email list I know many of you are already on it we will send you access to the secret fluency lesson and some other cool things we send messages from time to time talking about some resources that you can use to improve your skills sometimes we send lesson updates about lessons that are coming out in the future and anything else that's happening at interactive English I'll put a link right there in in the chat if you want to check it out it's also one down below so again this is a great way to practice because we use adjectives all the time and they are often followed by certain prepositions and I just want to do a little bit of a checklist so this is our checklist today of all the again I've I got this mixed up in my head because I I did verbs and prepositions before today is adjectives so forget about that word right there verbs these are all adjectives these are adjectives plus prepositions these are all the adjectives that we talked about today there are 20 of them so just read this list alright get comfortable with it it's going to help you because the next time you want to use one of these words and some of them are very common they're very there they're often used then you know what a do you know what preposition you need to follow it with like if you are concerned about something or you want to say that you are fed up with something or that you are amazed by something that these are adjectives and you're going to follow them with those prepositions I put those books down there to remind you to read and I also put that YouTube logo down there except remind you watch our lessons this is something that we practice all the time like I said before I did another lesson on verbs followed by prepositions I suggest you check that out but when I was creating this I just messed it up in my mind going back and forth about verbs and prepositions even I get confused sometimes so thank you guys so much for joining me today again if you enjoy these lessons please hit that like button check us out in those links below patreon our email list we just like to be able to make all of these connections with you so I hope you guys have a wonderful day thank you for joining thank you for participating and I will see you guys next time but I'll give some last shoutouts in the end Thank You Angela Aden merits pachoo lolly Rose Claire de xira all right so I have mispronounced that Antonio I am tied at devika and Maud hope you guys have a wonderful day and I will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 15,256
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Id: oEuwe6DM1sM
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Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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