Heteronyms to Build Your Vocabulary & Improve Speaking Fluency

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hey everyone my name is Wes this is interactive English which is all about helping you guys practice and improve your English skills so if that is what you're looking to do please subscribe to our Channel and join our community and take your English to the next level so today I have a it is both a vocabulary lesson as well as a speaking lesson because we're going to practice your pronunciation and try to improve your speaking fluency by talking about hetero names and those two pictures that that is an example and we will get back to that in just a second so the way that we are going to to learn hetero names and I'm gonna help you build your vocabulary and practice your speaking it is by actually practicing and doing some exercises too to help you learn these would your vocabulary and you want to improve your speaking let me know by hitting that like button go ahead and hit that like button so that way I know okay then we need to do more vocabulary more speaking lessons so the way I thought that I would introduce this topic is with just a simple question alright and that question is this I want you to try and think of a word that changes pronunciation when it's capitalized alright so this is the way we're going to introduce the topic and this is going to be a bit challenging so we're talking about a word that that when it's capitalized the pronunciation changes so if it's being capitalized we're talking about a proper noun it is the specific name of a person a place or a thing and if you can think of any words I want you to write that word in the chat or in the comments I want you to interact with this lesson that is what this channel is all about interactive English we want you guys to participate in these lessons all right so which word all right think of a word when it's capitalized the pronunciation changes all right so I got some okay there's some answers again this is going to be a very challenging lesson yes lolly great great answer that was my first example so you have the word polish which can be just a noun talking like about shoe polish we can also say it's a verb all right to polish something to clean it to shine it now once we capitalize that word the pronunciation changes from polish to polish and in that case we're talking we're referring to the country we're referring to the people of Poland or even the language of Poland polish and I put the IPA up there in case that helps you with the pronunciation so you know how these words are pronounced there are more so we can also have nice this is a very common adjective you could say something or someone is nice if we capitalize that n then suddenly it becomes the name of a city in France and the pronunciation changes from nice to nice we also have this right here reading it is used it's a verb to read in the continuous tense I am reading a book if we change that and we capitalize that letter then it becomes the name of a town in the UK reading reading changes to reading so those are examples of Hedren um's and if you're wanting to if you want to know well please just tell us what exactly is a Hedren m well this is a hetero name it is when you have two or more words that have the same spelling but different pronunciation and meaning same spelling different pronunciation and meaning usually I would say Hedren M's you're just gonna have two words there are some three word Hedren M's but that it's not common at all so this is different than a homonym when you're talking about a homonym you're talking about two words that have that have maybe they might have the same spelling or pronunciation but a different meaning so the difference between a homonym and a Hedren 'm is that pronunciation homonyms will have the they may have the same pronunciation Hedren UM's are going to have a different pronunciation like those two words right there those two pictures you have douve which is the past tense of the verb dive I dove in the pool yesterday or if we're talking about the bird it's pronounced dove dove dove those are Hedren UM's and the reason why it's so important to learn Hedren um's is first for your speaking fluency so that you can actually pronounce these words correctly so that the other person understands you but also so that you understand other people when you are listening to a conversation or even watching a TV show or movie you are able to identify these words and you know exactly what is being said because Dovan dove are two very they're spelled the same but they are two very different words now let's let's look at this when we're talking about pronouncing Hedren um's there are two rules of thumb and if you're wondering what a rule of thumb is it's just talking about a a general rule there are always some exceptions to these rules but in general you can follow this rule that if we're talking about a word that has two syllables or more the noun is stressed in the first syllable the verb is stressed in the second or in the last syllable most of the time I think you'll come you'll find these nouns and verbs as two syllable words so let's look at the noun those examples that I gave you right there in dark blue so you have the noun conflict there was a conflict between the the two colleagues the two colleagues had a conflict all right they had some kind of some kind of fight that they had to work out or if it's the verb the stress is on the second syllable conflict all right there were can selecting arguments about what we should do what what whatever the issue is you might have conflicting opinions or conflicting arguments all right so conflict conflict now if we're talking about S&Z this next part right here rule of thumb noun is pronounced with s and the verb is pronounced with a Z so the noun a house which is where people live people live in a house or if it's used as a verb we pronounce it with a Z house so I could say that the the city is attempting to house its homeless population they want to help out the homeless in the area so they're going to house them in different government apartments so that would be an example house house now again like I said the best way to learn and and try to understand this is to practice we're gonna start with things that are a bit easier and then it's going to work up and become more difficult and I promise you these are they will get more difficult and I want you guys to write your answers in the chat or in the comments even if you're watching this later so the first part is a speaking practice and I want you guys to speak wherever you are if you're at home if you're on a bus it doesn't matter actually try to say these sentences out loud and practice your speaking practice your pronunciation so I'm just gonna give you a sentence all I want you to do is say it out loud and then I will I will pronounce it for you and show you where the header in M is okay so just take a moment say this sentence alright okay so now you can listen to me say the sentence and I would say drug abuse is a serious issue and nowadays people abuse opioids and if you're wondering what opioids are that is a it's a drug a pharmaceutical drug that might contain opium which is heroin they can be very addictive there is a big problem in the United States right now with opioids so that that's partly why it's relevant so drug a let's let's look at this so I hope this is what you said drug abuse again we're talking about that s abuse because it's a it is a noun drug abuse is a serious issue and nowadays people abuse with a-z opioids so abuse the noun abuse the verb alright if you guys if you said that out loud right that in the chat or comments just write the word speaking so I know that you are participating in the lesson are you ready here is the next one okay drug abuse and abuse abuse is when you somebody asks abuse is talking about when you to abuse means that you have a problem with something usually it's talking about an addiction you're too much of it and abuse has a similar meaning it's the verb to abuse a drug is you are hurting yourself you're taking too much of it alright so yes excellent we am Hoffy thank you for participating missus reluctant excellent all right the next sentence I just want you to say it out loud practice your speaking skills and then I will say it are you ready all right so in this sentence I hope that you said listen to me we get a lot of use out of our boat we use it every weekend again I'm talking about that noun verb that s and Z we get a lot of use out of our boat that's the noun use we use it every weekend the verb use so again these are very common words that you're going to use in everyday English all right you get a lot of use out of our boat out of something we use it every weekend you use it every day excellent all right so again thank you some shoutouts knock you foo Fatima thank you guys Lucia for participating in this activity all right so let's look at the next one again more speaking practice I want you to say this sentence out loud all right now listen to me say the sentence uh all right I took the lead and led the group through a dark tunnel where people were mining for lead all right there are there there's two different words one's a verb 1 one is a noun but the pronunciation is going to be different all right I took the lead all right to lead someone or in this case it is used as a noun the lead all right you were ahead of the group I took the lead and lead which is the past tense of lead I lead a group I led a group I took the lead and led the group through a dark tunnel where people were mining for lead which is a noun and that is just the material that people would excavate from a mine lead all right so this is a head random I don't think this would be considered a a three-word Hedren M because again the first one lead and lead it's the same it's it's the same verb one is the present one is the past it's the same as the verb read read I read every day I read a book yesterday that's also an example of a Hedren M and the next one are you ready another more speaking practice I want you to say it out loud don't be shy all right you're standing too close to the door close it and these are two words that I would often practice with learners close and close one has that s sound the other the Z sound you're standing too close to the door close it now this is a little different because we're not talking about a noun and a verb in this case too close we're talking about an adjective in a verb so the adjective has that s close and the verb to close something has that Z sound all right so let's look at oh I wanted to let you guys know if you guys want to show us some love you can get our patreon page we have some some cool rewards and I will throw up a link in the description alright if you guys want to check that out boom right there alright check that out if you guys want to show us some love support what we do we will thoroughly appreciate that excellent alright let's look at somebody just pointing out actually yes I just realized in that two examples ago when I was talking about lead and lead I made a mistake the spelling is different for the past tense all right it is led so that is a mistake I apologize for it I think I just need to get some sleep we have a little baby and I don't sleep very much but that's not gonna stop us thank you thank you for pointing that out good eye all right so the next the next way that I want to practice these hetero names is this is the challenging part I want to see if you guys can identify these Hedren em so I've given you a sentence now the words are different the pronunciation is different but the spelling is the same so see if you can put the sentence in context there's going to be two blanks and in those blanks would go the Hedren um's alright so let's look at the first one we'll start out a little easy and we'll start out easier and we'll start out easy and then it will get more and more difficult ready so let's see how well do you know your Hedren um's so I'll read the first one so a a mmm was about to attack me so I hmm into the pool hopefully you're able to identify at least one of those blanks and then you can get the other one alright so I want you to see if you can write your answer in the chat or in the comments and also try to say it out loud so that you're practicing you're speaking practicing your pronunciation because again with Hedren um's that is the key there is a different pronunciation that's what it's all about alright a mmm was about to attack me so I mmm into the pool all right hey yes excellent uh-huh feed English pies mr. lakhtin lolly Alberta misses FA excellent so what I'm talking about I think that last part into the pool hopefully that kinda gave it away and you could say a dove was about to attack me so I dove into the pool all right I know that a dove would not likely attack someone but in this case it's just it's just for practice all right so a dove was about to attack me that's the noun it's white bird so I dove into the pool which is the past tense of dive all right excellent are you ready the next one okay when I saw the mmm in my new jeans uh oh that should be this another mistake it should be I I got uh mmm in my eye not a that should be I when I saw the mm in my in my new jeans I got em in my eye what what Hedren em goes in those two blanks it's the two two different words of the same spelling different pronunciation and different meaning and hopefully you can kind of put it into context a little bit so you can identify and you know these words all right what do you guys think what do you think yes all right so seeing some good answers yes lolly we um yes ooh aleem step hood josh is okay if I'm mispronouncing names so when I saw when I saw the tear in my new jeans it's a noun it's talking about a split or a rip in something usually talking about clothing there is a tear in my shorts or my dress or something maybe not my dress but somebody else's dress and I again that was a mistake I got a tear in my eye I thought maybe that would help you that was a clue that you would have something in your eye a tear which is a drop of liquid from your eye tear tear now tear can also be a verb to tear something you rip it alright so again it has multiple meanings excellent are you ready here's another one there they're going to get more difficult I'm gonna be very impressed if any of you get this one alright and you might if you just think of the right word the business is hmm a lot of mmm which word which Hedren M could appropriately complete that sentence and again if you're just joining us we are practicing our our Hedren M's alright and and this is a great way to learn to build our vocabulary and improve our speaking fluency because the pronunciation is different all right what do you guys think Dee can you think of any words any Hedren m that could complete that sentence the businesses mmm a lot of mmm what do you think all right this one is more challenging because there's not there's just not that much information all right yes I do see answer lolly yes excellent so I was going to give you a hint and say you know think of like vegetables or something like that if you go to the store and what I would say the Hedren M is talking about the businesses produce a lot of produce so again this is one of those that that rule that I told you about before remember that general rule of thumb when we're talking about a verb and a noun in case some of you missed it I want to just show you where is it right here all right when we're talking about the noun is stressed in the first syllable the verb is stressed in that second syllable okay so I've lost my place sorry about that all right so the business is produce again that stresses on the second syllable produce a lot of produce the stress is on that first syllable and we're talking about produced to create something to make something produce is agriculture or talking about natural products my hint was gonna be like vegetables if you go into the grocery store and you look in the the produce section of the grocery store you might find you know different vegetables so that is that is the answer produce and produce the next one we need to mmm the people into - mmm teams we need to mmm the people into - mmm teams what do you think what what what Hedren in best completes that sentence and I know like I said this is this is challenging you guys really you need to think outside the box a little bit because again you're looking for two words that have the same spelling different pronunciation and a different meaning what do you think we need to mmm the people into - mmm groups all right I'm saying yes a couple of good answers yes we um miss reductant we're talking about the word separate or separate we need to separate the people into two separate teams we're talking about separating the people the verb to divide some people or something into parts separate the people into two separate teams that is the adjective that you're not sharing something with another whatever it is it is separate alright two separate teams excellent uh here's another one all right this one I keep saying that it's difficult it's gonna be challenging but you guys keep getting correct the correct answers all right if what what do you think all right he has many great hmm which he hmm to his success again I I think this one this this is probably I think it's challenging maybe maybe you guys are easily going to get the answer I hope so so what what Hedren m best completes this sentence what do you guys think write your answer in the comments write your answer in the chat okay so we're talking about - same spelling different pronunciation alright he has many great hmm which he hmm to his success ah ideas made alternate no uses I kinda sounds like the word that I'm looking for alright is this one attributes so he has many great attributes it's a noun we're talking about somebody's characteristics which he attributes to his success so attributes we're talking about their characteristics the now the verb attributes which is talking about you you're you know you regard something it's caused by something else all right it attributes to his success so those attributes he attributes those to his success alright that because of those attributes he has become very successful alright he has many great attributes which he attributes to his success that is another example of a Hedren M attributes attributes okay so I wanted to show you where is it these are a of the Hedren um's that we went through in today's lesson I've outlined them here for you the the capitalization changes at the beginning when you capitalize the word the pronunciation changes the pronunciation one right here this is the difference if it's talking about if it's a noun the stress is on that first syllable if we're talking about the verb the stress is on the second syllable think about that word right there the noun conflict the verb conflict the other rule of thumb is we're talking about the noun it's going to have the S sound if it's the verb the Z for example house a house or two house and then those are the other ones we identified some more Hedren M's just practicing trying to expand your vocabulary as well as improve your pronunciation because I think a lot of these words the these are common words that I think many of you know most of them you may not have known the Hedren 'm that went along with it so hopefully you were able to learn something new and build your vocabulary as well as improve your speaking skills and your speaking fluency so this is a list of Hedren M's from the lesson and if you guys did all right if you guys learn something new from this lesson please hit that like button show us some love as always you can write to us in the comments because we just love hearing from you share this lesson with other English learners anybody you know who's trying to practice and improve their English skills and if you want to practice with us more follow us on social media we post a lot of questions on our Facebook page Instagram well Instagram is mostly just pictures of our family but Twitter we also post questions to help people actually practice their their English skills which is what interactive English is all about thank you guys so much for joining me thank you Rasha adam fatima miss reductant hans in Mahesh thank you thank you thank you Maria glad you guys could join me today I really appreciate it I hope that you have a wonderful wonderful day and I will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 35,343
Rating: 4.9671569 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, build vocabulary, speaking fluency, english pronunciation, vocabulary lesson, pronunciation lesson, heteronyms, heteronym pronunciation, heteronym examples, learn heteronyms, improve english speaking, improve english vocabulary, heteronyms in english, heteronyms sentences, heteronym words, learn english heteronyms, vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, words same spelling different meaning, words same meaning but different pronunciation
Id: ZrcskGfbjAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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