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hey everyone welcome to today's lesson thank you guys so much for joining me today I really appreciate it today I want to talk to you about well topic that everybody is aware of and that is the global pandemic because several of you have met well many of you had actually have asked me about talking about some vocabulary that is related to the Cova 19 virus or this pandemic because I know many of you are reading newspaper articles in English you might be listening to a news report in English and you are going to hear these vocabulary words over and over again so what I want to do is talk to you about I'm gonna do things a little differently today and you'll see what I'm talking about we're actually going to go through some different news articles and pick out some of the words and I'm gonna create a vocabulary list for all of us here and then at the end what I will do is I will take all of those words and I will put them into the description of this video so that you can have them you can copy them and paste them and put them in your own word document so first I first want to say I hope all of you out there are staying safe and staying healthy and give some quick shout outs to those of you who are with me today hello hottie honey ELISA sleepwalker Aaden great to see you Zanna Saeed welcome Kareem Mahmud Walter hello hello hello so again this is hopefully that this lesson will you'll you'll be able to learn a few new words so that the next time you're reading about information that's happening related to this virus related to the pandemic it's going to help you understand it a little bit easier and I also want to well I want to talk to you about something else that's a little personal that's closer to me and I will discuss that at the very end and come back to it but the way I'm going to do it differently is like I said I'm just going to share my screen and we're going to go through some articles and pick out some words and basically create our own vocabulary word list related to the pandemic so here is the first article that I have for you there I actually found a couple of articles that were specifically about words to help you understand this pandemic so we're gonna go through this and I'm gonna try and go through this quickly and pick some things out if you guys have some other questions I'll try to see if I can find it because right now I have I have a lot of different screens open so this was an article by time and I will also link all of these articles in the description below in case you want to go back and look at the article on your own so these are terms to help you understand the crisis as you can see down here it starts out talking about well what it what is a virus the corona virus I think that most of you guys are aware of what the virus is and then it's talking about the difference between an outbreak and epidemic and a pandemic so as you can see an outbreak is talking about a sudden rise in a disease so if an outbreak is a sudden rise in the disease an epidemic is when there are enough outbreaks that go beyond the initial spot so when it starts spreading to other areas it becomes an epidemic and then a pandemic is when that epidemic has become worldwide so outbreak epidemic and pandemic now what we'll do is we're gonna go over here to our vocabulary list and I'm just gonna write them down so we have an outbreak when there is a sudden a sudden start to disease and then the next word was epidemic because you might hear this word a lot it is when the outbreak spirit starts to spread beyond its origin origin is just like talking about where it begins and then we have a pandemic which I'm sure many of you have heard it's when the epidemic becomes world wide and the w-h-o declared this a pandemic last month in March and this is another word this is an acronym that you may hear quite often if you're reading an article or listening to a news report they will just say WH o which stands for the World Health Organization there we go so started this list right here of words and we can go back to our article right here and again if you see some other words then you know you could just like let me know and I'll try to find them again hello to others that are joining us uncle-ish sua Raj nice great to see you thank you for joining Michael Angelo hello so those are three words that I think are will very super important words that I think you should definitely know these are other words quarantine is another word that I think you will hear quite often and self quarantine so if we're talking about somebody who might quarantine themselves it is referring to a disease that's out there and you would say that this person needs to quarantine and what that means will go back over to our list it's a verb so I'm just going to write it to quarantine and it basically means to isolate a person so that disease is does not spread so again if somebody were to get kovat 19 and they have the disease they might say okay we need to quarantine this person we need to isolate this person and they would be alone so that this disease does not spread and you might also hear it used with self quarantine right here and self quarantine again is when you make the decision to do this on your own when you decide when I'm just going to write when a person decides to isolate themselves and it's basically if you know you're sick you say okay I'm going to go into self quarantine now quarantine I would say this is a word I'm just gonna add verb right there it's a word that's used when you're talking about a virus or an illness it's specifically used for that so if you're talking about like if you just want to be alone which many people feel that way but from time to time you would not use the word quarantine you would only use this really in the context of a disease or an illness and you might need to quarantine yourself or people might need to quarantine next let's see you hear about these words right quite often symptoms and it's talking about a sign or indication that someone has a disease so this is a noun and you'd say that well somebody has the symptoms of this disease which we'll talk about in another article symptomatic is just the part of speech is changing and we're using it as an adjective and you could say that someone is symptomatic now another common word that you might start hearing now-a-days is people that are asymptomatic and if somebody is asymptomatic it means that they are not showing signs of the disease and this is where I think this Cove in 19 is very dangerous because even if somebody is asymptomatic it seems like they can still spread the disease even though that they are asymptomatic they're not showing signs they can still spread it and that's why I think this is spreading very quickly so you may hear this word a lot when you're talking about well when you're listening to a news broadcast and they might hear to refer to people as being asymptomatic that even though you may be asymptomatic you may need to quarantine and still isolate yourself so that the disease doesn't spread so let's go back over to again our vocabulary list we're just gonna have this as a running list down here so I'm gonna write down symptom and again some of these words you you may have heard about before and again it's just great to review it's always good to review the meaning of these words indication that a person has a disease I'm just gonna write this is the noun so let me correct some of this and again I told you guys that after the lesson I'm just gonna I'm just gonna copy and paste this in the description so that everybody has it symptomatic is the I can't spell and do all these things at the same time so symptomatic is just the adjective describes a person showing symptoms so it'll say and then asymptomatic again is another adjective so you'd say that someone is asymptomatic we use it frequently with the verb to be that they are not showing symptoms so they may still have the the disease but they're not showing symptoms you could say they are asymptomatic let's look at some of the next words relating spread this is another word that I did want to talk to you about because when you are talking about a virus you would use this verb and say that the virus is spreading that it is going to a larger area that it is getting passed from one person to another person that the virus is spreading I'll write that one down I want to go over here and talk about again I'm just gonna go through some of these terms the I will link these articles for you guys down below so spread I will remember to write oh so this is another article from USA Today it says what does Furlow mean can I leave home under shelter-in-place coronavirus terms explained so most I'm just gonna read through this and then we'll talk about a few words most people know by now what is what social distancing it most people know what social distancing is by now they've heard that that the corona virus outbreak has been declared a pandemic we remember we just talked about that a pandemic is when an epidemic becomes worldwide but what does it mean when you here in New York is the epicenter in the United States and what do healthcare Provisionals say when they need ventilators or respirators or both so let's talk about some of these words so the first one it's talking about the epicenter and again I'm not I'm not a healthcare professional if you were to look at the word some people may use it a little differently but in general it's just talking about the very the center of an area and you'd say it is the epicenter or more informally somebody might say it's a hotspot and if you're ever if you ever want to know about some of these words source that I like to use is can bridge so you could even go to Cambridge dictionary over here type in epicenter and then if you move down sorry if you guys can't see this it's talking about right here okay is a place that shows the highest level is an epicenter so we can go back over to our vocabulary list and I'm gonna add these terms down there spread is the verb used to say the virus is passing from one person to the next we talked about epicenter and right now they're in each country in many different countries there may be an epicenter for that country and it is the Canberra JH meaning what was it I'm just gonna copy and paste it is well the highest place the higher the place that has the highest level sorry so the place that has the highest level so if you are following what's happening in the United States I'm just going to use that as an example because I'm from the United States you they would say that New York is the epicenter because that is that is the area in the country that has the highest level of this another word I'll just add it right here would be hot spot if people want to say that New York is the epicenter New York is the hot spot let's go back over to our list right up here so these articles they show some pictures shelter-in-place stay at home I think those words are fairly self-explanatory it's just talking about people that they need to stay at home and you could use this as an adjective it's used as a compound adjective right here because it's describing the order that the government is issuing an order saying what they want you to do and it is a stay at home order and you would hyphenate it see those hyphens stay at home order let's talk about this is another word that I wanted to ask you about art I tell you about contact tracing so many health professionals you may hear them talking about the virus and tallit talking about the things that they they need to do that people need to quarantine they need to do social distancing and stay away from each other and they need to do contact tracing as well and I'll read this it says contact tracing is done by closely monitoring and tracking with whom a person infected with the contagious virus has come in close contact and that is according to the World Health Organization or the w-h-o so let's add that to our list right down here and let's see can you guys see so contract no contact tracing identifying people have our let's I'm gonna write it like this contract a so I'm gonna try and just make it simple if a person has the virus it's identifying fine who they have come in contact with all right you're you're trying to find out who have these people come in contact with so that those people can quarantine and you can try to stop the spread let's go back over again let's see sure I said yes use me so sorry I'm again my spelling I'm just trying to write this quickly it's a little difficult there are so many windows open right now so I'm trying to switch back and forth so that it doesn't seem too confusing so right now if you're just joining us I just want to let you know we are talking about vocabulary that is related to this pandemic to the corona virus I'm creating a I'm going over several different articles creating a vocabulary list which I will put down in the description once the video is finished so here is another expression another term that you may hear which is flattening the curve so as people get infected I'm sure that you see these graphs that they show and the graphs may go up like this and what they're talking about is you want to flatten that curve so to flatten means that it's talking about the surface that's something there's no bumps that it's just flat so here is a visual picture of what this might look like so you they show this one curve I don't know if you can see my cursor and you want to take in it you want to take the curve and flatten it out and this is what they mean when the health professionals up there whether they are talking about countries like you the United States Italy and Spain where the the curve is going up at a very high rate and they say we need to flatten the curve we need to make sure that we need to make sure that people are quarantined they are social distancing so that the virus does not spread and there are fewer cases and they can flatten the curve that is a very common expression that you might hear so I'm gonna go back over to our vocabulary list and write that one down here flattening okay flattening the curve so it is mm well again I I'd say it basically means what it sounds but when they're referring to the curve they're talking about the number of cases that a country has so I'd say flattening decreasing I'm gonna use this decreasing the number the amount of cases so that each day there are fewer and fewer so when there are fewer and fewer cases that curve is going to start to flatten and that's what they mean when they're talking about flattening the curve let's look at there's a couple more words from this article and then we're just gonna go through and read some others ventilator in a respirator so this is something that you are probably hearing a lot about different countries talking about hospitals saying that they need ventilators and a ventilator is a machine that's used to help someone breathe by getting oxygen into their lungs and removing carbon dioxide from the body so these those are ventilators those are the machines the larger machines that hospitals would have a respiratory it's a little different because these are masks or devices to keep potentially harmful substances out of out of inhaled air so a ventilator is more of the machine a respirator is going to be the mask and I will write these down in just a moment vaccine this is another word that you will hear quite often that people are going to talk about because the vaccines I'll just read this what it says it prevents disease by stimulating your immune system to produce an appeal antibodies exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease so this is something I'll give you an example we have a baby girl Amelia and over it she's now one in this last year she has been getting different vaccines to help protect her from other viruses so right now you would hear people use this word in the context of well we need to develop a vaccine there are many pharmaceutical companies working or like all over the world right now everybody is trying to develop a vaccine to this virus to help protect people in the future so what are those words that I want to write down flattening the curve ooh I forgot to talk about this one furlough so this is a word that is more talking about the economy when businesses because many as you know many businesses are having to shut down restaurants bars shopping centers just clothing stores and those businesses are closed and you might hear I think there was an announcement about yesterday or two days ago that Disney World is going to furlough many of its employees and what that means is furloughs are temporary leaves without pay so this is a little different it says I'll read the whole thing furloughs are temporary leaves without pay they're different from being laid off because the intent is for the worker to return to a job after a period of time so if a if an employee is laid off it means like that it's similar to that they're fired that they are let go of their job and they are now unemployed to furlough means that they are temporarily leaving work but then later on in the future they will have the opportunity to come back to their job so I just said that Disneyworld there was a news article two days ago they plan to furlough many of their workers and in the future those workers will then be able to come back to work at those same jobs so it's just a slight difference let me write down some of these words furlough ventilator or respirator vaccine so we're gonna go over back to our vocabulary list and I wrote about vaccine I don't know about how to write it I forget a substance used to help the body fight off disease all right I'll check these before I post them down below but just as a quick writing it down so I don't forget so again you would get a vaccine to help you fight a disease to lay someone off is basically to fire or let this person go from their job and they are now unemployed this is different than we were talking about furlough is a temporary leave let me get this spelling out of the way temporary leave without pay so that's something to keep in mind if you are reading something about a company that is going to furlough the workers that these people are not going to get paid without pay but they will return to their job the future so either way again these are the they're very different terms neither one of them is good so this of course with all these businesses shutting down many people losing their jobs or if they are getting furloughed people are still not getting paid and that that is a that is a huge problem and then there was another word oh we were talking about the difference between ventilators and respirators so this is a machine used to help people breathe and respirator is more of a mask used to help clean the air so again keep keep an eye out for these words if you are listening D these are words that if you were to go read another article after this lesson you are definitely going to see some of these words especially if you're talking about hospitals and ventilators and respirators let's I want to keep going because I want to go through a few other articles and read through some of them and pick out some words so this is talking about again how to protect yourself I'm not a medical professional I think a lot of you a lot of us have read the same information similar but I want to go through this and see if help you maybe understand some of these words so it says the corona virus this is an article from about a month ago you can see it's from March 5th but it says the corona virus are what are the symptoms how it spreads and how to protect yourself we had already said that symptoms are indications that somebody has a disease spread this is the verb you're going to use when talking about it moving from one person to the next so I wanted to go down here I'm going to kind of skip through some of this and just talk about this right here so you can see in that video right here it says got Leah Vaughn corona virus spread we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg and again think about this is a month ago so they this is an expression when they say that we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg what this expression means is that you are only seeing just a small amount when there is so much more information or that we still need to learn and that we still need to understand so I wanted to teach you that expression and again think about it in this context this article was a month ago and they were saying we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg that we're going to learn more about it or the virus is going to spread a lot more which it has so that is a term again I'm going to add it to our vocabulary list if you want to use it it can be used in other context as well tip of the iceberg mmm let's see OOP that's an E that's why it's I'd say it's an idiom it means you only see a small amount when there is much more usually it's talking about information or something that's going on to understand and you could say that okay we right now this is just the tip of the iceberg and this is a again it's an idiom that you could use in a variety of context a variety of situations let's go back to the article about okay how you can protect yourself the w-h-o and the Center for Disease Control's often you if you're watching information about the United States you would hear the CDC it's another acronym have listed a number of actions people can take to help prevent the virus from spreading which is nearly identical to preventing other viruses like the flu so some of these things that they're suggesting and we'll talk about some of these words regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with alcohol-based rub and wash them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after using the bathroom eating blowing your nose coughing or using if you use a hand sanitizer experts suggest using products that are made with at least 60% alcohol so that is one word I also I'm gonna add some of these words right here I'll read this one too when it comes to face masks the CDC does not suggest people wear them to prevent catching respiratory illnesses which includes Kovan 19 they actually just changed this recommendation yesterday and they're now at least in the United States they're recommending that everyone wear a mask in the article says however if you feel you are infected and pose a risk to others a face mask should you be used to prevent the viruses spread so I wanted to talk about this because this is a respiratory illness and when they're talking about respiratory it wrote it means breathing it's talking about the lungs and breathing because the covin 19 does affect it is a respiratory illness and the last one that I want to add the word okay I think that was all from this article so I wanted to add a couple of words to our list the acronym I'm gonna add it up here because we talked about WH o stands for World Health Organization Center for Disease Control and this is this is specific to the United States the CDC is the organization that would offer guidelines or try to tell people what to do and it's the Center for Disease Control but you would hear it shortened to just CDC and then we had what else oh I wanted to talk about hand sanitizer used to disinfect and clean hands but sanitizer is the word that you may use maybe you're not familiar with it to sanitize as a verb it just means to clean to clean something too to disinfect it you want to sanitize it so again you want to use hand sanitizer disinfect your your hands you may want to use their other sanitizers as well that you can clean other parts are other areas around your home or outside and the last one respiratory refers to breathing and the lungs so if you hear it used as a respiratory disease or a respiratory illness respiratory is talking about breathing it's talking about the lungs so let's move back I wanted to show you I hope that I hope this is helpful and that you guys are learning a few new words because again this is something that you I follow it in the news every day I think it's very important to understand what's happening how we can stay safe how we can protect ourselves so hopefully some of these words will help you especially if you are following news in English either reading or listening I want to show you another article again this one so this is actually talking about pictures of different places and now that so so much of it has been shows down we've already done some of these words but I want to say ok coronavirus quarantine and look at empty streets highways and bridges from Paris to Florida we've talked about the word quarantine quarantine is when people you are isolating yourself or a person who is infected so they don't spread it so right now much of the world is quarantine let's look I'm gonna read this for us so I said the world is a very different place right now amid the corona virus pandemic many countries around the world have restricted travel and implemented quarantine measures others have entered into complete lockdown restaurants bars and tourist attractions have closed their doors people are working from home instead of driving to the office as a result cities and usually cities that usually team with people have turned empty and quiet remember those early scenes for of deserted London and 28 days later things are eerily similar to that right now to give you a glimpse of what the world - what a world practicing social distancing looks like we've rounded up photos of streets highways bridges around the world sites that usually include bumper-to-bumper traffic and tourists crammed together like sardines sitting empty now III told you if you're reading an article the there are many words we've talked about related to the pandemic specifically but you might find some other ones like in this one it says amid amid the corona virus pandemic and again if we wanted to go over here to camera JH you could put in a mid and it just means that okay it's in the middle of something happening it's a preposition in the middle of or surrounded by so amid the corona virus pandemic that we are all surrounded by this many countries have implemented quarantine measures or complete lockdown when you lock down is just referring to okay nobody can move everything's closed nobody should go anywhere so there is a difference between a quarantine or a stay at home order and this a complete lockdown and another phrase that you can hear or that you can see it's talking about traffic bumper-to-bumper traffic this is a phrase used when you talk about a car has a bumper and it's saying that there is HS heavy traffic jam and you could say bumper-to-bumper traffic and people are trimmed crammed like sardines those tiny little fish that are packed into those jars sardines so let's I went out before I'll show you some of the pictures that they showed in this article but I want to go back I'll write a couple of those words down so amid this was a preposition which means like surrounded by and we used it in the context of amid the endemic something has happened like we are surrounded by this and then that other expression these are just other words from the article bumper-to-bumper traffic is just talking about a heavy traffic jam is the only is the best way to put it so if the they're not directly related to kovat but again when you're reading an article there there are it's a good chance you're gonna come across other words that you might not know try to put those words into context to help you understand it get mostly what what the article is talking about so I'll just show you a couple pictures and then I want to talk to you guys about something else Oh Luke asked about teaming that's another good question so it says that it's talking about as a role cities that usually team with people so if you talk about an area teeming with something else it means that it's very active there are very many people there so you could describe that like oh the the shopping mall is teeming with customers that there are a lot of them and it's used as a verb and again if for if you want to see Cambridge's definition team as a verb to gosh I wish I can why can't I move my cursor over teaming team to rain heavily no wait it's teaming no I don't know why they don't have it in here teaming to rain heavily alright I'm just gonna write it down I'll add that to the vocabulary list because that is another good word so you would use it to team with and if you say that something is teaming with something else team with it is a lot of something or like the mall is teeming with people all right it's a way you could describe it there are many of this thing and again you would say teeming with so it's in the article it said that they these cities are usually teeming with people so I'll go back because just show you some of these again these cities during quarantine this is a picture of Paris France at the Montmartre neighborhood which is now empty here's a picture of one us at is in Argentina again I will link these articles down in the description if you would like to go back and read them and see and learn a little bit more about this situation this is a picture of Lombard Street in San Francisco if you've ever been there usually I could say that this street is teeming with cars and it's typically bumper-to-bumper because there are so many cars waiting to go down this street here's a picture of Madrid in Spain Tokyo Japan so again that's just showing pictures of what this quarantine when everybody is quarantine and there is a stay at home order so again here's another picture of London the millenium bridge very famous very well-known and I hope that you guys have learned some new words I hope that you guys are trying to stay up to date and informed about what's happening and I hope that you can get some use out of these vocabulary words because the this is I think it is very this is a very important information to try and share with you I will put these vocabulary words down in the description in case you want to copy and paste them and create your own vocabulary list I will also link these articles the last thing that I want to talk about because it is important to me as an individual I don't know if you know this about me I used before in 2012-2013 I taught at an orphanage for one year in the Dominican Republic so I was at this orphanage I was teaching middle school and high school students I was teaching English and math and I got a message a while ago about maybe a few days ago one of the ways that the orphanage makes money is by having visitors come down and visit the orphanage they see what's going on and they make donations but because of what's going on with the virus that people are not able to travel the again they're there they're asking for donations asking for funding and I wanted again they say during a crisis sometimes that brings out the best in people so I hope that we this this video is monetized whatever money comes from the monetization of this video we're gonna donate to nuestros pequeño cerdo manos which is the organization I wanted to show it to you right here so they they they do a really great job this is an orphanage they run about they have about eight or nine orphanages all throughout Latin America so they have one in the Dominican Republic they have one in Honduras Guatemala Mexico which was where the first one was located they run orphanages and schools in Haiti they also run a hospital in Haiti for children which does amazing work so if anything if anything I suggest go check out the website learn a bit more about what they do I will leave a link in the description if you are interested in donating and helping support this cause but I told you it's it's personal to me because I worked for this organization for a year in 2012-2013 I went back to visit the following two years and to visit the kids because it's very meaningful obviously here's some to show you pictures there's me about seven years ago with one of the kids here's me when I worked at the orphanage just showing you guys a little pictures just me back in the the past here again I had no hair well I had a buzzed head back then shaved head and this is me just yeah working at the orphanage again I was there teaching teaching English teaching math it was it was an incredible experience so I will link that in the description as well if you would like to make a donation or even again just support some other cause there are so many causes out there that are in need that have been really affected by this virus and I hope again they say during a crisis brings out the best in people so I hope thank you guys for joining me today I hope that you learn some new words that if you are reading about articles about this pandemic listening to a news broadcast try to listen for some of them I hope it helps you understand this a little bit better and that you can follow along and please stay safe stay stay I wish all of the best for all of you guys your families take care of yourselves and we will be back next week for another live lesson so thank you so much sabah Martha Gaetano Saeed lolly Angela I apologize if I could not get to some individual questions nowaday are in this lesson specifically I will try to do a better job at but next time today was a little challenging switching back between these articles and the vocabulary list but thank you Amir dd8 in thank you guys so much for being here Carlos sorry xialu sleepwalker luca again sorry if i missed some names bj hope you guys have a nice weekend stay safe stay healthy and I will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
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Id: fy0t-y6m6F0
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Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.