Practice PREPOSITIONS in English | Advanced Grammar Lesson

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hello and welcome to today's lesson my name is wes this is interactive english and our channel is all about just trying to help everyone practice and improve their english skills and work toward achieving english fluency so today i have it's a bit of a practice lesson it's definitely a practice lesson but there's also a bit of grammar as well as vocabulary i have some words and phrases that maybe you don't know and you will find useful but specifically we're going to be talking about prepositions we're going to be learning and practicing the use of prepositions which is why i said it is bit uh has a little bit more of a grammar focus but also i'm going to incorporate some of that some new vocabulary in there so i'd start out by saying that prepositions can be very difficult and confusing for english learners because these are not words that typically stand out they're very small function words that are easy to forget we can use so many different prepositions with with adjectives and verbs and the one thing i would say is that when when i hear a learner make a mistake and maybe they use the incorrect preposition it does not mean that somebody probably won't understand what you're saying i think even if you make a mistake people will understand what you're trying to say this is just a matter of when when i mention working toward fluency so that um you were speaking correctly you were speaking accurately and i think by far the best way to learn prepositions is more reading and more listening which is exactly what we're going to do in today's lesson i'm going to give you some sentences that you can read that you can listen to me speak and use these prepositions and of course we are going to be practicing so i encourage all of you who are watching this right now to participate in today's lesson i'm going to give you different sentences and i want you to complete the sentence with the correct preposition so yeah yes rod prepositions get they prepositions can be nightmares sometimes so i hope that that these are not too much of a nightmare we're going to start with questions that i think are a little easier and then we're going to get a little more difficult and i've tried to choose prepositions that i think people may sometimes confuse and ones that well we'll get into it there the one thing i would say is that prepositions uh there are some rules that you can follow but i would not focus on just rules because sometimes there are just certain prepositions that are going to follow specific nouns or verbs or adjectives and that's what i mean by more reading more listening will help you understand um which ones to use so let's just go ahead and begin and the first question the first sentence that i have for you is this one right here i told you we will start um with something a bit easier and then it's going to get a little more difficult as we move on so the it's just a question that somebody might ask if i'm talking to a friend or whoever if i meet a new class and talk to some students i might just say hey what time do you wake up um the morning what preposition are we going to use in that blank we're talking about the morning which is a period of the day all right excellent lolly yes the i think most of you should probably i think most of you know this um were you going to use the preposition in in the morning and this is this is an example of i'd say if you're learning prepositions of time there are certain rules that you can follow if you have these periods of time throughout the day morning afternoon evening you're going to use in in the morning in the afternoon in the evening all right excellent uh great job uh esther angela silvio good to see you um so i i think many of you should be familiar with using this preposition of time let's look at the next one um what preposition best completes this sentence all right she wore a scarf um her neck okay again uh i just want you to fill in the blank with a preposition and this is why i said like i'm giving you some sentences you are reading these sentences you're going to listen to me and you're going to see the correct answer and the more you read the more you listen the better i think you're going to understand all of these prepositions so the the there's the one thing that i think uh prepositions can be tricky is sometimes you can use more than one this is an example where i think you could use one of two prepositions the one that i was looking for which i gave you in my answer is around she wore a scarf around her neck you could say she wore a scarf on her neck but i i've tried to give you that picture because i think when you're talking about something like a scarf most people are going to use a round because of the meaning of the preposition you're talking about around you're talking about something that moves along the side of something else and it kind of just goes around it so a scarf is something you would wear around your neck um another example would be something like you wear a belt around your waist or a satellite might might move around the earth or another key expression would be somebody saying that something is uh around the other side of something else like oh it's around the other side of the fence um and you have to move along that side of the fence and go around it so in this case i think a round would probably be the preposition that most people would use but again if you say on it's fine everybody understands that um and i think that works as well too um so let's go to the next one all right uh i hope you enjoy learning um interactive english all right what preposition would you use to complete this sentence and uh i i think it's true i hope i hope that you do enjoy learning um interactive english which preposition best completes that statement so that it makes sense it's easy to understand and this is a preposition that i think we you might commonly follow that might commonly follow learning if you're talking about learning um someone else all right again i saw some great answers uh yes uh lolly uh eloisa i i think uh again you could use one of two the one that i'd say i think more common people would learn with someone i so notice some people put from i think you could use from but i think mostly you you're talking about learning with someone you were doing this thing together and i'd say look i hope you really enjoy learning with interactive english um but again you could use from it also makes sense so those i think are the two prepositions that you would want to use to complete this sentence and it's true i really hope that you guys do enjoy learning with interactive english and i did want to take a quick moment to talk to you about a opportunity to not only learn with interactive english and learn with me but to speak to me as well we just recently launched our first course at the interactive english school it is a speaking course that's called speak up and enrollment is now open that this is a speaking course it is a 10-week course that uh we're going to meet once a week for 50 minutes and it's all about just giving you more opportunities to speak and and practice speaking um so i hope that the way that again it works is that i've each each week there's going to be a topic and i've created a bunch of questions like expressing opinions and it's all about just giving you more speaking opportunities because we're going to have the class on zoom and we're going to come together we're going to look at the questions and then we're going to break into smaller groups and that'll give you more opportunities to speak and i'm going to be jumping in and out of different groups talking to everyone making sure that everybody is getting as many speaking opportunities as possible so it's a 10-week course it's mostly for intermediate to advanced learners and again we're going to be looking at a bunch of different topics and talking about that and it's just all about speaking speaking and more speaking and what i think this class is going to just help you do is build your confidence help you with your listening skills because you're not only going to be speaking but you're going to be listening to others and we're also going to work on vocabulary like new words phrases idioms expressions that are related to the topic we do a little bit of practice with pronunciation as well to help people speak clearly and i i really hope that again it's going to help you overcome any speaking anxiety there is a link down in the description so please check out that link if you think you might be interested in joining speak up this is a class that we're launching now a class class is going to start on september 17th and 18th so you have until uh you have until september 15th to enroll in the course that's the final thing i want to say um about that you have until september 15th and we will run this class again in the future um because right now we're only starting out with a few different class times and um we will expand on this in the future again if you guys want any more information about speak up check out the link you can find out about times the price and all that all that good information okay so let's just jump back to our lesson that was my own little promo that i wanted to do and let you guys know about uh is available let's go back and continue talking about prepositions and uh here this is well this is actually a true a true statement um i'm missing we're missing two prepositions which prepositions would complete this sentence again i think hopefully these are maybe a little easier and they will get more difficult my birthday is um november this year it's um a thursday all right which prepositions uh would you use to complete this sentence all right we're talking about uh a month and then a day so again these are more some rules that you can follow um so this is true uh i think you guys got that one excellent my birthday is in november this year it's on a thursday so if we're talking about some of these prepositions of time we use in with months in january in october in november and on when we're talking about days on monday on tuesday on wednesday all right next is uh this one which is well let's let's they're they're missing two it's easy for learners to get fed um there's two blanks prepositions all right this is actually a phrasal verb and if you don't know what a phrasal verb is it's a verb that well it's a verb plus a preposition but in this case it's a three-word phrasal verb so which two prepositions follow that verb all right what do you guys think it's easy for learners to get fed um prepositions all right excellent uh lolly armin louisa uh rainier angela maria hellum so the answer is yes you are fed up with it is a three-word phrasal verb you have the verb plus a preposition when we talk about phrasal verbs those are those are other phrasal verbs are also um they can be confusing as well but if somebody is fed up with something it means that they are annoyed or unhappy or maybe they're just bored with some situation uh the next one is think about it there are two different people talking so that's why i've given you a and b so one person says where are you and the other person says i'm um the gym all right think about that guy he is uh this guy right there he is running on the treadmill and he is um the gym so there's two people talking you have a question somebody's asking where are you and the other person's saying i'm um the gym all right i think uh again excellent uh yeah wow lolly uh xfunny uh silvio graham maria i'm trying to get some shout outs in here uh at the gym and the what i wanted to highlight here is this is where the at and in maybe some prepositions that people might find a little confusing because if somebody says at the gym you're talking about the location and that location could be in or around some uh building office home you're just you're talking about that location in would refer to that you are inside or on the interior so in this case you could say like where are you oh i'm in the gym or where are you i'm at the gym either one is okay but i'd say it's more common for somebody to use at simply because when you're asking the question where are you somebody's asking about your location they want to know the location uh they want to know where you are at so in that case uh i think it's more common for somebody to say hey i'm at the gym so keep that in mind if you're talking about at and in those can be a little confusing if you want to know what the what's the difference at is location in is specific location that you are inside some place now the next one um we knew the plane would leave um time so we had to run and we just barely made it um time all right so you may be looking at this and thinking well wait this that's a little strange because both of these prepositions come before uh the word time all right but there's two separate uh two different meanings and two different situations that i'm referring to so we knew the plane would leave um time so we had to run and we just barely made it um time all right which prepositions would complete this sentence right here all right what do you think uh excellent um yes savitha rod um angela perfect so we knew that the plane would leave on time so we had to run and we just barely made it in time so i wanted to highlight the difference between on time and in time so if you say that something is on time it means that it is done or it happens when it should something might arrive on time when it should or perhaps it's going to leave on time when it should in time just you're referring to something that is just early enough that we finish the project in time we finished right before it was the deadline and you finished early enough you do something in time so i think of a situation in that um in that sense like you're you're doing something you have to meet some kind of deadline and you try to get something done in time in this case we made it in time uh we caught the plane just in time we were early enough to get on the plane so on time versus in time uh this one is told you a little bit of vocabulary um an expression i'd say well that people can use sometimes i'm not sure what we should do i feel like we're um a rock and a hard place which preposition would complete that sentence and again i told you this is um this is more of i think an expression that you may hear from time to time if people are referring to this specific situation which i'll talk about in just a moment so which preposition would you use i'm not sure what we should do i feel like we're a rock and a hard place all right excellent uh anna angela um so so bemida we're talking about between i'm not sure what we do what what we should do i feel like we're between a rock and a hard place so i told you that this is an expression um to be in between or just between a rock and a hard place you don't really need to use in there um that you could but it's more of a typo the expression is to be between a rock and a hard place and it means that you're caught in a situation that is difficult because there's no way out you have um a problem on this side you have a problem on that side and you'd say you're stuck uh between a rock and a hard place and you could be talking about some physical problem that there's nowhere to go or it could be um just more of a um an analogy that there is some just difficult situation that you don't know how to handle and you could say that you're between a rock and a hard place so that's a good expression to know the next one uh and this is true one day i dream um hiking mount kilimanjaro i actually um i actually i think i'd use this in a previous preposition lesson a preposition quiz that i had if you saw that one maybe you remember what preposition that would be a little more appropriate in this case uh there there are actually uh a couple of ones that you could use what do you think one day i dream hiking mount kilimanjaro what do you think all right so i think uh all right i think the there are two different prepositions that you could use all right i chose of one day i dream of hiking mount kilimanjaro and the reason i chose of i think when somebody dreams of something they're talking about something they hope to do in the future that they wish they could do this it is interchangeable with a bout you could also use a belt that's perfectly fine but i wanted to make a little bit of a distinction between of dream of and dream about because i think often when people say dream about they dreamt about something they're talking about an actual dream when they're sleeping at night and you could say well last night i dreamt about this thing i dreamt about hiking mount kilimanjaro but if i dream of it then i'm talking about some kind of hope or wish that i want to do in the future the one thing that i would say that um is just me in this sentence i'm using it in the present tense if somebody is talking about something they hope to do or wish to do in the present tense i think it's more common that they would use of one day i dream of doing this all right if you're talking about something in the past that same situation that in the past you dreamed about doing this thing then i think that people might use about um i don't know why this is just my opinion about a difference between uh of and about if it's the present tense i think people might be more inclined to use of if it's the past or maybe you're talking about the present perfect like oh i've always dreamt about hiking mount kilimanjaro in that case i think i might use about so that's just like a little subtle nuance between the two but really they're interchangeable dream of dream about when you're talking about something you hope to do in the future the next one the audience was captivated the performance all right the audience was captivated mmm the performance so in this case um the word captivated is a key because you often follow this adjective with this specific preposition uh the audience was captivated um the performance so think about that word captivated which preposition would typically follow that adjective you are captivated something excellent um uh corey excellent great job yes mina you are captivated by something the audience was captivated by the performance if you are captivated by something it just it really holds your attention and you're really focused on that so in this case a performance everybody's watching it they they it's holding their attention they cannot look away they are captivated by this thing so again this is a good example of an adjective that is often followed by this specific preposition captivated by now the next one is another it's another expression that people might say from time to time kind of depending on the situation it's better to ask um forgiveness than permission all right what what preposition is going to complete this uh this saying that people might use it's better to ask um forgiveness than permission and i told you this is a a way of more building vocabulary as well because i told you this is something that people may say from time to time kind of i guess maybe giving advice in this case and the key is ask if you're using that verb you ask um something everybody you guys rock that you ask for something it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission and i told you it's a famous saying because when it's used is like in a situation where you need to act immediately you need to make a decision but that decision could cause problems so you're going to ask for forgiveness and ask to you're going to apologize it for it later instead of trying to get approval to do it so i think of a situation in that um you want to do something maybe um you want to go out with your friends or something if you're you want to go out with your friends and uh you want to leave work early and you're worried that your boss is going to get upset somebody said hey you know instead of asking for permit it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission just go ahead and do it have fun and then you will apologize later for the thing that you did wrong so this is a good famous saying that you may hear from time to time then we have um this one how would you complete this sentence i'm thinking um a number between one and ten and this is another one where i feel like people may think that they can use a couple of different prepositions all right what do you think how would you which preposition would you use to best complete this sentence if i say hey you know i'm thinking um a number between 1 and 10. what would you say how would you complete that sentence right there uh excellent so i think many of you get this because you're familiar with that saying if somebody says i'm thinking of something like i'm thinking of a number between one and ten but i wanted to highlight the difference between thinking of and thinking about in in this case i think you're you're overwhelmingly going to use of if you're you're telling somebody you want them to guess and you're like oh okay i'm thinking of an animal guess what it is um so if you think of something it's something that you're not aware of and you have to imagine it you have to in this case you have to imagine the number um but if you're thinking about something to me then you're taking time to consider it so in this situation where you're asking somebody uh to imagine something uh you're going to use of i'm thinking of a number between one and ten i'm thinking of an animal can you guess what it is um but when you think about something you're really taking some time to consider it so i wanted to highlight the difference between think of and think about so again this is a it's a great way to practice prepositions because you are reading these prepositions in these sentences you are listening to me use these prepositions and talk about them and you are practicing as well the more you practice the better i think you're going to understand um all of these prepositions and how to use them so i hope that you enjoyed the lesson don't forget if you are interested in working on your speaking and you want more speaking practice um you can join our new course check it out link is in the description down below if you want to find out more information about speak up thank you guys so much for joining me today i appreciate you being here on this sunday and i hope i hope that you learned something new thank you guys so much for watching um just give some shout outs uh mahmoud aloisa najma learn english with kd excellent uh omnidi lali great to see you thank you guys for joining me hope that you have a wonderful week because sunday tomorrow's monday hope you guys enjoy the week um where is it uh yoka shakira though angela anna um corey have a great week i'm gonna end it now i will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 14,901
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Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english grammar, learn grammar, advanced grammar, advanced english lesson, grammar quiz, english quiz, preposition quiz, learn english prepositions, learn prepositions in english, english prepositions grammar, grammar exercises, prepositions examples, prepositions exercises with answers, practice english grammar, practice prepositions, english grammar activity, english grammar prepositions, preposition quiz with answers
Id: hDO-WnhotKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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