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what is up guys welcome to today's lesson my name is Wes this is interactive English which is the place you want to be to practice and improve your English skills and we are going to improve our English skills today because I have a vocabulary lesson for you and it's a very useful lesson because we all need to build our vocabulary and make sure that we're using the right words correctly because a lot of times you might get confused about when to use certain words especially words that have a very similar meaning and that's what we're gonna talk to you about today we are going to go over commonly confused words some confusing words in English and I'm gonna tell you the difference between some of these words show you how to use them when to use them give you some examples and then at the end we're gonna test your knowledge and we're gonna do some practice and and you guys are gonna need to answer some questions using the the words that we talked about today so I promise you I'm going to make you a guarantee that watching this lesson you are going to learn something new even if you're a native speaker I bet you will learn something new because these are not only words that are difficult for English learners these are words that can confuse native speakers sometimes I am even guilty of misusing some of these words at one point or another so it's always it's always good practice it's always great so I just want to say hello to what's up Lally Krista how are you I'm Jean thank you guys for joining us if you are watching please say what's up in the comments we love hearing from you guys and and we just want to hear from you so if you're watching this later say what's up to us in the comments Ahmir Anna pay that o me thank you thank you guys for joining us sorry if I miss some Soumya as we go through this lesson I'm gonna ask you guys to write some some sentences and participate in the lesson so again that's useful for those even if you're watching it later you get to see how some of these words are used so let's begin alright the first the first set of confusing words that I have for you right here see watch and look and the reason why these are confusing is because they have a very similar meaning and sometimes they can be used interchangeably and sometimes they cannot so for example let's just talk about I'm gonna talk to you about one at a time so si si means to notice something using your eyes that you see something with your eyes I could say you know I see a TV something that you notice with your eyes so right now in the comments I want you to tell me what do you see besides me look around whatever wherever you are the room that you're in wherever and write that in the comments what do you see I see what so see is to notice something using your eyes watch is when you observe what is happening or being done so it's almost like the something is happening that's continuous and you would say therefore I watch TV because you're watching a show or a movie and it's continuous so that's a little different so you could for example I could say I see a bird but if I do an activity like oh I'm gonna go watch the birds I'm going to go bird-watching and you're actually going to observe the birds for a longer period of time now one time that you can use these the same would be like it as a question if you're asking a question oh did you see the movie you're asking this person if they have watched the movie you could also say did you watch the movie so in that case they may be interchangeable and finally look so look is basically you are directing your eyes in a particular direction often followed by the preposition at you look at something so I could say I'm looking at the TV in this case look at and see have a very similar meaning if you say oh I see a TV I'm looking at the TV and often we talk about look at it's often referred to things that are like right now it's used in the continuous tense quite often you are looking at something or as a command I think of schools and teachers would tell our parents would tell their kids look at me look at me when I'm talking to you so these are great words that we use all the time so it's important to know the difference and just acknowledge that there is a difference in how we use them and a great way to learn them is just again reading and listening and exposing yourself to the language so let's read something that I see a lion ma Wow all right interesting excellent I'm looking at you yes thank you I'm looking at you guys what else do we have I'm looking at your face and excellent I'm looking at your eyes perfect all right so those are some great examples we are watching you right now yes you guys are watching this lesson you're watching what is being done the next set of words borrow and lend these are words that have almost the the opposite meaning but that they can be commonly confused because I think in many languages and some languages you use the same word it's not two different words so one thing we we did a lesson on these words which if once with this lesson gets posted we will link it up above I highly recommend you check that lesson out borrow versus lend because we give so many examples about how and when to use it and practice but in short to borrow is to take something all right I am taking so I would say can I borrow some money I am asking to take the money now to say the opposite to lend is to give alright notice my actions take give all right so to lend is to give something and I would say can you lend me some money I'm asking you to give some money so again these are words that that can be commonly confused alright I borrow you would lend alright so again pay close attention and and try I think most people would understand if you confuse these words it's okay but check out that lesson we will link it later on the next set of words this is these are words that I think native speakers even confuse empathy and sympathy and they have different meanings so it's it's good to be aware of what they each mean and also be aware that we often use them as verbs to empathize or to sympathize and you would empathize with someone or sympathize with someone when you empathize with someone empathy it means that you know what another person is experiencing because you have also had the same experience you have been through this so you know what it's like you know what that feeling is like and usually we're talking about this people that are experiencing hardships or problems or having issues it's not a good feeling and you you you have experienced the feelings of another so if somebody says oh like I feel your pain it's like I have had the same experience so I know what what you're going through I know how it feels you can empathize with that person sympathy is different because you may not have had that experience but you you feel for that person you want to show them that you know you you're sad for them or you you feel bad and your heart is with them so you can show sympathy which is more understanding that person is suffering or they're going through a bad experience in that case you might say I'm sorry for I'm sorry that you're in pain so empathize and sympathize very different empathize you've done that you've had the experience sympathize you're just showing that you you understand what this person is going through another great set of words right here imply and infer again these words have completely different meanings and it's again something that I think many native English speakers have trouble with once in a while so to imply is to express something indirectly and this is common I think in the United States because many people tend to be indirect and you can express it indirectly with the words that you use you can also express it indirectly by the tone of your voice and I apologize the example I couldn't think of a better example off the top of my head so if we have that sentence and I use it and I say it in a way like you know it's just another rainy day thinking about my tone and the way I'm saying it you can imply that I'm not happy about rainy days I don't really like them it's kind of like oh no it's raining again if somebody says yeah it's just another rainy day you can imply that they don't like rainy days I'm not saying it directly I'm implying it this is different from to infer to infer something means that you are looking at a situation you see all the evidence around you and because you see these things that you can conclude something from that you can conclude some evidence or reasoning for example it could say you know sticking with our rain theme somebody's oh he's wet it must be raining outside if somebody enters a room and they are soaking wet then you're probably going to think oh okay it's outside you you don't know if it's raining but because of that I can infer that it's raining so again we are going I'm going to quiz you guys on these words so thank you guys for commenting and sharing these sympathy sentences these this is perfect so Samara I sympathize with the poor yes you want to you can feel that your heart goes out for them I have sympathy for your brother exactly could you lend me some money not right now I'm not in a position that right now but great use of the word so again these are commonly confused words let's look at the next part but before we do quick announcement wanted to let you guys know that we are on patreon so please check us out on patreon we have some very cool rewards if you guys want to help support free English education that we are doing here on our channel check out patreon we will leave a link in the description so the next set of words I think again this is not I don't think this is too difficult but this is when this is mostly for writing because these are homonyms who's and who's so if you have who's with the apostrophe WH o apostrophe s that is the contracted form for who is and I could say okay who is going to make coffee who's going to make coffee that sounds exactly the same as whose WH o s e which is the possessive form of who and if I have some coffee or there's some coffee on the table I might say whose coffee is that it's not mine I want to know whose coffee that belongs to which is the possessive form of who so whose and whose it's important to know the difference especially in writing if you're sending a text message or even writing an email one is the contracted form one is showing the possession the next one and this is a this is one that I think native speakers commonly confused eg and ie so these are both Latin roots and what it means is so eg I wrote it exempli gratia I'm probably mispronouncing that but if you say eg it basic it means for example you are saying something and then you're giving examples eg so I said my sentence there I always eat out for lunch ok I always eat out for lunch and then I give some examples maybe I go to fast food or something I just wanted to give examples people know of so I'd say I always eat out for lunch eg for example KFC McDonald's chick-fil-a alright if you are in the United States or if you visit the United States and you're going to eat fast food check out chick-fil-a that's what I would recommend and this video is not sponsored by chick-fil-a by the way so check each e is giving an example so right now in in the comments in the chat give me an example say something that you do and then give some examples eg and then list a few things so remember if you are using eg you're providing a list because you're more more likely you're going to give more than one example so ie which is different it stands for a desk in Latin it means in other words so in this case you're you're mostly making a statement about something and then you would specify what that something is ie and then you would give it the name so for example I ate lunch at that new restaurant I didn't say what restaurant it is but then I will later so I ate I ate lunch at that new restaurant ie in other words good burger that's the name of the restaurant good burger and I use that because we are actually eating good burger tonight and if you ever find yourself in Budapest Hungary and are looking for a burger I'd recommend good burger also not sponsored by good burger but a good place so in that case I mentioned this new restaurant and then in other words you say what the restaurants name is so again eg for example ie means in other words all right so excellent I want of you I want to be rich in other words good life lolly thank you for the example excellent let's look at the next set of words we have resign to resign and to re-sign again one difference between these would be the the syllable stress so resign the stresses on that second syllable resign which means to voluntarily give up a job or position and doing it in a formal way that people know that you are going to stop working and you are resigning you are resigning from your job I resigned from the company last year remember that stress is on that second syllable to re-sign to resign is to sign something again alright I had to resign the documents that that prefix that re I think most of you know redo reread resign it means to do something again so let's look at the next set this is another group of words that I think it's commonly confused not only by English learners but also by native speakers sometimes uninterested uninterested and disinterested so if you are uninterested it means that you are not interested in something alright you're uninterested it's boring you don't care about it say yeah I'm uninterested in their discussion I don't care what they're talking about disinterested means that you are impartial that you are not in favor of this or you are not in favor of that you are neutral you are disinterested about the situation that is happening so if somebody's having a debate and they're having an argument I could say well I'm disinterested in their debate it doesn't mean that I'm not interested it means that I do I don't agree with this or I don't agree with that I'm impartial I'm disinterested one thing I will say is that one reason I think these two words are can be really confusing I noticed that I think nowadays I saw I've seen it in some dictionaries they do give disinterested also a meaning as not having interest because I think it's just it ends up being misused so much so they did that I noticed in some online dictionaries they gave that as a second meaning in which case they would be synonyms but if you really want to know if you want to say that you are not interested stick with uninterested you are uninterested in something disinterested means that you are are impartial so I hope that you guys I hope you guys got all of that because now we are going to practice what we have learned so I'm gonna give you guys some questions and I will list the the words for you and it's just it's just a gap fill because you didn't fill it in with the correct word the only other thing I would tell you is pay pay attention to the grammar see if you can write the whole sentence that's great or just write the correct word which word are you going to use so we just we talked about sixteen different words now so it can be a little challenging let's let's see how you guys do alright so this first one okay I mmm her yesterday at the grocery store okay I mmm her yesterday at the grocery store remember I said pay close attention to the grammar so what first you need to decide okay which of those words are you going to use to complete the sentence and then again you know I told you to pay attention to the grammar how would you say this and if you want to I think a good way to practice no matter where you are say the sentence out loud just go ahead and say it out loud practice your speaking right now so what do you guys think alright I mmm her yesterday at the or excellent Connells attained Paulo I'm said excellent perfect you guys well it's going to get more difficult alright I saw her yesterday at the store alright that you're talking about somebody that you you met with your eyes alright oh I saw that person yesterday or I saw them at at this other place and again yesterday that's what I meant use that past tense I saw her yesterday at the grocery store next question alright so he was able to express hmm because he knows what it's like to go through a breakup alright he was able to express hmm because he knows what it's like to go through a breakup which which set of words am I talking about which commonly confused words right that in the comments I think this one I hope I don't think it should be too difficult again even if you are writing even if you're watching this later please I encourage all of you participate in the lesson make it an active learning lesson and go ahead and write your answers in the comments all right so what would you say he was able to hmm he was able to express mmm because he knows what it's like to go through a breakup all right I think many of you excellent got this remember we're talking about the two words that we're thinking about would be empathy or sympathy and remember I said he knows what it's like to go through a breakup if you've experienced this before if you've experienced this thing you are able to express empathy because you know what this experience is like again you know that that's the difference between empathy and sympathy empathy you have gone through the experience sympathy you are just saying you know your heart is with somebody that you feel sorry next okay this is uh this is like a dialogue alright a and B so the first person would say you I know you owe people a lot of money and then suddenly money is missing from the cash register then be the other person would say are you hmm that I stole the money so again this is a conversation between two people the first person I know you owe people a lot of money and then suddenly money is missing from the cash register all right and then the other person are you hmm that I stole the money what set of words again there's only one answer for these so what do you guys think how would you how would you fill that one in all right if you just join us we are practicing with these confusing words that we just talked about all right then this is a dialogue I know you owe people a lot of money and then suddenly money is missing from the cash register hmm and then the other person are you hmm that I stole the money in this case again and make sure should be using that correct grammar you guys are rocking this excellent perfect we are the correcting it yes are you implying that I stole the money the person is not saying it directly they're just giving a situation all right well wait you owe people money suddenly the some money is gone and then they'd say you know are you implying that I stole the money implying you are not saying something directly and that's different than infer because infer would be using them some situation to come to a conclusion all right so let's look at another one this is a double all right a double one he mmm money from his friends in order to buy tickets to one of the most amazing sporting events in the world mmm the World Cup all right so this is this is a double one write the words in the in the chat or in the comments if you're watching this later what do you guys think he money from his friends in order to buy tickets to one of the most amazing sporting events in the world hmm the World Cup alright so what we have for for this alright we're talking about I think you guys got the the first part alright again we're talking about money alright so you'd have to think is it borrow or lend remember borrow is if you borrow money you're taking it lending would be giving it so in this case he what he borrowed money from his friends in order to buy tickets to one of the most amazing sporting events in the world what is that amazing what is that amazing sporting event in other words the World Cup so in that case borrowed and ie which means in other words remember ie in other words eg is for example and you tend to list these different examples in this case I'm just talking about one sporting event in other words the World Cup alright so what if I I hope again I guaranteed that you guys learn something new so if you did learn something new promise me right now if you guys are with us hit that hit that like button go ahead and hit the like button if you've learned something about these confusing words and these are words that are used a lot so I think it's good that we can practice and and know the difference between these words because that is just it's just going to help you guys improve your overall English fluency and if you really really want to improve your fluency check out our secret lesson okay once the video is posted it's going to be in the description secret lesson it's so secret we're gonna email it to you and we will also you know it's just a great way for us to connect with you to be able to share other updates events and things that are happening and check it out yeah it's it's gonna be down there so you guys check that out again please like and share this lesson if you guys enjoy learning with us and write us a comment if there are other words that you find confusing write those in the comments and maybe we will do another lesson in the future and use those words we just love hearing from you guys and if you can't think of any words just say what's up say hello we just want to hear from you guys and remember you can check us out here at these other social medias Facebook Twitter Instagram we're always posting stuff to help you guys practice and improve your English skills so thank you thank you thank you let me hit let me hit you guys up with some thank yous here so deep a la alums ear golf on snake venom hello what's up Royal Hawk Jose Long Sunita sorry if I missed names Benny Karen thank you guys for joining us harsh Benny ma ma Li Shu Shu here Meza thank you guys thank you thank you thank you for being a part of our community we are so glad to be able to share these lessons with you guys and we will be back for another lesson in the near future so enjoy the rest of your weekend see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 46,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, fun english lesson, advanced english lesson, intermediate english lesson, Learn English Free, learn english vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, ingles vocabularia, commonly confused words in english, tricky english words, english words, confusing english words, improve your fluency, confusing words you need to know, borrow lend, ie vs eg, watch see look difference, empathy vs sympathy, whose who's, imply vs infer
Id: bpFVLHCzI1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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