ADVERB VOCABULARY QUIZ | Advanced English Words

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what is up everyone I hope that you are feeling super smart today because I have an adverb vocabulary quiz for you that is what we are going to do in today's lesson now if this is your first time here I just want to introduce myself my name is Wes and this is Interactive English which is all about helping you guys practice and improve your English skills and we do that by trying to make interactive lessons we want you to participate in these lessons which is exactly what we're going to do today because I have a bunch of different questions for you and I want you guys to answer if you are in the chat then I want you to write your answers in the chat even if you are watching this lesson later I want you guys to write your answers in the comment I want you to be engaged and interact with this quiz so I want a quick moment and say hello and give a shout out to those who are with us today hello Vishnu qala Claudia Abhilash Andrey Kai Indu Judi no pain IRA who else do we have ayat welcome welcome on fellow hello if you joined us just say your name tell me your name in the shot I just love hearing from you guys so I told you that today we are going to do an adverb quiz an adverb vocabulary quiz so when you think of adverbs I think most people think of grammar but this is not a grammar quiz I want to make that very clear at the beginning this is more of a vocabulary quiz because I am going to ask you the meaning of different adverbs that is the quiz so I've taken different words and these are more advanced English words and the reason I chose these words is because I feel like they're often used as adverbs of course you can have a word that is a verb an adjective or an adverb they can be used in different parts of speeds but I speech but I specifically chose these words because I feel like we often find them as adverbs so the way I'm going to do this is some of these questions are going to ask you about synonyms some questions are going to be asking about them the meaning of these adverbs what what does this adverb mean and others are going to be about trying to put the words in context and I'm going to give you an example sentence so it's all multiple-choice all right don't worry and I just want you guys to try the best you can don't be shy don't hesitate to give an answer please please please please write those answers in the chat or in the comments so the reason why we're doing this today is because well first it's important to build your vocabulary the the bigger your vocabulary the greater your comprehension it's also going to be more easily you can more easily communicate and produce the language especially when you're speaking and the reason you can do this is because of number three you can more accurately express your thoughts your opinions your ideas you will be able to say exactly what you want to say because you know the words so adverbs just a quick review what are adverbs well again as I mentioned it is a part of speech mostly when we think of adverbs we think of grammar and we did a grammar lesson on adverbs before which I will link somewhere around here if you want to check it out it is all about adverb placement and I highly suggest you check out that lesson so an adverb the first thing we need to know is that it modifies a verb most of the time it doesn't always modify a verb it can modify an adjective a determiner a clause but in this quiz all of these adverbs will modify the verbs and we use them they typically express manner time-frequency such as always usually sometimes rarely never or a degree to the extent at which something can happen so this is how we usually at what adverbs typically express and mostly these words will end in an ly all of our words today in this quiz they are all ly words alright I'll go ahead and tell you that is from the beginning and the other tricky thing like I mentioned we talked about in a previous lesson is that adverse may go in different places within a sentence they might go at the beginning they might go at the end most often you will find adverbs in the middle of a sentence they will either come before the verb or right after the verb and as I go through the quiz I will be giving you some example sentences so you'll be able to see where they fall in the sentence all right the one other thing I will say in this vocabulary quiz I am when I give you the answer I'm going to tell you what that adverb means and I will give you some example sentences all of the other adverbs that I use in those examples I'm not going to go over the meaning for every single adverb that you see on on this quiz because that would just take hours so if there is another word on there that you don't know I highly encourage you to to look it up look up that word find out its meaning try to see how it's used in different sentences so that you can better understand that word but I'm just gonna go over those adverbs that are the answer to these questions all right are you guys ready Ethan Rizwan Lally mr. English are you guys are you guys ready Mena all right so if you're ready you need I want you to click on the Go button you need to click on the Go button and then this quiz is going to start so please click on that go button right now even if you're watching this later all right excellent let's begin I told you this is interactive so the first question is which is a synonym for quickly which of these adverbs keenly briskly fervently cou lead which is a synonym for quickly I told you these are all ly adverbs so I want you to write your answer in the chat or write your answer in the comments you can either write the word or just write the letter a B C or D what what do you guys what do you guys think all right which is a synonym for quickly all right one of those words all right so this is okay so we got some mixed answers in here between CNB the answer if you're talking about quickly you know doing something quickly moving quickly the answer is briskly which is which is wait what is bristly that is be briskly that is the answer so briskly means to move or do something with great speed and often when I think of briskly I think you're very focused and you're very serious and you are doing something briskly you're not joking around so for example right here he was running late so he walked briskly to work and it's talking about the way he walked the way he moved you walk briskly and in this example I wanted to give you a different context so when when you retort it's also like you saying something back what's that she retorted briskly I couldn't hear you and in this case again this this briskly it kind of gives us a little more information because it it sets the tone of the conversation because when you if you retort briskly you're kind of saying it quickly and with a little bit of force and you're serious it's not like you're like oh what's that I didn't hear you you're more like wait what's that I didn't hear you so it really kind of captures the the essence of the dialogue that you're trying to use so that is number one be briskly if you got that right hit that like button so that I know if I see it go up then I'll okay you guys you guys got this you understand all right so the next question all right this means happening or being done at the same time which of these adverbs means happening or being done at the same time a automatically be annually see mechanically or D simultaneously what do you guys think and some of these adverbs again I think they are a little more advanced but some are more intermediate you might be familiar with some of these words already which is great because it's always good to review alright so we're getting some answers in there great excellent Augusto ka-chow AVI Loida hair in do judy excellent yes the correct answer is d simultaneously so if you do something simultaneously it is happening or being done at the same time check out my beautiful example sentences over here yes the letters and packages went out simultaneously they went out at the same time and again this comes after the verb the the phrasal verb went out and we use it down here and we use it before the verb in this example we simultaneously developed a marketing plan and created new products you're talking about two things that you do at the same time you are doing them simultaneously alright are you ready the next question right here now put this in context I'm giving you a sentence now they hmm offered to donate their time and money to the relief effort okay so I'll go ahead you can you know that the verb is offered and that's what we're trying to describe now I will I will say grammatically you you could use maybe some of these different words in there but again think about the context of this situation so you need to understand some of the other words in this sentence to help you accurately choose which adverb best completes this sentence all right what do you guys think yes jr. Andre mr. Sahani le Allah see oh yes so the answer is generously a generously they generously offered to donate so again the key word in there was donate when you're donating you're giving something and if you're doing that you know that's a very generous thing to do so you generously offer to donate and it's it just means that you are regularly giving or sharing you're just an unselfish person so you do things generously and in my example sentence I said people in the community generously volunteered to build houses after a storm so most of the time this adverb is used with verbs that mean good things that mean things that have to do with sharing or or good work like volunteering or it could say they generously cooked dinner for the entire neighborhood they did this thing it was very generous of them they were unselfish and they generously genuine did that I'm having a tough time saying generously all right the next question are you guys ready you guys are rocking this excellent what is a synonym for intentionally what is a synonym for intentionally a B C or D I want you guys to write your answers and that chat all right or write them in the comments if you if you guys are just joining us we are doing a quiz an adverb vocabulary quiz and I'm asking you questions I want you to write the answer all right what is a synonym for intentionally is it deliberately promptly honestly or reluctantly all right excellent ah I see some great answers in here yes le s on Olivia put a Tish Maureen Morello aakriti I'm trying to get as many names as I can the answer is a deliberately so if you do something deliberately it means consciously and intentionally you do something on purpose so again in this case I'm describing these verbs these actions and I might say you deliberately gave me the wrong directions maybe you did not want this person to find this place and you deliberately gave them the wrong directions it's I feel like this word is often used as an adverb you hear this a lot you deliberately do something or I left his name off the list deliberately there is a reason why I didn't do this so you do something deliberately you do it on purpose there is a reason for doing that all right so I just one to let you guys know if you enjoy what we do here at interactive English I encourage you to check us out on patreon we offer some cool rewards I will leave a link in the description down below part of those rewards one of them is actually the lesson notes to all of these live lessons I post these notes on on our patreon page and those people who are patrons who are about who are absolutely our best friends they have access to these notes that we use during these live lessons so check that out link is in the description let's continue all right how are you guys doing let me you know in the comments tell me how many have you've got we got we did four questions already how many out of four have you got and how did you get all of them correct did you get to correct did you get three correct well write that write that in the comments let me know alright so let's continue the next question is this asking you for the meaning blank hmm means in a way that makes fun of someone or something so we're talking about a word this word means in a way that makes fun of someone or something is it a woefully B zestfully C mockingly or D boastfully and and don't try to guess based off of my intonation and again even if you don't know all of these words you know just take a guess alright have fun with this just just try and guess which one you think it means so which one means to make fun of someone or something this is not you know this is not a very good word I don't think because people you know they don't like this so yes excellent alright maybe this was a little easy most of you got this excellent zen shanti purple butterfly alonso Giselle excellent yes the answer is C mockingly alright you're doing something mockingly it's in a way that makes fun of someone or something for example he imitated his boss's voice mockingly so if you imitate somebody's voice maybe your making fun of them the way that they talk or the way that they sound and you're doing it mockingly or this one I just love that picture down there I've used it before when when asking questions on our social media and I'd say they mockingly bought two stuffed animals that was a little typo there that should be animals with an S for their pet and if you can't see that image down there it's the dog with the two stuffed animals and he's asking are you mocking me because I feel like I'm being mocked so in that case he's using mock to mock someone as a verb but again many of these words you can use them as a verb an adjective and adverb different parts of speech it's great to learn them all because that's an awesome way to build your vocabulary so mockingly you do something mockingly next question all right are you guys ready here we go so this is a sentence I want you to put it in context our home is mmm clean but we try our our home is mmm clean but we try alright this is I am actually talking about our apartment where we live so keep in mind the context we do have a new baby so I I would actually say you know yeah our home is clean but we try all right what do you think would best complete this sentence based on that context speedily disparagingly certainly or relatively what do you guys think a B C or D all right you guys quick quick on the quick on the draw there LOI le Claudia Giselle asthma Alonso starry night yes all right excellent thank you guys for answering the correct answer is d relatively our home is relatively clean but we try so if I'm saying something is relatively clean it's talking about to a certain degree especially when you're comparing it with some other thing or some some of same kind so maybe I'm just comparing it to two other people's apartments and saying yeah you know our home is relatively clean but we have this new baby we're trying we're trying to keep it as clean as we can but it's relatively clean probably I think these are two other good examples if you're talking about you can use it to talk about an environment or even an object so for example my phone is relatively new if somebody says hey is that a new phone and maybe it's three months old or it's it's two weeks old and you could say yeah it's relatively new it's not brand new it's relatively new compared to other phones it is new another time where you often hear this adverb is when talking about the weather if you ever watch The Weather Channel in English the next time you are watching The Weather Channel I want you to see if you can identify the word relatively because you hear it a lot because when talking about the weather we often compare one day to the other days or to the week before or to the month before so you're often comparing different days and they might say you know Tom tomorrow will be relatively cool but things will warm up next week so again especially when talking about the weather you say yeah it's gonna be you know relatively high compared to other days so we use this word a lot excellent so keep that in mind all right ready the next question boom all right what is a synonym for longingly what do you guys think a B C or D what is a synonym for longingly that is my and if you don't know what longingly means then that's gonna make it a little more difficult but I encourage you to take a guess do you think it means the same assim as a sharply be wistfully C queasily or D wearily what do you guys think alright which one would you say is is a very is similar to longingly all right you do something longingly is very similar to what all right some different answers in here all right yeah all right this one maybe there's a little more challenge so yes Junior excellent gazelle yes avi who else has that one I'm trying to get Alonzo great job yes if you're talking about longingly it means this it's it has a similar meaning to wistfully so when you're talking about doing something whis Polly it's like you're a little sad and you're thinking about something that it's just not possible because maybe it already happened and you can't change the past or you're just thinking about the past you're remembering things that happened in the past and you're thinking about it longingly you you you you want this thing to happen again you wish it could happen again and you're thinking about it you you remember something whis Polly like that first example so I say he whisper Lea remembered his childhood playground so he's thinking about this good memory and he's thinking it makes him a little sad because maybe it was such a good memory he wants to go back and you whisper Lea remember his childhood playground or in the case of this like you you want something and you can't have it the cat stared wistfully at the mouse and I just loved that image so that's why I used that sentence the cat stared wistfully at the mouse he wants that mouse all right but it's impossible he shouldn't he shouldn't attack the mouse he shouldn't eat it so this one again it's maybe not as common but again it's good to learn new words and be able to understand how they're used in different contexts are you guys ready ready for the next one all right again if you if you've gotten more than five of these right let me know hit hit that like button so I know okay you guys you guys are rocking this all right you guys are doing well the next question that I have for you is right here ready mm-hmm so it's another definition one all right it means very serious or formal and manner behavior or expression okay again if you guys if you're just joining us welcome we're taking this quiz and I want you guys to participate write your answers in the chat or if you're watching it later write your answers in the comments this means very serious or formal in your manner behavior or expression is it a captive ly be abnormally C solemnly D deceivingly what do you guys think alright saying some good answers excellent wow you guys you guys rock this one all right so the answer is C solemnly it means very serious or formal in your manner behavior or expression so in my example sentence I used it at the very beginning in this case alright most of the time like I said it goes before the verb or after the verb but in this case I put it at the beginning and this just adds a little emphasis because solemnly he recounted what happened during the accident so once I start out with solemnly I really set you you set the mood you know it's a serious situation and he's talking about this accident so it's probably something that very very bad that happened very serious very maybe even a little sad so in this case it goes it went at the beginning of the sentence or this is another example if you watch any kind of law and order type show where there's lawyers and police and there a jury and in a courtroom you might hear something like people would say I solemnly swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and and the reason it's used in this case is because when you're in a courtroom you're often taking an oath and people will like put their hand up and they will say you know I promise to tell the truth they solemnly swear to do something it's very formal and it's a formal situation so you might hear that I solemnly swear to tell you the whole truth Ruth and nothing but the truth next time you're watching a movie in a courtroom see if you hear this adverb being used solemnly and in that picture it's a picture of a pinkie swear this is not formal at all it's very informal promise it you would say you know oh do you promise me pinkie swear and people will take their pinkies and they make a promise like that that's more informal I just like the picture and that is a little American cultural that's that's your cultural lesson for today pinky swears and maybe they have pinky swears in your country I don't know you guys can let me know in the chat or in the comments all right the next question that I have for you is this one complete the sentence all right Wes smiled mmm when he forgot to buy you one of flowers for Valentine's Day all right I will I will confess this is this is not a truce this is not a true sentence it's just an example I didn't buy flowers I usually buy chocolate because that that's more her preference is chocolate instead of flowers but it's a good example so Wes smiled mmm when he forgot to buy flowers for Valentine's Day did I smile a passionately B Coulee C gleefully or D sheepishly what do you guys think all right write your answer in the chat all right I want to hear from all of you guys who are in there right now write your answer which which which adverb best completes this sentence and again you know you could put a bunch of adverbs in there but based on the context all right I forgot to buy something for this special day so the answer would be D sheepishly I sheepishly smiled when I forgot to buy you one of flowers for Valentine's Day because sheepishly means in an embarrassed manner due to some shame or lack of confidence so in the sentence before if you forget a Valentine's gift that's you know that's a little shameful you might you're not proud of that so you might do something like smiled sheepishly like forgot and check out these sentences I've given you one for each context the boy smiled sheepishly at the girl across the room in this case the boy likes the girl he has a crush on the girl but he lacks confidence so he smiled sheepishly so in this case it means lacking confidence in this other one right here the employees sheepishly turned in the unfinished report this would be more shame all right you're the report wasn't finished they should finish it but they sheepishly turned in the report they were not proud of doing it but they had to turn it in so they sheepishly turned this report in all right the next one ready what is an antonym for surreptitiously all right which of those adverbs right there is an antonym for syrup tisha Slee all right if you guys are with us right now write your answer in the chat and if you're watching this later again we want you to interact write your answer write your answer in the comments so what is an antonym which one is an antonym force surreptitiously is it a timidly vie openly see secret happily or die' secretly what do you guys think all right this one this question all right read it carefully it's it's a little more difficult ok so an antonym for syrup tisha Slee all right if you're talking about doing something surreptitiously the meaning would be doing something secretly but because I asked for an antonym an antonym means a word that has an opposite meaning so the opposite of doing something secretly secretly or doing something surreptitiously would be to do it openly so everybody knows what's happening so be openly is the correct answer that is the antonym for sera tisha Slee so surreptitiously again it means in a way that somebody is attempting to avoid being no or they're trying to avoid attention and they don't want to be noticed so it's kind of like you're trying to do something secretly and example sentence the politicians sarap tisha Slee passed a law to promote corporate interest and this is something happens in the US all the time maybe it happens in your country that some companies corporations they have a lot of money they have a lot of influence so they will buy these politicians and donate to their campaigns and then these politicians will pass laws to help these companies and they will surreptitiously do that because they don't want people to notice they don't want people to know so this is a good example the other one down here is just a little more of a simple example the rat surreptitiously walked toward the food the rat doesn't want people to see that they're going to get the food and take it so they walk and move surreptitiously again you can use it in a way to describe the the way that somebody moves they're moving surreptitiously all right that is a good word that's a good adverb I like that one so remember two days word list we talked about 10 different adverbs and let's go through them right now so even if you join us a little late we'll go through the meaning of these one more time it's always good to review what you've learned so the first word that we talked about was briskly it means to move or do something at great speed you move briskly he was running late so he walked briskly to work simultaneously means happening or being done at the same time you're doing two things right at the same time the letters and packages went out simultaneously generously I think many of you know that generously you are regularly giving or sharing your unselfish so people in the community generously volunteered to build houses after the storm deliberately means intentionally you do something on purpose you deliberately gave me the wrong directions why did you do that the next one mockingly means in a way that makes fun of someone so you could he intimidated his boss's voice mock you were making fun of this person relatively means to a certain degree especially compared with some other kind I told you keep a knife key listen for this adverb when you're when you watching The Weather Channel or hearing people in English talk about the weather tomorrow will be relatively cool but things will warm up next week and that's true the weather just cooled down here the next one was wistfully wistfully is sad thinking about something in the past longingly alright he whisper ly remembered his childhood playground it was a great memory and I'm longing to go back to that time solemnly means very serious or formal and manner behavior or expression I told you right here in these courtroom shows you might hear somebody say I solemnly swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and the next one sheepish sheepishly in an embarrassed manner due to some shame or lack of confidence all right so like I said a good example about shame the employees sheepishly turned in the unfinished report and then surreptitiously in a way that a voice that attempts to avoid being noticed or or drawing attention to yourself you do something sarap tisha Slee like those sneaky politicians the politicians surreptitiously passed a law to promote corporate interest alright so that is your quiz today if you learned a new word please hit that like button down below we really appreciate it thank you guys so much for being here I hope that you will like and share our lessons with other people because we're constantly trying to build and grow our classroom and as always write us questions in the comments what I want to know I want you guys in the comments tell me how many you got right there were ten questions how many did you get correct I want to hear from you and you can join our social media classes up there we're always posting questions for you guys to practice and improve your English skills so give a shout out to everybody thank you guy Farhat Andre yeah sue Daisy in snick thank you guys Maria for being here Mahendra Brayan I are anderson miriam Rosalinda vishnu thank you risk glad you guys were here just sell us on Olivia so uh Molly thank you thank you thank you sorry if I miss some of your names I tried to say as many names as possible during this lesson we will do more quizzes in the future because they're very interactive and it is a great way for you guys to practice your English skills so thank you guys for being here I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 24,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english vocabualry, build vocabulary, improve vocabulary, advanced english words, advanced vocabulary, adverbs, english adverbs, learn adverbs, vocabualry quiz, vocabulary lesson, adverb quiz, useful english words, how to use adverbs, how to build vocabulary, adverb vocabulary quiz, take english quiz, intermediate english words
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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