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hello and welcome welcome welcome welcome to our grammar quiz lesson I'm so excited how are you guys doing today on this beautiful Saturday I hope you're doing well let's see I'm gonna say hello to everyone hello welcome Lally welcome my web welcome Lake welcome welcome welcome are you ready to practice your grammar because I know I am it's December which means it's the best time to practice grammar of course it's the best time of the year for it so today like you've seen probably in the preview today we are having an amazing lesson we're going to do a grammar quiz a grammar quiz so I hope you have your brains you're thinking helmets on your grammar helmets on and you're ready to begin hello welcome welcome welcome ok so why are we doing this because I want you guys to practice your grammar these questions that I have prepared for you today are difficult and they're easy at the same time meaning that everyone everyone can make these mistakes whether you are advanced or whether you are a beginner because I see this I see this all the time students who are very very advanced and then they make these tiny little mistakes I would just say they're just very very common mistakes for English language learners so let's let's brush up on that grammar let's let's get it let's get it let's get it right ok so if you guys are ready we're going to start I have a few questions this is we're just going to do a quick practice I will show you the questions and then I will show you the answer and tell you why okay so let's begin here is the first question it's a little bit of an easier one and if you are right now in the chat make sure to write your answer down in the chat write the whole word it's good practice if you're writing later if you're watching this later make sure to also write the answer down because we look forward to seeing those answers okay so your first question is sometimes English grammar can be hmm okay what is the answer confused or confusing what do you guys think write it down in the comments okay again make sure to write the whole word please form that habit write the whole word because it's good practice is it confused or is it confusing which one is it oh I see a lot of good answers I see a lot of good answers if you answered confusing you're correct okay why is it confusing you know this like I said it's an easier one but I see so many people make mistakes that I have to I have to address this when we use when we use these ing adjectives we are describing situations or a person's character okay very important situations or a person's character we used eg adjectives to describe emotions like how are you feeling about something if you feel confused you feel confused about something okay so something is confusing to you or you feel confused about something do not get those mixed up because then you could be switching the whole meaning of a sentence for example you don't want to say you're boring when you mean you are bored that's when these become important and all of these mistakes today I will say this some of them are small but they become really significant when they interfere with meaning when they change what you want to say when they don't express what you're trying to communicate that's when it becomes really important okay so let's keep going you guys are rocking this far perfect good job so one other one good call good call good job okay let's see the second one tada okay this one has a very simple rule but if you don't know it you might get it wrong and I see so many advanced students getting this one wrong so here it is I mmm tomorrow oh sorry I am him when he tomorrow okay the verbs are see and come this is in the future it's in the future so make sure you time it accordingly so is it I will see him tomorrow when he will come tomorrow is it I will see him when he comes tomorrow or is it I see him when he comes tomorrow or I see him when he will come tomorrow which one is it okay so I like I said many students get this one wrong even advanced students I've heard this all the time so let's see what you guys are writing I see some we'll see comes calm comes okay so some mixed answers there I most of the answers I think are correct but if you're wondering why I will show you the answer so here it is this is the correct answer I will see him when he comes tomorrow a lot of the answers so a lot of people that I've heard in the past a lot of my students even if they're very very advanced they will say something like I will see him when he will come tomorrow it makes sense kind of because we're respecting the rules that we think are correct right like we're talking about the future so you the future but here's this thing there's a rule in English when we're talking about future time clauses so when we're talking about the future and use these time marker words like when he comes tomorrow or when he gets here or after or before we have these words that is in that time clause we use the present form of the verb it sounds confusing but it's really not just make sure you use the present tense so if you're wrong don't worry this is one of those times when things are going to start sounding wrong like you hear native speakers speak like this and at some point you'd be like hmm I will see him when he will come tomorrow that sounds weird to me and you might not know why but it's because of this rule it's it sounds weird because it's wrong and that's what I wanted to emphasize today with a lot of these grammar rules some of them are super complicated trust your intuition because English is one of those languages that has a lot of exceptions but the exceptions will start resonating with you trust that if it sounds wrong it's probably wrong okay so that is the answer okay so again we'll have things like I'll come home after I finish work or he'll turn off the TV before he leaves the office not before he will leave the office even though both of these events happen in the future you use the present tense with a time clause okay so it's it's it's not difficult it's a simple rule and I actually really suggest studying up on this one because it's a nice rule that English always follows which is not always the case with English so whatever you see rules that don't really have exceptions like follow them because they're hard to find with the English language so just remember to use the present in the time clause when we're talking about the future okay so I know you guys are saying oh it's terrible it's confusing no it's not it's not it will come it will become easier than where you use it I promise I promise see if you got it wrong just keep it in mind okay this is something I need to work on again if you are answering this if you're watching this later write it in the comments because we pay attention okay ready for next lesson here F for next question here it comes did its prepositions because I know everyone gets them wrong so so here it is we do live lessons Saturdays which is today is it in on or at which one is it in on our app which one live lessons in Saturday's life lessons on Saturdays live lessons at Saturdays let's see your answers I see some on on on let's see if you guys are right I don't know I don't know I don't know you guys are right yeah we do live lessons on Saturdays now the reason I put this on here is because it can be tricky for some people I have heard students say like at Saturdays because I think they're thinking of the British at the weekend so if you're thinking of that keep in mind it's it's it's not when we are talking about specific days we use on okay days and dates on if you made a mistake don't worry prepositions are honestly difficult for everyone regardless of how advanced you are because they're so different in every country in every language that we speak so sometimes that we we tend to translate directly from our language and we tend to use that preposition that goes with it and we make mistakes okay so if we make that mistake it's okay just make sure that you correct yourself every time okay just just make sure and then the more you use it the easier it will become okay by the way at is used for precise times so like we say things at 3 p.m. or at 5:00 or whatever precise times and in we use for things like months or years or like long periods so say like in January or like in the 15th century or something like that that's when we use it it is difficult again because we just kind of have to we tend to translate from are from different languages and that's what gets us but the answer to all of these is more practice so let's go let's go let's do more practice let's see how you guys are doing ok this one it's actually really difficult ok even though you guys might not realize it I'll tell you why in a second San Francisco great city by the way is where mmm Golden Gate Bridge is located beautiful bridge you should go see it is it San Francisco is where Oh Golden Gate Bridge is located is it San Francisco is where the Golden Gate Bridge is located or is it San Francisco is where Golden Gate Bridge is located without an article which one is it okay which one articles are one of my favorites okay so what what is the answer I see a lot of the and some some extent or some extent bag in there let's see if you guys are right and bonus if you know why okay the answer is the following San Francisco is where the Golden Gate Bridge is located and do you know why is the question because when I found this out my mind was blown first of all I did not know that English has so many rules for articles if you ever studied articles and you've studied them in depth especially the article the there are so many different like I feel like they're 18 or something there's so many different ones basically the rule here is that we put the in in front of the names of bridges it might sound crazy but it's true so if you have a bridge we put the in front of it in front of the name of the bridge and that is literally the rule so you know you have the Golden Gate Bridge the Brooklyn Bridge the the I would like to emphasize what I wrote here that there are many arbitrary rules things that don't seem to make sense so it doesn't seem like oh because of this or because of that it's just the rule and you kind of have to memorize it that's really what it is and I wanted to show you some other things just because I find it very fascinating for example when else do we use the this is just another example we have so many more rules but in front of museums so for example we don't say I'm going to visit Louvre Museum I'm going to visit the Louvre will you always put the the Prado Museum which is a fantastic museum by the way in Madrid so you put the in front of museums also you also do it in front of like a monument like the Colosseum or the pyramids like you want to visit the pyramids again makes no sense but there are exceptions to that too so you don't say I want to visit the Stonehenge you say I'll visit Stonehenge or st. Peter's Basilica so again these do require memorization kind of in in a way but in a way they will sound weird because to me I could never get myself to say I'm gonna go visit the Stonehenge it just sounds wrong and the more English you expose yourself to whether you are reading articles or you know the newspaper or whatever or listening to the news it will become easier I promise I promise I promise so don't despair don't despair it's just it's just something that you'll become used to but check it out we do have a lot of these rules and we have some some really good ones um by the way for newspapers it's done the New York Times The Washington Post and so on it's crazy crazy crazy English okay so are you guys ready for the next one [Music] okay this one is also a little bit difficult the doctor recommends she hmm some sleep the doctor recommends she some sleep is it get is it get is getting or will get which one is it get get is getting will get what do you guys think again write down your answer in the chat or in the comments she so this one it might be might be different than how you expect it to be it's just what I'm saying so I see a bunch of different answers which is good because I'll explain why the answer is what it is in a second a lot of very different ones here is the answer okay I know this could surprise a lot of people but the correct answer is the doctor recommends she get some sleep why you're wondering why is it not yet you know we've always learned English and we've learned you know when you have he she or it you always put that s right she yet he got he gets like it it make it seems to make sense but we have this thing in English called a subjunctive which is kind of an older formal grammar and we use it in these dependent clauses for kind of very specific things like recommendations or expressing desires or the or resolve and that is when we do not use that s for third person singular okay so the subject is a weird one it's it's right now it's mostly used it's not really used formally that much in American English and British English is not used that much at all its more common in in American English but we do see it quite often with with these kinds of recommendations so or questions like is it necessary that she work all day or something like that it's kind of a tricky one it's just you don't have to use it if you don't want to but it's good to recognize it and see why it is the way it is it's not easy but this is the correct way to say because it's a recommendation in this case the doctor recommends that she get some sleep so it's good to recognize it again like I said it's because it's a little difficult and not very common you don't have to use it yourself but just be able to recognize how it is okay so how are you guys doing so far did you get all of them right how many do you have out of because we've had five questions so far how many did you get out of five let's see let's see let's see let's see well you guys right that answer I'm going to remind you that we are now on patreon and if you don't know what it is you can check it out in the description it's a really cool place where you can support us and and and get some really amazing rewards we do a lot of exclusive content that's on there and it's just for our patreon it's just a nice place to show your support and where we get really really creative so let's see you guys are doing well five fours threes good job good job good job good job okay we're good we're about to get some more so let's see tada okay let's see if you give this one right okay it's actually true for where we are today mmm raining a lot lately is it it's raining a lot lately is it it'll be raining a lot lately or is it it's been raining a lot lately which one let's see how you guys are doing is a B or C it's it'll be or it's been and also if you know why I also like to see some of those answers okay so I see I see some good answers I see it has been it's ill be I see some mixed answers but let's share why okay so the correct answer was it's been okay it's been raining a lot lately this is the present perfect continuous if you're wondering what further perform it is and why is it it's been it's a short form for it has been it has been and we use this again the present perfect is honestly one of the most difficult tenses in English and it is also one of the most common ones so you can't get around it you have to use it and you have to know why we use it the way it we do but the present perfect especially there are continuous we use it for actions that started in the past and that are still happening right now or just finished happening so that means you know the streets are probably still wet it's been raining a lot it's raining now or even if it's not raining the streets are wet because it has been raining a lot with this I would say a quick quick tip for you watch your pronunciation you know you see that bin a lot of a lot of students I hear say they make the e sound like in cheese it's not being it's been it said shortened it sound okay it's not it's been raining a lot it's been raining a lot I hear this mistake all the time I think it's easy to correct so there you go that's my pronunciation tip make sure that you follow it okay how are you guys doing enjoying grammar you should be proud of yourselves even if you haven't gone all of them right because this is how you improve your English you find out things and you practice them so give yourselves a pat on the back for being here and for for practicing with us because you are doing amazing and I'm super proud of you very very proud okay here's our next question which one is it okay she stopped to smoke or she stopped smoking okay this one might seem easy but it's not let's see so I see I see a lot of smoking i sees a lot of smoking everyone seems to agree that it is she stopped smoking wow you guys are all in unanimous in this decision almost oh there's a see there there's no see okay I was tricking you I'm so sorry I was tricking you because they are both correct but why are they both correct and this is what it's very important the meaning of what you're trying to say okay so I am sorry again I was trying to tricky she stopped smoking is probably what most of you thought about when when I say she stopped smoking it means that she quit smoking it means that she does not smoke any longer she's done she's like no more cigarettes I am never smoking again but what about she stopped to smoke why am I saying that that is correct because it has a completely different meaning we do this when we are talking about she stopped doing whatever she's doing maybe walking or whatever in order to smoke so it's like she stopped she took a break and then she smoked so she stopped so this is when it's so important like said that you use these germs and infinitives that we call them correctly because it literally means come to completely different things so in one instance she is not smoking and then the other instance she is smoking so this is why you have to pay attention if you say she stops to smoke but you mean she's she quit smoking you are saying the wrong thing so pay attention right very very very important as you might know there are things that you need to remember with germs and infinitives there are verbs sometimes that take both of them and they're both correct and they mean the same thing like I like studying with interactive English or I like to study with interactive English those mean the same thing but when it comes to stop pay attention because you could be saying the opposite of what you're trying to say very important ok so I hope you got that right I'm sorry that I was trying to trick you I promise for the next one I'm not trying to trick you I'm just trying to teach you so here it goes ok let's see which one you guys get there was up on the table red big plastic hat big red plastic hat plastic big red hat or big plastic red hat which one is it there is only one correct answer this time I promise no more tricks just one one one correct answer let's see which one you guys get to do I'll give you a tip for this one just a quick quick little tip go with whatever sounds sounds good this is when when you have to trust a little bit of your intuition so go with that and if you don't have an intuition about it don't worry it's okay you will develop it I promise over time so I see a lot of again mixed mixed answers so let me explain why you probably have different answers the correct answer was I believe it was B but it said this is what it is there was a big red plastic hat on the table big red plastic hat why is it this way why is it that you know some things that it this is the correct way of actually saying it well because in English adjectives follow a certain order when you have more and the order is kind of like what I marked over there you know first you have opinion then you have size then you have shape then you have age color origin material and then the noun so in this case big which is size comes before the color which comes B wait yeah comes before the color and then that comes before the material and then you have the noun so that's the right order and it is right there's no like is it right another way no no this is the only correct way of mentioning it okay big red plastic hat big red plastic hat on the table so if you didn't get it right don't worry this is something that you can practice just you know you can follow a lot of these exercises and just kind of keep practicing and it will start sounding natural and things will sound off okay very good okay so that was it's again it's not like I said it's not difficult it's just something of a matter of practice that's why I said these can be very difficult or they can be very easy it depends okay ready for the next one it's gonna be different I think this one's easy but maybe it's not you guys tell me what do you think oh yeah I did want to give you more examples for the other ones so we can say like I have here dirty old cotton sock or a small Japanese serving ball or something like that those are just more examples of how you can play with with these and keep keep practicing okay sorry back to the question mmm the keys with you when you come over tomorrow is it bring the keys with you when you come over tomorrow just one one correct answer bring or take bring or take I like that it's mixed everyone has a different opinion it's bring or take it's kind of mixed so I will show you what do you guys think again write it in the comments did you do and do you know why if it sounds if you answer a certain way the correct answer is bring bring the keys with you bring them with you when you come over tomorrow I'm making this motion because when we use bring we use it to show movement toward someone or something so when I when I talk about you coming over tomorrow you are coming to my house which means you it's the motion is towards me right towards somebody or something so you have to that's when you use bring but when you're talking about take that has to do movement away you know away from someone or something so you say take the keys when you leave you know take them with you when you leave but bring them when you come so if you the key words here I'd say would be come because coming has to do with come like come here right not leave so everything that any motion anything that has to do with you or emotion towards you it's bring and things that have to do with away from you it is take again this will become easier as you as you move along I think you guys are doing amazing you guys doing really well so again put yourself on the back even if you got it wrong this is a great opportunity to practice okay tip tip tip tip to exactly take the keys when you leave take them good good good a good example any okay wonderful now we have another one again I'm not trying to be tricky but this is something that people make mistakes with so I wanted to bring it up the sentence is the euro has been used in Europe several years has been used in Europe mmm several years is it since or is it for since or for has been used in Europe hmm several years what do you guys think since therefore again they are they're easily confused because many people learn that you use this at four with a present perfect so everyone kind of uses them and then they end up using them interchangeably but they're not actually used interchangeably so let me show you what I mean if you answered four you are correct the euro has been used in Europe for several years why is it four why why is it not since well because we use four to talk about the duration of time right for a few years but since we use it to mark four point in time so like will say since 2004 or since I was a child a point in time when you talk about one specific point in time you use cents and when you're talking about a duration like we are talking about in this case several years you know three hours five days whatever that's when we use four so keep that in mind there are simple rules but of course there's so many rules in English that it is normal to forget so don't feel bad just keep on practice and keep on practicing and I promise it will get easy things will sound wrong and when they do that's when they probably are wrong so so just just kind of follow that okay so I hope you guys have enjoyed our lesson if you didn't get all of them right don't feel bad this is not supposed to make you feel bad it is just an opportunity to practice that it's literally what it is so hopefully now you'll you know you'll remember that we put this uh in front of bridges and that we talked about you know bring when we're talking about an action towards something it's okay if you don't remember all of them you can always rewatch this lesson it doesn't matter if you got them all wrong maybe next time you'll get more correct it's just an opportunity to practice so I just wanted to thank you for joining us today if you found this lesson useful if you've learned something new please go ahead and give us a thumbs thumbs up like it share it with anyone who you think would find this interesting right so keep on practicing you guys are doing amazing great job today thank you for joining thank you Antonio thank you Giselle thank you Judy long is there not a crumb Thank You Ian for joining us again on this beautiful Saturday you guys have a nice weekend and keep practicing and you will do amazing thank you so much I'll see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 12,188
Rating: 4.9271708 out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Interactive English, Learn English Online, english grammar lesson, grammar, english grammar, learn grammar, i want to learn grammar, improve grammar, improve english grammar, confusing grammar, grammar quiz, practice grammar quiz, tricky grammar, english learners get confused
Id: pdL-UhB4JmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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