Phrasal Verb Quiz | Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary

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hello and welcome to today's lesson my name is Wes and this is interactive English and if this is your first time here with us we are all about helping you guys practice and improve your English skills and the way that we will do that today is is very fun it's very useful because I have an interactive quiz that I am going to give you and I want all of you to participate in this quiz and take this quiz with me and this quiz is all about phrasal verbs I am going to give you a phrasal verb quiz which is perfect because so many people out there so many learners in our community want to learn more about phrasal verbs they want to practice using phrasal verbs because this is this can be pretty tricky when it comes to learning English so Before we jump into the quiz I want to let you know that if you are looking to to really improve your English skills a great way to do that is to find an English teacher and a great place to do that is at itok e who was kind enough to sponsor this lesson so if you don't know about I talk e it's an online learning platform that connects learners with teachers from all over the world and you can learn more than just English at itok e you can learn German French Spanish I am actually taking some lessons in Romanian with with some teachers at itok e so the process is very simple you can just register and then you can start looking for a teacher and you can find an English teacher if that's what you want to learn from from many different countries you could learn with a teacher from America you can learn with a teacher from the UK you could learn with a teacher from Australia or Canada there are so many different teachers on I talkie which is also perfect when it comes to scheduling a class because for many people you know we all have busy schedules so maybe you're only free to study in the evening you can find a teacher who is available to work with you at that time and then you get a one on one lesson which is also great because then you can work on the things that are important to you if you want to work on your pronunciation if you want to work on grammar or maybe you just want to work on your speaking skills which is what I'm doing right now you can you can work on whatever your learning needs are and at the moment if you are looking if you want to register and take your first class I talkie is offering everybody here a ten dollar free credit once you sign up and then you take your first lesson you have to purchase your first lesson and then you will get a ten dollar credit which you can use for that next lesson which means that you are getting a nice discount for that second lesson alright so check out the link in the description if you want to find an English teacher today now let's get back to two phrasal verbs but before we do I want to give a shout out to some of you guys who are with me right now and again I'm gonna try and give as many shout outs as I can during this during this lesson because I want you guys to participate so yeah I want to say what's up to Rosalinda Bryan Lobo Shradha how are you umm learn Chinese with Camille hey all right Lally good to see you again Junior you too Abdul Rashid welcome Rogerio hello a name Oh perfect thank you guys my little English page what's up alright thank you guys for joining me for this phrasal verb quiz again I think this is very useful because phrasal verbs are very challenging alright and they're very challenging for two reasons alright so why are they difficult to learn the first reason is that you could take the phrasal verb is made up of a verb and a preposition alright and you could take one verb and change that preposition so let's take the verb take and you could put many different prepositions at the end of that take on take out take over take through take back and each of those phrasal verbs will have a different meaning but not only that the next part as to why it's so difficult is that one phrasal verb can have multiple meanings that are used in very different context so this is what makes phrasal verbs really challenging and that's why it's a great way it's just great to practice because I think personally probably some of the best ways to learn phrasal verbs is first is just to read alright many of you it's it's okay if you want to learn a phrasal verb and you look up the meaning it's so that's perfectly okay but you may forget it later on so it's just it's good to keep reading because the more exposure you get to the language the more likely you're going to remember the next great way is what we're going to do today which is just to practice practice practice and practice our skills and hopefully it'll just start to sink in the more you practice all right what's up Gibson all right there you go so let's let's just jump into it right now and let's take the quiz okay so for the first part I've started from easy to difficult all right I am going to give you the question and I will give you some multiple choices but I also give you the meaning of the phrase over so here's your first question some learners think it's difficult to pick mmm English all right what preposition completes that sentence all right so the phrasal verb is to pick hmm all right and I give you the meaning to it just means it means to learn okay so which which how would you complete that sentence write your answer in the chat even if you're watching this later I want you guys to participate in the lesson you have that comment section treat it like a piece of paper and write your answer in the comments so that I know you are participating you you are trying to improve your skills okay so awesome all right I see some amazing answers yes Mohammed uh some uh some that on sorry if i mispronounce names who saw Naima Suresh Lali perfect junior great job the answer is a up to pick up means to learn so here are some example sentences and each one has a different meaning for pick up I am NOT going to go through all of them I'm just going to go through some of them so again you can see how it's used in context with each different meaning the phrasal verb pick up I will tell you it has it has like over a dozen different meanings so these are just a few of them so like some learners think it's difficult to pick up English you you might think it's difficult to learn English you could also talking about you can also use this in the context of picking up a musical instrument or maybe picking up some activity in you're trying to learn it another common way it's used right there my mom told me to pick up my room so in this case you're talking about cleaning and organizing your room to pick up the you could pick up your bedroom you can pick up the living room you're talking about around the home you just picking things up you're tidying up or somebody might say could you please pick me up around 8 o'clock in that context they're talking about pick someone up to go get someone and maybe you're going to get them at home maybe they're out somewhere else and often you're talking about picking them up in a car so it's like a pick me up around this time you're going in a car to get somebody you're picking them up and another meaning down there who's going to pick up the bill I think again once once you see these sentences you can try to put them in context and I hope it helps and it makes it a little easier to pick up a bill means to just pay to pay for the bill to pick up the bill so again we're not going to go through all the meanings but just just a few of them so again you guys can see how they're used in context and I understand yeah this is what makes phrasal verbs so challenging all right your next question is right here all right so I'd say I'm tired I'm gonna go turn mmm what what would it be how would I complete that sentence I'm tired I'm gonna go turn mmm and the meaning of that phrasal verb to turn mmm it's just to go to bed now okay well I'll tell you in just a second I don't want to give it up just yet so again if you're just joining us for this we are taking a phrasal verb quiz in which I am asking you questions and I want you guys to write the answer write the answer in the chat or write the answers in the comments don't be shy don't worry if you're making a mistake just it's all about practice practice practice practice all right so what does it mean if you're going to go to bed take on take in take down take back all right so this one is I think Wow okay a little more confusing I see nila Fahd excellent all right great job we have also Artie well done I'm done the answer is be in I'm going I'm tired I'm going to turn in so if you're going to turn in it means you're going to bed this one is it was a little more difficult because I I don't think that you know it's not like people say that all the time so this was a little more challenging I'm gonna try and keep making it a little challenging for you but you could hear this if you're watching a TV show or a movie and just say you know I'm gonna turn in I'm going to go to bed I'm tired I'm gonna turn in another way that it's used I thought this was too easy which is why I didn't want to give it to you to turn in to submit something all right you were doing something and it's often used in like a school context all right I want you to turn in your homework and this is what I want you guys to do your homework right now I want you to turn it in and I want you your homework is to hit that like button all right hit that like button right down there if you enjoy learning phrasal verbs if you enjoy taking these quizzes then then that way I know okay I need to make more quizzes about phrasal verbs because everybody has turned in their homework and they have hit that like button alright the next context would be to turn in like I gave it like okay turn in turn your toes in alright you're taking your whoops let me line up there we go you're turning in all right physically you're turning your toes in alright you're putting something making forcing it inward and then the last context mm-hmm I tried to I tried to find a picture of a police officer I think he looks a little like a pilot but don't get confused that is a police officer little emoji person down there he turned himself in to the police so in that context when you turn yourself in you are basically admitting to some wrongdoing some kind of crime so you turn yourself in to the police or again that's the most common way it's you could say oh you know something happened at school I'm gonna turn myself in I'm going to admit that I did something wrong all right um Oh Chandra you did the homework excellent you hit that like button that's what I like to see perfect okay all right so let's continue the quiz now I'm gonna make it a little more difficult because now I still want you to complete the phrasal verb with the preposition but this time I'm not going to give you the meaning I just want you to try and put the meaning in context based on the sentence okay so here is your next question all right yes I can't help it my wife and I we just had a little baby so I like I just like throwing these examples out there I think little Emmy amelia is going to take mmm her mother so that is the phrasal verb take hmm all right I'm not I'm not giving you the meaning what is it is it take over take back take after take from all right so think about this this situation if if you haven't and again even if you're unsure just take a guess all right I would always encourage you guys just to practice practice practice take a guess don't worry if if if you're getting if it's not right all right it's not about that it's all about practicing so all right yes excellent perfect junior lolly Mohammed serious lotsa yes the answer is C after all right I think this one maybe maybe is a little easier I think little Emmy is going to take after her mother the reason why I just said maybe this is a little easier because it really just has one meaning and this this is my question for you and I want you to practice using it in the comments who do you think you take after more your mother or father who do you take after your mother or father let me know in the chat write me a sentence practice using the phrasal verb or let me know in the comments so I know yes this person is participating in the lesson so again this this phrasal verb has just one meaning which is great you can breathe a sigh of relief so that you don't have to try to remember different meanings if you take after somebody it just means that you are are like them your personality is is similar to this person and oftentimes we use it when talking about children or and their parents or people within the family and you could say oh you know I I like to stay up late alright maybe little Emmy is going to take after me and she will also stay up late we have the same characteristics similar similarities alright um what else Oh lolly said I take after my old father all right perfect great example lead either and actually okay it's okay sometimes you people don't take after their mother or father all right excellent it Gibson both perfect so again to take after somebody it means you have those similar characteristics next question all right is right here he's having trouble getting mmm the break-up okay he's having trouble getting the break-up again if you're just joining us we are doing a phrasal verb quiz I'm asking you lunch a bunch of different questions I just want you guys to to participate and and answer these questions in the chat or in the comments okay so this one there's actually another phrasal verb we can use I didn't give it to you as an option what do you think is the correct answer he's having trouble getting by the break-up he's having trouble getting down the break-up he's having trouble getting over the break-up or he's having trouble getting up the break-up what do you guys think all right you guys are rocking this right now perfect hi Musa how's it going junior yes hello I'm he'd met he Dominica perfect Rahul Martina excellent perfect all right the answer is C over he's getting he's having trouble getting over the break-up and this one again this is one that has multiple meanings / so in this context you have trouble getting over the breakup you're having trouble overcoming something and it's talking usually about overcoming something emotionally the other phrasal verb that I said would also make sense if you somebody said he's having trouble getting through the break-up in that case to get through means like to survive something to endure now we can also use it right here we need to get over there so in in some context maybe you need to cross a river and you're like okay I need to go from here and I need to go over there and we need to get over there to that point or and she needs to get over these hurdles before moving on again you're talking about you're you're getting by some challenge you need to overcome these hurdles before moving on this is something that I would say about my baby girl I can't get over how much she's changed she's four months old I can't get over how much she's changed I'm surprised in that context or he decided to go ahead and get it over with I've added one more preposition to this one and now it is a three word phrasal verb to get over with alright to get something over with means you just want to finish it you are not excited about this thing you just want to get it over with for example some of you out there you might plan to take the IELTS exam now or in the future it's not something that you're really like yeah let's do it I'm excited to take the Isles most of you probably feel like I just want to get it over with I want to take it I want it to be done I want to get it over with so those are some other great examples about how you can use this phrasal verb so next question are you ready all right let me see if she's available please hold mmm all right which phrasal verb if somebody you know they're having I'm giving you I'm giving you the situation with the picture so you can see what's happening in the picture let me see if she's available please hold mmm which-which phrasal verb is going to which which preposition is going to complete that phrasal verb so that it makes sense what do you guys think all right yes perfect excellent answers lolly jr. Rohan Stephanie D Dino Apple what's up how deep Seth perfect so eh then I think this was maybe a little easier please hold on the correct answer is D on let me see if she's available please hold on in that context it just means please hold on please wait a moment and I think we often use this phrasal verb when on the phone you're talking about you're on the phone with somebody you said okay wait please wait a moment just say hey hold on for just one second somebody's knocking at the door please hold on or we can say you know in this case hold on to my hand you're actually holding on to somebody's hand you are holding on here's an expression that you might hear from time to time if somebody's telling a story and it's a very scary story and they're like oh my gosh they were holding on for dear life do you you were able to survive something that was very scary and you're just like oh I was holding on for dear life I was very scared that something bad was gonna happen I was holding on for dear life or in the context of sports I'd say the team held on to a close victory the team survived they held on they still won so if you're saying like if somebody just says well the team held on then you know that that team won but they did not win by a lot so these last two kind of have a little bit of a similar meaning in that you are able to survive and succeed but one is talking and more about fear and the other one is talking about sports to hold on all right your next question is this right here our teacher wanted us to read mmm a stack of books all right and I found that picture it was perfect it's a picture of a stack of books so I'd say the teacher wanted wanted us to read mmm a stack of books what what do you think is the correct answer write it in the chat all right you guys you guys are rocking this is it read through read along read up read about what do you think if you're just joining us again we're taking a phrasal verb quiz to help you guys again just practice practice practice using phrasal verbs this is how you improve your skills all right um perfect okay yes excellent Rohan Bassam lotsa serious anil Xia yes the correct answer is through a through our teacher wanted us to read through a stack of books so if you're reading through something then you are reading it from the beginning to the end and this is a question that I have for you all right how many English books do you read through each year each year how many do you read through from the beginning to the end practice using this write your answer tell me tell me in the chat how many how many English books do you read through each year or let me know in the comments again this is one all right just one just one meaning okay which is good so you don't have to memorize or try to to think about oh okay it has many different contexts that I have to figure out this phrasal verb to read through is just to read something from the beginning all the way till the end our teacher wanted us to read through a stack of books all right excellent uh deep chef 20 Wow all right 7000 I appreciate honesty I appreciate your candor and that just means I appreciate your honesty what else lolly one book okay is he had three [Music] someone Kim a half of a book all right hey that's okay I know again it's it's time-consuming to read books I would I would say all right it's it's good to read a little bit each day even if you're reading like an online article but other ways that you can use this instead of just talking about reading through books people might talk about it in business reading through documents or even more important make sure you read through contracts before you ever sign a contract you should always read the the contract from the beginning till the end that is another great way to use this phrasal verb when talking about contracts read through okay so now we're gonna switch it up a little bit more I have some more questions for you this time I it's you don't have to identify the preposition I want you to identify the entire phrasal verb okay so I'm not gonna tell you what it means I'll give you the sentence try to put it in context and see if you can identify the phrasal verb so this is there's no picture on this one it's just me as though I were talking to you so I'd say if you miss one of our lessons then you have to mmm the work which phrasal verb come would best complete that sentence all right it really is just uh I guess really I think just one really makes sense what would you use alright if you miss one of our lessons then you have to mmm the work and maybe if I were to really kind of get into character and say this I'd kind of tell you in a little bit of a scolding way oh this is this is what you you have to do you have to mmm the work alright do you have to pay back the work do you have to turn in the work do you have to do over the work or do you have to make up the work what do you guys think alright this one maybe okay a little more challenging yes now Carla excellent Lata Seung Hwan Anil perfect all right the correct answer is d make up if you miss one of our lessons then you have to make up the work so the key is like you're missing something so you have to make it up and if you're making something up then that means well you still have to do it and often it's used in talking about well you have to make up the work you still have to do the work you could also maybe talk about making up time all right you you missed out on the time you have to make up the time and actually still do this thing we can also use make up because it does have different meanings he's great at making up excuses okay and if somebody is making up excuses then they are just creating excuses you're like it's like you're making up a story you creating a story so in that context it's like to create something often using you got to use your imagination if you want to make up stories or make up good excuses or I could say in this context women make up half of the workforce I'm talking about something as a percentage of something else or it's a part of something else so women make up half of the workforce they make up 50% of the workforce or I could say something you know makes up 10% or it makes up 50% of something else and that last one why don't you just kiss and make up if somebody were to say this then it just means to to make things right again two people are fighting and somebody says just just kiss and make up all right you want to make up with that person so that you're no longer fighting your friends again that's the that's the context in which in which you use this make up all right so let's look at the next one all right I don't want to do it now I'll just mmm it mmm until later all right this is a separable phrasal verb notice I put the direct object between the verb and the preposition okay so again try to put it in context it is going to go between which phrasal verb is it put it off work it off break it off or turn it off which phrasal verb best completes that that sentence what do you think write your answer in the chat or write it in the comments because I just want to hear from you guys okay so uh yes excellent all right you guys doing great with this one yes Rohan Lally lots of Mohammed but I on Lynn perfect you would put it off I don't want to do it now that is that's your key right there I'll just put it off until later in that case if you put something off until later you are delaying it you were doing it later I think all of us have been there we have something that we have to do but we put it off until late we don't want to do it now we put it off we can also use it in these other contexts right here if somebody says I'm really put off by their behavior if somebody is put off by somebody's behavior or they're put off by something it just means that they dislike it they don't like it they don't they just feel like okay this thing I don't care for it I think it's a little you know disgusting revolting I'm put off by it and I think we could you'd often maybe find it in the context of talking about somebody's behavior the way somebody's acting I'm put off by their behavior or in this case we can put put the meeting off until next week all right you put something off you you are delaying it until later actually now the thing yes maybe maybe I made a slight mistake there but it's okay give you another example again that meaning is the same you were delaying it you are doing it later you put something off so again the first one I don't want to do it now I'll put it off till later same as the second one the meaning is the same to delay something we put the meeting off until next week and often I think this phrasal verb right here when it's used like that is separable you you are putting whatever it is the it or the work you're talking about where the thing you're going to delay will go between the verb and the preposition okay so now this is going to make it a little more challenging I hope I think I am NOT going to give you any options I'm going to give you a sentence and I want you to complete it with a phrasal verb I want you to think about which phrasal verb would best complete the sentence are you ready so and I tried to make it I think maybe this is a little easy because again I'm not giving you options so I didn't want to make it too difficult every day my alarm clock hmm at 9:00 a.m. every day my alarm clock hmm at 9:00 a.m. which phrasal verb do you think best completes this sentence all right I and again I I have an answer for you there may be more you know one answer maybe you think of something that I haven't thought of just yet I'll let you know all right every day my alarm clock hmm at 9:00 a.m. all right jr. perfect all right some of you okay Lin perfect all right some of you are just putting the phrasal verb other view like those names I mentioned are actually using the correct subject verb agreement every day my alarm clock goes off at 9 a.m. right there remember my alarm clock goes off at 9 a.m. but yes the correct phrasal verb for for the for the rest of you many of you got this correct to go off when you're talking about an alarm the alarm would go off it would sound you can also use this phrasal verb in these other context right here they started running as soon as the gun went off all right the gun was fired so in that case something goes off like a bomb would go off the the gun would go off its fired its exploding all right and or you could say again somebody like a parent might say to their child all right stay with us don't go off on your own if somebody goes off it could just mean they wander off to a different location to a different place and again maybe a parent would say this to their child don't go off on your own I want you to stay with us or in this final example the electricity went out in the past tense during the thunderstorm in that case the the electricity when that goes out it means it's just it turns off alright there is no more power the electricity went out all right next one are you ready so this one they were mmm in the ocean at sunset all right I give you the picture I feel a little awkward in this picture right now because I feel like I'm next to them and it's like okay you know I feel a little uncomfortable that I'm here I'm staring over your shoulder they're having this private moment but I'm also here so what would what could you say all right you know they're romantic they were mmm in the ocean at sunset what phrasal verb would best complete that sentence maybe this is a little more difficult okay which what do you think alright alright some of you some of you're kind of close close alright yes jr. Anil perfect serious so in the picture you see that they're they're just kissing and if we want to say somebody is kissing them we just say they are making out make out is to kiss passionately and often I'd say it's a way to describe other people you're not really unless you're like younger maybe in high school or you're a kid you would ask somebody like your boyfriend or girlfriend say oh let's make out but usually it's used to describe other people say oh I was walking through the park and everybody was making out all right so it's just talking about kissing passionately the phrasal verb has other meanings too all right we're having a tough time making out what she's saying all right we're having a tough time understanding what she's saying we can't we can't make it out we don't know what's happening all right we can't understand we can't make it out or if I say again who should I make the check out to if you're making a check out to somebody then you are writing somebody a check you are making it out and you are signing away on this check and you are making it out to someone all right so if somebody says who should I make it out to they're asking for a name what name should they write down or this last expression if somebody says that they made out like a bandit then that just means that they if somebody made out like a bandit the end result all right the they succeeded and they got a lot of money because a bandit is somebody who would steal money and it's like oh they made out like a bandit they succeeded and they got a lot of money or they succeeded and in some way that they earned money and maybe it might not be a very ethical way it's like wow they made out like a bandit they really may be or could be ethical it should be fine maybe you buy a house ten years later you sell the house for a lot more money than say yeah I made out like a bandit I made a lot of money alright so if you guys if you understood most of these phrasal verbs I want you to let me know so in the comments I just want you to write I am picking up English quickly that way I know that you understood the lesson you understood the phrasal verbs and that you are picking up English quickly and improving your English skills because that's what I want from you that's what I want for you guys I want you to improve I want you to pick up the language quickly and I hope that our videos our lessons are helping you guys do that so write that in the comments when this video is posted or if you're watching this later I'm picking up English quickly so that I know yes this person is learning alright so I hope you guys learn some new phrasal verbs I hope you enjoy taking this quiz because I would like to do more quiz lessons later on in the future and please if you have not done your homework already hit that like button alright do your homework hit that like button down below write to us in the comments I'm picking up up English quickly and you can also find us on social media if you want to keep practicing your English there with us on Facebook Twitter Instagram all right so excellent thank you guys so much for joining me Sandra bushra excellent you're picking up quickly Rosalinda excellent Krishna thank you I really appreciate it be happy now Gabby's serious near Nuala far thank you guys so much for for joining me sorry if I missed your names try and get as many shout outs as I can join me next time we will be back for another live lesson and I hope to see you guys then thanks a lot for watching and I will see you I will see you soon alright so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 28,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, advanced english lesson, intermediate english lesson, Practice English, I want to learn English, english phrasal verbs, phrasal verb lesson, phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, how to use phrasal verbs, grammar phrasal verbs, helpful phrasal verbs, improve your english, learn english phrasal verbs, conversational english, advanced grammar, advanced vocabulary, advanced english, english quiz, phrasal verb quiz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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