Correct Your Grammar Mistakes | Lesson for Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced Learners

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hello and welcome to today's lesson thank you guys so much for joining me my name is Wes and here on our channel at interactive English it's all about just trying to help you guys practice and improve your English skills and today it's a grammar lesson and it's about trying to help you well there's a lot of different grammar that we're going to talk about in today's lesson because it is all about correcting your grammar correcting your grammar mistakes and this is very I think it's very important especially in writing if you are writing an important email or some important message in English and you want to make sure that it's correct the first thing you need to do is just go back and reread it and see if you can identify those mistakes and that's what we're going to practice in this lesson is trying not only to identify different grammar mistakes but then see if you can correct them as well as well and and say okay here is the mistake this is how we need to correct it now so I have a bunch of different questions for you and I'll give you the the sentence we'll see if you can identify where the there's a problem with the grammar and then I'll tell you the answer and also after every answer if you want more information about this specific grammar I will give you a link to a previous lesson that I did talking all about the grammar if that's something you would like to learn a little bit more about and I've mentioned that this lesson is for I tried to make it for everyone for beginner learners intermediate learners as well as advanced learners and we're going to start with a little bit easier grammar and then as we go through these it's going to get a little more difficult and at the end those will definitely be advanced grammar questions so we'll say I hope I'm very confident that you guys are going to do very well on this on this practice so I do just want to give quick shout out to some people who are with me right now hello Vincent Lally 8in great to see you guys Shivani Lally Dan Edward thank you guys I will try to mention some more names as as we go through the lesson but let's just begin all right so here is the first question that I have for you all right and this is something that I might say but there is a mistake okay before we begin please go ahead and hit a like button alright now in this sentence in this statement there's a problem there is a a grammar problem see if you can identify it if you can write it in the chat let me know what you think the problem is and also see if you can correct it so what do you think all right what do you think is the problem with this sentence all right which well I don't want to give you too much - too many hints or clues before we begin please go ahead and hit a like button all right all right I see yes Leanne Shivani excellent so the problem is with the article like button all right in this case we're talking about a we're talking about a specific count noun so you should say before we begin please go ahead and hit the like button and I give you a little more information here we use the article the when referring to specific count nouns so in this case where the word button is a count noun you can have more than one button so for example right now in front of you there are two buttons there's a a like button and a dislike button and if I'm being specific I'm talking about the like button the same way that if somebody you go somewhere and somebody says oh here why don't you sit in a chair they're not specific talking about any chair but if I'm specific and say sit in the blue chair that is when you would want to use the article the the definite article and if you want to learn more about the definite article the I'm gonna throw this I'll put these links down in the description below once the lesson is over then I'm also gonna put them in the chat right here so this is a lesson that I did all about the rules for of when you should use this definite article so this was the mistake in here it's just talking about the article a n or the all right the next question are the next statement that I have for you is this one all right this weekend I bought a blue brand new shirt all right what's the problem with this sentence and again with grammar I think if you you know that there's a problem first of all because I've told you that there is a problem even if you you're not sure about it I think I hope that you can at least read the sentence and think okay this just does not sound right this doesn't sound natural somebody would say oh this weekend I bought a blue brand-new shirt all right what do you think is the problem with this sentence alright and these are these are different they're they're all gonna be different so it's not about the article all right alright so again Claudia yes you kind of got it the the order maybe this is challenging Aden excellent Luisa the the problem is with those adjectives when you're talking about I bought a blue brand-new shirt all right there there are two different adjectives as you know blue and brand-new and those are not in the right order because when you're talking about adjective order you would say this weekend I bought a brand new blue shirt you're going to put the condition of something if it's brand new if it's old you're going to put that before the color and those are those are pretty common adjectives that people would use when describing something they're gonna use the condition and the color like I Drive an old red truck all right I put old before the condition before the color and the old red truck so in this case we're talking about a brand new blue shirt adjective word order if this is something again if you want to learn more about adjectives word order I did a live lesson a while back and I talked about it in much greater detail again I will throw this in the chat so I hope this this helps you that if you are not able to get something correct and you think oh I didn't know that then you can go look at these other lessons and hopefully that will help you learn a bit more about this specific grammar all right so let's go for the next one see if you can identify the mistake here all right now this is it's a conversation between different people person a person B and it starts out person a saying did you enjoy the meal and then for somebody said Wes ate everything but the broccoli oh really why you just don't like it okay so this is a conversation between two people person a and person B did you enjoy the meal Wes ate everything but the broccoli oh really why he just don't like it okay so I hope that maybe this one it stands out a little bit more this mistake this grammar mistake and yes I if some of you if you've been following many of our lessons I have an ongoing rivalry with broccoli all right I've mentioned that several times before so yes excellent NAT Daniel Luisa so the problem is subject-verb at the end he just don't like it he we don't say he don't he doesn't all right he doesn't he just doesn't like it excellent hello Oh rod excellent perfect Gustav Vicki welcome so subject verb agreement he doesn't and the reason why I chose this is because when this is one of the times where I definitely hear learners make a mistake not just with writing but with speaking as well because you say if you want to say the negative do not I do not we do not you do not but if the subject is he she or it then you're going to use he doesn't she doesn't it doesn't so in this case it's just subject verb agreement and this is something again I think you you may hear it people even people in the US you may hear them break this rule if you're watching a movie or TV show so I understand why it might confuse people if they hear other people breaking this rule but just just be careful especially with your writing because writing is a bit more formal you want to make sure that the subject agrees with the verb and if you want to learn more about subject verb agreement all right all right they're right there in the chat I put that link to a lesson we did on subject verb agreement the next one uh let's look at the next question let's just move right along and say this is true not this this is there's a mistake with this but I could say to tell you the truth I'm really exciting about this lesson all right to tell you the truth I'm really exciting about this lesson what is the mistake in this sentence what I'll give you a hint what word is the problem and if even if you're not able to identify exactly what the problem is I hope that you can at least read it and think something is not right this just does not sound normal natural for somebody to say a sentence like this alright so I think many of you were able to identify it yes Bush Rob's a Nam go see ax the word exciting that is the problem instead of using the ing adjective I should use the IDI adjective to tell you the truth I'm really excited about this lesson and there are many different adjectives that are EDI ng for example bored or boring excited exciting tired tiring exhausted exhausting and it's it's important to know the difference because we use those IDI adjectives in general to describe like a feeling the way a person feels like I'm excited ing adjectives are often used to describe a situation if you're describing a movie oh the movie I saw last week it was so exciting the movie was exciting so keep that in mind those IDI and ing adjectives and again if you want to know a little bit more and do some more practice here is a link to a lesson that I did quite a long time ago on Edie and ing adjectives and I will again I will put all of these links down in the description after the lesson so in case you want to go back and and learn a little bit more about this specific grammar let's continue so we're starting it's gonna continue getting a little more difficult slowly little by little so this one a question have you ever went to Thailand all right what do you think have you ever went to Thailand so this is a the grammar that we're talking about it's called the present perfect it's a question in the present perfect so I'm telling you right now it should be the present perfect it's a very common question if you're talking about places that you you you want to travel or places you have traveled in the past and somebody might say hey have you ever have you they wouldn't say have you ever went to Thailand instead yes I think excellent you guys Rock that one where say Martha Rita Rose perfect um have you ever you could say a few different things and I gave you some different examples you you really need to use the past participle because when we're talking about the present perfect you're going to have the helping verb which is have plus the past participle so in this case I actually changed the verb I said have you ever been to Thailand the reason why I change the verb is because I think this is a little more common that somebody would use the verb to be have you ever been to Thailand have you ever been to China have you ever been to Brazil however you could still use that verb go and go went gone gone is the past participle and it's perfectly fine you could say have you ever gone to Thailand that is a question in the present perfect or maybe you want us to use travel have you ever traveled to Thailand all of those are correct you just need to make sure that you are using the the verb have plus the past participle but just in case you're wondering what the difference is I think commonly more common people would ask this using the verb to be have you ever been have you ever been to someplace alright excellent you guys you guys rock that one let's look at the next one all right we have a conditional scent oh wait I forgot to throw in again if you want to learn a little bit more about the present perfect here mm-hmm here's a lesson another that I did quite quite a long time ago all right so we're moving into a conditional sentence all right if it will rain tomorrow we'll we'll plan a picnic for next weekend all right I told you it is a conditional sentence but there is a mistake there is a grammar mistake and what what do you guys think can you identify the mistake if it will rain tomorrow we'll plan a picnic for next weekend all right so let's see excellent I'm the tea sireesha dairy star I've mispronounced names excellent when you're talking about the first conditional you're talking about something that is well true but likely it's something in the future so in this case you're going to have the if if clause which is going to be your your condition and then the result is going to be your main clause and the reason I'm using these words like your if clause and your main clause because your main clause that is where the main verb should be and when I say main verb that is the verb that really determines if something is in the present if it's in the past or if it's in the future so our main clause which is will plan a picnic for tomorrow that is going to be our future tense verb so in the if clause which is our condition if it rains tomorrow you will use the present simple so that is just a rule if you're talking about the first conditional that in the condition you're going to use the present simple and the the main in the result you're going to use the future tense if it rains tomorrow we'll plan a picnic for next weekend okay so this I know this is something that I think can confuse learners when you talk about conditional sentences because they might think oh I'm talking about the future why can't I why can't I say if it will rain but you got to remember that that is not the main clause all right that is your that is your if statement and that is not going to determine the time that something happens so just remember present simple and then the future and if you want to learn more about the first conditional again you're in luck because I have this whole entire lesson that I've done on the first conditional I've actually done lessons on all the conditionals if you want more information about them so let's continue and see just practice practice identifying these different grammar mistakes I think some of this maybe maybe some of it's a little challenging for you guys perhaps some of it is easy for you again I tried to make this lesson for as many learners as possible and started with some a little bit easier grammar and now it is it's starting to get a little more difficult and hopefully again if you see something that well I just did not know this grammar that you can go watch the other lesson and that'll help you understand it a little bit better so this one my bike my bike was stolen it-- again even if you don't know the reason why it's wrong hopefully you can look at it and be like yes this just does not this just does not sound right whatsoever my bike was stolen it-- and I already see everybody right there's just too many people to acknowledge at this point yes my bike was stolen so in this case stolen is the past participle there's that word again because we use the past participle in different instances so if we're talking about the verb steal is the present tense stole is the past tense stolen is the past participle and the reason we're using the past participle is because this is in the passive voice and we've done I've done a whole other lesson between active voice and passive voice and when you're talking about the passive voice you're going to have your subject plus the verb to be which in this case was and it's the past tense plus the past participle my bike was stolen last night I could say like but my bike was stolen last night by someone but in this case I really don't need to say bye someone because well it's just not necessary now hopefully it maybe if I want to change it to the active voice in that case the same meaning would be someone stole my bike all right so both of those sentences they have the same pretty much the same meaning it's just one is the active voice one is the passive voice and if that is a topic that you would like to learn a little bit more about again throwing that down in the chat let's look at the next one number eight I try to avoid to eat too much junk food all right it's getting maybe again in my opinion I think it's a little more difficult I try to avoid to eat too much junk food what do you think is the problem with this sentence what what word or words do we need to change in order to make this sentence grammatically correct all right I tried to avoid to eat too much junk food I think some of the a lot of you see it yes excellent sleep Walker Mike Tyson eating all right I try to avoid eating too much junk food in this case we're talking about the difference between gerunds and infinitives so a gerund is that you have that that word which is typically a verb with the ing ending eating running dancing singing or the infinitive is you have to plus the base verb and in English there are certain verbs that sometimes they are going to be followed by the gerund and other verbs will be followed by the infinitive some verbs you can use with both for example the verb like if I say I like dancing all right dancing is the jaren ing I like dancing I could also use it with the infinitive I like to dance the verb like you can use with both if we're talking about avoid you're going to follow that with the jaren I avoid traveling to dangerous places I avoid avoid I don't avoid eating junk food I probably should avoid eating junk food but I don't always so again if you're talking about verbs like avoid enjoy regret you will follow it with the jaren other examples that I gave you over there hope learn need you will follow that with the infinitive so I you know I hope to I hope to run another marathon someday all right to run that is the infinitive and if you want to learn more gerunds and infinitives here we go there is a nice long lesson nice long live lesson for you the next one is it's a question ok so this is it's definitely a question all right you're going to watch another video lesson are you alright you're going to watch another video lesson are you this is a question that I have for you right after right after this lesson right here I'm not going to ask you this question because it's wrong but what do you think is the mistake what what's wrong with this sentence you're going to watch another video lesson are you so again I hope even if you're not sure what the mistake is that you can just listen to be like wait a second there's something there's a problem with this this question and the problem is yes like many of you have just pointed out aren't you excellent in an Abu Jameel a-- we're talking about tag questions so if you don't know what tag questions are it's a way of you're asking a question but you're using a statement first so for example my statement is like you're going to watch another video lesson and then I follow that with my tag which is my tag question you're going to watch another video lesson aren't you now the rule with tag questions is that if you have a positive statement you're going to have a negative tag so in this case you're going to watch another lesson it's a positive statement so I use that negative tag aren't you kind of saying like or are you not going to do this aren't you now if it's a negative statement then you're going to use a positive tag let me give you a quick example so I'm going to change this to a negative and I'd say oh you're you're not going to watch another video lesson are you so in that case that was a negative statement followed by a positive tag you're not going to watch another video lesson are you but that's not the question I want I want to convey to you guys I'd want to ask you oh you're going to watch another video lesson aren't you and if you want to learn more about tag questions then you might want to watch this lesson right here and I hope I hope that you guys have seen some of these other lessons before and maybe that has made it easier for you to answer these questions right now so let's look at this one by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone was already ordered all right by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone was already ordered so again I hope that it's a little easier just having just this one sentence I know when you're talking about if you're if you're looking at helping somebody correct an essay or a message and you're having to read many different sentences it becomes a little more difficult to to identify different grammar mistakes but again practice practice and more practice is just a excellent way to get better at doing this so by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone was already ordered so the problem that I think some of you many of you are pointing out is the the verb was alright that is the problem we don't want to say was ordered because this is not this is not that's not a passive statement what we're talking about in this case is a different verb tense which is the past perfect by the time I arrived at the restaurant everyone had already ordered this is a great example of when you would use the past perfect and I'll link the lesson in just a second but this is what it means the past perfect because we use this verb tense to refer to to an action in the past that happened before some other action in the past so you're talking about two actions in the past or two events and you're basically saying that will one happen before this one but both of them happened in the past because I say by the time I arrived at the restaurant all right that is something that happened in the past what happened before that everyone had already ordered all right that happened even further back in the past so again this is a as far as a verb tense past perfect is a little trickier and it's one that learners tend to learn later on is the past perfect tense it's great to know good to use there is a lesson that we did talking all about the past perfect if you want to learn more about this verb tense then we have this one I hope that I hope that you guys get this one because this was I think a more popular lesson that we did the doctor recommends she gets some sleep alright the doctor recommends she gets some sleep what do you think all right what would you say is the problem is the problem with this sentence write your answer write it in the chat and even if you're watching again this later on I would always encourage you write your answers in the comments it's a great way to again you're practicing your writing skills and you are actually getting a little bit more practice so the doctor recommends she gets some sleep all right now all right I see some people you you got it now the what what this sentence is it's talking about the subjunctive mood and we did a lesson before about the subjunctive mood so the the problem with this the grammar would be gets all right Oh future Cydia thank you thank you guys for joining thanks for becoming a member excellent so gets is the problem with this and let me show you what the the sentence should read the doctor recommends that she gets some sleep now the one thing I didn't have before is that word that in this case it's optional all right you don't have to say that if you want to you can use it if you don't want to that's perfectly fine it does not change it does not make the sentence correct or incorrect I could say the doctor recommends she gets some sleep that's perfectly fine the doctor recommends that she gets some sleep that's also perfectly fine now the question would be she get because many of you might be wondering we'll wait you just talked about subject verb agreement the subject has to agree with the verb she gets now when we're talking about the subjunctive mood this is an instance when you are not going to conjugate that verb with the subject you're just going to use the base verb the doctor recommends she gets some and it's not we don't use it with many verbs but there are some verbs that you may commonly use the subjunctive mood I've listed them down there verbs like recommend suggests proposed insist demand those are verbs that that grammatically to be grammatically correct you would use the subjunctive mood and just say she yet this is a rule that I think you may hear a lot of people breaking especially in spoken English but just to be grammatically precise this would be an example of the subjunctive mood and I did another lesson talking about three common grammar makes a while back and one of them was discussing the subjunctive mood so there is a link to that lesson right there in the chat let's do let's do another one all right now this one I feel like is definitely this is more advanced grammar and hopefully hopefully you can just because it's one sentence hopefully you can get it and think oh okay I understand this if I will take some medicine this morning I wouldn't feel sick right now so you see that if then that just tells you right there this is a conditional sentence it's another conditional sentence so what do you think is the problem with this or what might be the problem if I will take some medicine this morning I wouldn't feel sick right now okay so what I would go ahead and tell you remember I told you that in the the result our main Clause that is where your main verb is such as I wouldn't feel sick right now all right so would not feel that is our main verb and it's talking about the present okay the problem is in the condition if I will take some medicine this morning all right I don't want to use the future tense that is incorrect the reason why this is challenging is because it is a next conditional alright if I had taken some medicine this morning I wouldn't feel sick right now I say it's a mixed conditional because the first part the condition is the third conditional if I had taken some medicine this morning the third conditional is used to talk about things that are well kind of impossible and it's mostly it's impossible because it already happened you cannot change this so in that case you're going to use that past perfect if I had taken medicine this morning and this next one the result is a present result which is going to be the the second conditional all right I would not if I would not feel sick right now so you're mixing the second and the third conditional which is why it's called a mixed conditional and this is definitely this is definitely something that can be very confusing and I did a rather long lesson before about mixed conditionals and I really tried to break it down and give you a lot of different examples hopefully to make it easier so if you want to learn more about mixed conditionals you can go check out that lesson right there and once again I will link all of these down in the description below so I I really hope that you guys enjoyed this lesson and if you like what we do here at interactive English and you want to sponsor support our channel you can check out our youtube membership there is a button on our page or you can join us on patreon we have some cool rewards there are links down below - to both of them in the description and I said we had a new member today Petri said ASR if I mispronounce your name but thank you so much for becoming a member and again I would encourage you if you saw some grammar today in one of these questions that you thought was confusing that you don't really understand I would encourage you to go watch that the other lesson that I posted and hopefully that'll help you give that'll give you a clearer understanding about how the grammar is used so thank you guys so much for for joining me today so disha the Cardo Aiden now Mike Tyson Sajid yoga Vivek Alisa Angela Lalique OCA just trying to run through some names as as quickly as possible lolli Rose Gustav Vicki Daniel Gertrudis thank you guys so much I hope that you enjoy the rest of your weekend NAT yes thank you Father's Day Father's Day is tomorrow is my second my second Father's Day that I am celebrating hope you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you guys next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 16,062
Rating: 4.9642591 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english vocabulary, english grammar, learn grammar, learn english grammar, english grammar rules, grammar rules, beginner grammar lesson, intermediate grammar lesson, advanced grammar lesson, subject verb agreement, rules for article the, subjunctive mood in english, gerunds and infinitives, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, adjective word order, ed vs ing adjectives, 1st conditional, mixed conditional, tag questions
Id: BBVsrdwuLeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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