LET'S CHAT: Personal Appearance! English Lesson

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hopefully you guys have got a me hello I think I'm lies if you can hear me if you can see me if you're with me then say hello and let me know that you can hear me okay and you can see me okay so I've got a few people joining me already hi hello I've got grand-prix me Yosef and Satir down Satur ha Saturn I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing that hello hi hello in Mexico hello in Chile okay guys just let me know that you can hear me and that you can see me all right yes some of you are saying yes it's okay good to see you good to see you guys too thank you for joining me okay I have spent hours hours trying to sort out the software to live broadcast to you hopefully today we'll have no problems it will have a decent picture it won't break up and it won't stop unexpectedly so hello those of you who already know me nice to see you and those of you who don't know me my name is Anna and this is my fourth attempt at a live broadcast here on YouTube so today I want to try doing a informal chat session if we like this then we all carry on doing this every Friday so I just want to talk to you today about appearance and how we describe a person's appearance and so what I want you to do just as a start point is I want you to tell me where you're watching from which country are you in and I want you to in three lines maximum describe your appearance so in three lines I want you to just describe your appearance and I'm going to have a read of some of them and see if we can get the conversation started so how would you describe your appearance by appearance I mean the way you look the hair color and style what color eyes you have what type of build you have as in body type how tall you are any distinguishing features that you have maybe you have a tattoo or a scar that's visible yes maybe you're well-dressed that would come under appearance are you someone who's well-dressed are you quite muscly so I want you to describe in no more than three lines your general appearance and I'll read them out here now I'll correct you if you make any mistakes and we'll stop talking about appearance okay so who's with me let's have a look Wow lots of messages already so hello in Brazil hello to Mexico hello in Algeria hello in Russia hello in India Ola in Espana who else oh my god Egypt hello in Egypt more people in Brazil hello in Nepal okay hello and Peru hello and around fabulous okay so some of you are now sending me your descriptions of your appearance so let's have a read so I have Domenico has just written four words he said bald fat and ugly I'm sure that's not true we have a saying in the UK it goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this means that the measure of your beauty how beautiful you are is dependent on who's looking so some people would look at me and say you're beautiful but other people look at me and say you're ugly so some people think I'm beautiful some people think I'm ugly it all depends on who's looking so I wouldn't describe yourself as ugly I'm sure you're not ugly what I'd like you to do rather than just giving me words bald fat and ugly I would rather you say I am and give me the full sentence so then I can help you with your grammar so tell me what you are what is your appearance okay who else has given me a description I've got a lot has said middle height normal again if you can give me a full sentence that would help to give some context the word normal normal what normal build normal height what is normal normal doesn't really describe anything because we have nothing to measure it against so [Music] you need to give me more description and give me a full sentence so I have the context if you're talking about height you said middle height but we wouldn't use that word to describe height if we're talking about an average height that's what we'd say he was of average height so not middle height average height if someone is very high we call them tall average height and short tall average height short okay what else do we have and Edgar said tall brown eyes and thin so you should say I am tall I have brown eyes and I am thin or you would say I am tall and thin and I have brown eyes good Caleb they said I can describe it in one word awesome what are you describing Caleb you said I'm just I can describe it in one word are you talking about the video or is that to describe your appearance because if you're describing your appearance you would say I can describe myself in one word awesome okay and hello in Taiwan hello in Algeria hello Rami okay so Rami hello thank you for joining me again you've said I'm tall and slim I have a brown eyes and black hair so you've said I have a brown eyes now the article I would only be used for a singular now it certainly wouldn't be used for the word eyes which is plural so we don't need an article for that at all you just say I have brown eyes if you're talking about one eye you would say I have a brown eye and maybe you have a blue eye some people do have one brown eye one blue eye in that case you could say I have a brown eye and I have a blue eye but because you have two brown eyes we don't use the article but otherwise very good hello Jacob in turkey and adults also in Turkey grand-prix me you've described yourself as handsome tall and middle-aged so when we're talking about ourselves or anybody else really weeks we say middle-aged with a daily n't he is middle-aged she is middle-aged I am middle-aged I feel middle-aged okay so always with a D on the end hello in Peru all right hip ala toe hipolito who said hello I am middle height I am middle height man with brown eyes you should say I am ah because you're using the now man I am I actually know so we changed the word middle for average because we've already learned that when we're talking about a middle height we use average height so what you would say is sort of art is an because the next word starts with a vowel I am no he wouldn't ignore that you would say I am of average height interesting I hadn't even thought about that before you would say I am off average height or you would say I am a man of average height so you'd switch the sentence structure around I am a man of average height with brown eyes my hair is brown too good other everything is great hello in Sweden hello in turkey JCR 1138 says I am 1.7 2 meters tall I got dark brown hair that should be I have I have got you can say I have got all I have is a cleaner way to write it I have dark brown hair and beard so put the word and in there I'm wearing a colorful t-shirt jeans and trainers excellent very good Adriana says Brazil loves you I love Brazil okay so um courage hey the curious says hello I am a shortish guy from India good when we add and when we add I s short ish i SH onto the end of a word like tall ish short ish what else could you say attractive ish we use this ish to mean a little bit so not completely but a little bit you might say if something interests you but not a lot you might say I find it interesting ish then that just means kind of a little bit so you're saying you're a little bit short good okay so you've got a so keen in others as a buys jump I'm not so hard to say oh cool arch arch um our Chum says describes himself millionaire playboy and for lunch philanthropist that's a mouthful goodness me that's an incredible way to describe himself hello in Thailand meanie hi how are you you say I have long long hair and black hair you don't need to say it twice so you wouldn't say hair twice you would say I have a long black hair in that order as well so it has to be long black hair you wouldn't say black long hair long black hair fabulous oh we've got so many people in Italy here and in Indonesia [Music] Joel actually has said he's of medium height and I think you've misspelled the word proportion here so he said Joel who says medium height well proportioned is what you should say well proportioned which means everything is the right size good sized legs to the size of your body and the size of your head and length of arms is average well proportioned medium height you can say medium height so medium height or average height just don't say middle height hello in Uruguay Julio in Uruguay Oh Jane JCR your name is Jaime great hi Jaime who else do we have here okay so Aires or is it eros eros Aires I said I'm from Indonesia I look manly I've got brown eyes and oval face very good you should say I've got brown eyes and an oval face and because you're saying face now singular needs an article and an oval face but otherwise very good [Music] parochet the curious says no one says you are ugly they really do I promise you I get messages on a regular basis usually on YouTube saying you are ugly which is fine everybody is entitled to their opinion and I'm not here to to try and look beautiful and any of that stuff I'm just here to help you guys okay Jakob so can you tell me the way off to get English girls I don't know you have to be nice I guess how'd you get any girl I don't think it differs from country to country too much I think you just have to be nice okay we have hola from Argentina Nicolas nice I've just been to Argentina Nicolas I don't know if you know that but I loved it you say I am slim and tall with brown eyes at hair you might want to say I'm slim at all or I'm tall and slim I put in the order I'm told the slim with brown with brown eyes and brown hair I would say brown twice because it might be that you're saying I've got brown eyes and hair I have hair so you're not bald I mean I kind of get it I understand what you mean but I would say brown hair and brown eyes or brown eyes and brown hair okay so Ali from around who says I'm tall thin with a teenage mustache and not really hot over teenage rush that's not really hot I mean grammatically that's that's fine you're tall thin with a teenage mustache and not I'm not really hot not we're not very hot I think is a better word to use but make sense fine I'm sure I'm sure you're very attractive with your teenage mustache so Adriano says so I'm six I use your six six years old on YouTube watching an English lesson okay brown eyes eyes is spelled incorrectly it should be e y es and skinny two ends in skinny two ends and use the word and in the middle when you're writing a list you can list the words with a comma in between each word but between the last word and the penultimate word which is the word just before the last word you must write and so one two three and four okay my height is five foot six that's Edgar excellent I'm five foot six - you're the same height as me Agata Agata says I'm young slim girl if you're using the word girl you need app or verb so you need an article in this case you'd say I'm a young slim girl with fair dyed hair pale complexion and average height average and height you must change the first aid to an E and then that's perfect well done okay well interesting bass guitar has said I'm sorry first said that wrong and bark bark bark bark tur says just blunt hair I wouldn't describe someone's hair as blunt you could describe a cut if you've had a haircut and it's very very I'm very blunt here this if they've got a definite edge to their hair it's very harsh I would call that a blunt haircut my hair is cut quite blunt but I wouldn't just say I have blonde hair say I've got short hair okay amaur amaur from Somalia I have brown eyes black hair remember what I said about lists okay I have brown eyes and black hair like me Oh someone's asking me to repeat the expression that I said what did I say beauty is in the eye beauty is in the eye of the beholder I am going to get a whiteboard I promise I just I'm very poor at the moment I have no spare money so I can't afford a whiteboard just yet but I'm hoping that in a few weeks maybe when I've done some teaching or something I might be able to get one so I promise you I will get a whiteboard so I can write these things down for you so bear with me okay Benjamin who said I am thin and have dark brown eyes very good okay I'm just looking at the time here guys so it's five past five and some of you may be aware that I have a website called English like a native dots me and I promised or announced rather I announced that Michael who is from the website study English anywhere which offers really great courses English courses he is on my website right now hopefully doing some question and so he's there taking questions from it what's happening if you're nor reading aware of the website then it's just social media platform is just a place for people a paid membership for that you can sign up as a casual member and just go in this so Li Michael will when you can log on beat to Michael he's a very good English teacher it's very happy to help he's very generous so do go and sign up there and so check out his website study English and done there now he's answering questions that's great so I'll leave him to it well done Michael okay so let's have a look at some more of your or my last you I lost you know still that be still there if you can still see me and hear me please say yes okay I hope I'm lying again I don't know if I am okay um I just switched off my stream and starts to gain can you see me now are you with me now hopefully well okay all right I'm going to carry on yes you're like great okay sorry about that ah this live streaming thing is very stressful okay so great yes so the quotes that I gave you earlier has been posted and I've just reposted it here as well great okay so so beauties in the but I have the beholder was the quote I gave earlier I forget that I can type in at the same time okay so let's have a look at some more of your comments I don't know eyes up too and you've left a lot of comments so let me just scroll back a look a bit okay so okay look I know sir okay so Christine huh seem ha seen you say you just written 26 why I think you mean you're 26 years old what we say we say I'm 26 years old but if you're writing it you would write why are s and then the word old normally I'm 26 years old 88.1 metres in height in height and I weigh so you need to write all these words in I weigh 82 kilograms I am a PhD student I'm white I'm white with dark with dark hair and green eyes so try not to just write a list of words try to actually write a sentence as it says I think I'm good I'm a good-looking person like others and of average height brown eyes remember you put and or with brown eyes good there's someone here whose names written in characters and I so I can't read it I'm afraid so I don't know who you are but you've said I have black eyes and hair great Caleb you said I'm Egyptian guy I'm an Egyptian guy I'm an Egyptian guy have a dream to live and study master in London so I'm a I'm the jitan guy you'd have to say I again I have a dream to live and study masters with an S on the end so you can say ah masters because that's a degree it's a now a masters in London and work for some years there I'm one point two seven eight centimeters tall I have or 1 meter 78 I have brown eyes and muscles as well so you put an end there great just talk to you about height in the UK we don't do it in centimeters I think it's very different to the rest of the world because everywhere else I go they seem to do it differently we do it in feet and inches so I'm 5 foot 6 I don't know if they do that in your country but in in the UK we talk about it in feet and inches and when we weigh ourselves we talk about weight in stones so I'm nine stone five no I'm not I'm nine stone seven of them because I keep eating biscuits but yes we do it in stones and pounds ok so let's have a look some more of your messages so Benjamin's asked is it correct to say black eyes or dark eyes it's an interesting question neither of them are incorrect because if your eyes are black then they're black so it's not incorrect to say I have black eyes it's not typical but especially in the UK I haven't really come across anybody who's described their eyes as black because most people don't have very very dark eyes in the UK we normally have green or blue or brown but you can say both black eyes or brown eyes so have a look at someone I haven't read out a message for so Andrea Andrew says hi I'm pretty tall and slim do you mean I'm pretty as in you look attractive tall and slim or do you mean I'm pretty tall sometimes the word pretty is used to mean very so you'd say I'm pretty tall meaning I'm very tall or I'm pretty excited it means I'm very excited so it's a good a good dumb a good one you brought up there Andrea so I think you mean you're rather tall you're very tall so I'm pretty tall and slim I have brown eyes and black wavy hair beautiful very good so adult says Ana I have something to ask you when non-native speakers like me try to sound like a native you native speakers find it weird so that should be do you native speakers find it weird do we find it weird no I think you shouldn't worry about what we think about you in terms of your speaking and your accent the closer you can sound to a native the better it will be because we will find it easier to relate to you will find it easier to understand you but you shouldn't be nervous about being laughed at or being judged we appreciate how how much efforts you're making just by having the basic English understanding so anyone who can speak a basic level of English or for more if you can speak English fluently conversationally I think it's impressive I can't speak any language to a high level other than my own language and so I'm always impressed when somebody else can speak a second language to a higher level and communicate with natives so you should be proud of that and not worry about what people think and the answer is no we don't find it weird ok Ramsey says say something with a cockney accent alright my geezer are you are you going what's going on I'm having a cup of tea I'm gonna have an air bubble watching you guys talking to you guys very good cockney accent don't make me do accents guys it's just embarrassing okay so Ahmed let's go back to descriptions are there says I'm tall in shape so to be in shape is to be fit and healthy great we should all try to be in good shape if you're unhealthy maybe you're a bit fat or you're unfit then you would say I'm out shape we use that phrase a lot I'm out of shape at the moment okay so remember that one I'm in shape I'm in good shape or I'm out of shape so armed' says I'm tall in shape and some people say I'm cute I have dark eyes and black hair I found it so awkward to describe myself and then you've said isn't it with a question mark what you should have said at the end there that was a great description are men well done but that last sentence you should have said because you're asking a question you should have said it's hard to describe yourself isn't it it's hard to describe yourself isn't it now this brings me to another interesting issue when you're asking that question at the end isn't it when you're asking people to agree with you doesn't it isn't it shouldn't it you can take your cue from the beginning of the sentence I might be confusing you here but if the if the question starts with so if the statement starts with it is the end the confirmation question will be isn't it so if I say it is very hot today isn't it it is very hot today isn't it if I say it doesn't work like that it does not work like that the ending would be not isn't it it would be does it it does not does it so you take a cue from earlier in the statement it does not work like that does it it doesn't work like that does it you haven't brushed your teeth have you you haven't brushed your teeth have you you didn't do your homework did you see see there's a trick that can help you with those confirming questions that we often put on the end I hope that makes sense sorry sometimes I'm not very good at explaining things without pre-planning okay let's have a look at some more comments okay color color Caleb Caleb Caleb said I'm saying his name wrong I'm mispronouncing it I'm very sorry if you wrote it in phonetics or you try to write it how I'd say it then I might be able to get it but I'm not sure how it's supposed to sound okay so remark can nattie has said hello Anna I like your braids thank you very much this is called a braid we also a more often in the UK call it up flat I plucked my hair I have a plat in my hair so it's a noun a plat and it's a verb to plat I am plotting the same with braid actually abrade the noun and the verb to braid I'm braiding my hair thanks kind of saying he has an e codes and what else hear an echo anybody else hear an echo listen hello [Music] okay let me see if I can can you hear an echo now if you can hear an echo now just say now I don't hear the echo or now I do hear an echo okay yeah I think that's better okay good okay carry on the beauty of live broadcasting let me scroll back a little bit more I can't say over too much longer but I'm enjoying this I hope you guys are too I don't want to bore anybody but let me keep answering your questions so many questions okay I don't know where I was up to with the comments August in August in in Uruguay you say I've got brown eyes and dark hair I'm a slim guy good use the article I'm a sling guy well done but unfortunately not so tall hahaha I'm one meter 72 and one meet Santa too tall great good really nice really nice description well-written Muhammad Ali said I am a beautiful boy and I like you oh well thank you very much beautiful is felt with an e not an a beautiful oh and you said beautifully just beautiful know why the are go watch her other channel where she gives some crazy / OS do I do pirouettes do you mean gymnastics I think what the Argo is referring to is my gymnastics on my other channel so i have two other channels you may be aware or not one is called it's got a new name i changed the name yesterday one's called Anna's big adventure and it's all the adventures that I go on because I try and do lots of sports and travel and things and I have some gymnastic videos on there and I also have a singing education so if any of you like singing then you can go and take some singing exercises get some singing advice and have some backing tracks and stuff like that and that's on a verbal focal technique the links to these channels are always in your descriptions of these of these videos okay I so got kal aleb Caleb salsa hops sharp de santé so it's hi Anna it's Anna with an a button each time and I really do appreciate your working hard to help us speak properly but I find it difficult to understand some accents that means to me disappointed the sentence doesn't quite make sense I find it difficult to understand some accents which leaves me dis appealing disappointed which leaves me feeling disappointed there are many accents in the UK many regional accents that can be quite difficult to understand sometimes don't worry the more you practice your listening so listening to podcasts radio programs television movies the more you'll find it the easier you'll find it to understand all sorts of natives with all sorts of accents to be fair sometimes I will meet an English speaking native and I don't understand them if some sometimes it's it's just down to the individual so sometimes people just don't speak very well so don't don't get disappointed don't get disheartened keep going and eventually you'll understand most people me me goodnight it's very late in Thailand so if you're in Thailand and you're still with me wow thanks for staying up but don't let me keep you up and if you're going to bed good night good bye [Music] you mean Akash in India I can read write and understand English but it's very hard for me to speak English I cannot answer any miss very fast what should I do if just practice the more you practice the faster you will think the faster those answers will come to you most people find it hard to speak in a different language and that's because they they're frightened to practice you just have to keep going keep practicing I'm just going to check in on my website to see how Michaels getting on so if you've only just joined in to the live broadcast Michael is doing Michael is an English teacher from study English anyway and he's doing a live Q&A on my website English like a native doctor me he's answering questions so I'm just gonna say hi guys I am live on YouTube right now talking about this live Q and a session how is it going let's see how they're getting on okay so I'm gonna carry on here okay I'm gonna take it just a few more a few more questions and do a few more comment readouts and then I'll wrap up someone says your accent sounds your accents your accent sounds posh doesn't it I guess some people would say my accent is posh but it's not too posh if I was to speak really posh I would talk like this this is me being a caricature of a posh person I I think I speak well I wouldn't say I speak posh Anna I really understand most of the different accents I don't have a problem with that but my only problem is with speaking somehow like I said before speaking is the most frightening part of learning a language having to actually communicate with somebody knowing that you don't have all the words or the grammar we find it scary because we're not able to communicate on the level that we want to so you have to try and forget about your fear and just keep speaking keep practicing like a child would when a child learns a language they're not frightened because they don't know any better and no one's going to no one's going to get angry with you for trying no one's going to laugh at you for trying so you just have to keep practicing okay or demoscene said it's midnight in Vietnam where you should go to the head how do my accent perhaps lose my accent when I speak English you have to make sure that the examples that you're listening to are of the accents you want to learn so if you want to learn American English then make sure you're listening to American English resources if you want to learn British English then listen to me and listen to other English teachers like English with Lucy alley at Papa English who else where you've got Michael Michael Scott and I think a London accent you've got Michael at study English anywhere there's lots of British English teachers I also have a course if you are really keen to have a standard English accent I have a thorough pronunciation course and that's available on the website www.moocchile.com British English procom and I think that's linked in the description box below so yes that's what you have to do take the good examples and hold on to them or add them so Kitty has asked how do you pronounce Katie I don't know what this word is I think you've asked this before but I don't know the word can you send me a definition or something hello in Tunisia and so one chap can't pronounce your name sat such a girl such a gang such a Hanna I said guys we should create a whatsapp group Anna please suggest it it would be better yeah I mean guys if you want to settle for what's that wrote for you guys to chat that'd be good I have my own whatsapp group for English learners and I think we have about 12 members on there and that's for my gold members so they pay they pay me on a monthly basis or some pay for the year it's not very much and for that they get access to me every day on whatsapp and we chain exchange messages and voice messages and they have ten minutes on a private one-to-one call with a native speaker every week so if you want to be on that whatsapp group then all you have to do is go to the website English like a native dot me and look at the gold membership options once you sign up as a gold member I'll add you to the Skype and what's that group okay but if you want to set up your own whatsapp group then feel free to do that okay so France I have an Australian friends and I find it very hard to understand the word he says when he when we talk it's like a totally different English Australian actually if you if you can understand cockneys so Londoners then you probably be able to understand Australians their accents are similar they have a rising intonation as well in Australia so Edgar said Anna can you please make a lesson of reported speech please between reported speech do jimmy received pronunciation okay so this is just turned into a general question and answer session we've moved away from description okay I'm gonna wrap up now guys I just want to see if there's anything I've missed okay so I'm just covering general appearance so just a few words that you might use to describe somebody alright so we're just going to go through a little bit of vocabulary so if you're generally describing someone's appearance and they look good you think they're nice to look at you could say that they are attractive you could say they are good-looking he's a good-looking man she's a good-looking girl they are good-looking children's you could use a word beautiful which is always a nice word to hear or handsome these are lovely words you could say someone is lovely looking or you look lovely you could say that someone is pretty that's normally used for a girl you could say that someone is cute or nice nice looking just saying you know the word handsome is generally only used for a man so you could say that man is handsome but you wouldn't say the girl is handsome a handsome girl you wouldn't say that you could say that someone looks plain if you don't think they're that attractive but they're not unattractive you could say average looking or plain looking and that's Plains belt P L a I n you could say that someone is homely this would suggest to me they're a little bit fat just a little bit like not too skinny but not overweight just a little bit cuddly it's what I would call it someone who is nice to cuddle and to cuddle is to hug and hold on to somebody if you don't find someone attractive you could say that they are unattractive or ugly you could refer to the you could refer to the way they're dressed you could say that they're well dressed or nicely dressed and you could say that they're elegant if they dress nicely you say they're elegant um Sylvia has said chubby yes Chubby's another word to describe someone who's got a bit of weight on them but they're not huge they're just a bit overweight you call them chubby you might say someone has a chubby face sorry I'm just looking now quickly up my website again to see if people are still there and so someone could have a chubby face if someone is fat then you could say they're fat and how they've got a lot of weight on them you could say that someone is obese if they're really big you could say they're big you could just call them a big person and so I might describe a guy as so meet David he's a big dark-haired tanned man but big can describe someone's height as well as their build as well as meaning overweight so it's difficult big isn't really specific so you have to be careful how you use it because I could refer someone as big just meaning that tall but they could be skinny I could say a guy is big meaning he's muscly so that could be quite confusing word to use if someone is quite muscle you can say that they're they've got a an athletic build athletic make sure you get that th turnout athletic athletic you could say they have a heavy build if they're big um all thick-set is a good one she's fix that I mean you've got my big shoulders and just bigger boned six set if somebody is slimmer then we refer to them as thin or slim if they're really really slim we'd say they're skinny skinny has negative connotations they were skinny I I don't mind being called slim or someone saying I look thin but I don't like being called skinny I'm not skinny anyway but if someone says you look skinny I say I think that's a bad thing to be skinny is almost to be underweight like your bones are showing it's better to be slim or toned so if you have muscles but they're not like big muscles they're just like you know nice little muscles like my muscles you would say toned not toned Thomas has said I what about sick I've heard people use this several times when talking about appearance you would say something so these days children not children young people say that something is sick meaning it's really cool it's really great like ah that film was sick man or if someone does a backward somersault suddenly then you might hear people got was sick but I wouldn't use it to describe someone's appearance unless they look like they're throwing up all that look they look really ill then I might say I wouldn't I'd say I would say they look sick but I wouldn't say that girl is sick to describe their parents it would describe their health does that make sense so long story short sick doesn't really describe those appearance is what I'm trying to say sorry that's Rumi how do you call a man with wide shoulders that skinny legs there's not specific word for that kind of person you just say they've got broad shoulders well they have skinny legs and sabe a charming says what about a ripped physique yes if somebody is really muscling you could say they're ripped ripped a word I missed earlier for describing someone who's fat is the word plot that's a good word it doesn't describe someone fat just someone who's got a bit more weight on them they're not slim they're not obese they're not huge they're plump a little bit fat okay and what else oh if somebody is really really slim really skinny and they maybe have bad posture and they look like they would break if they fell over you might call them feeble so sometimes we describe old people as feeble you might say a feeble old man Oh a feeble old man so let's move on to hair obviously we know about having dark hair or light hair we have different colored hair we have blond hair brown hair red hair someone might also have fair hair we use fair to mean light and like to color and if you're old you might have gray hair I have a few gray hairs so I have to dye my hair to cover up the gray hairs but you can also just say that a dark-haired person is a brunette so I am a brunette because I have dark hair so I am a brunette now the opposite to that is to have blonde hair and you would just say I am a blonde I'm a blonde she's a blonde she's blonde she's brunette well we don't have single words like that to describe we wouldn't say she's a grey we wouldn't say that or he's a red what we would say if you have red hair is you are a redhead so if I had red hair I would be a redhead I'm a redhead but I'm not I'm a brunette [Music] okay anything else about hair that we should say sometimes we say shoulder-length hair when we're talking about length you might say I've got long hair short hair medium length hair but most the time if your pairs up to here you'd say I have shoulder length hair shoulder length hair if somebody has no hair they are bald or they if they have some hair but they're going bald then you might say that they're thinning his hair is thinning or he's going bald sometimes we refer to our hair is silky if it has the shine and it looks really smooth and you say silky because I could say I've got silky dark hair and it smells lovely - because I've washed it and then obviously you might talk about facial hair and stache beard if your beard is very short so you've only got a little bit of hair that's called stubble and if you have a beard that's just around the front here but you cut it here and here so you only have this bit of a beard that's called a goatee goatee Oh Sylvia said a good one Sylvia you're on it today you said a receding hairline or receding hair so if you're if you're going bald from the front and going back and back and back then that's we're having a receding hairline so my boss has a receding hairline my dad is receding and we know that means the hair [Music] someone's asked a good question this is Oasis OAS is ginger polite so sometimes we call redheads ginger and we say aye she's ginger now we use the word ginger a lot you say oh I'm a ginger she's a ginger but then also from a very early age people with red hair are bullied and usually the word that is used when they're being bullied is ginger so ginger is used in a negative way to bully people with red hair but it's also used in a light-hearted way so to be to be safe I would suggest that you don't use the word ginger just in case it offends somebody some people don't mind some people are very offended if you call them ginger so know that ginger means redhead but try not to use it just to be safe okay okay so carrying on obviously eyes we have blue eyes green eyes brown eyes dark eyes sometimes you might refer to eyes being hazel colored which i think is a cross between my green and brown sometimes we say two colors so you might say greeny blue greeny blue or bluey brown you wouldn't have blue brown eyes forget that last comment that was ridiculous but you might have grayish grayish blue dark grey so we might put two words together to describe the eyes trying to think if there's anything else you might say whether it's whether or not someone wears glasses or maybe they don't maybe they wear contact lenses when we're talking about people's age someone's are the young middle aged remember that's the D on the end elderly so talk about the elderly so if I'm talking about my grandma and my grandma is an elderly lady but she's very strong she's not feeble but she is an elderly lady you might just call someone old just about covers everything are there any comments that I can respond to here now before I go Antonio it's not redheaded you just say redhead she's a redhead he's a redhead I'm a redhead you wouldn't say redheaded I'm redheaded boy a redhead boy we were that's interesting would you say a redheaded boy was a redhead boy I'm not sure about that one generally when we're just talking he is she is I am we'd say redhead or red hair what time is it out in England it is nearly six o'clock here in England six o'clock in the evening so nearly dinnertime [Music] let me see before I leave if Michael is still online so I've noticed a few grammar questions popping up the best person to ask things like that is Michael from study English anywhere and he has been live answering these kind of questions on my website he's still there so he's still down on my website now so those of you with English grammar questions head over to English like a native dot to me and catch Michael before he leaves and ask him your English grammar questions cuz he's better place to answer he knows grammar inside out and so he's the best person to uh so go over there now because I'm about to close this down now some people are being very unkind on the messages nasty Waldo who you are you talking goodness me some terrible words coming out here well I'm sorry nasty Waldo but you're going to get blocked and removed we don't have words like that appearing on my channel thank you very much sorry about that if you saw those horrible comments and those nasty swear words yes I don't I don't accept that kind of behavior so he's now gone nasty Waldo was very nasty and he's been rejected and ejected okay Oh people here in from Columbia so I'm gonna wrap it up now but I'll just finish off here so try to hold off on your questions now cuz I am going to close and I don't like to leave anyone unanswered Malecha says forms of noses yes someone could have a big nose or small nose we sometimes say a ski slope nose a slope you know when you'll know is kind of does this or they might have a like I say a skinny nose a long while short nose yeah there's lots of ways to describe it I have fat nose so I might have a fat nose or a broken nose if like a box so will normally have a crooked nose we could say that they look like they've got a broken nose so someone's got white hair yeah we'll say white hair if it's completely white if it's like a little bit white then it's gray and notice the difference is spelling between American and British Americans say gray with an A in the middle and English is with an M yeah Caleb is saying wow such a long lesson such a long lesson not so long lesson such a long live lesson yes I know I've been on for an hour it's because you all asked so many questions so charming has said a polite word for an elderly person is senior citizen yeah I agree with that but elderly is is not an impolite word in fact elderly is probably more polite than old so you have old more polite elderly more polite a senior citizen someone someone saying can I can I say I have a big stomach you can you could say it's better to say a fat tummy or or a belly if you have a fat tummy you can simply say I have a belly I have a belly you might hear someone say he has a belly on him he has a belly on him or she has a belly I don't want to show my belly I like that word belly it sounds silly Amanda is a youngster a child yes a youngster is a young person and I can't see your name enter enter sir and to sir says he knows grammar inside out means he is very good at grammar yes so Michael is a English teacher he's also a native he's very very good and so if someone knows something inside out they know it very well Caleb is asking why didn't I attend to the live Q&A on English like a native it's because I'm here with you guys I didn't expect this session to go on as long as it has but I did not want to leave you hanging Michael is doing very well over there my fastest same answer please what was your original question I can't see it I'm sorry if I've missed your question it's not on purpose I just have a little feed and lots of questions so some of it gets missed Wilson is saying please don't to be spoon-feed I think you mean please don't spoon feed you don't need to be and it's very hard guys to get the level right there are some people here who are very basic level English and some people who are really advanced so I have to I have to keep the pace reasonably slow and it's hard for me to know what you do know and what you don't know at the moment there are 87 people watching so I'm just doing a general chat I don't mean to patronize or spoon-feed I'm just trying to make it good for everybody when do we use the forum let's when we use the forum let's do you mean instead of at the let ups you can always shorten down abbreviate so if you say it is it's let us let's you can do that anytime if someone has long teeth what do you call him or her there's not really a word to describe someone with long teeth although if someone has a very prominent front teeth if their teeth stick out like this then you could say they have buck teeth so they might be buck but buck tooth buck tooth it's what you say a buck tooth teenager so buck tooth oh well hook-nosed that's a good one so if someone has a nose that comes around you call a crooked nose or a hook nose chocolate you're asking what is a polite word when someone is being a Cu NT if you've seen my swear word video chocolates then you'll know I don't like that word at all the polite thing if someone is being a seen you NT the polite thing is not to give them a word at all you could say they're being a difficult person there being a nasty person but if you don't mind I'm just going to remove that comment chocolate because I don't like seeing it I don't like other people seeing it there might be people here have a very young and so I've just removed it okay J Deng has said if you say an old person is in there advancing years is it offensive no I guess not but don't say it to the old person they don't want to be reminded they already know that they're old so I wouldn't say to an old person you're in you're advancing years unless I was a doctor and I was discussing something with them about their health that was age-related I don't know okay I am going to wrap up I want to join your what supper but I don't have and the fast says I want to join you what's that group but I don't know how just a quick reminder if you want to join my what's that group then you have to be a gold member and you become a gold member by visiting English like a native doctor me and signing up there there's a number of membership options one of them is free and the others are gold membership options which you have to pay for it's not very expensive but it means you get me every day on whatsapp and you get a live 10 minutes Skype call every week with a native speaker to practice your conversation okay I'm gonna go now okay alright everyone thank you so much for joining me I'm sorry for the the chap who was being very rude I have removed him and blocked him so he won't be back again and I hope you found that helpful otherwise I'm sorry if it was a bit too long I'll try not to waffle long too long the in the future what I want to try and do is come on and do a live session three times a week so I want to do a live session on Monday on Wednesday and Fridays I will play around with the times because I know some people for some people this is too late so perhaps on Wednesday I will do one earlier in the afternoon a few hours earlier and maybe on Monday when I get into a routine I will try and do a midday a much earlier one and then on Fridays I'll do one around this time probably but let me know if you've enjoyed it please share any of the videos you find helpful with your friends the bigger this channel is the more helpful it is for me because youtube give me more support and it's easier for me to understand what's working what you like and what you don't like so the more you share and comment and tell me your thoughts the more I can help you okay don't forget to follow me on instagram i'm on instagram guyís come and join me I'm doing a video every day on Instagram just a little tit bit a titbit is a very small tasty a little bit of information okay so join me on instagram i'm also on facebook on a regular basis so join me there too the links are all in the description box below and i will see you all very soon okay take care good night have a good weekend and good you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 12,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, 學英語, 学英语, para aprender ingles, تعلم الإنجليزية, научи английски, nauči engleski, učit se anglicky, apprendre l'anglais, lerne Englisch, μαθαίνω Αγγλικά, अंग्रेजी सीखिये, imparare l'inglese, 英語を習う, Lær engelsk, uczyć się angielskiego, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ
Id: nMe34i0jKn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 30sec (4770 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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