Poketuber Reacts to "Pokemon Ruby but only super-effective moves do damage"

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imagine entering the world of pokemon but your moves didn't do any damage unless they were super effective practically every pokemon should ninja let's take a look yo whoa what is going on youtube it's your boy dan aka drive pretty guys a brand new video today and today we are reacting to small ants pokemon ruby but only super effective moves do damage what an epic idea for a video he's playing through pokemon ruby and basically every pokemon has wonder guard so you have to hit everything with super effective moves and this task seems nearly impossible at first glance but i'm excited to take a look at this and so many of you guys hit me up and you're like you have to take a look at small ants new challenge you have to react to it so here we are if you enjoy these reaction type videos hit that like button down below and make sure you guys subscribe to the channel if you're new and a big congratulations to my man small aunt for hitting 1 million subscribers super stoked for you man that is incredible keep being awesome and keep creating amazing content i'm excited to watch this one and see if it is possible to get through ruby with only super effective moves and the pokemon ninja one of my absolute favorites it's basically all over this place let's take a look all right here we go and one of the fun things about doing reaction videos is small is i feel like we react very similarly to a lot of things so let's take a look and let's see what he's got going on today we are playing pokemon ruby but every pokemon that we fight has wonder guard in addition to their normal ability now for those who do not know wonder guard basically very simple you only take damage if it's super effective now there are other factors here if a pokemon is wonder guard it can take toxic damage it can take stealth rocks damage perhaps toxic will be one of the keys to success here but uh shinju only has one hp so it's balanced pretty well and how does he deal with something like sableye which could have wonderguard he's gonna have to poison it this is gonna be interesting wonder guard makes it so only super effective moves do damage we just said that we're going to try let's get into it so it's ant of course it's ant that's him will my pokemon have wonder guard my pokemon do not have wonder garbage pokemon are completely normal if i catch a wild pokemon that has the extra wonder guard ability what the moment i catch it it no longer has it anymore oh that's pretty cool as wonder guard then it has i feel like if i'm thinking about this the first gym in this game is roxanne so you would definitely want to have something that could could hit the rock type super effectively but i would think you'd want to be able to deal with like bug type so i'm thinking that torchic is your best bet because it gets double kick when it evolves and it also has like things like pack and ember to deal with the bug types i don't know how you deal with flying types but i think torchic would be your best start double wonder guard which is the same as one wonder guard so uh let's get to the first battle then huh these graphics are this is gonna be one of the most important decisions we make i'm just gonna say straight up we're not picking trico i don't think that's a good choice i agree grass is not good mudkip learns a lot of water and ground type moves water and ground pretty good torchic though learns fighting moves learns fire moves it knows peck i think we have to pick torchic i think so you see that i told you man me and small amp same same wavelength here and here is how the battle works how do you how do you win this we go into a battle we send out torchic we scratch and putienna avoided damage with runaway so that's wonderguard activating but it says run away how do you win this well there you go oh wow i never knew that so if you're about to lose the pucciana just runs away that's actually hilarious first battle done he ran away perfect he was run away to run away the person that created this for me at sign thank you so much for making this possible so there we go we got at sign i guess brendan's gonna have a mudkip let's see can we get pokeballs before the rival fight welcome how may i serve you bye you know we gotta buy ten potions we we we have to that's the only way how does he beat the first he's gonna spend all of my money because we're probably gonna white out i'm just gonna see what happens and see what happens maybe we can just lose i'm not exactly sure i'm gonna growl because i think it only has tackle and we're just gonna maybe i can struggle if you can heal up enough okay oh god that does a lot if you get it to do one hp and you can heal up every time maybe you can win it would struggle tackle have it is same as scratch 35 we'll see tackle two damage still and he's ah that um we'll see he might be able to win this through and that's ten more tackles that we can take i feel like like i said at the beginning of this i think if you can have a poison move like toxic nine more tackles like you can you could get this tackle missed that's incredible i forgot tackles except for steel types at this point we need to hope it doesn't crit good good okay we can potion again tackle those two potion that's 22. he has 13 more tackles tackles he's hoping he doesn't get currently he is open for the run out of attacks he might be out of tackles he's out of tackles okay that means we need to let him growl 40 times now it might be on this turn i think this turn is when it struggles there it is okay how much damage does this do it deals two damage to us and one damage to itself we should be able to win because we lost the video look at my face when i saw how little that struggle damage was that was rough start struggling now and now because i have these potions we should be able to win this battle because it takes a little bit of damage i struggle it takes some damage oh he can hit him with struggle let's go well that's an interesting concept i wonder if he can go through parts of the game struggling with his time i'm gonna heal like just never healing guaranteed and just struggle with your whole life and it might go down this turn that's like a secret loophole dude toxic spice and we gained 69 exp leveled up first battle is done it has hit two moves this entire game and they were both crits now here's the thing i'm not going to heal at the pokemon center because now we're struggling and we should be able to take out other pokemon at zero he's really doing it at sign love this guy that's on his new movie you struggle that's a crit dude i love it learn focus energy yes struggle is the only movement not going to hit a pokemon guarantee oh you've got to be kidding me oh that sucks we learned focus energy and we can't struggle anymore or so to focus energy spam again failed now we can struggle okay so you just we can take out this wormfold if we can get ember we can amber wormples there's something so special about going back is he gonna knock himself out something so special looking back at like the og ruby and sapphire level 10 amber amber we have a move that can happen okay so that gets them through pretty much most of the forest i'm thinking against whirlpools and wormpoles i'm just gonna shift that over there yeah so now he has amber so he can beat sea dots he can be wormpoles silcoon shroomish all that stuff get that xp get peck and double kick by the time he evolves into combustion at i think 16 are weak to ember loving that awesome it only took like 30 minutes to get uh to get a move so he didn't have to struggle anymore a role to do we need a route i really don't think we need one we don't need it would we waltz trace the wonder guard oh that's kind of busted that okay i'm going to catch a route just to see it traced okay so that means i'm going to try and catch this one i'm going to try and catch it doesn't have the best country at least these don't have television he got it there you go we got the ralts cyclan does it trace wonderguard cyclin it's gonna trace its runaway but does that mean does runaway include tech okay it doesn't trace the wonder guard we never get it at the very least almost on a loophole yes okay level 16. and i think it learns double kick on evolution too forgot focus energy we learned peck now it's going to evolve yes now he's got great coverage so we'll just learn to peck i actually have this this memory of playing through omega ruby and i picked blaziken as my starter and i did a shawnee only playthrough and i had something like a level 60 blaze kin by the time i found my first shawnee in petalburg which was a shawnee shroomish named one up that video is on my channel somewhere i remember so it's going to learn double kick and now we have some coverage now he's yeah he's good now so i believe now we're able to take on the first trainer i'm gonna start switch training cyclan i believe they have a pujiana which we should be able to take out zigzagoon no problem yeah he's good now that's great is because now we have a fighting type move to take out these normal types and these dark types all we gotta do is double kick good to go look at that easy sure let's check out the bug catcher yeah this is all easy peasy pack yeah you just ember growl destroy these things such a high level now makes it out and i think anything the next thing that i can see him running into an issue with would be something like a wingle so i think i think you really gotta try to get some sort of a rock type move because you're not gonna find electric yet you can find grass that's gonna be tricky that's gonna be tricky because yeah i don't even know where he would get a rock type move at this point the start here i can handle we are a little over leveled but that's to be expected we had to over level to yeah if he runs into a window how does he beat that cycling level five nice there it is yeah that's that's the issue i love taylor spray he just resets he knows that battle i don't think so in omega ruby and alpha sapphire you can get like a thunder fang kuciena but at this point in the game i don't know if there's any easy path to something that can hit that super effectively you would need an electric move you would need a rock move i don't know what else you do here we're just gonna do we save it before him we're fine you just gonna dodge it big deal okay wally how is this wally battle gonna go does he tackle with the zigzagoon no that doesn't work oh boy but i'm trying to think like how do you hit flying sides why didn't you bring the dark type oh no that didn't work the first time it's not gonna work the second what is he doing what is he supposed to teach him small aunt how do you beat a flying type of a single pokeball just one eddie cat first i got nothing what a guy you can get an encoder later skitty wally's just doing his best really do you have an idea of the team you want i have not thought about this whatsoever i have not thought this challenge through i have no idea what my final team is going to be i like it i am excited to find out you guys ready oh he he made it to roxanne 15 minutes in he's good here though you just double kicked the whole way dude it is level 14. that's actually pretty high i don't know if cycling but it does double kick should one hit ko yeah yes good awesome i think we i know right too there you go and he has one too so i can see him getting through brawley as well we can go through the rest of this area without any fear whatsoever now yeah once you get to the cave you can get rock types normal types grass types and we have moves for all of those anyways first thing we're going to do we're going to go rock tomb sucks but it's better it is rock team now okay well that solves a lot of the problems which is actually insane that solves a lot and yeah we're gonna go back really quick just to blaze kit actually makes this challenge doable i do wonder if you were to play a different game if you would have that same success though simply because blazekin's got really good coverage early game a shroomish because in case we come up against like a merrell or something a merrell is the only thing that we can't handle there's a shroom there's this awesome very nice now we are just going to throw balls because that's really all we can do add in the homie shroomish to this got it okay could be really good which one of the team man i think is oh if we come across the ralts we're screwed okay this is why we caught cj was specifically for a battlefield there's so little damage there with this absorb and meryl learned sap saver too this one doesn't have it but that would have been kind of funny it's gonna be a bit of a long one huh i'm gonna start i guess it starts to roll out that will stop the rollout from happening because stunsport still works status effects are still they still work poison powder is needed i don't think we're gonna come across any ghost types though that's the thing plus like the only thing that ghosts can get hit by is what is it ghosts and dark oh yeah the elite four they have ghost types so you got to get it done we might be catching something crunch or bites that's probably fine though except for sibling i don't know how he's gonna have to poison stable if he runs into it here's the thing we could catch a ninja to get a shedinja for the ghost type elite four but then they can hit us for super effective damage and we gain nothing yo cj level 10. nice and leech scene ah leech seed is so good much like the poison effects leech seed will also chip away so now he's no longer in that awkward season he has options now at least but yeah brawley we have a psychic type we have a pokemon that knows a flying type move that's gonna be very useful uh do we need flash it's flash i don't think we need flash might not be bad though bad is flying poison do we need a zubat because zubat can evolve into crowbat learns air cutter wing attack confuse ray astonish for those ghost types i think we catch it i like it i'm always a big fan of zubat crowbar one of my favorite pokemon for sure he just one shot it we'll catch another one wait what we let's check our team actually oh my god adam and adam and ralph that lowers special attack and raises attack that's bad okay zubat i will stun spore it there you go one just lead seated you're good to go three let's try easy easy i'm a big zubat fan i love crowbat man i love using that pokemon on play throughs well i guess second badge he should be able to destroy brawley though with pack plus he's got zubat now which might have wing attack and it learns bite too i think maybe not in this game but zubat does learn bite we'll go down to 30 health right where is it in my health my level 30 health okay we're fine karate chop that does great 15 no crits and he's out of potions i'm a chop fainted at sign very nicely leveled up did learn stand attack next level makuhita will i switch you know what i'm going to yeah i'm going to supersonic oh he's bulking up oh it's bulking up please wait does it have rock tomb or something i think we're going to eat it man this thing is actually it's got i think arm thrust maybe but walt's resist and hope he doesn't have a strong move against me i have hate yourself lucky mental image a roltz with thick fat how does that even work moglut is confused hit yourself infusion thanks well that's gonna hurt two hits that's it nope that's not good he might lose cj uh well if he could if he can see it in sunsports it's gonna hit itself in confusion right right right right hey there it is yeah perfect effect spore hit itself right right in confusion effects two times let's go hit the sunsport [Music] come on man i just want to do some status effects please so please hit it status where's that effect spore at what is this makuhita okay sure yeah well he bulked up twice so this is not the ideal scenario 43 no problem snapped out of confusion of course ah this is gonna do nothing that's good you know he needs a crit let's go he gets the crit dude brick level oh man you love to see it and back in this generation crits do double damage instead of 1.5 well there you go gym number two two hours in the crate how long is left in the run is anyone in chat able to help me out it looks like it's about 20 minutes left thanks for the help guys okay i think geodude we will be able to see here hopefully we can catch a geodude trainers poke navs whatever steven stone yeah why do we think he gives you steel wing doesn't he wait a minute why did i have to hand over this letter when they're like oh yeah poke navs are so good at communicating like can you just call people on the poke nav why why does he have to deliberate hand deliver a letter bad reception in the cave he's just been meditating there for weeks maybe the letter contains an important document just send it over like an email or something steven's just hyping up how great the pokenav is and then just doesn't use it okay also yeah if it was confidential why would they give it to a ten-year-old like the dude is the the head of the tech company and they're using physical letters to communicate there's something going on here okay we got a geodude good there you go good call get those rock types moves golden very strong i don't know about your youtube subscriptions that's how people like me find you yeah speaking about people finding me i know i think he definitely will need the geodude and its evolve forms for watson the next gem leader which is the electrotype gym he will be able to double kick the magnetons but the voltorbs and stuff only the ground moves for told you guys about this earlier but i just thought the interaction was so funny um i ended up having to go to the bank to do some stuff and i had parked in the parking lot of my like of my like apartment building and so i was walking through the uh the parking lot and i see there's a road beside the parking lot that's driving by i see someone slow down significantly the window rolled down it's like that's weird there's no one around and i just hear small ants like he got noticed what then i like i walk over look small it you live here yeah yeah i do i had no idea you lived in this city he was like yeah i was just checking out this apartment which the the apartment building that i live in he's like oh that's that's cool so i mean he may have moved in i don't know he might be living in the same building as me also i don't know what it was i think some when i was doing laundry the other day i think someone might have recognized me i was doing laundry i put it in and there was this guy that had walked in did do king's laundry and he just kept looking at me and he was like he it was just he looked at me a little too much like either my hair was terrible which i don't think it i look at small ant like that too was or like my pants were on backwards like you know it was something like that we just wouldn't stop looking maybe he had a crush on me i've never been more appreciative to have a laundry machine in my own place oh you know what it was probably i think that day i didn't take my glasses down to do laundry so maybe it was because i didn't have my glasses so to see him i was squinting maybe he was just squinting back he was just squinting back at me he's like why is he squinting he's going back that's all it was that's definitely what happened that was it i was going to get him first he probably got recognized if you're looking for stern that would be me all right i think we're fine now he's dealing with team magma i think he's probably good at this point though he's got really good coverage we have grass we have dark or sorry grass we have oh he needs ground or water he doesn't have it nope oh it's ground type it's oblivious to my rock tomb you know at least like mud slap nope lead seed not a big deal all we need to do is supersonic it needs to hit he is confused no just lead seed and probably good i'm letting brick go down yep here is our path to victory cj lead seed needs to hit he missed no he hadn't even won the battle all right now we can simply switch into gerg good old gurg take some hits i dig it like i said once once he kind of gets this first part of the team established then it gets a little bit more feasible works great i think for a playthrough like this the beginning part is definitely the hardest we defeated that mega grunt we need a water type i would think that any newer games like i'm thinking of this challenge in like a lola or you know in in maybe gen six i think it would get easier even though the collection of pokemon would be more difficult to face there'd be a wider variety because you're dealing with a more robust pokedex you also have more options to catch stuff too so like if i was thinking about the kalos region you get fire types and you get like like let's say you're playing x and y like you could get a fire type in the first forest you can get flying type moves right away you can get a lit leo you can get a lucario with a ryolu like there's a lot of options level 16 and that is magnitude there you go yes i would actually think this would be easier i guess we'll fight our rival now especially like an x and y stop what's the open with a gulpin or a number doesn't matter either way gerg is the answer all right oh that's like the worst thing okay well never mind uh at sign all right amber won't be one hit ko but it does a lot you got paralyzed but you should be all right took that out now this is gonna be tricky because marsh tom terrifies me i double hit the absorb button no yeah i had a leach seated oh that was a crit too i didn't want to attack i wanted to leech seed and he missed you have to switch to saxophone sorry cyclone you're going down yeah bite is such like a busted move in situations like this i've definitely lost mods on nuzlocke to that i don't think it does oh my god we heal just as much as it as much damage as he does that we heal back nice marshtop should go down now awesome but he's normal fortunately we have an answer for a number now magnitude 8. easy fight you guys said that was gonna be hard we crushed that are you using an emulator no what would make you think that as he speeds through it i'm using it instead of a game boy sp gameboy advance super speed they didn't sell very many because they realize they really can't market something that's when you spell it out it says game so i think they they stopped selling it's a family friendly edit that out please i'm gonna make a note right now to kg i'm gonna say 20 43 edit it out i suppose we fight watson now huh watson time third badge three hours i think he has an easy time against watson though geodude plus double kick combustion should be pretty easy magda might not survive this magnitude sonic boom is fine oof can't take me out with that magnitude seven you'll should knock it out you'll probably love that goodbye and then like i said if he's got matatan as his last or menetric i don't know which is manaten yeah he's good problem magnitude should take it out pretty much unless it's like magnitude two yeah all right we won that is gym number three done he's cruising three hours in that's not even about we will get strength which usually in a challenge runs strength is like okay it's a good basic move that does a good set amount of damage it's literally useless in battle in this one so uh it's just it doesn't do anything i should probably catch like a zig zagoon or something because it can learn surf and strength all those good stuff okay cool we got strength now do we go up to fall arbitrage yeah now you can kind of clear it out yeah now you head towards how are you playing the gameboy game and widescreen so let's look at this game boy really quick what is the shape of this screen what would you say it's a rectangle yeah rectangle yo i got my what i have fire red in here is my team on fire red a level 75 pidgey named dennis and that's it i was doing a pidgey solo run i guess can you beat pokemon fire red with only one dennis maybe what's the most innovative pokemon move in your opinion okay so like solar beam the first turn charges up the second turn it attacks also you know what dig it's dig it's gotta be dig same thing but here's the thing here's the thing with dig it's even better than solar beam because on the turn you hide the first turn when you use it you just don't get hit you're just you're just safe and you know if you look closely enough at every pokemon move it turns out that everything is just a derivative of dig fly it's just bird dig protect it's just the first turn of dig earthquake it's just the second part of dig flamethrower it's just the second part of dig but fire type i don't know if i agree with this logic here yet i'm gonna be real with you you know the part that does damage when you really think about it and get right down to it swords dance it's the first turn of dig but it raises your attack but you know to balance it out you can still get hit mental gymnastics justify why did that is why everybody it's just like not using dig so in short dig is the most innovative pokemon move i thought it was solar beam hey guess what it's gonna evolve into curlia you know what that means cyclone's evolving ralts dug under the ground curlia popped up yo look at that incredible special attack set wow god it sucks why do we have an adamant girlia maxi fight generally pretty difficult let's see how it goes i think gerg has a good chance of sweeping through yeah kind of just oh i guess that does intimidate so it's good to switch out on okay double kick should ko it out speeds sand attack little at least he resists by he could he'll probably miss again actually he can only use now oh my god flinch now he's faster he roared speed tie oh it's a speed tie there we go we finally hit one and it goes down erupt is the one that scares me because gerg is the only thing that could do damage to it now and if cam erupt has earthquake we're just screwed or magnitude and use focus energy he's good though that's good okay i'm gonna do the biggest threat at this point magnitude eight that's like 60 percent it's just knocked out one shot okay that did a lot all right easy battle easy battle goal bet no problem it's just gonna bite me it does quite a lot but no problem he's got rock through he's got rock tomb he's got confusion with his curling now this is supersonic hit another rock throw thank you oh potion oh he's got a super potion oh miss miss come on man i can always heal and i um yeah i'll heal also come on man these are the kind of battles that make me just get so angry you're like come on man i just want to beat this bat grip now all we need is one more we can hit one oh my god another super potion come on man just give it up i'm gonna switch cyclan don't bite me don't bite me don't bite me don't bite no bites i'd bit me no fairy type in this game oof whatever you can just rock to him that does some damage but it's slowing down we'll slow it down a little bit okay we'll miss we'll we'll miss never mind soda pop gurg yeah wait times animation this game is sick he like whips it up from both sides this goal bet is it really you something that's causing some problems just hit just please hit get out of the way no don't hit yourself what are you doing real talk hit one rock tomb and then just blow up damage there we go good job gerg you just gotta hit one more of those buddy i think i need to heal oh god we don't have much self-destruct left don't hit yourself no no no don't yes oh you got through it easy yeah i thought camera would be the problem but that goal that was problematic man defeated max's i think one more level all right this gym should be on the floor straight forwards i think no way puny trainer blah blah blah scale's inherited from my great grandfather this should be easy torkle's a little bulky but i don't think he's gonna have any issues here she has such cool hair uh magnitude night jude ten no four okay okay that's a little bit better just just a little better it's crazy the scale of the match level 22 flanders about to use another slug does she just have a slugmus dude seven okay that's gonna do some damage does she not have a nummle i know she's got torkoal right i could've swore she had a number but i guess she has a torquel huh yeah you think they could have given her a tour like who made these decisions they're like yeah let's give her a slug ma and then another slugma and then authorical that's cool we have but yeah we have rock tomb for the tour cool that doesn't do that much yikes that doesn't do a lot body slam thera yeah paralyzed too i'm gonna hope we out speed with cj wheat seed and leech seed damn no he did that sucks that's okay we have psych glen now we will have to flash oh there's white smoke i'm an idiot i mean it's not like cycling could do anything then and then there was that sign attract oh yeah we have no chance now he's paralyzed and attracted he's not he's gotta restart yeah magnitude eight that should be one hit ko yes about to use torque will i change no but i will because now we're going to switch into cj cj is going to get one shot by overheat because i baited the overheat there it is awesome yep yeah just keep the geodude in the special attack harshly fell that will send in gerg and again i'm sorry brick but you got to take the hit gonna overheat again body slams interesting maybe he doesn't overheat twice apparently body slams the most damage anything can do um we're going to send in at sign to start giving it hits some rock tombs okay not a big deal is kind of annoying though we're gonna we're gonna rock to them through the the love because ad sign doesn't fall in love it fell in love most of the time all right this is this is actually i didn't think he was gonna have this much trouble with his battle i do wonder if he had just evolved though into graveler if he would have just had no problem sucks that's not great that's gonna do nothing that's a critical that's good but i think we can survive a body slam it can't attract me i think we as long as this magnitude isn't like nothing i think we're good paralyzing the ground type oh i think he's got this he's gotta have one attack oh yes ah magnitude nine let's go done we got it gerg has done it baby and i don't know when he evolves if it's 24 25 26 somewhere in there that's badge number four that paralysis man what the heck that's our team seen better days but i think this is a real good stopping point i think that'll be day one we will be finishing this next time which again if you want to watch pokemon i do pokemon on wednesdays but thank you so much for watching everybody show some love to this guy man small aunt the legend of course we'll have small ants link to the original video in the description below if you want to check that out if you enjoyed this reaction video and me commentating over him doing this incredible challenge run of pokemon ruby hit that like button down below and subscribe to the channel if you guys are new thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys on the next one peace if you guys enjoyed this reaction video you should check out this one right here otherwise this reaction video is pretty awesome too check out one of these two videos and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: aDrive
Views: 200,813
Rating: 4.908257 out of 5
Keywords: wonderguard, super-effective only, smallant reaction, SmallAnt, Shiny, aDrive Shiny, Shiny Playthrough, Poketuber reacts, aDrive reaction, pokemon reaction, pokemon master, funny, pokemon, animation, aDrive shiny pokemon, pokemon evolution, pokemon ruby, pokemon but, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenge small ant
Id: CEl22qQjfMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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