Can I Beat the Pokemon World Champion?! WBE VGC Week 1 - Vikavolts vs Dracovish

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[Music] yo whoa what is going on youtube it's your boy dan aka driver guys week one of the wbe the world battle entertainment the minnesota vika vaults are taking on the dc dracovish in an epic week one showdown now i know this battle was supposed to be uploaded last sunday but for those who have not been following this saga i've been out of power for basically a week and i actually still don't have internet i am hot spotting with one bar of service right now and uh i have no sort of forecast as to when i'm gonna be able to actually get proper internet back i've been doing my absolute best but i message wolf i said hey do you want to try to play with my hot spot maybe i'll be able to get through the battle because if we don't it could be another week right and i really want to try to stay on track with the wbe so i really appreciate your support guys any bit of love whether you like the video make sure you guys subscribe the channel i've done everything i can to get you guys content over the last week eight days nine days whatever it's been and i'm trying my best man this has honestly crushed my soul i had been streaming for 120 days in a row and it all got ended because of this power outage and this this really bad storm that we got where i live for those who didn't see it i did do a team breakdown i broke down the entire team high quality team breakdown it is in the description below you can watch that and of course here's the team all chilling in pokemon camp in the wild area which is that was a cool way to kind of start things off here and for those who don't know i've got an amazing minnesota vika volts merch you can actually head over to and you can check out all the also merchandise we have there that's a great way to support what i do as well is to pick up a t-shirt or a hoodie and there's a little venomax there or a pin or whatever you want to do i would really appreciate the support on the vika bowls otherwise we were throwing down against the world champion wolfe obviously an incredible vgc player um but i do believe that we can win this game i think we've got a pretty good matchup on paper and i definitely spent a lot of time preparing for this whether the preparation comes to fruition whether i disconnect a bunch of times who knows what's gonna happen but again i'm gonna try my best and i'm gonna hopefully give you guys a thrilling battle to watch for week one of the wbe so let's get connected to wolf hopefully no disconnects let's have some fun and let's throw down all right guys so we are connected with wolf and again we're just hoping that my hot spot hangs in there man i'm ready to go dude i i expected to bring willow boom arcadine potentially dracovish as cavalier jolteon drifblim as i mentioned in my team builder i think masharna could come for sure and then i think jolteon um what was the other month that i was thinking uh i guess i could maybe me yeah i think that that's probably it will boom arcanine drakovich driftblim yeah i think i think that's what he's gonna bring so let's see what he brings man uh first week the wbe i'm uh i'm gonna have some fun let's do it it is best two out of three of course which means we're gonna throw down in the best two out of three which means uh whether we win or lose the first match you know we go to the second match and he does bring okay so he brings a lot of the stuff i expected no drift blind which is good he does have masharna does bring that okay he does have dracofish does have arcanine so willow boom as cavaliers so the only thing i think i had here is instead of driftwood he's got masharna which i'm not surprised he may try to counter trickermus i think could be a strategy i'm also a little concerned about him going with like jolteon and just trying to discharge spam next to masharna so because of that i'm actually gonna lead with nine tails plus drapeon and i'm gonna try to beat him with my trick remote in game one which is gonna be bronzong tertinator so i've got nine tails plus traypeon obviously to spam crits and then i've got set up the veil then i've got the trickery mode with bronzong and then i've got ternator i think that that's a really good strategy that was really kind of what i had planned to do going into this set either way and this is a team that i was kind of expecting right like drakovich i think is either scarf or bannon maybe lifeform this cavalier most likely assault vest but could have like an okaberry jolteon spamming discharge next to telepathy mashara is definitely something you have to keep in mind willow boom obviously fake out probably assault vest user if i had to guess mesharna could be like trick room in prison it could be like anti-trigger room as a way to stop me and then arcade i think is snarl cannon i think it's like a more support set but there is a possibility that he goes a little bit more offensive with it to try to deal with togekiss so i think he expects me to either go my trickery mode maybe go hail um i feel good about draping on ninetales though like i don't mind revealing my drapeon set out the gate i think ternator's my win con either way as a late game dynamaxx so let's do it man i'm excited to kick off the wbe it's been a long time coming and all i could say is i just hope that the internet holds up so we can have a nice clean match here regardless of the outcome uh wolf's obviously a tremendous battle there and i'm really excited to be able to throw down against him uh to kick off the wbe so it looks like we got the ice stadium which is good news for me he does lead michonne jolteon so not surprised there this this lead is a lead that basically allows him to get up trick room if he wants for us cavalier and also uh threaten with discharge spam and try to get some paralysis so i i saw this coming a mile away he's probably going to discharge plus uh trick room which is what i would guess here now i obviously could pressure that masharna i could do a lot of damage to masharna and try to stop the trickery out the gates if i wanted to um i think i need a crit though if i um if i night slash crit i almost knock him out like if i double i could knock out the machar 91 hit but to me i think like i'd actually rather get rid of the jolteon if i'm being honest although i mean i think i get veil up and then i go after the masharna i think that's my play here as i get veil up and then i'm going to go for the night slash i could also taunt the mashanna and stop a potential trick room and then i have veil up which is nice that might not be a terrible play let's uh let's go for the night slash i think the more offensive play is probably my best bet so let's go for that we're going to get the veil up i could icy wind to slow down the jolt he's going to just max the jolteon on turn one um or maybe the masharna he might go um copycat copycat trick room he's gonna max jolteon i mean that's honestly okay with me um i'm curious what he wants to do with this what this jolteon wants to do is he's gonna try to weatherball me like what's his plan here like is he gonna just max lightning he's gonna helping hand max sliding into into drapion i think is probably his play here let's see it is the max lightning into drapeon this probably knocks me out with the helping hand i think it will yeah it does so okay so we see helping hand and i'm gonna get up i'm gonna get up my veil so honestly not the end of the world for me kind of unfortunate but um you know we get a little bit of insight as to what he wants to run he is life orb on his jolteon and i'm gonna get a veil veil is going to protect me for a few turns he doesn't really have a way to bust the veil which is good for me um he obviously can try to uh counter my trick room here with his macharna if he wants to if he has imprisoned right so that's the thing if i bring out bronzong right now he has that opportunity so i think what i want to do is i think i'm actually going to bring out tertinator first i think i'm going to bring out terminator first and not set trick room simply because of that i think that that's something that we have to be kind of mindful of here i'm going to bring the terminator out and i think what i'm going to do is i mean i really need trickery but i'm sure he's going to have the i'm sure he's going to have the whatchamacallit in the back what does he do to ternator if i just attack here i'm going to i'm going to switch out my nine tails i think and go bronzong um is that what i want to do this isn't exactly the best situation i wanted to be in he really got a good first turn on me there and just did a lot to me i think i think i am gonna switch in bronzong here and i think i'm gonna go for the max and i think i'm gonna go for the max quaking of the jolteon yeah i think i'm gonna do that i think that getting the special defense boost is good this is gonna do a lot of damage to the jolteon either way and like i can still deal with that sharna if i get off the the rock tomb so let's see what he's gonna do here i'm gonna get the max off um i don't think jolteon i mean he can go for max quake i don't know if he hits my ternator super effectively here it's funny too because i'm surprised he did that lead but that was a good turn for him he just really went for the more offensive route and it's funny because i almost brought like scarf nine sales for that exact situation just so i can ice you with the jolteon turn one you just don't expect the dynomax but here comes the max lightning again probably in the zong into the zong slot that's going to do a lot of damage maybe even prevent me from trick rooming and here comes power swap which is going to be oh wow it's going to change its attack and special attack with the target so he's gonna actually swap his stats with me and make me like weaker dude i still am gonna chunk him which is good news for us but i've never even i don't even know like power swap dude that's like it's not like a move that i've come across really a lot um you never see that so he's gonna take some hail i still need trick room up i think but with the machina i can't really risk that so i think what i need to do here is i think i need to go for the um i'm gonna just go for broke and just rock to my own terminator and hope for the best and then just go for the quake just to try to get the uh that final boost into the jolteon i think that's my play i mean i really want to get trick remote but i just don't think that's gonna happen maybe he's gonna have his cavalier but i'll be faster that's why i'm thinking like do i just rock to him here or do i try to go for the trick room he's gonna have his cavalier i still have veil up how many turns of veil do i have three more turns of veil i don't think that's enough i'm gonna try for the trick room i don't think it's gonna really matter if i can get a special defense boost that would be nice another one i don't think i'm living uh yeah he's gonna max phantasm into the bronzong uh i switched my item last minute i was gonna run kasib i'm running colbert now uh which in this situation very bad uh he's gonna get a physical defense drop on ternator which is really annoying and obviously this masharna can just be uh you know more frustrating here uh it takes a little bit more life for recoil and he's going to get a psychic off with that so we do see the shadow ball on those but after uh please okay i mean obviously i'm not in the best situation but i'm going to get rid of this um just jolteon here so uh tertinator kills jolteon um we saw jolteon kills drapeon and i'm just taking some notes for myself there and um is jolteon killed bronzong too okay he'll take some hail damage there i still have my nine tails though uh of course awkward situation where my hail is like gonna run out but i can still provide icy wind support and if drakovic is in the back i still have that so the problem is i can't activate my weakness policy i need him too so here comes the dracovish so the good news here is like yes he can go for broke and hit me with a big attack but i can also knock him out with freeze dry so he might have rock slide as well i'm gonna go for the freeze dry into the drakovich slot it's my obvious play and then i think my best play here is we worm wind in the masharna yeah i mean i could max guard as well on my on my tertinator if he's banded does he one shot me um because i'm minus one defense so if i'm maxed and he goes for fish's friend it's doubled he's choice bandit i mean this is my way to win so i almost feel like my best play here actually is the max guard i'm gonna max guard i hate to do it but i think it's my best play right now he's gonna switch out the drakovic so then it wasn't a good play because now he goes in this cavalier okay so he kind of baits that i get a little bit of insight he goes this cavalier i almost doubled with the the worm wind i'm gonna waste the turn with the max guard that's unfortunate um he probably sets trick room now with the masharna so at least we're getting some insight here as to what he wants to do i need a lot of hacks here comes the trick room yeah okay and we saw a psychic so i've seen that thing's full set uh jolteon we know has electric move and uh shadow ball okay so the trick room is activated uh not a ton i can do because now he can drill run so i kind of need like some misses i think is really the best shot for me at this point um i still have hail and i have one more turn of veil so i mean that's that is what it is um i'm to freeze draw the michael knight and we're going to just heat wave i can get maybe some insight as to what you know his team is i needed to make a prediction there on that drake fish play i just was worried that he was banded and i felt like my only play there was to try to keep my um try to keep my dude intact but that's okay uh keep my terminator intact i didn't want to take a big you know choice painted vicious run there but here comes the iron head that's gonna go into the uh the nine tail slot it's gonna knock me down to my focus sash so he gets the intel there i see his iron head which obviously pretty obvious um i get a heat wave off i hit i need big damage on that as cavalier we're going to get the ko on this cavalier which is nice maybe i should have just protected nine tails there probably a better play because now he doubles into it he he reverse trick room i think freeze would be huge crit freeze uh he's got a berry okay i think he reversed trick room and that's a citrus berry okay he does reverse trick room okay um so here's the thing i mean it depends is his drakovich scarf and if it is scarf there goes my veil if he's scarf then obviously he can he can knock me out here um i think my play is is protect nine tails draco meteor the drakovich um honestly do i just double dracovish here like what's my downside to freeze-drying well here's the thing he he can easily it's a 50-50. i i think i think i freeze-dried the dracofish no i think he can't allow me to freeze-dry the drink of fish so he needs to go dragofish in the nineties but he wants the psychic into the nine tails oh this is a tough call who do i protect if i get it right i think we can win the game if i get it wrong we lose the game so it really comes down to that i i'm going to i think he attacks the nine tails i'm gonna protect the nine tails and i'm gonna draco meteor the dracovish that's gonna be my play it's 50 50. i either get it right i put myself in a good spot or i get it wrong he goes with helping hand that means he went to terminator so he won the game yeah dude i had to get it the other way around good play on wolf's part he went into the other slot so ah dude uh turt he he can miss a rock slide he can miss a rock slide he hits it this is gonna knock me out turn limit turn living big turd living big don't flinch don't flinch draco don't miss big hit big hit draco fish goes down i think he's scarf he had rock slide okay dracovish goes down all right all right now now i don't know his speed's here so i think i icy wind just to make sure i'm faster and then i think i draco again right i think that's the safest play because then like trick room's not up right i don't know what a speed tier is so i think if i if i icy win here okay i slow him down and then i ensure certain ages faster right because i never i never got any speed drops on ternator and then we just draco let's do it let's do it icy wind hits should slow down the missharna allow it out speed it it's not gonna do a lot but it's something and i just need to hit just hit it turt hit a turret you gotta hit it buddy hit it hurt hit hurt big draco meteor oh okay he lived he lived he lived but he only has psychic he only has psychic he goes for the psychic into what in a nine tails kills nine tails with machina kills nine tails with psychic and then all i gotta do is knock him out i am sitting at what i'm sitting at minus two special attack does scorching sands do enough turnader into masharna scorching sands scorching sands isn't a move apparently earth power 70 base power -2 seven to ten percent uh i don't know if it's enough i don't know if it's enough heatwave is definitely enough but it's a 90 accurate move i think i go for the heatwave because he could be full special defense i'm gonna go for the heat wave and just don't miss it don't miss it yes tur that should do it yes terminator baby one game down third kills macharna with heatwave all right wind set one all right we're going to set two baby whew that was a comeback that was a comeback team we're going to set two let's get it let's get it let's get it set two let's get it all right same same dealio here okay so that that actually worked out very well for us my terminator put on a ton of pressure was able to do a lot of work i think in this situation he's obviously got to mix things up okay so maybe he doesn't mix things up maybe he just does the same thing do i just go nine tail or stand slash plus nine tails this time so i get the speed jump on him and then just bring turt in the back and try to get the trick room up i think that's a good play he doesn't have he doesn't have the ability to stop my my trick room within prison so i can get trick him up i can also get veil up sand slash pressures the the jolteon very well so that feels like a strong bet that feels like a strong bet and then i have game three if i want to switch things up completely right so let's do it let's do sand slash and let's do nine tails that kind of covers a lot and then i still have the option to um to mix it up right because that kind of covers the the first lead i think he changed it up i think he brings the arkanine this time which is okay too it's not a big deal if he brings our knight yeah i like that i like that sand slash nine tails i just want to get the veil up so i feel like that's good he he was locked in so he was ready he may do the same thing okay so we got some insight on his team there we never saw the willow boom or the arcanine so that might be his lead here he might just do willowboom arcanine as a secondary option which obviously provides a little bit different pressure right it can be the max of boom it could also be like the intimidate is kind of annoying so let's see he goes arcanine jolteon okay so arcanine and jolteon so you can see intimidate pressure on me but that's okay i don't really mind the arcanine like he could also discharge shenanigans right now which i think is a problem for me you can see intimidate off i'm okay with that um i kind of want to just hit this this jolteon here um just because i know he's got max phantasm i'm not going to max though there's no reason to max actually maybe a drill run into the arcade isn't a bad idea either just for 50 and i can i see when or i could pre uh i mean i'm fastest so whatever i decided to go into i kind of want to find out what that arcanine is i can see him heat waving discharging though which could be annoying so that's why i'm kind of like a little on the fence um i think i just want to go like big into the into the jolteon actually and i'm going to go for the aurora bale and just get veil up let's do that so he detects the jolteon it's a good play good play it means i get my veil up though drill running to jolteon it's kind of unfortunate but it doesn't mean i get my veil up he's probably got uh heatwave or something but veil might actually save me for a turn so let's see he goes for the flamethrower see single target into slash i think that's gonna knock me out even with the veil and it does okay so arcanine kills slash with flamethrower that's fine and he's got flamethrower okay i'm not like super concerned about that not the end of the world we're gonna go zong we're gonna trick him up he can max phantasm me but as we saw the jolton isn't like a super massive threat against tertinator so let's trick room and then we're gonna freeze dry into the jolteon i think just for chip i'm heat proof so like i don't care if the arcanine attacks me i do a veil up so he's getting over the on okay so he's trying to waste my turns with the with the nine tails it's fine so he's yawn i get a freeze dry off let's make a note there he's yawn i haven't seen discharge here comes the flamethrower into the zong we're assuming no into the nine tails okay doesn't really do much it's fine i really want to get rid of that uh jolteon here that's gonna be the big thing is trying to get rid of that jolteon so i'll take some hill with zong zong's sitting pretty good right now though i think my best play here is i need to i need to sleep the jolteon so let's do that let's hypnosis the jolteon and let's swap out and get tornado innings i'm gonna fall asleep anyway and he's just gonna let me sit there so if he double yawns then really good play but if i hit the sleep then we're in a tremendously powerful position so because if i had to sleep then i can i can rock to my own terminator slow me down potentially below his cavalier so let's get dirt in and let's see what he wants to do does he double you on that slot hypnosis i miss okay flamethrower comes off into into this i'm surprised he targeted that slot but that's okay don't double yawn though he does double yawn into the turret slot okay that's fine it forced me to switch out so he's gonna stall out my turns here that's where the miss of hypnosis is really unfortunate because there's not a ton i can do with that and i can't really risk turp falling asleep here but i like need these turns of trick room so i almost think my best bet is to i'm gonna hypnosis the arcanine slot this time and actually no we gotta do i wanna hypnosis they're gonna how many turns a veil do i have two turns of veil still okay i have no way to stop being put to sleep so i'm gonna i might have noticed the arcanine i don't want to be put to sleep dude but i almost feel like i have to let's do it let's let's scorching sands into the jolteon and just take the sleep here let's do that he's gonna attack that's huge good play good play that's okay good play i'm surprised uh i missed another hypnosis that's two and scorching sands into the jolteon he's gotten really good takes off on that jolteon i've seen the jolteons full set he's gonna have flamethrower into the bronzong slot he's gonna find out i'm heat proof it's not gonna do much and i'm gonna go to sleep so i can burn a turn of sleep here at least which is good it would be really nice if my zong would you know fire off some some tombs or uh you know some shenanigans there that can potentially slow my opponent down but uh now i just gotta wake up with turret because you know now we're asleep so uh we're gonna we're gonna try to burn this first turn of sleep here let us um let us sleep the jolteon and then we're just gonna click heatwave here we're not gonna wake up obviously but that's okay i'm gonna have to reset trick room so hypnosis hits the third time so so we missed the first couple but i hit that one which is fine i'm gonna sleep the jolteon and turret's gonna sleep so i need him to wake up on this following turn and he's gonna snarl okay he does activate my colbert on my bronzong which is fine um no big deal there this means i really need to get my terminator out of this this battle now but uh i kind of need him to wake up so i'm just going to kind of let this happen in the meantime because i still have a you know a chance to get up trick room here hale's going to stop just fine this is my lot there goes my veil okay so now is my chance we're gonna sleep the arcanine and i'm gonna get nine tails in here so i can set up veil again and then try to set up trick room again so good strategy on his part to just bring kind of some shenanigans yawn was really good him doing the double yawn i mean i missed that hypnosis i think if i don't miss that first hypnosis i'm putting myself in a really good spot but now we know the argonine is indeed snarl i'm gonna get vale up again he may if i miss the hypnosis here he may just uh knock out nine tails i miss again so we are one for four he does snarl which is good news for us um sort of right i need a lot of sleep on this jolteon though because if he wakes up and knocks out zong i'm in trouble but i can hopefully get a veil again he's going to sleep one more turn okay all right now i can set veil and try to set up trick room again that's all i can really do at this point so i mean i managed to do it with turret without without trick room but okay we're going to trick her if he doubles into me though i'm kind of in trouble but we'll fail it's my best bet at this point because if he's not he starts snarling me with arcanine he's gonna really reduce like my special attackers too much so um yeah i still don't even know what he has in the back he's like weakened me so much so he's done a good job in this game for sure jolteon sleeping again which is huge that means i should maybe get trick room up again i get veil up so it's five more turns of veil um and i'm gonna get trick him up because i don't think flamethrower is gonna do enough he's gonna go for the snarl okay so that's smart he's just gonna keep snarling because he knows that that's like the way to kind of stop uh bronzong here and he's weakening nine tails quite a bit bronzong gonna strike him up okay so now my play one million percent i mean he could just yawn the nine-tail slot is what i'm thinking he's gonna do and if he does that again like it puts him in a really powerful position so i'm actually going to swap the bronzong slot out i think and go in a terminator this time because i'm i mean i'm still actually i'm asleep so it doesn't really matter all right let's sleep the arcanine and go in a turret because he can't he can't do anything to me because i'm still sleeping so he can't yawn that slot when he wakes up with his jolts let's get tornado in hopefully i hit this hypnosis on the arcanine because i'm one out of four two out of five baby we hit it arcanine's taking a napskis and if turk could wake up that would be swell jolteon feel free to sleep for another turn here i wouldn't be upset about it he's gonna wake up and shadow ball me no yawns into the turret perfect that was what i was hoping for okay we have put ourselves in a situation where turk can do work but i need him to wake up at this point this is what it comes down to i need my boy turt to wake up and i need to get rid of that that jolteon so does rock tomb okay let's take a few things here if tertinator is minus one speed he goes from 36 to 0.67 puts him down to oh my internet's so slow dude i can't even run the calc it takes so long my internet's too slow to run this calc like i ca i actually can't even find out what that equates to but it's um i don't think it's slower than his cavalier is what i'm what i'm getting at uh 22. i don't think so okay so i don't think i need to activate a rock team i think i i'm better off do i if i i have to make a decision here uh i'm gonna hypnosis the jolteon and scorching sands the arcanine cause i'm out of time wake up tert he's gonna switch out okay jolteon's at like twenty percent here comes michelin to try to reverse trick room don't miss zong turret wakes up hits the scorching sands which is good doesn't pick up the k on the arcanine stay sleeping he's gonna wake up and snarl me yup miss it nope okay all right what's masharna's speed versus bronzong i'm 33 i think he's less than that he's 29. so the masharna is i'm actually going down anyway so that's a really unfortunate situation i needed him to continue sleeping but uh i'm minus one now masharna takes some health so ternator's actually slower than macharna in trick room so he's not min speed he is not in speed so we can go nine tails here um we can go nine tails here and i think what i do is i think i freeze dry i can't freeze um i need to weaken that masharna i think i just protect nine tails and i mean i'm not gonna be able to get the boost i need but i can maybe get some some defense boosts so maybe i can i really don't want to take more snarls here maybe i can maybe i could just quake the arcanine just for the defense boost now we're gonna hold off on that we're going to go for the freeze dry into the mushroom slot but before that i'm going to go for the uh scorching sands into the arcanine slot let's do that all right so he doesn't show protect or anything so i'll get rid of the arcanine so tur picks up a kill there uh turret kills arcanine with scorching sands uh bronzong died to hail here comes the psychic freeze dry comes off all right this is where i need a little bit of luck here let's try to bring this one back hill runs out so i can't set up veil again i mean i need turt to just go big here and i just don't know how that's going to happen i just don't see how turret can go big enough to carry us through this battle but that's okay he had a really good strategy of kind of slowing us down there at the beginning which is where drapeon is so good here comes this cavalier okay now how many turns trick room do we have it's the last turn so he knocks me out if like under trick room maybe he's not in speed though i'm going to i'm freeze driving charlotte i'm just going to max max flair into the s cavalier is certainly my only bat here because i think if he just draw runs he knocks out terminator but he he very well could try to like max is this cavalier he's faster okay so i actually needed some max guard was the proper plane cause he's gonna max his cavalier so this is how he wanted to try to beat me in that first game was get up trick room and beat me that way because his trickery mode is slower than my trigger mode right so he has that he does have that advantage where his trigger mode is slower because of his cavalier and in trigger and there's nothing i can do about that now if he max quakes me here even with the veil i am i'm not living it uh i mean there's a tiny chance that i live on like one and i can i can knock him out with a max player here but i'm minus one so i because of the snarl so i don't i don't think i'm living this hit i don't think there's any way i live at max quake right now which i think is what he goes for he's gonna help now he's gonna helping hand so we see the helping hand obviously again smart play in his part he's gonna actually steal spike into the nine tails so maybe he thought i was going okay so that tells me that um he gets a defense boost doesn't really matter um i don't have any way to win this though and i mean unless i see i mean i need a super crit here i guess as cavalier killed yeah nine tails with max steel spike yeah there goes my veil and um like i said i'm minus one so and trick room goes away he's got to be a soul vest based on that damage so i think my play here is i think i just flare this cavalier again um and just try to pick up that ko but i don't think this game i think this game's over like obviously it's a 3v1 oh it is jolteon left so he psychics me it does a lot uh i should be able to pick up this ko though so tertinator kills this cav with max flair and uh if i saw a trickery i'm like this was winnable because i could i can go for a heatwave and pick up the double ko because it's just jolteon left um but he was able to stall me out just enough right like he was able to stall me out just enough with that lead so let's let's start to think about what i can do for game two here because uh it's so funny if i could if i could knock out that mesharna there was actually a chance for us i just he's just gonna be able to psyche me here so there's not a whole lot i can do um he's gonna shadowball the jolteon which obviously hits neutral and he knocks out ternator turner's been putting on a clinic though so far so we're gonna lose set two uh two oh i think we won set one one oh if i'm not mistaken um right yeah because turk came up big so now we're gonna go set three here and um this is where drayton's really clutch and maybe maybe this is where i bring um okay we're going to play the same rules maybe this is where i bring turkish i think my strategy of turning in the back is is definitely the play still i don't see why i changed that i think tertinator is really strong maybe i lead terminator maybe i just lead it well let's find out i gotta i gotta really think this one through so tertinator is definitely the pokemon that we want on the field at the end of the game i really like drapeon like kiss is good too i do wonder like if i if i ran crit kiss we haven't seen his electric move if i ran crit kiss in the back how does that do um i think maybe toby kisses a lead could be really good though because it's maybe to kiss drapeon kind of threatens him i could taunt stop the trigger room let's try that take his drapey on and then let's bring terminator bronzong was really strong like bronzong's so strong against him i like that a little bit better the double crit strategy i think is pretty cool and i can max airstream get some damage off i do like nine tails a lot though like this leads me a little weak to uh drakovich which he shot away from in game two so drapeon gives me the thing is the two kids just weak to jolteon but he didn't lead jolteon no he led jolteon both games right yeah he led guilty on both games i don't know if he does it again so let's try this let's try this i think this isn't a bad option and it gives me the drapion power at the beginning what if i did drapey on bronzong how do i feel about that i actually kind of like that so we're gonna do drapeon bronzong tertinator tell your kiss let's try that let's try that i kind of like that drapion bronzong is cool i think trayvon's so good against my opponent it's just it's just he did that first turn last time where he knocked out drapion i wasn't able to do anything about it but like if i if i lead with a trick room option he's a little less likely to do that i'm really wishing i had to see barry instead of cobra right now though i made that change at the end let's see what he does jolteon no drakovic schultz again okay so drake of his jolty on here which is all the more reason why i need trickery him but i think he just maxes and knocks out bronzong i don't think there's anything i can do about that if he just max shadow balls into the zonk slot like how do i stop that um or even just doubles that slot in general yeah if he doubles bronzong i'm in a lot of trouble uh i don't even know how i get out of this i'm gonna trick room and uh go for the cross poison into the jolteon this is not a good scenario for me because he can just fish his red scarf he's going to max the jolts on him next shadow ball dude i'm so annoyed at myself because i in my team builder i had kasib no i had colbert but my original team was to run kasib and i tried i went against my my gut on that and ran the cold birth thinking okay like knock off spam things like that as cavalier but he's gonna just be able to fish his friend he's gonna double into the into the zong here knock me out i at least live it so i can get an attack off which is good but this is going to be very difficult to bring back very difficult to bring back let's see what the i mean maybe he goes he double he attacks uh drapion and i get trick room up nah he doubles the bronzong that was the right play he's not scarf dragonfish or if he is he's not max speed so dragofish kills bronzong crit big poison no poison okay all right i think i'm going for a late game uh two kiss sweep here so i'm gonna go turt like game two kiss probably is my best bet at this point so let's go turt and i think i just i assume he max lightnings than fishes rents does vicious rand of its scarf knock out tertinator uh if he's doubled no but if he's banded it does i don't want to just see my terminator get dropped but i also need to get rid of that dracovish actually i probably need to get rid of the jolteon more so maybe i'll just double the jolts on and hope i get one of the kos on it yeah maybe that's the play we're gonna scorching sands the jolteon and we're going to cross poison the jolteon i'm just going to double it this may be really bad for me though he's going to mess up good play dude goes for the max guard on that he's going to get a vicious rend off into the drakovich it's going to knock me out because of the phantasm that's big that is very very big dude uh he made a really good play there dragofish kills drapion with vicious rend honestly i mean i think i think this is probably going to be the end here i don't i don't see any way around this um actually there is still a chance for us we're not we're not out of this yet uh but it's definitely looking very grim i'm not i'm not gonna rule this out yet i'm gonna fish uh scorching sands and i'm gonna max guard assuming he targets the terry kiss which is his biggest threat here i don't know it's just the scorching sands plus life war briefly will do enough to knock out the jolteon because if i can get rid of the jolteon here and and i i have him target down the toe kiss even with a max guard lightning like i'm i'm going to take minimal damage from it and then i can maybe get off some uh max airstreams or uh max starfalls give her the dracovish and then yeah it just depends on what his target is that was a really good plan his part like had i dracoed into the drakovich there maybe we're in a much better spot um we're gonna play it out but i'm not disappointed about how this match went like i feel like a few different turns we could have played a little bit better he made really good reads on his protects though that was the the difference maker in this game in this set so far he does max lightning into the in the toe kiss which obviously i get the max car which is good maybe he doubles that slot i get lucky now he's gonna finish his rent he is scarfed i think but that did a lot please get the ko here it doesn't burn please no burn dude i needed that burn so badly i actually needed that burn so badly because now the jolteon can hit me all right we're gonna protect tur here and i'm gonna go for the and he's gonna knock himself out so i think i just go for the star fall into dracovish although does airstream knock out drakovich my crit because i need the speed boost to kiss into drakofish max air slash max starfall does ko if i crit the max air slash i think we get the ko if i crit it though but i have to crit it and it's a 50 crit chance the speed boost is really valuable but the guaranteed knockout is probably more valuable the jolteon's gonna knock itself out anyway so let's go for the starfall in a dracofish he's gonna switch it out into the s cavalier dude basharna okay he's gonna try to say trick room all right well he's gonna he might have telepathy and he might discharge here this might be the discharge play yet now that was a good play saving that he's gonna yawn what oh i can't i can't even start fall to rain myself out of this okay he keeps himself on the field i need a crit and a half i got the crit i think and that activates his citrus okay i get the terrain up but he's gonna put me to sleep here so i think he's got this because i can't stop that there's not a whole i can do i mean i need to obviously get the speed boost here um so i think what i do is i heat wave and then i go for the airstream into the masharna for the speed boost to give terminator the speed boost over masharna but then he probably just trick rooms mashara if i don't get the ko here the jolteon's gonna knock himself out so he's gonna helping hand discharge i assume i just need no paras it's t-bolt okay which does just an absurd amount of damage but this is and he gets the para dude that takes away any chance i had he's gonna knock himself out there if i don't get paralyzed there i think i still ah we're not even gonna find out i think he still had it i needed that damage plus that max airstream to stand a chance because the max i would have knocked out the masharna and then it would have been drakovich left but dracovish might have been able to knock out the toe kiss but i could have maybe knocked out the drakovich and tertinator maybe could have dealt with the other ah dude i think it would have been a very interesting battle if not for that paralysis there because now i lose all my max turns ah i think that would have been very interesting there i think he still had it without the para but that pera definitely is a bummer i think he had it without the pair like if i'm being real i do think he would have had the game either way but we don't get to find out so it is what it is man uh i'm honestly i can't even be upset i feel like i play i mean i'm not sleeping now but i'm paralyzed i needed to get that hit off dude here comes the flamethrower that's gonna go into the kiss that's gonna knock me out man i'm a little i'm a little salty about that ending because i feel like i mean i would have been sleeping he's gonna get the double ko here so gg's the wolf it's all good man like i said i'm just glad the internet held up shout outs to my hot spot for holding it down uh and i hope you guys enjoyed week one of the wbe i really feel like that wasn't our best showing but overall he played incredibly well the difference was he nailed those detects and those protects like he did a really good job of making those predictions they needed to make i feel like we played our butts off in game one and we played pretty well uh in some of the other sets but just uh he had some better strategies i think and i think he had a better game plan um kind of going into the match and again uh yeah i mean there was so many things that could have gone a slightly different game too if we hit a few of those hypnosis maybe don't get the sleeps maybe we could have won the game so it wasn't that far off right it wasn't that far off but he's an incredible player he's 2016 pokemon world champion so i can't be too disappointed about that i do wonder what would have happened there how that game would have ended i think he still would have easily won though because yeah i think even like if he if he puts me to sleep there's nothing i can do there so whether the pera happens or not i mean it would have been interesting though but i just don't i don't think ternator was gonna be able to beat the lost two so i think it i don't think it mattered to be honest i don't think it did but gg's to wolf guys uh our next match will be going up on sunday so again please show some love hit that like button down below subscribe to the channel feel free to check out wolf's side of the battle as well and a big thank you guys for everyone's patience i do apologize for the delay in the battle again i still don't have internet dude like i legitimately have to drive right now i'm gonna drive 30 minutes to upload this video so that way you guys have it at a decent time like that's what i'm going to do right now when now this is over so it's going to take me like an hour i'm going to stay in a parking lot for an hour to upload this so i did what i could guys thank you again for watching check out if you want to support the team with the merch we take on poison detroit littens next week i believe he lost his first week so i definitely think we can bounce back pick up a w again nothing to be disappointed about playing against the world champion what are you gonna do i think we played well i could have played better though for sure i definitely could have played better but he played really well like i said he nailed those detects and those protects and uh he had some good strategies to slow us down with the snarls and the yawns and uh you know zone just needs to hit a couple more hypnosis man but uh either ways ggs and i'll see you guys in the next episode thank you so much for watching the vikavolt and we're gonna come back next week don't you worry team don't you worry if you enjoyed this video i'm sure you're gonna love this video however youtube thinks that you're gonna like this video so check out one of the two videos and have yourself an awesome day peace
Channel: aDrive
Views: 221,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minnesota vikavolts, live draft, wbe live draft, WbE, World Battle Entertainment, Draft League Pokemon, Pokemon Draft League, Pokemon wifi, wbe league, competitive pokemon, pokemon draft, wifi battle, wolfe glick, wbe official, wbe adrive, wbe draft, pokemon draft league battle, vgc teams
Id: 3j-EzYbUmUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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