Poketuber Reacts to "I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke"

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- For those who do not know, I've done quite a few Nuzlocke Pokemon runs in my day. In fact, I've pretty much played through every single main series game as a Nuzlocke or a challenge run at this point. So many of you guys have hit me up to react to Jaiden Animations' most recent Platinum Nuzlocke so let's do it. (introduction music) What is going on YouTube? It's your boy Dan, aka "aDrive". I brought you guys a brand new video today. Today, we are reacting to Jaiden Animations' newest video "I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke" So many of you guys hit me up about this on my livestreams, in my comment section. I can't get away from it. People are tweeting me like crazy because you guys love me reacting to Jaiden Animations' Nuzlocke in the past. So, we gotta react to this one too. If you guys enjoy this video, be sure to hit that like button down below, subscribe to my channel. I post Pokemon videos every single day, so if you're looking for someone who does Nuzlockes, Shiny hunting, Pixelmon, everything Pokemon related, this is the place to be. So, be sure to subscribe to the channel for videos every single day, and please show some love to Jaiden. Jaiden's awesome and you can find her link in the description below if you want to check out her channel and the original video as well. Big shout-outs to Jaiden of course, and let's have some fun. Let's react to the most recent Platinum Nuzlocke. And, what's actually funny is I was about to start my own Platinum Nuzlocke in a game called "Renegade Platinum" so keep your eye out on the channel. It's a harder version of Platinum. It's gonna be a lot of fun man. I'm looking forward to that. But, let's jump into the reaction. All right. Here we go. I love these animations man. They are so fun. Let's get it kicked off. - So, if you're new here, hi! I've done this before. Last year, I made a video about my first ever Pokemon Nuzlocke and the game I played in it was Pokemon Ruby. It was fun, so here I am again doing another. But, - Teriyaki. I remember Teriyaki. I'm so excited for this Jaiden. You do such an incredible job. Let's get it. - This time I attempted to Nuzlocke Pokemon Platinum. I'll explain again super quickly how a Nuzlocke works. You can only catch the first Pokemon you run into per route. If a Pokemon faints, it dies, and you can't use it anymore. And, you have to nickname your Pokemon so you grow more attached to them. - Gotta do all those things. Easy peasy. Nuzlock rules guys. Catch the first Pokemon in each route, nickname them, if they faint, they're gone. Simple as that. If you find a Shiny, you get to add that to your team too though. - If you still don't understand, that's not my problem. Let's get started. - I like it. - Oh boy. This was my Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke. - I'm so ready for this. - Barry? - Pokemon! - So, my friend and neighbor Barry is practically dragging me all over the place with his hyperactive squirrel brain frantically trying to get a Pokemon as soon as possible - I've never been a big fan of Gary. Love Dawn. Don't like- Or, Barry. Barry is his name. I don't like Barry. Gary's cool. I don't like Barry. - from this Professor Rowan he saw on TV. He drags me out to route 201 and is about to leap into the tall grass when- Hold it! You guys know going into the tall grass is pratically a death wish, right? - Don't do that. - What you're doing is basically suicide. Borderline insanity. What absolute moronic lunatics you are! Have you no respect for you lives?! Do you have any Pokemon? No. - That's actually funny though. The, the beginning of Platinum actually starts with the kind of the Lake of Rage whole thing which is like a Johto call back with the red Gyarados. - Do you want some? - Take a Pokemon. - And like that, I have a Turtwig. I named him Turt. - Oh! I'm team Turtwig too. Let me know which starter you would choose in the comment section below. I am team Turtwig. - and immediately used them to bash in Barry's Chimchar. I was making my way through the routes but right as I was about to nab the Shinx I found in 202- Don't kill him. - That's so cute. - Nope! - Oh, the crits! - So, no Shinx for us. - Look at the Turtwig's smiling back at her! - That's all right. Shinx isn't that great this early anyway. Then, I locked eyes with our first trainer. The first battle. Let's see how we fare against the Youngster Tristan and his level 5 Starly. - Oh, oh my god! - Oh boy! - So, in the first trainer battle I ever fought, I almost immediately lose my starter to a critical hit. Why do I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this? Nevertheless, we kept going onward through Jubilife City where caught Kronk the Zubat in the cave above - Big Zubat fan. Love me some Zubats. Great Pokemon. I'm about it. - route 204. And, Magikarp on 218. Hi Magikarp. Your name is Puppy. - That could be really good as a Gyarados. - Just outside the city, Barry runs up and demands another battle, so I happily bash in his Chimchar again, and his Starly too. I kept on my way eventually arriving in Oreburgh City and nervously challenged - First gym leader is Roark, the Rock-type gym leader with his Cranidos. I think she'll be okay with Turtwig alone. - Roark. I was terrified of his Cranidos, but Turt landed a crit Razor leaf and one-shot it - There you go. - before it could even do anything. So, that's badge number one for us. I made it to Floaroma Town and was really excited because if you didn't know outside the Valley Windworks, - There's a, a trainer that you face at the Valley Windworks that is not fun. It has like a Purugly. We'll see how that goes. - you can find Shellos. And if you didn't know, again, I love Shellos. - Blue Shellos, best Shellos. - I ran straight to the grass to get my Shellos encounter. - It's a Buizel - And, - A Shinx! - Ugh! I'm not gonna pass up an encounter so I very depressingly caught the Shinx and named it "Failure" to vent my sadness and frustration for not getting a Slug. Well, there we found Team Galactic messing around stealing electricity - You're supposed to love it. - and this little girl's dad. So, I beat up the the grunt guarding the door. Broke in, - I love- I just love the animation her taking the Turtwig and just beat him like, "Ugh! Take that!" I, I love these Nuzlockes. - Beat the grunts in the building and Turt evolved and found Galactic Commander Mars - Grotle baby! - at the end of the corridor who I was scared of because she's got a fat cat - That's the Purugly - that hits like a semi truck. But, I had a plan. Back in the Oregburgh Mines I caught Dwayne the Onix, and I brought him to the fight because in case things got dicey, I would switch him in to buy time and heal up my other Pokemon. Basically, Dwayne was death fodder. Turt took out Mars' Zubat, and when Purugly came out, Kronk plucked off the Oran Berry it was holding but she got hit pretty hard in the process and since Turt needed a bit of healing before it could get back into it- Dawyne cantake a Scratch. Look at that. Dwayne is, Dawyne is fine. He's fine guys. Don't pull this the sad Nos for Dwayne. Dwayne's fine. Don't worry about him. - Oh, that's gonna be fine out of this Faint Attack. - Don't worry about him. - Oh my god! (laughs) Dude! All right. I'll give him that. - This Purugly is actually hard in Nuzlocke. - Dwayne gets to live. Somehow, when Dwayne was supposed to die, he hung in there on one HP. And you know what? I respected the hell out of him for it. I let Dwayne live and Turt was able to take out the Purugly. What a legend. - I like it. - But, then I put him back in the box and moved on. In Mt. Coronet, I caught a Bronzor and named him Big Boy which I happily - I will say Bronzor is an incredible Nuzlocke Pokemon. It's Steel and Psychic type so it only has a handful of weaknesses, and it has the ability Heatproof and Levitate which can reduce one of those two weaknesses, Ground or Fire type moves. Very, very bulky. Incredible Pokemon in Nuzlocke. - add to the team. And, right before Gardenia's gym, Kronk evolved which meant no mercy for those Flower Ladies. Badge number two. - Yeah, that's easy. If you have a Golbat, - We slashed the guard bushes - you just destroy Gardenia. - in front of the Galactic building and run up on the stairs where we fought Galatic Commander Jupiter. Let's take a look at how that went. - Jupiter. - Don't crit. Don't crit. Don't crit. - Uh oh, that's gonna be a crit. - Ah ah, no! - Night Slash is a high critical hit chance move boosted by STAB on Skuntank. That's gonna do some damage, but it tanked it. - That won't do. - Oh it crit back! - Oh god! Let's just hit. - Ah, if it gets hit with a Poison move though. - Don't crit him. - That's a crit. - No, oh my god! We finally were able to beat her, - Oh these crits. - but that fight really knocked the wind out of me. I was shaking on my way back to the Pokemon Center when this lady Cynthia shows up - Cynthia. - and she's like, "Egg?" - I don't think I ever noticed that her little hair thing look like Umbreon's. - Yeah. Anyway, even meeting Cynthia wasn't enough to calm my nerves. So, to keep my mind off the absolute tragedy we narrowly avoided, I decided to start training up Big Boy on Cycling Road. And, then he died! - Aww. - I practiced this game and - Crit. - So before you push up you anime glasses and tell me that Steel is weak to fire, which I know by the way, the reason I kept Big boy in was because not only - Heatproof. - is his defense an iron wall, but he had Heatproof which negates his Fire weakness. But, then he got crit. So, first death. I'm sorry Big Boy. You never had the opportunity to become a big boy. I walked into Wayward cave and found a Gible. Gible is an amazing - That is ridiculous. So, Gible can actually be found under the Cycling Path. It is a very rare encounter. That is clutch though. You can't get much better than that. At this point of the game, you can't get better than that. - Pokemon. It turns into Garchomp which is easily one of if not the strongest Pokemon in the game that isn't a legendary. Adding it to the team would give us such a huge advantage, and now there is nothing in my way between that and- - No! That hurt! That hurt my soul a little bit! (sighs) (breathes in) - And we're moving on. We arrived in Hearthome City where I caught Devito the Ralts. Kronk and Puppy evolved. We had a clean win against Fantina, and some lady gave us an Eevee I named Milk. Things were starting to look better now. I was leveling up Devito against trainers and when fighting this lovey-dovey couple- Let's go into Puppy. Get rid of the Buizle. - Ah, Pursuit and it's not a Fairy in this game! So, Devito in the newer games would be Pyschic and Fairy typing which is neutral to Dark. Pursuit has double damage when you switch out. It's actually not even in Sword and Shield. So, it's gonna do 80 base power, super effective, see you later. - You're kidding. - Ouch. - You're kidding. And, that's why I hate love. In came Shrimp the Scyther I caught on route 210. Some good news, on route 213, I finally found a Shellos. I named it Squoop and I loved it. - Blue Shellos, best Shellos! - I loved it so much. I know you're not supposed to have a favorite child, but Squoop was my favorite child and I wasn't apologetic about it. I trained it up and now we got a Gastrodon. - Oh, Gastrodon's so good too. - Turt ended up evolving too. So, together with Kronk and Squoop, Maylene was defeated and badge number four was secured. Outside of Pastoria City, - Crobat. Yeah, it would destroy Maylene. - I caught a Quagsire I named it LOL. But, when I went to get my great marsh encounter, I was trying to get a Yanma and accidentally threw a ball at a Wooper. So, now we've got LOL and Oops - Normally in a Nuzlocke, you would have what's called a dupes clause or duplicate clause where if you found the same Pokemon twice, you would ignore that encounter and get another one. The original Nuzlocke rules was not that. In fact, I think Locke's first ever playthrough, he had multiple Poochyenas, but most content creators like myself will generally do the dupes clause, and species clause in this case, and we wouldn't catch a second Wooper. I would do another encounter. - in the box. Then, I swept Crasher Wake with Milk who is now a Jolteon with the TM Thunder I bought - Oh why went Jolteon? Interesting play on that one. Jolteon on a Nuzlocke is very frail. You have to remember that Jolteon is, is a very fast relatively offensive Electric-type Pokemon. Only one weakness though, but very frail. I generally, on a Nuzlocke, would have went Umbreon, maybe Vaporeon, although already has a Gyarados. Still cool. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't have went Jolteon, but let's see how it plays out. - literally next door. I walked out of the gym and- Team Galactic set off a bomb? I ran down the grunt who detonated it and took him out because he is weak! Cynthia appears again and tells me to bring a charm to her grandma. So I'm like, "Yes ma'am!" We found her in Celestial Town along with Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, who starts some evil Shakespeare speech about how everything is imperfect so he's got to blow up the world or something. - I like it. - I don't know. I wasn't really paying attention. And, then he wanted to fight. Puppy took out his Sneasel and I sent out Milk to take care of his Golbat. But, Milk decided he wanted to be lazy. And, not only miss all his Thunders, but also punch himself in the face! - Thunder's a 70% accurate move. So, pretty decent chance in this. - Milk! - Oh here we go. Oh, it's dead. Is it Toxic poison or regular poison? - You can't, you can't be doing this. Kronk came out and killed the Golbat because was being difficult. - Lucky it didn't get- - But, I gave him the second chance and he took out the Murkrow. Anyway, here's your dusty charm. I went out and caught a Magnemite I named See, then arrived in Canalave City where we barged into Byron's gym and demolished his team with Squoop and Turt. Then, Team Galactic sets off another bomb, this time at Lake Valor. So, Barry, Professor Rowan's assistant Lucas, and I split up to check on the lakes. As I'm strolling past all the flopping Magikarp, I run into Galatic Commander Saturn who we swept the floor with. After that, we headed over to Lake Verity where we did the exact same with Mars. There is a part where Turt got crit and almost died. Oh god. Oh god! But, we're fine. He was fine. - A lot of crits. - Finally we had to go check up on Barry at Lake Acuity. And after trekking through six feet of snow for like a mile, we get there to find Barry at the top of a cliff like, "Hahaha! You can't climb rock!" - I gotta say, watching this has been like perfect timing because as I said at the beginning of this video, I'm legitimately about to start a new playthrough on the channel for, for the holiday like Christmas and stuff doing Renegade Platinum. So, this is a nice like little refresher for me. I like it. - Come back when you can climb rocks, loser! I'll got fight Candice's gym now, I guess? Now, we've been having some good type matchups with the past few gym. - That's a good point. Her team is not very good against Candice's gym. I don't think Freeze-Dry exists in this game. Freeze-Dry would make it really bad, but she's gonna need to probably get some other stuff. - So, I haven't really been nervous about most of them, but Candice uses Ice types which like half my team is weak against, which you know, nervousness rising. Not only was I at a massive type disadvantage but the main threat on our team - When did she had Scizor? - were her Abomasnow because it hits like a truck and sets up Hail, and her Froslass because it'll use the Hail from the Abomasnow to heighten its evasiveness with its Snow Cloak, spam Double Teams, and then just sweep my team. I walked in, took a deep breath which didn't make me feel better at all, and started the battle. Shrimp took out her Sneasel and Squoop took out her Pilo - I'm sorry Jaiden. How do you get a Scizor and not mention that at any point and not mention that at any point? Unless I fell asleep for a second. Scizor is so epic! - swine almost dying in the process. And, then she finally brought out the big bad Abomasnow. - She should be able to sweep the whole gym though. - Since it's Grass/Ice type, I thought Puppy Fire Blast. Yeah, I didn't know it could- Anyway, I wasn't sure it could one-shot - Gyarados surprisingly learns a lot of Special Attacks. - because Puppy's not a Special Attacker and lo and behold, it didn't. It didn't miss. Please kill it. Please - Before we find out what happens here, I just want to make a note that I love sprites in Pokemon, sometimes more than the 3D models. Abomasnow looks so epic in that sprite, but the current 3D models, it just looks like very like bleh! No way! - Eventually, Puppy took it out, but that was absolutely terrifying. - I can't believe it lived that. - Last but not least, Froslass. I wanted to have Squoop Rain Dance to get rid of the Hail so Froslass's Snow Cloak is inactivated, but since Squoop was sitting at a not so chill 20 HP, that wasn't gonna work out super great. However, since I didn't want Kronk to be in this fight at all, right before the fight, I swapped her with Failure the Shinx. Yep. - Oh, gonna sac it off? - Sorry little guy. Failure look up at the looming death that was Froslass in front of her. And as I healed up Squoop, - Poor Failure. - Failure was killed in its Blizzard. It's really unfortunate we had to resort to it, but I give Failure a salute for stepping up and surrendering its life to the team. Squoop came out, got off Rain Dance, and after a close battle, was able to pull through. We won, but it wasn't without sacrifice. We had a moment of silence for Failure. The true MVP of the fight. Gone but not forgotten. Now we can climb the rocks to Lake Acuity and when we got up there, Barry's got snot driven down his face, crying in the snow because he got beat up by Jupiter who looks at me and is like, "See ya! I'm going to Veilstone HQ." (sniffles) - He's just on the ground crying. - I'm gonna go to Veilstone. We start running through the base trying to find Cyrus, but when fighting this scientist- Psychic. - Oh boy. That shouldn't KO though. - Porygon2 freaks me out. It is way too powerful, way too bulky, - He's gonna crit now. - and it's way too - Tri Attack crit. Tri Attack probably KOs. Psychic didn't, - weird. - but Tri Attack would probably would deal that crit. - I do like Porygon2 though. - Oh, it's gonna crit. It's gotta crit. - I would like a plush of Porygon2. Very cute. - Yep! - What! What! What! What! - So in the new games, crits do 1.5% damage or 1.5x damage, 50 boost. In the older games, it's double damage so- - No! - Not sure it matted there though. - No! Squoop! We lost Squoop! I wasn't okay. Turt came out and curb stomped the Porygon2 out of vengeance. But, to put it lightly, I wasn't taking that too well. My heart is breaking. I'm like actually sad. (teary) But, life doesn't stop when your dog dies so I had to keep trucking and brought LOL the Quagsire to the team. With an intense blood-curdling thirst for revenge, I stormed into Cyrus's room. Fight! Shrimp and Milk took out his team in no time. I snatched his Master Ball and used his teleport pad to enter the basement where Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie are all being held captive. Fight! And like Cyrus, Saturn was swept too. After releasing the Lake Guardians, we head to Mt. Coronet because Cyrus wants to go there and destroy the planet I think. And, we catch up to him at the Spear Pillar. Before we can run up and attack him, Mars and Jupiter stepped in, then Barry arrives. Honestly, I have no idea how he found us all here, and is like, "I'll help!" LOL takes out both the Bronzors, Mars's Purugly, and Barry's Munchlax. So, I thought, you know, it was all smooth sailing, right? Well- - Oh, missed an Iron Tail. - Well, Barry. - Here comes the Bite. - Really doing a lot for the team, aren't you? - Flinch? Oh! - Oh my god. No! It has Giga Drain? - Oof. That's 4x super effective. - No. - I feel like it lives though. - No! Oh no! Oh no! - No. It was a crit. - I was a crit! Not only did I not know their Golbat had Giga Drain for some reason, but it also got a crit! So, I was starting to feel bad. - I think if it wasn't a crit, I think the Quad actually probably lives It. But, the crit. It was not even close. - But, then I started panicking. The thing is, after you fight Mars and Jupiter, you have to go into the Distortion World and fight Cyrus and Giratina. If Cynthia forces us into the Distortion World without us being able to get a new member, we're in massive trouble. We finished up the battle and Cyrus starts his whole spiel about how the world is imperfect. Blah, blah, blah. Everything must die except for me. Then, he got swallowed up by Giratina. A hole opens, a rip in space leading to the Distortion World, and I'm kind of just standing off to the side twiddling my thumbs like, "Cynthia, please don't shove me in there without my content." Cynthia, can I, can I go? I have something to do. Our world will be destroyed. Are you ready? - No, I'm not. Let me go! I'm free! Holy crap. Let- Get me out of here. Goodbye. I'm sorry LOL. We just got you and then you died. But luckily, remember when I accidentally caught that Wooper while trying to get a Yanma? - Bringing it back. - It's time Oops. You are no accident. You're our lucky star who will carry us to victory. - That's drooling. - We got Oops leveled up, came back to the Spear Pillar where Cynthia was just sitting there - His name is Oops. - waiting for us, and hopped in. Everything is topsy-turvy and the Lake Guardians are telling me to push boulders into holes, and suddenly I'm on a floating crest of land with Cynthia who's basically like, "Cyrus, get lost and never come back!" And, Cyrus didn't like that so he came at me. Oops took out his Houndoom and his Gyarados came out so I switched to Milk. But, I was very terrified because Cyrus's Gyarados has Earthquake. So if Milk misses his Thunder here, he dies. And, Milk is notorious for missing his Thunders. But, it hit. Milk lives another day. He also took out Cyrus's Crobat and Honckrow - Need that Thunderbolt! - and Shrimp finished up his Weavile. Cyrus steps aside and suddenly it's just me and the angel of darkness itself, - You got a Master Ball? - Giratina. (screeches) (screech) - This is kind of trippy. Master Balled it. Do it! - I threw the Master Ball and like that, it was over. I saved the world. Now, to get back to my gym badges. I arrived at Sunyshore City and started making my way through Volkner's gym. I know he's the eight gym leader and he's supposed to be tough, and apparently he's depressed because everyone who challenges him isn't good enough and he's bored. But, I wasn't concerned. We have Oops. and none of his Pokemon - Quagsire is so good. - can do anything about it. It's not like they have Giga Drain or anything, right? He didn't. I checked. Oops was just Earthquake and everything. And at the end, I'll admit I got a bit scared. Okay, don't crit. - Ooh, Giga Impact. - If you crit Giga Impact, that would be really un- Holy! But, it's all good. We're all good. And with that, off to Victory Road we went where we caught ourselves a Gabite I named Flakes. Would have been nice to have one. I don't know near the beginning of the game Wayward Cave, you know? But whatever. Better late than never. It's good to have just in case something goes horribly wrong at our nowhere. - Ooh. Crit Brave Bird? - Flakes is basically- Yeah it is. It's an amazing- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! No! - [Narrator] How quickly the tide turns. - You're kidding. - Whomp whomp. Ouch. That's a good pokemon too. - Oh dear. And, that's the straw that broke the camel's back. After Puppy died, I stepped back and decided the team we go into the Elite Four with needs to be the best possible team we can build. The - One of the good things about Nuzlocke's too that you'll find is like as one member goes down, it's like dominos falling, like you could really, really lose a Nuzlocke super quick with just one member of your team going down. If that team is like a crucial piece to kind of solving the type triangles. - Elite Four here goes pretty hard. So, I couldn't go in willy-nilly just hoping for the best. After literally a few hours of calculations and research, I settled on a team I thought would give us the highest possibility of winning. I added Flakes to the team and place of Puppy, and with a heavy heart left Milk and Kronk behind us. I brought See the now Magnezone and Colgate the Togekiss I hatched from the egg Cynthia gave me. Even though I was sad to not bring Milk and Kronk into the final battle with us, they won't be forgotten. And, it doesn't negate the fact they were such huge assets to the team, and I wouldn't made it this far - You just gotta another Nuzlocke. - without them. I'll see you guys on the other side. I took a step towards the doors of no return, and immediately got interrupted by Barry who wanted to have one last fight. Anyway. - Three minutes later. (screech) - Welcome. This is the - By the way, shout-outs to this guy. This is the only Elite Four Bug-type trainer ever. - Elite Four. The battle starts and See takes out Aaron's Yanmega and Vesipuen. Oops takes out his Drapion and Colgate takes out his Scizor and Heracross. Next up is Bertha. Bertha loves Ground types, but Turt and Oops had a smooth time smashing through her team. I felt a horrible shiver when her Rhyperior came out, but things went well. Onto Flint. - This like alternate plot of Giratina like taking over right now is kind of dope I'm not gonna lie. (screech) - Flint has a pretty scary team, but luckily Oops and Flake had no trouble plowing through them as well. And with that, we're on to the last member, Lucian. Now, Shrimp hasn't had much time to shine in these fights so far so I decided I wanted to let her go all out. She set up Swords Dances and Bullet Punched everything. Proud of you Shrimp. And, suddenly I'm at the entrance to the Champion. The trainer who's been known to crush dreams into a single - A lot of people look at Cynthia as being the most powerful champion of all time. I actually think it was Leon by the way in Sword and Shield. But, Cynthia is very good so we're gonna find out. She's got her Garchomp, she's got a Gastodron, she's got a lot of things that Jaiden actually has as well on her team. - battle and many still fear to this day. I took a deep breath. Things are going surprisingly well. - Milotic too I think. Milotic, Spiritomb, she got a really cool team. - And, I don't know how to feel about it. But, I looked up and there she was. - I think Leon's better. At this moment I have only one - That's my opinion. - last objective, defeat Cynthia. She leads with Spiritomb which has no weaknesses so I sent out Turt to hit it as hard as possible. Flakes takes out her Togekiss and then her Garchomp comes out. This is known to be one of the toughest boss Pokemon in the entire franchise. And rightfully so, that thing was made by Satan himself and I'm sure even he fears what he has created. I immediately switched to Oops who's the only Pokemon that can lead us to victory here. I planned - I love how he drools. - to put it to sleep with Yawn and then Ice Beam it until it died. That was our only hope. - Oh, it just Ice Beamed. - But then, Oops was crit. And, that was it. Nothing on my team can take a hit from this monster. And, even if they could, they couldn't do much damage back. I sat there in disbelief knowing there wasn't anything I could have done. And, the battle is basically unwinnable now. I brought out Shrimp to Bullet Punch it so we could get in a little bit of damage, but she was killed. Colgate tried to chip away at it. He did some damage too but was crit one-shot. At this point, I had accepted defeat. Only Turt, See, and Flakes were left. it's hopeless at this point. Flakes came out and against all odds, Flakes outsped Cynthia's Garchomp - Wow. - and killed it. I didn't think he could do it. He was two levels weaker and I just I, I don't know. I just didn't think - I wonder what its Speed stat, if it had a Speed boosting nature like Jolly or Timid or something like that. Or, if it just got a lot of Speed EVs as it played through. That's pretty crazy. - think you could outspeed it. Suddenly, there was a chance. We could win this after all. Cynthia brings out her Milotic which See took out with a few Thunderbolts. Flakes took out the Lucario with Dig. Look, my Earthquake TM is on Squoop, and we all know what happened there. Finally, her last Pokemon comes out. Roserade. Flakes went in for the Dragno Claw and the battle was over. - Ey! - We won. As Cynthia's congratulating me, a sudden feeling of overwhelming guilt washes over my entire body. So intense, it almost knocks me down. I don't think I deserve this. Something here isn't right. This wasn't meant for me. Back in the Distortion World when Giratina's split me in two, how do I know I'm me? What happened in the other timeline where I saw glimpses of what happened parallel to this world? That was me too. Those things happened. Was that the ending I destined to have? The world I'm living in now is how I want things to be, but the other Jaiden is equally me as I am her. Even if you might think I deserve this dimension, things don't work like that. Are there some things you can't escape even when you try everything you can do to alter it? I don't know the answer. I may be able to sit on this throne now and think all the Pokemon that put in everything to help get here, all the hard work, blood, sacrifices we made, but I don't think I can every accept this victory. I don't know what ending was meant for me. And, I don't think I ever will. - Love that video. Talk about incredible. I hope you guys enjoyed my reaction to Jaiden Animations' "I attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke" If you guys enjoyed it, hit that like button down below and don't forget I upload Pokemon videos here every single day. So, if you're looking for a place to watch some awesome Pokemon content, make sure you guys subscribe to the channel, and keep an eye out for my Renegade Platinum Nuzlocke series that I'm gonna be starting very, very soon. In fact, maybe even the day after this goes up if all goes well. We're gonna have some fun playing through Renegade Platinum which is what's called a Drayano hack. It's a harder version of Pokemon Platinum customized for difficulty and Nuzlockes man. It's gonna be so stoked. It's gonna be so, so hyped up. It's gonna be a lot of fun. I'm very much so looking forward to it. Thank you again Jaiden for the incredible video, the incredible animation. Go show some love to Jaiden's channel. Be sure to watch the original video, like it, subscribe, all that good stuff, and I will see you guys on the next one. Peace If you guys enjoyed this reaction video, you should check out this one right here. Otherwise, this video's pretty awesome too. Make sure you guys subscribe and check out one of these videos. Have yourself a great day!
Channel: aDrive
Views: 1,284,211
Rating: 4.8765626 out of 5
Keywords: JaidenAnimations, Jaiden Animates, Best Pokemon Game, Best Pokemon, Pokemon Animation, aDrive, best pokemon, adrive reacts, reaction, funny pokemon, funny reaction, poketuber reacts, Poketuber reacts to, poketuber reacts to jaiden animations, poketuber reacts to jaiden nuzlocke, First Pokemon Nuzlocke, Nuzlocke, Platinum Nuzlocke, JaidenAnimations Platinum Nuzlocke
Id: 3WKeeg81bag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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