Poketuber Reacts to "Pokemon but they level down"

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imagine playing a pokemon game but instead of gaining experience you actually lose experience and then you just keep leveling down as you play through it well my buddy small ant actually did this and we're gonna react to it you guys kept hitting me up to react to this we're gonna do it let's go [Music] yo whoa what is going on youtube it's your boy dan aka driver pretty guys another video today and today we're reacting to small ants pokemon but they leveled down now of course for those who don't know small anne is incredible content creator most known for his speed running and other pokemon challenges and this one is nuts dude it's actually like just crazy i i don't even know what's going on my man is seriously playing through pokemon emerald and his pokemon level down when they gain experience they actually get negative experience super unique idea love it and i got to see it for myself so many of you guys tweeted at me left comments they're like hey drive check out small ants level down video you go out and check it out i'm like all right we'll check it out if you guys enjoy this video first of all go check out small ant please of course show him some love subscribe to his channel but you can also hit the like button for me i appreciate the support make sure you guys subscribe get those notifications turned on i post pokemon videos every single day i legit post two pokemon videos every day you can't miss it you can't hate it and let me know your thoughts are in the comments section below because this is crazy it's a crazy challenge but let's not waste any time because it's a long video we're gonna have some fun and let's see how this goes because this is just nuts all right let us begin today is pokemon emerald okay my pokemon level down what this means is that everything as like you don't gain the exp you lose the exp i gotta ask how do you like come up with this idea in the first place such a good idea there is no way to get stronger a-n-t it me hello hello candies work they level you down they lose stats though yeah they get they get worse this is going to be hard this is going to be insanely difficult yeah i don't even know so basically i feel like the only way this works is you legitimately have to catch new pokemon over and over again and then use them for a few battles and catch something else we pass the first rival battle i don't know we're gonna see so we get to pick a starter you know normally i pick either like trico or mudkip but i think i'm gonna mix it up this time we're gonna pick torchic torchic oh torchic worst starter by the way trico best starter mudkip second best i like them but if you don't like them that's your problem right so it's just barely at level five how perfect we will scratch feels good we're gonna defeat this zig zagoon what happens after you reach level one level two is the minimum all right scratch now let's see the xp going down excellent wild zigzagoon fainted 17 xp 17 exp points oh my gosh and our stats went down oh my god that's so crazy you just look at his face he's just like what did i just sign up for he really is like debating his life he's like what what am i doing right now i have no idea how i'm going to do this if i'm just being completely honest with you i love it all right i guess we get to fight may now we get to fight a level 5 mudkip oh god before torchic oh dear oh dear oh dear wait is it it's not a nuzlocke though come on first battle done but now he loses like 16. torture gloucester 69 exp points beautiful oh he white it out because he lo oh my god that is crazy so he lost hp from leveling down and it took away the hp he had and he white it out wow that's hilarious we leveled down and lost hp so we lost the battle that's gonna make this a little harder isn't it okay so at least he's not nuzlocking i didn't even consider that could possibly happen well winning this battle put your pokemon at level zero i don't know we're gonna find out did we just okay he has a little bit more hp this time i think we just lost the battle because we're gonna level down twice here lose to hp oh my there's no way he actually beats this does he i mean this is a really long video does he actually beat this i haven't i don't i don't see how you beat this damn it we just need to have more hp this is gonna be one of the hardest pokemon challenges i've ever done for sure this is crazy exp share is a huge brain strat oh my god you give the exp share just some crappy pokemon that you have and it halves the amount of xp that you lose okay okay that's good we've finally won this battle it only took three it's fourth four this is my fourth attempt so i see what he's saying so he's gonna use the exp share to kind of divide the h or the exp between his pokemon so that way he like gives it to something really garbage tier so that thing just keeps leveling down uh whereas the main pokemon is less affected by the exp share torchic loss 69 so ridiculous dude wow that's great i'm pretty good and we're left with a level two torchic what do you do now no they just leveled down we need to catch some pokemon that's for sure so i'm gonna catch like three pokemon here level four low tad okay we're just gonna catch it see i can see him getting through like the first couple gyms just based on types alone like you get a good grass type like a shroomish or a low tide you could beat roxanne you get a good like you get a zubat you can beat uh brawley a ground type will beat watson so i can see that all right this seems like a good pokemon to catch as well one well how do you beat the elite four when your team's getting like demolished as you go through it get into level 100 maybe win this first battle yeah i don't think you can lose exp once you're at level two all right lunar that's another strategy he could do is he could have his pokemon faint oh my god this is ridiculous tackle howl that's scary that's fine though but i think we're going to win this battle one more come on he howls but like he's going to lose so much experience um pucciano lost 58 exp points decrease to level three oh my god two it like hurts your brain he's gonna have to catch you stop every time possible in this challenge head for russeboro let's go to russeboro then yo what's up my man i don't remember these guys so cool scott isn't cool he's just annoying how how dare you disrespect my man stop how dare you actually this is probably worth catching he needs more pokeballs click let's go yeah my man needs to get some more pokeballs we got fred does the merrell have huge power i don't think it existed yet in this gen you can't evolve anything oh my gosh yeah this will be fine well i didn't even know you can catch merrell at that point in the game in emerald i'm gonna be honest i did not realize that all right so the start is we're gonna get one eight k owed by the fuchiana no it's sand attacks let's go all right please hit her growl he hits a howl ah taking me out in one hit no it's actually his signature ability in this gym that's excellent it howled again ah what's my strongest pokemon now the question is do i use my strongest pokemon i don't know this is so sad there we go an actual attack my god that still does so much props to him for torturing himself for this stuff man that does nothing oh my lord growl we can survive i gotta i gotta i really gotta try one of these challenges on stream one day like we just got to set aside a week to just tackle something like this because this i don't know how you how you even do you say merrell has huge power 100 of the time so where's my huge power again it's the other 100 of the time yeah of course we got to get thick dude get that thick fat make it thicker just a matter of time huge power mirror would be good but all right so we're at plus six defense so we just have to hope tackles hit i guess as it gets stronger okay we hit a tackle we only go three more please chilly chilly it's a level he's 45 minutes and he's in right now yes one more you got one more shot like getting a pickup pokemon would be really clutch to get items and money you got two more chances chilly two more two more chance two more opportunities i don't like santa says that means based on my very rough knowledge of statistics this tackle is guaranteed to hit but it's a one and third chance i attached three times and i missed every time isn't that mean it's a zero percent chance as a shiny enter i cringe at that thought we won i know how mad works don't worry don't chilly decrease the level three oh my goodness man then we gotta fight these trainers here got a double bed he's gotta heal i'm just gonna save and hope we can defeat them i think we could do this if we double up we might be able to win this holy crap why did that do so little so fortunately it seems like the c dot does not know any attacking got by it i think fred decreased to level three chili's gonna die chili fainted uh chili is just vibing wait how is chili's still there just straight chilling i wonder if we could potion chili it's fainted but it's still sitting there in the battle what i was worth a shot ah chili's gone what was that glitched see dot storing energy tackle don't miss good wow that's how you win a double battle all right but yeah to beat the first gym we definitely will need a bunch of shroomish there you go we're gonna try and catch those shroomish shroomish level six beautiful love that so service has absorbed so even at level six like you can definitely beat roxanne i think for sure one two beautiful three flight you just get a bunch of them yeah two three boom easy all right let's fight roxanne i think she's got this oh my god it's level 12. i think he's got this absorb does a lot it misses rock throw let's but the problem is every time one of these it's just gonna keep getting lower and lower dude this is crazy all right if this fails i have a strategy oh my lord it's down to three it's down to two god [Music] the glass has been shattered oh boy yep cupid he's down to the last one and he's going to lose now ouch well we just lost uh so that didn't work what's the next strategy we're going to grab the quick claw and we're going to grab uh a few more shroomish yeah quick claw okay we got that zion so quick law give him a little a small chance that his shroomis could attack first so you can get those absorbs off but it's only really good for one one instance cause once it levels down it's essentially useless it's gonna get one shot again all right we got the shroomish army baby the great thing about this challenge is that you can't really just rely on one pokemon to sweep because it'll just get weaker if you try and sweep with it so like you just can't use x items and set up like i usually do so we got to do this a little differently but we're fighting roxanne with the cake baby let's do this oh man absorb we made it let's get you a lot of veggies oh nice crate a crit big crate what a start all right now cake is level two so we're gonna send in uh me i lost my cake man rock tomb i think we might survive that no oops that's a one-hit ko no it's not big pog baby this is the best girl defense that did nothing dude well defensive defensive defense oh oh that's a potion get a crit get a grip come on quick quick grip he needs a crit oh nope he's a miss she's using another potion the greed from this is critter or miss rock throw dang it you're a one live now okay absorb ah didn't take it out please defense girl ah that sucks i think it is the in our best interest to switch into cake we need to out speed i'm sorry cake it had to be done level 2k gone now we shoot out speed yes okay take a second just a nose pass now there's a piece of cake baby pizza cake now he gets leveled down so much decrease to level three that's an underflow glitch yeah i believe we have infinite hp on my level two cupid now we won't need it we won't need it uh x defend use please survive one hit oh it's hardening yes good okay uh it's level 15. now i think we can absorb it that's not going to do a lot it's so funny when him and i say the same things this happened the last episode too this is going to take a hot minute but i think we've got it cause how much is going to do nothing he's good he's good it's paralyzed let's go yeah now he's eating okay he'll get it unless he gets like superman i think he can get through raleigh i just don't know if i see him getting through like later later first freaking badge we're decreasing it's more that's impressive we're losing losing everything all right yeah level level two and we defeated roxanne wow yeah cupid are you doing okay buddy healing i think we're waiting like i said when it comes to brawley which is the next gym you have things like wingle zubat zubat's really good anything that could like poison i feel like you can whittle things down that's actually a really good strat maybe poison to try to stall things out zubats will be really good though because they resist the fighting moves 4x getting full health hope to see you again beautiful cupid's feeling good at level two do we have any stronger pokemon in the box um why is it a hundred nope [Music] i think it it under flowed a little bit fred be free i guess i guess to give him a level 100 that's not a level 8 pucciano we're going to catch that all right yep caught it easy all right i'll go get it i gotta say it's a good thing that in this game that's pretty cool it's a good thing that in this game you don't uh get xp for catching because he'd be in so much trouble if he was getting experience every time he caught a pokemon too fog let's get a level nine wismer whismur one two three beautiful yes okay all right who we naming this after who's the whisperer name i'm gonna name this goob i think goob is a good one whisper zan all right aqua brunt i think we're just gonna howl hopefully it doesn't know sand attack no it howled on me okay i'm gonna tackle now i don't want to get greedy he's so he's only two hours in so far that's not that bad if you can catch a stable eye yeah catching the stabilize will definitely be very helpful oh sable is a really good suggestion actually i'm a zoomer zoomer started in 1996. he can't evolve anything i was like oh my god he can get a ninja that'd be amazing but stabilize a really good suggestion because it is a ghost type obviously and we'll be immune to most of brawley's moves so i think that's a good way to get through that gym 12 or something do i how old do i look i look like a spaghetti noodle okay i still dress in most of the clothes i had in high school so i don't doubt it i need a stylish friend to go shopping style is not mine i need to like update my wardrobe i'd make you look like a lesbian i mean i do like girls so i mean half of that would be right may no no no i don't want to fight you oh does he have to buy mei i i can't afford it no no no no no no thank you so we're gonna grab oh oh can you skip it cannot fight trainers this gym isn't required but i don't think we have any reason not to skip the gym because we can just catch a sableye all right we got flash flash is going to be incredibly useful oh sable level we need to great ball now i think he i think he could probably stabilize you bats one two three there you go let's go not too shabby bro all right we're naming this marrow [Music] red broadly now we didn't defeat a single pokemon i'm just going to try with marrow but what does sibling even have for attacks though boy this one doesn't have foresight all right scratch good took that down so obviously it levels down immediately i don't think meditate can hit me so i'm gonna do the same thing i'm just gonna learn till we run out because it's just gonna bulk up a bunch all right reflector off now i can scratch it reflects again scratch again and scratch oh my lord use another potion the worst okay we took on meditate good i was speeding it up a little bit but use makuhita will i change no now all we need to do is spam nightshade and we should win because i don't think it can hit me so i think we're going to win with a level 10 stabilize strategy like this i outsmarted it merrell takes it out level eight against a level 19 dude i i gotta give him props he's got two gym badges already that's pretty impressive if you ask me i just don't see how i mean so i look at i got we got half the video left i don't see how you get through the whole thing though lost 354 we're going to level two baby all right down to level two wow and we won the gym battle that's badge number two all right yeah so the exp share is super useful because i if i give the exp share to say a level two then half of my exp loss is actually just just removed just a random like exp sync on my team all right we got the exp share so i can share the exp loss between pokemon which would be useful that's good yo glaceon giving you something god god welcome back to the ant colony that's six months in the ant colony god welcome back uh slave board all right so i'm going to give the exp share so the next gym is watson obviously watson's alleged types i do think that this is doable because you can get like geodudes maybe or i think you can rock smash for them any ground type will get through watson because i think he's got like magnemites do you go and find captain stern yes i can they might have sonic boom though pokemon will we oh we can let's go okay excellent what do we got what do we got a lot of electrotypes here electric one two three yes all right level 12 that's fine i'll get another level 12 one audit oh oddish we might actually just fill up our team right now because i didn't realize there's oddishes here that's super good oh a minom that'll do yeah i don't know about that bro oh my god that's almost all of our money i don't know about saying a mining that'll do i've never heard anyone say that what am i gonna do welcome to the oceanic museum he doesn't even have the money all right i didn't have enough money and they let me in excellent all right so we got the parts i think that was it yo scotty i wish i was as cool as him i don't i do not remember who scotty is like i legitimately i mean i haven't played through emerald in forever but i don't remember this dude at all jonah's crazy it's pretty intense yeah i have i have two badges and my highest level pokemon is level 12. he's gotta battle his rival how this is gonna go but i'm just gonna do my best lombre 18. nice little level 18 lombre uh we're going to start with the thunder wave okay absorb don't do a lot that did not do a lot excellent it's going to heal itself though this should outspeed the rest of their team i hope tackle and there should be a one at ko right this should be a one hit ko proceeds to do 20 i know it's six levels above me but i use a howl six times oh and he gets a crit and he gets a crit yeah he needs to see it blah blah is absorbed well i guess we gotta do with the the g money g money baby we took on the lambre yo we didn't even level down marsh top will i change yes okay hopefully tanner can deal with the marsh top i think so please don't kill me in one hit with mud shot that's good news i don't know how much he's gonna do though nothing that's nothing he's gonna have to switch out after the bite oh maybe he's switching more than me get a injury oh it's a crit big crit big crazy impossible to get what's crits of course in the older games do double damage instead of just 50 increase thunder wave be paralyzed please just just yawn okay i yawned and now what okay g-money please get a flash thank you i like distractions now g-money woke up use lear amber ah okay we're fine whiteout number five no no no no no no no white outs hey man when he woke up g money with the tackle big damage big damage amber missed he's going to yawn me crit no it's paralyzed wow he got through may we got through a first try how did i do that how wow look at my team look what i just beat mae with 12 mine and eight poochie hannah 10 gmail just throw them all out there just let them get right level two how do we do how all right hmo6 rock smash easy peasy might be able to get ground types though obviously we need a new team but where can we get a new team i think our best bet is catching wild pokemon out here i don't okay in that patch though i don't think there's anything good i feel like if you can rock smash which he might not be able to do if he doesn't beat watson first you need round type somehow i don't even know if you can get any at this point though oddish level 13 we'll we'll make it work sorry we got tofu all right illamise all right tanner you're getting replaced by jq g money i don't know how you do it without a ground type but i don't think there is any without rocksmiths i'm fairly sure the gym has a few required battles 14 that should have poison powder that is awesome this is probably best case this is what i wanted to get poison powder that's what we like poison powder was another way you can kind of stall out some of the battles nice caught the oddish all right so we're going to use kai for just this battle i believe i think you should only have a ralts and i'm pretty sure it only knows confusion so all i'm going to do is a howl and tackle you know i'll tell you what he might struggle with those slackings dude how do you beat those slackings okay ghosts maybe oh you know what no no no we're gonna catch i'm gonna catch one geo dude now i don't know if you understand why we're doing that but it's gonna be a huge brain play let's see he can switch in the g.i.d every time pokemon that might make this a little bit more difficult we'll see but sonic boom man as long as this doesn't one hit ko he's good sonic boom is what i would be worried about though but now you go geodude if you want he's gonna stay why is he using spark i don't understand why he is using electric type moves let's just hope it uses an electric type move spark okay it doesn't have sonic boom in this level uh now it's probably gonna does have enough hp though if it explodes that's good too i i would have just kept it i don't think there's any reason to switch now we're gonna switch back into ryman because it's gonna use an electric type move all right excellent so now it's going to do roll out oh it doesn't roll that's fine yeah but if it roll outside you're going to have to just hope roll out missus it hits and there's no and it should go down uh wait yeah there is still time should take it out vote over by the poison i re we need to pray all right one down i guess we can switch again electric we will change on electric and this is where the strategy is shown on full display we need to survive a single hit it learns me and we need to poison it there it is it's not going to use an electric type move because it lured me and it's not very effective so it's going to use a normal type move so i'm gonna send in a ghost type that's fine if it attacks it's going to use an electric type move so i am going to switch in my man small ant using the biggest brain strategies right now to geodude and now if it attacks it is going to use a normal type move it's cheesing it so hard but you got to do what you got to do right and now if it attacks it will use an electric type i like it oh this is such a huge brain strat i'm taking it out with a level two and a level six watson's getting outplayed doesn't magneton work the same we cannot poison magneton is the problem yeah gym leaders hate this man with this one easy trick oh my god he's potions too all right kev paul decreased that's fine ryman's going down to level two bye bye ryrai oh level four okay all right what do you do now change no we do need to write these down we've got two more shock i'm only gonna track shock waves because that's the one that's gonna run out first guaranteed 19 and one more shockwave and that's yeah okay that's all of them he's super sonic so now i need to switch in between until it doesn't supersonic me okay supersonic missed that's good now we flash oh my god and we use flash awesome and now we'll start to miss the moves supersonic misses good fight flash at this point i don't think there's any reason not to x accuracy so i hit all of my flashes or six all right now we will learn six times rock smash should do more than two damage the big brain with having the uh this is the civilized to be immune to sonic boom he stalled out the shot oh you got it we can use the super potion he's gonna start struggling soon though which is the problem it struggled it missed okay we need to switch now okay i missed it struggle that's good that's why we did that now we need to x defend it's gonna be hit with recoil i'm gonna keep missing now it's gonna take a while but i think the odds are in our favor struggle is missing this is very good it's gradually gonna take itself out i think even if it crits with struggle we've won your time is it with recoil absolutely had another pokemon there critical hit awesome ride man decrease the level two that's what i love to see manic ectric oh my god now danny danny danny he's got a poison he's got a poison listen to me danny all you need to do to win this battle live the hit boys hit a single poison powder that's all you need to do you just need to hit one poison powder you can lift this just hit the poison powder he's gonna miss it he's gonna miss it he gets grit no kev listen to me buddy just hit the poison powder he's gonna miss dude no the quick club popped come on man that's brutal yes there it is [Music] it doesn't matter what he does now my audio shows a quick claw and it popped a level two marrow and a level two rye man oh they'll go please dude just swap them back and forth that was just a matter of time oh my [Music] goodness [Music] this feels good doesn't it two level twos versus watson's eight twenty four i knew chess was trending on twitch but i didn't expect this wow old strats man he made it work [Music] we'll clap for him on that one for sure man oh man third badge baby third badge we just defeated watson with this team why didn't you just get better pokemon this is the best team that i possibly i mean he did what he had to do right the highest level pokemon you can get are level 14 auditions wow that was brilliant dude so something stops at some point excellent i think we're gonna catch a lot of ground and rock type pokemon because i think that'll be good because we'll have to be fighting uh max he's gonna run it he's he's gotta run into something that he can't beat his turn turn thank you all right what is it though you guys said dig was around here fossil house this one give me that big baby oh more left more left you gotta gotta gotta gotta go okay okay yeah but can you be holding we need that for later i guess we'll catch some wild pokemon oh meteor falls team team aqua maybe not soul rock level 14 i don't know what the max level on the soul rocks are so rock is level 18 all right yeah i don't care are you don't catch me 18 soul rock now oh level 18 there we go how nice now hopefully mint can put it to sleep out speed and put it to sleep yes okay this is hard to catch though right maybe it can be flannery two three easy easy easy maybe you can with silver marco i'm gonna name it after you jericho no it has reached the six hour mark i think leaving the fourth gym in the tower will be a good thing for next week be sure to follow the stream i hope to see you there wow good stuff man good stuff guys you gotta check them out you gotta check them out i clearly didn't give small enough credit because he didn't actually give up yet he's still at it so if you guys want to check out his original video or check out his channel you can check them out in the description below if you enjoyed this reaction and kind of what i do here like i said i post pokemon videos every single day be sure to like the video subscribe if you guys are new get those notifications on and leave a comment in the comment section below let me know what you thought about this challenge because this was a crazy idea and just props to him in the first place i quite enjoyed it and i'm sure you guys did as well thank you guys so much for watching my name is dan i also buy a drive and i will catch you guys on the next one peace if you guys enjoyed this reaction video you should definitely check out this one right here otherwise i think this video is pretty awesome too so check out one of my two videos and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: aDrive
Views: 330,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon but they level down, Small Ant, smallant, Can you beat Pokemon Platinum Without Taking Damage?, pokemon platinum, pokemon challenge, adrive, adrive reaction, pokemon reactions, funny pokemon, poketuber reacts, pokemon youtuber reacts, nuzlocke, pokemon challenge run, pokemon speed run, smallant pokemon, pokemon emerald
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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