Poketuber Reacts to "If Pokemon Trainers Were Smart (Full Series)"

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i think anyone who's ever seen the anime can agree that ash is a pretty mediocre trainer right he seems to not know his type chart and he just uses the power of pikachu to try to win but what if pokemon trainers were actually smart let's take a look yo whoa what is going on youtube it's your boy dan aka driver guys a brand new video today and today we are reacting to the dorkly video if pokemon trainers were smart we're actually gonna look through this entire video it's a nice little montage of some of their awesome shorts and i think it's gonna be a lot of fun and very entertaining if you enjoy this type of video be sure to like the video down below feel free to check out the original channel in the description below and if you like me you can subscribe to the channel get those notifications turned on and you find out later that you don't like me you can always unsubscribe but you should subscribe right now because why not i make pokemon videos every single day but let's not waste any time let's take a look at if pokemon trainers were smart all right if pokemon trainers are smart let's do it i consider myself to be a pretty smart trainer blue hair squirtle begin your adventure all right who do i get you can't do that why not uh that bulbasaur is just gonna sit on your table indefinitely and technically it's a legendary because there's only one of it in the entire region that's fair points for those who don't know when you choose your starter there's always that third starter that's just there and they don't ever do anything with it they should give it to you at the end of the game if i left it on the table i would just be an idiot i like it you two fainted oh man we fainted him guess you can't catch mewtwo now uh sure i can he's lying on the ground unconscious it should be even easier than usual now come on grab his ankles okay boss so what pokemon are you gonna use your master ball on boss that is an interesting concept though in the pokemon games if you faint a pokemon you can no longer catch it but you would think if they were fainted it would be easier to catch them i wonder if you were to like go all the way back to the original conception of pokemon when they made that decision that you had to weaken them without fainting them to catch them as opposed to just faint them first obviously i think that it's harder to weaken them and catch them just faint them and catch them but interesting concepts uh none i'm going to reverse engineer this technology produce millions and then become the richest person on earth wow that's smart boss you got it all figured out huh not quite i still can't seem to complete my pokedex almost as if some pokemon were intentionally removed from the region oh that is true they obviously have very various like version exclusives that you have to trade for and they they make you use those link cables shout outs if you ever used a link cable because i did i've been playing since red and blue it's a snorlax want me to get the pokeflute boss seither use cut yeah that would work too ouch and he walked through the body you can do that [Music] oh gosh an interdimensional rift from the red dimension what do you want take me to a sandro the first exclusive joke obviously because you could only get sandshrew in i think blue and that guy came from red right if people traders were even smarter [Music] what you doing boss storing pokemon oh no turns out everyone in the entire world stores their pokemon in the same network and none require a password to access so i'm downloading literally everyone's pokemon external hard drive here oh wow guess they should have had some two-factor authentication huh boss you said it buddy loopholes why are we putting a corpse into this machine boss simple this slab can revive any fossil into perfect living form any fossil father it's me i've resurrected you go to mother she misses you father thank you my son this is so awkward there's his dad huh neat sure is nice of you to come home and reunite your shattered family boss yes but with father's return mother is insistent i stay so we can be a family again but this would impede my progress of course so i'm leaving a ditto in my stead full ganger mother will never know the difference okay boss he just jumps out the window [Music] wait a sec what form was i supposed to stay in again was it my trainer's human form no i was probably shuckle yeah it's me ditto shuckle yeah i'm helping super smarter okay [Music] why are you riding around on a bike have you discovered all 150 pokemon yet yeah uh instead of trying to find every species of pokemon by myself i went on the internet and looked it up 850 i mean that's not even including mega and there's alola there's gigantomax forms i mean of course you know this already but uh yeah you are welcome i guess 850 forms i had no idea my life is a waste there's this one site bulbapedia it's got like everything so we we stan cerebe.net by the way not bulbapedia cerebe.net fender missingno i have so many pokeballs i will not stop shout outs i remember doing this glitch by the way in the original red and blue you could surf up and down cinnabar island after talking to the old man or whatever and then you could find glitched out pokemon that were above level 100 missing those et cetera it's a great way to ruin your game file by the way cyther my friend by capturing this aberration i now have 128 bikes and if each bike is worth 1 million dollars wow you got 128 million dollars no we have 126 million dollars you'd share it with me i equipped you with exp share for a reason but wait boss from all the math lessons you've been giving me 126 million means we'll have two bikes left over why would you [Music] of nothing yeah be quiet disembodied voice honey you look different yup nope this is me it's red your normal kid normal kid normal oh good i was worried for a moment keep playing in your show while i go make us some lunch we're actually smarter [Music] bold strategy dude throw the pikachu in the water and just electrify everything i love it shint hey seither yeah boss hey you love my pun and also shout out to the fact that he's surfing on a ride-on which does learn surf by the way what's wrong geez boss i wonder isn't there a better way instead of humans making pokemon fight wouldn't it be nice if we all lived in harmony together bring me the legendary temporal pokemon diagon you know the literal god of time oh sure you got like eight of those here's the shiny one [Music] you got like eight of those where are we boss where it all began i bet my psychic cat baby can beat your psychic plant baby uh-uh my psychic baby is the best let's have a fight heck it could be a whole sport we could center all of our societies either use cuts so humans and pokemon will live in harmony now that we killed the inventors of pokemon battles no well why don't we head back to the present and find out no way it's even worse good one boss there's my guy but yeah we just killed two kids let's move yeah shuckles in charge now whole planet of shuckles no prime apes here no sure just me all shuckle good old reliable shuckle shuckling up a storm here chuckle time and and it's chuckle o'clock [Music] not the best outcome we will have to go back and undo this uh here comes here comes the shuckle train shook chuck it in the comments section below please either we have a problem what boss a trope from pokemon that warrants a deeper analysis no no no we're unprofitable dorkly's in the red old buddy but we have millions of subscribers that youtube ad money's got to be coming in right oh cyther buddy no one's making decent ad money on youtube let alone with two minute long videos facts dude 2020's been rough it's all good though it's all good though well then let's make longer videos it's animation cyther we're animated you know that i know that and every second of that costs money real money well why don't they just add some longer live action videos into the mix you know maybe some table top role play and comic book discussion look cyther while both of those ideas could find a small but passionate audience it's too far away from the normal tone and style of the channel they subscribe to oh yeah it's just too difficult to sustain a channel focused on short pop culture parody animations it's like getting blood from a moon stone why don't we do a patreon or offer fans some way of supporting us financially themselves here's the rub we exclusively appeal to people underemployed and drowning in debt we simply can't ask them for money gonna go ahead and hit the [Music] let's recent what the future holds for old son so this is it huh boss well death comes for us all either and we're just victims of that universal truth but while we were here we had a pretty good time didn't it thanks boss oh thank you scyther and if there is a next plane how about when we get there you stop calling me boss and start calling me friend ah ah was a tearjerker at the end there that was the tiageka at the end that was actually really funny though i enjoy these kind of like little animated shorts and it was pretty comical at times i do wonder why they chose to have scyther as the partner through this little shorts but i i subscribe to that i love me some sight there dude no doubt about it i don't know about you guys but i thought that video was pretty darn epic and i hope you guys enjoyed it be sure to like the video if you did subscribe you guys when you get those notifications turned on as i post pokemon videos every single day if you want to check out the original creator they'll be in the description below shuck shuck baby i'll see you guys next time peace if you guys enjoyed this video right here i think you're gonna love this one right here otherwise youtube thinks you're gonna like this video so check out one of these two and i'll see you guys next time peace out
Channel: aDrive
Views: 1,200,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dorkly, If Pokemon Trainers were smart, Pokemon Trainers were smart, Pokemon Dorkly, Poketuber reacts, aDrive reaction, pokemon reaction, pokemon master, funny, pokemon, animation, dorkly scyther, dorkley bits pokemon, dorkly smart pokemon, pokemon compilation, aDrive shiny pokemon
Id: 3P7vVdEXsZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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