World Champ Reacts to Pokemon But They Level Down

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hello so today we're doing something uh that we haven't done in a while we actually haven't had any reaction content on the channel in a little bit but um i thought this could be really interesting so i was on youtube i was just you know uh pondering around and puttering what's the word i want what's the word i want did anyone know um i don't know i was just like like rolling around right um and i saw this this video as uh as uh i recommend it and for those of you who don't know i'm a big small ant fan i really like the challenges that they do um they have a lot of really cool stuff and across various games really really interesting uh pushing like what you can do with games and the challenges you can do with games great content i really recommend you uh go check them out i'll link the original video if you want to watch that commentary um and also link your channel down below in the comments uh and if you watch this i do ask that you you uh go um click on their video as well play play it through um you know uh all that good stuff but anyway so i was just chilling i was i was just like you know do my thing and i saw this and i thought i have no idea what this is but i i'm very excited so i thought since i wanted to watch it anyway i thought it could be cool to share with you all as well so um yeah with that being said it's a 30 minute video i'll make sure i'm watching in normal time so i normally watch things that aren't melee and race speed but looks like we're good here so yeah let's just let's just get started um the the title of the video is pokemon with a level down i don't know anything else about it pokemon levels except my pokemon level down sorry um i forgot that for some reason hang on we're having issues did that not work does this work if i hit pledge what this means no okay so i have to use display capture sorry i don't know what's going with my obs but it won't let me like whenever i actually try and watch a video it doesn't work every battle if my camera freezes i won't know lp you lose the exp there is no so clearly this is like a mod i guess it's stronger a and t it me hello how do i candies work they level you down that's wild yeah they get they get worse this is going to be hard this is going to be insanely difficult i don't know how you do this past the first rival battle i don't know we're gonna see so we get to pick a starter you know normally i pick either like trico or mudkip but i think i'm gonna mix it up this time they're never gonna be able to evolve right all right so it's just barely at level five how perfect we will scratch oh no we'll defeat this zig zagoon what happens after you reach level one level two is the minimum that'll choose the minimum okay right scratch all right but now they level down wild zigzagoon fainted torchic lost this is bizarre xp points torching decrease to level four oh no our stats went down oh no that's how this works wait how do you do this then do this if i'm just being completely honest with you because you always have to basically have to continue we get to fight a level 5 mudkip with our level 4 torchic oh dear oh dear oh dear you have to continually catch pokemon right does he get crit no come on first battle done okay that's that's good first battle done torture gloss 69 exp points beautiful oh oh no i'm checking make sure my camera hasn't frozen okay hasn't oh is this weird level down wait is it is it another one so we lost the battle okay i think it's a nose lock no maybe not okay baby that's going to make this a little harder isn't it good start i guess you need to one of the scratches happen well winning this battle put your pokemon at level zero i don't know we're gonna find out because we're going to level down twice here yeah the issue is the other thing is that the more you decrease level the less experience needed to decrease level okay damn it okay we just need to have more hp this is gonna be one of the hardest pokemon challenges i've ever done for sure yo exp share is a huge brain stress oh my god you get a usb share there's some crappy pokemon that you have oh so you lose less experience with eventually giant brain i would have never considered that i think we have finally won this battle yeah it only took six potions this is my fourth attempt how many potions were needed for this is my question all right wow that's great i'm pretty good we're left with the level this has got to be impossible right there's absolutely no way you can do this excuse me we need to catch some pokemon that's for sure so i'm going to catch that this is not a nuzlocke imagine this was another dad okay the issues you can never evolve anything right one two three okay this is also good that this isn't uh new games did you get experience for catching pokemon in the new games as well but you're always gonna have pokemon that are under leveled right this is impossible there's no way there's no way that's enough to win this first battle yeah i don't think you can lose exp once you're at level two yeah it's not really relevant for the majority of the game right does this thing only have a star yeah i think this can only astonish okay all right tackle howl that's scary that's fine though is it only one we're gonna win this battle one more come on the dummy yes hit hackle yup i i feel like tackle not being under with accurate is like criminals 58 exp points decrease to level three this is impossible this is literally impossible all right we need to fight as few trainers as possible in this challenge head for russeboro let's go to russeboro then there's no way they could be the gym leader right he is so cool like you're always going to have pokemon that are at best like severely under leveled right at best minimally under leveled if you consider that like when you get to the elite four you're gonna have you're only gonna be able to catch pokemon how you use pokemon you can't like victory road right i don't think this is possible that isn't cool he's just annoying how dare you disrespect my man scott like that it is interesting that if you're incentivized to probably worth catching not fight as few pokemon as possible right let's go fred we got fred or does it catch huge power i don't think it existed yet your intent device to dodge as many trainers as possible because you don't get stronger for fighting when you get weaker i mean you can get barrel start is we're gonna get one eight k owed by the fuchiana no it's sand attacks let's go like the opponents are already level nine it's a howl right taking me out in one hit no problem it's actually the signature ability in this gym that's excellent it howled again ah what's my strongest pokemon now the question is do i use my strongest pokemon i don't know it's just sand attacking me there we go an actual attack my god that stole so much yeah like i don't think this is possible nothing where what six inches into the video growl we can survive at least didn't get a high roll so you say merrell has huge power one hundred percent of the time no it doesn't where's my huge power yeah it doesn't have huge power yeah it's the other 100 of the time of course i don't even think that they can win this battle dude get that thick fat make it thicker i guess pusheen is not that strong okay yeah yeah all right so we're plus six defense and now we just have to hope tackles hit i guess as it gets stronger i think pujian is gonna struggle eventually tackle it's a level nine buchi hannah how hard can it be apparently very hard yes if the pooja chris just one more which is pretty risky because you're taking a lot of chances he's chilling here chance is chilly two more two more two more opportunities 10 to 12. it's a one-third chance to hit that means based on my very rough knowledge of statistics this tackle is guaranteed to hit oh same attacker i was like why are they missing all the attacks i attached three times and i missed every time isn't that mean it's a zero percent chance there we go oh man this is like it is like difficult to watch chilly decrease to level three oh no then we gotta fight these trainers here but you have to go heal right there's no way save and hope we can defeat them i think we could do this we might be able to win this there's absolutely no way look how little that dude crap yeah there's no way so fortunately it seems like the c dot does not know any attacking moves does it not know buy to this point oh i forgot to level three it's like i'm watching i'm like oh the the blue bar thing i made the sound like that's good but oh no chilly fainted uh chili is just vibing dead chili on the field wait why is he chilling why i don't understand we could potion chili wait why why did it not go away is that that doesn't happen emerald is it it's because in the mod it's bacteria more enamel that's funny chili vanished sea dog storing energy tackle don't miss nice that's how you win a double battle wow i'm taking notes over here this is impossible right there's make sure the camera's not frozen nice there's no way this is possible definitely will need a bunch of shroomish like so is it even possible to get to the gym i guess okay i guess type type another shroomish just like tense rumiges boom easy all right let's fight roxanne three pokemon oh my god level 12. like how this can't be possible look at this he's had seven levels advantage already let's actually go i feel like there should be no way this is possible if this fails i have a strategy oh my lord oh my gosh the glass has been shattered oh you know where the rest of them go there's no way this is possible this is there's absolutely no way this is possible uh so that didn't work obviously we're gonna grab the quick claw and we're gonna grab uh a few more shroomish we got that zion okay all right we got the shroomish army baby with this challenge is that you can't really just rely on one pokemon to sweep because it'll just get weaker if you try and sweep with it so like you just can't use x items and set up like i usually do so we gotta do this a little differently but we're fighting roxanne david gets the third pokemon i don't think so let's do this absorb this is before the physical special special oh a crit what a start cake is level two so we're going to send in uh me i lost my cake man i think effect sport might help here with trimmer strategy like that one shots that feels like it shouldn't one wait that shouldn't one shot that's a one hit ko yeah i thought that should one shot big pog baby squirrel defensive defensive defensive defense oh that's a podium that's rough get a crit get it great just looks i think this one will live oh it's faster oh it didn't take it out please defense girl i think it lives out that sucks i think it is the in our best interest agreement switch into cake yep yep you have good sack attack exact attack speed that was a really smart stack maybe this might be effects support too because tackle is a contact move nope never mind now we shoot out speed yes okay good stuff good stuff dude but the issue is that now this one's level one there's a piece of cake baby piece of cake geodude went down this isn't possible decrease to level three huh that's an underflow glitch yeah i believe we have infinite hp on my level two cupid now we won't need it we won't need it uh x defend use please survive one hit oh it's hardening yes good okay it's defense uh okay now i think we can absorb oh because you don't lose the experience anymore okay that makes sense uh but you're also doing no damage just kind of bad gonna take a hot minute but i think we've got it because how much is it gonna do nothing nothing yeah okay yeah plus one defense is actually really smart there's paralyzed poison with that better sleep speed baby okay okay this is impressive right the way that they find a way to uh to maneuver into uh into victory is very impressive nose pass like we just want to shrimish first freaking badge we're decreasing i'm shocked i don't think i could have gotten a badge this seems impossible legitimately impossible not frozen all right yeah level level two and we defeated roxanne excuse me yeah cupid are you doing okay buddy i think you're waiting full health hope to see you again beautiful cupid's feeling good all right a bunch of shrubish do we have any stronger pokemon in the box huh um huh nope i think it it under flowed a little bit yeah maybe a little bit it'd be free fred i mean if you can just apparently underflow xp underflow there then uh yeah you can easily with this i think never mind check back this is easy so little such little money i think yeah i can't fight trainers i would have to say the reason like they have they're not gonna have any money because they're not gonna battle anybody so like yeah it's like you you need items probably to make it through this kind of run but you don't have any dollars to get the items the balls get a lot of pokemon and this is so rough we're way under leveled at least they have a badge though we're gonna catch that yep caught it easy all right i'll go get pico uh level nine whispers in here that's pretty pog let's get a level nine wisdom that's pretty pog indeed two three beautiful yes okay all right who we named this after who's the whisperer name i'm gonna name this goob i think goop is a good one all right i feel like there's no way we're just gonna howl hopefully it doesn't know sand attack no it howled on me okay i'm gonna tackle now nice i don't wanna get greedy oh my god being under leveled in pokemon is like so incredibly difficult to use some big brain straps here and try and take this out with my really weak pokemon just so we don't lose levels ah that's actually clever yeah yeah cause you it's not on does astronomers at this point maybe three sturdy only is affected by one hit ko moves like fischer sheer cold so it does not help in any way whatsoever it's smart to play this way though to use your weakness you're a zoomer you only know gen five and beyond that's true that's correct sturdy they changed dirty sort of used to be absolute garbage when they change it gen six i think i don't think it was five that's the way it that's actually not bad is to a higher level you can catch a stable eye yeah catching the stabilizer will definitely be very helpful what years were zoomers born in technically i'm a zoomer start at 1996. do i not look wait i'm older than small and what the heck or something like how old do i look where's the running shoes i look like a spaghetti noodle okay i still dress in most of the clothes i had in high school so i don't doubt it i need a stylish friend to go shopping i have a stylish friend who helps me with clothes it's like literally the best thing i actually could not recommend it enough currently my roommate as well uh it's a it's a bit of gigantic help i am someone who has a zero natural style uh if my is my hair so crazy you can't tell it's falling a bit it was pretty crazy because i need to like update my wardrobe i'd make you look like a lesbian that's not the line that i expected to follow i'll be completely honest oh wait there's not a rival battle is there no i don't want to fight you no there's not arriving there's no fighting i i can't afford it no no no no no no okay wait can you actually just avoid it wait are you allowed to just avoid it this gym isn't required but i don't think we have any reason not to skip the gym because we can just catch a sableye all right we got flash flash all right it's fighting gym right this is fighting gym oh sable oh level 10. that's not bad at all we need to great ball now hopefully this works poison makes it a little bit easier to catch yeah but it also makes it risky if you don't catch it one two three the funny thing is i also do the counting when i'm when i'm trying to get your pokemon all right we're naming this marrow red brawly now we didn't defeat a single pokemon i'm just gonna try with marrow i feel like you want to try and use your oh level 16 everybody i was gonna say i feel like you want to do the same strategy where you save your disability from losing hp wait don't this is a foresight i'm pretty sure he's doing the foresight i took that down so obviously it's only one level here i think i don't think meditate can hit me so i'm gonna do the same thing oh interesting until we run out because it's just gonna bulk up a bunch all right reflect war off now i can scratch it reflects again just nothing scratch again and stretch oh my potion so the reason why they leather torchic is that now they like by switching to stabilize they uh don't they lose less hp here because they split the experience will i change no now all we need to do is spam nightshade we should win because i don't think it can hit me so i think we're gonna win with a level 10 stabilizer that's what this challenge is about strategy like this but it's not going to work for how are we going to beat the elite four is my question against the level 19 lost 354 we're going to level 2 baby exp just drop oh my gosh there's no way they can be dealing for there's like actually no way right it feels impossible oh my gosh stable did his job this is like an every negative reward wow all right that's right level two lost eight levels for women battle that's badge number two hey you got some dollars so the exp share is super useful because i if i give the exp share too because they're a level two then the thing is that like all these pokemon even their typing is good like he they can't catch it realistically because they it's under levels is actually just removed just a random like exp sync on my team all right we got the exp share so if you share the exp lost between pokemon which is useful yo glaceon giving you something god god welcome back to the ant colony that's sixth months in the ant colony wow welcome back i like that they left that all right so i'm going to give the exp share and find can you give it to level 2.1 no probably not right we won't be able to catch a wild pokemon will we oh we can let's go okay excellent what do we got what do we got uh shiny shiny shiny characters this is the electric gym right two marvel three yes all right that's fine lighting rod doesn't work in the shin right also i think lightning rod's hidden ability on my name i think i guess it is nice that like normally you would never do this normally you'd have like your you know your starter that would be like overleveled but i guess it's nice that like most gyms appear to have something that you can catch that will help you in the match up nearby like i feel like the gyms are doable but i'm really concerned about the going to the oceanic museum i'm really concerned about the um all right the at least they didn't have enough money and they let me in excellent we have to do like a few battles in a row which is why i refresh my entire team all right aqua grandson's in one car and her level 15 my god is it strong but you shouldn't isn't intimidating better here hope that's enough agree come on kai oh you're doing nothing uh i guess tanner would work absorb is really weak this jen isn't it yeah that's rough that's real rough did he heal between battles i think that was it yo scotty this sounds crazy it's pretty intense i feel like people are really torn on scott everyone either like hates his guts or like loves them like i i have two badges and my highest level pokemon is level 12. yeah this is bad who isn't the rival up here how this is going to go but i'm just going to do my best they have lumber mudkip 18 oh my gosh 18 i feel like status moves are really good yeah the thunder wave is good absorb i shouldn't do very much like don't do that 20 percent not even 20. six damage this should outspeed the rest of their team i hope tackle and this should be a one of ko right no way that's plus six right yeah no way i know it's six levels above me but i used a howl six there we go that's big damage hera no that's rough that's real rough oh no oh no lambre's way too bulky dude i guess we gotta do with the the g money yikes there's no way you wish this fight right no way level down march time will i change yes oh actually yeah wait wait i could never remember please don't kill me in one hit with mud shot okay that's really the best case scenario this is a couple actually even if this isn't a to it ko you can always switch in sack right oh my god just nothing just literally nothing water gun oh my lord that almost that was me yeah i actually would have expected oh it's a crit oh impossible to get let's go wait oh because you can never evolve wow wow okay are you on to now what okay g money please hit a flash thank you oh i like the strategy we're gonna learn now g money woke up i like this really a lot just like oh that's a lot of damage okay we're fine why not number five no no no no no no no no yeah flash para is really strong g money with the tackle flame buddy what amber misses how many flashes were used i wonder nice nice nice nice wow i am shocked that they brought this one back legitimately shocked one against them are they actually gonna do this first try how did i do that how that's ridiculous look at my team look what i just beat mate 12 10 g money 12 uber level 7 oddish level 2 toilet this legit really seems like how i can't believe they made it this far rock smash easy peasy like it's not just me right it seems ridiculous where can we get a new team and how many dollars the best bet is catching wild pokemon out here okay oddish level 13 we'll we'll make it this is so sad because the pokemon that helped you you have to get rid of immediately you know tofu oh i hate all of my zay actually i do i like little misery no i hate it you're getting replaced by jq g cube i like having a thunder wave pokemon i feel like that's pretty good money hang out yeah we're gonna catch one more pokemon and then we'll try the gym i'm fairly sure the gym has a few required battles 14 that should have poison powder that is awesome this is probably the best case this is what i wanted poison powder is really helpful here because you can always stall right because now we can poison his uh his team oh is there multiple pokemon that the thunder wave because that's also really useful like status is gonna like the status plus flash strategy is actually really useful because as long as you can like set up like in time and pretty much as long as you're not one shot you should have time to set up and then that allows you to um that allows you to just like basically win by making it to the opponent can't attack because it doesn't matter if they're a higher level than you if they never can you play for just this battle i believe i think you should only have a ralts and i'm pretty sure it only knows confusion yeah for sure seems like typing your immunities and abusing the ai is like pretty much the strat here agree oh you know what no no no we're gonna get gonna catch one geo dude i don't know if you understand why we're doing that but just it's going to be electrical brain play it may take a few tries to work but it will work i believe we can do it with high marrow kef bog ryan nerd and danny and this team is specifically chosen yeah watching that battle i think we can do it flash doesn't matter because every pokemon has shockwave oh right i mean let's do it always does it like bite or something that might make us a little bit more difficult we'll see um as long as this doesn't one hit ko there's no way one heck is that especially wilkie yeah no way why is he using spark i don't understand why he is using electric type moves wait can't you just look at the whole poison powder wait doesn't this thing have sonic boom okay wait this is impossible oh it's probably gonna roll out so i'm to switch to high if it explodes that's good too misses excellent now we're going to switch i like the strategy because the ai will always prefer super effective moves and neutral moves right type move wait no because then why was it all right why so now it's going to do you're allowed to roll out okay that's fine there's an okay amount now i guess we have to you could switch back into your dude right i might survive one oh it's pulled up pretty far i don't know it'll be close oh did survive one excellent that's awesome it hits me and it should go down oh but now you don't lose a level which is bolt over by the poison i re we need to pray that it sends out i guess we can switch again the right play there was i think change on electronics and torque this is where the strategy is shown on full display we need to survive a single hit there's no way you don't want to do your thing and we need to poison it good poison powder i think it's only 75 percent use an electric type move because it lured me and it's not very effective so it's going to use a normal type move so i'm going to send in a ghost type oh the strategy is so that they can always retain a sable which is immune to normal and ground which is immune to judaism if it attacks it's going to use an electricity this is abusing the i am going to switch in decision making you poisoned just switch forever and now that's really good it will use a normal type going to use a normal type yeah yeah that's really that's really smart that's actually really smart holy cow and now we have attacks it will use an electric type wow that's really clever i like this a lot this is my kind of pokemon oh this is such a huge break yeah this is legitimately very big level two and a level six that's so good i'm getting outplayed stupid i cannot poison magneton is the problem gym leaders hate this man with this one easy oh my god they use the potion this remarks so much patience all right kev paul decreased that's fine down to level two bye bye ryrie oh nice to level four okay okay but how do you get the magnet on now because you can't poison it no we do need to write these down again i'm only gonna track shock waves because that's the one that's gonna run out first guaranteed 19 oh pee pee stop shock wave and that's yeah okay that's all of them he's super sonic so now i need to switch in between until it doesn't supersonic me okay supersonic missed that's good now we flash and we use flash awesome and now we'll start to miss the moves supersonic misses this is ridiculous flash at this point i don't think there's any reason not to x accuracy so i hit all of my flashes or six all right now we will learn six times rock smash should do more than two damage yeah minus six defense right and now we just take it out all right oh you got it we can use the super potion he's going to start struggling yeah he's going to say like isn't it struggle happening soon struggles okay we need to touch now okay missed it struggle that's good that's why we did that now we need to x defend it's gonna be hit with recoil wait i didn't mistake we're struggling missing this jen but i think the uh wait struggle's not doing record in our favor struggle is missing this is very good it's gradually gonna take itself out i think even if it crits with struggle we've won oh it is doing pretty cool just not it's like oh yeah i don't know how struggle used to work wow awesome right man that was legitimately ridiculous level two that's what i love to see manic trick now danny danny danny there's more listen to me danny all you need to do to win this battle is hit a single poison powder oh my gosh this is level 24 right one poison powder i don't think i don't think this is miss i don't think so goes i'm pretty sure it doesn't kev listen to me buddy just hit the poison powder no the quick club popped come on man oh no oh no oh it happened again we won and gen 3 there's no animation for a quick claw it's super dumb the quick club popped that's it that secures our victory it doesn't matter what he does now my audition has a quick claw wait he beat watson with two level two pokemon oh my goodness this is ridiculous in the best way a matter of time wow what a strategy what what an absolute strategy that's really good doesn't it two level twos versus watson's ace oh my god oh chess was trending on twitch but i didn't expect this that's funny wow well that's ridiculous that's legitimately ridiculous there's watson third badge baby third badge we just defeated watson with this team let's get better pokemon this is the best team that i possibly can that's possibly ridiculous the highest level pokemon you can get are level 14 auditions the odds just did work though to be fair the auditions actually doing a lot of work but poison powder is really good i think we're going to catch a lot of ground and rock type pokemon because i think that'll be good because we'll have to fight flannery next straight maxi stuff oh turn turn turn turn thank you all right you guys said dig was around here fossil house this one give me that dig baby oh more left more left you gotta gotta gotta get out of there okay okay you can have this so you can dig holes okay we need that for later okay for later voted i guess this route is cool but it's so hard to swa blue oh i remember sure i mean we got to upgrade our whole team here anyways so let's do it oh this thing was actually lit oh level 18 library perfect nice excellent we're going to catch another one i think it's good if they appear we may as well catch it right it's level 15. it's a viper one two three good stuff and go wow movement there's an item here maybe not soul rock level 14 i don't know what the max level on the soul rocks are it's gonna be higher than 14 right 18 all right yeah no it's 14. yeah i don't care gonna catch a level 18 soul rock now oh level 18 there we go nice it has absorbed it's not that much you can put it to sleep out speed and put it to sleep yes okay this should work right one two three easy easy all right so work is actually a huge catch because it's super bold oh i'm gonna name it after you jericho it's like stupid six hour mark i think leaving the fall oh this isn't six hours it's not bad be sure to follow the stream wow i hope to see you there uh yeah thanks for watching cool um let's see well that was that was really cool my oh i knew the camera's gonna freeze when did it freeze i was i was so careful um that was so sick honestly legitimately that was like such a cool thing to watch i'm really glad i watched that um i'm glad i saved it to record my reactions as well because it just like the like the approach to the game and the the strategies needed to pull stuff like that off like i don't know i legitimately didn't think that i don't think that i would have easily like been able to get one badge right i think that i would have required like tons and tons of planning and um yeah like that the whole thing is very very impressive so if you enjoyed that small ant does a ton of content like that i do recommend you check them out great channel um and yeah i think that's all i have to say so thanks for watching um and i'll see you next time peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 209,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, vgc 21, vgc 2021, pokemon but they level down, smallant, small ant, smallant1, small ant 1, small ant pokemon, wolfeyvgc smallant, wolfey smallant, wolfey smallant1, smalland1 pokemon but they level down
Id: rgIQ8y5o7j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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