Pokemon Crystal but you are what you beat

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the challenge is pokemon crystal but you are what you beat you're essentially Team Rocket whenever you win a Pokemon battle against a trainer you chuck out your own team and you steal theirs okay so you can see here we just beat um what's her face it's Jasmine so we have the sixth badge this is gonna be a dumb question but can steelix learn surf I know a lot of Pokemon in this Jen can that shouldn't but now we need to surf to the Gyarados so we have to get rid of our team Fred can learn surf I can't catch wild Pokemon level 19 oh that's bad okay Wow so now we have instead of to level 30 megabytes in a level 35 steelix we have a level 19 slope slope rose okay you know hopefully it's shiny all right oh it doesn't let you it doesn't let you run from this one Oh God I thought I could just run and when did I say Vlad [Music] we're blasting up again we would have lost that you can run no it doesn't even let me you know cream there we go that will be better for fighting against it as long as it doesn't have a watertight move all right slow bow was slow that's why he couldn't run okay so you're saying that I should be able to run now [Music] so when will I be able to run again so if I just press it enough will run all right we're gonna strike it's gonna leer we're probably gonna lose but we saved [Music] and there's so little poison so I'm gonna try poison them [Music] we're blasting off again I mean I know it's strong I know it leered me but my lord I don't know where to get a poke at all from but we're gonna buy it that's a rope good you're stuck here me too poke it all let's go it worked nice we obtain the red scale [Music] Drey he just hyper beams of human being are you gonna fight red I'm just gonna get all sixteen badges and stop right at the end of the game and not actually finish it imagine not beating red all right you're ready for some fun fun so now we need to beat Team Rocket members with their own teams I mean I am Team Rocket so I guess it fits and we don't get any breaks in between battles the spider-man meme yeah the goal for today most likely will be to yell we stole rocky grunts Pokemon that's right I'm a rocket we will try and defeat the elite for today at least so Zubat level 16 we do about a drowsy which hopefully knows confusion in some way [Music] it sucks that you'll have to fight these drugs over and over yes it does okay you ever watch the Pokemon anime I watched the first series yeah oh it woke up and crit me we now only have a Zubat which let me guess leech life oh that's that's not bad although tailwhip sucks ok this Zubat is actually really good like it just took out that Ratatat Ratatat are super strong super strong within the top 1% of Pokemon yeah definitely alright we won we got it we beat them feeling good I believe this is the fastest way to go through this we'll see have you seen the Facebook page where they pretend to be in an out colony yeah it's despicable they don't truly know what it's like in an ant colony they don't know what it's like their take they're treating it like a joke they have no idea how hard we had to work us ants everything that we've gone through lifts imagine an an to gatekeeper in 2020 discarded the Pokemon we stole a rocket grunts Pokemon excellent Wow just a lot of rat at that huh okay there geodude's I mean I'm just gonna run from them they're wild I don't need to fight them you know oh these are ones that you can't run from either ah self-destructs fine oh [Music] it's every step oh my lord he's a polka dot I don't have polka dolls Ratatat [Music] please self-destruct thank you honestly this is better all right I'm the best spa but that's fine please just self-destruct right away cuz I can not fight a Geodude okay don't do more than half [Music] another you've gotta be critten me alright you know what I have an idea if we just get a Pokemon that can use surf we'll be fine neat arena they can learn surf that'll work apparently they need to evolve to learn it that's fine because we have double cake [Music] the bad gyms in Kanto will actually be hard yeah I expect one of the most difficult battles is gonna be the eight gym you alright my wanna hurt and tired give him some of my medicine Yatta Yatta Yatta give it our best of it well alright alright alright I see you how did he get past him without him she didn't see how does that work let's bribes you because you witnessed him murder a guy in the store sounds about right yeah yet Lance just hyper beams the trainers he's like I'll just kill you if you don't do this and then the trainers like I thought this was about Pokemon but okay it takes two bass words those bad words are only known to a few Rockets and the two bastards it open excellent let's go let's defeat this rocket grunt admin thing alright I think probably a tail weapon the hyper banging will work what is this challenge please tell me so let's let's look at it together okay let's um scroll down and look right below the layout you can see that the title explains what the challenges all right I think we got confused so I'm gonna switch to another Ratatat all right I'm gonna break through confusion we broke through let's go about to use Radek 8 while I switch I unfortunately will have to switch ok this is gonna go poorly because I think this radical might be able to one hit ko literally everything yeah is it just gonna one hit ko me all the way down [Music] we're blasting off again alright we have to level 22 coughing's a crit okay so now we can sludge and hope to god that we don't get hit in confusion oh wait we're not confused anymore alright there we go we'll sludge [Music] I think we won cuz now we can just change Pokemon to this coughing and all we need to do is self-destruct there's there's no way that we lose this and we've won and discarded the boku we stole the executives excellent rock paper scissors me versus you all right on three he'll give me 10,000 bits ready on on shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot today win the tie all right we'll do another Rock Paper Scissors shoot [Music] there is it as they do it it'll work the rock looks weird it's kind of it's like brownish enough that it blends in with the green-screen I won let's go you thought it was gonna grab paper and so you picked scissors and I picked up a rock and you had no idea anyways sick ice puzzles now we are going to do some gym stuff it's like IRL strength like look at this [Music] I can't throw this it'll destroy anything like this is a it's a hefty Rock why do I have a huge rock I fidget with it it's something that no matter how much I kick it or move it around it's not gonna break also we won the battle with levels always that low yes they are levels were always this slow the seventh gym level 25 that is such an aggressive sound [Music] we're blasting off again what surd money look like 20 grand okay we need to spend some of this money we're probably gonna need a lot of these in the future so I'm just gonna grab these just in case and if you buy an electric punch these I didn't realize you could just buy these that's so nice [Music] I'm gonna buy one ice punch and one thought once the girl trainer has a jinx this one will try her so you're saying she has a jinx [Music] now jinkx is gonna be I just had to fight the worst trainer first yeah yeah oh it already knows ice punch that's the one okay all right yeah it already has ice punch what's this guy got Ronald okay seal maybe even do this alright if we can win against this seal we should be able to win I think overall it's going to wake up this turn please survive a sink please just survive one just once wine up please [Music] I think we won and we have that Pokemon now that'll help so so much so now we have this I believe we could win now now we should be able to just headbutt to win oh my god I see an opportunity here because it will be sleeping for two more turns we bought X speeds right I'm gonna use two X speeds and we do at out speed excellent good we will out speed this dugong and we will overpower it we're not gonna ko it but it'll be a - a KO 3 hit ko how many times I have to grind levels very infrequently a crit let's go I'm pretty sure piloswine special defense is horrendous right now to it that's fine they'll hit me with the fury attack it's not gonna do much my god it took so so long to get the seventh badge took me three hours to get a single badge but we got it we got the patch he stole prices Pokemon excellent and then we get a call something that's going on at the Tower tell us a story one of my earliest memories is I was like three or four you know the lake is frozen over there's a lot of snow on it so we'll go snowmobiling and I think we're gonna go like ice fishing or something snow will be along to the lake go ice fishing got all of our stuff got my helmet on we went out with the snowmobiles to the lake we get to the lake and we realized that oh I I left the fishing rod on the stairs at home we end up driving all the way back home it's like a 30-minute drive walk inside grab my fishing rod we get it we go back 30-minute drive we get back there and realize that I took my helmet off inside and I don't have the that might stole my helmet for snowmobiling we go all the way back grab the the helmet and I leave the fishing rod on the stairs so we end up back there and he's like where's the fishing rod at but I left it on the stairs so we're then he's like all right we'll just snowmobile instead so we end up snowmobiling on the lake and we get that over like to the middle of the lake and then the snowmobile breaks down like one of the belts just snaps and yes to like replace it so I end up just walking around in like the deep snow on the lake as he's like replacing the belts but so what happens then is he's basically just fixing it I'm walking around and I see a little like bulge in the snow so I'm like oh I'll dig a little hole because what's this bulge I ended up finding a granola bar just in the middle of a lake buried like two feet down in snow I'm like hey look I found a granola bar and he's like what where did you find that it was in the snow and it was just like a brand new granola bar he was like okay and he like takes it and puts it into the hole in the back of the storage pouch in the snowmobile thing and I I start walking just in a random direction and like dragging my feet along the snow and every so often I feel like I feel to speak hit something and I'm walk-in and I feel something getting my leg and I dig down reach down and I pull out a juice box a brand new juice box and he was like look what I found and he's like where did you find that where did you get that juice box as like it was in the snow okay so I like bring a batch boom he puts it in the pouch and I continue like walking just in a straight line that the the tooth to things have formed and I winded up finding like like a few different types of granola bars that I think like three different juice boxes and he's like where are you finding all of this stuff in the middle of a lake in the middle of nowhere mm-hmm he wound up fixing it and he's like why I guess we'll go eat lunch so we ended up like going to like a random cabin and we had the granola bars and juice boxes and then we went home it was it just was sheer luck we're fighting the big boy now maybe I won't win we'll be fine we only have to defeat six six Pokemon all right you know I'll try conversion to just to see what it does poison-type what to do [Music] that's actually kind of clutch now we can't even use sludge so now I think we just spam the a button all right Ravi executive was defeated discarded the Pokemon and we stole his Pokemon hold it I saw you so I tailed you whatever time to take off the one all right once that don't go bad Oh No I'll go bad what am I ever going to do against the goal but boom boom just the Kamikaze team [Music] and sent our Magnemite oh no a Magnemite oh no that's so scary a hunter ah I'm so frightened wheezing go berries are rhythm are you winning son I am math Tron we are winning look at this took out a Haunter [Music] maybe and on to the next coughing oh this one can't explode run to the litter that's okay this guy can't go boom alright it's not gonna hit me I have no fear I have a small fear we should be fine no I think this might have been his last walk one I'm just gonna self-destruct right it's a blast we won yeah one was defeated why why do I lose cuz I'm better than you cuz I steal the best Pokemon thank you by the way for the Pokemon one alright one is a loser yeah that's why we don't associate with one anymore it only loses clear valve we're never gonna use it you're uh whispering something is going on it's in tower no idea you might want to look I'm not gonna look into it I don't care that's never about dice I don't need it alright we're in black thorn gymtyme CI now we get to fight some drew teenies and dragon heirs for fun so we're using the good team that we got from the the tower to destroy the first trainer but the first trainers so now we have a bunch of hot garbage dirty knees what do we have to do to get through I guess we probably need to push this down all right we need to teach strength - probably most old God they can't learn strength so we kind of need strength to make any more progress I think hopefully this guy gives me strength just give me a dragon Eric - any dragon Eric learn strength horsey that sucks we're gonna have to go fight a trainer that can give me strength we are stuck because we don't have a Pokemon that can learn strength we're gonna go out to find another trainer then there's got to be a trainer down here that I can fight that can learn strength right bolt this dude what's this guy off all right what does he have what does he got what have you got busy guy Machop that can learn strength that'll do this team is really low level which is unfortunate just downgraded our teams so we get strength I think that's all we need to finish the gym I believe okay let's see if we can defeat this strainer with a level 24 Machop cuz we gotta do it hmm it's probably water types no let's go what's actually dirty knees that's better that's best-case scenario and we are just going to strength and hope to god that we can just win if we can win against the first Rajini we can win against a second cuz we're just self-destruct all right easy self-destruct on the dragonair it should go down and this is a female dragon air-sea okay we have a dragon air connect with the game link cable dodrio from ME does it not have a nickname level 36 Dorris tri-attack ooh I think this will work I just did Pokemon laundering yes I may have just laundered a Pokemon do I have any rare candies I do not but I believe we can do this I think we can gonna be a bit cheesy but I think we can do this please survive this one hit rotini just survive this one hit please damn okay [Music] other ex-special defends in this game nice that's awesome thunder wave is fine like I was totally fine with that wouldn't be better to reset on an attempt to this good she can just speed one more time don't paralyze me that's all I that's all I ask you good and now we won [Music] doris the powerhouse [Music] doors cannot be stopped another one all the way down and now just a Kingdra [Music] there's the 8th gym player didn't stand a chance for grant for winning we chucked our pokemon into the lava beside her and stole her Pokemon I won't admit this may have lost you lost your Pokemon they're all mine for that look at that beautiful bull we already got served [Music] well I guess we're losing Claire's team [Music] all right Darren here you can have mine I don't need them I understand Charlie for one which is more important no strong ones tough yeah it's you know like hear me what he's gonna hear me what at these times my will he ever hear me oh he heard me okay [Music] tough pokemon oh the important ones here's the rising badge or even take it Thank You Claire you sore loser so now we are going to the Elite Four whoa we have to fight her okay we only fought one trainer on the way okay I think this battle will be easy because it's just a rapid - right and it's only level 36 and we should have surf on this Sidra a one-hit ko excellent now we have this rapid - that we have to use now there aren't any trainers in here but I think there's the one right we may have to go and get a different team let's see okay it can learn earthquake so I think we can beat the rival because we have earthquakes and if it can learn it we're good [Music] alright one you're so much weaker than I am I mean yeah I agree I'm you you're gonna destroy me most likely but we'll see how it goes rabid edge is so bad for this fight but there's always the chance that we can win there's always a chance cuz we're starting off against the Sneasel and the Sneasel isn't necessarily great [Music] there we go good start out by preventing screech so we're gonna exit ACK it's one [Music] it's just gonna try screeching let's go that's too that's another screech [Music] that's three [Music] as for haha that's five Yuri cutter oh no that's six the agility once [Music] and now I speed doubled I should out speed everything on his team he missed a fury cutters so I'm actually comfortable using some X specials as well there's one X special [Music] there's another X special all right now we'll attack no I think we use one more mystery alright now we will stomp cuz we're plus six [Music] and we want hit ko Feraligatr this is the tough one [Music] stomp we out speed please what ako [Music] is rage and use rage oh my lord okay golbat now Oh No go back little spooky this one [Music] Haunter oh this this one is I'll admit this one's a little scary because it could curse [Music] we'll see cuz fire spins sucks it's terrible yeah confused ray that's fine I will need to heal though cuz I am at +6 [Music] lemonade is that it will curse I will lose a full heal came to its senses good curse who's gonna do a little bit that's fine Shadow Ball don't ko me good fire spin is still hitting it don't be released it did it wasn't released from fires been excellent so I can heal again all right Shadow Ball we're gonna go into the Magneton with not much it was released fires been again okay that'll take it out and I will get hit by curse for that give me flamethrower please level 37 or something Dabra okay [Music] right stomp if we take it out we won't get hit by curse I believe I think that's how curse words I don't know I think yeah not affected by curse now magnet on magnets on is the tie I don't mmm do I fire spin or do I heal cuz fire spin is gonna be super effective we'll see we may get taken out here [Music] Thunder Wave Thunder Wave let's go okay if I have a full restore I use it now [Music] no I didn't pick one up yeah [Music] poor restore doesn't get rid of personnel [Music] Porter myHealth gone thundershock [Music] that didn't do half [Music] we should survive this as long as it doesn't get a Hyrule [Music] don't get a high roll please don't get a high roll [Music] yes fire spin [Music] haha there goes we did it we actually freaking did it what was defeated haha the level 36 of rapidash my god chuck it away I want your Pokemon one let's go alright alright we just need to get rid of some of my useless items alright just cuz we don't need these all right Pokemon sneeze low front switch alright good stuff here we go let's do it now how much stronger wildy spoke Aman be that to to start love old 40 that's quite a lot we're gonna start by using X defend I think cuz we have a few of them yeah apparently that's the best it can do 2x defends will probably work and I think 4x attacks will do the trick so now we can Shadow Ball because it is a physical move we have used some X attacks oh we're confused still I forgot to heal that we're dead that's that's us dead no it's not now Shadow Ball we out speed of course when at K oh please we it's super effective a physical move it's gotta wanna kale yeah it does let's go another Shadow Ball this is the one that is most likely to not ko I think because this defense is really I but we care of course we Gail took that out I think that we may have some trouble with the Slowbro but like I don't think we will Oh jinkx is frail took it out nice another one we should be but we still set it out in one day and we defeated well I can't believe it yeah I can't either that was incredibly easy thanks for your Pokemon will you won't change my course so will I'm gonna show you something do you know how you want to be you know the champion or at least like slightly higher up in the the Elite Four just follow me follow me I'll show you how it's done let's check these moves really quick as psychic that's all we really need before cold Oh what's the battle sense out a joke and we won ako is ariados explosion oh no is it even gonna take out my slow bro no slow bro can take that on a good day and we'll send out a to amok psychic okay I can see where you are with psychic muck it's not gonna miss no reason to even try to hide man double-teams oh no a double-team ah that's so scary psychic I don't think that'll one 8kl but it'll get close and again I'm not gonna miss your crobat you can't just double-team and miss I'm psychic it can't miss I mean it can miss but it won't miss okay see look there's no no concern whatsoever none at all it can't hit me and I can hit it no problem I missed I wasn't looking the true evolution of Metapod yeah they mixed it up for sure lead Porco goal was defeated there we go there's Koga alright let me show you how to beat your old friend Bruno so we're gonna have to prep a little bit for this one but it should be fine play how you gonna be Bruno's Onix magic does Bruno open up with a hitmontop right all right Bruno we're up next jump in the lava no I'm gonna eat my Pokemon once I finish the battle into the lava detect huge brain the setup he just knew it was gonna happen I mean it's fine when you tack on the hitmontop took it down now we got a fight against a Onix will I change I guess so what I'm going to do is we're just gonna blow up like if I have a Pokemon that can explode I explode it I wouldn't be surprised at that like ya didn't do a lot that's fine good stuff died for nothing are tied so venomoth could prevail oh no of fireplugs cute it's cute a super effective move oh I got burned too [Music] that was the worst case scenario I mean I guess it because I've gotten crit but like it does nothing rockslide miss oh we get me took up my venomoth oh no we do have to wing attack please do at least half beautiful beautiful and we will out speed cuz pro bats fast as hell we are going to fly it is going to maybe make a kick or high jump kick I hope it I jump kicks that would be nice double kick ah whatever the challenge is cool sponging here it is we're crushing each elite four member with the previous elite four member and that is so cool there we go that's Bruno defeated alright what is our strongest Pokemon against Karen it's probably hitmonlee let's check his moves yay does it have high jump kick sweet managers here time to take your Pokemon and just heat them alright and then we can just high jump kick and won't ko I think cuz I'm Breann is bulky well double kick and switch it's gonna be a tough battle yeah real tough mmm there's ice punch now this isn't gonna do a lot but it's gonna do an okay amount moonlight oh that could be a problem I guess we'll just try with him on top I don't know it I don't know what it has [Music] oh it is dig nice yeah that'll do and there we go Wow that does what that sucks Mike I mean we'll keep doing it but it sucks hits yourself in confusion please thank you so much and we just got to hit one date took out the buyout boom easy one Gengar will I change oh can we even hit the Gengar okay Oh and go used curse okay that's fine yeah okay that was easy all right rock slide it's gonna faint attack me is that the best it can do fine with me sorry I trust in cross chop to hit it'll flamethrower me that's fine it won't take me out so the champ special defense is pretty respectable survive on one never mind well we'll out speed with him on Lee right hitmonlee goes fast hmm high jump kick fit money does not go fast okay crit yeah I guess you want to hit it with the earthquake that'll do a lot now Mike ko me Wow Onix sucks okay [Music] for fun should I just vital throw now we're gonna cross chop I believe the cross chop would hit okay and there it is [Music] that has to go that's up that's up and there is Karen defeated we're fighting against mostly flying types what I'm going to do is run get a thunder punch we're gonna teach you to Gengar and we also have a nice punch and keep in mind that both of these are special moves because it's Jen - all right Lance let's see what you got the Dragon Master with a bunch of flying types I've been waiting for you and I knew that with your skills would eventually reach me here no need for words you're right I'm gonna take your Pokemon and dump them into the trash but I'm putting them in my party first then I'll probably go flight trainer Joey and shuck him away we're gonna start with a confused ray and this will just guarantee that we get the victory all right we're gonna do some prep essentially [Music] cuz this will allow me to set up with Gengar give it one or two X specials one X speed will be good we've got the amulet : whatever we use it on a gym leader he missed his hyper beam rain dances again not that it's helping him now we're switching in Gengar I just want to guarantee that we get this clean sweep and now the fun begins Thunder punch [Music] Gyarados goes down that's four times super effective spirit of the cheating Lance what's he doing nice punch excellent and thunderpunch it's just so easy so easy [Music] here we go there's Charizard down this dragon is gonna be a tough one I don't know what we're gonna do man what are we going to do against this drag off whoops my bad I must have been a Miss klegg guys.side oh no what have I done oh I really messed it up this time guys I what am i doing Oh No all right hit me with an outrage Oh No what am I gonna oh god that's so that sucks Wow why they they got my Gengar Lance you got one you got one of them Lance [Music] that's it we defeated Lance the rise of a great new champion I chucked a mine away and I stole Lance's let's go I've become truly powerful I mean thanks to your Pokemon thank you so much sir and now since Lance is definitely Pokemon I'm the champion by default what is my team in the Hall of Fame how did I do it what pokemon did I use to succeed ooh a Gyarados how nice level 44 excellent all right we did it with oak Oak how nice a Dragonite level 40 that's amazing we did it with what a team we had some powered another Dragonite whoa Aerodactyl level 46 that's solid a Charizard where did I even get a Charizard oh we had a stacked team 14 hours 56 minutes in game time you seem to like collecting things I do yeah I've collected a lot of pokemon over my journeys well that's Johto this is only the first half of the game we have eight more badges we have to defeat red but for today that will be it so thank you for watching everybody be sure to follow the stream subscribe on youtube check like actually check out the tic-tock it's pretty good join the new subreddit March last moment i'm on twitter small that one still what discord doing that whatever you're into
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,313,274
Rating: 4.9192095 out of 5
Keywords: Nuzlocke Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomizer Nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon crystal, pokemon gsc, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon gen 2, pokemon crystal randomizer, pokemon only, you are what you beat, team rocket challenge, team rocket
Id: KJ5FjaFaptc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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