Pokemon but I toss my team every battle

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so we're back day three we currently have all eight badges in the johto region we have lance's team because you are what you beat and we just beat lance and stole his team we get the ss ticket and then i'll explain how the challenge works if you don't understand it if you haven't seen it before so i just beat lance and so i have lance's team so we just got to defeat a sand slash now level 31 so we're just going to serve because we have you know lance's team golem is taken out gyarados gained some exp that'll be great for leveling up soon huh hiker noland was defeated i discarded my team and i stole hiker nolan's pokemon and now i have the sand flash and the golem and that's how this challenge works is this a rom hack no this is a regular crystal this is how it works you just you press up and down at the exact same time at the end of a battle and it discards your team and gets a new one it's just crystal it's how crystal works press up and down at the same time yeah you just gotta press up and down at the same time what's so hard about that yeah or alternatively at the start it says are you a boy or a girl or team rocket you pick team rocket instead of boy or girl and then um so i'm team rocket that's why my sprite is a team rocket character mr mime is like what mr mime is like when you uh when there's like two people going through a door and like i i didn't mean to it you no you first no you oh me okay you okay [Music] it gets super awkward after three yeah after three you're both just like come on just just go you're just begging the other person to just walk i've gotten a lot better at it in recent times i found it's just easier you you just pick one and you stick with it so like if if you're gonna move to the side you wait at the side until they go and you sit there and you stand i've stood there for like 20 seconds once and i was like no you're gonna go first because i am the one moving to the side what if you both resolve to never give up my resolve is stronger if you're both just here's the thing if you're both fully committed to standing there until the next person moves you can have a nice little conversation maybe they're the love of your life and you're just both so committed to not moving that you stay together forever wait until there's an intersection of four hallways that's how a little bit more complicated relationships start what if there were a hundred hallways well that's how you start a cult we're cult where can i find 100 hallways what made this last 12 hours it's pokemon crystal it's just a really long game and plus it's a challenge where i've white it out or blast off 47 times and my current team is a level 33c king and i'm in i'm about to get the ninth badge yeah we're gonna have to figure out how to beat surge come on this isn't a good relationship joey i stole your pokemon and you just want attention man i i've treated you with nothing but disrespect and yet you still call me every day you can do better joey and i met in the hallway yeah [Music] i'm gonna try this one this might not go well considering i have a level 33c king well let's see what they've got please be weak please be weak please be weak please be weak rebecca drowsy 35 god i mean we can do it but ah please don't do a lot please don't do enough to like over half okay good let's see how much surf does today pokemon oh one sec okay that does a decent amount we'll do one more if you lose moves after you teach them i mean we lose our team after we teach them so yes oh you mean the tms yeah you do please ko in one hit please i beg you all right poison guys that's fine hypno fainted we discarded our pokemon we stole medium rebecca's pokemon okay i think that'll be good enough for surges jim probably not i think it will it'll be easy we need a pokemon that can use cut to get into the gym uh well this gym is gonna be fun slowpoke that can learn surf it's a water type slow bro okay slow bro i can handle still medium dorsal pokemon thank you so much doris ty vm we're going to go try serge's gym i know i have two water types but i i think i can do it does medium doris imply the existence of both a small and large doris perhaps we just need to defeat one trainer a single trainer gonna take you down prepare to be shocked okay this is the tough part electrode will this explode on me sonic boom that's 20 hp are you gonna defeat red using blue's team i absolutely will it's gonna be great okay so i think we can win against this electrode it sucks because the electrode sucks but it's a thing it's scary how bad this electrode is there's there's three more electric oh my lord [Music] yeah good [Music] all right so now we have three crappy electrodes we're gonna teach all of them flash because i think we need to teach all of them flash oh no they know self-disrupt wait none of them use self i actually don't think we need to use flash [Music] all right let's hope that they have less three pokemon or less because i'm just gonna explode on them over i'm just gonna boom exploding on a magnum i wouldn't work we're gonna do it anyways because it'll do a a decent amount of damage ba-boom took them out yes good all right we screech and we blow up i should take them out yes sir excellent the time tested strategy screech and explode aka free and boom yes [Music] i you know what let's just let's just do this too hopefully this team is better [Music] it depends on his move set level 37 okay sonic boom okay yep this is better this is way better [Music] it has double team we can win as thunderbolt what [Music] but use flap flappy will i change sure yeah we're just going to self-destruct should do the trick it might not but it should [Music] so we did end up with the best team which is excellent all right so we have our pikachu and we have uh lieutenant search to defeat let's do it serge baby this is gonna be difficult consider how how high is the raichu 44 what the hell all right it's an uphill battle i'll tell you that much [Music] thunder evasive maneuvers we missed again fully paralyzed [Music] survive one just survive one just one ah see do we have x attacks okay we do all right all right all right we're good we're moving dude all right we've double teamed all the way up good um x accuracy so slam hits and then we'll x attack six times all right this is thunderbolt we did use an x accuracy so slam should hit we're ready now we've got all the setup [Music] done it doesn't even one hit k oh my god it's gonna be a bit tricky huh [Music] slam come on dude all right we hit excellent [Music] okay now all we need to do is take it out in two hits [Music] if he boomed you'd be doomed it would miss [Music] do all of his pokemon just know double team is that just how they just all know double team okay we're fine all right we took out the magneton so many double teams in this battle a lot yes level up sure why not all right we just have to take out the electabuzz i'm just gonna heal real quick lemonade on my pikachu it misses its thunder excellent well slam do at least half okay good yo that's a quit we defeated surge we got the thunder badge baby discarded him we stole surges now we got a stacked electric team thunder badge increases the speed consider approve you defeated me wear it proudly absolutely sir i will let's go another badge down we're gonna do sabrina now another badge how many pokemon she got three that's it is it abercadabra no that's beyond interesting kind of convenient we have light screen two badges in a row yes [Music] yes thank god it missed nice took them out now what's next cadabra alakazam mr mime no i'm not gonna change we're gonna get an attack in before it uses a screen because it'll probably use like a light screen or it may just double slap me but it just goes straight for the attack that might take me out no wow that does nothing alex emily changed no alakazam's probably gonna take me out maybe it'll use like kinesis or something all right i think we can take it out with the rest of my team though but alexander level 48 is a little intimidating all right i'm just gonna hope electrode out speeds and explosions them nice all right [Music] that might not ko but it'll do a good amount no okay okay leader sabrina was defeated all right next badge six more badges we have sabrina's team now which is excellent yeah i know we should probably jan in next then right [Music] oh [Music] we'll we'll see [Music] it's gonna be a little bit difficult to defeat the gym with this but i'll do my best so we're gonna have to instead of defeating uh janine jenin j9 however you say it with a level 48 alakazam we're gonna have to do it with a level 34 knockdown and nothing else can we do it with a level 34 knocked out what can we take out a level oh it's a 36 that's actually not bad yeah we'll be fine hit that hypnosis yes it was going to be a bit funky but if we use 1x accuracy all right we can always hypnosis their team all right used a bunch of x items we're maxed out so i think we should be able to just peck them down let's see how much peck does [Music] not a lot okay we'll start with hypnosis and peck three hit ko you'll be sleeping the whole time [Music] nice on to the next give me a bug wheezing that's why wheezing infection is a good it's just my boomer voice but i just say wheezing you damn kids in your pokemans come have supper already it's getting cold but grandpa i'm in a battle back in my day we played digimons all right easy battle easy gym easy we took out a gym leader with a level 34 now level 35 knocked owl we got the soul badge how hard is red gonna be i don't know considering that its team is stronger than everything else by a long shot i really don't know oh you guys want to see something really nice though you guys want to see something real nice uh it's gonna look a little wacky but look nice now i can quit youtube and be proud oh you've got to be kidding me none of my pokemon can learn cut you have to catch something i can't catch pokemon and now we wait another trainer's gonna come by eventually with the squad yup we're just waiting me and the boys just hanging out just a vibing there's probably some trainers somewhere around here that i'll be able to deal with beat six of the trainers who win a fabulous prize you got what it takes i really don't just give me something that can learn cut please i hate it but that'll work i'm pretty sure oddish can learn cut [Music] all right let's fight joe and zoe victory bell yeah that's a little bit better than a single oddish i would say and now we'll just cut and sleep powder will this also work on the super four is that what it's called in other languages the super four it's actually called the elite four in english i i imagine you're calling it the super force that's what's called in your language right super is the german one interesting oh it's top four in german [Music] can you stop playing for a set chris brett is going to the bathroom yeah all right you know what that's that's a good idea brb hey guys what's up i'm back all right we stole beauty julius pokemon let's see what we've got parasects we will be able to win this it's gonna take a minute or two pack we'll start with the x speeds we'll use one x accuracy and now we just need to hope it doesn't put me to sleep as we fury cutter we're releasing from buying though that's good oh i should spore it first and now that it's asleep i can start building up the fury cutter and this should work okay all the way up there's one and then we fury cutter again and it's still asleep oh no that sucks a critical hit there sucks because now i don't get it to be as strong um hopefully it doesn't take me out with an acid we'll see [Music] okay good use the hyper potion that's awesome allow me to get fury cutters stronger that should ko i could have used x defense we don't need to someone hit ko excellent now we should be able to just sweep through the rest of the team because we're at the point now where like we're just going to crush everything theory cutter max power [Music] beautiful as long as it doesn't miss we use an x accuracy it won't miss yeah one hit ko excellent and there is what the 12th gym so we have what brock misty blaine and blue so now we do misty i guess all right where is misty is she not here yet we have not yet done the power plant but i have a water type so we're able to do it just got a word from cerulean it appears that a shady character's been loitering around is it possible to grab the item before we battle this guy does anyone know it's like right here isn't it oh cool yeah you can we can just ignore that man now all right so the generator's working then we'll go talk to misty and then we'll do the other stuff and then we'll win well now there's trainers wait can i just walk around [Music] okay yo swimming half on land let's go um gold duck i think we could do it with a gold duck so we do need to defeat misty with a level 33 it's not going to be easy but we'll see see how it goes who would win a level 42 gold duck or a level 33 gold duck the answer might surprise you oh just starts with the psychic i'll add a blast off because like we we're gonna need flash okay flash it's gonna psychic and then we'll just heal until psychic misses we'll flash again and repeat until it's at minus six that's basically just how this is gonna go that's a crit well there's another blast off we are blasting off again we're just gonna keep using flash until it won't use psych up anymore it's a psychic okay probably want to guard spec now i don't think it oh yeah cause that would prevent the psychic stat drops that's true [Music] miss excellent i'll use the guard spec so it doesn't lower my special defense i'm a sitting duck you're not wrong i am a sitting duck but i mean i'm a very powerful sitting duck there's 5x attacks now i guess we'll just use strength i think that's everything yeah so we're at times for attack there should one hit kale right [Music] oh it's at least a two hit ko [Music] quagsire shouldn't exist get out it has high defense so this will definitely be a two at ko or three please be a two hit crit no amnesia that's fine that's good that's only special defense that was the one i was most worried about because if it hit me and then the next pokemon came out and psychic me that would suck okay disabled no more that's good we may need to flash to defeat the next pokemon we'll see please release half oh no it missed this blizzard thank god okay good misty misty actually has a really good team yeah [Music] yes okay i took it out i think we've won that most likely we won't get taken out in one hit by the starmie psychic is gonna do a lot but i think it's just not enough [Music] it's level 47 please be too ako please yes [Music] oh no um risking it i'm risking it [Music] hit please yes we had to risk it i think [Music] all right we took out we took out missy with a level 34 gold duck we're good misty's down yeah we need to go to brock now but i think we need to go to the radio tower to do bra give me the good stuff boy thanks to you i never lost my job real lifesaver espn card excellent okay so now we'll go and fight the snorlax because we can do this [Music] all right poke gear [Music] howdy where's the radio card did i never get the radio back to johto we got the radio card now okay the pogo gear was placed near the sleeping snorlax the snorlax woke up so now we need to defeat a level 50 snorlax [Music] or not bruh catch it i can't catch pokemon here we go oh her team can't learn cut can it [Music] oh that really sucks we have such a good team for misty i just i wanted to have a water type for brock's gym because that would make it way easier we're going to talk to this guy and he has a vault orb that can learn cut who's that too that might be able to learn cut i don't know yeah this can't learn cut just to be clear we'll win if we just sonic boom here okay all right can either of those learn cut let's check alakazam you can cut with the spoon right he cannot all right oh this is definitely definitely gonna have grass types if we get grass types that'll work teacher hillary come on [Music] hey pum might be able to learn cut all right cut yes a bum can learn cut [Music] oh a trainer if you walk into all grass what is this trainer gonna have have a grasshopper a water type and we win we win the gym oh it's a bug catcher [Music] so now we have three b drills a wonderful team for the brock fight please give me something water grass something eradicate this team uh water type flat okay that's that's good and ivy sword works and it's level 38 super good go trainer quinn down and out all right we stole the pokemon excellent so now we have the starmie and the ivysaur and that should do the trick to take out brock's gym i'm fairly sure the trainers are avoidable in brock's gym i kind of forgot to consider that or does he just not have trainers oh you've got to be kidding me time to fly brock with a rock this was the perfect team capper jerry what are you doing dude this is the perfect team [Music] maybe slan's sand slash has earthquake if it has earthquake maybe do we have a dig still have i used dig [Music] yet i think we could defeat brock with this i guess we'll fight brock let's do it the level 37 sand slash graveler level 41 that's actually not too bad all right now we earthquake and see how much that does how's it possible it's an earthquake he sent an earthquake in the wrong direction so that's um a crit is it no it's not a crit so we have i think we won because now we just earthquake all the way through that's what i thought all right lord helix has been taken out yeah has unfortunately kabutops can learn surf so we will use surf to go to blaine it's gonna be super nice anyways that was actually really easy with sand slash earthquake it's free i believe this this is the gym now right yeah this is literally the gym blame time i am going to yo you'll see the strategy i'm going to use with blaine graveler is probably going to take out all of blaine all we got to do is pack x accuracy and sit back and relax the longer it takes to defeat you the easier it is to defeat the rest of your team macargo your curses aren't going to help and there we go took that out does the robot stop at five fortunately there's only two more pokemon so it will stop at five but we're going to take it out sunny day okay we may get taken out by a solar beam now i'm thinking about it and we use it again and someone ko now hopefully they don't have solar beam but they i they probably do don't they we're not gonna change but let's just hope to god they use like tail whip or something fire blast that may take me out [Music] yikes okay yo johnson thanks for two months all right well that sucked a little bit it's fine though alma star will survive a hit i know amistar will survive a hit the sunlight is still strong and we can protect wanna ko easy blaine [Music] all right volcano badge we got it so that is seven badges in this region we got one more baby finally got here wasn't in the mood ready the battle yada yada yada i conquered all the gems come on blue opens with the pidgeot level 56. honestly i'm just gonna start by cursing [Music] we're just gonna curse a bunch never mind well i think we're blasting off again would you look at that we're blasting off again okay we'll try it again i'm just gonna thunder punch and see how much it does this is gonna do half but how much does thunder punch just do not even half oh hyrule really you know what this is dumb but it'll work i'm gonna let rapidash go down i'm just gonna use an item that's meaningless i'm gonna use an x special so i waste my turn yeah okay we wasted my turn now we're gonna curse a bunch whirlwind failed there's one curse there's all six of my curses won't you need 12x speeds i will need 12 x speeds and i'm going to use all 12. xspeed goldberg when macargo gonna outspeed the entire team i feel like i feel like it won't but this might just work listen to rydon i think we have to fire blast this because the special defense is low and yeah maybe we'll see do at least half earthquakes gonna hurt but as long as it doesn't crit we will take it out or we won't die we just can't crit [Music] okay you finishing this today yes we are we're not stopping till we finish gyarados alakazam we out speed let's find out we do out speed nice okay [Music] yes gyarados [Music] uh-huh hello 46 more cargo oh yeah i thought you see what stopped at the last little bit there okay arcanine we do need to heal here because it could outs uh extreme speed me [Music] only use flamethrower that i don't think so it's fine fight rock slide [Music] we took out blue with the macargo incredible blue is defeated what how the heck did i lose to you yeah i know that's what i'm thinking we stole blue's pokemon baby one thing left to do and that's defeat the champion are you guys ready i know i am we'll save team rocket went to this timeline it's about to [Music] here we go it's gonna stand attack so we're gonna guard spec paralyzed i'm not gonna ever attack with exeggutor other than with flashes we got this we're just gonna set up with flashes thunder oh no a thunder and now we send in alakazam where again i am going to use a guard spec because it's going to try and charm me not that it matters it does have uh they do have sand attack later on though thunderbolt that's going to do a lot probably won't ko though yeah it's close it's close though all right you ready psychic get out sped with quick attack that's fine [Music] someone hit ko but use espeon fortunately i have a non-psychic type move how convenient fire punch it's special in this gen that should take it out unless it has like insane special defense which it oh that he used reflect goodbye espeon you blew it your only chance although snorlax might survive potentially snorlax could survive a psychic we'll see and it does have a lot of hp and high special defense [Music] but will it is the question uh yeah it will and it uses amnesia [Music] my man you had your chance and you blew it [Music] he blew it psychic again and i think this could be an alakazam sweet the pikachu was the hardest part honestly there you go team rocket wins in this timeline i think blastoise might be able to survive this hit blastoise has good defenses right no it doesn't no it doesn't and blue has defeated red in the end pokemon trainer red was defeated just says nothing at all and we stole red's pokemon we won the challenge by becoming red that's all there is to it pokemon crystal except uh you are what you beat who would have thought blue would have won blue just wasn't trying hard enough really one thing left to do okay one thing left to do we do have red's team so we need to do one more thing all right we need to say a little hello to someone we need to defeat the true final boss the youngster joey let's go youngster joey wants a battle the rattata come on let's see if we can do it okay charm lowers attack stat here we go [Music] it's all my defenses with that hyperfang okay um okay thunder good thunder hit okay the youngster she always defeated okay we got it and we're left with the perfect team young search always rat attack that's actually it for the day thank you for watching today i really appreciate the support today i will see you guys tomorrow thanks for watching
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,201,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nuzlocke Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomizer Nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon crystal, pokemon gsc, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon gen 2, pokemon crystal randomizer, pokemon only, you are what you beat, team rocket challenge, team rocket
Id: -E6n6-uP0Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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