Pokémon LeafGreen Hardcore Nuzlocke - Water Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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[Music] hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon leaf green using only water type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode so water might be one of the best types for a monotype challenge water is the most common type representing about 16 percent of all pokemon as a result there's usually a good number of them in every pokemon game plus a lot of water types have secondary typings that give them either a good secondary stab attack a useful resistance or in some cases a useful immunity the result is that water type mono challenges have a pretty diverse roster of pokemon to choose from plus the hm for surf gives your entire team a 95 base power stab move with no drawbacks in pokemon fire red and leaf green there are a whopping 16 fully evolved water type pokemon of course this list gets cut down a bit since many of them are version exclusives i chose leaf green because my last few kanto challenges were in fire red might as well mix it up this means no golduck and no coister oh no i'll also have to choose between amistar and kabutops so that's 13 encounters total but just look at some of our options sea king they might as well just hand me the win now he's literally the king of the sea hey speaking of sea king if you're seeking out a place to learn new creative skills and grow as a content creator then you should check out this video's sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community where you can find thousands of classes designed to teach you creative skills ranging from topics like illustration graphic design and video editing i get a lot of questions asking for advice on starting a youtube channel on skillshare there are a ton of videos from people much more successful than me detailing every step of content creation maybe there's a class for creating good segues into sponsored ads i don't know clearly i didn't take it but i did check out jordy vanderputt's adobe premiere pro for beginners class since i always make sure to try my sponsors before talking about them and i'm currently in the process of transitioning to premiere pro for editing anyways i figured that i'd watch a few lessons just to get a feel for the platform but jordy's lessons ended up being so good that i watched his entire three hour class in one sitting and then the next morning i started up his advanced class the best part of skillshare classes is that you can complete them at your own pace and however you want there's no commitment you can skip individual lessons if you're not interested and because skillshare is focused on learning all of their content is ad-free don't you just hate it when you get interrupted by ads skillshare is less than 10 a month but the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description below we'll get a free trial of skillshare's premium membership so that you can explore your creativity for free thanks so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video now let's get into the challenge just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to re-roll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how this goes i start the challenge by selecting squirtle as my starter i name him one fish and then we're challenged by my rival who i named land you know since fish hate land not the most clever of rival nicknames i'll admit one fish takes out charmander and we continue on our journey now although this challenge has a lot of encounters most of them aren't available until the mid game when i can start fishing so one fish is going to have to solo the first gym fortunately the first gym is brock so i sprinkle his rocks with some water and then we move on on the way to cerulean city i'm able to get my second encounter a shifty man sells me a magikarp in the pokemon center outside of mount moon for about 500 poke the game makes a point about how this is an outrageous amount of money to spend on a magikarp but it's not that expensive right a pokeball is 200 poke and this magikarp comes in one for free so really the magikarp is only 300 poke an escape rope is like 550 poke so i get a magikarp for about half the price of a piece of rope seems like a pretty fair deal to me i intended to name this magikarp 2 fish but i accidentally named it fish two instead i'll fix it later next one fish evolves into war turtle and he grows a very bizarre and fluffy pair of ears that will be completely abandoned in the design for blast toys i guess it's kind of just an awkward phase that war turtle is going through but a fluffy blast toys would be pretty funny looking then i make my way through mount moon along the way i pick up the helix fossil while this non-believer takes the dome fossil enjoy purgatory you heathen after that i go through the very tedious grind of leveling up fish 2 to level 20 where he evolves into gyarados hey fish 2 evolved into gyarados that wasn't intentional but cool next up is misty and she could be difficult but one fish and fish two both know bite for her starmie so it shouldn't be too much of a problem she leads staryu and i lead one fish staryu instantly hits a water pulse to confuse one fish but a person berry cures the confusion and i hit it with a bite staryu goes for another water pulse and then another bite brings it down to red health i anticipate a heal here so i hit it with a tail whip then on the next turn staryu hits another water pulse which confuses again but one fish is able to break through it and knock out the staryu with a mega kick starmie comes out next so i switch to fish too after starmie hits a pretty weak water pulse i had a bite but because starmie has recover this doesn't seem like the best strategy so i decide to switch back to one fish one fish gets hit with a water pulse which triggers yet another confusion but he does manage to hit a tail whip then i switch back to fish two i go for a tackle thinking that it might do more with the defense drop and gyarados's monstrous attack stat but it doesn't however it only gets starmie into the yellow so it doesn't heal that allows fish two to finish it off with a bite on the next turn not the cleanest win but i'll take it next we've got probably the trickiest part of the run the level cap only goes up by three levels here to level 24 but there's a bunch of stuff i need to do with only two pokemon it's pretty tough to not over level here especially because there's two rival fights both of these are actually pretty easy though since gyarados's flying type means that he resists ivysaur's grass type attacks unfortunately gyarados's flying type also means that he is four times weak to electric type attacks and the next gym leader is lieutenant serge who happens to specialize in electric types he's not as tough as watson since he only has three pokemon and he doesn't have a magneton plus in this game i can get the tm for secret power before this gym which means fish two actually has a fairly powerful physical move at his disposal but on this first attempt i go in with basically zero preparation i didn't do any calculations and my pokemon aren't ev trained so fish two doesn't one-shot the voltorb and it hits a sonic boom on the next turn lieutenant surge uses a super potion and i hit another secret power then voltorb goes down to one more secret power pikachu is next and thankfully does get one shot by a secret power but last is raichu who outspeeds and kills fish two with a single shock wave i bring out one fish and hit a tail whip as raichu sets up double team then it uses thunder wave and i get paralyzed at this point it's only a matter of time until one fish goes down i try to go for mega kick instead of dig because being paralyzed means that i'd need to dodge two full peras every time i tried to dig plus since dig is only 60 base power in this game it's not much better than mega kick anyways even so at this point in order to win this battle i'd have to get really lucky and hit a critical hit mega kick through paralysis and raichu's double teams but obviously i don't do that so that's attempt one on attempt 2 in the first battle against lance bulbasaur he gets two critical hit tackles right in a row so i lose the battle on to attempt 3. this time one fish has a modest nature which is pretty awesome but land doesn't seem to think so and he kills me in the first fight again okay so in attempt four one fish is brave which is a pretty bad nature for squirtle plus attack minus speed but at least we don't instantly die to land in the first battle the attempt is alive after beating brock i again buy an outrageously priced magikarp but this time i name her two fish as intended twofish has a lonely nature in this attempt which gives her plus attack in this attempt i also make sure to do all of two fish's leveling up against mankies on route 22 and pidgey and rattata on route 1 so that she gets attack and speed evs this will hopefully be enough to outspeed and one shot lieutenant serge's raichu surge leads voltorb which now is able to be one shot by a single secret power pikachu also goes down to a single secret power and what's nice about secret power here is that it doesn't actually make physical contact so static won't even activate raichu is last and we end up out speeding it but unfortunately it doesn't get the one shot however it does paralyze raichu and then raichu gets fully paralyzed turn tables oh the how have serge stalls his demise with the super potion but a few more secret powers finish off raichu winning us the third gym badge that secret power paralysis was lucky for sure but two fish actually can survive a shock wave from raichu because gyarados has a great special defense stat so as long as the shockwave didn't crit i probably would have been fine either way the hardest part of this run is over next up is erica in saladon city but before challenging her i go to what appears to be a secret classroom on the roof of a building inside there's an eevee in a pokeball sitting on the table so obviously it belongs to me now finders keepers i name her redfish then i immediately throw a water stone at her face so that she evolves into a vaporeon now it's time to challenge erica this could theoretically be kind of hard since water is weak to grass but erica sucks also i got the tm for return so two fish now hits really hard she leads victreebel who survives a return and then hits a stun spore but a lumbery cures the paralysis so on the next turn a second return takes it out next is tangala and tangala could poison me here but it just goes for ingrain because as i said before erika sucks after she heals with a hyper potion a few more returns take it out last is erica's vileplume it does take a return and then it hits a stun spore and so if i get fully paralyzed a few turns in a row this could start looking pretty bad but i managed to hit a return on the next turn and vileplume goes down i recognize that gyarados is pretty overpowered here but without him this challenge is sort of impossible just to balance it out a little bit i did decide at the start of this challenge that i wouldn't be using dragon dance on gyarados but even so he's pretty powerful anyways now our level cap jumps up by 14 levels and after beating giovanni and team rocket the map opens up and i'm able to pick up the super rod so now it's time to go fishing i start by catching a crabby on route 12. i name him bluefish then i head to route 25 and catch a slowpoke i name her blackfish then on route 6 i catch a poliwag and name her bluefish then i go to vermilion city and fish up a staryu and i name it old fish i've got a few more encounters to catch around fuchsia city but on the way blackfish evolves into slobro once i get to fuchsia city i go to the safari zone and fish up a sea king i name her new fish and finally i go to route 119 and fish up a horsey i name him this one and for now that's all the encounters i can get i decide to add blackfish the slowbro bluefish the poliwag and this one the horsey to my team and the rest go in the box next one fish evolves into blast toys though here's a question for you pokemon pronunciation purists out there if blastoise is the combination of blast and tortoise shouldn't it be pronounced blastus weird right almost as if pokemon pronunciations are pretty much arbitrary anyways next up bluefish evolves into polywhirl and then it's time to take on koga he leads with a coughing and i lead with blackfish who hits a confusion for a one shot muck is second and hits blackfish with the toxic she retaliates with a critical hit confusion which leaves muck with a sliver so i switch to twofish as koga uses a hyper potion i hit a return for over half health and muck uses minimize since evasion and accuracy spamming are basically the only things that gen 3ai knows how to do it doesn't work though two fish connects with another return and knocks out muck coughing comes out so i switch to blackfish and get hit with a smokescreen see what i mean but again it doesn't work as i hit a confusion to knock it out and then last is wheezing so i switched to twofish and you will never guess what move it uses but again my pokemon seemingly could not care less about the smokescreens because i hit a return on the next turn then ironically wheezing misses a toxic and then on the next turn i connect with another return which gives us the win there's a darker alternate timeline where i missed every single attack in this battle and lost so crisis averted now that i've got access to surf i can get two more encounters from route 20 i catch a tentacool and name him has a although tenecrule is a really amazing pokemon i used it in my last kanto nuzlocke so i decided to box him i picked slobro over starmie for similar reasons this challenge isn't particularly difficult so i might as well have some fun with some pokemon that i haven't used recently i also go to seafoam islands and catch a seal i name her little star she joins the team in place of this one the horsey and then she evolves into dugong next is the fifth rival fight in the silvco building which can be pretty challenging land leads pigeot and i lead little star who takes it out with an ice beam venusaur comes out second so i use an icy wind so that i don't drop it into overgrowth range but then it hits me with a sleep powder so i switch to blackfish who gets hit really hard with a razor leaf a crit would have just killed me straight up i'm not confident that i'll be able to out speed it even with the speed drop from icy wind because slow bro believe it or not is slow so i switch to one fish who gets hit hard with another razor leaf then i switch back to little star who also gets hit by a razor leaf since little star is already asleep i can now safely switch to two fish without getting put to sleep on the next turn a return knocks out the venusaur then lan sends out his own gyarados i get intimidated so i switch to one fish then i switch to bluefish and hit gyarados with the hypnosis which thankfully hits then i switch back to two fish lance gyarados instantly wakes up but two returns is enough to take it out as it just uses dragon rage fourth for land is an adorable little growlith so i switched to bluefish brush off a takedown and put it to sleep with hypnosis then i set up a rain dance and then the growlithe instantly wakes up so i put it back to sleep with another hypnosis i'm pretty surprised that i'm hitting all of these hypnosis after that i switch to one fish and finally i knock out the growlithe with a surf and then last is alakazam which is the whole reason why i bothered setting up rain with bluefish in the first place alakazam's only attacking move is future sight so in the rain a single surf is able to one shot it before it can get any damage off or set up with calm mind and recover and that's land defeated after that this silifco employee gives me a le prop i name her little car but she goes in the box le pro is significantly better than dugon but little star is trying her best she can stay on the team for now after smacking down giovanni it's time to face sabrina before that i evolved bluefish into polywrath using a water stone i delayed it up until this point so that she could learn belly drum at level 43 but anyways now that i finally have my water fighting type it's time to take on sabrina but with blackfish she's kind of a total joke i've taught blackfish shadowball and since shadowball is physical in this game it more or less tears through sabrina's entire team venomoth is a little annoying to take down because it wastes time with healing and mr mime also wastes time by setting up a barrier but none of sabrina's pokemon can really do much damage to blackfish so it's a pretty easy victory for badge number six and then from here it's time to head to cinebar island i get my final encounter by reviving my helix fossil into an ammonite i name her sei and then she goes into the box praise bee next up it's time for blaine and finally for the first time in any of my kanto challenges blaine is an easy sweep little star clears through his entire team with stabbed surfs his arcane does hold on thanks to the level difference but that's fine a few turns later we've won the battle and gotten the seventh gym badge phew that gym could be pretty tough sometimes from here we can just skip straight to the 8th gym leader giovanni it's been a while since one fish has cleared through an entire gym leaders team all by himself and he's grown up so much since then so i figured it'd be poetic to let him take the last one nothing really to report here serfs make it a clean sweep and that's badge number eight the last thing to do is to make my way through victory road and fight the elite four but i realize that after i go through victory road if i want to leave the indigo plateau to buy tms or items i'm gonna need to go all the way back through victory road or i'm gonna have to catch a pokemon with fly so i quickly catch the sphero i'm not sure if i've ever stated it in my videos before but i do use other pokemon for hms in almost all of my challenges anyways here's my final team leveled up to the level cap of 60 to match lance's dragonite i'm pretty happy with the team everyone's pretty bulky which is good since most of them aren't very fast let's see if we've got what it takes first is lorelei with her ice types she leads dugon and i lead bluefish i immediately go for a belly drum which maxes out my attack dugon hits a weak surf and then brick brake knocks it out next is slow bro so i hit it with a body slam but even at plus six attack it's not quite enough for a one shot body slam does paralyze the slow bro though and then it gets fully paralyzed and you might be thinking that this was incredibly lucky but the slow road doesn't actually know any psychic type moves so i wasn't going down even if it did get a surf off the rest of lorelei's team just goes down to brick breaks and body slams and that's an easy victory second is bruno he leads onyx and i lead redfish redfish knocks out the onix with a single surf then hitmonchan comes out and it does decent damage with sky uppercut but two surfs is enough to take it out third is hitmonlee who hits a pretty weak mega kick and then goes down to two serves fourth is machamp so i switched to two fish to intimidate it then i switch to blackfish on the rock tomb and then a psychic knocks it out in one shot bruno's last pokemon is a prime ape just kidding that would make way too much sense it's another onyx so it goes down to a surf third is agatha she leads gengar and i lead one fish gengar uses double team and then i miss a surf it uses another double team on the second turn but i managed to hit a surf but then gengar uses confuse ray and i hit myself in confusion i'm really starting to understand why oak and agatha no longer get along agatha sucks gengar uses shadow punch for a little bit of damage and then one fish ends all of this nonsense by hitting a surf and knocking out the gengar golbat comes out second so i switch to little star who shrugs off an air cutter and retaliates with an ice beam for the one shot arbok is third and after taking about half health from a surf it gets a surprisingly hard sludge bomb off but then the arbok goes down to a second surf and then agatha's second gengar comes out so i switch to redfish who takes a hypnosis on the switch a chest o'berry heals it though and then on the next turn gengar just goes for a sludge bomb as redfish retaliates with the surf one more sludge bomb and surf trade-off leaves gengar in the red so i switch to blackfish as agatha uses a full restore on the next turn gengar hits another hypnosis but a chesto berry heals blackfish who retaliates with a psychic for the one shot and then last is haunter who goes for another hypnosis but that one misses so psychic knocks it out and that's agatha defeated the final elite four member is lance he leads gyarados and i lead two fish we intimidate each other and then i hit a critical hit return which bypasses the attack drop and knocks out lance's gyarados in one shot that was fun next is aerodactyl so i switch to blackfish aerodactyl hits an ancient power on the switch and it gets the omniboost on the next turn aerodactyl hits a wing attack which now does a sizeable chunk of damage at plus one attack i retaliate with the surf which aerodactyl survives thanks to a plus one special defense fortunately aerodactyl doesn't get a crit with ancient power on the next turn so i am able to knock it out with another surf crisis averted next is lance's first dragonair so i switched to little star who tanks and outrage then an icebeam knocks out the dragonair it was a critical hit though so i'm not sure if it matters but i guess we'll find out because lance sends out his second dragon ear it too goes down to an ice beam though this time with no crit and then last is dragonite who also goes down to an ice beam and that's the elite four the last thing to do is have one final battle with our rival he's the new champion but we're here to rain on his parade get it cause because rain is water and it's a water type challenge it's okay i'll understand if you dislike this video for that joke land leads pidgeot so i lead little star who hits it with an ice beam the pidgeot survives and retaliates with an aerial ace for a little bit of damage then lan goes for a full restore but on the next turn an icebeam finishes it off ridon comes out next to hit little star with a rock type move but cerf knocks it out before it gets the chance so then third is venusaur i hit it with an icy wind to avoid overgrow range again but it does way less damage than i was expecting venusaur prepares for a solar beam which means that i could have just killed it with two ice beams i'm not sure if a single ice beam will kill it here though so i just switched to two fish to tank the solar beam [Music] both times i've done a mono type water challenge my gyarados has died to a critical hit against the champion well that sucks time to see if little star would have been able to kill the venusaur with an icebeam or i guess she'll just get a critical hit and we'll never know okay fourth is alakazam so it's time to switch to blackfish alakazam hits a few psychics but blackfish is able to do significantly more damage with shadowball land ends up stalling his demise for a few turns by using full restores on the second ball that we hit we actually drop alakazam's special defense which seems really weird since shadowball is a physical move in this game but whatever a few turns later and alakazam goes down fifth is arcanine so i switch to one fish who gets tickled by a bite two serves take it out and then last is gyarados so i switch to bluefish who gets hit by a dragon rage then i use belly drum and finally i knock out gyarados with a plus six body slam or not blue fish is really bad well whatever an ice beam from little star finishes off gyarados which wins us the battle and the run that was a fun one definitely not super difficult but there's something very relaxing and nostalgic about playing through kanto so i always enjoy doing it i also did most of this challenge while i was on an airplane traveling so i had to make sure to pick a challenge that wouldn't require a lot of calculations or research it's been a while since i've done a seriously difficult challenge so i'll be sure to get one of those out to you all pretty soon as always thank you so much for watching and for all your continued support if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but it does help and mean a lot and you should also make sure to follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the link is in the description below stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 265,766
Rating: 4.930758 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Challenges, Nuzlockes, Hardcore Nuzlockes, Challenge Runs, Pokemon LeafGreen, Water Type Pokemon
Id: qv8rR_7ET2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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