Can You Beat a Hardcore Nuzlocke Using Only Pokemon With "D" Names - Pokemon Hardcore Nuzlocke

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[Music] this is me you're probably wondering how i got into this situation just kidding can you beat a pokemon nuzlocke using only pokemon that start with the letter d i sure hope so i'll be attempting this on pokemon white version which means i will only have gen 5 pokemon available to me i've done similar challenges using only a b and c pokemon and i'll be using the same hardcore nuzlocke rule set for this challenge as a quick summary you can only catch the first pokemon on each route if a pokemon faints it must be released i can't over level above the gym leader's highest level i can't use items in battle and i must play on set mode for the special rules i can only catch a pokemon if its species name begins with the letter d or it evolves into a pokemon that does if my first encounter is a non-d pokemon or a duplicate i can re-roll until i get one however i can't evolve a pokemon if no further evolutions start with the letter d so i can take and use oshawott because it will evolve into duat but i can never evolve duat into a samurai alright let's do this pokemon white using only d pokemon i name myself d and literally get a gift pokemon to start i select oshawott as my starter since it can evolve into duat i defeat bianca and barely beat sharon my oshawa has a modest nature which increases his best statistic which is special attack i give him the name downpour downpour has to hold it down by himself for now since there aren't many d pokemon early in this game i also meet this mysterious person who i learn is named n hey my name is dee so he must be doing one of these specific letter nuz locks too oh well never mind then there are certain ways that i can combat this like massive level advantages for rival fights but because i'm playing with hardcore rules over leveling for the gym fight is not an option the first gym is designed to be tough as the gym leader depends on what pokemon you select as your starter since i picked oshawott i get cylin and his grass pokemon well his one grass pokemon since he also has lillipup lillipup starts with a crit flinch what a way to kick things off basically nothing in this fight is going well for me and this should be the easy part downpour is able to take out lillipup on his deathbed pan sage comes out and ends attempt number one downpour number two has the exact opposite nature of downpour number one and that's okay because oshawott's base attack is actually pretty good too this time i'm faster than lillapub so i can take it out with a good amount of health left my high attack also means that tackle will do more against pan sage pansage uses workup to increase his attack and special attack then he uses vine whip to get me to low health one more vine whip and it's all over for me at this point i'm starting to get concerned that this is going to be more challenging than i anticipated on attempt number three cylin uses workup twice and can definitely kill me with one vine whip for some reason though he just keeps using workup and i'm able to kill pantsage did i get incredibly lucky and likely avoid hours of grinding planning and heartbreak probably but let's pretend i'm just really good at this game and move on downpour has a naive nature which increases speed and lowers special defense so he's strong with both physical and special moves i deal with some team plasma stuff in the dream yard and then downpour evolves into duat again since samurat doesn't start with a d downpour will be a duat forever at this point the game also blocks you if you don't have two pokemon so i have to use this lillapup for this double battle but i release it right after however i can get my first actual encounter in a wellspring cave by running into dust clouds i can catch a drill bird i catch her and name her double agent she has a lonely nature which is probably the best nature for drillburr it raises attack and lowers defense she also has the sand rush ability but there shouldn't be too many instances where that's used the second gym leader is lenora and her normal type pokemon hertier is first and lowers double agent's attack with intimidate i still go for dig as hurtier lowers my defense i go forward again and luckily double agent hits the range and kills hertier lenora's final pokemon is watchog her watchog knows stab retaliate which does so much damage the turn after a team member dies double agent's defense is -1 and is just terrible anyway downpour can take or retaliate so i switch but watch hug just uses leer retaliate will now only kill me if it crits so since i'm faster i go for two razor shells which is enough to knock out watchog and give me my second badge i now have access to route 4 and can get my next encounter darumaka we all know that darumaka and darmanitan are great but this might be my single most critical encounter in the whole game i catch her and name her dharma dharma has a lax nature which isn't great but isn't actively terrible the third gym leader is berg and my team definitely has the type advantage here dharma knocks out wurlipede with one fire punch and on dwell i switch into downpour one razor shell takes it out on levany i switch back to dharma and take a string shot being slower doesn't matter though because i take a razor leaf no problem and finish the fight with a fire punch three badges down i can also go to the desert resort and catch a dwell who i name dungeness next end decides to have a very serious conversation with me in the absolute stupidest place possible in preparation for the fourth gym i pre-poisoned dharma this is because she knows facade which doubles in power if you have a status condition elisa is the fourth gym leader and she has electric types first she sends out an amulga and i send out dharma dharma takes a volt switch and elisa goes to her other imoga dharma takes the hit and then launches a boosted facade to kill that amolga dharma is dead if i stay in so i go to double agent it's a free switch since double agent can't be hit by volt switch amolga hits me with an aerial lace as i go for rock tomb rock tomb is a two-hit ko but more importantly it lowers amulga's speed so now i'm faster and can kill with rock tomb last is zeb strika i risk a crit to stay in but double agent holds on the flame charge i attack with dig which kills abstrika and gets us our fourth badge we can now get our next encounter on route 5 which is solosis who evolves into duosian i catch him and name him dos blobs i also go through driftvale city to get to route 6 and catch a deerling i name him doe you know doe a deer a female deer definitely the perfect name for this one next up is clay and his ground type pokemon clay can be notoriously hard so i'm hoping i have the right team composition downpour kicks us off with a water pulse which occurs crocorc clay's ace excadrill comes out next excadrill boosts his attack and accuracy and i hit a water pulse that will be a two-hit ko but i also proc a confusion excadrill hits through confusion but i know downpour will survive any attack i use water pulse to knock out excadrill finally clay sends out palpitoed so i switch into my grass pokemon dough dough can take all of palpato's hits unfortunately i soon realized that i forgot to put a grass move on deerling since doe can take all of the attacks i set up a leech seed then it's a slow drown out process to knock down palpitoed's health eventually clay heals up but i continue going finally doe knocks out palpitoed and in a cruel twist of fate learns a grass move on level up thanks game i can also catch a ducklit on the driftvale drawbridge i name mine drake dose blobs evolves into duosian and now i have to come to terms with the real issue of this challenge all seven of my pokemon are not in their final evolution but i'm only allowed to evolve one of them i have to plan for fights where i know my pokemon have bad base statistics and i still have to consider all the hardcore nuzlocke rules the one pokemon who can evolve is dharma and thank god that's why darmanitan is such a critical piece of this team skyla is the next gym leader and i'm extremely concerned about her swanna the only way i can get an electric move is by buying the thunder tm in the icarus city pokemart however the npcs won't let me get that far until i beat skyla so i don't have any electric moves for this fight so i came up with this extremely stupid plan step one dwell to hit ko's swoo bat swubat goes for amnesia which changes nothing and dungeness hits her rock slide skyla heals up as dungeness fails the secret bonus step don't miss your rock slide luckily swoobat goes for amnesia again and dungeness hits rockslide skyla heals up again and i go for an x scissor swoobat uses acrobatics which is totally fine and dungeness knocks out swoobat now on to step two sack the crab thanks for your sacrifice little guy this is necessary for step number three retaliation because a team member died the previous turn retaliate has a base 140 power this strong move knocks swanna's health below half now it's time for step number four sack the duck to the duck sack the duck to its mom or something i also gave drake the rocky helmet so swanna's health would definitely be below half now it's step five retaliate two electric boogaloo downpour takes an air slash and knocks swanna out who needs an electric move when you can just sacrifice two of your pokemon and now it's time for our sixth and final step monkey punch dharma knocks out unpheasant with two fire punches and we have our sixth badge outside of dragon spiral tower i can catch drudging he actually gives me quite a scare and lowers most of my team's health but i am able to catch him and i name him dragoon the seventh gym leader is bryson and his ice type pokemon i'll go ahead and speed up this fight for you since it goes like this [Music] yes i got a crit on cryonical no it did not matter in pokemon white the 8th gym leader is iris and her dragon pokemon i'm expecting that this fight will be a challenging one as well my plan is to use blizzard which misses the first time i try it after dragon dance fracture is faster than me but goes for dragon dance again i try for blizzard again and this time it connects and oco's fracture iris sends out drudging next and i go for blizzard which of course misses night slash doesn't hurt me too much though of course i go for blizzard one more time and this time it does connect but doesn't one hit ko after another night slash i'm in range to die but i assume iris will heal which she does which gives me the opportunity to miss blizzard again 2 out of 5 blizzards hit you love to see it i need a safe switch in so i go to double agent thinking i can just sack her she hangs on from the dragon tail though and that brings out dose blobs i check my calculations and i see that dose blobs can't die so i stay in a turn i take the night slash from dread again and then knock its health down to about 25 percent with psychic dose blobs is slower so i can't stay in so i sadly switch in double agent to sack her unfortunately the rocky helmet that i gave double agent actually kind of screws me here as it puts drutagan into hyper potion range but it's finally safe for me to send in my own dread again iris does use a hyper potion but i use dragon claw which one hit ko is dread again i'm dead to crit but i don't have a better play so i decide to stay in haxorus goes for a dragon dance as i use a dragon claw to knock its health down significantly i'm not sure if iris will heal again so i decide to stay in she doesn't heal but i actually get to go first she clearly picked dragon tail which is a negative priority move so i knock out haxorus and get my eighth and final badge i only have five pokemon left alive not including my dead duck that i use for flying that's okay though because i get one more encounter in victory road there are two d pokemon that are only found in victory road durant and dino my preference between these two is clear dino is a pseudo legendary but it's the first form of three evolutions and i can't evolve it any further durant is a single evolution and therefore has pretty good stats so durant is definitely my preference here i technically don't get to choose between these two however dino is only found on the first floor of victory road so i load up my super rappel and walk through the first floor of victory road my repel runs out and then i run into durant i catch him and i name him daughter i made it through victory road and trained my team up as necessary first we have dharma the darmanitan she's got a very high attack and decent hp and speed armed with physical fire and fighting moves she's going to be one of the main forces in these fights next we have dos blobs the duosian he's got the magic guard ability to only take damage from direct attacks a decent special attack and i gave him toxic protect and recover so he's a toxic staller next we have daughter the durant whose nature only affects its two lowest statistics i evie trained it in defense and speed and it has a good attack as well however its nature is really scary the attack boost is great but only having 80 accuracy makes all of my plans completely inconsistent next we have dough the deerling he's really not that strong so i gave him a moveset that works in one specific circumstance which you'll see then we have downpour the duot again not that strong so functionality is pretty limited and finally we have dragoon the dread again plus speed and minus defense is a pretty terrible nature to go with that minus defense is the more defensive ability in rough skin i did ev train him in attack though by now you can probably see my main concern i have three pokemon that aren't in their final evolution i have two pokemon that are single evolution lines which are okay but they're not as good as any final evolutions could be my only actual final evolution is darmanitan when i make these videos i always use the pokemon showdown damage calculator to plan out each fight and figure out what should happen doing that for this challenge was a huge struggle honestly this team just isn't good enough to make any simple strategies what i ended up with was complicated and inconsistent let's see how this goes i decide to take on grimsley and his dark pokemon first this is my most consistent strategy and doesn't rely on any pokemon being level 51. dharma has an expert belt equipped to boost super effective attacks because of this dharma can out speed and one hit ko scrafty with super power i know grimsley will send out crocodile next since it has a super effective move against me because of the stat decreases from superpower and the intimidate from crocodile i'm now at -2 attack i'm expecting the earthquake here so i go to the one pokemon that can always survive doe crocodile should now only see a kill with the move crunch so i can switch back to dharma and now all his stat decreases are gone crooked does use crunch and thankfully that crit doesn't matter at all dharma now outspeeds and kills with super my attack is minus one stage now but it doesn't matter i'm still strong and fast enough to oco lypard and even at -2 i'm still strong enough to kill bisharp i also made sure that even if grimsley had sent out lypard last i would have been able to kill it at -2 attack that went just as planned next i decided to take on sean tall and her ghost pokemon chantal sends out kofo griegas first and i send out dragoon dragoon outspeeds but can't kill with crunch chantal goes for a willow wisp which is perfect since i've equipped dragoon with a raspberry now dragoon can kill with a crunch chantal sends out go lurk next that is a problem since my whole plan revolves around jealousyn being out so i decide to go for my first risky play first i need golurk to not crit me which thankfully doesn't happen then i use dragon tail which forces a random switch for my plan to work i need this to be jealous and not chandelor and it works it actually works now it's time to execute my plan first i switch dragoon out and switch in do shadowball doesn't affect me because of my dual normal type jealousen can now only hit me with moves i resist first i set up a sunny day which weakens gelatin's water moves even further it also now makes me faster due to my chlorophyll ability next i go for a leech seed which should keep me healthy and also slowly knock down gelatin's health now i'm perfectly safe so i start a setup using workup workup increases my attack and special attack by one stage but i only really care about the attack boost eventually i get to plus six attack the sun has also faded by now so i use sunny day one more time since i'm now at plus six attack one faint attack is more than enough to oco jealousened now with my plus six attack and my speed boosted by the sun i'm able to one hit ko the chandelor and the golurk with vein attack that got a little crazy in the middle there but the plan generally worked next up i choose marshall and his fighting type pokemon if you've watched my other videos you know that marshall has given me some trouble in the past marshall sends out throw and i send out dharma i gave dharma a charcoal so flair blitz is enough to knock out throw in one hit i do get recoil damage though sock comes out next but i can't do the same thing again i switch in daughter who can take the incoming stone edge the next part of my plan is subject to rng if i miss my next attack because of my hustle ability i'm in a really bad place also if sock crits me i'm dead there's a lot of variability here i go for iron head which is a two hit ko on sock and i get the freaking flinch that is so unbelievably good for me but i still need to hit my attacks or else i'm back to the same position marshall uses a full restore and iron head hits again marshall uses another full restore and iron head hits again marshall decides not to use a full restore and iron head connects for a fourth straight time to knock out sock next out is conkelder conkelder sees a kill on daughter with hammer arm so i switch into dose blobs hammer arm is not very effective and dose blobs has the evia light so he's at no risk to die concluder also loses speed by using hammer arm so now dose blobs is faster you also may have noticed during the grimsley fight that dose blobs grew to level 51. those blobs was holding the experience share for that fight that's important because psychic is a range to kill conkelder and now it's a really really good range i use psychic and it does hit the range last is marshall's mind shall mine shau sees a kill only with u-turn so i take dose blobs out and put in dharma the added effect of u-turn also doesn't work because mineshau is the last pokemon mineshau is super fast so in preparation for this i actually gave dharma speed evs when i trained him up for the elite four now he's faster than mine shall kills with flare blitz and can live on the recoil you can't get me this time marshall caitlyn is last and this is the fight that i'm the most worried about she sends out reuniclus and i send out dragoon first and foremost i need dragoon to not get crit dragoon lands his crunch on reuniklis and then luckily does not get crit from here it's a cycle of healing and crunching healing and crunching until caitlyn decides she doesn't care about her reuniclus anymore next out is sigoleth sigilyph sees a kill with either ice beam or a psychic i have one pokemon who can take either of those moves really well daughter siglift goes for ice beam which is lower damage than psychic but does have a chance to freeze i wasn't able to give daughter a berry because he needed the black glasses to hit some ranges for this fight this is so bad i sat here for like 15 minutes trying to figure out what to do eventually i decided to just stay in since i have a 20 chance of thawing out on the first turn it didn't happen but sigliff also missed its air slash i'm in the same position so i decided to try again this time i thought out and missed and then sigliff lands a fatal blow i miscalculated there as i definitely thought daughter would survive that attack but shout out to that hustle ability which completely ruins any strategy this could have caused my whole team to spin out but luckily i do have another team member who can take this fight dharma can use flare blitz to knock out the sigoleth knock out the gothitel and knock out the masharna because of the recoil this is only possible due to having a safe switch in from daughter's death the elite four honestly went better than i expected but i still don't feel great the champion fight in this game is kinda weird because you don't get to do it right away you get to watch a bunch of cutscenes with awesome ds graphics and then run around this castle that i guess was just under the pokemon league the entire time anyway i forgot that you have to fight n and gets us in this game i didn't plan or train up my pokemon for the getsys fight for the sake of this video i'm counting n as the champion fight sorry if that's disappointing but that's just how i'm gonna do this plus it kind of makes me laugh to think that right in the middle of trying to save the world i'm just like see ya the game also forces you to catch one of the legendary pokemon but i did not add it to my party now the actual end fight for the purposes of this video the champion fight n sends out resharing and i send out dragoon reshiram starts with a fusion flare which thankfully doesn't do too much damage my dragonclaw almost knocks out resharam though n heals up and i use another dragon claw to get it back down in health then resharam uses hyper beam to kill dragoon i'm not sure why i didn't see that so i send out dharma who can kill resharam as it rests from using hyper beam next out is kara costa so i switched to dough luckily dough avoids the stone edge from kara costa not so lucky dough can't quite kill kara costa with grass knot and then gets knocked out from stone edge i'm clearly not in the right headspace i'm not making good plays during this fight i send in downpour for his first action of the elite four i don't know if n will heal up but i use aquajet anyway which knocks out kara cling clang comes out next and i need to get dharma in luckily none of cling clang's attacks can kill dharma so i switch her right in clanclang just lowers dharma's special defense and dharma knocks out cling clang with a fire punch on the next turn archeops comes out next but i need to save dharma's health for later in the fight downpour can kill archaeops but if i switch to downpour right away it's not going to work so i have to sacrifice something also you may see that daughter looks alive and well and heals all your pokemon before his fight so don't worry i won't be using him my one alive and sacrificable pokemon is dos blobs so i send him in he takes a stone edge from archaeops and dies now i can safely switch in downpour i do still need to dodge one crit though luckily i do and downpour kills archeops with surf zoroark is next and i need to get dharma back in downpour makes the ultimate sacrifice but not before getting an aquajet in first downpour faints and i can bring dharma in safely dharma launches a fire punch which kills zoroark this is it my last pokemon versus n's last pokemon i do like the match up here though dharma is faster and knocks out vanillux with one fire punch and just like that the champion has been defeated this challenge ended up being way tougher than i expected working with a lot of unevolved pokemon was really challenging in the end dharma the germanitan was absolutely the savior of the run without her who even knows if this would be possible well i hope you all enjoyed this video i'm continuing to work my way through the alphabet in what i'm calling letter locks a run using only e pokemon would be next but i'll be putting out some other pokemon nuzlocke content as well if you haven't already it would be awesome if you subscribe to the channel also feel free to leave a comment and tell me what kind of run you'd like me to do this has been a quick nuzlocke using only d pokemon as always thank you so much for watching
Channel: Quick Nuzlockes
Views: 61,268
Rating: 4.9294319 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, hardcore, nuzlocke, gaming, nintendo, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke
Id: _E6wEpk6yG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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