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welcome everyone my name's self and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon fire red with only flying type pokemon the full rule set for this run is listed down below but basically only the first flying type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or elite force ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times the flying type is definitely an interesting one in the main story of fire red and leaf green with all the fully evolved pokemon on screen available although scyther is only available in fire red the reason why we're playing it since we're not allowed to use legendaries the three legendary birds are not available to us unfortunately there are a few more of these pokemon that we're actually going to be unable to obtain due to the rules and fire reds game setup we're going to be playing an ultra hardcore nuzlocke where we can only use pokemon that we can actually catch as a flying type not those who later evolve to have it since we can't use non-flying pokemon in battle the experience share also isn't available until we catch 50 pokemon in this game anyway which we're not allowed to do of course meaning charizard butterfree and dragonite will be unobtainable i can already foresee some major challenges with a flying hardcore nuzlocke as i'm sure you can but without any further ado let's get down to business it's time to choose our starter and i'm gonna go with charmander so blue chooses squirtle which will arguably be the hardest starter to face in the end since charmander isn't yet a flying type as for the rules we have to deposit it as soon as possible but first we have to smash blue into the ground with it after getting pokeballs it's game on can i just note how these two scientists in oaks labs say the exact same things like they're hostages or something nothing out of the ordinary here we're just scientists help us after blue said he's gonna tell his sister not to give us a town map you can guess where we're going daisy oaks bench i mean the house to get the town map she's a legend probably my favorite character it's time for our first encounter pidgey which we catch and nickname vanilla because i mean it's the standard flying type here isn't it incredibly it ends up having a jolly nature plus speed and minus special attack which is fantastic as both flying and normal moves are all physical in this gen our very first battle with vanilla is already insane this arch nemesis pidgey outspeeds us but misses two tackles in a row then we break the speed tie on the third to take it out while taking no damage vanilla is absolutely magical and perhaps immortal don't tell anyone after it learns sand attack and gets to level 8 i'm feeling safe to get our next encounter right away on the route that a lot of people forget about route 22 west of viridian city here we can obtain a sphero which i nearly killed by the way and we nickname it killshot killshot has a lonely nature plus attack and minus defense which is both good and bad especially given what we have coming up what i love about fire red and leaf green is that literally everything on the first two routes gives either speed or attack ev's and manky are perfect since we already have stab super effective peck on kill shot after grinding both of our birds to level 10 we take on viridian forest which as you can imagine is quite an easy task with all the bug types i'm very happy that there's kokuna and metapod in here though as we are going to need some defense cvs for what's to come after a bit more grinding until our pokemon are almost level 14 it's time for something i'm honestly not even sure is even possible the rock type pewter city gym even the trainer in the gym is absolutely terrifying with a combination of sand attack and gust we're able to bring his geodude low with vanilla despite its infinite defense curls but were within ko range thankfully we can safely switch into killshot and despite getting hit twice despite the accuracy drops we take it out with fury attack but he also has a sand shrew and now we can't lower its accuracy since vanilla is too low to switch in thankfully the santru ends up starting to spam defense curl and even though our other attacks do like 1 hp at least fury attack can get 2 to 5 hp since it's a multi-hit move my god a level 10 geodude and a level 11 sandshrew were able to do this to our team and sandshrew didn't even resist our attacks i don't know how i'm feeling about this after leveling to the max level cap exclusively with menkis for attack evs it's time brock the rock type gym leader and one of the biggest threats imaginable unfortunately neither pidgey nor spiro evolved before the level cap so we're stuck with them as they are i'm not kidding when i say i have no idea whether this challenge is even possible due to brock but i studied his battle for a long time and came up with the best possible strategy so let's give it a go he leads with a level 12 geodude as i lead with vanilla my plan is to immediately hit this thing with as many sand attacks as i can thankfully his geodude doesn't actually have any rock moves but tackle can still do some damage especially since we do hardly any damage at all to hit on the first two turns he just goes for defense curl then misses his tackle on the next three at this point i switch in spiro and this is the crux of my strategy pidgey can't do any damage at all after all the defense curls so it's basically only useful for sand attacking in preparation for spiro to come in spiro on the other hand has fury attack to bypass the one hp damage we do otherwise but also has growl and leer i go for a few growls on geodude so both its accuracy and attack are terrible then i go for some layers to lower its defense this way he'll continue to use defense curls instead of being at max defense so we have less of a chance to get hit by tackle when we chip him down with fury attack it is a very long and very scary process as even one crit tackle could do us in but after a while we get it down to the red after only getting hit once by a terrible attack stat tackle now here i don't actually want to take the geodude out as spiro could do absolutely nothing if onyx comes in instead i switched to pidgey again to take the geodude out what's also great is since both pokemon were on the field they both get experience and level up which is allowed in hardcore nuzlocke you just have to be at or below the level cap as the battle starts in comes the onyx though and i am terrified as it has super effective rock tomb which also lowers the opponent's speed and is a surprisingly fast pokemon with base 70 speed i hit it with sand attack since rock tomb only has 80 accuracy but he hits one on his very first turn oh no that ruins my plan almost entirely thanks to our jolly nature we did out speed but it didn't seem to do much thankfully even though we're out sped now the first stand attack we did causes him to miss on the next so we hit it with another sand attack i was really banking on him missing that first one but i have no choice now i have to commit i go for the sand attack again but he out speeds and hits another rock tomb to take vanilla out ouch that stings but hopefully we're set up enough now killshot comes out and has the exact same speed status onix but is a level higher so we outspeed and hit him with growl again i know he can do big damage to us and it's gonna take a while for us to bring him down with all resisted moves so we need to lower his attack he hits us on the third turn to 24 hp and our speed drops so he now outspeeds us tackle has a bit higher accuracy than rock tomb so he starts using that and hits us twice to 20 hp at which point i start using leer to lower his defense so we can at least hit him for some damage he tried going for bind at one point which is my nightmare since it would be guaranteed damage each turn despite his low accuracy and then he hits one oh it's time to attack fury attack gets a crit on the first hit but then does hardly anything and only hits twice this is not good with 12 hp left we bring him to about a quarter after a three hit fury attack where one of the hits got a crit vine brings us down to just 10 hp but he misses his next rock tomb and we get a three hit fury attack to take him out holy absolute that was insane we survived within ko range with just one of our pokemon but we beat brock with just the pidgey and espiro who are weak to rock and whose moves are all resisted by both of his pokemon and they both had huge defense and we had a level cap too amazing due to crits or unfortunate breaks through accuracy etc i had to perform four wipes where we reset the game from the start until we got this victory but thankfully unlike some other gym leaders and other challenges we've done brock is the first so resetting the game from the start isn't all that bad honestly a combination of a good strategy some luck and good nature's honor pokemon with a plus speed pidgey and a plus attack sphero made this possible wow after operating with only kill shot for the next little bit our next destination is mount moon where we can get a new encounter zubat we successfully catch one and decide to name it not crowbad those of you who are familiar with fire red and leaf green know why zubat ends up having a calm nature which is plus special defense and minus attack yikes terrible but hey at least we have a new team member now the unfortunate part about mount moon is that there are quite a few hikers with rock pokemon which would seem kind of impossible on the face of it but zubat actually saves us not only does it have super sonic which granted is only 55 accuracy but it also has bite don't forget that in gen 3 all dark moves are special and most of the rock types have terrible special defense so we finally have a reasonable method of countering them thanks to this the rest of mount moon goes smoothly with a few close calls and we end up choosing the helix fossil this time maybe we'll be blessed for doing so route 4 is another great place for grinding due to atkins giving a tacky bees and we get both pokemon to level 21. spiro also evolves into a beautiful furo initially i was going to deny its evolution since it gets aerial lace at level 25 and gets no other flying move besides pack until level 40 but misty and blue are definitely too tough to risk doing so zubat also learns wing attack at level 21 which is a great stab move for it but unfortunately it doesn't evolve until level 22 right after the level cap i decided to take on blue with the nugget bridge here and killshot's evolution basically saves us for this battle in addition to its raised stats firo also has the keen eye ability which means its accuracy can't be lowered one of the main challenges about this battle usually is that blue's pigiota spam sand attack right from the start but killshot is unaffected and can take it down with fury attack after getting hit by two quick attacks ratatat also hits us with two quick attacks but then it goes down squirtle comes out and i decide to try one fury attack which brings it below half but it survives and goes for withdraw but goes down to one more now here i couldn't let killshot level up so i switched into zubat who handles abra with ease since it can't attack us kenai definitely made that battle much smoother than it usually is it's time for our second gym leader misty i'm not quite sure how to feel about this battle as the type interaction is neutral but we do have to watch out for water pulse's confusion i attach our only oranberry to furo which you can get on route 3 and our only person bury for confusion on zubat which you can find on route 4. i decide to lead with fyro and just try to out speed and tank through her pokemon since zubat is too fragile and firo will get the level up for starmie if it defeats staryu fury attack hits three times and takes it out immediately nice in comes the starmie and fury attack hits five times immediately but still doesn't take it out then it hits us with water pulse for nearly half and then our next fury attack misses so it can use recover oh no our next attack hits four times but it doesn't take it out it hits us with another water pulse to just 14 hp but thankfully we do not get confused and one more attack can take it out if we had gotten confused at any point that very well might have been the end of the run and we even had fury attack miss once too second badge down and another challenging one is yet to come on the nugget bridge which we had to hold off on earlier so we could stay below the level cap zubat ends up evolving into golbat which is a huge step both for offenses and defenses our next level cap is merely 24 and even avoiding every single optional trainer on our way to bill's house we end up at levels 23 and 24 with another route the ssn and gym trainers to go this is not looking good at all while leaving cerulean we encounter this girl trying to train her slowbro and she says no that's wrong it's so hard to control pokemon your pokemon's obedience depends on your abilities as a trainer well you must be pretty trash then i decide to give the daycare a visit too excuse me sir since the rules don't allow me to give you my pokemon can you take care of me instead after clearing the last necessary trainer and arriving in vermilion city we have a massive dilemma both of our pokemon are already at level 24 and we can't access the gym without going through the ssn this looks like the end but we have one final hope what we can do is catch what we're going to say as a pokemon for hms which are allowed for the rules a sphero for fly we can then go to this house in vermilion where this girl is seeking a trade a spearow for her far-fetched since they're both flying type pokemon and this is technically our first new area encounter i see no reason to not allow this trade so bam the run is saved by this magnificent bird wait a minute cha-ding what the f is that oh my god it's adamant too nice this in-game trade also gives the stick item which raises farfetch'd critical hit ratio farfetch'd stats are absolute garbage so hopefully those two things will make it somewhat useful since we get it at level 15 i need it to be as powerful as possible without leveling it up too much since it's basically all we can use at this point while avoiding the level cap so i grinded against weak eckens outside of cerulean for a bit for a tackybees the trainers in the ssan are manageable even though farfetch'd is quite weak and we arrive at blue with shading at level 21 and we better hope it can handle most of blue's team thankfully farfetch'd also has keen eye so blue's pigeotto can't sand attack us having fury attack on farfetch'd is amazing since each individual hit has a chance for a critical hit and the stick increases that further so it takes out pidgeotto with little issues since it only uses quick attack once raticate however uses hyperfang and brings us just 14 hp and i'm forced to switch into firo who can then handle raticate and kadabra then we can switch into golbat on wartortle so they can split the experience we get cut by massaging the captain's back oh yeah keep going and we've officially made it to serge's gym under the level cap by the skin of our teeth the trainers in surges gym mostly have pikachus which just use slam instead of electric moves so the only real challenge we faced was a magnemite but we make it to surge with little issue now just like brock lieutenant surge is of course an absolutely terrifying threat with electric pokemon and the thing is unlike for brock we can't do any sand attack strats here since all three of his pokemon have shockwave which can't miss great after having studied his team like a madman and came up with our best strategy it's time i decided to lead with golbat against sergi's voltorb and hit him with bite in the hopes that he might flinch since we can't even use super sonic to confuse him because of his soundproof ability he hits us with sonic boom followed by shockwave though down to just 31hp after which we can take him out pikachu comes in next and here i tried to risk going for the sonic assuming he would double team but we miss and then he goes for thunder wave to paralyze us that is not good at all thankfully we get a free switch into killshot since he uses double team again and keep in mind that it doesn't affect us with kenai so it's a great switch but regardless fury attack misses he then hits us with shockwave for about a third then we miss fury attack again at 85 percent accuracy how it then hits us with thunder wave to paralyze but thankfully i put a cherry berry on which you can find in the trash cans in the ssn i go for fury attack again but it misses for a third turn in a row and we get thunder waved again dear lord we would have been absolutely fine if we hit that first fury attack as yes each hit is a chance to paralyze us due to its static ability but that's what the berry was for instead we're thrust into the raichu now paralyzed and with a third damage there's just no way we can't switch into anything on a shockwave from a raichu i have to sack killshot when we would have otherwise outsped without the paralysis as my plan was that was absolutely brutal luck i switched farfetch'd in and raichu goes for double team but even farfetch'd has kenai and can actually hit a damn fury attack but the very first hit paralyzes us but thankfully we land two more but now the raichu goes for shockwave and we survive on just 10 hp break through the paralysis and take it out oh my god that was ridiculous we lost kill shot but hey at least we beat surge which i really wasn't sure we'd be able to manage in the first place two deaths on the board but three badges too while traveling on route 9 we find tm 40 aerial ace i decide to teach it to farfetch since it gets nothing else besides peck through level up and nothing else will need it quite that badly golbat also ends up learning confuse ray instead of supersonic which should be quite helpful with way better accuracy we make it through the rock tunnel alright and arrive in lavender town where the nickname raider is i thought long and hard about renaming farfetch'd but you know what shading it is after that gym performance you deserve to keep your namesake buddy whatever it is the gate for route 12 presents us with the return tm which is gonna be very useful with 102 power once our pokemon are actually friendly with us while traveling to celadon city i tried my absolute best not to exceed the level cap but farfetch'd hits level 30 on our next mandatory battle meaning it will not be able to be used in battle until we have the next badge i think what really hurt us here is that as a traded pokemon it gets an experience boost which is normally good but really bad for us in our case after arriving in celadon we have nothing but a goal bat which is already at the level cap of 29 but yet again we thankfully have a saving grace in the form of the game corner which has the bug flying scyther as a prize it costs 5 500 coins and i desperately played the slots like an addict and only managed about a thousand after a long time and we don't have enough money either so we're gonna have to hold off on that for now but we have one more option east of celadon before the snorlax we can access route 16 which has none other than doduo we catch one and name it triple d i mean it might not make much sense right now as doduo is only a double but they're gonna grow i mean they're gonna evolve and then triple d will make sense okay it has a naive nature plus speed and minus special defense which isn't bad that speed could be useful against high speed tier pokemon for sure while grinding it for a bit dodo learns tri attack which is a fantastic 80 power stab move with a chance for status now erica's gym being a grass-type gym finally gives us some leeway as our flying team is able to absolutely tear through the entire place erica herself could be a bit frightening with good bulk and poison moves including toxic but we have a goal that now she did miss a critical stun sport early on with victory bell which could have caused some problems but aside from that gomat is able to sweep through her party pretty cleanly being paralyzed and taking only 8 hp damage by the end of the battle interestingly goldbet actually starts to evolve after the battle but those of you who are familiar with these games know that it's just a tease you can't actually get evolutions like crobats cesar kingdra and steelix until the post game they just don't work i can maybe understand wanting to keep the main game as close to the originals as possible but why tease us with the evolution animation you sick oh and also this happens every single level until the post game too unless you have an everstone which we can't get after picking farfetch'd back up from the pc he ends up learning swords dance at level 31 which is of course an incredible move farfetch'd speed isn't that great but hey more attack could never hurt doduo also tries to evolve at level 31 however i'm going to delay that as it does learn drill pack at 37 as a doduo but at 47 as a dodea rio so i think it's worth it after taking on team rocket in the game corner hideout it's time to face giovanni for the first time hey hey dad how was work he starts with an onyx so i'd leave with crobat our best defensive presence and hit him with confuse ray right away thankfully he just goes for rage so i can hit him with bite which does about a third and then he hits himself in confusion over the next two turns so we can take him out ryhorn is a three hit kale with bite as well although he did get a tail whip off which isn't good for his final pokemon a kangaskhan he goes for priority fake out immediately which does a third even at 40 base power so i confuse him and hit him with wing attack after which he goes for tail whip with our defense so low i know we need to switch so i hard switch into farfetch'd and then thankfully it just uses bite kangaskhan hits itself in confusion after which i swords dance and thankfully it hits itself yet again so i can take it out with a supercharged aerialist megapunch could have definitely done some damage but confuserey did a really good job in the lavender tower blue is kind of under-leveled compared to us since we only have three pokemon and we were technically supposed to explore here earlier on so chiding is able to perform a swords dance sweep through his entire team while taking little damage man that feels good unlike our last fire red adventure this time we also don't lose anyone to the stupid marowak ghost either good riddance while training up for the next gym we break into this building where this guy has apparently already done so not only did he break into a building right beside a police officer but he also encourages a 10 year old when he does the same this is officially the biggest badass in all of pokemon remember his name heisenberg during our training dotao finally learns drill peck at level 37 and proceeds to evolve into dodrio he has officially grow i mean evolved into triple d oh go bat would you off he's really living up to his name isn't he at last we finally have enough money to afford scyther from the game corner yes we could have possibly gotten one from the safari zone but it's very unlikely and we need to lighten the xp load on our way to fuchsia since there are a lot of trainers along the way and don't forget that the level cap for both koga and sabrina is 43 we name the scyther hacker and it ends up having a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed minus speed is really not good at all but again i'm not complaining with how few pokemon we have unfortunately scyther's moveset and set is kinda trash but she does learn wing attack at the very next level at least while grinding on cycling road she also learns slash at level 31 and swords dance at level 36 which will definitely be helpful while in the safari zone we find the steel wing tm which should be really helpful as another way to deal with rock types although their defense is of course still strong and special moves are preferred before the fuchsia city gym an idea came to mind for a way that we could potentially power up our pokemon a bit i decided to teach dodrio the thief tm instead of pursuit since enemies don't normally switch anyway and we can try to find firo on route 18 which have a 5 chance to hold a sharp beak item to boost the power of flying moves which we can steal from them using thief that way we're not breaking the rules by catching them since furo only have a 15 chance to be found on this route and they only have a five percent chance of having a sharp big item this is a long process but eventually we do find one and i attach it to dodrio for now since drill pack is our strongest flying move that we have with that it's time for the fifth gym since the level cap here is the same as saffron's gym and we have the self code to go we have to go in a bit low in terms of levels and i reach kogo with our team all at level 38. unfortunately we have nothing super effective against any of his pokemon but i think i have a good plan he leads off with coughing and i go in with golbat since we resist all of his poison moves and can't get poisoned of course his two coughings also have self-destruct and golbat is technically our best defensive presence i go for confuse right away so we might be able to avoid the self-destruct if he does try it the first coffin goes down safely after it hits itself in confusion once but he next brings out muck now muck is a very difficult situation but i make sure to confuse it right away the problem is muk tends to spam minimize so i switch into cha ding here with kenai so his accuracy is unaffected yes muk could hit us hard with sludge or toxic but it's why we confused him i next get a swords dance off and muk snaps at a confusion to hit us to near half with sludge but no poison and aerialize brings him down to a quarter after which he thankfully just goes for minimize again so we can take him out coughing actually survives an aerial lace but it went for toxic and missed so we can take him out after a hyper potion his last pokemon is wheezing and after seeing how much sludge did for muk i know we can't survive one so i switch back into golbat who tanks it well after confusion and a long grind with wing attack we end up being able to take down wheezing with just 27 hp remaining golbat was an absolute savior for this battle and kenai is also a fantastic thing to deal with muk 5 badges acquired following this we're able to make our way to route 12 where we have a really interesting situation here we can get the super rod which is actually going to open up a crucial encounter for us gyarados now in the originals you can only get gyros by evolving a magikarp but in fire red and leaf green gyros can be caught straight up in the water with the super rod which makes it a viable flying encounter for us we catch one and name it shenron and it ends up having a lonely nature which is plus attack and minus defense anything plus attack is great so i'm happy before the saffron gym i hit up the game corner to buy the mystic water item to boost gyarados's water moves this is kind of the problem with gyros surf and bite are both special moves and he doesn't learn a single flying move in this entire game which is strange but at least the mystic water will help a bit with damage output the fighting dojo is also the perfect opportunity to level him up for attackyvs and he handles them well with intimidating too we did have one very close call though against a primate with seismic toss but thankfully the dojo master's hitmonchan doesn't have the elemental punches honestly these poor people they had their gym made unofficial by a super effective psychic gym that came into town then a ridiculous 10 year old expert flying trainer comes in and destroys them all just for good measure to try and fix our whole special move problem i decided to buy the hyper beam tm from the department store for gyarados which should be a good sort of last resort move after finishing the grind it's time for the saffron city gym now i was initially going to do a crazy scyther swarm boost fury cutter strategy but scyther doesn't actually learn fury cutter until shortly after the level cap and scyther's wing attack is a range on kadabra according to my calcs and it does have reflect which we can't allow at all so i go in with our hardest hitter dodrio amazingly with the sharp beak dodrio is able to one hit ko every single one of her pokemon and it even outspeeds alakazam too incredible that's one thing that flying type pokemon have going for them their speed and power despite their frailty any setting up might have cost us badly so that was a good choice after arriving in cinebar it's time to do something get our last encounter which we need to go to pewter city for the old amber the scientist here says my colleagues just ignore what i have to say i want you to have this examined at a lab somewhere somewhere maybe they ignore you because you're a scientist and don't know where the nearest lab is this dude over here says the secrets of space the mysteries of earth there are so many things about which we know so little but that should spur us to study harder not toss in this howl the only thing you should toss well how about seismic toss should i teach that to a pokemon this guy is the greatest marketer of all time back on cinebar the researcher says we need to walk a little before the fossil is restored so why are you running once we get aerodactyl we name it terry and it ends up having a docile nature which is neutral the cinnabar mansion is a big hassle as per usual but it offers a decent chance to put some levels on terry after an insane grind where i get terry to level 38 primarily against tangela's south of pallet town he learns ancient power along the way and it's time for the cinnabar gym terry is absolutely impressive against all the trainers with super effective ancient power and it's time for blaine in no time at all my strategy for blaine is pretty solid i send in golbat against growlithe to take the intimidate go for confused ray then switch into aerodactyl safely and take it out with ancient power after it hits us with fire blast but doesn't burn and we got the ancient power full stat boost too however blaine immediately goes into arcanine for the intimidate here and ancient power does a bit more than half but we get another boost what in the world i don't think i've ever seen that my initial plan was to switch into gyrodos when the arcanine came in to get rid of the attack drop and to put intimidate on it followed by a sweep with surf but aerodactyl is now able to handle the entire team by himself what an absolute beast after rescuing the little girl from the creepy hypno on the semi islands no seriously what the is this plotline it's time for the final gym we had one scary moment against the trainers where we nearly lost terry since i looked at the wrong trainer online i thought he was the one with fighting pokemon but he had rock pokemon instead yikes the grind to get to level 50 for giovanni is long and oh off i mean go bad as might be expected giovanni is an absolute sweep through since his pokemon are all weak or four times weak to water i've said it before and i'll say it again i have no idea why they didn't give him kangaskhan and maybe even persian for this battle even though we saw him use the kangaskhan several times i guess they just wanted to stick to the whole ground gym leader thing but it's less effective when we've seen him with other powerful pokemon with that we have our next rival battle on route 22 and beforehand i decided to teach aerodactyl the earthquake tm we just got from giovanni as it seems like it could be needed against blue's team and it's another way to handle rock types i lead with terry this time against pidgeot and ancient power just barely doesn't ko somehow so we get hit with wing attack before taking it out with a second and unfortunately no boost this time blue then pivots directly into blastoise which i kind of wasn't expecting so soon so i go into gyarados as he goes for rain dance he did get a crit on his first bite but dragon rage is able to whittle him down as we get brought to just 22 hp before taking him out ry horn is an easy ko with surf and when growlith comes in with the intimidate i decide to switch into aerodactyl to play it safe and prepare for alakazam's entrance and earthquake takes him out alakazam comes in next which is great that we have aerodactyl out since now we can out speed and say oh wait he survived the earthquake and hisses was psychic but our next attack takes him out i did not think he would survive that execute is his last pokemon and survives a stab super effective wing attack but it just misses stunsport and we can take him out definitely a messy battle but we managed it in the end with no deaths after a daunting journey through victory road we arrive at the indigo plateau after a ton of grinding to level 58 since lance's level cap is 60 and filling out as many evs as i can tolerate i also get some upgrades for our team i give the leftovers from the snorlax we store using thief to cyther and also teach it return since for normal type stab farfetch already has the stick along with high critical hit ratio slash and dodrio already has tri attack which i'm happy with we also use thief on wild graveler and onyx to eventually find the hard stone to boost the power of aerodactyl's ancient power with that it's time let's see what the elite four has to offer first up is lorelei the ice type elite four member she is a terrifying threat for a flying team on the face of it but thankfully gyarados is neutral to ice so i leak with him against dugong my calcs tell me that we'll need to be plus three to take it out with strength so i have to start dragon dancing she goes for hail on the first turn which isn't great since it's guaranteed damage every turn but thankfully she just goes for safeguard on the next turn icebeam only does about a fifth on us on the third and we have to hope for no freeze and we don't get frozen get three dragon dances off and we can take her out with under half health remaining cloister comes out next which i know has good defense however it just has spikes dive hail and protect meaning i know it can't do any damage to us on one turn so i go for another dragon dance and it indeed just goes for protect so we get a free boost even at plus 4 strength doesn't take cloister out but it just goes for spikes and after the 4 restore 2 more strengths do the trick after it gets a double protect off but thankfully the hail has stopped slowbro also survives a plus 4 strike just barely and hits us with ice beam but we survive on 50 hp left from there we can take it out one hit ko jinx as well and lapras is a scary threat but we can now use hyper beam since there won't be a turn afterwards where we have to recharge and it does ko nice shenron was a savior here for sure next up is bruno whose team is a bit complicated due to the onyxes gyarados would be great however we wouldn't have an opportunity to dragon dance due to three of his pokemon having rock tomb which would also lower our speed i decide to teach the giga drain tm to golbat instead and lead with him his first onyx is a one hit ko since giga drain is four times effective hitmonchan comes in next and i hit him with wing attack to the red but it doesn't ko and he hits him with rock tomb for less than half our speed was dropped but i know he'll full restore so i use wing attack again to the red he does out speed but only a rock tomb crit would have taken us out and he just went for mock punch instead so we can take him out in comes machamp and here is where i figured gyarados could be useful since we can now get the intimidate off on him machamp goes for scaryface which lowers our speed better than rock tomb i suppose and he does what i was fearing he starts to bulk up this is another reason why shenron is useful here though as serp is a special move and ignores the defense boost but we have to keep in mind his attack is increasing too his citrus berry brings him back above half but thankfully he keeps going for cross chop instead of rock tomb for some reason so we can ko him with 64 hp remaining hitmonlee comes out next and i know i have to switch so i go into scyther who gets hit hard by mega kick but the leftovers help him and we actually one hit koam with an unboosted wing attack onyx is his final pokemon and i know a crit might kill but i have to risk it by switching into gyarados for the intimidate followed by the serf to take him out and the plan does work with 45 hp remaining a tougher battle than one might expect for a mostly fighting trainer but rock tomb on a lot of his pokemon combined with the onyxes really threw a wrench into our plan next up is agatha a trainer who always causes difficulty we can't drag and dance with gyarados since she'll of course put us to sleep and all that and gyros only has normal type physical moves anyway i decide to lead with farfetch'd instead who isn't affected by gengar's double team and can't be hit by shadow punch all she can do is confuse rey or toxic us she immediately hits us with a confused ray but we make it through to hit it with an aerial lace with a critical hit but it brings it right to the red unfortunately which is actually a bad thing since g4 restores now but since we're confused this gives us the opportunity for a free switch to terry at least who i'm hoping will out speed and he does and hits her to below half with wing attack then gengar uses double team and we miss our next wing attack after which we get hit by confuse rey yikes knowing she'll likely want to do damage with shadow punch i switch back into farfetch'd and she did so we're immune confused ray hits us again but farfetch makes it through for the ko golbat comes out and hits it with air cutter but we snap out of confusion and hit it with slash but not a crit another air cutter brings us to about a third after which we do get a crit slash and take it out arbok comes out next and the intimidate combined with our low health means we need to switch and as much as terry would be a great switch with earthquake irontail is super effective against him so i go into shenron instead for the intimidate arbuck is a three hit ko with strength as gyrodos is left with about half hp and in comes her second gengar i switch into golbat here and gengar misses its hypnosis on the switch shadowball then does about a quarter on us and i go for the confused ray gengar gets the hypnosis off though so i switch into hacker as gengar hits itself below half but then his citrus berry activates because of that wing attack just barely doesn't ko it and it hits the hypnosis through confusion it then breaks through confusion as i switch into dodrio and she full restores gengar from there since we outspeed it we hit it with drop to the red it misses a hypnosis thank god and we take it out with another and her final haunter is a one-hit kill with drill peck as well wow always a messy battle with agatha but i think we played around her quite well despite getting hurt it's time for the final elite four member lance two of our theoretical best options against him would be to charge up swords dances but we can because his aerodactyl would out speed anything that can with super effective ancient power and resist both flying and normal moves we can't lead with our own aerodactyl either since he leads with intimidate gyarados after long deliberation i decide our best course of action is actually to lead with our own gyarados and we both intimidate each other here i know i need to drag and dance to get her attacked back up but also to be able to outspeed his aerodactyl as this is the only way we can i managed to get three dragon dances off before we're in hyper beam ko range but i risk one more since i know we need it after intimidate and amazingly he just goes for dragon rage so we can unleash with a strength to take him out or not he survives on literally one hp and hits us with bite my god that was scary one more does the trick after he full restores next he sends in aerodactyl i was really hoping he sent it a dragon error since one of them does have thunder wave but nope now the key here is according to my calcs neither surf nor strength will one hit ko from this range but there's nothing else we can do i have to hyper beam hyper beam does indeed take him out despite being resisted but of course on the recharge turn his dragonite is able to come in and take shenron down with outrage honestly it was a necessary sacrifice that aerodactyl could have swept our entire team but we still have to deal with this outraging dragonite i send an aerodactyl so we can out speed with super effective ancient power and it does over half then he hits us with outrage to right about half and his citrus berry activates but he gets confused another ancient power brings them to what must be one hp he breaks through confusion but just uses safeguard thank god we can then take him down with one more attack in comes dragonair and i go for ancient power knowing he can take us out it does over half but then he hits us with thunder wave to paralyze an outrage then brings us to 47 hp but we break through paralysis to take him down his final dragonair then comes out and i'm forced to switch since we'll be out sped so i go into hacker outrage hits us and does about a quarter and we get a crit on our wing attack to take it down well we lost shenron but that could have gone much worse it's champion time now blue's team i studied for a long time no longer having gyros is not good and i was thinking leading with farfetch'd could be an option for kenai against his sand attack pidgeot so we can charge up swords dances but then what farfetch'd speed is too low so we can't set up a sweep and our only other swords dancing option is scyther who's weak to pidgeot ride on and intimidate arcanine in the end i decide to lead with aerodactyl i hit pidgeot with ancient power but it doesn't ko and amazingly we do get the stat boost but then pidgeot goes for sand attack and blue full restores it ancient power then misses but we get to attack again and now thanks to the stat boost we take it out but then of course blue sends out blastoise this thing now has hydro pump and a citrus berry and since our accuracy is lowered too there's no way we can stay in i switch into golbat and amazingly blastoise misses its first hydro pump so i hit it with confused ray but then it gets rain dance off we hit it with a couple giga drains then it uses rain boosted hydro pump through confusion and it nearly takes us out with just 18 hp left holy our orenberry is not very helpful here i know there's nothing we can switch in so i go for giga drain hoping he might miss but incredibly he goes for a bite so we get another attack off after his citrus berry but then another bite finishes goldbat off he will never be a crowbat now now here i know we need a lot of speed for the late battle so i send in our slower far-fetched after doing calcs knowing that even if he hits a hydro pump we will survive and he does indeed as we live with just 25 hp after which slash takes him out in comes ride on and there's of course nothing i can switch in so i go for sand attack and he hits a rock tomb nonetheless to take chading out rest well sweet prince with the lower accuracy i'm willing to risk sending an aerodactyl now for the earthquake since we really have no other option and earthquake does over half he misses his 80 rock tomb and we can take him out with another he sends an alakazam next and we outspeed it and hit it with ancient power but it survives and we don't get the boost after which he hits us to below half with psychic then we can ko him with three more after two full restores but none of them get the boost a single boost would have won us the battle damn in comes exeggutor and knowing this thing is bulky and giga drain is neutral on us we have to switch into scyther who quad resists it exeggutor went for sleep powder on the switch but it missed we hit it with wing attack then it lands a sleep powder but thankfully he can't do too much damage on us with egg bomb and we take it out after waking up his final pokemon is arcanine who immediately comes in with the intimidate there's really nothing i can do here so i just go for a wing attack it does not much at all then hacker gets taken down by a flamethrower here i send in triple d to get good damage off with drill pack he hits us with flamethrower and then he uses extreme speed to outspeed us and take dodrio down our team has gotten absolutely ravaged but it's time aerodactyl resists extreme speed anyway so he was the perfect pokemon to keep alive ancient power out speeds and takes him down wow that was a wild battle a bit messy but we guaranteed the win by keeping our faster pokemon alive and specifically terry amazing we beat a fire red hardcore nuzlocke with nothing but flying type pokemon let's go if you enjoyed the run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really helps a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video you
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 855,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can I beat a pokemon firered hardcore nuzlocke, can I beat a pokemon firered hardcore nuzlocke with only flying types?!, can i beat pokemon firered, Pokemon challenge, pokemon firered nuzlocke, pokemon firered hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon firered nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke flying only, hardcore nuzlocke only flying types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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