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welcome everyone my name's silf and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore monotype nuzlocke of pokemon ruby using only psychic pokemon after the fire red hardcore nuzlocke i decided i wanted to up the challenge even further and limit us to a specific type of pokemon for the entire game as always if you want to join in on these challenges live make sure to follow me on twitch the link will be in the description below now why choose ruby over emerald you might ask well there's one simple reason both games are kind of limited in the number of psychic types that they have with just the ones on screen being obtainable since we don't allow legendaries of course however ruby has the potential for just one additional psychic line meditate and meta-cham which is completely unobtainable in sapphire and even emerald for some reason knowing how these hardcore monotype nuzlockes go i decided it would be worth it for the one extra encounter if you guys have seen my challenges before you know the rules but this one adds the monotype rule basically only the first psychic pokemon encountered in a given route or area can be caught with no duplicates or same evolutionary line pokemon allowed and no legendaries if a pokemon faints at any time it is permanently boxed no items except held items can be used in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the highest level pokemon of the next gym leader or elite four member and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times this run is going to be something else so here we go since there are no psychic type starters we have to start with something else so i grab a torchic our first psychic encounter is available on route 102 so we have to beat may using torchic but then it's game on for the run we head to route 102 where there's a 4 chance of finding ralts eventually we find and successfully catch ralts and name it violet violet has a bold nature meaning plus defense and minus attack which is fine about as ideal as we could reasonably hope for now what's not ideal is well this raltz's moveset it has growl just growl with torchic now permanently boxed and only growl wants to work with this run might look impossible but don't forget that when a pokemon's power points go down to zero they can start using struggle the problem is that getting down to struggle is very difficult because you get hit of course and you can't use the pokemon center without restoring your power points so you have to rely on potions but at this point in the game you have very limited money to buy them however i devised a strategy for this cdot cdot only has bide at this point which is a move that returns damage that the opposing pokemon has done to it therefore if we don't do any damage we can't get hit by it so we can waste our power points on it pretty amazing stuff this might yet be possible absolutely based acorns man after we get growl to zero it's time to struggle literally and figuratively turns out we can only face level 2s at the moment since anything more does way too much damage in addition to the struggle recoil this is a long and scary grind with pokemon not letting us escape and almost not making it due to our lack of money and potions but about an hour later we make it to level 6 where we finally learn confusion keep in mind we still can't hit dark types with any of our moves so we avoid the one trainer who has a puccina on the next route and after a few close calls we make it to the petalburg woods where a mandatory team magma grunt battle is and he has a puccina now that we have confusion we have to get rid of 65 power points before we get struggle but there's a dilemma using confusion will cause ralts to get too much xp for the level cap since it will be taking pokemon out with it however i realize that we can find wild puccina and use confusion on them so it doesn't actually ko them yet still uses the power points we just have to be careful since they can hurt us once ready with struggle we potion up attach an oranbury to ralts and go for it struggle does about 20 damage on him and he goes for sand attack right away on us yikes he then starts charging up his attack power with howl and we bring him down to about a third before we start missing and he keeps sand attacking us we just can't seem to hit him and his attack is getting scarily high but we land one hit and bring him to the red after which he hits us hard with tackle our orenberry activates and we keep missing repeatedly and he gets another tackle off but we survive on just three hp after which we finally land a struggle to take him out wow we just beat a puccino with a ralts who technically has nothing but growl and confusion i can't believe it after learning double team at level 11 and grinding to level 13 on route 116 against trainers with many close calls were forced to go to the russeboro gym since our level cap for roxanne is 15 and her gym trainers have a few pokemon too we also can't level up too much for another reason that has to do with our next encounter but we'll talk about that later the gym trainers are scary but manageable and i make it to roxanne right at level 15. this is it we have to go for it i attach an oranberry on waltz and hope for the best we've got an interesting situation since roxanne's pokemon are weak in terms of special defense but we're weak in terms of physical defense i realize if we're to have any hope we can't get hit more than twice even with the orenberry and that's assuming we don't get crit double team is going to be absolutely necessary no matter what so i use it once and her geodude misses its first rock tomb i now know that we have to stack up double teams if i'm to have a chance and miraculously we get max evasion without getting hit i then use confusion and it does less than half after which the geodude hits us hard with rock tomb to lower our speed too but the oranberry restores some good health before we hit the geodude again and confuse it after a couple potions from roxanne the geodude goes down since somehow we still outspeed it despite the drop the nosepass comes out next and it starts spamming harden and misses its rock throws which allows us to bring it down eventually now if you're thinking that was easy no no no i had to reset this challenge from the start after failing six times to get a successful roxanne battle as even two hits could take us down and even max evasion is not enough to avoid like 10 attacks usually a combination of a decent nature harden and defense curl spamming and good speed ivs apparently helped us out a lot first gym badge miraculously acquired please let me get out of here i just want to see the rest of the game we did have another team magma puccina battle after this so we have to waste 80 power points now although it was a lengthy process the puccina battle goes off successfully and now it's time for something interesting and terrifying north of duffertown in granite cave there's another encounter we can get and that we need to get abra which is a 10 encounter if we don't get this rawls will inevitably over level at some point assuming it can even solo the dewford gym keep in mind that if you don't catch abra on the first ball it teleports immediately we finally find one after like five minutes and at this point we had a great ball so the whole run after all this work rests on this one throw or else it's a wipe but it catches we named this abra lucky for obvious reasons now it's definitely not over yet since abra has nothing but teleport we need to switch train it all the way until level 16 when it learns confusion upon evolution the problem is the pokemon we're using to switch train at ralts can't get past level 18 or else the run is over due to the level cap after years of switch train grinding and having abra struggle train a little bit so we don't hit the cap it evolves we did it and ralts is exactly at level 18. the crazy initial setup worked to even make this run possible as a baseline is done and we were honestly lucky beyond belief to make this happen after also getting cadamer to level 18 using the gym trainers and making sure we don't have items on either pokemon since his makuhita has knockoff it's time to face brawley here i accidentally led with ralts when i meant to use the more powerful kadabra i use one confusion on his machop and it does over half and machop uses bulk up knowing that ralts won't be able to one hit ko makuhita and that knockoff on the switch would be brutal i know i have to switch cadabra in now but after that bulk up it's a bit worrying we switch and machop uses karate chop which also gets a critical hit to bring us to just 9 hp but we take it out with confusion now we absolutely need a one hikeo on makuhita and i wasn't sure if we could do it but kadabra is an absolute beast and gets the job done now of course in a psychic monotype challenge the fighting gym is going to be the easiest one that we face but that was still a bit worrisome second badge is in the books and i never thought we'd even get the first the stretch to the third gym is really scary since there are a lot of trainers and the level cap for watson is 23 with both our pokemon already at level 18. at the same time we have an intense fight coming up even before the gym so we have to calculate these levels just right after beating a couple pikachu clones ralts hits level 20 and evolves into curlia while grinding curlia also learns calm mind which should actually be quite useful and cadabra also learns cybeem which is definitely better than confusion with both of our pokemon at level 21 i'm not willing to go any further since we still have to battle the gym trainers too hoping that this is enough it's time for the battle with may may starts off with a shroomish and since it has stunsport i go in with curlier first who has synchronized i also put a cherry berry on curlia so that its paralysis would be healed meaning the shroomish effectively paralyzes itself while we merely get a free combined off i then go for confusion and it does over half on shroomish its next stun spore misses and we can take it out with another i'm glad that actually worked i wasn't sure numo goes down to two boosted confusions and in comes the marsh top now i'm really worried about this thing since it not only has a physical move in mud shot but it also lowers speed which is not good amazingly it actually misses his first mud shot so we can bring it below half problem is the next one lands and hits us hard well below half and now our speed has been dropped we have to switch into kadabra there's no other choice cadaver barely survives a mud shot and it's orenberry i put on it brings it right above half but it's still within kill range and has had its speed dropped i thought this was it but miraculously kadabra still outspeeds even after the drop what an absolute beast this thing is infamous may battle complete but a bigger challenge is yet to come no it's not wally and his stupid roths okay it's the marvel gym itself wally just happens to be standing outside of it for some reason wally i respect how strong you eventually became in this series with your level 80s and whatnot but traveling back in time you were such a little alright that was undeserved just my anxiety about this gym coming out the trainers in this gym confirmed my fear that steel types are a nightmare i decide to grind both cadabra and curlia up to high level 23 for watson so that they might level up mid battle since we're gonna need it hardcore nuzlocke rules require that you are at or below the level cap when the gym leader battle starts so we're all set now i had failed this challenge quite a few times already and watson was responsible for about half of those this battle is not set up for psychic types at all but i go in with my absolute best strategy i have and hope for the best my strategy involves putting a cherry berry on both lucky and violet since watson really likes to paralyze now you might be sitting there saying soph why don't you just spam double team well double team kind of gets harder to use as playthroughs go on since setting it up is way too risky but watson also has shockwave on his magneton which cannot miss so double team doesn't help calm mind is also only really useful offensively since his pokemon have sonic boom which does set damage but we need that attack boost to do anything here i decide to lead with curly against his magnemite and used the same strategy we used against may calm mind get thunder waved have synchronized activate to paralyze magnemite then our cherry berry activates to cure us i go for another combined and unfortunately the magnemite breaks through paralysis and goes for thunder wave again i get off another combine though and magnemite hits us hard with sonic boom before i do less than half with confusion after all that but it confuses and he hits himself to below half after which we can take him out in comes voltorb and the main worry is getting paralyzed or hit by self-destruct yes this thing has self-destruct shockwave does little after our calm minds and confusion nearly takes it out but it also gets confused watson heals it up with a super potion we hit it again and here i decided to switch into kadabra anticipating another potion which does happen i go for side beam with cadabra which does big damage and it takes itself out in confusion we safely got kadabra on the field thank god now the magneton i go for psi beam right away which does essentially nothing and he thunder waves us which we cure with our barry i go for disabled to disable thunder wave which he was indeed trying to go for again we got a critical hit on our next side beam and he hits us with sonic boom and then our next psy beam barely doesn't take it out his disable wears off and he paralyzes us uh oh it now outspeeds us and hits us hard with sonic boom again but we survive and break through paralysis to get the win now you might understand why this took like six tries between the struggle strategies roxanne's battle having to catch abra on the first try and watson's battle i had 12 total entire restarts of this challenge to finally get this badge the problem was not only typing but status and the fact that we can only get two pokemon up until this point i had a theory that the game would really open up after this badge so let's hope that i was correct before anything i decided to teach the shockwave tm watson gave us to kadabra we need some type coverage to handle dark types so it had to be done plus it can't miss which is nice theoretically our next encounter would be baltoy in the route 111 desert but we can't access any wild pokemon in there yet without the goggles we are literally one step away from another pokemon on our team can't one just levitate over to us real quick please in some good news curlia actually learned psychic at level 26 which is incredible and much earlier than i thought however both our pokemon gets to level 27 and our level cap for the next gym is 28 so we need another encounter one comes to us just in time in the form of meteor falls where we can actually catch a soul rock we successfully get one which we nicknamed teletubby i'm sorry i had to please understand it ends up having a modest nature which is fantastic for its psychic typing but really bad for its rock typing since secondary typings are way more important since we have plenty of psychic types to work with this isn't great but hey at least we have more than two pokemon now and we can use it to avoid passing the level cap on the other two with soul rock at level 26 it's time to face maxie this is as good as we're going to get due to the cap maxi is absolutely terrifying for us since he has a mighty ena but i've got a bit of a strategy i think i lead with kadabra who isn't affected by intimidate and immediately go for reflect hoping it will last for his next pokemon now the key here is his mighty inna has sand attack which he does indeed use first but we have shockwave after all which can't miss he uses sand attack again and we get a crit to take him down goldback comes out next and i need to switch to soul rock so we don't level too much rock throw does great damage but we get confused and golbat flinches us twice in a row with bite son of a i switch back into kadabra who takes a bite and out speed with scibeam to take it down kamrupt is up next and i am terrified but i switch into soul rock whose levitate makes it immune to magnitude we also resist ember but it still does too much so i send in violet who gets hit hard and we eventually come really close but he uses a super potion meaning i'm forced to switch into kadabra scibeam just barely doesn't ko but he goes for focus energy and then a super potion after which we get two hits off in a row wow that was a tough battle it's a miracle we didn't lose anyone look at her team my god after the events at mount chimney we get access to another encounter along the jagged pass a beautiful spoink grumpy is one of my favorite psychic types from the earlier gens so i'm excited about this one we capture spoink in a premiere ball and name him slinky this name will make less sense once he evolves but hey it also has the thick fat ability which is incredible as it helps us resist ice and fire moves in lava ridge town we technically get another encounter as an elderly woman is kind enough to give us an egg which will eventually hatch into a why not another psychic type this guy here is complaining about the ledges making it hard to get back to lavridge after going to marvel my dude watch this we have the magic power of teleportation baby after training our new encounters up against the trainers in flannery's gym and with everyone at level 27 or 28 it's time for a fourth gym battle looking at her team online i remember how her strategy works and i'm imagining both our new team members will be really useful here so rock with its resistances and spoink with thick fat the key we have to keep in mind is not to let her slug muzz get up light screen or sunny day or if they do then definitely stall them out before torque hole comes in i lead with spoik against her first slugma and go for psi beam which actually gets a crit on the first turn what a start side beam does a good chunk on the second slag mod but then it goes for light screen my plan is to confuse the torque wall anyway so as long as the sun's not up i'm satisfied but our next psi beam brings it to what must be like one hp it misses its rock slide but then flannery uses the hyper potion on it and cyber starts doing almost nothing i decide to confuse the slogma and unfortunately it does get the sunny day up but the light screen goes down another high proportion is used on the slug mob but a crit takes it out not ideal actually with the sun still up in comes the torque hole and i'm pretty scared i go for confused ray right away and it hits itself good we need this sun gone i go for psi beam and it does a laughable amount of damage and then it goes for a tract on us regardless we get another scybee moth but then he hits us with body slam for massive damage the sun is down now though and i need switch to go into soul rock torquel snaps out of confusion and goes for body slam but soul rock is a perfect counter since it resists everything this torque ball has we just have to watch out for paralysis rock throw barely doesn't take it out though and it paralyzes us with body slam on the next turn eventually an overheat comes in and does massive damage to us despite being resisted and we live on literally one hp this is why i'm glad we got rid of the sun sheesh now that we're paralyzed there is no way i can stay in but switching kadabra in is risky as hell but i have to go for it i have no other option cadaver comes in and my worst nightmare comes true it goes for body slam but cadaver lives on just 10 hp doesn't get paralyzed and is able to out speed and take the torque down with psi beams since flannery used her high proportions on the slug muzz already wow that was absolutely terrifying fourth badge acquired and it cost us nearly everything our team is decimated along the way our egg ends up hatching meaning we now have a beautiful why not added to the team which we named because and i'm thinking it'll be extremely useful for our next gym battle with counter and whatnot now that we have the go goggles we can access the desert for a sixth encounter baltoy the problem is wild baltoy do no self-destruct here but we're lucky enough to not have it activate and we catch it and name it beyblade it ends up having a jolly nature plus speed minus special attack which is not good at all for its psychic typing but great for its ground typing so i'll take it oh yeah as much as i love both fossils in this gen i go for the root fossil youtube commenters you know what to do almost immediately after i had why not out in front of the party so i could switch train it but we end up running into a trap inch immediately which ends up having arena trap i can't escape and can't switch out and why not has zero attacking moves oh no because dies to one faint attack man oh man that is not good for norman's gym our first death was a somewhat preventable one but it didn't really occur to me at all i was just focused on leveling it up i just chose the wrong place while preparing for the next gem i use our dig tm on ball toy since neither it nor clay doll learn a better ground move than mud slap with 20 power by level up what the hell man we also have the soft sand item on it which should give it a good boost too while grinding violet also ends up evolving into a gardevoir at level 30 just before the level cap of level 31. good timing now for norman's gym i actually can't level up too much looking forward the next level cap is 33 for the fortree gym and that's a good ways away from here level 30 is where i'm going to keep all of our pokemon for the battle and hope for the best now i spent a long while studying norman's team and trying to formulate a strategy but i've gotta tell you i was not feeling very confident i decided to leave with cadabra against his first slacking so we can set up reflect right away immediately slacken goes for facade but i put an oremberry on kadabra so we get right up to half health on slacking's truant turn where it loafs around i decide to go for recover to heal us back to full now that reflect is up i switch into gardevoir but slacking goes for yawn right away unfortunately this does allow me a turn to get up a calm mind before falling asleep though amazingly slacking goes for yawn yet again while we were asleep but our reflect wears off eventually we wake up and get another calm mind off but slacking hits us with yawn yet again i decide to go for the psychic but it just barely doesn't take that thing out even after all the calm minds and norman uses a hyper potion we fail to wake up multiple times and slacking does huge damage to us with facade our orenberry brings us right to half we need to wake up on this turn and we do this time psychic kills may be due to a hyrule in comes vigoroth and this is what we needed the combines for vigoroth isn't hindered by truant after all so we needed to take it out in one hit his second slacking comes out and gardevoir is too hurt so i switch into beyblade as a pivot and he barely survives now comes another part of the strategy since lacking can only attack once every other turn if we time it right we can use diggs so that for each one of his attacks we're underground so he can never hit us as you can imagine this is a lengthy process but it's working unfortunately i got greedy wanting to put the slacking in ko range for another one of our pokemon so we don't activate a hyper potion and i accidentally brought it into the red and norman heals it up entirely we only have three digs left too this is not good with the slacking at about two thirds health i commit to the switch to kadabra i get up reflect immediately and it goes for facade of all things which brings us to 18 hp my god i realize i need to switch again this time into gardevoir he goes for facade and thanks to reflect brings violet down to just 12 hp and we hit him with psychic this is gonna be close on his next true and turn we go for psychic again and amazingly enough it does just enough to take him out that was absolutely crazy without reflect there is not a chance we could have done that what kind of father traumatizes their kid like this on our way back up towards fortress city i help watson out with whatever he's got going on and he gives us thunderbolt which should come in handy later and i also picked up ice beam from the abandoned ship along the way we also run into steven who says in this vast world there are many types of pokemon do you raise different types or do you only raise pokemon of a certain type i um i won't leave me alone steven during our travels poink evolves into grunt paint at level 32 which i'm really excited about at the weather institute we face magma admin courtney who has a mightyina a terrifying prospect for our team she switches it into our kadabra and i switch into soul rock but swagger confuses us after which we get hit by bite into ko range baltoy is also forced to switch after one dig and unfortunately gardevoir doesn't have a move to hit my diana at all right now nor does grumpy the only thing i could do is to go back into cadabra again and we get hit by bite immediately which does a bit under half marina hits us with swagger though we had ourselves in confusion and then get hit by bite and that's it lucky the kadabra goes down the rest of our team is basically dead meat too but now that baltoy isn't confused i get one dig off but we're brought to six hp i switch into grumpy next who tanks a bite reasonably well and i go for confuse ray on it i then use magic coat it snaps out of confusion and uses swagger which confuses it yet again since it just gets bounced back and it chaos itself in confusion my god lucky was an absolute hero to us and losing reflect is definitely not ideal rest well my friend i definitely need to teach gardevoir thunderbolt now immediately after we have a surprise battle with mei that i forgot about but thankfully i healed in the bed at the weather institute and we managed her pretty easily with a couple close calls on gardevoir and grumpig on the bridge we encounter steven again who says it's been a while really stephen has it because if i recall correctly i just saw you 10 minutes ago at the start of this route now leading into the gym we have a big big problem all of our pokemon are at level 33 and that's with avoiding like 90 of the trainers along the way and we haven't even faced the gym trainers yet the level cap also happens to be exactly 33. we need new encounters so i press on all the way to the safari zone right beside lilly cove which thankfully is accessible to us but they want us to have a pokeblock case which we forgot to get in slateport so we have to go all the way there and back again on foot while avoiding all of the trainers dear lord just like in fire rat due to the low capture rate we're saying that each new area in the safari zone allows a new encounter and in area 1 we can get a not to and we successfully catch it and name it xylo in area 2 we find a giraffe rig but unfortunately we actually failed to catch it that's not good especially given our low encounter of potential psychic types to begin with my plans for the future involved having a normal type which could have also been great for our secret power tm well at least nattu allows our levels not to be too high nattu evolves immediately into zatu at the next level and is able to take out most of the trainers in the gym with zauntu at level 32 and everyone else at level 33 we make it in the nick of time to winona i lead with gardevoir against winona's swellow and despite a couple of double team attempts it goes down to thunderbolt heliper with its four times electric weakness is of course an easy ko skarmory suffers the same fate as well man oh man thank god for thunderbolt here altaria comes out and we can't do a whole lot to it with gardevoir so i send in soul rock now soul rock is honestly probably the single best pokemon you can use here as zlotaria can effectively do nothing to it it keeps dragon dancing repeatedly but we resist everything it can throw at us and dragon type moves are special anyway a few rock throws are able to do the job after a few hyper potions on her side and it just hits us with one dragon breath which does less than half but did paralyze us wow an easy gym battle that's a first making our way to lily cove city we can stop off at mount pyre for our ninth and final psychic encounter we can get a meditate which is only available in rwby we successfully catch one and name it savior since i legitimately think having fighting type coverage might be what makes the endgame of this challenge possible in the first place on our way through the mountain baltoy finally evolves and has turned into the ultimate beyblade tyson is jealous man while making our way through the team magma base we get our final evolution meditate evolves into meta cham with pure power this thing is an absolute monster and we finally finally have a great way to counter dark types after all this time we do have to watch out with high jump kick though as it only has 90 accuracy and missing causes massive recoil those of you who watch our streams on twitch know what this can do to a run such as the one that we've been doing lately jump kick after arriving in mossdeep it's time to take on the seventh gym this gym is kind of interesting since it has the same type as us although we can't do huge damage against anything except with our secondary typings they also can't really do huge damage against us so it's an interesting dynamic but we make it through with only a couple close calls tate and liza on the other hand are a bit different it's going to be very hard for us to take their soul rock and lunatone down especially given that they both have levitate and their only weaknesses are types that we don't have such as grass dark and water we also have to stay considerably under leveled since the final gym's level cap is only one level higher than this one at 43. i decide to lead with metacham and zatu metacham has a chesto berry attached and xylo has the early bird ability which cures sleep faster because i know lunatone will want to use hypnosis i decide to try and take the lunatone out first since it has light screen and calm mind nightshade does very little so rock hits metachan with psychic and lunatone hits it with hypnosis but our chesto berry activates and allows us to hit it with high jump kick but lunatone barely survives they then use the hyper potion on lunatone and sunny day is activated our next high jump kick then misses causing huge recoil on meta cham not good i switch metacam out for gardevoir and continue with the nightshades from zatu sun boosted flamethrower and psychic from them brings xatu into the red so i go for psychic from gardevoir onto lunatone and switch zatu out for grumping lunatone survives yet again and our grumpy switch was great since flamethrower is resisted due to thick fat however psychic gets a critical hit on us and grumpy is now below half another hyper potion brings lunatone back to full and we bring it below half with two psychics grumping is now within ko range but i decide since we owed speed to try and just ko lunatone with two psychics and thankfully a last minute crit kills when we wouldn't have otherwise grumpig survives another flamethrower in the red and i realize we'll need to power up to take down the soul rock so i can use calm mind on gardevoir and switch into clay doll on grumpy solrock then starts charging up a solar beam so i actually use dig here even though it has levitate merely so it can't hit claydol if that's the one it went for and indeed it was this allows us to take out the soul rock in a few more turns after a high proportion wow without dig that was game over for at least one of our pokemon probably more our team got hurt bad there but we pulled through for the badge one last battle with maxi is pulled off relatively easily now that we have thunderbolt on gardevoir although crobat did get a crit on gardevoir and almost took it out in one hit while it was confused but we broke out and chao'ed it with psychic our beyblade is a perfect counter for camera so we finish him off nicely groudon awakens and attacks us but with the power of love friendship and idiocy we defeat the almighty landlord or lord of the land i i suppose that works better before the final gym i'm actually forced to deposit soul rock since we need surf to get to the damn gym in the first place so we have to bring one of our hm slaves that's unfortunate although soul rock will definitely be the least useful one here since we got the brick brick tm in pseudopolis i finally teach it to meta-cham as a secondary safer option i spent a lot of time studying wallace's team as well and he starts off with a love disc so i lead gardevoir it would be nice to load up calm minds here but since gardevoir is male it can actually get attracted by the love disc so we don't want to risk that in addition to confusion and whatnot i go for thunderbolt immediately which chaos it in one hit next comes wiscash which is a bit unfortunate due to its ground typing but i go for psychic and it does over half whiskash then uses amnesia and i know our psychic won't be able to kill now and will probably trigger a high proportion use so i preemptively switch into meta-chan since we need a physical move now and meta-cham gets hit hard by earthquake i go for brick break though and it does indeed ko celio comes out next and is a super effective one hit with brick break next comes sea king and it survives brick break and goes for rain dance which activates its ability making it faster than us but thankfully it misses horn drill dear god that would have been bad wallace next sends out his last pokemon milotic who hits us with a rain boosted water pulse and we survive on literally one hp holy i have to switch now so i go into gardvar and thankfully it just uses twister on the switch thunderbolt brings it into the red and water pulse hits us below half but doesn't confuse wallace uses a hyper potion and we hit him again with thunderbolt which does less than half but another brings it back into the red milotic then begins to spam recover like crazy and is actually gaining health over time eventually it goes from water pulse and confuses us meaning it's not safe to stay in anymore i switch in grumpig and two water pulses brings us to half and confuses us but we land a psychic and it barely doesn't kill this also triggers yet another high proportion use exactly what we didn't want and grumpig hits itself in confusion i do land to confuse rey though but we get in ko range after another water pulse i switch in klaydal hoping for a confusion hit but it takes us with another water pulse and gets another breakthrough confusion for the ice beam which brings us to 3 hp my god this is insane zatu is basically our last hope here and i'm hoping for the confusion hit or water pulse so we can add speed but it snaps out of confusion uses ice beam and gets a crit to take zatu out in one hit what the actual was that with zatu ko'd we at least get a chance to pivot safely but literally everything is almost dead i decide i have to go for it the calm mind with increased special defense we survive water pulse on 8 hp don't get confused and bam thunderbolt barely takes that damn thing out in one hit that was ridiculous beyond words 8th gym badge acquired but at the cost of our beloved ancient hieroglyph bird thing only 5 pokemon left victory road is a mess as per usual but we make it to wally's battle safely and just when i thought it would be an easy one i realized gardevoir was out of psychic power points so we had to use thunderbolt against rosalia which doesn't go well gardevoir gets down to 12 hp after poison damage but thankfully the rest of our team is able to pull through for the win thanks to soul rock against altaria medecham against magneton and delcatty and clay doll against gardevoir with that we've made it to the hoenn pokemon league after a lot of preparations such as finally harvesting my citrus berry farm buying tms from the game corner getting a couple items such as the hard stone for soul rock and grinding our pokemon we're ready to take on the elite four or at least i hope we are who knows since the last elite 4 member drake has an ace level of 55 that's what i used as our level cap before him so i get her pokemon all up to level 54 which i think should be safe it's time let's do this sydney is up first and he was one of the elite four members i was fearing the most i lead gardevoir against marina so that intimidate doesn't affect us and thunderbolt does great damage but i know since he's in the red he's gonna use a full restore and he lowered our accuracy so i decide now's the time to switch into meta-chan from here it is a literal one hit ko of every single one of his pokemon with super effective stab pure power brick break only getting hurt by rough skin and one fake out this is exactly why i wanted meditite so badly it was our one answer to sydney's team a great start let's keep it up next up is phoebe the ghost type elite 4 member she also scares me a lot since ghost is super effective against us but we're only neutral against them offensively i lead with gardevoir against her dust gloves and knowing ghost is physical i still go for calm mind since i know we need more offensive power with psychic a neutral move we get hit hard by shadow punch to a bit above half but then we can one hit ko it with psychic after combined the same goes for her two bayonets as well but then she sends in her level 51 dust clops i go for psychic again but it doesn't even kill after a calm mind and this one has shadowball instead of shadow punch so it's even more powerful and takes out violet our starter pokemon honestly switching anything into that would have been a grave mistake we had to stack something either way there's no guarantee we would have had a two hit ko with anything else i decided to go into soul rock who has our highest defense overall and the dust collapses citrus berry activates rockslide gets a crit though so we take it out thank god next is sableye rosslight does over half it does over half on us with shadowball but we do have speed and hit it with another rockslide to take it out and end the battle gardevoir is a really really tough loss here given what we're up against in the coming battles only 4 pokemon left and still 3 trainers to go this is looking dismal up next is glacia the ice type elite four member i decide to lead with meta cham and hope to god we can come close to one hit koi'ing everything with brick bricks since her whole team is weak to fighting this plan actually works initially koing both her glailys and both her celia's instantly but then her wall ring comes out and actually survives a brick break in the red and hits us hard with blizzard both of our citrus berries activate but at the last second i realized that metacham might actually level up past the level cap if we do take it out so i switch into grumpig who uses calm mind before getting hit by a serf just so i ensure the ko is psychic and don't trigger a full restore and the plan works 3 elite 4 members down and we no longer have to worry about the level cap next up is the final elite 4 member drake a dragon trainer now i had taught claydal the icebeam tm we got for this exact reason and it's time to see if it'll pay off i start off with claydal and drake sends in shelgon had i known he was going to spam protect i could have gone for cosmic power here but i couldn't really risk it either way since he has crunch too i hit him hard with one ice beam and i thought he was in range for a full restore so i go for cosmic power since we'll need the defense race for his subsequent pokemon but he hits us with crunch before we can take him out with ice beam one of his fly guns comes out next and hits us with crunch immediately which also gets the special defense drop that is not good at all ice beam doesn't even ko despite 4 times effectiveness drake then 4 restores it but our next ice beam actually freezes him so we can go for cosmic power again before taking him out with another ice beam this is intense next comes his salamance and it hits us hard with crunch before we hit him with ice beam to the red his citrus berry activates and so does ours so i know we can live another crunch from this range but he gets a critical hit to take us out on his next attack no no no this is not good that was the worst possible timing we're down to three pokemon i send in grumpig and dragonclaw does about a third on us but thankfully psychic takes him out altaria comes out next and we have definitely learned how to handle these by now so i switch into soul rock altaria starts dragon dancing so i take the opportunity to use cosmic power here to increase our defenses so we can hopefully handle the next flygon too dragon breath hits us and doesn't paralyze and rockslide does over half but we get paralyzed on the next hit before taking him out uh-oh with flygon now on the field and us paralyzed i'm not feeling too good but we did get the defense races flygon uses sandstorm which is actually going to increase our special defense further so that's not bad at all psychic does about a third after we were fully paralyzed one turn but then we're paralyzed again on the next so i'm forced to switch while in the red i go into grumpy but his very first dragon breath paralyzes grumpy 2 and the sandstorm brings us below half i tried to go for confused ray but he uses dig so i switch into one of our levitate pokemon then back to grumpy here i successfully get a rest off healing our health and paralysis and our chesto berry heals the sleep between getting paralyzed multiple more times and rest without a chesto berry to work with we finally finally take down his last pokemon it's time for the final battle champion steven is up next and we only have three pokemon remaining whose stab type moves are resisted by steal great i spent a lot of time strategizing for this battle and ultimately i decided to lead with what we just witnessed grumpy can do against skarmory since soul rock and metachan would be hit super effectively by steel and flying moves respectively this was an absolutely insane process basically i used confuser against skarmory try to get as many calm mind boosts as possible in the meantime and try to rest whenever necessary problem is skarmory has toxic and hits us really hard with steel wing and aerial lace and we even get down to two hp before our first rest and the only one that we have the chesto berry for rest lasts for two turns and skarmy can hit us really hard in two turns so i had to time the confused rays very carefully so that it would be hard for it to hit three times in a row eventually once boosted enough i unleash a psychic which actually takes it out in one hit after the confusion damage that it had oh we're still in business craig dilli comes out next which i'm terrified of but at least it doesn't resist psychic i decide confuse ray is going to be necessary if it indeed does take us out with a physical sludge bomb or ancient power it breaks through the confusion and hits us with ancient power which does huge damage but i realize i have to go for the psychic here and surprisingly it takes it out in comes claydalnext and i confuse it as well but it breaks through and hits us hard with earthquake to ko grumpig sorry grumpig but i plan to have metacham come in on claydal all along you did well my son now is the time to act we get hurt by spikes but i start using bulk up claydol only has earthquake ancient power light screen and reflect i confused it so it wouldn't hit us too hard with earthquake immediately before we boosted our defense now reflect might be worrisome but don't forget that brick brake actually breaks down any screen moves clay doll offers us a perfect opportunity to power up here due to grumpy's confused sacrifice and brick break just barely doesn't take out clay doll but after the full restore we hit him again i go for bulk up since i realized we couldn't even take the clay doll out in one hit and that our citrus berry activation would actually bring us to better health than we had then ko him our meta cham is supremely powerful now we need to hope that it doesn't get hit by water pulse on our maulda though and thankfully we take him out in one hit also thankfully sturdy doesn't act like a focus sash in this generation so agron also goes down it all comes down to metagross now with two pokemon remaining this is it we do out speed and we take it out my god with just two pokemon left we became the hoenn champion we defeated a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon ruby using only psychic types i honestly could not believe it since we went into steven's battle with just three pokemon let's go i hope you guys enjoyed this challenge and don't forget we do runs like these live on twitch so if you want to take part in them make sure to drop me a follow on twitch the link is in the description below a huge thanks goes out to my patrons who help make these videos possible if you'd like to support the channel and get your name up here the link's also down below if you enjoyed drop a like to help out the video and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video you
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 710,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, Can I beat a Pokemon Ruby hardcore nuzlocke, Can I beat a Pokemon Ruby Hardcore Nuzlocke with only psychic types!?, Can I beat Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon challenge, Pokemon Ruby nuzlocke, Pokemon ruby hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, Can I beat Pokemon Ruby nuzlocke, difficult pokemon challenge, hardcore nuzlocke psychic only, hardcore nuzlocke only psychic types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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