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welcome everyone my name is silf and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon heart gold with only fire type pokemon the full rule set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first fire type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon feints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or elite force ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times the fire type is always an interesting one in pokemon playthroughs perhaps made most infamous by diamond and pearl which gave you access to just two of them in contrast heart gold and soul silver seem to have a plethora of fire types but in a sense this is a bit of an illusion first since our rules don't allow legendaries that means entei hoho and maltrez will be unobtainable next houndour and torquehole are only available in the safari zone which is accessible around the sixth badge however they only appear once you have the national decks unfortunately finally charizard is of course only available in the kanto post game interestingly slugma and ponies are technically only available in kanto as well but i have some plans for those two which you'll see soon with our lowest number of encounters of any challenge and with a type that takes a long time to evolve and develop into good pokemon i have a feeling this might be crazy let's do it in recent challenges we've been on a roll with starters we can actually use and this one's great because we can use it right away cyndaquil i decide to name it quillen and this is definitely one of my more obscure nickname references so if anybody gets this i'll be impressed let's check his nature shall we oh son of a an impish nature plus defense and minus special attack this is the kind of thing that can make a grown man cry well at least in our rival battle we are shown the ultimate power of plus defense as we're able to essentially stall out his totodile nothing like using a syndical as a physical wall i'll tell you on our way to violet city i talked to quillen for the first time and it turns out he was actually holding something and i got all excited thinking it might be a cool item but then he wouldn't let it go come here you son we arrive in violet city the location of our first gym battle but before that we actually have a new encounter here now i know what you're thinking what are you talking about self what are you gonna go catch a bell sprout in the sprout tower no silly there aren't even any bellsprout in sprout tower instead our encounter comes in the pokemon center no i'm serious in here there's a man named primo and he is one weird dude he asks you what you think of him and depending on your answer you might get a prize the correct answer is based on your trainer id which you can plug into an online what would you call this primo calculator to get ours was pocket money conversation sandstream who which is just as nonsensical as i'd expect and gets us a pokemon egg after running around like a crazy person for 15 minutes it hatches and gives us none other than a glorious slugma which aside from this is only available in the post game amazing i decide to name it gary and gary has a naughty nature plus attack and minus special defense it's more of a special attacker and it needs all the special defense that it can get due to its four times water weakness but it's definitely better than nothing since gary hatched at level one a lot of switch training is required but luckily on route 32 south of violet there are mareep in the grass which gives special attacking bees to both our pokemon which are otherwise quite difficult to get unknowns could be an option too in the ruins of alph but they're weird and also give attacky vs so not ideal after a while gary gets to level 8 and learns ember which i'm thinking will be sufficient for this bro tower now although there are no wild bell spread in there all the trainers have an insane amount of them and gary is able to tear through the entire place incredibly well the elder himself has a threat in the form of hoot but it misses two hypnosis in a row so we can take it down and the bell spreads are of course no match for our sentient pool of lava after a bit more grinding and preparation for the gym gary learns rock throw which is a fantastic move for our gym challenge and i'm thankful it learned it before the cap it's time for the flying type violet city gym gary ends up handling the trainers quite well as rock throw is a one-hit ko on most of their pokemon and even if they do hit us they have a chance of being burned and lowering their own attack due to his flame body ability the only problem is rock throw is only 90 accuracy so it did miss a few times gym leader faulkner himself can be a big threat and looking at our team i'm a little bit worried as i said our best move rock throw is low accuracy and his first pidgey has sand attack too which could set us up really poorly for his pidgeotto thankfully his pidgey just goes for tackle instead and rock throw ends up one hit ko'ing him alrighty then in comes pidgeotto which hits us with a gust for a decent chunk then a rock throw does slightly less than half on it since i don't want to activate his potion if he does have one i decide to ember here instead after he gets us to 11 hp and we get the burn oh man he's super low in the red but we could get kayode from this range so i switch into quillin and the burn finishes him off solid there are ways that that could have been made much worse but we pulled through for the win immediately after the battle having reached level 14 quillin evolves into koalava a great reward along the way to union cave we obtain rock smash and are able to use it to get the shell bell item which is always helpful especially early game union cave itself is a massive challenge for our team as there are a ton of rock and ground types along with slowpoke and we just got out of a fishing route too which was quite difficult thankfully we can avoid most trainers here though both since they might have killed us and could put us above the next level cap and we make it out safely upon reaching azalea town we're tasked with clearing out the slo-poke cave and when we enter we meet kurt who's all like i broke my back what do you mean by that you're broke back is broken what a vertebrae or a portion spinal thankfully the rocket grunts and proton aren't too much of an issue since zubats and coughings can only do neutral damage on us oh so suddenly when i finish taking care of a whole gang of rocket members your broken back mysteriously heals interesting we save kurt and him and his granddaughter are all happy again but then i approach him and he's like i'm working don't bother me oh jesus okay it's time for our second gym the bug type azalea gym i'm strolling in here all confident like a bunk type gym against a fire tight team they've got no chance and at least among the trainers i was right although we really had to watch the level cap of level 17. after a bidro gave us a ton of xp and gary is already at high level 17 and quillin's at high 16 we then have to do a mandatory double battle we could skip them by only using one pokemon but the way that the gym is set up we'd have to then battle bugsy with only quillen so i take them on and thankfully we don't over level on either pokemon it's time for our second gym leader bugsy leads with a beastly level 17 scyther so i lead with gary since we have four times super effective rock throw he goes for focus energy right away then we hit her with rock throw for about two thirds although it's citrus berry heals it to 2 3 health it then uses quick attack and because of the focused energy it crits us down to just 7 hp uh oh it was looking like we'd bring it into the red with another rock throw and i don't want to activate a potion so i used ember instead to bring it to about a quarter but no burn i'm forced to switch into quillin here and thankfully his quick attack doesn't quit it then out prioritizes us with quick attack again and crits this time but we survive on 4 hp to take it out with ember holy that was close from here his metapod and cocoona can easily be taken down with embers alright that was way crazier than i thought it was gonna be given that we had a clear type advantage but we made it through for our second badge the challenge in azalea town is certainly not over yet though as our rival stops us as we try to leave unlike our first battle his starter actually knows a water move now and not only that but it has evolved into a croconaw so i'm terrified for this one he leads with a ghastly and i send out gary first he hits us with mean look right away and our ember does a good amount on him so we can take him out after the following turn when he just uses spite in comes crocodile though and this is where everything could easily go downhill he immediately hits us with water guns who are third and i hit him with yawn sleep won't activate until the next turn though so i'm forced to switch into quillin who gets hit to about two thirds by water gun before he falls asleep now our move pools are terrible right now and i know our only chance of outputting any damage is a neutral move like quick attack but even that won't do much i decide to start hitting him with lyra instead to lower his defense while he's asleep after the third layer he wakes up but just uses scary face which doesn't affect us really due to quick attack's priority we hit him once and still do very little but he goes for scaring face again our second quick attack does a good amount and he keeps going for scary face and our shell bell is helping us recover health our next quick attack should do it but it survives on what must be one hp i can't even see the damn bar and i'm like oh no his torrent ability has been activated and he indeed hits us with water gun but thankfully no crit we survive on 10 hp and can out prioritize him on the next turn damn that was close torrent was what i was trying to avoid that whole time his last pokemon is zubat and with both our pokemon at terribly low health i'm scared and he indeed out speeds but his super sonic misses ember brings him to the red after a burn and now we can just quick attack him anyway to take him down unreal that was a tough early game battle that's for sure after catching the far-fetched in the ilex forest we not only get the cut hm but if you return back to the charcoal master's house after all the shenanigans you'll never guess it we're also given a charcoal item too which is perfect for us as it boosts fire moves alright is it just me or is this incredibly creepy in the middle of a dark forest a girl in a kimono outfit starts talking about herself in the third person sheesh slug slugma's then like i'll take care of you baby and she's like oh damn that slug is hot smooth gary smooth with that we arrive in goldenrod city and we have a problem both of our pokemon are already at level 18 and the level cap for the next gym is 19. so we have to head straight for the gym after we explore the city alright can we talk about this for a second all the other name raiders in every other game well you might not even know they were name raiders they're just a random person in a random building but this guy he's got his own damn tent in an urban landscape forget telling me what he thinks of gary's name he looks like he's going to exercise the demons out of me with that it's time for the infamous normal type goldenrod city gym now unfortunately we can only skip one trainer in here but we do make it past the mall pretty well and end up at high level 19 on both pokemon before the much dreaded battle with whitney i decide to buy the fire blast tm and the reflect tm to put on quillin and gary respectively along with their charcoal and shell bell items it's time whitney leads with clefairy and our trusty gary goes out first she goes for metronome right away and it ends up being 55 accuracy sing which also connects are you kidding me she then hits us with double slap a couple of times but as planned our flame body ability activates and lowers her attack nice she's able to get us to right about half before we wake up and our shell belt starts helping as we spam ember and whitney eventually heals her as she brings us down to 17 hp at which point i decide to use reflect as i want it to last for when the mill tank comes out we're then able to take her out with 13 hp remaining in comes miltank and with such low health this is terrifying i know we have to switch into quillin even with the reflect up she goes for stomp on the switch and it doesn't do too much at all now her second stomp brings us to about two thirds and with the charcoal item our fire blast does right about half and then her next dog proceeds to flinch us and our reflect fades she hits us with stomped at just 14 hp but thankfully fireblast gets a good enough roll to take her down we played that pretty well but it still got quite scary towards the end thank god for reflect now we have been struggling with not over leveling for a while since we have so few pokemon but leaving goldenrod finally opens some up for us our next encounter is actually opened up to us by the pokey walker where we can access the rugged road after acquiring 50 watts where we can catch a level 7 ponyta we name ours chariot and it ends up having a docile nature which is neutral and i'm totally fine with that north of goldenrod we can also sneak past the national park to route 36 where we can find another crucial encounter rowleth unfortunately this is one where we can determine if we got the right ability right away just by entering battle and it turns out not to have intimidate that could literally determine the fate of the run right there that's how important intimidate is but we'll press on we catch it and nickname it milton and it ends up having a lonely nature plus attack and minus defense plus attack is great so i'll definitely take that we survived a long track to equity city one of my favorite cities in pokemon and after we rescue the kimono girl in the dance studio this guy says i was supposed to be the hero so much for getting close to a kimono girl you know i know the word for you but i'm not gonna say it in the burn tower our rival actually prevents us from getting our next encounter since it's only available in the basement level so we have to battle him first his ghastly uses confused ray on us after it survives with one hp and then we can take it out with another flame wheel from chariot in comes kraken on since we're confused i switch into quillin and after a while of spamming leer while it used scary face it seems it tends to match our non-attacking moves with its own i actually allow it to hit us into the red so we can use a blaze boosted flame wheel but it was a bigger risk than i thought as we're left with 5 hp but now we can outspeed it with quick attack since we now have a couple more pokemon on our team the rest of his team is quite easily handled from here especially since his new magnemite is weak to fire now that we can access the basement level of the burn tower we can find our fifth encounter a magmar we catch one and nickname it millennial and millennial ends up having a calm nature plus special defense and minus attack based on his early move pool we might actually need that attack stat early on but it's not bad otherwise since magmar is mostly a special attacker it's time for the ghost type at critique city gym and millennial is able to do a great job since he has the dark type faint attack move and this is especially good since not only can we get xp for him but all the ghastlies and haunters also give a special attacky vs now morty is right up there with whitney in terms of difficulty and cheap strats with mean look curse hypnosis etc so i'm nervous for this battle before the battle i bought the light screen tm and actually swapped reflect out for it since i know gengar's shadow ball could absolutely destroy our entire team without it our trusty lead gary is sent out first as morty leads with gastly it goes for mean look on the first turn to trap us and i go for yawn since i know this ghastly can be trouble and i do want an opportunity to set up a light screen gastly then outspeeds and hits us with lick and paralyzes us and our flame body ability actually activates and burns it which cancels out our yawn that was the absolute worst combination of things that could have happened i now know that i need to go for light screen and as i do morty uses a high proportion on ghastly oh man he then uses spite and our next ember combined with the burn just barely doesn't take it out meaning we wasted a turn of light screen but we can take it out on the next in comes gengar as i expected and with the light screen up i'm feeling safe to stay in but it still does huge damage regardless but at least we got the yawn on him through paralysis i'm forced to switch here so i go into millennial who has the highest special defense on our team and shadow ball only does about a quarter with light screen and gengar falls asleep as our light screen fades my calcs tell me faint attack will do a bit less than half but i know he has a citrus berry and i don't want to bring him to the red after two turns and risk him using a potion so i go for leer instead and hope for the two hit ko thankfully this plan does work out as the gengar stays asleep and two phase attacks do the job even through his barry that was a pretty safe strat it was basically only if the gengar woke up on the second turn that things could have gone south real quickly and thankfully they didn't although we had a mess of a time with gary wasting light screen turns to start with from there his next haunter is a one-hit ko with faint attack and his final honda got one hit on us survived the faint attack but then just took itself out with curse funnily enough after reaching olivine city jasmine is up with a sick amphi and tells us she needs the medicine and then just opens the door what are you just assuming that i'll do it alright fine but only because i like amphoros so much with some scary sea roots with tons of water type safely behind us we reach cnwood city the location of our next gym battle the trainers in the gym are manageable as fighting is a neutral type against us and most of them don't really like special attacks all that much now before chuck i'm reminded of the weird level cap situation where chuck's level cap is 31 jasmine's is 35 but then prices is 34 so we have to remain relatively lower than the actual cap realizing chuck is going to be a terrifying threat with that poliwrath i decide to delay and go heal the ampharos so we can take on jasmine instead okay i'll be honest i have no idea how to beat chuck and jasmine just seems like an easier ordeal right now jasmine starts off her battle with a magnemite and i lead with quilava now i was thinking you know what super effective stab flame wheel with the charcoal will definitely kill and that we can avoid possibly missing fire blast and getting paralyzed by thunder wave but her magnemite survives one in the red and uses thunder wave to paralyze us nonetheless yikes thankfully she just uses a hyper potion but then she preemptively switches into steelix and we're paralyzed and can't move she then uses screech to lower our defense but we break through and connect a fire blast to ko it immediately our magnemite comes back out and hits us with thunderbolt for big damage to 33 hp and we make it through paralysis but our fire blast misses exactly what i was fearing the first time around i'm forced to switch here so i go into a millennial who tanks a thunderbolt with 33 hp and is able to outspeed with a fire punch to take it out her second magnemite suffers the same fate as thankfully magmar is slightly more powerful and faster than koilava and firepunch has more power than flamewheel 5 badges now back to chuck we have nothing super effective against polywrath just nothing the psychic tm is only available in kanto or via the pokey walker through a course that only unlocks if you transfer jirachi into your game that chance we can get that done ponyta only learns bounce at level 42 and we can't get the sunny day tm until later too to weaken its surf i'm starting to realize a major weakness on this team we have no secondary types whatsoever and our only one in the future will be rock we have absolutely no switchings for ground or water moves and all of our pokemon have terrible coverage too in a desperate attempt to at least power up our team a bit i head over to the pokeathlon now this is one of those crazy things about heart gold and soul silver fire stones are ridiculously hard to find only in the post game can you get one by winning the bug catching contest randomly with a chance to get the other stones instead you can get one from bill's grandfather and with the warm beach pokey walker course which takes 5 000 steps and is only a five percent chance in the main game you can get one from schoolkid allen on route 36 randomly if he calls you on the poke gear or from the pokeathlon dome on tuesdays only thankfully since i started this playthrough on a monday it's now tuesday and i can spend some time here to get one now why does this guy have to have a polywrath of all things it's just taunting us at this point after a ton of challenges and eight total events we get the 2500 points required and use the firestone to evolve milton into a beastly arcanine with that it's time to take on chuck chuck leads with a prime ape and i leave with our newly evolved milton whose defenses are probably the best on the team at the moment slugma would have been great with light screen for surf later on but primate would one hike easily now the problem here is primate has super effective rock slide on all of our pokemon but at least we out speed and i was hoping firefang might at least get a flinch or something and we actually get the burn on our first attack and a flinch what in the world honestly i don't even think i knew that that was possible i have never seen that i knew the fang moves of course had a chance to flinch and a chance for status but i didn't know they could occur concurrently unreal chuck then hyper potions it but we can take it down in two more in comes the thing i'm most scared of ollie wrath now ironically enough our best move on arcanine against it is actually fire fang especially with the flinch and the burn chances so i go for it it does effectively nothing and polywrath slams us with a surf down to 43 hp i literally have nothing else that i can do besides hope for the flinch from here but we don't get it but his polywrath goes for hypnosis and misses realizing the ai sometimes makes weird decisions when we're at low health i go for firefang again but nothing happens again and it's citrusberry activates but it goes for hypnosis and lands this time not wanting to just straight up sac milton i switch into millennial and poliwrath actually went for focus punch here and millennial gets slammed all the way to 12 hp but our flame body ability activates and burns him now that his attack is lowered we can hope that he goes for it again since millennial is also at low health and he does and we switched into gary his attack is lowered but gary still gets brought to just 20 hp honestly in a way i was kind of thinking about sacking gary there if we had to so we could come in and get big damage off on polywrath with an out speed but he actually survived i'm stuck here now so i try a desperate bid to get a light screen off and our quickclaw activates to make it possible then polyrath hits a hypnosis and oh man with light screen up i switch into chariot but polywrath went for focus punch instead to take us below half well probably out speed though but chuck uses the hyper potion to save him now my calcs tell me it's a range we might survive a surf with the light screen up so i go for stomp and he went for focus punch so stomp disturbs his focus and cancels it out now i thought we could ko from here but stomp just barely doesn't kill but gets the flinch and polywrath goes down to the burn what in the world even just happened he wasn't going for focus punch on that last turn but it could have been hypnosis since he tends not to use surf at low health ranges for some reason but who knows our team got absolutely smashed in that battle but somehow we made it through with no deaths which i was not expecting at all in fact i even played as though we were going to sack pokemon 2 but wow 6 badges down now that bill has returned to goldenrod city we can go talk to him and receive a gift which is actually going to be our sixth and final possible encounter an eevee i named the eevee kindle and it has a naive nature plus speed and minus special defense plus speed on a future flareon is great so i'll take it because it's a normal type we're not allowed to send it into battle yet and we haven't yet acquired another firestone but we'll be able to resolve its low level shortly at least after punching a shiny gyros in the mouth we can pick up the choice specs from above the lake of rage and we also encounter raiku on the way back encountering legendaries randomly always scares the hell out of me since we picked up the red scale we can return it to mr pokemon in exchange for the experience share which will help us to not over level for our next gym and can be put on eevee to start getting at some levels after working with lance to take on team rocket at their mahogany town base and mercilessly mass slaughtering electrodes it's time for the mahogany gym now as an ice type gym one would imagine this wouldn't be too much of a challenge against the fire team but there are several water and ice pokemon in here like cloister and dugong which can be a bit troublesome now price's team is quite interesting because even though he's the ice gym leader all three of his pokemon have a super effective type against us he leads with a seal and i send in milton first i go for bite for some neutral damage which does less than half then seal goes for hail which since it's not an ice type also hurts it however our next bite barely doesn't kill and it uses rest to heal it stays asleep over the next two turns though which gives us an opportunity to take it down now that it gets hit by its own hail thanks bryce in comes piloswine next which is actually a bit of a threat for us with his ground and ice typing i go for super effective stab fire fang and it misses and he hits us with mud bomb all the way to 19 hp that was a really unfortunate miss we could have gotten massive damage off along with possibly a flinch and or burn i switch into quillin here and he just used icefang thankfully but then our fire blast misses ugh the fire fang miss i can maybe understand since he does have the snow cloak ability in the hail but the hail stopped for that fire blast he then reactivates the hail and i'm like well guess i have to go for flame wheel now and it does less than half before he hits us with mud bomb to the red and to just 12 hp after the hail damage i'm forced to switch here so i go into chariot and now his pilot's wine misses its mud bomb serves you right from here flamewheel brings him super low in the red and his citrusberry activates after which he hits it with a mud bomb to less than a quarter after hail but thankfully our next flame wheel hits and takes him out in comes his final pokemon dugong and amazingly this thing actually doesn't have a water move so i can switch in millennial relatively safely now if i'm honest i don't even want to narrate what happened here basically over five minutes elapsed with just millennial fighting this thing because we resist its moves but it has rest and sleep talk so a combination of confuse ray and weak attacks chipped it down slowly until it would just rest and millennial eventually got too low on hp so i was forced to switch into gary i tried going for ancient power five times but never got the stat boost so i put up the light screen on the rest turn and switched into chariot so i could take it down with stomp after being brought to just 13 hp the dugong alone took about 10 minutes which is crazy who'd have thought an ice type gym would be so difficult for us after obtaining our seventh badge it's time to stop the invasion of the radio tower and bam man how badass do we look in a rocket uniform with an arcanine beside us alright i'm performing an undercover operation against this criminal invasion of one of the most important buildings in the country and this is the scariest thing i've seen here we make our way to the director and learn that he is in fact not the director and we have to battle petrol now petrol's team is just disgusting five coughings with self-destruct and a wheezing with explosion this is a massively risky battle so i decided to just run in there with quilava with the choice specs on so i can fire blast one hit ko all of them the first one goes down successfully and then he sends out wheezing and we miss our second fire blast are you kidding me then the wheezing uses smoke screen to lower our accuracy but i can't do anything else and we repeatedly miss fire blast until we're brought to just two hp with a crit holy sh i have to switch here so i go into milton and a few fire fangs do the job the next coffin gets hit hard by firefang but poisons us with sludge and brings us too low so i have to switch into millennial who gets poisoned by sludge immediately before we can take him down millennials then able to take one more down with just 18 hp remaining so i go into gary here for the ancient power which does over half but his next sludge gets a high roll and we survive on just one singular hp now last time we only moved first because of the quick claw so here i have to switch again this time into chariot and he misses his tackle so we can hit him with flame wheel but he just barely survived with a sliver and goes for self-destruct which immediately one-hit chaosm i have no words from here i have to go into quillin's fire blast for the one-hit ko since everything else is either dead or seriously hurt and we landed to finish him off man that chariot loss was so incredibly unfortunate our first death is on the board seriously who in the world programmed petrol's team i just want to talk our next battle with silver goes off relatively smoothly since we now have light screen on slugma which helps with for alligator's water gun and super effective moves against every other one of his pokemon too after defeating archer who is quite manageable since he mainly has fellow fire types we made it through the ice cave which is one of my favorite places in the franchise and we arrive in blackthorne city here we can finally hit up the move tutor where we can exchange a heart scale to teach arcanine thunderfang while grinding up for the next gym which has a bit of a level bump gary the slugma ends up evolving into a mag cargo quill in the corlava ends up evolving into typhlosion and we also got a second firestone from allen during our ice path excursion so we can finally evolve our eevee into a flareon arcanine also learned extreme speed and we finally got some decent fire moves as magmar typhlosion and meg cargo all learned lava plume which is a special 80 base power move with a chance to burn it's time for the eighth and final gym the dragon type blackthorne gym claire is a massive threat especially with kingdra which not only has super effective hydro pump against our entire team but also four times resists our staff moves yikes you couldn't really think of a bigger threat i also checked our hidden powers just in case and it turns out the only useful one was meg cargoes which is dragon but my cargo just so happens to be our one pokemon who is four times weak to water so it's not viable great while spending literally an hour strategizing for this battle and playing out possible scenarios in my head i remembered something we forgot to get the sunny day tm from the radio tower which is available only after team rocket is used i get it and also pick up the solar beam tm from the department store and teach both to quillen with that it's time let's try our best i suppose now my plan for this battle is quite complex and it all depends if claire sends out her dragonair with aqua tail or her kingdra first but from what i've seen observing gameplay online it seems she'll send out her kingdra beforehand usually she leads with gyarados and this is gonna look really weird but i lead with meg cargo now if there's any saving grace here it's that her gyros actually doesn't have any water moves the most it can do to us is dragon rage for a guaranteed 40 hp i go for yawn on the first turn after getting hit by a dragon rage now here after getting hit by another down to 18 hp i decided to hit it with ancient power with the hard stone attached to gary and it's going to be a range for what i have planned but this is the best i can do and it does about two-thirds now that kiritos is asleep i can use the light screen to help with surf if kindred comes in i switch into quillin here and i need to get sunny day up as soon as possible i just need this gyros to not wake up but it does on the second turn this destroys my entire plan nonetheless i go for solar beam and the calc did work as it goes down after quillin levels up and learns flamethrower she indeed does send out kendra at least i go for solar beam right away which does less than half then she uses hydro pump which doesn't do a whole lot since we now have light screen and sunny day working against it but our light screen goes down now if gyros hadn't waken up on that one turn we would still be absolutely fine after another hydro pump due to the sun but now it's a range whether or not it kills and i don't have any other choice i go for solar beam to the red and her citrus berry activates then she goes for a hydro pump but it misses oh my god hydro pump's low accuracy may have just saved quillin as we can take it down with another solar beam in comes dragon air and it paralyzes us with thunder wave then out speeds on the next turn to hit us with dragon pulse to 18 hp and we stay paralyzed and can't hit it i have to switch into millennial here and aqua tail does about a quarter since we're still in the sun i hit it with sun boosted flamethrower to about half then it thunder waves us dragon pulse then brings us to about a third but we break through and ko it with another attack her final pokemon is another dragonair and i switch in milton here who gets hit by dragon pulse i go for extreme speed which does more than half and then she paralyzes milton as well since it has priority extreme speed i can still move before her even though we're paralyzed so long as we break through and we do and we can take it down incredible honestly i've got to say our plan was quite solid if the gyros had stayed asleep just one more turn that is but that hydro pump miss was crucial and definitely saved typhlosion eight badges down well after dealing with claire's temper tantrum that is the elder tells her to reflect more upon what it is we have that she doesn't and then she just storms off she reflected real well didn't she alder in the bell tower we encounter ho-oh and damn am i ever tempted to use this thing i mean it is a fire type after all i decide to catch it for a particular reason after gary nearly kills the damn thing he's open as hell since it is a fire type but just cannot be used in battle after trekking through victory row we smash our rival one last time and again sunny day with solar beam was crucial for beating his fur alligator and the entire rest of his team is weak to the moves that we have thank goodness with that we arrive at the elite four and after crazy preparation grinding our pokemon fulfilling the rest of our eevees and getting items like a second charcoal by bringing hoho to the ruins of valf it's time to do this the first elite four member is will the psychic type trainer now on the face of it arcanine is looking like our best bet here against his team so i lead with him against will zatu problem is i'm forced to go with bite instead of thunder fang since zatu has synchronized which could paralyze us right off the bat which would not be good but thankfully we got the black glasses from dark cave to help us out with extra power unfortunately bite just barely doesn't ko and zatu hits us for about a third with psychic but we can take it down with a couple more attacks after he full restores will sends out slowbro next which is a scary threat on the face of it but after we hit it with bite to below half it just goes for curse and then our next one is barely able to take it down with water pulse that could have been scary but we pulled through his jinx gets out sped and is a one hit with firefang his exeggutor actually tanks a firefang with a sliver and uses reflect just before we can take him down with another and his second zatu now takes a bite with about half a citrus berry heals it but it flinched so we can hit it with another before getting hit by psychic down to 46 hp and then he four restores and our next bike does less than half however his reflect goes down and i know he out speeds so one more attack does the trick milton was a great choice against him with varying super effective moves against all of his pokemon next up is koka the poison type elite four member for this battle i decide to attach the choice specs to millennial and use flamethrower which won hikayo's his area dose and fortress instantly due to their weakness to it his muk survives one but just goes for minimize and a full restore so we can take it out in two more his crowbat hits us with wing attack and gets a crit to bring us to 40 hp he burns himself off of our flame body ability though then flamethrower brings him to just a sliver which one would be led to think would cause him to get ko due to his burn but his citrus berry saves him i'm forced to switch here since the odd speed so i go into gary who resists the wing attack and he misses his ancient power due to double team but krobat goes down to the burn anyway venomoth is coca's last pokemon and gary is a great choice for this but supersonic confuses us and causes us to hit ourselves in confusion and then we get hit by a psychic which also gets the special defense drop but we break through and kom with lava plume a little more hectic than i thought it might be since he has so many fire weaknesses but we managed next up is bruno the fighting type elite 4 member now bruno's team is kind of complicated for us as not only does he throw in an onyx with earthquake in there but some of his pokemon actually have pretty high special defense and my calcs tell me they'll even live a choice specs or sunny day flamethrower from typhlosion after a lot of thinking my best strat still seems to be to use quillen so i send them out against hitmontop and decide i need to set up sunny day first since we need it for onyx followed by a fire blast which is the only thing that'll ko from full and we do land it the main problem is if we miss one of these things could get messy but will survive any attack from him so we just can't miss twice as all his onyx comes in next and thanks to sunny day we can just solar beam him to death machamp comes out next and thankfully fireblast hits and takes him out immediately the same goes for his hitmonlee and his hitmonchan goes down in two flamethrowers quillin is a beast the final elite four member is karen the dark type specialist for her battle i decide to give millennial and kindle charcoals and quill in the choice specs karen sends out umbreon first and i lead with millennial now this umbreon has confused rey double team and synchronized so i know it can be a pain and decide to go for our own confuse ray right away he breaks through though and hisses with faint attack on the first turn then we hit him with flamethrower and amazingly get a crit and i thought we killed it but it lived on like zero hp but then hit itself in confusion nonetheless and comes murkrow and i go for flamethrower which is actually a one hit ko a solid start here pound doom is next and i go for confuse ray immediately but it gets a nasty plot off nonetheless not good from here the website i was referencing actually said that she had early bird on the hound doom not flash fire so i went for flamethrower and it did nothing and boosted his fire moves after a nasty plot already oh god why thankfully she just hits herself in confusion but still a wasted turn that we could have gotten a safe switch on i switch into milton and she goes for dark pulse which does massive damage after the boost oh no i know that anything else will just get ko'd instantly since milton is our bulkiest pokemon so i go for silk scarf boosted extreme speed in the hope that she just hits herself in confusion and it didn't even matter since we got a crit anyway prices averted after leveling up millennial learns sunny day and karen sends out her gengar next i'm forced to switch here so i switch into kindle who has some bulk and serious physical power too gengar went for focus blast on the switch which missed and then it went for spite on the next turn so we can hit it hard with firefang to a quarter i'm feeling great here so i go for another but the stupid thing uses destiny bond and takes kindle down along with it son of a i hate destiny bond so much fuming with anger i send out quillin to take out her vile plume with the choice specs super effective stab fire blast damn man losing a pokemon before lance is not good lance is probably the biggest threat i can imagine for this team right up there with claire's kingdra every single one of his pokemon resists the fire type every one with four pokemon left i thought a lot about potential strategies but i was feeling very similar to a run that we had lost before which i won't spoil if you haven't seen it i teach milton dragon paws and put the dragonfang on him use the last of our rare candies to get our pokemon to level 50 and with a ridiculous strategy in place but the only one i can think can get us past maybe a few pokemon on his team it's time he leads with a gyarados with waterfall our worst nightmare so i send in millennial and go for sunny day immediately now that he has it gyarados hits his heart with waterfall to below half regardless and i switch into quillin afterwards who also gets hit by one for about a third now with the choice specs and the sun i know fireblast can do massive damage on his team regardless of types and it does but then gyros hits it with waterfall again upon retrospect i really should have just sacrificed millennial by using confuse ray so we might have been able to get one less hit on quillin that way he could survive what's coming next aerodactyl which of course outspeeds us and takes us out with rockslide immediately but at least we took care of the gyarados i suppose i switch into milton and he actually avoids the rock slide but then aerodactyl avoids our thunderfang alrighty then he then misses his second rockslide but we hit our second thunderfang to bring him into the red but no paralysis however lance 4 restores him so we can hit him into the red again and get the paralysis this time which means we can tail him on the next lance sends out his strongest dragonite next and it's time for our dragon pulse which does less than half he then goes for safeguard which isn't terrible for us and here i go for extreme speed to avoid triggering the full restore but we get a crit bringing him into the red and activating his citrus berry then he goes for hyper beam on us to bring us below half one more dragon pulse is able to out speed and do the job though another dragonite comes in and i hit it with dragon balls for a bit more than half since it's a lower level then he hits us with dragon rush which also gets a crit and takes milton down ouch i send in millennial next and all we've got is resisted flamethrower which brings him into the red then he somehow hits a thunder with 70 accuracy and paralyzes us this is ridiculous he then uses the for restore but we hit another flamethrower for a bit less than a quarter but then he takes us out with another thunder how is he hitting these our last pokemon and last hope is gary against two dragonites and a charizard i go for ancient power which is super effective and stabbed with the hard stone and it just barely doesn't ko but we get the stat boost the dragonite then misses its 75 accuracy dragon rush and we can ko it there is no way no i i won't accept this his next dragonite also misses its dragon rush and ancient power is an immediate one oh wait no way it survives unlike nothing but lance uses a full restorer and then our next one gets a higher roll to take him down charizard comes in and i am absolutely sh my pants he goes for air slash and flinches us then hits us with another but we land a four times super effective stab hard stone boosted stat boosted ancient power to obliterate him there is no damn way in the world i think this might have been the battle i had the least hope about out of any challenge we've done like you can just see i kind of just threw things out there but the funny thing is even if the dragon rush had hit meg cargo he has great defense and had the stat boost so he would have survived wow i'm gonna say we probably deserved to lose that one although granted we did fail to get an arcanine with intimidate which would have been very helpful and we had a minus special attack typhlosion the fire type is very hard to operate with especially since our whole team has common weaknesses like water ground and rock so there's no switching potential they all evolve super late too and learn great moves super late and there are very few of them in heart golden souls over but we did it we beat a heart gold hardcore nuzlocke with only fire types if you enjoyed the run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 804,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon heartgold hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon heartgold hardcore nuzlocke with only fire types!?, can I beat pokemon heartgold, pokemon challenge, pokemon heartgold nuzlocke, pokemon heartgold hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon heartgold nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke fire only, hardcore nuzlocke only fire types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Id: I8wcmzL2JjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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