Pokémon Black 2 Hardcore Nuzlocke - Dark Type Pokémon Only! Part 2! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flagonhg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon black 2 using only dark type pokemon if you're experiencing deja vu it's because i already did a whole video on this challenge but that video ended in classic flag on hg fashion with a wipe to the champion it was the third challenge in a row where i wiped to the champion so i was feeling pretty deflated but after taking a bit of a break to do a platinum randomizer which i won i felt ready to take on this challenge again and boy was it a journey if you haven't seen the first video check that out because i'll be skimming over some stuff in this video that i went into more detail on in that video and i'd hate for you to be in the dark about anything but let's quickly recap the setup for this challenge i have a fairly in-depth list of what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules in the description of this video but in short in addition to your regular nuzlocke rules there's no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode there are 11 dark type encounters in pokemon black too liopard umbreon scrafty crocodile mandibuzz zorark drapion absol bisharp weavile and however you say this zwellas and as a final note i play with species claws meaning that i'll be able to re-roll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay so without further ado pokemon black 2 with dark types only part 2 electric boogaloo starts right now attempt 3 was the attempt that i wiped to iris so we're starting this video with attempt 4. if you remember from the previous video the beginning of this challenge is one of the most difficult parts because i have to beat the first two gym leaders with just a purloin although i guess it's not so much difficult as it is just highly dependent on luck since to beat sharon i have to hope that fury swipes connects and consistently gets decent rolls after i catch thanos who is now female i challenge charon he leads patrat and i hit a fury sweat okay fine i miss and patrick gets a work up off but on the next turn on the third turn thanos connects with the fury swipes which only hits two times this is not instilling me with confidence but on the next turn thanos does manage to get a three hit fury swipes as patrick just keeps using workup for some reason so as long as we connect with another fury swipes we'll be able to take out this pat rat without losing any help [Music] well the patrat goes down on the next turn and then lillipup comes out and not that it really matters but thanos does manage to miss yet another fury swipes before getting knocked out good riddance on attempt 5 i catch a purloin with a gentle nature which lowers my defense i decide it's not really worth it to even try to take sharon on so i just reset right there same goes for attempt 6 but on attempt 7 i try the fight against cheering but this version of thanos also can't hit water falling out of a boat so we wiped to jared's patrat not even his lillapup his patrat i'm starting to wonder whether attempt 3 was actually just some sort of fluke and this is never going to happen but on attempt 8 the mad titan returns to his full form it's clear that this thanos is the spiritual successor of attempt three thanos who single-handedly crit his way through half of marshall's team and half of mine we start the battle against charon by landing a five hit fury swipes knocking out patrat in one shot or i guess five shots then lillipup comes out i start to think that thanos 8.0 might be some sort of false idol when he only hits a two hit fury swipes on the next turn but then he gets a four hit fury swipes sharon heals but thanos 8.0 gets another four hit fury swipes putting the little pup back in red with cheren's potion used up thanos is free to finish off the good boy with the scratch five attempts later and we finally get badge number one thanos 8.0 is a monster so needless to say roxy doesn't stand a chance either she leads coughing but thanos 8.0 mercilessly rips that whoopee cushion in half with a critical hit return or lapid comes out next but thanos 8.0 squashes her like the bug she is two returns are enough to knock it out and with that thanos 8.0 has claimed his second gym badge without even breaking a sweat with the early game finally behind us it's starting to look like attempt 8 might actually go all the way the chance of wiping significantly decreases after the first two gyms thanos evolves into lyapard and i catch an eevee who happens to be female yet again so i name her bellatrix and after evolving into umbreon bellatrips again sweeps through berg's team after setting up with workup it goes just as well as in attempt 3 and we get an easy batch number 3. from here i have the option to get the static weak armor mandibuzz from route 4 but because weak armor is trash and i'm not particularly good at playing around it i decide to skip it i'll catch a valeby on route 23 right before victory road instead she'll at least help me with marshall this also means that i can use route 4 to get another chance of a moxie sand dial in case the one i encounter in relic castle has intimidate instead both abilities are pretty great but i'd prefer moxie so it's nice to have a backup on route 4 but the sand dial i encounter in relic castle ends up having moxie so i catch him and again name him k-rool after that i catch a scraggy in the desert resort and somehow she also again has moxie and because she's again female i name her yes i did the same joke twice but because i'm acknowledging it it's not lazy it's meta so it's okay that's how comedy works the next bit of the game is basically the exact same as an attempt 3 only that i don't accidentally kill my mandibuzz since i don't even have it yet elisa is pretty easy with k-rool after he evolves into croco-rock amulja emulja amulja i get loki the zarua from driftvale city and now that i know how bulldoze interacts with dig clay is much easier as well we can just skip all of this and jump straight to the battle against skyla which well well it could have gone better now i remember skyla being pretty easy to sweep through with bellatrix last time so i just plan to do the same thing here and i don't really put much thought into it i start by instantly taking out the swoop out with a dark gem boosted crunch from k-rool then the deformed duck comes up wait a minute that's not k-rool that that's loki you son of a gun i've been tricked by the trickster god himself now of course this bit is completely scripted and completely intentional i definitely didn't have to re-record this audio and add it in after i noticed my mistake in the original recording while editing the footage you'd have to be a dummy to be tricked by imposter and i am certainly not a dummy anyways i switched to bellatrix the plan is to just set up with workup and stay healthy with moonlight and leftovers the only problem is that swanna knows feather dance which i didn't consider because it never used it in attempt 3. swanna also outspeeds bellatrix this time since she doesn't have as many speedy vs invested as an attempt 3. this is really not great because it means that swanna has a small chance to flinch with air slash and by a small chance i obviously mean that it happens a lot so it becomes a lot harder to set up especially with swanna still throwing those feather dances around to lower my attack i really should have taught bellatrix snarl that would have made this so much easier i try to stall swanna out of air slashes by using moonlight as i also set up workups and it works for a while until swanna gets a poorly timed flinch and then an even more poorly timed critical hit which knocks out bellatrix rest well you beautiful doggo it's pretty bad to lose bellatrix since she's my bulkiest pokemon by far but we gotta do our best to carry on it's what she would have wanted the rest of this battle goes smoothly enough but i do have to risk a bunch of crits and a few inaccurate attacks after thanos ultimately does nothing to molly weasley thanks to her using roost loki is able to take it out with two snarls which thankfully connect skarmory comes out last so i switch to darla skarmory's only flying type move is air cutter which is special since skarmory has atrocious special attack darla is able to finish her off with a few brick breaks getting us a very sloppy victory after saying goodbye to our fallen pupper i catch a scruppy who is again male so i name it venom and he joins the team somehow this venom also has battle armor so i'm getting really lucky with these abilities even though losing bellatrix still sucks drapion is also pretty bulky so as long as i don't lose him to a pelipper again things will be fine after evolving venom and making it through twist mountain unscathed i go to catch an absolute but venom takes out the one on route 13 with a night slash crit nice so i go to route 14 to catch another one i decide not to damage this one at all and just throw balls at it but after failing to catch it with a bunch of dust balls absol manages to set up a few sword stances so instead of risking it killing me i decide to just use my master ball i really can't afford to lose venom so this is definitely the safest play since absol is a female this time i name her cruella and without bellatrix our team has a slot open for one good pupper so she joins the team and for the first time in the run we finally have a full team and it's looking really strong what could possibly go wrong okay so i accidentally run into this black belt immediately after catching cruella as you might recall fighting types are pretty difficult for us to deal with and venom is at half health for dealing with cruella fortunately all this guy has is girder and venom knows aerial lace [Music] dynamic punch has 50 accuracy by the way well without battle armor drapion there are a ton of battles coming up that are so much harder including draden but at least we still have k rool who should be able to set up some pretty nasty moxie sweeps motherfu this is probably one of the dumbest deaths that i've ever had basically what happened is that i was walking through some dark grass on the top of route 12 so as to avoid the fighting type trainers in the middle of the map i was leading darla in preparation for an upcoming trainer because i'm stupid i wasn't repelling so i encountered a tranquil and a rosalia and darla is pretty slow she's actually brave nature which will be important later on but for now it means that when we try to run from this wild battle i can't actually escape so this freaking level 41 roselia one shots k rule with a petal dance i don't i don't even know what i'm supposed to say that was a really long series of unfortunate events but i don't really have anyone to blame but myself it was just sloppy sloppy sloppy sloppy oh and by the way the deaths of venom and k-rool happened no more than 30 minutes apart from each other so it was a pretty bad day of streaming now you might think that it would make sense to just give up here and reset my team is in shambles and without drapion and crocodile my chances of beating draden much less the rest of the game are starting to seem pretty slim but for better for worse i'm stubborn and i'm not about to go back to the purloin-induced purgatory that is the early game of this challenge so i keep going hoping that the bench warmers from attempt 3 will rise to the occasion and carry me through attempt 8. after that fiasco i go to catch pawn yard from route 9. she's female now so i name her male fission she's not any help right now but unless i somehow find a way to kill her she's a guaranteed win against gets us but first is draydon and this is pretty challenging i'm able to take out his gym trainers with ice punches from darla but because darla is so slow i can't outspeed drayden's drutagon his flag on and hacksters will also outspeed me so even if i can one shot them the combined damage from all three is way too much for darla to handle i have to rely on cruella instead after a single sword stance cruella can one shot all of draden's pokemon with black glasses boosted night slashes but in order to get a sword's dance off i need to dodge a critical hit revenge from drudogon if he gets the crit i'm definitely gonna wipe so the battle begins and draden sends out his drutagon cruella comes out and sets up a sword stance and then dradogon uses revenge [Music] and it doesn't crit the run lives three night slashes take out draden's pokemon and that gets us badge number seven good job cruella from here it's a pretty quick turnaround before it's time to take on marlin i managed to not lose a pokemon in his gym this time but he still poses a bit of a problem darla is too slow this time around to be able to outspeed the kara costa or the whale lord so i'd be risking way too many chances to get burned plus she's less bulky than before too so skull does more damage instead it's time for thanos 8.0 to earn his spot on the team for some reason liapard can learn seed bomb from the move tutor so what we're going to do is we're going to set up thanos 8.0 for a seed bomb sweep marlin leads kara costa i start with a fake out to break the keracosta's sturdy as it flinches then i set up a hone clause as the keracosta goes for a shell smash but because thanos is so speedy and because carracosta is literally a turtle thanos is still able to outspeed it and kill it on the next turn wailord comes out next but thanks to the hone claws attack boost seed bomb knocks it out in one shot it is a critical hit because thanos 8.0 is unstoppable but it doesn't actually matter i am inevitable lastly the jealousyn goes down to a night slash and with that thanos has soloed his third gem and we get our eighth and final badge from here we've gotta do a bunch of team plasma stuff first though i catch a sneezel from the giant chasm he's male this time around so i name him slade and he joins the team for only the second time in this run we have a full team of six surely i won't screw this up right now normally i would skip all the team plasma stuff and just jump to the fight against ghetz's but without k rule some of these fights are actually pretty difficult the chorus fight in particular is incredibly difficult he has a magneton and a magnezone that can fire off very powerful electric type attacks and both of them have sturdy his magna zone also knows explosion basically none of my pokemon can survive more than a few of those attacks especially if they crit my best play is to use darla and just kind of hope that they don't crit but since darla is so freaking slow i outspeed very few of corus pokemon so i'll be taking a lot of damage before knocking things out fortunately drain punch does help a little bit chorus leads magneton who instantly goes for a volt switch this brings up magnazone who gets hit by a drain punch coalrus uses a full restore but i just bring it back into the red with another drain punch then magnazone pieces out with an explosion which does a huge chunk but more importantly it means i don't get a moxie boost fling clan comes out next a jinja impact crit will likely kill but i can't afford to switch because cling clang might also just go for a shift gears so i stay in it does indeed go for a shift gear as drainpunch brings it into the red then it goes for a jijja impact which thankfully doesn't grit but it looks like i might have survived even if it had cling clan goes down and then the metang comes out i actually outspeed this one so a single fire punch finishes it off the hem comes out next but it's also a lard cake so i knock it out with a crunch before it can get any damage off last is magneton it hits a really nasty flash cannon as i recover most of my health back with drain punch after another hit from flash cannon a final drain punch finishes it off winning us the battle things ended up working out pretty well but a handful of crits or even a paralysis if magnazone had decided to go for discharge could have made that much much worse i got lucky the next big fight is kieran black and gatsas but maleficent is yet again able to make relatively quick work of both of them unfortunately maleficent's speed iv is quite a bit lower than shredder speed iv was in attempt 3 so she's not actually guaranteed to out speed kieran black depending on its ivs in nature which are random so if the kiram gets a paralysis with dragon breath or it crits with fusion bolt this could be pretty bad fortunately the kirum just hits a non-critical hit fusion bolt so male fission is able to finish it off with a steel gem boosted iron head we crit which does feel good even if it wasn't actually necessary after that it's a classic sword stance sweep of getsys team in attempt 3 i actually needed to set up a couple sword stances but this time maleficent's attack stat is a bit higher so i just need to do one every single one of getzy's pokemon goes down in one shot hydragon is actually able to outspeed male fission on this attempt because maleficent speed iv is like four but fortunately gets us hydrogon is physical for some reason and it has nothing to hit male fission for super effective damage with so after a weak dragon rush it goes down i guess dragon rush could have flinched but it would have had to flinch like three times for that to matter that's gets us defeated from here i finally get access to route 23 which means that i can finally get amanda buzz without weak armor which will finally give me something to handle fighting types with but then i get an idea for quite possibly the coolest strategy that i've ever come up with and in order to pull it off i actually need weak armor mandibus so i go back to route 4 and catch ezma i'll explain why she's so useful in a second next up we need to clear through victory road remember how in the previous video i said that victory road wasn't too much of an issue because of moxie crocodile yeah well without k-rool some of these trainers become a lot harder chief among them is veteran porsche who has a sock with sturdy it takes a while to come up with a plan that doesn't put me at risk to a bunch of critical hits but eventually i find one that isn't too bad she leads with the zeb strika so i lead with loki the zoroark disguised as male fission a dark gem boosted dark pulse knocks out the zeb striker in one shot then sock comes out so i switch to isma who tanks a brick break and breaks socks sturdy thanks to a rocky helmet then i set up an iron defense as sock uses bulk up then isma hits an air slash which crits and knocks out the sock nice last is starmie so i switch to slade who tanks a serf then he hits the starmie with the night slash but i did forget to give him a dark gem so the starmie hangs on with a sliver and knocks out slade with a flash cannon yet again i'm gonna have to go into the fight with iris without my speedy ice type rest in peace slade the rest of victory road turns out okay i did have to dodge a crit against my rivals buffalon which was really scary but despite all odds i'm able to make it to the elite four with a full team of six here they are leveled up to level 58. if i wipe here there's no chance i'm doing this entire challenge again for a third time so let's see if this team has what it takes [Music] just like last time i start with chantelle and after setting up a single sword dance i sweep through her entire team with male fission this time i also equip an xp share to darla because i'm gonna need her to gain a few levels from the elite four fights to be able to even stand a chance against iris this feels a little disingenuous but it's not against my personal rule set since i define the level cap as ending at the start of the elite four plus darla still won't be a higher level than iris's haxorus so whatever anyways that's chantelle defeated caitlyn is second and also a freebie i lead cruella and she sets up a sword's dance as her musharna uses yawn on the next turn i kill it with a night slash poor cruella gets a little sleepy from killing the lucky charms marshmallow but a chesto berry wakes her up so a few more night slashes take out the rest of caitlyn's team who needs k-rool when we have this cute little harbinger of doom third is grimsley who still hasn't figured out his glaring weakness to fighting type moves loser darla kills all of his pokemon with moxie boosted drain punches and that's three members of the elite four defeated all that's left is marshall last time marshall wiped half of my team although admittedly he got a lot of help from thanos this time though i'm actually not relying on thanos so there's no way he can screw this up this time it's all isma now you might be thinking how am i possibly going to be able to handle marshall's entire team with weak armor mandibus well marshall leads with throw since isma is faster and weak to rock type moves throw will always use rock tomb to try and lower my speed but every time that he uses rock tomb he activates weak armor which will raise my speed if i use iron defense i can offset the defense drop from weak armor such that i am able to raise my defense without worrying about throw lowering my speed with roost i can also keep myself healthy because throw is actually pretty weak and i've maxed out isma's defense and hp i can pretty easily stay out of critical hit range and as long as i keep track of my boosts and drops i can also get away with setting up nasty plots basically weak armor and iron defense allow me to safely set up with isma until throw runs out of rock tombs after that he starts using storm throw which does always crit but it also gives me the speed boost i need to outspeed all of marshall's other pokemon since he's no longer offsetting the weak armor speed boosts with rock tomb so from here i can kill the throw with an air slash which we'll never miss because isma is holding a wide lens konkelder comes out next but thanks to the nasty plot boosts an air slash knocks it out in one shot sock is third and a critical hit from rock slide will break through my stat boost and kill me from this health so i have to roost here which conveniently removes my flying type so that rock slide does next to nothing now from this range even a critical hit rock slide won't kill isma but sock doesn't even get the chance to try because air slash flinches so after marshall stalls with a full restore sock goes down and last is mine chow but thanks to the speed boosts isma can out speed and one shot him with a single air slash and that's a deathless marshal completed all that's left is champion iris i have my full team left but there's no chance they're all making it out of this one this fight's gonna be a brutal one and it'll require some hard sacrifices but this has been eight attempts in the making it all comes down to this so we step into irises chambers and the battle begins i lead darla planning to do a similar sweep as in attempt 3. hydregen starts the battle off strong with a critical hit dragon pulse as darla goes for a workup fortunately in this attempt darla is a bit stronger thanks to her brave nature so she doesn't need to hold an expert belt to guarantee the kill on drudogon this way she can hold leftovers which gives her just enough health to always survive another dragon pulse from hydregan so long as it doesn't crit okay phew we managed to dodge the double crit and then on the next turn we take out iris's hydraegon with the drain punch dragon comes out next but i made sure to use a few berries to move around darla's evs before the elite four so that she was guaranteed to out-speed this dumb thing an ice punch takes it out then agron comes out again i really have no idea why but the big boy falls to a drain punch and darla is back to full health next up archeops and here's where it all went wrong last time darla's gotta go down here so that we can get a clean switch she's done her job so now it's time for her to rest i click work up in case she survives the acrobatics but she doesn't and so are ginger queen falls after that i bring in cruella to willow wisp the archeops but in my preparations for this battle i just sort of assumed that cruella would be faster than archeops she's not she gets one shot by an acrobatics instead whoops this isn't necessarily the worst mistake to make it just means that now i need to avoid a crit from thanos 8.0 i bring out thanos 8.0 who starts with a normal gem boosted fake out i need to get archaeops to below half health as that will activate the fetus which halves archeops's attack and special attack this will allow loki to get a nasty plot off and then sweep through the rest of iris's team so i need to do some damage to this archeops but if thanos 8.0 crits then the archeops will die and i won't be able to set up with loki please please just do this for me thanos i click sucker punch and there's no crit thank you thanos for finally putting the team first now thanos i need you to go down so that loki can come in safely so i just click growl which actually means that thanos does survive in acrobatics okay so now i click growl again and then the archeops misses rockslide okay great but seriously thanos it's time it's time for you to go so i click growl one more time and he dodges rockslide again i mean he's not going down without a fight but one more growl and archeops decides to use acrobatics which does finally take out thanos rest well you beautiful purple bastard from here i bring in loki i've disguised him as isma so that the archaeops will always go for rockslide instead of acrobatics an acrobatics crit will kill loki but a rockslide crit won't so i set up a nasty plot okay i guess the archeops goes for acrobatics anyways i have no idea if gen 5ai actually recognizes illusion or not because there were several times in this playthrough where the ai just went for toxic when loki was disguised as a pawn yard so i don't know either way the acrobatics didn't crit so a dark pulse takes out the archeops next up is iris's terrifying hacksaurus which is holding a focus sash for some reason but i taught loki fling so loki flings his held razorfang at the haxorus which breaks the sash and causes a flinch then a dark pulse is enough to knock out haxeras iris's final pokemon is lebron i can't actually take it down in one shot so if it crits with the surf loki will go down but with male fission waiting in the back the battle is one it's just a matter of whether i need to dig three graves or four loki hits a dark pulse and le pro retaliates with the surf but it leaves loki in the yellow so on the next turn he fires off one last dark pulse knocking out le pro and finally winning us the run that was a lot of fun i can't say it felt particularly great to lose crocodile and drapions so early but it made for a hell of an end game and it was so cool to see all my other team members step up to the plate every single one of the final six team members contributed to at least one of the final fights even thanos 8.0 was able to seed bomb his way through marlin and get archaeops into defeatist range this was easily one of the funnest challenges to do and i'm so glad i returned to it and i hope you liked the video i'm not a huge fan of making challenges into multiple videos but in instances like this where there's just so much information or for johto challenges where there's a whole other region to explore i think it makes sense so let me know in the comments what you think about splitting up challenges into multiple videos and if i should do more of them in the meantime if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the link is in the description stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 474,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Challenges, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Dark Type Pokemon, Pokemon Black 2
Id: nly5gX-RWOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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